Approximate planning of educational work (for a week) in the senior group on the topic: generous gifts of nature (harvest festival) methodological development (senior group) on the topic. Thematic planning for the week in the senior group

March 8

Lesson summary on the topic: Autumn in the senior group of preschool educational institutions

Author: Artemenko Olga Nikolaevna, teacher at MBDOU kindergarten "Teremok" p. Novokievsky Uval
Description of material: The material may be useful to primary education teachers and kindergarten teachers.
To consolidate the general concepts of “vegetables” and “fruits”, the characteristic properties of vegetables and fruits, learn to talk about the benefits of vegetables and fruits; systematize knowledge about people’s work in the fall; to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature and respect for people’s agricultural work. place the image throughout the sheet: above, below, to the right, to the left; the ability to paint a variety of trees, using different colors of paint for the trunks and various brush techniques;

Materials and equipment: computer, projector, A4 paper, paints, brushes, napkins.

GCD move:

1. Introduction of the game moment.
- I suggest you go visit Autumn. She prepared amazing gifts for all the children.
2. Introducing the gifts of autumn.
- So, guys, I’ll read a poem about a time of year like autumn. And pay attention to what gifts she gives us.
Hello, hello, golden autumn.
Autumn is harvest time.
You see, autumn, how hard we worked,
How did you not be lazy in the field all summer?
Hello, hello, golden autumn,
Filled with sweet apple juice,
Everything is fine in the garden too,
Lots of different vegetables in the garden.
Lots of ripe cherries and raspberries,
There is a lot of honey in bee houses.
We invite everyone to visit,
The richer we are, the more we treat them.

What gifts does autumn give us? Guess the riddles about the gifts of autumn (View the presentation “We will name everything that grew in the garden bed in order!”).
- Well done! Now let’s play the game “Autumn we’ll ask” (poem by Elena Blaginina)
Rules of the game: Children choose Autumn and Rain using a counting rhyme. “Rain” hides, and “Autumn” goes into the middle of the circle. Children begin to walk slowly and sing:
Hello, autumn! Hello, autumn!
It's good that you came to us.
We, Autumn, will ask you,
What did you bring as a gift?
Autumn: I brought you flour!
Children (in chorus): So there will be pies!
Autumn: I brought you buckwheat!
Children: There will be porridge in the oven!
Autumn: I brought you vegetables!
Children: for both porridge and cabbage soup!
Autumn: are you excited about pears?
Children: We'll dry them for future use!
Autumn: apples are like honey!
Children: For jam, for compote!
Autumn: Brought honey too!
Children (surprised): Full deck!

After this, the children spin around and sing:
You and apples, you and honey.
You brought bread too.
And good weather
Did you give us a gift?
Autumn: Are you happy about the rain? (smiles slyly)
Children (in unison): We don’t want it, we don’t need it! (throw into the loose)
The rain comes out and catches up with the children, saying:
Who will get caught in the rain?
He'll drive now.
The one he caught becomes Rain, and the children choose a new Autumn.
3. Drawing “Golden Autumn”
- Let's thank the hostess Autumn and draw her portrait. What do trees look like in autumn decoration? What different trees. Have you seen the bushes? Paint the picture “Golden Autumn”. Think about the composition of the drawing - the position of the sheet of paper, the placement of images.
Children depict golden autumn on their own according to plan.
4 . Bottom line
-Look at all the drawings and choose the most expressive and neatest ones. Autumn thanks us for the gifts and gives everyone a leaf token.

Presentation on the topic: Gifts of autumn

Larisa Rudenko
"Gifts of Autumn" Calendar plan in the senior group

Calendar plan for the senior group on the topic: « Gifts of Autumn» . Completed by teacher MBDOU 119 Rudenko L.V.

Joint activity of the teacher with children in the process of regime moments. Organization of independent activities of children Interaction between the teacher and the family

Morning Dining duty.

Learn to set the table correctly and accurately as shown by the teacher.

Didactic game "Say the opposite". Learn

Children choose antonym words.

Conversation on the topic: "Oh still life". Looking at reproductions of paintings "Vegetables" A. Lentulov and “Moscow food. Bread" I. Mashkov. Strengthen the idea of ​​still life.

Individual work of FEMP. With Misha and Alena, consolidate counting within 5 (quantitative and ordinal, using counting material.

Organization of the exhibition « Gifts of Autumn» .

Bring in dummies of vegetables and baked goods for role-playing games.

Introduce colored modules for outdoor games.

Prepare natural materials for children’s productive activities. Post information in the parent's corner about the topic of the week and the purpose of its implementation.

Invite them to take a self-guided tour of a store or market. Target: pay attention to the vegetable and bakery departments, the work of sellers.

Direct educational activities. Cognition. “Bread is the head of everything”

Target: introduce the journey of a grain from field to table (how bread is made).

Program content:

Cognition: -summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about bread, the process of growing and making bread, the variety of bakery products;

Bring children to an understanding of caring for nature and reasonable human intervention;

Work: - on the basis of expanding knowledge about the world around us, to instill in children respect for working people (grain growers, bakers, careful attitude to bread;

Forms of work: showing, explaining, talking, posing problem situations, reading fiction.

Preliminary work: guessing riddles about bread; memorizing poems and chants about bread; explanation and memorization of proverbs and sayings about bread; reading stories by M. Glinskaya "Bread", M. Prishvina "Fox Bread"; comparison of ears of rye and wheat; comparison of wheat and rye bread by color, shape, taste.

Artistic creativity. Dough modeling "Buns".

Target: continue to develop children’s interest in dough modeling and the ability to create relief figures;

To achieve the implementation of expressive, bright design of the product, complementing the work with decorative elements;

Forms of work:


Teacher demonstration

Playing with crafts.

Walk. Observation of plants: maple in September. Target: fix the names of the parts of the tree, pay attention to the beauty of its leaves, choose the most accurate designations of colors and shades.

Forms of work: showing, looking at, talking, reading fiction.

Work assignments: cleaning the garden.

Target: to instill in children hard work and a desire to achieve results.

Recall with your children the necessary conditions for growing vegetables. determine the ripeness of vegetables.

Forms of work: conversation, joint work.

Sport game "Towns".

Target: introduce children to the folk game and the history of its origin.

Develop dexterity in children.

Teach children to negotiate with each other while playing.

Forms of work: conversation, explanation, joint activity. Add attributes for organizing outdoor games (slides, soccer ball, scooters).

Involve Nikita and Semyon in joint games with the children.

Enrichment of the game experience:

Excursion to the post office.

Invite parents and their children to make crafts from natural materials or draw a still life.

Develop children's cognitive processes, consolidate and clarify children's knowledge about the days of the week, the autumn months and about autumn;

- generalize the concepts of vegetables and fruits;

Strengthen orientation in space, knowledge of numbers;

In understanding and correct use of spatial adverbs and adjectives;

Develop curiosity, verbal initiative, speed of reaction, breadth of perception, creativity, imagination.

Visualization: table “Vegetables and fruits”, subject pictures.

Progress of classes in the senior group of kindergarten

1. Organizational moment

2. Main part:

Educator: Children, do you know what day it is today? Yes, that's right, Friday. What day will it be tomorrow? How many days are there in a week? Well done kids. Let's remember the poem we know about the week.

(Children recite a poem)

There are exactly 7 days in a week

Let's study all the names.

First day of all weeks

It will be called MONDAY.

TUESDAY is the second day,

He stands in front of the environment.


It was always the third day.

AND THURSDAY, the fourth day,

He wears his hat on one side.

Fifth - FRIDAY - sister,

A very fashionable girl.

After Friday is SATURDAY, where work ends,

Well, what is the seventh day?

SUNDAY, everyone knows - a day off!

Educator: Children, what month is it? That's right - October. What about the time of year? How can autumn be called differently? It’s true that this is a generous time of year, but why do we call it that? She came to our group and left her gifts. Let's go see what she put in our basket.

(Children sit at the “Vegetables and Fruits” table)

Educator: Kids, let's look together at what is here. We know a lot about autumn gifts. Let's remember. Are you ready to answer? Yes, attention is the first task.

Name the autumn gifts:

A) which people collect in the garden:

Apple, pear, plum, grapes.

B) which people collect in the garden:

Carrots, beets, potatoes, garlic, onions, peppers, eggplants, cabbage, cucumber, tomato.

C) say in one word:

Potatoes, beets, carrots, eggplant are vegetables.

Apple, pear and grape are fruits

D) what is the name of the garden: if you get into a garden where apple trees grow, then this garden is called an apple garden; pears - pear; plums - plum; grapes - grape. And let's call all these gardens in one word - fruit gardens.

D) name everything that is necessary for the growth of vegetables and fruits - sun, water.

Find words that you can say he - she - it;

E) now we will turn into little chefs and make juice by name:

Apple - apple

Tomato - tomato

Carrot - carrot

Apple and carrot - apple - carrot

Grapes - grape

Plum - plum

G) let's cook borscht - name everything you need to prepare borscht.

H) Let's make soup - a similar task.

Well done guys, you know how to cook deliciously.

Exercise "The fifth odd one"

(select an extra one from a group of items)

Look carefully at the first row and tell me what is superfluous in it, why?

Game "What's Missing"

Name everything you see in the fourth row. Close your eyes, open them and tell me what is missing? Well done guys, you know how to play well.

Name a word that begins with a vowel sound;

Name a word that begins with the sound k, m, b, etc.

Come up with a story using reference pictures - sun, tree, apple, canned food.

Sunshine, water, vegetable garden, cucumber tomato.

Exercise “Quickly name the color”

Show pictures, and children quickly name its color (for example, green cabbage, etc.)

Exercise “Say kindly”

Apple - apple;

Cucumber - cucumber;

Well done on how much you know about the gifts of autumn. Remind me where all the fruits and vegetables grow? You and I also have a vegetable garden in our garden. Let's tell you what grew on it.

(Children stand in a circle, say pure words, accompanying with movements)

Od-od-od - we have a nice vegetable garden, (they move their arms around themselves)

Uk-uk-uk - onions grew in the garden, (they show with their left hand)

Ov-ov-ov- and the beautiful carrot, (showed with the right hand)

Ol-ol-ol - and delicious beans, (pat themselves on the tummy)

Ta-ta-ta - and thick cabbage. (imitate something thick with their hands)

Children, what do people do when they reap a bountiful harvest? Yes, that’s right, they preserve it, and they also store it in basements and barns. Let us also put vegetables and fruits on shelves in the basement. Are you kids ready for something like this? Well then, sit down at the tables. Attention!

(Children sit at tables where a didactic frame is placed in front of them, that is, a playing field lined into squares and a set of subject pictures)

Educator: We have a large warehouse, and there are many shelves in it. Let's store carrots on shelf number 1. Put potatoes on shelf number 5. Let's return to the shelf where we put the carrots, go down 2 steps from it and leave the cabbage on this shelf for storage. Place an apple to the right of the cabbage. Let's put a pear on the third shelf. Place beets between carrots and pears. Let's go back to the shelf where we put the potatoes, go down three steps from it and return to the left one step and put the onion.

3. Final part

Well, you all coped with this task. The harvest will now be stored in our warehouse. And no winter is scary for us. And gifts from Autumn await you.

