Reasons for bright yellow urine - what problems in the body does this indicate? What color should a healthy person's urine be? Causes of bright yellow urine

Choice of colors

The color of urine can indicate how well the metabolism in the body is occurring within the normal range. The color of the fluid secreted by the kidneys, characterized by a yellow color, is considered the norm. The degree of color intensity depends on the concentration of urine and the amount of pigments it contains. After drinking a large amount of liquid, the urine becomes lighter, close to a “straw” color. Bright yellow urine in women and men refers to one of the options provided for by the norm. However, the presence of excessively bright colored urine may indicate a problem in the body.

A number of reasons causing the problem

Bright yellow urine occurs mainly in situations where its concentration is increased, due to:

  • insufficient fluid intake by a person;
  • more intense, compared to normal, work of the sweat glands;
  • lactation period;
  • swelling in some diseases;
  • acute intestinal infections;
  • taking laxatives.

In case of insufficient intake of fluid into the body, the kidneys intensively reabsorb water, due to compensatory mechanisms occurring in them. In this regard, a bright yellow color of urine appears. The same mechanism is activated in a situation provoked by increased fluid loss. The reason for this may be, for example, a hot climate, or high physical activity, causing the body to lose a large number of water released during active sweating. Over the course of a day, a person can lose several liters of fluid in the form of sweat. Breastfeeding mothers lose a certain amount of water, which the body uses to produce milk. In this regard, women are advised to ensure that they drink a certain amount of natural purified water, tea, and juices per day.

Acute intestinal infections, accompanied by repeated vomiting and diarrhea, and high fever, which provoke increased activity of the sweat glands, can also lead to dehydration. Taking medications that are not coordinated with the doctor, laxative in nature, toxicosis in pregnant women, which is mainly accompanied by frequent vomiting, may also be the reasons why the body will produce concentrated urine.

If your urine has a deep yellow color for a long time, you should definitely seek specialized medical help from a doctor. Especially if the condition is complicated by additional symptoms:

  • lower back pain;
  • spasms in the right hypochondrium;
  • fever;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea.

Additional sources of violations

The reasons that the color of urine changes may also lie in individual or hereditary metabolic characteristics. For example, increased salt formation, physical activity, difficult working conditions, and excessive sweating can cause urine to turn bright yellow (especially in men).

If measures are not taken immediately, but after some period of time, the process of sand formation may begin in the kidneys, which will later lead to the formation of larger stones. If the concentration of urine does not return to normal over a long period of time (the urine does not acquire a lighter appearance), then as a result the mechanism of stone formation in the kidneys will be triggered.

The reason for the change in the color of urine can be the use of antibiotics, vitamins, medications, food, and food coloring. For example, both carrots and carrot juice present in the diet may cause a change in the color of urine, even to an orange appearance.

The composition of urine directly depends on:

  • products that form the human diet;
  • quality of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • functioning of the organs that form the genitourinary system.

Foods that change the color of urinary fluid also include pumpkin, beets, juices, candies and sweet water with added dyes.

This is precisely what explains the reasons why a doctor asks a patient complaining of a change in the color of urine questions related to the daily diet, and in a man, the doctor will definitely additionally clarify the presence of a sufficient level of physical activity in the daily schedule.


Urine analysis is also carried out, taking into account the degree of its transparency, which will decrease with an increase in the presence in urine of secretions that are products of the functioning of the organs of the genitourinary system.

Features of the male body

An excess number of leukocytes in a man’s body (more common than in a woman) entails the presence of a certain amount of specific secretions in the urine. Their color can vary from yellow to yellow-green. The causes can only be identified as a result of a comprehensive diagnosis. Basically, the number of leukocytes in the body increases as a result of a reaction to the inflammatory process occurring in it.

With urethritis, prostatitis, kidney disease, inflammation of the urethra, the number of leukocytes increases, changing the color of urine. When processes of this kind occur in a man’s body, the sponges of the urethra generally have a sticky appearance, since their surface is covered to some extent with these secretions.

