Project for the development of coherent speech in children. topic "writing descriptive stories"


on the development of coherent speech in children
senior group of general developmental orientation

Topic: “Composing descriptive stories.”

Relevance of the topic.

Speech development is one of the most important acquisitions of a child in preschool childhood and is considered in modern preschool education as a general educational problem. At present, there is no need to prove that the development of speech is closely related to the development of consciousness, knowledge of the surrounding world, and the development of personality as a whole.

Language and speech have traditionally been considered in psychology, philosophy and pedagogy as a “node” in which various lines of mental development converge - thinking, imagination, memory, emotions. Being the most important means of human communication and knowledge of reality, language serves as the main channel for introducing the values ​​of spiritual culture from generation to generation, as well as a necessary condition for education and training. The development of coherent speech in preschool childhood lays the foundation for successful learning at school.

Preschool age is a period of active acquisition by a child of spoken language, the formation and development of all aspects of speech - phonetic, lexical, grammatical. Full command of the native language in preschool childhood is a necessary condition for solving the problems of mental, aesthetic and moral education of children in the most sensitive period of development.

The main tasks of speech development - nurturing the sound culture of speech, enriching and activating the vocabulary, forming the grammatical structure of speech, teaching coherent speech - are solved throughout preschool childhood, however, at each age stage the content of speech work gradually becomes more complex, and teaching methods also change. Each of the listed tasks has a whole range of problems that must be solved in parallel and in a timely manner.

In preschool childhood, the child masters, first of all, dialogic speech, which has its own specific features, manifested in the use of linguistic means that are acceptable in colloquial speech, but unacceptable in constructing a monologue, which was built according to the laws of the literary language. Only special speech education leads a child to mastering coherent speech, which is a detailed statement consisting of several or many sentences, divided according to the functional-semantic type into description, narration, and reasoning. The formation of coherent speech, the development of skills to construct a statement meaningfully and logically is one of the main tasks of speech education of a preschooler.

Thus, the relevance of the topic is determined by the unique role played by the native language in the formation of the personality of a preschool child. Every child should learn in kindergarten to express their thoughts in a meaningful, grammatically correct, coherent and consistent manner. At the same time, children’s speech should be lively, spontaneous, and expressive. Coherent speech is inseparable from the world of thoughts: coherence of speech is coherence of thoughts. Coherent speech reflects the logic of the child’s thinking, his ability to comprehend what he perceives and express it in correct, clear, logical speech. By how a child knows how to construct his statement, one can judge the level of his speech development.


Today, figurative speech, rich in synonyms, additions and descriptions, in preschool children is a very rare phenomenon. There are many problems in children's speech.

Monosyllabic speech consisting only of simple sentences. Inability to construct a common sentence grammatically correctly.

Poverty of speech. Insufficient vocabulary.

Use of non-literary words and expressions.

Poor dialogical speech: the inability to formulate a question competently and clearly, or to construct a short or detailed answer.

Inability to construct a monologue: for example, a plot or descriptive story on a proposed topic, retelling the text in your own words.

Lack of logical justification for your statements and conclusions.

Lack of speech culture skills: inability to use intonation, regulate voice volume and speech rate, etc.

Poor diction.

Therefore, pedagogical influence on the development of speech in preschoolers is a very difficult matter. It is necessary to teach children to express their thoughts coherently, consistently, and grammatically correctly, and to talk about various events from the surrounding life.

Objective of the project: learning to compose descriptive stories using a mnemonic table and without it.

Project objectives:

Teach children to compose a short descriptive story based on mnemonic tables, using their knowledge about the appearance and life of animals, birds, people, etc.

To develop the ability to select interesting facts and events for a story.

Learn to select the most accurate definitions when describing the appearance of an object of living and inanimate nature, based on a diagram.

Learn to start and finish a story on your own.

Teach children to compose a story by comparing objects, accurately denoting characteristic features with words.

Teach your child to accurately, concisely and figuratively describe objects and phenomena.

Teach children to select words for an object - epithets that characterize the object and reflect the child’s subjective attitude towards it.

Learn to come up with a story according to the proposed scheme, without deviating from the topic, without repeating the plots of your comrades.

Learn to write a story without a mnemonic table.

Learn to write a story - a description based on the subject


Learn to write a story without relying on visuals.

Expected Result: Conducting intermediate diagnostics, improving diagnostic indicators in the development of coherent speech in children.

Information about participants:

The project is designed for senior preschool age. Offers the active participation of parents, children and teachers in the work on the project.

Duration: long-term

Place of sale: group room, music room, family.

Speech development in preschoolers.