Irina Budnikova
Calendar and thematic planning. Thematic week “Gifts of Autumn” (senior group)

Thematic week:« Gifts of Autumn»

Target: Expand children's understanding of autumn. Develop the ability to establish the simplest connections between the phenomena of living and inanimate nature (it got colder - butterflies disappeared, flowers faded, etc., conduct seasonal observations. Expand ideas about agricultural professions, about the profession of a forester. Expand knowledge about vegetables and fruits. Expand ideas about the rules safe behavior in nature. Develop a caring attitude towards nature.

Final event: holiday "Golden autumn» . Competition of flat crafts made from natural materials « Autumn Hermitage» .

Working with parents

Educational activities

Individual workEducational activities during restricted periods

Cognition (FCCM)

Subject: "Garden"

Target: expand children’s generalized ideas about vegetables and where they grow. Find out how they are cared for and what is cooked from them. Remind that vegetables contain many vitamins

(Kaushkal, Karpeeva "FCCM senior group» , page 13)

9.30-9.55 Construction (from paper)

Subject: "Basket"

Learn to fold a square sheet into 9 and 16 small ones. Make cuts along the four fold lines, fold and glue the basket. (Kutsakova “Design and artistic work. Lesson 16 p. 69)

Preparation for sleep: listening to audio fairy tales

(complex No. 2)

15.40-16.05 Musical activities (By specialist plan) Individual development work speeches: learning poems about autumn

Exercise children in clear pronunciation of sounds "z" And "With". “Drawing up a sequence of events during the day”

Target: consolidate the concepts of morning, day, evening, night. Morning

Conversation: « Autumn» .

Target: systematize children's knowledge about autumn;

Di "Who does this?" Target: identify and expand children’s knowledge about the professions of people who grow and harvest crops.

Walk No. Sep. p.

Reading and dramatization of a poem by Y. Tuwim "Vegetables"

Target: develop children’s ability to transform into the desired role.

D/game exercise "Labyrinth" reap the harvest.

Target: development of fine motor skills of the hands, visual perception, attention.

Looking at the album « Gifts of Autumn»

Work in the creativity center

Drawing vegetables and fruits.

Di "Vegetable store"

Target: teach children group vegetables and fruits according to one or more characteristics Updating information in the parent corner "Walking in the fall with a child»

Individual conversation with Sergei’s family about the child’s attitude towards adults

Joint activities between adults and children

Independent activities of children

Working with parents

Educational activities

Individual work Educational activities during special times


Subject: "Trip to autumn forest»

Target: generalize children's presentation autumn, about the forest and its inhabitants in autumn period;

To consolidate, clarify, and expand knowledge about the world around us through the activation of the child’s life experience. Learn to form possessive adjectives; Strengthen the ability to form adjectives from nouns; Strengthen spatial orientation skills;

Fine art (applique/sculpting)

Subject: « Autumn paintings» Teach children to create plot compositions from natural materials - dried leaves, petals, seeds; develop a sense of color and composition. To foster interest and respect for nature, to evoke a desire to preserve its beauty in arrangements and floral compositions. Lykova I. A.,

Gradual rise. Hardening procedures. Gymnastics after sleep, (complex no. 2)

physical cult. (By plan physical education instructor) Individual work on speech development.

“Name the signs autumn»

Conversation “What is a harvest? Why is it collected? in autumn

Target: expand children's knowledge about gifts autumn. Explain why maturation occurs exactly in autumn.

Apple experiment

Target: show how an apple turns black when cut - this iron changes its beneficial properties for us in the air.

D/game “Which tree is the fruit from?”

Target: clarify children’s knowledge about fruit trees.

Outdoor game "Gathering the Harvest"

Target: consolidate knowledge about vegetables and fruits, the ability to run without colliding with each other.

Examination of ears of wheat, rye, oats, sorghum

Target: tell children what is produced from each grain crop

Unregulated activities of children.

Contribute to the prevention of emotional overstrain, develop the ability to find something to do to your liking, and communicate constructively with peers.

Invite parents to take part in the final exhibition based on the results weeks.

Morning exercises (By PHYS instructor plan)

Cognition (FEMP)

Subject: "Lesson 4"

- quantity and account: number and numbers 1, 2, 3; correlating the number of objects with a number.

Geometric figures: square, laying out a square from even sticks, working in a checkered notebook.

(mathematics for children 5-6 years old, page 26)

Fine art (drawing)

Subject: "Riddles from the garden"

Target: Learn to convey the shape and characteristic features of vegetables by their description in riddles; create expressive color and fantasy images. I. A. Lykova Page 44

Preparation for sleep: listening to audio fairy tales

(complex no. 2) walking along massage paths, washing your face, neck, and hands with cool water.

15.40-16.05 physical. cult. on site

D/game "The Fourth Wheel"

Target: consolidate the concepts of vegetables and fruits

Conversation "Forest gifts of autumn»

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about edible and inedible mushrooms and berries. About the rules for their collection.

D/game "Third wheel"

Target: ability to distinguish between edible and inedible mushrooms and berries.

Reading sayings about autumn and harvest.

Target: develop the ability to listen and understand meaning.

Watching a cartoon "Tops and Roots",

Consolidating knowledge about parts of plants.

D/game "Find the seed"

Target: show children that big fruits grow from small seeds. Learn to distinguish whether seeds belong to a particular vegetable or fruit.

Consideration theme album« Gifts of autumn from the forest» (berries, mushrooms)

Target: expand children's understanding of gifts autumn from the forest

Independent activity of children in activity centers.

Target: invite children to choose their own activity. Ability to play in pairs group.

Morning exercises

Communication (speech development)

Subject: Retelling the story of Y. Taits "Obedient Rain"

Target: coherent speech, learn to retell a text, lead to the education of professions based on occupations. Learn to name items necessary for people of a particular profession.

(Ushakova. Classes on speech development p. 103)

9.45-10.10 musical activity (By specialist plan)

Preparation for sleep: listening to audio fairy tales

15.00-15.15 Gradual rise. Hardening procedures. Gymnastics after sleep, (complex no. 2) walking along massage paths, washing your face, neck, and hands with cool water. Individual work “Hatching in a given direction”

Individual task to consolidate the composition of numbers"

Working in a corner of nature: a game "What is my name?"

Target: activate the names of indoor plants in children’s speech, teach them to pronounce them correctly. Talk about the features of caring for plants.

Di “Find the same vegetable or fruit” (by shape, color)

Target: consolidate the ability to classify by color, shape, size.

Russian folk game "Tsar Potato"

Target: practice catching the ball, develop dexterity.

Competition of riddles about vegetables and fruits.

Viewing an exhibition of creative works. Discussion. Examining dummies of vegetables and fruits

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about where and how different types of vegetables and fruits grow.

S/r game “Vegetable shop”.

To develop independence and initiative in children, to develop the ability to choose a game based on their interests, and to help bring children together to play.

Design of an exhibition of creative works

Musical morning exercises

Subject: Reading a story by G. Skrebitsky « Autumn»

Target: to cultivate an emotional perception of a work, to teach how to convey one’s impressions.

(T. M. Bondarenko Complex classes p. 132)

Preparation for sleep: listening to audio fairy tales

15.00-15.15 Gradual rise.

Hardening procedures.

Gymnastics after sleep, (complex no. 2) walking along massage paths, washing your face, neck, and hands with cool water.

Individual work D/i "Tops and Roots"

Target: fix the names of the parts of vegetables

Learning pure tongues

Target: consolidate the pronunciation of sounds "G", "To"

Canteen duty.

Target: Teach children to use the canteen duty skills learned earlier. Note the features of duty in senior group(independence, speed and coordination of actions, distribution of responsibilities).

D/game "Lesovik and wild berries". "Fold the picture"

Target: consolidate children’s knowledge about wild berries (name, appearance, places of growth, beneficial properties).

Games with building materials "Warehouse for vegetables".

To form children’s ideas about various types of crop storage, their functional purpose, structure;

Free creative activity (sculpting, drawing, applique) on the topic « Gifts of Autumn» berries, mushrooms, vegetables, fruits

Topic of the week: “Gifts of Autumn (mushrooms, berries, etc.)”, “Food”

Morning. Group work.

Self-care: learning to dress and undress independently.

Tasks . To reinforce children’s correct performance of actions when putting on various items of clothing, developing the ability to act independently, help friends, neatly put clothes in a locker, and maintain order in it. Cultivate a caring attitude towards clothing.

Conversation "Mushrooms and berries - gifts of the forest."

Tasks : introduce the variety of mushrooms and berries.

Individual work with duty officers.

Tasks . Teach children to plan their activities when carrying out individual assignments, and evaluate the compliance of actions with the plan.

Role-playing game: “Journey into the forest”

Tasks : Help create a gaming environment, establish interaction between those who have chosen certain roles; consolidate knowledge about the world around us and the work of a driver; develop feelings of a team, the ability to achieve goals using acceptable methods of communication; develop communication skills, friendships and partnerships.

Game “Big-small”

Tasks: development of thinking, enrichment of vocabulary.

Mushroom - fungus, mushroom




Raspberry - raspberry
Strawberry - strawberry

Blueberry – blueberry

Cranberry - cranberry, etc.

Printed board game "Loto".

Tasks . Exercise children in selecting generalizing words, using previously acquired knowledge and classification skills.


One two three four five, (fingers of both hands “hello”,
starting with more.)
We're going for a walk in the forest.(both hands “go” with index and
middle fingers on the table.)
For blueberries, for raspberries,(Bend your fingers, starting with

For lingonberries, for viburnum.
We'll find strawberries
And we'll take it to my brother.







Morning. Walk.

Rowan Observation

Tasks : continue to introduce children to rowan.

Progress of observation:

Various birds flew away,

Their sonorous chorus has ceased,

And the rowan tree celebrates autumn,

Putting on red beads. O. Vysotskaya

The teacher asks the children questions.

    What does rowan look like?

    Where does it grow?

    What animals love rowan berries?

    What birds peck rowan berries and when?

    What does rowan give to people?

Like a beautiful maiden, she threw a shawl embroidered with various golden-red leaves over her shoulders and put on a necklace of scarlet berries. It grows in forests, parks and gardens. If a bear finds a rowan tree in the forest, strewn with clusters of berries, he will deftly tilt the flexible tree and enjoy its fruits with pleasure. Forest giants-elks, reaching to the very top of the tree, eat fruits and branches with appetite. Berries that fall to the ground are picked up by voles, hedgehogs, chipmunks and squirrels. On pre-winter November days, flocks of bullfinches and waxwings arrive. They stick around the rowan and peck its juicy sweet berries. Rowan berries are used to make jam and jam, and rowan honey is fragrant and healthy. Rowan has good wood - heavy, elastic and durable. They make dishes from it, handles for axes and hammers, and beautiful baskets are woven from flexible branches.

Labor activity. Collecting poplar, rowan, and birch leaves for autumn crafts.

Tasks : learn to carefully collect and distinguish leaves of different trees.

Outdoor game: “At the bear in the forest”

Tasks : Teach children to act on the teacher’s signal. Learn to coordinate your actions according to the rules of the game.

Individual work with __________________________________________________ Development of movements.

Tasks : teach jumping on one (right, left) leg.

Ball games “Edible - inedible mushrooms”, “Name yourself by the color of your cap”.

Tasks: know the names of edible and inedible mushrooms, their distinctive features; be able to quickly respond to the teacher’s command, catch the ball without holding it to the chest.



Prog. sod. _______________________________________________________________________________________





Liter: ________________________________________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________________________________________Plot-didactic game “Family” - “Mushroom preparations for the winter.”

