Simple medium hairstyles for prom. DIY children's hairstyles for graduation in the garden


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In the life of girls, the school graduation party is considered a significant day. On this day they part with their childhood, carelessness, spontaneity, pranks and enter a new world, not yet known to them. Graduation party is a celebration with fireworks, colorful balloons, a cheerful mood and a sea of ​​positivity.

Moreover, this holiday is not only for schoolgirls, but also for little princesses who are leaving the walls of their kindergarten and preparing to become first-grade students. It is quite natural that every person wants to look stunning on this day. One of the main elements of a chic appearance is a beautiful, unique hairstyle.

3 beautiful and quick hairstyles for girls for school | Family is…

Types of hairstyles for prom

You can do your prom hairstyle in a beauty salon or on your own at home. The advantages of visiting a hairdresser are obvious:

  • The master, first of all, studies the type and structure of the hair, listens to the wishes of his client and only after that offers styling options.
  • It is often necessary to prepare your hair for a future hairstyle. The preparatory stage includes procedures such as cutting strands or their ends, tinting, and nourishing masks. This will give your hair a healthy appearance, natural shine, and beautiful color. The stylist carefully thinks through every step.
  • If you wish, you can experiment with your hairstyle in advance rather than doing it on a holiday.

Typically, preparatory procedures are carried out in a beauty salon 2-3 months before the celebration. Let's consider what hairstyles for girls are offered by hairdressing masters.

2 Simple Hairstyles for Prom


If a girl has long hair, an excellent choice when creating a hairstyle would be ringlets, curls or waves. They look quite natural and give the face a gentle romantic look. Curls are suitable for girls with oval, square and round faces; they go perfectly with any outfit, even trouser suits. To create them, it is better to use curlers, soft curling irons or a round curling iron. It is better to do curls on light hair, as they will last a long time, unlike thick hair.

How to get Hollywood curls

Weaves and braids

Simple or complex weaving is always at the peak of popularity in the world of hairdressing fashion. They are suitable for girls with any type of face. If the face is elongated and elongated, you need to add volume in the temporal region. You should not weave at the top of the head if the girl has a wide forehead. Weaves and braids can be complemented with jewelry. These can be ribbons, bows, beautiful hairpins, flower arrangements. There are many types of weaving.

With practice, you can make them yourself. Braids look impressive in combination with loose curls or an asymmetrical parting. For girls with short hair, braids can be braided on the top of the head, and original hairpins, beautiful ribbons or headbands can be used to secure them. Alternating braids with a bob haircut look sophisticated. Hairpins with hanging chains, beads, and special sparkles will look impressive on your hairstyle, adding the finishing touch.


Classic hairstyles

Bob and Kare are beyond competition and cannot ruin any holiday. These haircuts are not just for every day. They are perfect for any celebration, including prom. They can be done with or without bangs. A large selection of styling methods will allow the hairdresser to make the hairstyle unique.

For example, you can comb your hair back, strengthen it with hairspray, and lay a few strands of bangs to one side. It is recommended to use beautiful bobby pins or hairpins as decoration. A gentle romantic hairstyle will appeal to many girls. Both of these haircuts are versatile and go with any outfit. They will stand out against the background of curly hair and ringlets. Mostly classic haircuts are chosen by confident and determined girls.

Simple hairstyles for medium and long hair! 😍🌸 Let's take it!!!

Updo hairstyles

Medium hair length is considered ideal for creating holiday hairstyles. One of the girls' favorite hairstyles is the bun. It's great for every day. This is a great option for a special occasion. There are many types of this hairstyle, so a girl can choose the most suitable option for herself. For wavy and curly hair, you can opt for a messy bun. It can be done on long hair.

If the strands are straight, they should first be curled with a curling iron or curlers. This type of bun suits all girls. The French bun, made in the form of a classic rosette, looks natural and elegant. It is not recommended to place it very low. Also, do not tighten it too tightly. Each beautifully executed bun will give the young lady charm and charm, emphasize the line of the neck and provide an opportunity to show off beautiful jewelry in the form of earrings. The bun is suitable for any hair type. An asymmetrical bun looks elegant and romantic.

How to do your own updo hairstyle.