In teaching children to tell stories, the selection of interesting, bright objects, toys, and paintings is of great importance. The child should be interested in the topic. It is necessary to do a lot of work with children to develop vocabulary and expressiveness of speech. Various games and exercises are used for this. From correct understanding of words, children move on to consciously composing coherent statements of various types - narration, description, reasoning.

In games, various tasks are simultaneously solved, which are closely intertwined: selecting definitions, establishing rules for agreeing words in gender, number, case, determining the meaning of a word or selecting synonyms (words that are close in meaning) and antonyms (words that are opposite in meaning). If a word has many meanings (the phenomenon of polysemy), then games force the child to think about different meanings of the same word (sewing needle, hedgehog needle, pine needle, medical needle, etc.).

Thus, if a child is aware of the meaning of a word and at the same time sees the possibilities of combining this word with others, the change of the word, its grammatical forms, linguistic (linguistic) abilities of the child will develop more successfully.

Developmental environment in a preschool group

The truly creative development of a preschool child is most successfully carried out in an enriched subject-development environment, which ensures the unity of social and natural means, a variety of activities and enrichment of the child’s speech experience.

The developmental environment is a natural setting, rationally organized, rich in a variety of sensory stimuli and play materials. The speech development environment is not only the subject environment. It is important that it be organized in a special way for the most effective influence on the development of different aspects of each child’s speech.

The correct organization of the speech development environment makes it possible for effective educational influence aimed at forming an active cognitive attitude not only to the surrounding world, but also to the system of the native language, thereby forming an elementary awareness of the phenomena of the native language and speech.

Therefore, the organization of a speech development environment in a preschool educational institution has become the most important direction for improving the quality of work on the development of speech in preschool children. The speech development environment of a preschool educational institution is revealed as a factor that inhibits or, conversely, activates the process of a child’s speech development.

Role of an adult: filtering the harmful effects of the speech environment on a small child, organizing the impact of one’s own speech on the development of different aspects of a preschooler’s speech.

Components of the speech development environment in preschool educational institutions:

Speech by a teacher at a preschool educational institution;

Methods and techniques for guiding the development of various aspects of speech in preschool children;

Special equipment for each age group.

Competent speech of the teacher, which has a teaching and educational orientation; the main thing is the quality of its linguistic content.

Quality of teacher speech:

Correctness (compliance of speech with language norms),

Accuracy (correspondence between the semantic content of speech and the information that underlies it),

Logicity (semantic connections of speech components and relationships between parts and components of thought),

Purity (absence in speech of elements alien to the literary language),

Expressiveness (a feature of speech that captures attention and creates an atmosphere of emotional empathy),

Richness (the ability to use all linguistic units for the purpose of optimally conveying information),

Relevance (use of units in speech that correspond to the situation and conditions of communication).

Stages of the project:

1 – preparatory:

* Questionnaire of parents,

* Compiling card files of riddles and sayings.

* Selection of folk proverbs.

* A selection of poems.

* Selection of books.

* Production of attributes for theatricalization of fairy tales.

Department of Education of the City of Moscow State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution of the City of Moscow "Moscow educational complex named after Victor Talalikhin" (GAPOU IOC named after V. Talalikhin) Moscow, 2017

Relevance of the project:

At all times, the development of children's speech abilities has always been important for education. Every year the number of children suffering from speech underdevelopment increases. The children's speech becomes poor and difficult to understand. The child’s unclear speech makes it difficult for him to communicate, and he will need the help of specialists. To successfully prepare a child for school, educational programs for the upbringing and training of preschoolers include the task of developing the ability to independently compose a story based on plot pictures. With systematic work, preschoolers are able to compose a story based on a certain picture, and this does not cause difficulty for them. The stories are creative and original.

Problem: It is no secret that this type of work is not interesting for both children and teachers. But this type of work is necessary! How to interest a child! Children's stories should not be variations of the teacher's sample story; the child should not lose interest in the story of his peers.

Project goals:

  1. Mastering methods for creating your own speech product based on a plot picture.
  2. Formation of interest in preschoolers in creating their own speech product.

Project objectives:

  • Develop coherent speech.
  • Make up stories based on the given picture.
  • Learn to present coherently and consistently.
  • Learn to express your attitude towards the qualities of different characters.

Participants: Older children (5-7 years), educator, speech therapist, parents.

Materials: Methodological literature, selection of paintings by age, card index design "Didactic games for speech development" .