Tasks : consolidate methods of preparing mushrooms for the winter: drying, marinades, pickles.

Exercise for developing fine motor skills “Shade the mushroom cap”

Tasks: know the colors of the most common mushrooms in the area; be able to paint a pattern rhythmically, in one direction, without gaps.

Familiarization with fiction.

Learning the nickname:

The little earthling is kind,
Grow a mushroom -
Mushroom mushroom,
In the pine forest.

Tasks . Introduce children to the concept of “click”, explain why they are needed and how they are used. Help you remember and tell the nickname with expression.

Individual work on speech development with _________________________________________________

Tasks . Exercise children in the formation of diminutive forms of nouns, teach them to use similar words in various speech constructions.

Evening. Walk.

Insect observation.

Tasks . Help children discover clusters of beetles under stones, inon the wood of hidden flies, butterflies, offer to explain why insects are hiding. Strengthen children's ideas about how cold it iscutting and shortening the length of the day changes the lives of animals.

Game exercise "Mushroom pickers"

The teacher says: “Now one of you will be a mushroom picker, and the rest will be mushrooms. Each mushroom will find a place for itself in the forest, and the mushroom picker will look carefully and remember. After this, the mushroom picker and the mushrooms dance, when the music ends, the mushroom picker turns away, and the mushrooms take their place. Then the mushroom picker will check whether the mushrooms are seated correctly.

Independent motor activity of children.

Tasks . Teach children to independently organize outdoor games, find activities of interest, and use a variety of sports attributes in physical activity.



Morning. Group work.

Working with parents ______________________________________________________________________________



Formation of cultural and hygienic skills: conversation “These kind words.”

Tasks . Discuss various situations with the children, find out what polite words need to be used in each of them (thank you for the service provided, say hello, say goodbye, apologize, etc.).

Duty in a corner of nature: exercise “Flower Island”.

Tasks . Teach children to independently carry out various tasks related to caring for plants. Learn to observe plants, notice what changes happen to them from season to season.

Continue my proposal

Tasks : know where mushrooms grow; be able to listen carefully to a sentence, finish it, choosing the correct name of the mushrooms.

The teacher offers children options of their choice.

In a birch grove they grow... (boletus mushrooms).

They grow under the aspen trees... (boletus).

They grow in the spruce forest... (buttery).

In a mixed forest they grow... (White mushrooms).

They grow on old stumps... (honey mushrooms).

Sentences can be constructed in reverse: “Boletus mushrooms grow in...”.

Individual work with _________________________________________________ Work in a corner of nature: exercise “What day is it today?”

Tasks . Invite children to use the ability to fill out a calendar based on graphic guidelines to record their observations in nature, and learn to determine the weather on their own.

Game "In the Forest"

Tasks: to activate and enrich children’s vocabulary on the lexical topic “Mushrooms”.

Progress of the game. The teacher invites the children to listen to the story and add to it. You can display pictures of mushrooms in front of the children.

Autumn has come. You go into the forest and gasp. Trees in golden attire stand, breaking through the branches

Sun rays. You look around and understand - it’s not for nothing that they say that the autumn forest is a gift rich. Here red caps flash under the aspen tree. This is a friendly family. And under the birch tree there are slender (...) are standing. You go further into the forest and see red caps in the moss. You spread the moss with your hands, and there sisters - (...) hid. What kind of mushrooms are these sitting on the stump? Experienced mushroom picker right away will understand what it is (...). But the luckiest one will be the one who has the most important mushroom in the depths of the forest will find - (...).

Finger gymnastics “Gifts of Autumn”


One two three four five!
We will look for mushrooms.
The first mushroom is a boletus, get into the basket!
The boletus stands
On a high leg.
Boletus found
Right under the birch tree.
And the oiler hides, That’s how stubborn he is!
(Children take turns massaging their fingers)



Prog. sod. _______________________________________________________________________________________





Liter: ________________________________________________________________________________________



Prog. sod. _______________________________________________________________________________________





Liter: ________________________________________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________Morning. Walk.

Bird watching.

Tasks . Invite the children to tell, based on the results of their observation, howWhat changes occur in the lives of various birds. Discuss why alonebird species fly to warmer climes, while others do not. Teach children to distinguish birds by appearance.

Labor in nature: cleaning leaves.

Tasks . Invite the children to play the game “Janitors”, talk aboutthe pile of the janitor, his importance. Invite the children to choose the best yard -peak - the one who did it the fastest and swept the cleaner.

Outdoor game: “Let’s find a fungus.”

Tasks : U listen carefully to the teacher’s command; develop attention, monitor the correct completion of the task.

Development of movements.

Tasks : improve walking technique (walking with side steps).

Didactic game “What can an object tell about itself?”

Tasks . Teach children to write a description of an object according to plan, to highlight its characteristic features.

Outdoor game "Stop".

Tasks . Exercise children in running, develop attention, and the ability to coordinate their actions with the team.



Prog. sod. _______________________________________________________________________________________





Liter: ________________________________________________________________________________________


Ethics Conversation and culture of behavior on the topic “Ethical and unethical behavior."

Tasks . Consider different situations with the children, discuss which people did the right thing and who broke the rules. Teach children to compare their desires and actions with ethical and moral standards and accepted rules of behavior.

Individual work with ______________________________________________________ Cutting mushrooms according to a template .

Tasks : consolidate knowledge about mushrooms, skills in working with scissors

Didactic game “Mushroom Basket”

Tasks : improve the ability to determine the name of a mushroom by appearance, learn to use words in speech: edible, inedible, develop attention, memory, oral speech.

Movable game "Bees and Swallow".

Tasks . Exercise children in jumping from a height, teach them to land while maintaining balance, correctly perform basic movements when running, and maintain posture. To introduce the cultural values ​​of the Russian people through outdoor games.

Introduction to fiction: reading Russian folk fairy tales of children's choice.

Tasks . Instill in children a love of reading, works of oral folk art, and teach them to see the genre features of fairy tales.

Evening. Walk.

Plant observation: fruit trees in autumn.

Tasks . Invite children to admire the fruits of the apple tree. Pay attention to the structure of fruit trees, the shape and color of the leaves.

Outdoor game "Blind Man's Bluff". Complication: players need to jump on one leg.

Tasks . Teach children to accurately perform game actions (dodgefrom the driver, squat), develop creativity in motor activity, beauty and expressiveness of movements. Raise a well-wisherability, ability to act in a team. Help strengthen the child's body.

Health jog around the kindergarten territory "Marathon".

Tasks . Teach children to correctly perform basic movements when running, maintain posture, coordinate the movements of arms and legs, and breathe rhythmically through the nose. Increase the functional capabilities of children's bodies.

Working with parents ______________________________________________________________________________



Morning. Group work.

Working with parents ______________________________________________________________________________



Self-service: game situation "Sloppy locker."

Tasks . Teach children to maintain order in their locker, form the habit of taking care of personal belongings. Invite the children to regularly hold a competition for the neatest cabinet.

Canteen duty.

Tasks . Teach children to set the table beautifully. Talk about what q beautiful table setting helps to increase appetite, improves mood, shows guests that they were expected, prepared for their arrival, and demonstrates the skills and imagination of the hostess. Learn to independently and timely perform all duty duties.

Individual work with ___________________________________________________ Didactic game “What grows where”
Tasks: consolidate knowledge about vegetables and fruits.

Conversation about folk toy.

Tasks . Arouse children's interest in folk art. Give beforea play on how folk craftsmen make toys.

Job in the corner nature: caring for indoor plants.

Tasks . Improve children's ability to care for plants, help them remember the correct working techniques, and activate relevant concepts in the dictionary.

Teach quatrains with childrenL. Zilberg

“I never lose heart,

And a smile on your face

Because I accept

Vitamins A, B, C.”

Tasks : Develop memory, thinking, expressiveness of speech.

Reading the story "Bread" by M. Glinskaya.

Mom gave Grisha a large piece of bread and sent him outside.

Grisha ate bread. The bread was tasty and fragrant, with a shiny crust. Soon the boy was full, but there was still a lot of bread left. Then the guys invited Grisha to play ball. What to do with bread? Grisha thought and threw the bread on the ground.

Uncle Matvey was passing by, stopped and asked: “Who threw the bread?”

- He, he! - the guys shouted and pointed at Grisha. Grisha said: “I was already full, but there was bread left. We have a lot of bread, it’s not a pity.”

Uncle Matvey took the gold star from his chest and said:

“I received a Hero’s star for growing bread. And you trample bread in the mud.”

Grisha cried: “I didn’t know what to do with the bread. I ate my fill, but he stayed..."

“Okay,” Uncle Matvey agreed. “If you didn’t know, that’s a different story.” He picked up the bread and put it on his palm. “This piece is my work, your mother’s work, the whole village’s work.” Bread must be loved and taken care of. - He gave it to Grisha and left.

Grisha wiped away his tears and said to the guys: “I’ll eat that bread now.”

“You can’t,” Sanya objected, “the bread is dirty, you could get sick.”

- Where should the bread go now?

At this time, a cart was passing along the road, and the foal Lyska was running behind the cart.
“Let’s give the bread to Lyska,” Nyura suggested. Grisha handed the foal some bread. Lyska grabbed a piece, ate it instantly and didn’t leave. He stretches his muzzle towards the guys: Come on again! Axl Oh, how delicious.”
Tasks . Learn children listen carefully to the story, understand the meaning of what they read, convey their attitude to the content of the work.

Target : development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

We baked from wheat flour

Rhythmically “sculpt” Easter cakes.

Pies, buns, gingerbreads, cookies,

Bend one finger at a time, listing what you baked from flour.

Cupcakes, cakes, rolls,

Rolls, bagels, bagels.

And took it out of the oven

We are a ruddy loaf,

Join your hands into a ring.

Come and have tea with us!

Bend forward and down with the movement of the arm from the chest.



Prog. sod. _______________________________________________________________________________________





Liter: ________________________________________________________________________________________



Prog. sod. _______________________________________________________________________________________





Liter: ________________________________________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________Morning. Walk.

Observation for the birds.

Tasks . Discuss with children why birds fly to warmer climes, which birds fly away and which ones winter. Tell the children that swifts and swallows are the first to fly away, then at the beginning of autumn the cranes fly away. Watch with children how birds gather in flocks.

Labor activity. Cleaning the area of ​​dry branches.

Tasks : to teach to work together, to achieve the completion of a task through joint efforts.

Didactic game "Who does what."

Tasks . Expand children's ideas about professions, clarify their names, enrich children's vocabulary with verbs that characterize the actions of people in a particular profession.

Development of movements.

Tasks : consolidate the skills of jumping in place (legs apart - together; one forward - the other back).

Role-playing game "Fair"

Tasks : learn to convey the atmosphere of street fair trade.

Outdoor game "Traps with ribbons."

Tasks . Teach children to follow the rules of the game, change the direction and pace of running depending on the game situation. Cultivate in children interest and desire to complete the task correctly.

Dosed walking___________________________

Remote material_________________________________________________________

Evening. Working with children in a group.



Prog. sod. _______________________________________________________________________________________





Liter: ________________________________________________________________________________________


Situational conversation." then what do you like to eat most?” What is the difference between “tasty” and “healthy”? There are many vitamins, but the most important are vitamins A, B, C.

Tasks : Develop the ability to reason about the variety of foods and the vitamins they contain. Expand understanding of diversity.