At first glance, this choice may seem strange. This is a casual hairstyle that is perfect for every day. This is not entirely true. The tail can be pulled at the back of the head or made to the side. Straight long hair is the most suitable option for him. Girls with wavy hair can use a straightener. The side ponytail looks especially super fashionable. It could be the perfect solution for prom. The main thing is that it is in harmony with the outfit and decorations.

voluminous ponytail

Greek style

Hairstyle made in Greek style. It is suitable for girls of any age. There are several types of styling this hairstyle. A mandatory element is a bandage in the form of a ribbon, headband, tiara, or cord. Any of these elements is necessary to fix the hair, and at the same time it is a decoration. Hair styled in the Greek style looks very feminine and extraordinary.

  • curlers or round curling iron;
  • foam;
  • elastic bandage or special tape;
  • bobby pins and hairpins.

Hairstyle steps:

  • Apply foam to clean, dried hair. It is recommended to use mousse or foam that has protective properties, since the hair will be subjected to heat treatment.
  • The hair is curled using a curling iron. If you use curlers, the mousse should be applied to the strands one at a time. The degree of curling of the hair depends on its length. If they are short, the strands are twisted as much as possible. When creating a free-falling bun, it is enough to make light curls.
  • Putting on a bandage or tape. First you need to separate the bangs, after which you should secure the tape. You can immediately style your bangs in the way you like.
  • Now you need to thread the strands through the top of the ribbon one by one. You will get a beautiful roll of hair that will hide part of the ribbon or bandage. Individual strands can be tied into pigtails and tucked into the ribbon in the same way. The hairstyle will have a more exclusive look.

DIY Greek style hairstyle is ready. All that remains is to fix it well with varnish. You can make other types of hairstyles for girls yourself. Perseverance, patience, work, skills and knowledge that can be gleaned from the videos will help with this.

Hairstyle for prom. How to do your own hairstyle. How to make prom hairstyle

The first important event in the life of all girls is graduation. Everyone begins to prepare for this holiday in advance, choosing the most beautiful dress for this special occasion. But no matter how chic the outfit is, without the appropriate hairstyle it will not look right. Long hair allows you to create the most fantastic hairstyle. Because they are easy to experiment with. They allow you to create curls, waves, and get creative with weaves. Do high and low hairstyles, combine several ideas to create one holiday hairstyle. If you want to do it yourself without the help of a hairdresser, you need to work out everything step by step in advance.

This is important so that she looks her best at the holiday. In addition, the styling you like will not always suit a particular girl and will be in harmony with the chosen dress.

Prom hairstyle for long hair step by step: waterfall braid

One of the easy-to-make holiday hairstyle options is the waterfall braid. When weaving a diagonal braid, the strands are used in it once, and then they simply hang freely. They need to be slightly curled so that they resemble the flow of a waterfall. This installation will not take much time to complete. At the same time, it does not look boring and ordinary. She is very gentle and feminine. Moreover, it is very practical, it will retain its charming and solemn appearance throughout the holiday.

Prom hairstyle for long hair step by step with a tiara

Many girls want to look like a princess at prom. In this case, you need a hairstyle with a tiara, which is a crown with which the hairstyle is decorated. They come in various shapes, sizes, with a variety of decorative elements.

The classic tiara is a complex weave of metal with stones and rhinestones for decoration, shaped like a triangle. But today you can find options in the form of wreaths or vines, as well as with a floral theme. But they are all inserted the same way - like a horizontal hoop or placed at forehead level. In addition to the fact that it adds festivity and solemnity to the image, it is very functional, as it is capable of securely fixing strands.

A tiara can complement a wide variety of hairstyles. We must, of course, take into account that it is advisable to combine the option that clasps the head at forehead level with a simpler hairstyle. For example, with loose and slightly curled hair or with a stretched braid.

Don’t overcomplicate your hairstyle or use an incredible amount of hairspray and glitter. The hairstyle should suit the young lady, which means it should be as natural as possible.

Greek style styling

Greek-style hairstyles are considered beautiful and stylish hairstyles for prom. They are unusually feminine. Particular importance is given to accessories: ribbons, headbands of varying complexity, headbands. In addition to their attractive appearance, Greek-style hairstyles are securely fixed and hold up well for a long time. If, however, the order is slightly disturbed, some strand of hair gets out of the hairstyle, it can be easily corrected.

