Simple everyday hairstyles. Original ideas for everyday hairstyles for medium hair with your own hands or what styling should be like for everyday life


Hairstyles for every day must be simple, easy to perform, but in no case boring. While girls and women choose a hairstyle for the office and try to give it originality and some charm, then at home many people wear a low ponytail, a bun, or a shapeless mop of hair.

Everyday hairstyles for medium hair for work and home can be beautiful and stylish. Step-by-step instructions plus photos will help you choose several interesting options.

Rules for creating an everyday look

Everyday styling should be:

  • comfortable;
  • fashionable, original;
  • easy to implement;
  • not to be afraid of weather conditions (for the office);
  • do not require a large amount of styling compounds;
  • maintain its shape after removing the headdress (or you should easily create a hairstyle in 5 minutes already in the office).

Another important point: hairs should not constantly get into your eyes. The rules of some companies do not recommend that employees come to the office with loose hair. The only exception is for ladies with short hair.

Important! In case of unforeseen circumstances (wind gusts on the way to work, heavy rain), you should have an option for a simple, strict hairstyle. Always carry a comb, one or two rubber bands, and a small crab with you. A minimum of accessories - and your strands will be beautifully styled.

Office styling options for every day

Getting ready in the morning is often a rush, especially if you have small children. You need to get your daughter ready for kindergarten, braid her hair or make a beautiful ponytail, and find time for yourself. Sometimes there is no more than half an hour left for makeup and hair care.

Pay attention to the varieties of everyday hairstyles. It’s easy and quick to style medium-length curls if you practice a little in your free time. A stylish, fashionable look, created in 10–15 minutes, will be a reward for your efforts.

Hairstyle with a donut

Instead of a small, expressionless bun, make a beautiful, voluminous bun. It is easiest to create such a design using medium-length strands. Raising or lowering your bun will give you a new look.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Gather clean hair into a ponytail, place it on the top of the head or closer to the back of the head;
  • thread a foam rubber or homemade bagel through the collected strands;
  • secure the finished structure with an elastic band to match your hair;
  • distribute the hair around the donut, tuck it under the bottom of the device;
  • secure stray hairs with bobby pins;
  • if the style of the outfit allows, decorate the bun with hairpins with discreet decor at the end.

Important! If you like this option, eventually replace your homemade device with a ready-made foam accessory. The bagel is quite inexpensive. In the event of an unexpected hairstyle correction in the office, you will avoid awkward questions about your “original” accessory.

Classic shell

Give your hair a perfect smoothness or make it more voluminous. Achieve clear lines or let out a couple of side strands. The shell has many options. Choose an image that matches your face type, character, and business suit style.


  • prepare your hair as usual: the strands should be clean and dry;
  • lightly comb thin hairs along the entire length or lightly curl them;
  • just wash thick hair and dry it with a hairdryer;
  • collect the entire mass of strands from behind, start twisting the shell;
  • place the bundle higher or lower: the shell will look great in any case;
  • Having twisted the tourniquet to the head, secure it along the entire length with hairpins;
  • Tuck the tip inward, secure with a hairpin or bobby pin;
  • If desired, decorate the shell with a neat bow, hairpin or beautiful hairpins. The decor should be discreet;
  • This hairstyle can be done in 10 minutes.

Popular tail

This popular option is suitable not only for schoolgirls. Even a low ponytail can be made more fashionable and stylish by lightly combing the strands at the front.

Important! The thicker your hair, the more you emphasize the natural beauty of your hair. Strong combs are more appropriate for evening hairstyles and hairstyles for noisy parties.

For medium-length hair, it is better to make a ponytail closer to the back of the head or very low. To decorate your hairstyle, wrap one strand around an elastic band to create a hair decoration.

Inverted ponytail

A great option for an office hairstyle. Careful styling does not require much time; it can be done in 10 minutes.


