Kindergarten education program. Education program in kindergarten Section “Playing children's musical instruments”


Moscow Publishing house "Prosveshchenie" 1964



The historic 22nd Congress of the CPSU emphasized the enormous importance of the communist education of all workers and especially the younger generation during the period of extensive construction of communism.

In solving this problem, the leading role belongs to public education.

In order to improve the education of preschool children, the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution on May 21, 1959 “On measures for the further development of preschool institutions, improving the education and medical care of preschool children.”

This decree provided for the creation of united preschool institutions for the education of children from 2 months to 7 years and instructed the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR and the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR to develop a program for them.

A program for raising children under seven years of age has been developed for the first time. It defines the range of knowledge, abilities and skills that must be acquired by children at different age stages, and also characterizes the personality traits that must be brought up.

In the new program, unlike previously published “Manuals,” program requirements are separated from methodological instructions.

The educational program differs significantly in its structure. Program tasks are designed to be implemented in the process of children's activities - in games, in classes, in everyday life, in forms of work activity accessible to children.

The senior group in the program is called preparatory to school. The content of educational work in this group should form a reliable basis for successful learning at school.

The education program was developed by a joint commission of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR and the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR.

The appendices to the “Kindergarten Education Program” provide approximate daily routines for age groups.

Methodological guidelines are issued simultaneously with the program.


Kindergarten tasks

A kindergarten is an educational institution that provides public education for children from two months before entering school.

In kindergarten, children are brought up in a society of peers, which creates favorable conditions not only for communicating with each other, for joint games and activities, nurturing friendship, mutual assistance, but also for the formation of individuals.

Public preschool education includes the physical, mental, moral, labor and aesthetic education of children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics.

The objectives of children’s physical education are to protect and strengthen their health and physical development. In kindergarten, children should grow up healthy, vigorous, cheerful, playful, dexterous in their movements, and with good posture.

To solve these problems, it is necessary to create a hygienic environment in the kindergarten, provide proper and caring care for children, maintain a daily routine, and strengthen the child’s body.

Mental education. Much attention in kindergarten should be paid to the development of sensations, perceptions, speech and thinking.

Direct communication with adults is of decisive importance for the formation of a child’s speech.

Children must learn to speak using the best examples of their native speech, so it is necessary that the teacher’s speech be correct in all respects.

One of the factors in mental development is children's familiarization with their surroundings.

Teachers must cultivate respect for working people, interest in work, social life, and nature. It is important to give correct ideas about the phenomena of non-living nature, about plants and animals, to form curiosity, an active attitude towards nature.

During their stay in kindergarten, children should develop moral traits and personality traits: the ability to distinguish between what is good and what is bad, to do what is possible and to refrain from what is not allowed, to respect elders, to have a friendly attitude to peers, to help everyone who needs it, to play and work together, to be truthful and modest.

In the process of games and activities, it is necessary to cultivate strong-willed qualities in children - endurance, perseverance.

Of great importance in the moral development of a child is the cultivation of love for his native land, respect and love for the founder of the Soviet state, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

Aesthetic education - nurturing a love of beauty in the surrounding life, in nature, in art, developing in children a musical and poetic ear, the desire and ability to draw, sculpt, sing, dance, listen to music, read poetry expressively and tell stories .

Art makes a child more responsive, kinder, enriches his spiritual world, contributes to the development of imagination and feelings.

A beautiful and comfortable environment, a clean room, and a neat appearance of children and adults contribute to the development of artistic taste.

In the first seven years of life, a child goes through a long journey of physical and mental development. The child’s abilities are intensively developed, moral qualities and character traits are formed, knowledge and skills are accumulated.

From kindergarten, children will go to school. It is necessary to develop in a child those qualities that will give him the opportunity to learn successfully and with interest. Kindergarten pupils must be well physically developed;

learn to distinguish play from activities and from work; be able to listen to the teacher and each other; carry out the proposed work at the right pace; act according to the teacher’s word and independently.

The entire content of educational work in the preparatory group: familiarity with the environment, mastery of the native language, counting, rudiments of literacy, work skills, musical development - will form a reliable basis for learning at school. School should become for children a joyful future that will give them a lot of interesting things. The kindergarten establishes a connection with the school where the majority of children in the preparatory group go,

Many years of experience in kindergartens and nurseries made it possible to develop a program that defines the main content of raising children (by age group) from 2 months to 7 years.

The education program is carried out in everyday processes, in games, in classes, in the initial forms of labor education, i.e. in one or another activity of children, which raises play, activities, and work to a new level.

Program material is distributed by quarter. The first quarter (September, October and November) coincides with the beginning of the school year, the second quarter includes December, January, February, the third - March, April, May and the fourth - June, July, August.

Educational work and everyday life organization

In a kindergarten, where children are present throughout the day, life should be rationally organized: nutrition, sleep, hardening, gymnastics, walks, rest. These processes are repeated day after day and create a familiar sequence of actions in children. It is important in these processes to cultivate stable skills of social behavior, to ensure that they become strong and acquire the necessary completeness by the time children go to school.