Main areas of work with children:

  1. Enrichment of the dictionary.
  2. Learn to select the most accurate definitions when describing paintings.
  3. Getting to know different types of paintings, viewing slides (action takes place outdoors, action takes place indoors, landscapes, no characters).
  4. Introduction to the principles of story writing (a story has a beginning, middle and end; these parts "friends" between themselves).
  5. Learn to start and finish a story on your own.
  6. Distinguish a story from a simple set of sentences.
  7. Compiling a story based on a picture using visual modeling.
  8. Learn to come up with your own story based on the proposed picture, without deviating from the topic, without repeating the stories of your comrades.
  9. A dramatization of the plot of the film.
  10. Independent speech activity of children.
  11. Cultivate attention to your speech and the speech of your comrades.
  12. Creating speech gifts in the form of a picture.

Working with parents:

  1. Consultation material for parents (list of art galleries to visit together with your child).
  2. Visiting an art gallery for parents and children (photo exhibition).

Methodological support:

  1. Lesson notes.
  2. Games.
  3. Creative tasks.

Implementation stages:

  1. stage - defining the topic and goal, creating a methodological base (January February)
  2. stage - drawing up lesson notes, diagrams for visual modeling (February March)
  3. stage - conducting classes, games (April June)
  4. stage – presentation – final lesson (June).

Planned results from the project:

For pupils:

  • They listen carefully to the question and answer in detail.
  • Make up stories.
  • Explain the content of the picture.
  • Express their attitude.

For teachers:

  • Accumulation of practical work experience by teachers.
  • Compiling a card index of didactic games.
  • Creation of material for teachers and parents.

Project products:

  • Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents in improving the coherent monologue speech of children in the process of learning storytelling from pictures.
  • Creation of a collection of speech, didactic, simulation games.

Project stage:

The project has been implemented

Objective of the project:

Creating conditions for the active use of storytelling in speech activity; teach the child to consistently and completely, in a form understandable to listeners, reproduce his personal experience, talk about impressions and experiences, and direct his attention to the essence of the events being conveyed.

Project objectives:

For children:
1. Contribute to the formation of interest in communication.
2. Develop children’s speech activity, teach them to reason, and enrich their vocabulary.
3. Teach to reflect the content of one’s own experience in games, dramatizations, theatrical activities;
4. Develop in children emotional responsiveness, attention, curiosity, communication;
5. Cultivating a sensitive attitude towards loved ones, kindness, caring, attention to others.
For teachers:
1. Increase the teacher’s competence on this topic through the introduction of project activities.
2. Replenish the developmental subject-spatial environment for children’s independent activities.
For parents:
1. Give parents knowledge about the impact on the child’s speech of such techniques for the development of coherent speech as instructions, analysis and evaluation of children’s stories, joint storytelling between parent and child.
2. Enrich parental experience with techniques of interaction and cooperation with the child in the family.
3. Invite parents to actively participate in the project.

Results achieved over the past year:

For children:
1. The child’s spiritually rich personality has developed as an active participant in the project;
2. In the process of getting acquainted with the outside world, GCD for coherent speech, the dictionary became more active, grammatically correct speech developed, and clear pronunciation was practiced. Children are good at coming up with stories from their own experience, based on a plot picture, a series of pictures; retell texts, recite poems;

For parents:
1. The joint creativity of parents and children took place.
2. Parents became interested in working together with a teacher-speech therapist using techniques to improve the child’s speech.
3. Parents have developed the ability to see the child as an individual, respect his opinion, and discuss upcoming work with him.
4. Interest of parents in the life of the group, evoking a desire to participate in it.

Social significance of the project:

In recent years, there has been a sharp decline in the level of speech development of preschool children. One of the reasons for the decline in the level of speech development is the passivity and ignorance of parents in matters of children's speech development. The participation of parents in the speech development of the child plays a colossal role.

Activities carried out within the framework of the project:

GCD for various types of productive activities (design, modeling, drawing; appliqué) on lexical topics;
GCD for coherent speech using mnemonic squares, mnemonic tracks, mnemonic tables, diagrams of stories of a chain structure; collages; laptop;
telling poetry;
retelling of texts;
consultations for parents;
The final event is a comprehensive educational activity “How I spent my summer” with a photo exhibition;
Preparation of reporting documentation, photo report on the personal website of the teacher - speech therapist of the MDOU.

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 5"

Volokolamsk municipal district

Moscow region

in children of senior preschool age

"By the river"

Prepared by:

teacher-speech therapist: Kalashnikova L.V.

Project for the development of coherent speech

for children of senior preschool age “By the River”.

The project is educational - practical, short-term.

I . Explanatory note

1.1.Relevance of the topic

In preschool agethe foundations are laid for the formation of clear, beautiful, grammatically correct speech, which is an important condition for the mental and speech development of the child. The development of coherent speech and the formation of communication skills is one of the main speech tasks that a speech therapist sets for himself.