  • be sure to wash your hair, dry it well, create soft curls if desired;
  • comb your hair, tie a low ponytail, secure with an elastic band;
  • Pull the elastic down a little and make a hole with your finger;
  • twist the tail through it. The classic version is through the top, but it is also possible through the bottom;
  • straighten any stray strands and lightly spray with hairspray.

Advice! Drop the elastic higher or lower for different styling options. The elastic band is closer to the head - business, strict style, lower it lower - there will be a softer, romantic option.

Low bun

Great styling for the office. The hairstyle looks impressive with or without smooth bangs. For your work environment, choose modest decor.

Step by step:

  • Apply a little styling gel to the comb, gather all the strands to the back of the head;
  • secure the ponytail with an elastic band, lightly comb the hairs to give it fullness;
  • make a bun from a voluminous tail, securely secure it with bobby pins;
  • straighten the low bun, give it a neat shape;
  • lightly spray the structure with varnish.

Braid bun

If you are not good at braiding, create a bun from a braid for the office. Simple, effective styling for every day.

How to proceed:

  • create a medium or low ponytail. See how long the length is;
  • braid a regular braid, wrap it around an elastic band, secure with hairpins and bobby pins;
  • the more voluminous the hair, the more voluminous the bun will be;
  • The decor is familiar - a dim ribbon, decorative pins, a small bow.

Medium ponytail with braid

Another strict but effective styling, especially for thick hair. If your curls lack volume, don’t worry: a light backcombing will correct the situation.


  • collect the middle tail. If you decide to make a high ponytail, check whether the braid will turn out “short”;
  • secure the tail well with a soft elastic band, braid a loose braid, and also secure at the bottom with an elastic band;
  • decorate the top with a neat hairpin that can be snapped around the joint.

Braid around the head

The easiest way to create a hairstyle is from a regular braid. With a little practice, you can master more complex weaving techniques. A headband made from a regular braid will look stylish in the office.

Step by step:

  • wash your hair, dry it, comb thoroughly;
  • divide your hair with an even parting from the forehead to the back of the head;
  • secure one half so that it does not interfere with an elastic band or a clip;
  • gather half the strands above the left temple, braid a regular braid, secure the bottom with a thin elastic band;
  • do the same with the right half of the hair;
  • bring the left braid to the right ear, secure with bobby pins, wrap the right braid, headband, secure near the left ear;
  • straighten the bezel, secure it with two or three hairpins to be sure.

Advice! A braid headband will be effective if the length allows you to create a braid that reaches the opposite temple. If your strands are not long enough, discard this option.

Loose hair with a tourniquet

The styling looks good if the hair is thick enough. Bouncy curls are undesirable in the office, but light curling is acceptable for short hair.

Everything is very simple:

  • part your hair in the middle;
  • on each side, separate a strand 5–6 cm wide, twist the strands or braid them to the middle of the ear or slightly below;
  • Connect both strands with a thin elastic band and decorate with a strict hairpin.

Advice! Do comfortable, neat styling only on clean strands. If your hair is too greasy, avoid this option.

Perfect hairstyle

For not very long curls, a smooth style of loose hair is suitable. If your work is loyal to such options, do your hair, but in such a way that your hair does not bother you too much.

How to proceed:

  • if you have an elongated bob with bangs or strands of the same length without bangs, just straighten them with an iron;
  • before straightening, apply liquid crystals for hair or mousse with thermal protection;
  • Do not use hairspray, otherwise the hairstyle will look unnatural.


  • pull your strands back with a stylish headband in calm colors;
  • Part your hair to the side and place the front strands behind your ears.

Hair styling ideas for medium hair at home

It's your day off today. I want to relax, not spend a lot of time on makeup and original hair styling. But, on any forum and in a women's magazine, you will read that you cannot relax at home, walk around in an old robe, with disheveled hair.

That's right, these wise thoughts have been confirmed by thousands of women. Take half an hour and think about how to create a comfortable and beautiful styling for your home.