Outdoor game “Ball School”.

Tasks , Organize a conversation in order to identify the children’s understanding of the rules of the game: invite the children to tell the rules, complement each other’s statements; ask the children what the driver should do, what the players should do. Teach children to throw and catch a ball with one hand.

Individual work on speech development with ________________________________________________

Tasks . Exercise children in clearly pronouncing the sounds “z” and “s”, in their differentiation, and in selecting words in which these sounds are heard.

Didactic game “Put the food on plates”

Progress of the game: Here are vegetables and fruits in front of you. Name them: cucumbers, tomatoes, plums, pears. Tell me what color they are? Green cucumbers, red tomatoes, yellow pears, blue plums. Place them on plates of a suitable color.

Evening. Walk.

Observation of human labor.

Tasks . Expand children's understanding of adult work, agricultural work, and seasonal work. Offer to observe how | The gardener collects apples, removes rotting fruits, prunes branches, discuss with the children the purpose of his actions. Learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships: season - vegetation - human labor.

Games with toys and sports equipment of the children's choice.

Tasks . Teach children to spend their leisure time independently and productively, choose activities based on their interests, and engage in playful interactions with friends.

Labor in nature: cleaning leaves on the site.

Tasks . To instill in children a desire to maintain cleanliness in the area, develop the ability to independently select the necessary equipment, and organize work.

Working with parents ______________________________________________________________________________



September 21 (Thursday)

Morning. Group work.

Working with parents ______________________________________________________________________________



Board and printed game "Travel around the city."

Tasks . Consolidating children's knowledge about their hometown, nurturing love for it, respect for the people living in it, and developing speech.

Class duty: preparation for the application lesson.

Tasks . Teach children to prepare, together with the teacher, according to the number of children, everything necessary for the lesson. Create responsibility for carrying out work assignments.

Individual work with _______________________________________________ Didactic game “Choose a word.”

Tasks : Develop children’s speech, logical thinking, learn to use art terms, words expressing an emotional state.

Reading: E. Trutneva “Blueberries”.

The sun scatters arrows,

Lighting up the pines.

What kind of berry is ripe?

Is it blue?

Into pieces, under leaves

Someone threw beads

All clearings have blue dots

By the green pines.

We picked blueberries

In a box, in a basket...

Only their mouths have become something

A little black.

Tasks : Continue introducing the works. To develop the ability to communicate with adults and peers based on the content of what they read. Continue to instill an interest in books. Cultivate moral qualities.

Role-playing game "Mail".

Tasks . Teach children to observe role subordination and conduct role-playing dialogues. Continue to develop and enrich the plot of the game. Develop the ability to use attributes.

Finger gymnastics “Food”

Target : development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Lariska has two radishes. (They take turns unbending


Alyosha has two potatoes. from the fist, starting

from the big

Seryozhka, a tomboy, has two green cucumbers.

And Vovka has two carrots.on one and then

on the other hand).

Moreover, Petka has two tailed radishes.



Prog. sod. _______________________________________________________________________________________





Liter: ________________________________________________________________________________________




Prog. sod. _______________________________________________________________________________________





Liter: ________________________________________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________Morning. Walk.

Cobweb observation.

Tasks . Draw the children's attention to flying cobwebs, offer to catch the cobweb, tell them that a spider travels with its help (you can notice it when it quickly runs along your hand and hangs on a new cobweb).

Labor in nature: collecting flower seeds for spring planting.

Tasks . Strengthen children's ability to carefully and correctly collect seeds into self-prepared paper bags.

Outdoor game “At the bear in the forest.” Complication: a second driver is added.

Tasks . Strengthen children's ability to run in a given direction, imitate movements in accordance with the text. Cultivate goodwill.

Individual work on PHYS with ________________________________________________ Development of jumps.

Tasks : strengthen the ability to jump on one leg.

Didactic game “Say the opposite”.

Tasks . Teach children to select antonym words, activate children’s speech.

Dosed walking___________________________

Remote material_________________________________________________________

Evening. Working with children in a group.



Prog. sod. _______________________________________________________________________________________





Liter: ________________________________________________________________________________________


Conversation about the rights of the child on the topic “First name, patronymic and last name.”

Tasks . Tell children why it is important to know their rights and responsibilities, that a person receives a first, patronymic and last name at birth by agreement of the parents.

Individual work with _______________________________________________________ Sound culture of speech: exercise “Guess what it sounds like.”

Task : Teach children to distinguish objects by ear by the sounds they make, give them names (bell, rattle, etc.).

Role-playing game "Supermarket" ».

Tasks : Continue to introduce the work of a vegetable store,develop the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game. Teaching children to fairly distribute roles in games. Encouraging children to reproduce in games the everyday and socially useful work of adults.

Introduction to fiction: chapters from the book by T. Alexandrova "Little brownie Kuzka."

Tasks . Arouse children's interest in fiction, teachevaluate the actions of the heroes, evoke an emotional response to the fairy tale.

Evening. Walk.

Observation of plants.

Tasks . Expand children's understanding of trees. Offer to look at the seeds and fruits of trees (maple, ash), compare them with each other, explain why such seeds are called lionfish.

Outdoor game “The deer has a big house”

Tasks : consolidate the ability to correlate movements with text.

Outdoor game “Ball School”.

Tasks . Teach children to follow the rules of the game and assign roles independently using a counting rhyme. Learn to throw and catch the ball with one hand, without pressing it to your chest. Develop agility and accuracy. Continue working to improve the health of children.

Working with parents ______________________________________________________________________________



September 22 (Friday)

Morning. Group work.

Working with parents ______________________________________________________________________________



Canteen duty: game situation “What did the napkin tell you?”

Tasks . Discuss with children the purpose of napkins. Learn to lay out I neatly place napkins in napkin holders so that they are easy to take out.

Observation from the window: marigolds in autumn.

Tasks . Invite children to compare flowers growing on the street and in a groupne, ask to explain why the plants outside have withered, but in the group they continue to grow.

Individual work with ___________________________________________________ Didactic exercise “Guess and name”
Tasks : develop attention, imagination, speech; develop the ability to take turns and not interrupt peers.
The teacher reads definitions of concepts according to his choice. children guess what it is.
Fruits and berries boiled in sugar syrup are... (jam).
A slice of bread with butter, sausage, cheese is... (sandwich).
Horse milk is... (kumys).
Cereals cooked in milk are... (milk porridge), etc.

Games with building materials “Multi-storey buildings”.

Tasks . To form in children a generalized idea of ​​houses, to teach how to construct tall buildings with ceilings, to find their own solutions, to consolidate the ability to select the parts necessary for construction, to introduce the concepts of “foundation” and “plan”, to develop architectural skills, and to develop spatial orientation skills.

Outdoor game “Hide and Seek”.

Tasks . Invite the children to tell the rules of the game, explain how toThe players, the driver, must appoint a referee who will organize the game and monitor compliance with the rules.

Finger gymnastics “Mushrooms”

Target : development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

We got up early today
(Clench and unclench your fingers on both hands)
We went into the forest to pick mushrooms.
(Clench your fists, make walking movements with your index and middle fingers)
Milk mushrooms, saffron milk caps, volushki
(Place the fingers of both hands into a pinch)
They brought it in a box.
(Round your palms, bring both hands together, touching your little fingers)



Prog. sod. _______________________________________________________________________________________





Liter: ________________________________________________________________________________________




Prog. sod. _______________________________________________________________________________________





Liter: ________________________________________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________Morning. Walk.

Cobweb observation.

Tasks . Tell the children where the cobweb comes from, look at the little spider, and note the peculiarities of its behavior.

Outdoor game "Geese-swans".

Tasks . Exercise children in running, teach them to act on a signal from the teacher. Develop the ability to concentrate attention, coordinate your actions with the actions of your comrades.

Didactic game “Who hears what.”

Tasks . To develop children's auditory perception and attention.

Individual work on PHYS with ____________________________________________________________

Walking on a log.

Tasks : strive to improve walking technique while maintaining balance.

Independent motor activity of children.

Tasks . Teach children to select attributes for exercises and various movements, increase the volume of physical activity, and promote independence.

Dosed walking___________________________

Remote material_________________________________________________________

Evening. Working with children in a group.



Prog. sod. _______________________________________________________________________________________





Liter: ________________________________________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________Games with large building materials: building bridges.

Tasks . To consolidate children’s ideas about the purpose and structure of bridges, to teach how to make the construction sustainable.

Didactic game "Find the toy."

Tasks . Activation of the dictionary, development of the ability to find an object by description.

Individual work on FEMP with ____________________________________________________________

Tasks . Exercise children in counting objects of several sizes, differently located in space. Strengthen the ability to compare five objects by size and explain the results of comparisons.

Training game "Cooks"
Tasks : develop communication skills; to form a sense of community with peers, interest in joint games.
Progress of the game: Children stand in a circle and pretend to be a saucepan. The teacher says that the children will prepare soup (or any other dish: compote, salad, vinaigrette, etc.). Each child comes up with what he will use: potatoes, cabbage, carrots, onions, parsley, salt, etc.). The teacher shouts out in turn what he wants to put in the pan. Having found out. himself jumps into a circle and takes the hands of the previous one. Until all the “components” are in the circle, the game continues. The result is a tasty, beautiful “dish”.

Introduction to fiction: the poem by Y. Akim “Greedy”.

Who's holding

Your candy

In the fist

To eat her

Secretly from everyone

In the corner

Who, going out into the yard,

None of the neighbors

Will not give

Take a ride

On ve-




Who chalked

Rubber band,

Any trifle

In class

With no one


Won't share -

The name of that

Suitable given,

Not even a name

And the nickname:



I mean nothing

I'm not asking.

I'm visiting


I won't invite you.

Will not come out of greed

Good friend

Even a friend

You can't name him.

That's why -

Honestly, guys, I’ll say -

With the greedy

I never

I'm not friends!

Tasks . Teach children carefully, listen, offer to talk about the actions of the heroes, give them an assessment, give the children the opportunity to speak out about what each of them would do.

Evening. Walk.

Cloud watching.

Tasks . Draw the children's attention to the autumn sky, discuss what color it became? Offer to remember what I am like! clouds, tell what kind of clouds they see more often with the onset of autumn (cirrus).

Outdoor game "Scouts".

Tasks . To train children in the ability to navigate in space and determine the direction of movement. Use prepositions “from”, “about”, “next to”, “above”, “for”, etc.

Independent activity of children.

Tasks . Fostering independence, encouraging initiative, friendly relationships, developing the ability to independently choose play partners.

Working with parents ______________________________________________________________________________



Larisa Rudenko
"Gifts of Autumn" Calendar plan in the senior group

Calendar plan for the senior group on the topic: « Gifts of Autumn» . Completed by teacher MBDOU 119 Rudenko L.V.

Joint activity of the teacher with children in the process of regime moments. Organization of independent activities of children Interaction between the teacher and the family

Morning Dining duty.

Learn to set the table correctly and accurately as shown by the teacher.

Didactic game "Say the opposite". Learn

Children choose antonym words.

Conversation on the topic: "Oh still life". Looking at reproductions of paintings "Vegetables" A. Lentulov and “Moscow food. Bread" I. Mashkov. Strengthen the idea of ​​still life.

Individual work of FEMP. With Misha and Alena, consolidate counting within 5 (quantitative and ordinal, using counting material.