Features of the female body

During pregnancy, waste products of the female body change their color under the influence of:

  • ongoing hormonal changes;
  • increased load on the kidneys and bladder;
  • increasing the amount of food consumed daily;
  • the occurrence of various disruptions in water-salt metabolism.

Changes in the color of urine in women while waiting for the birth of a child should not be regular, systematic and prolonged. There should be no purulent discharge in the urine; they will indicate various pathologies. The doctor will insist on conducting a detailed analysis of how the kidneys, adrenal glands, and bladder work. The functioning of the latter during this period of a woman’s life is especially at risk of developing an inflammatory process.

Pregnancy may also be accompanied by periodic moments when the color of the urine may even be brownish-yellow. Such a change is not a reason to see a doctor if everything returns to normal within a day. In this case, this was only the response of the internal systems of the body to the influence of one or another product obtained. The long-term nature of such color changes demonstrates disruptions in the functioning of the kidneys, liver, and bladder.

Don’t immediately panic about why your urine has changed color. After checking the influence of all neutral factors, if the presence of risks of developing negative changes in the body is identified, or there is a concern that the color will not normalize within a few days due to disturbances in the body, you should consult a doctor.

The presence of foam in the urine of a woman is provoked by an excess of protein in it; in a man, it is caused by the ingress of products related in composition to sperm into the urine. Doctors strongly advise all people in such situations to undergo a clinical study and check the condition of the genitourinary system.

Each of us knows firsthand what color the products of our vital activity should be. After all, we all pee and poop every day, so we are used to the fact that poop is brown and urine is yellow. From time to time, urine may change its color slightly, but it remains a yellow color palette, and we are used to this. The yellow color of urine on a subconscious level is perceived by us as correct. But why is urine yellow, what gives it this color, and do all shades of yellow indicate that everything is fine with the urine? Let's look into this issue and find out all the aspects and reasons why urine is yellow, and also why it is more or less saturated.

Why is urine yellow?

Urobilin is responsible for the color of urine. This component gives urine its yellow color. It originates from bilirubin, which, along with bile, enters the intestines to digest food. There, under the influence of numerous native bacteria, urobilin is produced from bilirubin. Along with it, another component is formed that is involved in the color of urine - urobilinogen. Only if, thanks to urobilin, we see yellow urine already at the exit from the urethra, then urobilinogen performs its function a little later. Initially, it has no color, but when interacting with oxygen, this component turns into urobilin, so the urine can turn dark yellow.


Fresh urine has a lighter shade, while standing urine darkens. This is due to the fact that urobilinogen turns into urobilin and the concentration of the latter becomes greater.

As you understand, and you’ve probably noticed from your own experience, urine is not a stable yellow color. Its saturation always changes, sometimes light yellow, and sometimes more saturated and dark. This is due precisely to the concentration of these substances in them. Yellow urine is considered normal and is so, but this is not always the case. Sometimes urine may take on colors other than yellow, which may indicate that there are other substances in the urine that change its natural color. Also, healthy urine should be clear; if it is cloudy or has sediment, this is also not a good sign. And sometimes even yellow urine is not always a good sign. So let's try to understand this confusing palette of yellow urine shades and find out which shades of yellow urine are normal, and when to sound the alarm.

When is yellow urine a sign to worry?

If your urine becomes light, or, on the contrary, bright or darkened, this indicates a change in the concentration of coloring pigments. Consequently, the reason lies in some of the areas of formation of the pigments that have subsided. If you drink a lot of liquid, then a decrease in urine color can be considered normal, since this in turn will reduce the urobilin content. You can check this, to do this you need to control your fluid intake, reduce it and after a while the urine will become brighter. If there is excessive saturation of the color of the urine, then this indicates the opposite - there are too many coloring pigments in the urine, which in turn indicates a lack of fluid in the body.