Top 5 hairstyles in 15 minutes:

  • Bun.
  • Gulka.
  • Low ponytail.
  • Shell.
  • Braids.

The method for creating these hairstyles is described above. A shell or bun looks equally good in the office or at home. The difference is in the decor, which may be less for a home environment.

Pay attention to a couple more interesting styling that you can easily and quickly do.

Original Malvinka

The styling, familiar from childhood, is suitable for girls and women of all ages. Regardless of the type of hair, this option looks advantageous, the hairs do not get into the face. Even if you have unexpected guests, you will look great.

Creation scheme:

  • comb your curls, if desired, curl them slightly;
  • separate strands 6–7 cm wide from both sides, bring them back, below the crown, secure with an elastic band;
  • You can make simple braids from the side strands, pull them back, and fasten them with an elastic band;
  • Another option is to twist the separated strands into bundles and secure them at the back with an elastic band or a hairpin.

Weaving Spikelet

Another simple but effective styling option for the home. The weaving is simple, beautiful, the hairs are not very tight, but the hairstyle does not fall apart.

Weaving technique:

  • Comb clean curls towards the back of the head;
  • near the forehead, select three strands, weave once, as to create a simple braid;
  • add hair from the temples to the side strands, continue weaving;
  • take turns picking up strands from the left, then from the right;
  • gradually you will see that there are no longer any free side strands in the neck area, you are weaving a regular braid;
  • When finished, secure the bottom with an elastic band.

Consider hairstyle options for work and home. Medium length hair allows you to create original, comfortable styling. Experiment, look for your own image, don’t settle for boring, inexpressive hairstyles. Regardless of the situation, you must look your best.

A few more options for quick and beautiful hairstyles for every day in the following video:

Today we want to invite you to diversify your everyday hairstyles. Make a regular ponytail, braid or loose hair more interesting and original without spending a lot of time creating it.

Step-by-step photo lessons will be a good option to quickly learn how to do easy hairstyles for every day.

The most ordinary tail can be very interestingly played up and diversified by adding a few unusual touches to it.

Shell-shaped tail

Comb your hair well and make a low ponytail. tightening it with a thin rubber band.

Then we make a parting in front of the elastic and pull the tail into it, you can also secure it with bobby pins so that it holds better.

Volume tail

We make a regular ponytail, but much more voluminous, fuller and longer. To do this, we separate part of the hair in front and pin it up so that it does not interfere with us, as in the photo, and we collect the rest of the hair in a ponytail and secure it with an elastic band. We comb the remaining hair, comb it back and twist it around an elastic band, fixing it with a hairpin.

Beautiful ponytail

Another version of the ponytail, but it is very interesting due to the weaves that are made using strands of hair, step-by-step instructions in the photo below.

Romantic ponytail on curls

First, make light waves using a curling iron or flat iron, backcomb it, and then separate the front part of the hair, as shown in the photo. Gather the remaining hair into a ponytail, but not high, and wrap the remaining hair around the ponytail and secure with hairpins, this will give the hairstyle a slight carelessness and romance.

Easy hair bow hairstyle

The bow hairstyle has been popular for several years now and the most interesting thing is that it can be done in just a few minutes.

First, comb your hair and gather it into a high ponytail with a bow. Bring the tip of the tail to the front and do not remove it completely from the elastic band. We divide the bun in the center into two halves, move the tip of the tail back and secure it with hairpins, it turns out like the core of a bow.

If you make a corrugation on your hair, as in the photo below, the bow will be more voluminous.

You can also make a bow on part of the tail or on a little one, see the different options in the photo step by step below.

And another video for clarity:

Elegant bun in 5 minutes

This hairstyle is suitable for those with long hair, first make a ponytail, then braid several braids and twist everything beautifully into a bun.

Everyday braided hairstyles: step-by-step tutorials

You know that with a braid you can make a ponytail, a bun, a little bun, and a falling wave; now we will learn with the help of step-by-step photo lessons.