Educational work and games

In the preschool years, play is of great importance for the physical and mental development of the child, the formation of his individuality, and the formation of a children's team. Already in the first months of life, children perform a number of actions with objects and begin to play. As the child grows, he is more and more able to engage himself in play.

In the future, based on the development of imitation and independence, children’s games become more diverse. Play enters a child’s life, influences his development, satisfies interests and creates the opportunity to solve pedagogical problems. Children in play enter into certain relationships with each other that encourage them to act together; games evoke certain experiences. This makes it possible to make play a form of organizing children’s lives and relationships.

It is quite legitimate to associate the tasks of moral education of children with the game - the development of friendly relations, collectivism, and positive character traits.

Games are an important means of developing organization, composure, and the ability to act quickly and accurately.

With age, children's games become more diverse in content, form and organization.

Games that are active, didactic, musical, role-playing, systematized in a certain way, are used by the teacher as a means of influencing the physical, mental and aesthetic development of children.

Educational work and activities

The program of educational work is carried out in close connection with the development in children of the ability for organized mental activity, the desire and ability to learn.

This skill is developed primarily in the process of learning in the classroom, although its necessary prerequisites develop in everyday work and in games.

Classes with young children are communication between an adult and each individual child. Individual communication is systematic and aimed at developing children’s speech and movements, familiarizing them with household items, their purpose, and the work of adults.

With the development of voluntary attention, the child’s ability to follow the word of an adult, and coordinate his actions with the actions of other children, classes with several children, and then with the whole group, become possible.

Children are taught in classes. Teaching techniques and methods are different. They depend on the age of the children and the content of the program material.

Educational work and labor education

Labor education consists of introducing children to the work activities available to them and developing in them an emotionally positive attitude towards the work of the adults around them.

The labor activity of children in the preschool years begins in games, in the process of carrying out simple actions and instructions from adults. It includes self-service, household work, work in nature, and work in making toys. It is important to develop in children the desire to do something themselves, not only for themselves, but also for others.

The kindergarten teacher has an honorable and responsible role - to practically solve the problems of public preschool education of children, which is given great importance in the Program of our party, adopted by the XXII Congress of the CPSU, and thereby actively participate in the construction of communism in our country.

The education of future citizens of a communist society requires preschool teachers to continuously improve their pedagogical knowledge, study Marxist-Leninist theory and the new CPSU Program, participate in the political life of the country, and adhere to the principles of the moral code of the builders of communism.

Every kindergarten should serve as an example of communist education of children. The teaching staff of the kindergarten is faced with the task of disseminating pedagogical knowledge among parents, helping families raise children correctly, and promoting the best experience of family education. And, as stated in the Program of our party, “the educational influence of the family on children should be increasingly organically combined with their social education.”

Explanatory note.

The main goals and objectives of the implementation of the artistic and aesthetic development of children in the “Music” section.

The relationship of specialists in the implementation of tasks in the educational field “Music”.

Corrective work with compensatory groups.

Connections with other educational areas.

Predicted result.

Material and technical base.

Schedule of festive events of MBDOU.

Planning and organization of the educational process for the implementation of the educational field “Music”.

* Age characteristics of children 2-3 years old.

Section "Listening".

Section "Singing".

Section “Playing children's musical instruments”

* Age characteristics of children 3-4 years old.

*Structure and forms of work to implement the main tasks by type of musical activity.

Section "Listening".

Section "Singing".

Section “Musical and rhythmic movements”.

Section "Creativity".

* Age characteristics of children 4-5 years old.

* Structure and forms of work to implement the main tasks by type of musical activity.

Section "Listening".

Section "Singing".

Section “Musical and rhythmic movements”.

Section "Playing children's musical instruments."

Section "Creativity".

Age characteristics of children 5-6 years old.

Forms of work to implement the main tasks by type of musical activity.

Section "Listening".

Section "Singing".

Section “Musical and rhythmic movements”.

Section "Playing children's musical instruments."

Section "Creativity".

* Age characteristics of children 6-7 years old.

*Forms of work to implement the main tasks by type of musical activity.

Section "Listening".

Section "Singing".

Section “Musical and rhythmic movements”.

Section "Playing children's musical instruments."

Section "Creativity".

Planned results of children mastering the program.

Monitoring to determine the development of children's musical abilities.

Means of supporting the educational process.



Prospective - thematic planning for all age groups.

Diagnostic materials for determining the level of development of musical abilities.

1. Explanatory note.

“Children’s musical creativity is the most effective way of their development.” (B.V. Asafiev.)

The trend in modern preschool pedagogy in the “Music” section is considered as a means of developing children’s emotional responsiveness, the process of enhancing musical and aesthetic education and the development of their creative abilities. By mastering this area of ​​knowledge, children become familiar with the art of music and the perception of beauty, causing a desire to listen to the mood, intonation of music and the characteristic features of the musical image.