The insufficient level of development of coherent speech in children with special needs development is an obstacle to successful learning at school. Currently, the number of children with speech pathology is increasing. Speech disorders negatively affect the child’s adaptation and socialization at school, academic performance, and the development of the child’s mental abilities and personal qualities.

Good, clear, literate speech is an indicator of the level of development of a preschooler.Speech is a means of regulating higher mental functions. The regulatory function of speech appears towards the end of preschool age and is of great importance for the transition to school education.

The development of monologue speech is the highest form of speech-thinking activity, which determines the level of speech and mental development of the child.

In the system of speech therapy classes, teaching children with ODD lexically rich, clear and grammatically correct coherent speech is the most relevant. To achieve coherence of speech, it is necessary to be able not only to convey the content of the text, its semantic links, but also to use the vocabulary accumulated during the training process in a speech therapy group, select adequate semantic substitutions, be able to construct a sentence grammatically and syntactically correctly, and also use a variety of means of expressiveness: intonation , logical (phrase) stress, have good diction.

1.2 . Objective of the project:

Develop coherent speech in children with special needs developmental disabilities;

1.3. Tasks:


- consolidation and development of children's verbal communication skills.

Formation of skills in constructing coherent monologue statements.

Development of control and self-control skills for constructing coherent monologue statements.

A gradual transition from the formation in children of reproductive forms of speech (based on a model) to independent ones, from statements based on visualization to statements of their own design.

Consolidating ideas about insects, their appearance, way of life;

Expanding knowledge about flowers and trees in the summer;

Clarification, activation and expansion of the dictionary on lexical topics “Insects”, “Flowers”, “Summer”;

Improving the grammatical structure of speech (use and formation of nouns and adjectives in indirect cases singular and plural, agreement of pronouns and numerals with nouns, selection of antonym words)

Expand and activate the subject, verbal dictionary and dictionary of signs in children according to the plot picture;

Practice composing and distributing proposals for a painting;

Practice making sentences based on supporting words;

Learn to spread suggestions with the help of leading questions from a speech therapist and independently;

Learn to compose a coherent story based on a plot picture;

Learn to enrich the narration of a story with expressive means of the Russian language (homogeneous members of a sentence, epithets, synonyms);


Targeted impact on the activation and development of a number of mental processes (perception, memory, imagination, thinking), closely related to the formation of oral speech communication skills.

Stimulation of children's mental and speech activity;

Development of general and fine motor skills;

Development of respiratory function;


Foster a caring, caring attitude and love for living nature;

Stimulate positive emotions in children;

1.4. Expected results:

Development of the skill of independently composing a story based on a plot picture.

II . Conditions for the implementation of the project.

2.1. Implementation period - three weeks (June).

2.2. Children's age– senior speech therapy group

2.3. As a result of the project, the child should:

Improve verbal communication skills in older children, skills in constructing coherent monologue statements;

- have an idea about insects, flowers and trees in the summer;

Enrich your active and passive vocabulary on the lexical topics “Insects”, “Flowers”, “Summer”;

Be able to practically use nouns and adjectives in indirect singular cases in speech. and many more numbers, coordinate pronouns and numerals with nouns, select antonym words;

Be able to select action words and attribute words for objects;

Expand and activate your subject, verb vocabulary and vocabulary of signs in children according to the plot picture;

Be able to compose and distribute proposals for a plot picture;

Be able to compose and distribute sentences based on supporting words;

Be able to disseminate suggestions with the help of leading questions from a speech therapist and independently;

Be able to compose a coherent story based on a plot picture;

Be able to enrich the narration of a story with expressive means of the Russian language (homogeneous members of a sentence, epithets, synonyms);

Use finger exercises, breathing exercises and exercises to develop fine and gross motor skills in everyday life and in play situations;

III. Project Implementation Plan





Preparatory stage

Search, study of effective technologies and methods in the field of formation of lexical and grammatical categories and development of coherent speech in children with SLD

teacher speech therapist

Kalashnikova L.V.

May 2016

Development and accumulation of methodological materials, recommendations on the problem.

teacher speech therapist

Kalashnikova L.V.

May 2016

Drawing up approximate long-term planning for working with children.

teacher speech therapist

Kalashnikova L.V.