Bright yellow urine indicates dehydration, which is common if you exercise. But you should not ignore this, since frequent dehydration leads to the formation of stones. Also, a brighter yellow color of urine may indicate problems with the liver and kidneys, since there is a large release of bilirubin and, as a result, more urobilin. Taking certain medications, supplements, and vitamins can also cause acid-yellow urine. If you have internal organ dysfunction, you will likely have other symptoms that indicate the presence of the disease.

If in general you feel well, then transitions from light to dark yellow urine colors occur in connection with your lifestyle, the amount of fluid and food consumed.


In the morning, urine always has a deeper yellow color than at other times of the day. This is due to the fact that coloring pigment accumulates in it overnight. This is the norm.

Although yellow urine is normal, in children, especially newborns, it is often less intense than in adults. In newborns and only with age it acquires color saturation. This is due to the restructuring of the digestive system.

As you can see, the yellow color of urine is a loose concept. Therefore, you need to be attentive to your health and monitor all its changes. If you notice several parallel changes in your body, then it is better to pay attention to them; perhaps you are missing out on precious hours that will help eliminate the outbreak without consequences and quickly. Urine is an excellent indicator and we need to be able to correctly recognize its signals, paying attention not only to color, but also to smell.

This concludes our article, we wish you good health and consistently light yellow urine. The site is live - and we will always be glad to see you.


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When examining urine, not only its chemical composition is taken into account, but also external parameters.

One of the important indicators is the color of biological fluid. The norm is yellow urine. Any deviations from the normal color may indicate various changes that are occurring in the human body.

What does urine that is not just yellow, but a very bright shade, indicate?

Among the main factors that affect the color of urine are:

  • Kidney disorders
  • Problems with the reproductive system
  • Malfunction of the digestive organs

In addition, some foods can affect the color index. These include beets, carrots, pumpkin and sparkling water with a certain dye.

The factor that provokes the bright yellow color of the research material is increased physical activity.

Experts also say that the color of urine is influenced by metabolic processes that occur in the human body. The more active they are, the more yellow the urine is.

The color of biological fluid comes mainly from bilirubin, which is processed in the gallbladder, liver and gastrointestinal tract, and also partially in the kidneys.

The main pathological causes of brightly colored urine in children are:

Yellow, distinctly colored urine also occurs after taking certain medications that have laxative properties and antibiotics.

It is also important to note that bright yellow urine is typical for babies in the first week of life.

Possible signs often observed in children:

  • Nausea
  • Hyperthermia
  • Excessive sweating
  • Vomit
  • The occurrence of swelling
  • Pain in the lumbar area or under the right hypochondrium

If such symptoms are present and the color is bright yellow, then the specialist will prescribe additional diagnostic methods to confirm or refute this or that disease.

Traditional treatment

The main groups of medications that experts prescribe for bright yellow urine include:

  • Hepatoprotectors
  • Diuretics
  • Hormonal agents
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antipyretics

Urine color is an important indicator of health

The choice of these medications depends on the diagnosis, for example, for liver pathologies, hepatoprotectors are usually prescribed, and for diseases of bacterial etiology, antibiotics are usually prescribed. Therefore, the prescription of medications is carried out with an individual approach.

Treatment should be aimed at the underlying cause of this abnormal urine color.

First of all, in any case, the patient must be provided with sufficient drinking regimen. This is due to the fact that many diseases in which the urine is bright yellow are associated with insufficient fluid intake into the body.

In addition to the diagnosis, the specialist takes into account the degree of the disease, age, concomitant diseases and characteristics of the body.

Preventive measures

To prevent the risk of developing diseases that affect the bright color of urine, you must adhere to the following preventive measures. These are:

  • Drinking optimal daily fluid intake
  • Compliance with hygiene rules
  • Correct
  • Healthy lifestyle
  • Alternation of physical and mental labor
  • Compliance with doctor's orders
  • Hardening the body
  • Preventing your child from hypothermia and overheating

Of course, an annual routine examination of children is also considered one of the important preventive measures, which makes it possible to identify the disease at an early stage.