The work program for the implementation of the “Music” section was developed taking into account the basic principles of the requirements for the organization and content of various types of musical activities in preschool educational institutions, the age characteristics of children, based on the “Harmony” program by K.V. Tarasova, T.V. Nesterenko. And the “Baby” program by V.A. Petrova.

This program describes a training course on the musical development of preschool children from 2 to 7 years old in accordance with age, individual and mental characteristics, based on the mandatory minimum content in the “Music” section for preschool educational institutions, with updated content in the “Childhood” program T.N. . Babaeva and V. Loginova and

ON THE. Notkina, with the directions of work of a preschool educational institution. A special feature of this course is the inclusion of a regional component, activation of the reproductive component of musical thinking through creativity.

The program is developed in accordance with the documents:

  • Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” FZ-273 dated December 29, 2012;
  • Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education;
  • Family Code of the Russian Federation dated December 8, 1995 No. 223 FZ (as amended and supplemented);
  • Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation” dated July 24, 1998 No. 124-FZ (as amended and supplemented);
  • by the resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013. No. 26 “On approval of San PiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations.”
  • The main educational program of the preschool educational institution.
  • Program "Harmony" K.V. Tarasova, T.V. Nesterenko.
  • Program "Baby" V.A. Petrova.

Target programs in accordance with the general educational program: introducing children to the world of universal human culture through fundamental problems that the child independently “discovers” on the basis of thinking and creative imagination in various types of active activities, expanding life experience.

Purpose of the program in accordance with Harmony - the creation of favorable conditions for the full comprehensive development of the child, the formation of the foundations of the basic musical culture of the individual, the development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics. The development of a child’s creative and acting abilities, the development of musical and artistic activities, introduction to the art of music, the development of children’s musicality, the development of the ability to emotionally perceive music is achieved by solving the following tasks.

Development of musical and artistic activities

Comprehensive development of the child’s personal and creative potential and, on this basis, the formation of his aesthetic culture. Identification of artistic and creative aspirations based on problem-based, exploratory teaching methods: conversation, play improvisation, observation.

Introduction to musical art

Discovering the transformative power of music and its influence on the inner sphere of a person, the development of musical and creative abilities, the development of creative activity through theatrical activity.

Ensuring emotional and psychological well-being, protecting and promoting the health of children.

1. Develop communication skills.

2. Teach children to creatively use musical experiences in everyday life.

3. Prepare children to perceive musical images and performances.

4. Lay the foundations of harmonic development: development of hearing, voice, attention, movement, sense of rhythm and beauty of melody, development of individual abilities.

5. Introduce children to Russian folk - traditional and world musical culture.

6. Prepare children to master techniques and skills in various types of musical activities.

7. Introduce children to a variety of musical forms and genres in an attractive and accessible way.

8. Enrich children with musical knowledge and ideas in musical play.

9. Develop children's creativity in all types of musical activities.

This program is developed taking into account the principles of program construction:

1. The principle of integrativeness is determined by the interrelation and interpenetration of different types of art and various artistic and creative activities.

2. The principle of humanity - love of life, love of art, love of a child. This trinity underlies the formation of personality.

3. The principle of activity (activity approach) – the formation of skills to independently apply knowledge in different fields and models.

4. The principle of cultural conformity - the content of the program is structured as a consistent development of universal cultural values, where the leading value is the person, as an individual capable of creating, inventing, and fantasizing.

5. The principle of variability - the material constantly varies, thereby presenting unusualness and novelty, the effect of surprise.

6. The principle of creativity (organization of creative activity).

7. The principle of aestheticization - involves filling children’s lives with vivid experiences from contact with works of art, mastering the language of art.

8. The principle of freedom of choice is to provide the child with a choice in any teaching or control action.

9. The principle of feedback - involves reflection on teaching activities and the activities of children, analysis of the child’s mood and well-being, monitoring the level of development of preschool children, and diagnosis of individual characteristics.

10. The principle of adaptability – involves the flexible use of content and methods of emotional and creative development of children, depending on the individual and psychophysiological characteristics of each child.

2. Main goals and objectives educational field "Music" are implemented in the main types of musical activities.

Listening section

Tasks (general):

Familiarization with musical works, their memorization, accumulation of musical impressions;

Development of musical abilities and cultural listening skills;

Development of the ability to distinguish the nature of songs, instrumental pieces, and their means of expression; formation of musical taste

Section "Singing"

Tasks (general):

Formation of singing skills in children;

Teaching children to perform songs in the classroom and at home, with the help of a teacher and independently, with or without the accompaniment of an instrument;

Development of musical ear, i.e. distinguishing between intonationally accurate and inaccurate singing, sounds by height, duration, listening to yourself while singing and correcting your mistakes;

Section “Musical and rhythmic movements”

Tasks (general):

Development of musical perception, musical-rhythmic sense and, in connection with this, rhythmic movements;

Teaching children to coordinate movements with the nature of a piece of music, the most striking means of musical expression, developing spatial and temporal orientations;

Teaching children musical and rhythmic skills through games, dances and exercises;

Development of artistic and creative abilities.