Low ponytail with braiding

Separate about a third of the hair in front (at ear level) and start braiding on the right side. It can be a spikelet on one side or a fishtail.

Braid the braid all the way to the end and secure it with a thin elastic band. You can also stretch the braid for volume.

At the back of the head, we gather the hair into a ponytail, capturing the braid there. A small strand should be wrapped around the base of the ponytail to hide the elastic. You can also secure it with studs for reliability.

Low bun with voluminous braid

Separate your hair with a parting on the side, and start braiding from the side where there is more hair.

Once you have finished braiding your hair, secure it with an elastic band. And gather the remaining part of the hair into a low ponytail. Put a donut on the tail and make a bun, and at the end, surround the bun with a pigtail and secure everything well with hairpins.

Romantic images for every day

A stylish and at the same time romantic hairstyle that will not leave anyone indifferent is done very simply.

Curl light curls with a curling iron or flat iron; the waves should be large. Divide your hair into four parts as shown in the photo. Secure the lower part of the hair, at the back of the head, into a ponytail with a thin elastic band, comb the upper hair for more volume and then twist it into a light rope and attach it to the ponytail, do the same with the rest of the hair.

Volumetric beam

Comb your hair a little to create volume. Make a low ponytail and do not pull your hair all the way out, as shown in the photo. And then turn it inside out and tuck them into the resulting hole, so that you get a voluminous bunch from below.

You can attach a beautiful flower or hairpin above the bun. You can also leave a few strands near your face, this will add even more romance to the image.

Romantic little fry with twisted flagella

This is a very beautiful, romantic hairstyle, which will take you no more than three minutes to create.

You can backcomb the hair a little on the back of your head for more volume, then take a strand of hair from both sides and twist it into a rope, and cross this rope at the back, making a kind of knot and secure everything with hairpins and bobby pins.

Easy hairstyle lessons for every day: photos

A hairstyle doesn't have to be complicated to look attractive; we learn how to do hairstyles with our own hands in just a few minutes.

Is it worth spending time and money in beauty salons before a special event if you are able to create an individual look with your own hands, guided by your limitless imagination and styling tips?

We would like to bring to your attention elegant, stylish and at the same time simple hairstyles for medium-length hair to create your image at home.

Having mastered a few simple lessons, you will always be able to make the right impression at any holiday, official event and in everyday life.

In order for any hairstyle to stay on your hair perfectly, you should not forget about proper care.

Before choosing the right shampoo and hair conditioner, carefully read its label. If there are too many unclear symbols and formulas written in small print on the back, return this product to the shelf. Not only will it not help your hair, but it can also cause harm.

Styling tools and products

In order to do your hair at home without the help of professionals, you will need a few basic accessories, tools and styling products. Their choice depends on your preferences and goals when creating an image. Fixation is done using well-known means:

  1. Varnish. Select it according to the degree of fixation that suits you. Spray from a distance of at least 15 cm to avoid a “sticking” effect.
  2. Foam and mousse. Mousse is suitable for fine hair, and foam for thick hair. Used for additional volume.
  3. Gel. Designed for modeling curls and waves. It is applied before drying, after which the styling is given the desired shape.
  4. Wax. With its help, you can fix individual strands without weighing them down. Suitable for very thick, very curly and unruly hair.
  5. Paste. It makes it possible to abruptly change the direction of the strands and perform any other manipulations due to the high fixation factor. Used for hairstyles that require long-lasting durability.

You will also need several accessories:

  • curling iron;
  • rectifier;
  • hairpins;
  • elastic bands;
  • invisible.

All of these funds cannot be used at the same time. Some of them are used to create each hairstyle. Which ones exactly depends on the choice of hairstyle.

15 quick and beautiful hairstyles

Doing your own hair is not that difficult. By mastering basic styling techniques, you can always look new without additional costs.