If you ignore the fact of pathological staining of urine in a bright color, the disease will continue to develop. Neglected diseases can lead to various complications. Among these dangerous consequences are:

  • Hepatitis
  • Cirrhosis of the liver
  • Pyelonephritis
  • Nephritis
  • Pathological changes in the digestive tract
  • Tumor processes in organs

There are other undesirable consequences. They depend on untimely treatment of a certain disease.

To prevent these problems, you need to listen to the advice of a specialist and start treatment.

Information on the video for parents:

Urine is produced by filtering blood by the kidneys. With urine, the human body removes toxic metabolic products. In the same way, excess microelements, vitamins and various medicines are removed. Human secretions can change depending on diet, fluid intake, various medications, and also during illness.

Normally, the urine of a healthy person is always clear. The color of urine may change slightly throughout the day, depending on the amount of fluid consumed. During daytime urination, light yellow urine is released. At night, the kidneys work less actively and the volume of urine decreases. With morning urination, rich, straw-yellow urine is released.

Urine has a peculiar odor, which is due to the presence of protein metabolic products in it. A change in the smell of urine or the appearance of uncharacteristic aromas may indicate a malfunction of the body. The color of urine changes in diseases of the kidneys and bladder.

Reasons for changes in urine:

  • change in diet;
  • use of medications;
  • changes in the volume of liquid drunk;
  • kidney inflammation and infections;
  • cystitis;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • gynecological diseases (in women);
  • prostatitis (in men);

Changes in the external characteristics of urine should alert a person. In order to determine the causes of changes, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible and take a urine test.

Changes in the external characteristics of urine

Too strong and persistent smell of urine may indicate a metabolic disorder in the body. A putrid smell of discharge appears during bacterial infections of the kidneys, as well as in the late stages of tumor diseases of the urinary system. In diabetes, the urine smells like acetone.

Too light, clear urine is produced when drinking too much water. Certain medications and foods can also cause urine color to change. When treated with isoniazid drugs, the discharge becomes bright red or orange. Taking too many vitamins may cause bright yellow urine. The fact is that coloring additives are often used in the production of vitamins.

Dark urine is the result of liver dysfunction. Dark urine may also be produced when blood cells are destroyed. Red urine is a symptom of a large number of red blood cells getting into it. The discharge becomes red due to glomerulonephritis and inflammation of the bladder. Blood in the urine can also appear due to tumors of the bladder and kidneys. Green discharge is the result of a severe bacterial infection of the kidneys, and can also be a symptom of a severe tumor process.

Cloudy urine appears as a result of the release of large amounts of mucus, leukocytes and epithelial cells. This happens with inflammatory diseases of the urinary system.

In women, the color of urine can be affected by vaginal discharge. With uterine bleeding, the urine may turn red. As a result of inflammatory diseases of the lower genital tract of a woman, a large amount of mucus and leukocytes enter the urine. During pregnancy, the amount of mucus produced by the vaginal lining may increase. When retained for a long time, the urine becomes slightly cloudy. During pregnancy, kidney problems can sometimes develop. Urine mixed with blood may indicate a pregnancy disorder.

In men, urine may change due to inflammation of the prostate gland. With prostatitis, the urine becomes cloudy with a large amount of mucus mixed in. The main sign of prostate inflammation is a frequent urge to urinate at night, as well as periodic disturbances in the outflow of urine.

In a child, dark urine may be a symptom of viral hepatitis A. In acetone syndrome, the urine smells like acetone. If your child pees too often, or, on the contrary, is worried about urinary retention, do not delay going to the hospital. A child with changes in urine should be urgently taken to a pediatrician for consultation.

In infants in the first days of life, bright yellow urine may be a symptom of a congenital metabolic disorder. The baby in the maternity hospital is necessarily examined and tested for congenital enzyme defects. If changes in the baby’s urine appear after discharge, you need to call a pediatrician as soon as possible or go to the clinic yourself.