Section “Playing children's musical instruments”

Tasks (general):

Improving the child’s aesthetic perception and feelings;

Formation and development of strong-willed qualities: endurance, perseverance, determination, perseverance;

Development of concentration, memory, imagination, creativity, musical taste;

Introducing children's musical instruments and teaching children to play them;

Development of coordination of musical thinking and motor functions of the body.

Section "Creativity (song, music and games, dance. Improvisation on children's musical instruments)"

Tasks (general):

Develop the ability of creative imagination when perceiving music;

Contribute to the activation of the child’s imagination, the desire to achieve an independently set task, to search for forms for the implementation of his plan;

Develop the ability to sing, play music, dance, and improvise on instruments.

3. The main purpose of the work program:

Provide children with a system of exciting activities that allow them to master the program in the “Music” section.


Formation of musical knowledge, skills and abilities;

Accumulation of impressions;

Spontaneous expression of creativity in visual, sensory-motor, speech areas;


Formation of the ability to understand the educational task.

The work program defines the musical and correctional tasks necessary for the development of a child’s intellectual and personal qualities through music as one of the areas of productive activity for preschool children, for introducing the world of musical art in a kindergarten, for the formation of a general culture for preschool children. The program consists of a system of specially organized music education classes that contribute not only to a more complete formation of the child’s artistic, creative and musical abilities, but also to the correction of deficiencies in the physical and mental development of children.

Musical classes are the main form of organizing children's musical activities. On which the process of musical education, training and development of children is carried out most effectively and purposefully.

Music lessons consist of 3 parts.

1. Introductory part

It involves the development and improvement of musical and rhythmic movements, which will later be used in games, dances, dances, and round dances.

2. Main part


Teach the child to listen to the sound of music that creates a musical and artistic image, to react emotionally to music. Let the child understand that music expresses a person’s emotions, character, and mood.

Singing and singing along

The main part also includes playing musical instruments, which especially helps to develop a child’s sense of rhythm. The use of musical and didactic games.

3. Final part

Dance, round dance, game. Mastering the elements of dance and rhythmoplasty to create musical motor images in games and dramatizations.

The organization of the educational process in MBDOU is regulated by: the curriculum, the annual calendar educational schedule, the class schedule and the cyclogram of the music director’s activities. The program is designed for 5 years and provides for music classes 2 times a week in each age group in accordance with the requirements of SanPin -

The full version of the work is available.

Musical education in kindergarten. Program and methodological recommendations

Library "Programs of education and training in kindergarten"

Generally edited by:

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences T. S. Komarova,

candidate of pedagogical sciences V.V. Gerbova.

The program “Musical education in kindergarten” is published according to the text of the book “Program of education and training in kindergarten” edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova.

About the “Program of education and training in kindergarten”

“Program of education and training in kindergarten” edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova (M.: Publishing House “Education of the Preschooler”, 2004; M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2005) recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for preschool educational institutions.

The “Program” comprehensively presents all the main content lines of education, training and development of a child from birth to seven years.

The leading goals of the “Program” are the creation of favorable conditions for the full education, upbringing and development of a child in preschool childhood, the formation of the foundations of basic personal culture, the development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, the formation of various abilities, preparing the child for life at school and modern society.

In parallel with the “Program,” brief “Methodological Recommendations” were prepared (M.: Publishing House “Education of the Preschooler,” 2005; M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2005), containing directions and methods of work for the implementation of program tasks at all stages of preschool childhood. A more detailed description of methodological work with children from birth to seven years in all sections of the “Program” is set out in separate manuals (for example, “Musical education in kindergarten”, “Cultural and leisure activities in kindergarten”, “Labor education in kindergarten” , “Moral education in kindergarten”, etc.).

Musical education in kindergarten. Program

First junior group (from two to three years old)

Cultivate an interest in music, a desire to listen to music and sing along, and perform simple dance movements.


Teach children to listen carefully to calm and cheerful songs, musical pieces of various types, to understand and react emotionally to the content (what, who is being sung about). Learn to distinguish sounds by pitch (high and low sounds of a bell, piano, metallophone).

Encourage children to be active when singing along and singing, and to want to listen carefully to the song. Develop the ability to sing along with phrases in a song (together with the teacher). Gradually get used to solo singing.

Develop emotionality and imagery in the perception of music through movement. Continue to develop the ability to perceive and reproduce movements shown by adults (clapping, stamping your foot, half-squatting, turning your hands, etc.). Teach children to start moving with the beginning of the music and finish with its end; convey images (a bird is flying, a bunny is jumping, a bear is walking). Improve the ability to walk and run (on toes, quietly; raising legs high and low; straight gallop), perform dance movements in a circle, scattered, change movements with changes in the nature of the music or the content of the song.