Organization of the exhibition « Gifts of Autumn» .

Bring in dummies of vegetables and baked goods for role-playing games.

Introduce colored modules for outdoor games.

Prepare natural materials for children’s productive activities. Post information in the parent's corner about the topic of the week and the purpose of its implementation.

Invite them to take a self-guided tour of a store or market. Target: pay attention to the vegetable and bakery departments, the work of sellers.

Direct educational activities. Cognition. “Bread is the head of everything”

Target: introduce the journey of a grain from field to table (how bread is made).

Program content:

Cognition: -summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about bread, the process of growing and making bread, the variety of bakery products;

Bring children to an understanding of caring for nature and reasonable human intervention;

Work: - on the basis of expanding knowledge about the world around us, to instill in children respect for working people (grain growers, bakers, careful attitude to bread;

Forms of work: showing, explaining, talking, posing problem situations, reading fiction.

Preliminary work: guessing riddles about bread; memorizing poems and chants about bread; explanation and memorization of proverbs and sayings about bread; reading stories by M. Glinskaya "Bread", M. Prishvina "Fox Bread"; comparison of ears of rye and wheat; comparison of wheat and rye bread by color, shape, taste.

Artistic creativity. Dough modeling "Buns".

Target: continue to develop children’s interest in dough modeling and the ability to create relief figures;

To achieve the implementation of expressive, bright design of the product, complementing the work with decorative elements;

Forms of work:


Teacher demonstration

Independent activities of children

Playing with crafts.

Walk. Observation of plants: maple in September. Target: fix the names of the parts of the tree, pay attention to the beauty of its leaves, choose the most accurate designations of colors and shades.

Forms of work: showing, looking at, talking, reading fiction.

Work assignments: cleaning the garden.

Target: to instill in children hard work and a desire to achieve results.

Recall with your children the necessary conditions for growing vegetables. determine the ripeness of vegetables.

Forms of work: conversation, joint work.

Sport game "Towns".

Target: introduce children to the folk game and the history of its origin.

Develop dexterity in children.

Teach children to negotiate with each other while playing.

Forms of work: conversation, explanation, joint activity. Add attributes for organizing outdoor games (slides, soccer ball, scooters).

Involve Nikita and Semyon in joint games with the children.

Enrichment of the game experience:

Excursion to the post office.

Invite parents and their children to make crafts from natural materials or draw a still life.

Lesson summary on the topic: Autumn in the senior group of preschool educational institutions

Author: Artemenko Olga Nikolaevna, teacher at MBDOU kindergarten "Teremok" p. Novokievsky Uval
Description of material: The material may be useful to primary education teachers and kindergarten teachers.
To consolidate the general concepts of “vegetables” and “fruits”, the characteristic properties of vegetables and fruits, learn to talk about the benefits of vegetables and fruits; systematize knowledge about people’s work in the fall; to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature and respect for people’s agricultural work. place the image throughout the sheet: above, below, to the right, to the left; the ability to paint a variety of trees, using different colors of paint for the trunks and various brush techniques;

Materials and equipment: computer, projector, A4 paper, paints, brushes, napkins.

GCD move:

1. Introduction of the game moment.
- I suggest you go visit Autumn. She prepared amazing gifts for all the children.
2. Introducing the gifts of autumn.
- So, guys, I’ll read a poem about a time of year like autumn. And pay attention to what gifts she gives us.
Hello, hello, golden autumn.
Autumn is harvest time.
You see, autumn, how hard we worked,
How did you not be lazy in the field all summer?
Hello, hello, golden autumn,
Filled with sweet apple juice,
Everything is fine in the garden too,
Lots of different vegetables in the garden.
Lots of ripe cherries and raspberries,
There is a lot of honey in bee houses.
We invite everyone to visit,
The richer we are, the more we treat them.

What gifts does autumn give us? Guess the riddles about the gifts of autumn (View the presentation “We will name everything that grew in the garden bed in order!”).
- Well done! Now let’s play the game “Autumn we’ll ask” (poem by Elena Blaginina)
Rules of the game: Children choose Autumn and Rain using a counting rhyme. “Rain” hides, and “Autumn” goes into the middle of the circle. Children begin to walk slowly and sing:
Hello, autumn! Hello, autumn!
It's good that you came to us.
We, Autumn, will ask you,
What did you bring as a gift?
Autumn: I brought you flour!
Children (in chorus): So there will be pies!
Autumn: I brought you buckwheat!
Children: There will be porridge in the oven!
Autumn: I brought you vegetables!
Children: for both porridge and cabbage soup!
Autumn: are you excited about pears?
Children: We'll dry them for future use!
Autumn: apples are like honey!
Children: For jam, for compote!
Autumn: Brought honey too!
Children (surprised): Full deck!

After this, the children spin around and sing:
You and apples, you and honey.
You brought bread too.
And good weather
Did you give us a gift?
Autumn: Are you happy about the rain? (smiles slyly)
Children (in unison): We don’t want it, we don’t need it! (throw into the loose)
The rain comes out and catches up with the children, saying:
Who will get caught in the rain?
He'll drive now.
The one he caught becomes Rain, and the children choose a new Autumn.
3. Drawing “Golden Autumn”
- Let's thank the hostess Autumn and draw her portrait. What do trees look like in autumn decoration? What different trees. Have you seen the bushes? Paint the picture “Golden Autumn”. Think about the composition of the drawing - the position of the sheet of paper, the placement of images.
Children depict golden autumn on their own according to plan.
4 . Bottom line
-Look at all the drawings and choose the most expressive and neatest ones. Autumn thanks us for the gifts and gives everyone a leaf token.

Presentation on the topic: Gifts of autumn

Irina Budnikova
Calendar and thematic planning. Thematic week “Gifts of Autumn” (senior group)

Thematic week:« Gifts of Autumn»

Target: Expand children's understanding of autumn. Develop the ability to establish the simplest connections between the phenomena of living and inanimate nature (it got colder - butterflies disappeared, flowers faded, etc., conduct seasonal observations. Expand ideas about agricultural professions, about the profession of a forester. Expand knowledge about vegetables and fruits. Expand ideas about the rules safe behavior in nature. Develop a caring attitude towards nature.

Final event: holiday "Golden autumn» . Competition of flat crafts made from natural materials « Autumn Hermitage» .

Working with parents

Educational activities

Individual workEducational activities during restricted periods

Cognition (FCCM)

Subject: "Garden"

Target: expand children’s generalized ideas about vegetables and where they grow. Find out how they are cared for and what is cooked from them. Remind that vegetables contain many vitamins

(Kaushkal, Karpeeva "FCCM senior group» , page 13)

9.30-9.55 Construction (from paper)

Subject: "Basket"

Learn to fold a square sheet into 9 and 16 small ones. Make cuts along the four fold lines, fold and glue the basket. (Kutsakova “Design and artistic work. Lesson 16 p. 69)

Preparation for sleep: listening to audio fairy tales

(complex No. 2)

15.40-16.05 Musical activities (By specialist plan) Individual development work speeches: learning poems about autumn

Exercise children in clear pronunciation of sounds "z" And "With". “Drawing up a sequence of events during the day”

Target: consolidate the concepts of morning, day, evening, night. Morning

Conversation: « Autumn» .

Target: systematize children's knowledge about autumn;

Di "Who does this?" Target: identify and expand children’s knowledge about the professions of people who grow and harvest crops.

Walk No. Sep. p.

Reading and dramatization of a poem by Y. Tuwim "Vegetables"

Target: develop children’s ability to transform into the desired role.

D/game exercise "Labyrinth" reap the harvest.

Target: development of fine motor skills of the hands, visual perception, attention.

Looking at the album « Gifts of Autumn»

Work in the creativity center

Drawing vegetables and fruits.

Di "Vegetable store"

Target: teach children group vegetables and fruits according to one or more characteristics Updating information in the parent corner "Walking in the fall with a child»

Individual conversation with Sergei’s family about the child’s attitude towards adults

Joint activities between adults and children

Independent activities of children

Working with parents

Educational activities

Individual work Educational activities during special times


Subject: "Trip to autumn forest»

Target: generalize children's presentation autumn, about the forest and its inhabitants in autumn period;

To consolidate, clarify, and expand knowledge about the world around us through the activation of the child’s life experience. Learn to form possessive adjectives; Strengthen the ability to form adjectives from nouns; Strengthen spatial orientation skills;

Fine art (applique/sculpting)

Subject: « Autumn paintings» Teach children to create plot compositions from natural materials - dried leaves, petals, seeds; develop a sense of color and composition. To foster interest and respect for nature, to evoke a desire to preserve its beauty in arrangements and floral compositions. Lykova I. A.,

Gradual rise. Hardening procedures. Gymnastics after sleep, (complex no. 2)

physical cult. (By plan physical education instructor) Individual work on speech development.

“Name the signs autumn»

Conversation “What is a harvest? Why is it collected? in autumn

Target: expand children's knowledge about gifts autumn. Explain why maturation occurs exactly in autumn.

Apple experiment

Target: show how an apple turns black when cut - this iron changes its beneficial properties for us in the air.

D/game “Which tree is the fruit from?”

Target: clarify children’s knowledge about fruit trees.

Outdoor game "Gathering the Harvest"

Target: consolidate knowledge about vegetables and fruits, the ability to run without colliding with each other.

Examination of ears of wheat, rye, oats, sorghum

Target: tell children what is produced from each grain crop

Unregulated activities of children.

Contribute to the prevention of emotional overstrain, develop the ability to find something to do to your liking, and communicate constructively with peers.

Invite parents to take part in the final exhibition based on the results weeks.

Morning exercises (By PHYS instructor plan)

Cognition (FEMP)

Subject: "Lesson 4"

- quantity and account: number and numbers 1, 2, 3; correlating the number of objects with a number.

Geometric figures: square, laying out a square from even sticks, working in a checkered notebook.

(mathematics for children 5-6 years old, page 26)

Fine art (drawing)

Subject: "Riddles from the garden"

Target: Learn to convey the shape and characteristic features of vegetables by their description in riddles; create expressive color and fantasy images. I. A. Lykova Page 44

Preparation for sleep: listening to audio fairy tales

(complex no. 2) walking along massage paths, washing your face, neck, and hands with cool water.

15.40-16.05 physical. cult. on site

D/game "The Fourth Wheel"

Target: consolidate the concepts of vegetables and fruits

Conversation "Forest gifts of autumn»

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about edible and inedible mushrooms and berries. About the rules for their collection.

D/game "Third wheel"

Target: ability to distinguish between edible and inedible mushrooms and berries.

Reading sayings about autumn and harvest.

Target: develop the ability to listen and understand meaning.

Watching a cartoon "Tops and Roots",

Consolidating knowledge about parts of plants.

D/game "Find the seed"

Target: show children that big fruits grow from small seeds. Learn to distinguish whether seeds belong to a particular vegetable or fruit.

Consideration theme album« Gifts of autumn from the forest» (berries, mushrooms)

Target: expand children's understanding of gifts autumn from the forest

Independent activity of children in activity centers.

Target: invite children to choose their own activity. Ability to play in pairs group.

Morning exercises

Communication (speech development)

Subject: Retelling the story of Y. Taits "Obedient Rain"

Target: coherent speech, learn to retell a text, lead to the education of professions based on occupations. Learn to name items necessary for people of a particular profession.