A few simple but elegant hairstyles that will not leave you indifferent:

Divide your hair into 3 sections, tying the middle section into a ponytail. We braid 3 braids and secure the ends with small elastic bands. We wrap each braid into a bun and pin it with hairpins. This results in a row of three bundles.

Shell. Curl the strands with a curling iron approximately from the ends to the middle of the length. We make a small backcomb on the top of the head and tie the tail low. You need to wrap it up, passing the tip under the elastic band. We wrap a loop of hair with this tip and pin it at the back of the head with hairpins.

Tie your ponytail higher. Divide it into several identical strands, twisting each of them into a tight strand. Roll the bundles so that you get one volumetric bundle. We secure each strand with hairpins.

We divide the hair into 2 parts with a middle parting. We make bundles from the strands outermost from the face, twisting them towards the back of the head. We collect the tail lower along with the strands. You need to make a small indentation above the elastic to turn it inside. We continue to wrap the entire length in the same direction, hiding the remaining strands in the resulting niche. Secure with studs.

Divide your hair into 2 parts so that one is higher than the other and directed to the right, and the other to the left. We tie the right part with an elastic band, and weave a braid from the left. We wrap the tail with the resulting braid, securing the tip with a bobby pin at the back of the head. You can decorate your hair with an elegant hairpin.

You need to comb your hair, separating the outer strands for braiding. We make two regular braids on the sides. We bring the finished braids together in the direction of each other, and quietly fix their ends with bobby pins. The result is a headband made from a double braid at the back of the head.

It is necessary to divide the hair into 4 equal parts, apply mousse or foam and secure them with elastic bands. We divide each section into several strands and alternately wind them onto a curling iron so that each is wound from the edge of the handle. Spray the resulting curls with varnish, then tilt your head and randomly straighten them with your fingers.

We throw the combed hair to one side. We leave a smaller part on the other side, which we divide by 2 more. We twist them into a double strand, gradually weaving additional strands from the larger part that was initially separated. We continue this way until we reach the opposite edge of the head. Then we fix it with an elastic band near the ear.

Separate the strand above the ear and braid it. Then wrap it around your head and secure it with a bobby pin near the opposite ear. At the end, create a small backcomb on the top of your head to add expressiveness to your headband.

We collect hair with an elastic band. We make a hole above it to put the tail through. We perform fishtail braiding or regular braiding, securing the tip with a small elastic band. Then we lift the braid, hiding the end at the base. We pin it with pins.

It is advisable to do this hairstyle at night after washing your hair. We divide wet hair into small strands (the thinner the strand, the more magnificent the curls will be) and twist them into strands, securing them with bobby pins. In the morning we straighten our hair with our fingers. In this case, you can use gel.

Divide the hair into upper and lower parts. We collect the upper lobe into a bun with a beautiful hairpin or elastic band, and the lower lobe in the same way, but with a small elastic band. We lower the top and get a voluminous tail.

Bow. We tie the tail higher, in the area of ​​the crown. We pass the tip through the elastic in the direction of the face. We divide the resulting bundle into 2 equal parts, and the tip will be a partition, which we attach to the back of the bow.

You will need a hair straightener. Select several strands and twist the bundles. Along the entire length of the bundle, starting from the roots, we stretch the strand with a straightener. You will get a light wave.

The thinner the hair, the faster the curls and combs lose their shape, so you won’t be able to do without fixing products. Using the proposed schemes, improvise, experiment, create a new, unique image every day!

A few more options for beautiful hairstyles:

Hairdressers call medium hair the length of which is from 15 to 25 centimeters, that is, when the ends are somewhere between the chin and shoulders.

1. Elegant shell

Such a laconic, modest image can be created in five minutes. Ideal for work or study.

First option. Make a ponytail at the back of your head and pull the elastic down a little. Tuck the ponytail from the side inward, as shown in the video. Secure the shell with pins.