Approximate musical repertoire


"Horse", music. E. Tilicheeva, lyrics. N. Frenkel; “Our rattle”, music. I. Arseeva, lyrics. I. Chernitskaya; "Bunny", Russian. adv. melody, arr. An. Alexandrova, lyrics. T. Babacan; "Cow", music. M. Rauchwerger, lyrics. O. Vysotskaya; "Cat", music. An. Alexandrova, lyrics. N. Frenkel; “Elephant”, “Chickens and Roosters” (from “Carnival of Animals” by C. Saint-Saëns), “Winter”, “Winter Morning”, music. P. Tchaikovsky; “Spring”, “Autumn”, music. S. Maikapara; "Flowers", music. V. Karaseva, lyrics. N. Frenkel; “This is how we can”, “March and Run”, music. E. Tilicheeva, lyrics. N. Frenkel; "Gopachok", Ukrainian. adv. melody, arr. M. Rauchwerger; “Catch-up”, music. N. Alexandrova, lyrics. T. Babacan; “From Under the Oak”, Russian. adv. dance melody; “Kitty” (for the game “Cat and Kittens”), music. V. Vitlina, lyrics. N. Naydenova; "Mikita", Belarusian. adv. melody, arr. S. Polonsky; “Dance with a handkerchief”, music. E. Tilicheeva, lyrics. I. Grantovskaya; "Polyanka", Russian. adv. melody, arr. G. Frida; “Birds” (introduction), music. G. Frida; “Stoolka”, Ukrainian. adv. melody; "Morning", music. G. Grinevich, lyrics. S. Prokofieva; "Yurochka", Belarusian. adv. dance melody, arr. An. Alexandrova; “Dance with dolls”, “Dance with handkerchiefs”, German. adv. dance melodies, lyrics A. Anufrieva; “Ay-yes”, music. V. Verkhovinets; “Where are you, bunny?”, Russian. adv. melody, arr. E. Tilicheeva.


“Bayu” (lullaby), music. M. Rauchwerger; "White Geese", music. M. Kraseva, lyrics. M. Klokova; “This is how we can”, “Horse”, music. E. Tilicheeva, lyrics. N. Frenkel; “Where are you, bunny?”, arr. E. Tilicheeva; "Rain", Russian. adv. melody, arr. B. Feret; “Herringbone”, music. E. Tilicheeva, lyrics. M. Bulatova; "Winter", music. V. Karaseva, lyrics. N. Frenkel; “There comes a horned goat”, arr. A. Grechaninova; "Lullaby", music. M. Kraseva; "Cat", music. An. Alexandrova, lyrics. N. Frenkel; "Kitty", music. V. Vitlina, lyrics. N. Naydenova; “Ladushki”, Russian. adv. melody; "Bird", music. M. Rauchwerger, lyrics. A. Barto; "Dog", music. M. Rauchwerger, lyrics. N. Komissarova; "Chickens", music. A. Filippenko, lyrics. T. Volgina; "Bell", music. I. Arseeva, lyrics. I. Chernitskaya; “Who loves us deeply?”, music. etc. I. Arseeva; "Horse", music. I. Arseeva, lyrics. V. Tatarinova; “Quack-quack”, music. I. Arseeva, lyrics. N. Checherina.

Musical and rhythmic movements

"Rain", music. etc. E. Makshantseva; “Kozlyatki”, Ukrainian. adv. melody, lyrics E. Makshantseva; "Tambourine", Russian. adv. melody, lyrics E. Makshantseva; “Sparrows”, “Rattle, dance”, “Bell”, “Let’s take a walk”, music. I. Arseeva, lyrics. I. Chernitskaya; “This is how we can”, “March and Run”, music. E. Tilicheeva, lyrics. N. Frenkel; "Gopachok", Ukrainian. adv. melody, arr. M. Rauchwerger; “Catch-up”, music. N. Alexandrova, lyrics. T. Babacan; “From Under the Oak”, Russian. adv. dance melody; “Kitty” (for the game “Cat and Kittens”), music. V. Vitlina, lyrics. N. Naydenova; "Mikita", Belarusian. adv. melody, arr. S. Polonsky; “Dance with a handkerchief”, music. E. Tilicheeva, lyrics. I. Grantovskaya; "Polyanka", Russian. adv. melody, arr. G. Frida; “Birds” (introduction), music. G. Frida; “Stoolka”, Ukrainian. adv. melody; "Morning", music. G. Grinevich, lyrics. S. Prokofieva; "Yurochka", Belarusian. adv. dance melody, arr. An. Alexandrova; “Dance with dolls”, “Dance with handkerchiefs”, German. dance and folk melodies, lyrics A. Anufrieva; “Ay-yes”, music. V. Verkhovinets; “Where are you, bunny?”, Russian. adv. melody, arr. E. Tilicheeva.