(Ushakova. Classes on speech development p. 103)

9.45-10.10 musical activity (By specialist plan)

Preparation for sleep: listening to audio fairy tales

15.00-15.15 Gradual rise. Hardening procedures. Gymnastics after sleep, (complex no. 2) walking along massage paths, washing your face, neck, and hands with cool water. Individual work “Hatching in a given direction”

Individual task to consolidate the composition of numbers"

Working in a corner of nature: a game "What is my name?"

Target: activate the names of indoor plants in children’s speech, teach them to pronounce them correctly. Talk about the features of caring for plants.

Di “Find the same vegetable or fruit” (by shape, color)

Target: consolidate the ability to classify by color, shape, size.

Russian folk game "Tsar Potato"

Target: practice catching the ball, develop dexterity.

Competition of riddles about vegetables and fruits.

Viewing an exhibition of creative works. Discussion. Examining dummies of vegetables and fruits

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about where and how different types of vegetables and fruits grow.

S/r game “Vegetable shop”.

To develop independence and initiative in children, to develop the ability to choose a game based on their interests, and to help bring children together to play.

Design of an exhibition of creative works

Musical morning exercises

Subject: Reading a story by G. Skrebitsky « Autumn»

Target: to cultivate an emotional perception of a work, to teach how to convey one’s impressions.

(T. M. Bondarenko Complex classes p. 132)

Preparation for sleep: listening to audio fairy tales

15.00-15.15 Gradual rise.

Hardening procedures.

Gymnastics after sleep, (complex no. 2) walking along massage paths, washing your face, neck, and hands with cool water.

Individual work D/i "Tops and Roots"

Target: fix the names of the parts of vegetables

Learning pure tongues

Target: consolidate the pronunciation of sounds "G", "To"

Canteen duty.

Target: Teach children to use the canteen duty skills learned earlier. Note the features of duty in senior group(independence, speed and coordination of actions, distribution of responsibilities).

D/game "Lesovik and wild berries". "Fold the picture"

Target: consolidate children’s knowledge about wild berries (name, appearance, places of growth, beneficial properties).

Games with building materials "Warehouse for vegetables".

To form children’s ideas about various types of crop storage, their functional purpose, structure;

Free creative activity (sculpting, drawing, applique) on the topic « Gifts of Autumn» berries, mushrooms, vegetables, fruits

MONDAY Date 09.19.16


Morning of joyful meetings : "Sun"

Goal: to teach children to understand the plot, develop the ability to listen to the teacher, and encourage them to perceive the beauty of autumn nature.

2.Individual work

(education of cultural and hygienic skills) Nastya, Dasha, Zhenya

Goal: develop washing skills and making your bed.

3.D/i with objects

"Find the yellow leaf"

Goal: to form color perception.

4. Individual work on sensory development

Game "Let's play with clothespins"

Target; Teach children to select the right clothespins of the same color, develop fine motor skills and tactile sensations.


Theme: "Autumn"

Objectives: to expand children’s understanding of the surrounding nature and its changes in the autumn.

Goal: to develop coordination of movement.

development of children, restoration of functional resources of the body reduced during activity.

Purpose: to introduce various natural phenomena; show the diversity of water conditions in the environment; develop a creative attitude to work.

2. Work assignments.

Goal: to teach children to maintain order in the kindergarten area.

3. Individual work.

1 “Where is it warmer - in the sun or in the shade?”

Goal: development of tactile and temperature sensations. For example: sand, asphalt, pebbles.

4. Independent play activities (takeaway material)

Ruslan, Zlata, Rostislav, Lisa

Goal: teach children to play together and share toys. Roll strollers and play with balls carefully, without bumping into each other.

5.P/i (running)

"Sun and Rain"

"From bump to bump"


1. Role-playing game.

“The bear got his feet wet”

Goal: learn to walk carefully so as not to get your feet wet and get sick.

2. Individual work on speech development

Nastya, Rodion, Sofia.

Goal: to form a clear repetition of sounds after the teacher.

3. Observations of indoor plants, experiments, labor.

"our plants"

Goal: to introduce children to the rules of caring for plants.

    When eating, encourage children to be independent and develop the ability to hold a spoon correctly.

    Continue work to enrich children's sensory experiences.

    To promote the accumulation of experience in friendly relationships with peers: pay attention to a child who has shown concern for a friend and expressed sympathy for him.

TUESDAY Date 09/20/16


1. Exercises to develop speech breathing.


Goal: formation of correct nasal breathing, smooth long exhalation.

2.D/i (sensory development).

"Wonderful bag"

Goal: determine the shape (round, square) by touch.

3.Individual work (speech development).

Game "Which one?"


Topic: “Autumn branches” modeling

Goal: learn to roll a piece of plasticine into a ball and slightly flatten it.


1.Observation of wildlife (fauna).

Observation of a tree.

Goal: to teach children to distinguish a tree from other plants; describe them (tall, beautiful, many leaves of different colors).

2. Individual work.

3. Work assignments.

Cleaning the area from sticks

4. P/n jumps.

5. Independent play activities


    Individual work

on musical education in the framework of interaction with the music director

2.Independent activity in the corner of sensory development; Board games

"Mushrooms in the meadow"

Goal: to teach the child to alternate objects by size.

3. Didactic games (for hearing development, for classifying objects, etc.)

"Guess what to do"

Goal: to teach children to correlate the nature of their actions with the sound of the tambourine; develop the ability to switch auditory attention.


Goal: learning to use a scoop and mold correctly.

2. Didactic game

Game “One, two, three - run to the spruce”

Goal: distinguish trees, act on a signal.

3. Outdoor games

"Shaggy Dog", "Birds in Nests"

Goal: to teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to teach them to act on a signal from the teacher.

    Support children in their efforts to continue learning hygienic and household actions: wash their hands before eating, after using the toilet, and whenever they become dirty.

    Continue to develop fine motor skills in a variety of activities

    Form the habit of behaving calmly indoors and outdoors, not running, and complying with an adult’s request.

WEDNESDAY Date 09.21.16

Joint activities between adults and children (group, subgroup, individual)

I HALF DAY: include children in the general rhythm, create a cheerful mood

Goal: explain to children that they cannot pick and eat mushrooms without permission.

2. Observations of indoor plants, experiments, labor.

Zhenya, Vanya, Matvey.

Goal: to develop washing skills (soap hands, rinse thoroughly, wipe dry with a towel).

3. Fun games.

"By the Bear in the Forest"

4.Individual work (isoactivity)

"Yellow leaves"

Goal: to cultivate a love for the nature of their native land.


Topic: “Rain” drawing

Goals: to introduce children to the non-traditional finger painting technique.

WALK I : health promotion, fatigue prevention, physical and mental

1. Observation of the phenomena of social life.

"Observations of a janitor's work"

Goal: to study what a janitor does (rakes leaves, sweeps paths, collects garbage); What does the janitor have (broom, rake, trash can)

2.Work assignments.

Cleaning the area of ​​sticks and leaves.

Goal: to instill in children basic work skills.

3. P/i (orientation in space).

1. "Children and the Wolf"

2. “Where is it ringing?”

4.Individual work.

“Go through and don’t get knocked down” (skittles)

Goal: develop a sense of balance and agility.

Children's games with external materials.

5.Independent play activities (remote material)


1. Role-playing game.

"Feeding the doll Katya"

2. Entertainment, leisure.

"By the Bear in the Forest"
Goal: maintain a cheerful and joyful mood, encourage active activity.

3. Games with toys to develop fine motor skills.

"Mysterious Buttons"


1.Game physical exercises, outdoor games

“Children and the Wolf”, “Where is it ringing?”

Goal: to develop children's attention and spatial orientation.

2. Independent play activity

Children's games with external materials.

3. Didactic game to familiarize yourself with the world around you

“How does a beetle buzz?”

Goal: to develop auditory perception, articulatory apparatus.

Joint activities of adults and children in (regular moments)

1. Improve self-service skills: dressing and undressing, maintaining order in the locker; Encourage children to be careful in their clothing while eating.

2. To create in children a cheerful, joyful mood, a desire to play calmly and independently.

3.Promote the musical development of children through games and exercises aimed at sensory development in the field of sound perception.

THURSDAY Date 09/22/16

Joint activities between adults and children (group, subgroup, individual)

I HALF DAY: include children in the general rhythm, create a cheerful mood

1.Individual work (fine motor skills)

"Mysterious Buttons"

Goal: development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

2.D/i (musical).

“Sun or rain?”

Purpose: to teach children to perform actions according to the different sounds of the tambourine; raising children's ability to switch auditory attention.

3. Word games.

Finger play

Goal: to teach to listen to speech, to understand what is said in the nursery rhyme; relate words to finger actions.


Topic: Reading the nursery rhyme “The fox ran with the box”

Purpose: to introduce the content of the work.

Topic: “Hello, autumn!” the world

Purpose: to give basic ideas about autumn changes in nature.

WALK I : health promotion, fatigue prevention, physical and mental
development of children, restoration of functional resources of the body reduced during activity

1. Observation of inanimate nature.

Watching the sand.

Work assignments.

Collecting sand in a sandbox.

3. Individual work.

Stick drawings in the sand (circles, houses).

    Independent play activity (remote material).

Children's games with external materials.

Goal: learning the ability to properly use a scoop and mold, making Easter cakes.


5. P/i (throwing)


1. Role-playing game.

"Feeding the doll Katya"

2. Joint activities in the center of artistic aesthetic development

"rain" modeling

Goal: learn to smear plasticine on cardboard.

3. Construction games

Build a pyramid of 5 rings.


1. Independent play activity

Children's games with external materials.

Goal: learning the ability to properly use a scoop and mold, making Easter cakes.

    Didactic games

"Find and name"


Watching the sand.

Purpose: to study the properties of sand (dry, wet).

Joint activity of adults and children in (regular moments)

    Remind children to maintain correct posture in various activities

    Continue to develop a respectful attitude towards others. Explain to children that they should not interfere in adult conversations. It is important to listen to your interlocutor and not interrupt unnecessarily.

    Through situational conversations and game exercises, continue to develop interest in art and musical culture, and cultivate artistic and aesthetic taste. Enrich children's musical experiences, evoke a vivid emotional response when perceiving music of a different nature.

FRIDAY Date 09/23/16

Joint activities between adults and children (group, subgroup, individual)

I HALF DAY: include children in the general rhythm, create a cheerful mood

    Looking at albums and illustrations

On the theme "Autumn"

Purpose: to teach to look at a picture

    Individual work

Game "Which one?"

Goal: to teach the child to find a variety of objects of a given color. Name them.

    Didactic games to familiarize yourself with the surrounding, natural world


Goal: to teach children to imitate the actions of an adult with objects

    Work on traffic rules (games, conversations, looking at illustrations)

"What is a street?" conversation

Goal: to form basic rules of behavior on the street.


Topic: “Path” design

Goal: to teach how to build a path by placing bricks next to each other.

Topic: “Colorful leaves” physical education

Goal: develop coordination and attention.

WALK I : health promotion, fatigue prevention, physical and mental
development of children, restoration of functional resources of the body reduced during activity

    Monitoring seasonal changes

Watching the wind.

Goal: to study what kind of wind (strong, cold, shakes trees, tears off leaves).

    Labor activity

Collecting sand in a sandbox.

    P/i (throwing)

“Aim straight”, “Get into the circle”

Purpose: to train children in throwing at a horizontal target; develop dexterity, eye, coordination of movements.