If your hair is straight, then the easiest option would be to twist it at the back with a roll around a bandage, which will not only make it easier to collect your hair, but will also provide it with greater reliability. To secure the curls around the ribbon, you need to use bobby pins.

If your hair is naturally curly or you want to do a hairstyle with curls, then you need to collect it in a ponytail, after combing it at the roots. The tips should be distributed randomly around the tail, covering its base and smoothing the transition from the head to it. It is recommended to fix curls with invisible hairpins. Then the hairstyle is wrapped with a ribbon. It is important to pay attention to the fact that most of the curls should be on the top of the head, then they will remain uncovered by the tape.

Classic braid

For a graduate with long hair, such a simple hairstyle as a classic braid will be extremely suitable. But it will be transformed many times over if you weave a ribbon into it. Moreover, the final drawing can be completely different. It all depends on which strand it will be woven into. The color matches the tone of the dress: if it is multi-colored, then you can weave three ribbons of different colors. The braid will turn out not only original, but also thick, giving thickness to the hair. A ribbon can be braided around a braid, the ends of which are tied into a beautiful bow.

Ponytail hairstyle

Another common hairstyle option that does not lose its relevance is the ponytail, located high on the top of the head. To close the elastic, you need to separate one small strand, braid it around it, and secure the tip with a bobby pin under the ponytail. If desired, the hairstyle should be complicated by braiding. You can braid all the hair of your ponytail into a braid, but you need to try to keep it loose. It will look most festive with fresh flowers as decoration. You can also decorate your head with braids.

In order to have beautiful memorable photos from the prom, you need to think through your image in every detail. And try to make it stylish, gentle and elegant.

Video on the topic of the article

For many girls, spring will mark the arrival of a long-awaited event - prom. Every girl treats the theme of graduation with trepidation and, of course, prepares diligently for it. Every detail plays an important role: the style of the dress, the color of the manicure, makeup, the height of the heel. But, oddly enough, it is the hairstyle that occupies a special place in the preparation for the celebration, and therefore the question is extremely relevant: “How to do a hairstyle for prom?”

This article is intended to tell you what an ideal ceremonial composition should be; it will also explain the method of creating some hairstyles.

Problem of hair length and thickness

To create a harmonious hairstyle, hair length is of great importance. A huge number of girls these days grow their hair especially for the graduation ceremony in order to be able to curl and braid it in a special way, standing out from the general crowd of graduates.

It is worth noting that the length of the hair or its thickness is the most important thing, and there is no need to make a tragedy if suddenly your curls are not as long and luxurious as you want. You can be one hundred percent sure that there is an ideal hairstyle for any hair type.

Hairstyle for long hair – double bun

The first option offered for consideration will be a prom hairstyle for long hair; It will explain step by step exactly how to make an attractive composition of curls and strands.

Recently, various hair buns have become increasingly fashionable. There are many variations of this hairstyle, and its main advantage is that it is suitable for both curly and straight hair.

The double bun is very popular among graduates.

To create such beauty on your head, you will need:

  • comb;
  • invisible;
  • two elastic bands (it is best to take those that are invisible on the hair).

When everything you need is prepared, you need:

  1. Curl your hair.

Curling is required to give the hair more volume so that the hairstyle does not look shabby. If your hair itself is very thick or naturally curly, there is no need to curl it.

  1. Separate your hair with a straight parting.

It is advisable to leave a couple of airy strands near the face, this will emphasize its contour and give more naturalness to the hairstyle itself.

  1. Use elastic bands to gather your hair into two high ponytails.

In this case, you need to act carefully to maintain volume.

  1. Twist the bun.

The tail needs to be twisted around the elastic band. Again, actions must be bold and clear so that the bun does not fall apart into separate strands. And at the same time, you don’t need to be too zealous, otherwise the volume - the main highlight of the hairstyle - will disappear.