By the end of the year, children can

Recognize familiar melodies and distinguish the pitch of sounds (high - low).

Together with the teacher, sing along to the musical phrases in the song.

Move in accordance with the nature of the music, start moving with the first sounds of music.

Perform movements: stamp your foot, clap your hands, turn your hands.

Distinguish and name musical instruments: rattles, tambourine.

Second junior group (from three to four years old)

Cultivate emotional responsiveness to music. Introduce three musical genres: song, dance, march. Promote the development of musical memory, develop the ability to recognize familiar songs and plays; feel the character of the music (cheerful, cheerful, calm), react to it emotionally.


Teach children to listen to a piece of music to the end, understand the nature of the music, recognize and determine how many parts there are in a work (one-part or two-part form); tell what the song is about. Develop the ability to distinguish sounds in pitch within an octave - seventh, to notice a change in the strength of the sound of a melody (loud, quiet). Improve the ability to distinguish the sound of musical toys, children's musical instruments (musical hammer, barrel organ, rattle, drum, tambourine, metallophone, etc.).

To promote the development of singing skills: sing without tension in the range of D (mi) - A (si); at the same tempo with everyone, pronounce the words clearly and clearly, convey the character of the song (fun, drawn-out, affectionate).

Song creativity

Learn to finish singing the melodies of lullabies with the syllable “bayu-bayu” and cheerful melodies with the syllable “la-la”. To develop the skills of composing happy and sad melodies according to the model.

Musical and rhythmic movements

Learn to move according to the two-part form of music and the strength of its sound (loud, quiet); react to the beginning of the music and its end (start and finish the movement independently). Improve basic movement skills (walking and running). Learn to march together with everyone and individually, run easily, at a moderate and fast pace to the music. Improve the quality of dance movements: stomp alternately with two feet and one foot. Develop the ability to circle in pairs, perform a straight gallop, move rhythmically to the music and according to the tempo and character of the musical piece, with or without objects, toys.





Ministry of Education of the RSFSR


BBK 74.1

Executive editor M. A. Vasilyeva

Education and training program in kindergarten/Rep. ed.
P78 M. A. Vasilyeva. - M.: Education, 1985. - 174 pp. - In the back: Ministry of Education of the RSFSR.
The program reveals the tasks of preschool institutions for education,
development and education of children from 2 months. up to 7 years. Determined by age groups
the content of physical, mental, moral, labor and aesthetic
skogo upbringing of preschool children. For each age group the program is built
varies by type of activity.

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BBK 74.1

© Publishing House "Prosveshcheniye", 1985


Thanks to the tireless care of the Communist Party and the Co.
the Vet government in our country created a progressive
public preschool education system. Preschool teachers
institutions have received national recognition and solve important problems
cial task.
“Program of education and training in kindergarten”1 developed
thana in accordance with the main directions of reform of the general
educational and vocational school. It provides
physical, mental, moral, labor and aesthetic
education and development of preschool children in accordance with their age
national and individual psychophysiological characteristics
and preparing them for school.
These tasks are solved in the process of various activities
children: play, work, education, art, which gives
the opportunity to carry out their comprehensive development and education,
preparation for school.
“The program of education and training in kindergarten” is
a mandatory document for all educators.
The influence of a teacher on a child’s development begins with the first
days of his stay in a preschool institution. From pedagogical
skill of the teacher, his ideological conviction and cultural
depends on what level of general development the child reaches,
what moral qualities he will acquire. Taking care of your health
and comprehensive development of children, maintaining their vigorous, vital
sad mood, preschool workers should
We strive to make every child’s childhood happy.
Physical education. The program provides for security
on and strengthening health, improving body functions
child, full physical development, nurturing interest
to various types of motor activity accessible to the child
style, the formation of positive moral and volitional personality traits
Physical education in a preschool institution is carried out
is used both in special physical education classes and in general
day life.
Favorable sanitary and hygiene conditions are created in the kindergarten
ical conditions, caring care for children is provided,
time in the fresh air, nutritious meals are provided,
1 When preparing the program, the “Standard Restoration Program” was used
nutrition and education in kindergarten", developed by the Research Institute of Preschool Education
nutrition APN USSR.

Morning hymns are held systematically at all times of the year.
sticks, hardening measures, if appropriate
conditions, children's swimming lessons are organized.