May 2014

Strengthening the material and technical base:

Purchase of manuals, methodological literature;

Production and design of didactic games, handouts and demonstration materials

teacher speech therapist

Kalashnikova L.V.

during the project implementation

Activity stage


Direct educational activities (preliminary work)

theme "Insects"

    Lexico-grammatical lesson on

theme "Summer"

    Lexico-grammatical lesson on

theme "Flowers"

    Final lesson on the development of coherent speech “By the River” (composing a story based on a plot picture)

teacher speech therapist

Kalashnikova L.V.

teacher speech therapist

Kalashnikova L.V.

teacher speech therapist

Kalashnikova L.V.

teacher speech therapist

Kalashnikova L.V.






Individual work

    Examination of illustrations on the topics “Insects”, “Summer”, “Flowers”, subject pictures on the topic “On a hike”

    Consolidation of general concepts.

    Looking at insects on the street, naming their body parts.

    Examination of summer flowers, trees, naming their parts

    Graphic tasks: trace the outline, shade the flower, complete what is missing.

    D/games “One and Many”, “Count”, “Greedy”,... etc.

    D/games “The fourth odd one”, “Who (what) is missing?”, “Who is there a lot in the meadow?”, “What should we take with us on a trip to the river?”... etc.

teacher speech therapist

Kalashnikova L.V.

teacher speech therapist

Kalashnikova L.V.

teacher speech therapist

Kalashnikova L.V.

teacher speech therapist

Kalashnikova L.V.

teacher speech therapist

Kalashnikova L.V.

teacher speech therapist

Kalashnikova L.V.

teacher speech therapist

Kalashnikova L.V.

Preliminary work in May, consolidation during the project








Individual-subgroup work

    Exercises for coordination of speech with movement: “Caterpillar”, “Guess where we were”, “Moth”, “Bee”, outdoor games “River”, “On the lawn”

    Finger gymnastics: “Flower”, “Spider”, “Bee”

    D breathing exercises: “Blow on a butterfly, on a bee, on a dragonfly,” exercises to develop the duration of speech exhalation.

    D/i “Correct Dunno’s mistakes”

    D/games “Pick a sign”, “Pick an action” and others

    Making sentences based on reference pictures, based on reference words, based on a picture,

    Dissemination of proposals by homogeneous members, other members of proposals

    Guessing riddles

teacher speech therapist

Kalashnikova L.V.

teacher speech therapist

Kalashnikova L.V.

teacher speech therapist

Kalashnikova L.V.

teacher speech therapist

Kalashnikova L.V.

teacher speech therapist

Kalashnikova L.V.

teacher speech therapist

Kalashnikova L.V.

teacher speech therapist

Kalashnikova L.V.

teacher speech therapist

Kalashnikova L.V.









The final stage


Working with parents

    Mini-consultation for parents

“Developing coherent speech”

    Presentation on the project “By the River”

teacher speech therapist

Kalashnikova L.V.

teacher speech therapist

Kalashnikova L.V.



IV . Methodological support



Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V. “Elimination of general speech underdevelopment in preschool children” M.: Iris-press, 2008

Nishcheva N.V. “Notes of subgroup lessons in the preparatory group of a kindergarten for children with special needs development”

St. Petersburg: “Childhood-Press”, 2007

Agranovich Z.E. “Collection of homework for speech therapists and parents.” St. Petersburg,: Childhood-Press, 2002

Lalaeva R.I., Serebryakova N.V. “Formation of grammatical vocabulary in children with special needs development” -- St. Petersburg, 2001.

Tkachenko T.A. “Formation of lexico-grammatical concepts” (collection of exercises) – M,: Gnom i D, 2001

Buneeva R.N., Buneev E.V. “On the road to the ABC” --M,: Balass, 2002

Internet resources

V . Didactic support.



Demo material:




A series of narrative paintings on the theme “Summer”;

Subject picture “By the River”

Fiction for reading and looking at illustrations.

- Riddles about insects, flowers, summer.

N. Zabolotsky “On the River”

Song “Snail” in Moldova, arranged by Tokmakova I.

Russian folk song “Here comes the red summer”

Song "Ladybug..."

Russian folk song “Knock on the oak tree...”

Stories by Bianca V.

In Kataev "Tsvetik-semitsvetik"

Didactic games

D/I "Greedy"

D/I “One and Many”

D/I "Count"

D/I “Who are many (in the meadow)”?

D/I “Pick a sign”

D/I “Where is the object?”

2 sets

by number of children

by number of children

by number of children

2 sets

one poster


On the topic "Insects"

On the topic "Flowers"

On the topic "Trees"

Handouts for the games “Who are many?”, “Count?”

by number of children

by number of children

by number of children

by number of children

Audio and video recordings for showing and listening:

Presentation "Insects"

Presentation "Flowers"

Video material “Summer”

Card indexes:

    finger gymnastics

    coordination of speech with movement

    breathing exercises