  1. Secure with invisible ones.

Invisible hairstyles are ideal for those who want to have the most natural hairstyle. You can, of course, use hairpins, but their disadvantage is that they are bulkier and often difficult to hide in your hair. Although this can also be an advantage: hairpins with decorative stones or intricate elements will look advantageous in such a hairstyle.

It is important to note that the main emphasis of the double bun is a slight negligence. It should not be sleek - some strands may fall out, creating a special relief. But this is the beauty of the hairstyle: a light spirit of rebellion and romance.

So, it takes a total of 5-10 minutes to perform a double bun, but the result will please and impress others.

Hairstyle with shaved temple effect

Among other things, hairstyles that completely open the right or left side of the face are also trending now. In order to create this effect, you do not need to specifically shave the hair from the temporal lobe. This can be done much more elegant and feminine.

This hairstyle is widely popular among Hollywood stars. Below are instructions for creating it.

  1. Divide your hair into a side parting.

The bulk of the hair should fall to the side in large waves.

  1. Grab a wide strand of hair from the temporal lobe and start the braid.

It should start at the very hairline, at the edge of the face. To create this hairstyle, you can use any braids: classic, French, double, etc. The main thing is that the braid fits tightly to the temple. You need to grab the strands for weaving only from the temporal part, from under the bottom.

  1. Hide the end of the braid.

The braid should seem to crawl from the edge of the face to the back of the head. When the lower strands become small, you need to braid the braid and, securing it with hairpins, hide its end under the curls freely falling from above.

The hairstyle is created very easily and quickly, but this does not make it boring or primitive. It can be played in the most interesting way. For example, sprinkle with shiny hairspray or decorate with a luxurious hair clip. An exotic option would be a similar hairstyle with fresh flowers woven between the strands and curls.

Other trendy prom hairstyles

Of course, the options listed above are not the only ones. All kinds of braids, waterfall braided hairstyles, knots and hair flowers are in fashion now. A hairstyle with a tiara will look luxurious on any graduate, because this is the most suitable accessory for a prom queen.

Excellent examples of prom hairstyles are presented in the photo below.

Yesterday's schoolgirls await their prom with bated breath. A few more days, and “goodbye school, hello adult life.” Young girls dream of conquering everyone with a luxurious outfit and original hairstyle.

Fashionable hairstyles for prom are so varied that creating a suitable look will not be difficult. Step-by-step instructions and photos of stylish styling will help you choose an interesting option.

Features of styling for prom

The maximum length allows you to fantasize and experiment with loose and picked up strands.

Long hair can be curled in several ways, made into a side braid or ponytail, pulled into an elegant bun, or created a cute hair bow.

Helpful Tips:

  • choose a hairstyle for your face type, try options with and without bangs;
  • take into account the climate of your region, the air temperature during the prom. Long hair stuck to a sweaty back will irritate and spoil your mood;
  • think about how the styling will look with loose curls if the strands are quite thin and brittle. It may be better to make an original bun, braid it with a “mermaid braid”;
  • Do your hair, see if your hair is in the way. Remember that styling should keep its shape from evening to morning. Don’t forget that there will be not only an official part, but also mandatory dancing and a walk through the morning city;
  • Spare no expense, buy styling products from well-known brands to securely fix the structure on your head. You will probably be upset if your curls unwind in the middle of the evening.

Advice! If you decide to style your hair for the celebration yourself, practice in advance and do your favorite hairstyle a couple of times. Buy fashion accessories, stock up on enough bobby pins, elastic bands and hairpins. Choose high-quality styling products, optionally with glitter or a shimmering effect.

Original hairstyles for the ball

Choose one of the trendy hairstyles. Look how different the images are. Delicate and romantic, bright and bold, strict and elegant.

The perfect combination of an evening dress, makeup and beautifully styled hair will make you the queen of the ball. Luxurious, stylish hairstyle with which you will be comfortable throughout the holiday - what you need for a memorable evening.

Attractive curls

This option is always in fashion. You can show off long, well-groomed hair in all its glory.

To create curls, use a curling iron or styler. original curlers. Depending on the chosen devices, you can get a variety of options.

Create bouncy curls with the innovative Babyliss Pro styler.

Luxurious Hollywood curls will decorate your hair after using Magic Leverage curlers.

Original curls will appear after using spiral curlers.