In all age groups, great attention is paid to
education of children's cultural and hygienic skills, proper
The program aims at consistent learning for children
motor skills and abilities, education of physical skills
qualities (agility, speed, endurance), development of coordination
movements, spatial orientation, balance, formation
the ability to assess the quality of movements performed, the right
pitchfork outdoor game.
In the physical education of preschool children, an important place is given
is devoted to both physical exercises in a playful form and active
games. In the program of senior and preparatory school groups
training of children in sports exercises and elements included
sports games (basketball, football, hockey, badminton,
table tennis, gorodki games).
Proper physical education in all age groups
can only be ensured with permanent medical teachers
technical control.
During their stay in kindergarten, children should have
the need to systematically perform morning exercises has been fostered
nastics, hardening procedures, maintaining correct posture,
and also formed strong cultural and hygienic skills,
need for daily physical activity, skills
correct, rhythmic, easy walking, running.
Children must learn to jump correctly from place to place
ha, master different types of throwing, climbing, movements with balls;
perform physical exercises clearly and accurately, rhythmically, at a given pace
exercises not only by demonstration, but also by verbal instructions,
to the music, change lanes both while moving and while standing
on the spot.
Mental education. The program provides for the development
in children in the process of educational, play, work activities
mania, imagination, thinking, formation of certain ways
skills of mental activity: ability to compare, analyze
to establish, establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships, de
make generalizations.
The main form of training is classes in which
Didactic games and gaming techniques are used extensively. Zanya
tiyas are held from September 1 to June 1. In the summer in all
groups have one lesson per day (physical education or exercise
When introducing children to the environment, nature, starting from
the younger group is expected to develop an interest in life
and human activities, natural phenomena. In every age
group, children should develop the ability to concentrate
pay attention to objects and phenomena in the environment

Body, highlight certain properties in objects, compare
collect and group them.
Much attention in the program is paid to the development of oral
children's speech. For each age group a level is determined
speech development of children, the sequence of work on
mastering the sound system of a language, its vocabulary and grammatical
skim system.
In all classes, and especially in classes on the development of
chi, familiarization with the environment, nature, works
fiction, children are led to understand that
that words denote objects and phenomena of the surrounding action
activity and have a certain meaning, which for precise
expressions of thought need to be selected that are most appropriate in meaning
Preparing children to master oral speech begins with
first group of early age. In the program of this group of basics
The main tasks are: the development of humming and babbling, the way
contributing to the development of the articulatory apparatus, auditory
sharpening and vocal reactions, accumulation of passive vocabulary and
developing the ability to repeat after the teacher some pro
the simplest words.
In the program of the second group of early age, when speech
the child becomes a means of communication with adults and peers
kami, provides for the formation of correct sound pronunciation and the development of elements of coherent speech. Starting from the first youngest
groups of children are taught to use common words in oral speech
In the middle group, children must master the correct production
by wearing all the sounds of native speech, their dialogue is improved
gical speech, skills of retelling and composing are formed
writing short stories.
In the older group, the development of phonemic awareness continues
hearing and further improvement of coherent speech.
In the preparatory group for school, preparation is provided
preparing children for literacy. The teacher must let de
tey to sound analysis of words, teach them to divide words into syllables,
make words from syllables, make sentences from words, give
statement about a word, sentence (without grammatical definition
their lenition).
Great importance for the development of speech of children of all ages
groups has an introduction to fiction. Children
learn to answer questions about the content of the texts they read,
retell what the teacher read, read expressively
In the process of reading fiction, he carries out
intellectual, moral and aesthetic education of children,
development of their emotional responsiveness, aesthetic tastes,
Teresa to the book.
By the age of 7, every child should master dialogical

And monologue speech (to be able to answer questions and ask
them, compose short stories based on the picture, on the plot, before
laid down by the teacher, consistently talk about visible
nom). Children should develop the ability to speak
in a hurry, loudly, but without tension, expressively,
In national preschool institutions, where work is carried out
in their native language, children from the first nursery group are taught
oral native speech according to a program developed in an autonomous
republic, territory, region, and from the older group - Russian language
fluent speech (2 lessons per week).
In those preschool institutions where work with non-Russian children
nationality is taught in Russian, from the senior group
native language training is introduced (2 hours per week) according to the program,
developed locally.
Activities are of great importance in the mental development of children.
tiya on the development of elementary mathematical concepts.
They are carried out starting from the second junior group. These are busy
tia should be maximally aimed at the development of children
schoolchildren's logical thinking, on the formation of correct
ideas about number.
The school preparatory group provides training
children oral composition and problem solving, familiarizing them with
numbers, signs indicating the operations of addition and subtraction
nia, equal sign, with coins in denominations of 1, 2, 3, 5,
10 kopecks. Familiarization with numbers and elements of mathematics
symbolism should contribute to a more conscious and generalized
children's knowledge acquisition.
The program aims to develop children's basic
spatial representations.
A significant place in the mental education of children is given to
The main objectives of the design program are
xia: development of children's intelligence, creativity, and constancy skills
manual activity. It is necessary that children already in the younger
and middle groups mastered the skills provided for in the program
knowledge and skills in working with play building materials,
in older preschool age - with paper, natural mate
In senior and preparatory groups, classes on
design are combined with manual labor classes.
In the process, their children become familiar with the properties of various mate
rials, tools that are used for work. Important
but so that children not only master work skills, but also feel
They knew that they made useful and necessary things: toys,
souvenirs, gifts for parents and peers.
Moral education is one of the important aspects
raising children. It is carried out in all types of activities
stity, therefore, the tasks of moral education starting from a young age
These groups go through all sections of the program.