Second option. Make two ponytails: at the top and at the back of the head. Tuck the lower ponytail up and the top ponytail down. Then lift the lower, smaller shell onto the upper one and secure everything with pins.

2. Headband made of ropes

Separate the hair at the temples. Twist them into tight strands and secure them with bobby pins at the back of your head. The remaining hair can be left straight, curled or pulled into a low ponytail.

3. Braids plus curls

Braids are a type of afro braids. It is important to do braids on the side, creating the effect of a shaved temple. On the second side, a backcomb or, as in this case, a light curl is done. The result is a vibrant punk style look.

Make an asymmetrical parting, separate the temporal area and weave two or three French braids there. Secure them with silicone rubber bands. Remaining hair or curling iron. Break the curls with your fingers and fix with hairspray.

4. Mohawk from a spikelet

Dragon hairstyles do not go out of fashion either. You can make yourself a mohawk using weaving. This hairstyle is suitable for both straight and curly hair.

Separate the hair in the frontal-parietal area and weave a tight spikelet. It is important to start weaving directly from the forehead. Secure the tip with an elastic band. The remaining hair can be left loose or pulled back into a high ponytail.

You can weave two dragons, separating them with a parting and releasing several loose strands.

5. Mohawk made from elastic bands

A mohawk option for those who don’t know how to braid hair and who like their hair completely tied up. It looks very stylish and, depending on the outfit, is suitable for completely different occasions.

You will need clamps and a lot of silicone rubber bands. Separate the hair in the frontal-parietal area. Make the first ponytail near your forehead and secure with an elastic band. Make a second ponytail behind it, grabbing a small strand from the right and left temporal zones.

Divide the first ponytail into two parts, place the second one between them and temporarily fix it. Then make a third ponytail, also grabbing the strands on the sides. Thread the second tail into the third.

Continue all the way to the back of your head. Also secure the tip with an elastic band, and slightly stretch the strands in the resulting braid.

6. Volume braid

Using the same technique, you can make a voluminous braid. Unlike regular weaving, there is no need for length: it will turn out impressive even if you have an elongated or asymmetrical bob.

Create root volume at the back of the head. Separate one strand from both sides and gather them into a ponytail at the back of your head. Take another strand from the left and right and connect them again into a ponytail so that it is under the first. Divide the bottom ponytail in two and thread the top ponytail through it. Repeat until the end of your head.

7. Volumetric beam

A hairstyle that combines simplicity and elegance. Can be done on a fairly short square.

Curl your hair in a way that suits you. Separate the hair at the crown and temples. Divide the curls at the back of your head into two parts. Temporarily secure the top one with a clip, and comb the bottom one.

Attach the donut and cover it with the top of your hair at the back of your head and secure. Separate a few strands at the temples and attach them to the donut.

Do the same with the hair from the top of your head. At the end, pick up the bottom strands to the donut.

8. Three tails

An everyday hairstyle that can easily be transformed into a festive one if decorated with artificial flowers or a decorative comb.

Backcomb the top of your head and gather the top part of your hair into a ponytail. Secure with a clear elastic band. Make the next ponytail at the back of your head. Turn it inside out. For greater reliability, secure with a hairpin.

Comb both ponytails and make a third one at the very bottom of the head to open up the neck.

9. "Waterfall"

This weave with loose flowing strands creates a very delicate romantic look. The waterfall braid can be worn around the entire head, like a headband, or just on the sides.

Take three thin strands from your face and cross them first, as in a regular braid. Then release the bottom strand and replace it with a new one. This strand will go up. Continue weaving new strands in this way until the waterfall reaches the length you want.

10. Boho hairstyle

This hairstyle has everything: a French twist, a Russian braid and Hollywood curls.

Make it voluminous. Gather your hair at the back of your head and make a twist or simply lift it up, securing it with a beautiful hair clip.

Weave a three-strand braid on the sides. Pull strands from each and secure them to the back of your head. Do not remove curls from your face.