Soft waves can be created using large-diameter curling irons or curling irons.

General curling rules:

  • Treat clean strands with mousse or foam, let dry, comb thoroughly;
  • divide your hair into several zones, pin it with clips so that the hair paths do not interfere;
  • twist the strands one by one;
  • if you use a curling iron or styler, wait until the curls have cooled completely before styling;
  • when using curlers, dry the strands well with a hairdryer;
  • leave your hair loose or put it on one side, pin up the front strands, make a headband braid;
  • Fix the finished structure with strong varnish. Spray the composition from a distance of 20–30 cm.

Advice! If desired, refresh the look with a delicate flower, a tiara, a beautiful hairpin, or hairpins with pearls at the end. Decorate a luxurious braid with ribbon, rhinestones, and small flowers.

Laying strands on one side

Styling for romantic girls. Soft or bouncy curls gathered to one side look feminine and sexy.

The hairstyle can be voluminous or smoother. For thin hair, pre-perm it lightly: this will keep the style in shape. If desired, lightly comb the strands at the roots to add volume.

How to proceed:

  • wash your hair, dry it, apply mousse or foam;
  • let the strands dry completely, curl the curls with a curling iron or use curlers;
  • wait until the curls “set”;
  • if necessary, create root volume using a fine comb;
  • Gently comb the curls to one side;
  • gather a low side ponytail or secure the strands with bobby pins;
  • lay out curled strands as desired: closer to the crown or back of the head;
  • spray the structure with strong varnish;
  • cover the attachment points of the bobby pins with medium-sized flowers or hairpins with decor at the end.

Side fishtail braid

Another option for a romantic hairstyle for a prom. Go for a fuller top and a fluffy mermaid tail. This styling is one of the most fashionable. Many stars go out with a luxurious braid.

Step by step:

  • Lightly curl clean strands and add root volume;
  • comb it to the side, braid a low fishtail on one side;
  • form the direction of weaving immediately. At the end of the work, you will not be able to change the styling: the braid will lie on one side;
  • slightly stretch most of the fishtail horizontally to give it softness and fluffiness;
  • fix the decor, spray the styling with varnish.

Luxurious hair bow

For an off-the-shoulder evening dress with fairly strict lines, this option is 100% suitable. For graduation, you can make a voluminous bow on the top or back of the head, unfold the hair decor diagonally, or decorate an unusual bow with rhinestones or beautiful hairpins.

Advantages of the image: fashionable, stylish, comfortable. With such an original styling, you will certainly hear compliments.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • wash your hair, dry it with a hairdryer, lightly curl rare strands and comb them at the roots;
  • comb your hair thoroughly;
  • collect a bun with an unextended tip in the place where the bow will be located;
  • divide the finished bundle into two equal parts: these will be the “wings” of the bow;
  • throw the strand peeking out from under the elastic band, hide the attachment point;
  • fix the thrown “jumper” with pins, check how the structure is held;
  • straighten the side parts of the bow, arrange it beautifully;
  • secure the decor in the right places;
  • be sure to spray the unusual bow with spray. For an evening look, shimmering, gold or silver polish is suitable.

A page has been written about vitamins with Biotin and their properties for hair.

Read here about how to make your hair smooth at home.

Classic bun

Ideal for summer days. For a celebration, make the bun softer, more voluminous, and decorate it with a braid at the front.

Smooth buns with original decor are also trending. The elegant look will be complemented by stilettos with rhinestones, pearls or small flowers.

One large flower looks luxurious.

Step by step:

  • gather a low ponytail at the back or side of your head;
  • Apply a little gel all over your hair, except for the strands below the elastic band;
  • Separate thin strips from the ponytail and twist the strands one by one around the base of the ponytail. The longer the curls, the more voluminous the bun will be;
  • secure the structure with hairpins, decorate with accessories that match the dress;
  • Sprinkle the bun with hairspray and treat the rest of the hair with shine spray.

Important! A sleek bun requires an evening dress with an open neckline (or back). Long earrings and elegant accessories are required. An ideal hairstyle for those with graceful shapes and a swan neck.