In the moral education of children, especially in older children
school age, a large place is given to the formation of love
vi to your hometown, village, region, to the Motherland, respect to V.I. Le
Nina, to state symbols (Anthem, Flag, Coat of Arms of the USSR),
fostering friendship between children of different nationalities.
The program sets the task of education from an early age
respect for adults, cultural behavior skills, morals
vital habits, responsible attitude towards fulfilling tasks
responsibilities and responsibilities, developing the skills to play together and work
to act, to fairly evaluate one’s actions and the actions of others
children. All this is the beginning of the education of conscious dis
A favorable condition for education in kindergarten is
peer society, the opportunity for children to communicate with each other,
joint games and activities. Using this, the teacher develops
social feelings of children, their collective relationships,
creates favorable conditions for the development of individual vocational training
abilities of each child.
A special form of social life for preschool children is
independent activity - a game where they, at will,
unite, act independently, realizing their plans.
Independent play activities promote physical
mu, mental development of each child, moral education
valuable qualities (collectivism, camaraderie, kindness
sti, etc.), creative abilities.
The program defines objectives for the development and perfection
teaching all types of games, taking into account the age of children.
By the age of 7, children should learn to independently organize
play a variety of games, be able to negotiate, distribute
roles, play together, follow the established rules of the game.
Labor education in the development of the child, his moral
a large place is given to formation.
The program sets the goal of gradual development in children
(taking into account age capabilities) interest in work, desire
to work, to develop basic labor skills
sty, hard work. There are two ways to solve these problems
mi: through familiarizing children with the work of adults and directly
Participation in feasible labor activities.
The program determines what ideas about work adults
should be formed in children of each age group
py, the role of acquaintance with social
the new orientation of the work of adults, with their attitude to work.
The types and content of children’s work activities have been determined for each
age group, the tasks that are being solved are indicated
when organizing their work.
Regular participation in work activities ensures
the overall development of children gives them confidence in their abilities.
They develop powers of observation, their circle of
Teresov, responsibility, a sense of duty, hard work are brought up7

Bne. Therefore, it is important to ensure the systematic participation of all
tey in different types, labor. It is necessary to organize work this way

Children so that it activates their physical strength and mental
activity brought joy.
By the age of 7, children should be taught respect for work.
adults and a careful attitude towards its results, a desire to
take part in feasible work, achieve positive results
results, the ability to bring the job started to the end." Children should
master self-service skills, work with different materials
rials, work in a corner of nature and on the site.
Aesthetic education. The program provides for
nutrition in children in the process of getting acquainted with different types of art
tstva, with the surrounding reality of love for beauty,
enrichment of their spiritual world, development of imagination and feelings.
Aesthetic education is carried out both in classes and
outside of them. In visual arts classes, decisions are made
tasks: developing children’s first ideas about art
knowledge, the ability to perceive it, the development of drawing skills,
modeling, appliqués. In music classes, children develop
love for music, rhythmic movements to music, singing
technical skills.
In the process of aesthetic education, great importance is given to
there is correct pedagogical guidance for children's art
no amateur activity. It is important that the teacher supports
children's desire to express themselves in independent, diverse
activities: drawing, singing, dancing, dramatization, games.

The program is organized by age groups. She covers
defines four age stages of physical and mental development
development of children: early age - from birth to 2 years (first and
second early age group), junior preschool
age - from 2 to 4 years (first and second junior groups), average
age - up to 5 years (middle group), senior preschool
age - from 5 to 7 years (senior and preparatory school
Each age group provides for the formation
ideas, skills and abilities in the classroom, their consolidation and
improvement outside of class.
Successful solution of all assigned tasks of education and training
teaching children in a preschool institution is possible only with
subject to the teacher's knowledge of age and individual characteristics
the benefits of pupils, patterns of their development.


The most important tasks of raising children in the first year of life:
ensure that it is appropriate for age and physical condition
the child’s daily routine, the duration of each period of alertness
waking and sleeping, a certain sequence of their alternation
ensure full physical development, strengthen in every possible way
improve health, form movements, prepare for mastery
learning to walk independently;
form subject activity, develop activity,
auditory concentration, visual and auditory orientation,
expand children's sensory experience, teach them to understand words,
prepare for the development of active speech;
form the prerequisites for moral behavior, put
body habits, emotional responsiveness, well-wisher
negative attitude towards loved ones, children; formulate prerequisites
links of aesthetic attitude to the surrounding world.
Note: The first year of children’s life is divided into four
age periods. The education program is given for three years
age subgroups, since children in the first two months of life are
eat in the family.
Approximate daily routine
From 2 -3
up to 5-6 months

From 5-6 to 9-10 months.