    Independent play activity (removable material

Children's games with external materials.

Goal: learning the ability to properly use a scoop and mold, making Easter cakes.


1. Examination of illustrations and reproductions

Theme "Autumn"

    Role-playing game

"Feeding the doll Katya"

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about tableware, to activate children’s speech, to cultivate a culture of behavior while eating, and a caring attitude towards the doll.

    Theater Friday

“Happy Rain” game – improvisation to music

Goal: to develop motor activity in children.


1.Plot role-playing game


Goal: make a structure out of sand and play with it.

2.Independent motor activity of children

Children's games with external materials.

3. Didactic games

"Find and name"

Goal: to develop the ability to find objects and name them following verbal instructions.

Joint activities of adults and children in (regular moments)

    Encourage children to perform a variety of actions with objects; promote the development of constructive skills.

    Continue to develop the ability to maintain correct posture

Plan of activities for a thematic week in a group for children with complex disabilities “Autumn has come to visit us”

The purpose of the theme week: the formation in children of primary ideas about autumn, about autumn changes in nature.

Monday - “Sunshine and Rain”.
- to form the concept that life on earth requires the sun;
- continue to introduce the natural phenomenon - rain;
- show the simplest connections between phenomena in nature in autumn (sun - warm, rain - cold).
- examination of illustrations on autumn themes;
- learning nursery rhymes about sun and rain;
- reading of E. Blaginina’s poem “Rain”;
- outdoor game “Sunshine and Rain”;
- finger gymnastics “The rain came out for a walk”;
- listening to the musical work “Sad Rain” by D. Kobalevsky.

Tuesday - “Autumn Leaves”.
- introduce the characteristic features of autumn trees;
- show that tree leaves change color in autumn;
- introduce the autumn natural phenomenon - leaf fall;
- teach how to treat plants with care;
- introduce the rowan fruits.
- viewing postcards “Autumn Forest”, “Autumn in the Park”;
- making garlands from autumn leaves;
- outdoor game “We are autumn leaves”;
- didactic game “Arrange the leaves by color”;
- listening to the song “Falling Leaves” music by Popatenko;
- modeling (plasticine) “Rowan Branch”.

Wednesday - “Gifts of Autumn”.
- consolidate children’s knowledge about vegetables and fruits (carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, apples, pears);
- develop the ability to find vegetables and fruits in the picture, correctly show and name them;
- learn to distinguish vegetables and fruits by appearance, taste, shape.
- didactic game “Guess the taste”;
- didactic game “Wonderful Bag”;
- didactic game “Find and name”;
- reading the Russian folk tale “Turnip”;
- printed board game “Loto. Vegetables. Fruits";
- dramatization game “Let’s make delicious soup from vegetables”;
- design of the photo exhibition “Let’s go to the garden, we’ll reap the harvest”
- design of a travel folder for parents “On the benefits of vegetable and fruit juices.”

Thursday – “Mushrooms, mushrooms.”
- continue to introduce children to mushrooms, where they grow, what they look like;
- introduce the inedible mushroom - fly agaric;
- learn to find similarities and differences between porcini mushrooms and fly agarics;
- develop the ability to depict mushrooms in productive activities.
- examination of illustrations “Mushrooms in the forest”;
- conversation on the topic “Beautiful but dangerous fly agaric”;
- finger gymnastics “Mushrooms”;
- didactic game “Mushrooms large and small”;
- outdoor game “At the Bear in the Forest”;
- watching a cartoon based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev “Under the Mushroom”;
- drawing “Mushrooms for a squirrel.”

Friday - “So autumn has come to us.”
- to reinforce in children the concepts of seasonal changes in inanimate nature in the fall (it’s cold, it rains often, the wind blows, leaves fly off the trees);
- consolidate children’s knowledge that in the fall they harvest vegetables in the garden, fruits in the garden.
- viewing the album “Autumn”;
- conversation on the topic “How people’s clothes have changed in the fall”;
- didactic game “What grows where?”
- game “Collect the most beautiful autumn bouquet” (on a walk);
- didactic game “Assemble the Whole” (cut-out pictures);
- Show the theater of the Russian folk tale “Pykh” on flannelgraph;
- musical-themed entertainment “Golden Autumn” (teacher, music director).

1.Ekzhanova E.A., Strebeleva E.A. Correctional and developmental training and education. Compensatory preschool educational program for children with intellectual disabilities. M.: Education, 2005
2. Solomennikova O.A. Introduction to nature in kindergarten. M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2014
3. Kartushina M.Yu. Logorhythmics for kids. M.: Sfera, 2005
4. Nishcheva N.V. Card index of outdoor games, exercises, physical education minutes, finger gymnastics. St. Petersburg: Childhood-Press, 2008

Develop children's cognitive processes, consolidate and clarify children's knowledge about the days of the week, the autumn months and about autumn;

- generalize the concepts of vegetables and fruits;

Strengthen orientation in space, knowledge of numbers;

In understanding and correct use of spatial adverbs and adjectives;

Develop curiosity, verbal initiative, speed of reaction, breadth of perception, creativity, imagination.

Visualization: table “Vegetables and fruits”, subject pictures.

Progress of classes in the senior group of kindergarten

1. Organizational moment

2. Main part:

Educator: Children, do you know what day it is today? Yes, that's right, Friday. What day will it be tomorrow? How many days are there in a week? Well done kids. Let's remember the poem we know about the week.

(Children recite a poem)

There are exactly 7 days in a week

Let's study all the names.

First day of all weeks

It will be called MONDAY.

TUESDAY is the second day,

He stands in front of the environment.


It was always the third day.

AND THURSDAY, the fourth day,

He wears his hat on one side.

Fifth - FRIDAY - sister,

A very fashionable girl.

After Friday is SATURDAY, where work ends,

Well, what is the seventh day?

SUNDAY, everyone knows - a day off!

Educator: Children, what month is it? That's right - October. What about the time of year? How can autumn be called differently? It’s true that this is a generous time of year, but why do we call it that? She came to our group and left her gifts. Let's go see what she put in our basket.

(Children sit at the “Vegetables and Fruits” table)

Educator: Kids, let's look together at what is here. We know a lot about autumn gifts. Let's remember. Are you ready to answer? Yes, attention is the first task.

Name the autumn gifts:

A) which people collect in the garden:

Apple, pear, plum, grapes.

B) which people collect in the garden:

Carrots, beets, potatoes, garlic, onions, peppers, eggplants, cabbage, cucumber, tomato.

C) say in one word:

Potatoes, beets, carrots, eggplant are vegetables.

Apple, pear and grape are fruits

D) what is the name of the garden: if you get into a garden where apple trees grow, then this garden is called an apple garden; pears - pear; plums - plum; grapes - grape. And let's call all these gardens in one word - fruit gardens.

D) name everything that is necessary for the growth of vegetables and fruits - sun, water.

Find words that you can say he - she - it;

E) now we will turn into little chefs and make juice by name:

Apple - apple

Tomato - tomato

Carrot - carrot

Apple and carrot - apple - carrot

Grapes - grape

Plum - plum

G) let's cook borscht - name everything you need to prepare borscht.

H) Let's make soup - a similar task.

Well done guys, you know how to cook deliciously.

Exercise "The fifth odd one"

(select an extra one from a group of items)

Look carefully at the first row and tell me what is superfluous in it, why?

Game "What's Missing"

Name everything you see in the fourth row. Close your eyes, open them and tell me what is missing? Well done guys, you know how to play well.

Name a word that begins with a vowel sound;

Name a word that begins with the sound k, m, b, etc.

Come up with a story using reference pictures - sun, tree, apple, canned food.

Sunshine, water, vegetable garden, cucumber tomato.

Exercise “Quickly name the color”

Show pictures, and children quickly name its color (for example, green cabbage, etc.)

Exercise “Say kindly”

Apple - apple;

Cucumber - cucumber;

Well done on how much you know about the gifts of autumn. Remind me where all the fruits and vegetables grow? You and I also have a vegetable garden in our garden. Let's tell you what grew on it.

(Children stand in a circle, say pure words, accompanying with movements)

Od-od-od - we have a nice vegetable garden, (they move their arms around themselves)

Uk-uk-uk - onions grew in the garden, (they show with their left hand)

Ov-ov-ov- and the beautiful carrot, (showed with the right hand)

Ol-ol-ol - and delicious beans, (pat themselves on the tummy)

Ta-ta-ta - and thick cabbage. (imitate something thick with their hands)

Children, what do people do when they reap a bountiful harvest? Yes, that’s right, they preserve it, and they also store it in basements and barns. Let us also put vegetables and fruits on shelves in the basement. Are you kids ready for something like this? Well then, sit down at the tables. Attention!

(Children sit at tables where a didactic frame is placed in front of them, that is, a playing field lined into squares and a set of subject pictures)

Educator: We have a large warehouse, and there are many shelves in it. Let's store carrots on shelf number 1. Put potatoes on shelf number 5. Let's return to the shelf where we put the carrots, go down 2 steps from it and leave the cabbage on this shelf for storage. Place an apple to the right of the cabbage. Let's put a pear on the third shelf. Place beets between carrots and pears. Let's go back to the shelf where we put the potatoes, go down three steps from it and return to the left one step and put the onion.

3. Final part

Well, you all coped with this task. The harvest will now be stored in our warehouse. And no winter is scary for us. And gifts from Autumn await you.

Calendar planning of educational work (4th week of September) Group: Senior

Topic of the week: “Gifts of Autumn”

Goal: To give children an idea of ​​autumn as the time of year when vegetables, fruits, and seeds ripen. Clarify ideas about the variety of vegetables.

Subject-based development environment: a basket with different fruits and vegetables, birch seeds, trays, a game “Children on a Branch”, pictures of vegetables, fruits, berries, illustrations about autumn, didactic, role-playing games.

Working with parents: exhibition of joint creativity “Gifts of Autumn”

Final event – ​​entertainment “Generous Autumn”

Cooperative activity

Group, subgroup


Reception of children, morning exercises, conversations, didactic games, reading fiction, preparing for breakfast, breakfast.

Teacher's story on the topic “The practical value of nature.”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the value of nature; continue to develop skills in a culture of behavior in nature.

Types of activities: communicative. The teacher's story about the value of nature, agricultural land (fields, gardens, vegetable gardens).

Fix the name of the autumn months with Ilya and Karina.

Formation of a holistic picture of the world

Topic: “Gifts of Autumn”

Goal: to deepen children’s understanding of seasonal changes in plant life; clarify the idea that autumn is the time to harvest vegetables and fruits; enrich your vocabulary with new words.


Cognitive - experimental activities

Topic: “Why leaves fall”

Purpose: to study the structure of the leaf, to experimentally draw a conclusion about the presence of green matter in the leaves. During the experiment, show children the dependence of the flight of a falling leaf on its size and shape.

While walking, watch the leaves fall from the trees.
Collect leaves of different shapes and colors.
Games “Run to the tree that I will name”, “Whose branch are the children from”.

work activity: collecting leaves for an autumn bouquet with Nadya, Rita, Angelina.

Working with Y. Pinyasov’s story “The Tricky Cucumber”

Examination with Vlad, Sonya, Lena of illustrations depicting vegetable dishes.

Set of exercises “Flower”.

Walking barefoot along the health path.

Didactic game “Collect a picture” with Sasha and Artem.

Didactic game “Tell without words.”

Goal: to consolidate ideas about autumn changes in nature; develop creative imagination and observation skills.