French Falls

Openwork weaving is always appropriate for a prom. For a celebration, curl your locks and you will certainly win the hearts of those around you. The “French waterfall” looks interesting on highlighted strands.

Delicate lace is created by elongated strands. They can be narrow or wide, asymmetrical or multi-level. Choose an interesting weave for prom.

For a celebration, a more voluminous version with medium or wide strands is suitable. If desired, decorate the weaving with several hairpins with beads at the end.

Advice! To create bouncy, smooth curls, use bright Magic Leverage curlers or the Babyliss Pro Perfect Curl automatic styler. The curls will retain their shape throughout the holiday.

Volume evening hairstyle

This hairstyle can be done without visiting a beauty salon. The image suits chubby girls.

Volume on the top of the head can be easily created using your own hair or a special roller. The elegant look looks stylish and impressive. It will take you only 20-30 minutes to create your hairstyle.


  • prepare your hair: wash your curls with mild shampoo, dry completely, comb thoroughly to the very ends;
  • separate part of the strands from the front, secure with a clip or elastic band to make it convenient to work;
  • Gather the lower strands into a bun, securely secure them with hairpins, and sprinkle with varnish;
  • long hair produces a beautiful, voluminous design;
  • loosen the front strands, comb it a little, secure the volume at the roots with strong varnish;
  • cover the bun with your hair, secure it with bobby pins, and give it a neat shape;
  • if desired, place your bangs behind your ear and secure with a bobby pin;
  • be sure to fix the voluminous hairstyle with hairspray;
  • decorate your hair with a flower or a beautiful hairpin.

Advice! A week before the prom, color your locks. The rich color will highlight the beauty of any look. Choose high-quality ammonia-free compositions, for example, the Color Shine series from Garnier or professional paint Sense De Luxe from Estelle.

Helpful Tips:

  • think in advance in what image you want to appear in front of your classmates, parents, and guests at your school graduation;
  • the hairstyle should be romantic, delicate, and emphasize your beauty;
  • if you like to move actively and know that you will dance all evening, choose your hair beautifully. Create a sleek look or leave a few loose strands around your face. This image will give complete freedom of movement;
  • correctly selected styling will hide imperfections and correct the oval of the face;
  • think over the decor, study styling options that are fashionable this season;
  • Be sure to take into account the type of hair, remember whether the curls hold well on your hair, or whether it is worth choosing strands.

Now you know the secrets of creating a beautiful hairstyle for your school graduation. With Hollywood curls or an elegant bun, you are sure to look luxurious. Remember that prom is a farewell to childhood. Add tenderness, softness, let the image be sweet and slightly naive.

Another interesting option for an evening hairstyle for a prom is in the following video:

Any girl wants to look her best for the holiday, this applies not only to the outfit, but also to makeup and coiffure. Beautiful hairstyles for graduation at school or university will help emphasize your attractiveness, individuality and femininity.


Classic braids are a great option for girls of any age. These are wonderful children's hairstyles for girls at kindergarten graduation, interesting ideas for adult young ladies and schoolgirls.

How to make a braided hairstyle for thin hair for prom step by step:

  1. Divide the curls into two parts, comb them thoroughly and moisten them with water;
  2. Then braid the most ordinary braids and secure their ends with small elastic bands;
  3. Now all that remains is to hide the ends of the braids. To do this, we take one end and thread it into the base of another braid, fix it there with an invisible one, and do the same with the second;
  4. This option is good because it is suitable for both straight short haircuts and curly curls. Afterwards, we recommend pulling out individual strands from the braids and decorating them with hairpins or other accessories.

Braids perfectly hide various hair imperfections: lack of volume and shine. There are very original options that are suitable even for sparse and thin strands, visually making them larger. In particular, these are:

Naturally, there are more complex, but very interesting proposals. For example, a fishtail braid. This technology is also suitable for graduation at school or college. The peculiarity is that it is woven from four strands, which are alternately shifted. You shouldn’t tighten your curls too much; on the contrary, it’s better to fluff them up. Then it will be possible to create the appearance of a voluminous hairstyle.