11. Hairstyle in Greek style

Curl the ends of your hair, comb it at the back of your head and cover the comb with strands from the top of your head. Secure with invisible ones.

Take one strand from the left and right temporal zones and pin them with hairpins to the bouffant. Collect it in the same way, lay it beautifully in the center of the back of the head and secure the lower strands. You should get something like a volumetric beam.

Twist the strands remaining near the face into loose strands, pull them back and secure.

A beautiful hairstyle improves your mood and quality of life in general. You don’t have to rush to the hairdresser, and every morning the woman is her own stylist. Everyday hairstyles should be simple, beautiful, sustainable, and, if necessary, easy to transform into another option. Regardless of the length of the curls, a minimum of time and money is spent on styling.

Fashion 2019 is quite democratic and offers a lot of hairstyles for every day for long, medium and short hair. All these feminine things can be easily done with your own hands in a few minutes.

In this article:

What do you need to have in your arsenal to create everyday hairstyles?

Hair requires care and perfect cleanliness. Untidy strands with damaged ends will make any beauty look ugly. Therefore, it is still worth visiting the hairdresser with some frequency. The specialist will give your hair shape and, perhaps, recommend a type of haircut that is in harmony with your appearance.

And then - do it all yourself. To make quick, easy and beautiful hairstyles for every day, it is advisable to have:

  • Hairdryer - without attachments, but powerful enough
  • brushing - a round comb with bristles,
  • styling products – mousse, gel, wax, varnish,
  • curlers, curling iron - for curls,
  • iron - for straightening strands,
  • accessories and additions - hairpins, bobby pins, headbands, elastic bands, false strands, hairpieces.

It is not necessary to purchase all new items in full. You can get by with a minimum set of tools that suit you. A selection of photos will tell you how to do your everyday hairstyle easily and simply.

Beauty from long hair

The bun, beloved by many, is the leader among hairstyles for long hair. It can be deliberately disheveled or smooth if the dress code requires it. The bun can be made on the top of the head or low on the back of the head, and on this basis you can create a lot of original everyday options.

In fashion, rustic style includes a wide variety of braids. It will take some skill, but with practice you can create masterpieces. These hairstyles hold their shape for a long time, so they are ideal for everyday life. More suitable for young girls.

For adult women, a classic babette, French roller or shell is suitable. Soft curls are acceptable, but the hair should be well-groomed and not too long.

An impeccable choice is styling in the Greek style. It is created using weaving, various headbands and headbands. But there is a very simple way. Two strands taken from the temples are twisted into flagella and fastened at the back of the head.

Original solutions for medium hair

The basis of everyday styling for medium hair should be a good haircut. This season, trendy: bob or bob, cascade, ladder, torn strands. The bangs may be absent or straight, beveled, graduated, or semicircular.

These hairstyles are easy to maintain. They can be decorated with braids, airy curls, or straighten curly curls with a straightener. Any options with buns are also available. Using the gel, you can create the effect of wet hair, but you will have to dry it naturally.

If your hair is naturally curly, then graduated haircuts are suitable. Curly bob is also a good option. It will not be difficult to cope with the average length in 5 minutes. All you need is a hairdryer, brushing and a little mousse. It is better not to overuse varnish.

Creative and classic on short hair

Short haircuts require no less attention than long hair. Creating a casual, disheveled look that makes you feel like you just woke up can take a lot of time. It’s better to immediately check with your hairdresser to see how easy the chosen hairstyle for short hair is in everyday care.

There are many types of short bobs, graduated and asymmetrical haircuts. By skillfully using styling products, you can appear in a new look every day. These include smoothly combed options, romantic curls, and even a herringbone braid, with a sufficient amount of varnish.

For special occasions and just a good mood, additional accessories will be useful: hairpins, headbands, tiaras, false strands and hairpieces. You just need to spend a few minutes in the morning on your loved one, and your hairstyle will look as if you just popped out of a beauty salon.