Types of activities: gaming, motor.

Educational activities in special moments

Cooperative activity

Group, subgroup


Conversation about growing fruits, vegetables, berries, etc.

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the relationship between man and nature.

Sedentary game “We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did”

Goal: development of motor activity, imagination, creativity.

Types of activities: motor, communicative.

Looking at illustrations depicting the harvest.

Game “Find out by touch” with Artem, Arina, Sonya.

Topic: "Quadrangle"

Purpose: to familiarize with the characteristics of a quadrangle; learn to navigate in space, reflect the direction in speech: left, right; fix the name of the parts of the day.

Physical Culture

Speech development

Theme: “Autumn Harvest”

Goal: to generalize and systematize children’s ideas about the gifts of autumn. Develop coherent speech, friendships, and the ability to work in a group.

Preparing for a walk, walk: observation in nature, work in nature, outdoor games.

Observing puddles, memorizing the saying “In the spring the rain floats, in the fall it wets”

Goal: continue to teach how to note the state of the weather, cultivate cognitive interest in the natural world; develop curiosity and observation.

Relay game “Harvest the harvest”

Goal: to improve children’s ability to follow the rules of the relay race; obey the interests of the team. Develop speed, endurance, agility.

Type of activity: motor, play, communicative.

Individual work on movement development. Train Artem, Vlad, Angelina in standing long jumps.

Preparing for lunch. Dinner. Dream.

Finger game “We shared an orange.”

Types of activities: communicative, gaming.

Dream. Game self-massage with singing “Rain”

Goal: to introduce children to a healthy lifestyle; develop the skill of performing playful self-massage with singing.

Exercise Nadya, Ilya, Karina in classifying plants.

Construction of a warehouse for storing crops.

Climb. Gymnastics after sleep. Afternoon snack.

A set of exercises. Gymnastics in bed “Stretching”.

Walking along the massage path.

Didactic game "Live Week"

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about the sequence of days of the week.

Game “What Grows Where” with Vlad, Sasha, Vitya, Seryozha (children must determine where the plant shown on the card grows).

Walk: outdoor games, children going home.

Didactic game “Like - not like”

Goal: to teach children to compare objects, recognize objects by description.

Types of activities: gaming, communication.

Educational activities in special moments

Cooperative activity

Group, subgroup


Reception of children, morning exercises, conversations, didactic games, reading fiction, preparing for breakfast, breakfast.

Conversation on the topic “Growing plants”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of how to grow plants.

Type of activity: communicative.

Game “What do we take in the basket”

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about what crops are harvested in the field, in the garden, in the vegetable garden, in the forest; teach to distinguish fruits by the place where they are grown; to form an idea of ​​the role of people in nature conservation.

Type of activity: gaming, cognitive-research, communicative.

Strengthen the ability to compare objects by width, color, repeat ordinal counting, answer the questions “which one?”, “Which one?” with Ilya, Arina, Seryozha, Edik.

Direct educational activities

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts

Topic: “Quantitative composition of numbers (up to 5). Shape of objects"

Goal: consolidate the quantitative composition of numbers up to 5; clarify the shape of objects.

Physical Culture

Speech development

Topic: “Favorite poems, stories and fairy tales about autumn.”

Goal: develop oral speech; to develop the ability to analyze the signs of autumn, to cultivate a love for native nature.

Preparing for a walk, walk: observation in nature, work in nature, outdoor games.

Integrated activity during a walk on the theme “The Beauty of the Sky” (observation of cumulus clouds; familiarization with the sign “By lunchtime the sky cleared, high cumulus clouds appeared - for clear weather”).

Goal: to develop the ability to see the beauty of the sky; develop creative imagination; evoke a desire to fantasize.

Outdoor game "Crucian carp and pike"

Goal: to improve children's ability to run and navigate in space.

Type of activity: cognitive - research, communicative, gaming, motor.

Didactic game “Ripe - not ripe” with Arina, Angelina, Anya.

Goal: to learn to determine the ripeness of vegetables and fruits by external signs.

Preparing for lunch. Dinner. Dream.

Guessing riddles about mushrooms and berries.

Goal: continue to teach solving riddles; consolidate knowledge about the characteristic features of berries and mushrooms; develop curiosity and interest in the environment.

Didactic game “Edible - inedible” (children arrange the offered vegetables into two groups - with edible tops and with edible roots) with Nadya, Oleg, Rita Ksyusha.

Climb. Gymnastics after sleep. Afternoon snack.

A set of exercises with elements of breathing exercises and self-massage of the face.

Didactic game “Living and inanimate nature.”

Goal: to systematize children’s knowledge about living and inanimate nature.

Type of activity: communicative, gaming.

Repeat with Seryozha, Vitya, Edik the finger game “Pickling Cabbage”

Goal: to develop children's memory, thinking, cognitive interests, and collective activity skills.

Walk: outdoor games, children going home.

Reading of E. Belyakova’s poem “Zucchini”, conversation about what was read; looking at illustrations for the poem.

Goal: to cultivate in children an interest and love for poetry, a desire to listen and remember new poetic works.

Type of activity: communicative, perception of fiction and folklore.

Educational activities in special moments

Cooperative activity

Group, subgroup


Reception of children, morning exercises, conversations, didactic games, reading fiction, preparing for breakfast, breakfast.

Didactic game “Tops and Roots”

Goal: to consolidate knowledge that vegetables have edible roots - roots and fruits - tops, that some vegetables have both tops and roots edible; practice assembling a whole plant from parts.

Type of activity: communicative, gaming, cognitive - research.

Exercise Arina, Oleg, Anna in cutting along the contour.

Direct educational activities

Artistic creativity


Topic: “Still life with mushrooms”

Goal: to clarify the idea of ​​still life as an image of objects and natural objects: to enrich ideas about mushrooms. Types of activities: communicative, visual.

The teacher's story about the genre of still life, looking at still lifes with mushrooms; Children's drawing of still lifes.


According to the music director's plan

Preparing for a walk, walk: observation in nature, work in nature, outdoor games.

Observing seasonal changes in nature.

Outdoor game: “Traps”

Goal: follow the rules of the game, act quickly, develop endurance.

Practice throwing the ball in a line to each other with Sasha, Sonya, Rita, Lena.

Preparing for lunch. Dinner. Dream.

Reading the story by G. Yurmin “The Stove in the Garden”

Goal: to cultivate in children an interest and love for literature, a desire to listen and remember new works.

Type of activity: communicative, perception of fiction and folklore.

Repeat poems and ditties for the holiday with Nadya, Arina, Vitya, Oleg, Seryozha.

Climb. Gymnastics after sleep. Afternoon snack.

A set of exercises. Gymnastics in bed. "Stretching"

Speaking pure sayings with Nadya and Ilya.

Walk: outdoor games, children going home.

Reading the poem “Apple Tree” by S. Suvorova

Goal: develop memory, auditory attention.

Type of activity: communicative, perception of fiction and folklore.

Educational activities in special moments

Cooperative activity

Group, subgroup


Reception of children, morning exercises, conversations, didactic games, reading fiction, preparing for breakfast, breakfast.

Conversation about table setting.

Goal: to develop children's memory, thinking, and cognitive interests.

Types of activities: communicative, cognitive - research.

Conversation on questions:

What cutlery and crockery do you know? What cutlery is placed to the right of the plate? And on the left? Where is the bread? Where should you put the napkin? Etc.

Exercise “Who can collect the most crops (toys) with one hand” with Edik, Valera, Oleg.

Direct educational activities

Artistic creativity


Topic: Autumn Harvest Basket.

Goal: To consolidate the ability to cut paper into short and long strips; develop a careful and careful attitude towards materials.

Types of activities: communicative, visual. Consideration of different shapes and methods of making baskets; demonstration of working methods.

Physical Culture

According to the plan of the physical education instructor

Final event entertainment in group

Theme: “Generous Autumn”

Goal: expanding children’s understanding of the season “Autumn”.

Event plan:

1.The Appearance of Autumn

2.Reading poems for Autumn

3.Games - relay races

4.Performance of the song “Now Autumn has crept up” and dance with umbrellas

5.Guessing riddles

6. Farewell to Autumn.

Preparing for a walk, walk: observation in nature, work in nature, outdoor games.

Continue to observe changes in nature, teach children to find signs of autumn: the leaves turn yellow, the flowering of plants ends.

Exercise “Shoe shelf” with Artem, Edik, Sasha

Goal: to teach children to correctly, consistently and accurately perform self-care activities after a walk.

Preparing for lunch. Dinner. Dream.

Literary quiz: “Hello fairy tale”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of previously read works, to identify an understanding of the genre features of the fairy tale.

Climb. Gymnastics after sleep. Afternoon snack.

Health-improving gymnastics after sleep.

Walking along the massage path.

Goal: to attract children to a healthy lifestyle, create a good mood and a boost of energy.

Didactic game “Say the opposite” with Arina, Anya.

Walk: outdoor games, children going home.

Classification of vegetables and fruits.

(guessing riddles).

According to the plan for the first half of the day

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 10" in Gornozavodsk

Comprehensive - thematic plan


In the preparatory group

Compiled by: Kostareva O.V.

Teacher of the first qualification category


"Lukoshka with mushrooms"

Looking at illustrations about mushrooms.

Tasks. Enrich children's vocabulary with the names of various mushrooms.

Conversation. "Edible, inedible mushroom"

Tasks. Form ideas about the dangers associated with poisonous mushrooms.

Working on the proverb: “A mushroom that is torn out is lost forever, but a mushroom that is cut off at the root produces a bag of offspring.

Tasks. Teach children to understand the meaning of the proverb. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.


Looking at mushrooms under a birch tree in the area. Teach children to describe the appearance of mushrooms and determine its name.

Job assignment: cleaning up fallen leaves.

Tasks. Involve children in feasible work.

Outdoor game. "By the Bear in the Forest"

Tasks. Development of motor reaction, dexterity, speed.

Reading the work of fiction by Z. Alexandrova “In the Mushroom Kingdom”

Modeling “Kingdom of Mushrooms”

Tasks. To strengthen in children the ability to sculpt objects or parts of them in a round, board-like shape. Learn to convey some characteristic features.

Didactic game “Guess it.” Tasks. Teach children to describe mushrooms by presentation.

“I take one berry, look at another, notice the third.”

Review of the album "Berry".

Tasks. Strengthen children's knowledge about berries.

Conversation. “On the benefits of berries for humans”

Tasks. To form ideas about the benefits of berries, to introduce them to the fact that there are also poisonous berries.

View the presentation “Wild berries”

Tasks. Give an idea about wild berries and their benefits for humans.

Finger game. "One two three four five. We're going for a walk in the forest..."

Tasks. Development of fine motor skills of the hands.


Observing changes in nature in autumn.

Tasks. Teach children to notice changes in nature that occur in the fall. Describe the beauty of autumn trees.

Labor assignment. Collection of flower seeds.

Outdoor game. "Third wheel"

Tasks. Development of attention and dexterity.

Reading poems about berries.

Tasks. Continue to develop an interest in fiction.

Drawing. "Berry"

Tasks. Teach children to convey the characteristic features of berries in drawings.

Didactic game "Fourth odd".

Tasks. Teach children to find the odd one out and explain their choice.

"Berry bushes"

Looking at the album “Shrubs”

Tasks. Reinforce in children the names of various shrubs and their differences from trees.