You can also braid a simple one basket. Despite the fact that this coiffure is often made for kindergarten or school every day, if you decorate it with hairpins, you will get a very elegant graduation option. Comb your hair and divide it into several sections throughout your head. Make a small ponytail out of each, when you are finished, a circle of ponytails will form. Each end should also be combed and intertwined again with the next one, so you will hide them under other hair. You can pin crabs or bobby pins with rhinestones on your head.

Hairstyles for long and medium hair

If your hair is long enough, they look simply charming romantic curls. You need to curl the curls from the roots and carefully divide them into separate strands. Make sure they are the same thickness. Secure each strand of hair with a small crab that matches the color of your prom dress or an elastic band with decoration. These curls are very easy to make at home, even without a curling iron, by wrapping your hair on pieces of paper or soft curlers.

You can do the same thing high ponytail. This is an incredibly easy option, even for those who have never styled their hair. There is no need to ensure that the strands lie straight; on the contrary, this hairstyle for the first prom fits perfectly with the 2015 trend of “slight negligence.” Gather your curls into a ponytail and release a few strands near your face, tie them with a ribbon or elastic band.

Updo hairstyles

The most popular high coiffure is vintage babette. The retro option requires more care. Here it is important to use a large number of hairpins so that the curls and fixed strands do not change their position. Step-by-step master class on creating 50s-style hairstyles for long hair for prom:

  1. You need to comb the strands and lightly moisten them - this will help ensure perfect styling;
  2. Lubricate damp hair with foam and divide it into two strands: from the back of the head and forehead (bangs);
  3. Tie the curls at the back of your head with an elastic band so that they do not interfere with styling;
  4. Next, we recommend buying a special twister for hairstyles, which will help ensure the perfect babette;
  5. Take all the strands from the front of your head and place them on a twister. Comb over the hairpin and distribute it so that it is not visible;
  6. The ends need to be pinned at the back with bobby pins. At the same time, do not touch the curls at the back of the head;
  7. Undo the elastic and add volume to your hair with hairspray and a comb;
  8. We recommend lightly curling your curls and pinning them with feathers or rhinestones along the end of the babette. A veil will add a special eclecticism to the look and outfit.

You don’t have to have long hair to do this hairstyle; this hairstyle is also suitable for medium hair, but for short hair you will need to think through other options. For example, interesting styling with spikes. Of course, you need to have a certain character for it, but it really refreshes your face and makes you stand out from the crowd. The technique is very simple: you need to moisten the strands and apply foam to them. If desired, you can comb your hair to the side, straight or up, creating a kind of spikes. Then spray the structure with varnish.

Very beautiful high evening women's hairstyles for prom are obtained with tiara, their ideas are even used by the royal family. At home, you can make a babette with a wide elastic band, forming a lush bun on your head and threading a crown through it. This option is great for round or full faces.
Video: master class on how to do three hairstyles for prom

Hair down

Youth and school time are some of the happiest years for girls. To remember farewell to school in positive colors, you need to carefully approach the choice of hairstyle for the ball and prom, because the photo will go into the album for the 9th or 11th grade.

Light coiffures with loose hair are now very popular. This is a lovely option that will emphasize romance and feminine beauty. Such holiday hairstyles can be in boho, retro or Greek style. For a casual look, you can twist the strands a little, creating the effect of natural curls, move them away from the face and, lowering them, pin them at the back of the head with a flower hairpin.

It’s very easy to make with your own hands greek hairstyles with bangs for prom, they are very convenient because they are considered universal. Depending on the haircut, you can use a ribbon (for short bob or cascade) or an elastic band (for long curls). Comb your hair and put an elastic band with rhinestones or flowers along the bang line, secure it with bobby pins. Take a strand at a time and carefully thread it through the elastic, twisting it along the entire length. Make sure they are the same thickness. After finishing, fluff the strands a little and spray with hairspray.

Use large rollers to create large curls. Then put oriental-style accessories on your head. The best options are new chains along the parting and on the forehead. These hairstyles will suit any outfit and style.

There is another way to comb curly locks. The description of the option is suitable for girls with unruly hair. You need to comb the strands to the side, securing them with a hairpin at the base. Then tighten equal rubber bands at equal distances. The result will be stylish round pieces that will add originality to the image. This is a great option, considering that it can be done practically for free (for example, using thin threads together with rubber bands).