The causes of violations must be determined as early as possible. Finding out why urine suddenly changed its properties is possible only through a detailed examination of the body.

Additional symptoms when urine color changes

Some diseases of the urinary system can occur with virtually no symptoms, but most are accompanied by severe symptoms. When the bladder becomes inflamed, a person experiences severe pain in the lower abdomen. During urination, pain and pain occur. False urge to urinate often occurs. Cutting, pain and burning are also characteristic of inflammation of the urinary tract and urethra.

With glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis, the patient’s body temperature rises and aching pain in the lower back appears. In severe cases of the disease, swelling of the face and limbs may develop. Severe pain in the lumbar region is also characteristic of urolithiasis. If stones begin to pass out of the kidney, a person feels very intense pain in the side, as well as in the perineum. Sometimes the pain can radiate to the leg and genitals.

If the urine has acquired a dark color after a liver disorder, then the person is bothered by characteristic symptoms. Heaviness and dull pain appear in the right side. A person with liver dysfunction complains of nausea and bitterness in the mouth. As the disease progresses, the skin and whites of the eyes acquire a yellow tint. With viral liver damage, before the onset of jaundice, people often complain of severe weakness and fatigue, as well as joint pain.

In pregnant women, changes in urine may be accompanied by the development of edema. Severe swelling in pregnant women may indicate the development of toxicosis. If a woman has even the slightest doubt about the normal functioning of her kidneys, then she needs to contact her gynecologist.

Men with prostatitis are very worried about pain when urinating, as well as periodic urinary retention. Prostatitis causes increased frequency of urges at night. In severe cases, urinary retention may develop.

What does it mean if the urine is yellow and has a suspicious odor? Every person who is very sensitive to the issue of their health has asked themselves this question at least once.

Urine is a filtered biological fluid secreted by the kidneys and urinary organs. It is capable of changing its color, so in some cases this can alert and frighten a person. However, the fact that urine is bright yellow is not a reason to panic. It’s just that you, without realizing it, could have eaten or drunk something that changed its color.

In any case, if you are concerned about this state of affairs, then it is better to direct your efforts to find out the reasons why your urine is bright yellow. They can be associated both with pathological processes and external factors that do not affect the health of internal organs. By studying them, you can understand what caused the abnormal changes in your urine.

What causes suspicious yellow urine?

In many cases, the reason why urine is yellow can be explained simply: a person consumes too little liquid, as a result of which the concentration of pigmenting substances in the body increases over time.

In addition, a person’s food preferences play an important role. So, if you like citrus fruits, beets, carrot juice or fresh carrots, then you should not be surprised if you notice an orange, yellowish, or even red tint to your urine when urinating. As a rule, after a few hours its color becomes normal, unless, of course, you no longer eat the above foods.

In addition, yellow urine can be the result of food dyes entering the human body in large quantities. Thus, various store-bought juices, dragees, caramels, chewing gum, chips, crackers and other delicacies contain such substances in abundance. Even ordinary sweet carbonated water can change the color of biological fluid.

Note. When you notice that your urine is bright yellow, try listing (mentally or on a piece of paper) all the foods and drinks you consumed throughout the day. This way, you can understand whether the changes were caused by external factors, or whether the problem is more serious and concerns your health.

Provoking factors

Since the color of urine depends on the amount of fluid in the human body, use the following scale to understand whether you are drinking enough water.

  1. If your urine is clear, this indicates that you need to reduce the amount of fluid you drink because your body's tissues contain more than necessary.
  2. A light yellow tint to urine indicates that the body is receiving enough fluid.
  3. signals a catastrophic lack of fluid in your body. For this reason, you urgently need to take measures to prevent the development of dangerous pathologies of internal organs.

The causes of very yellow urine may have nothing to do with drinking habits. They should notify you that something has gone wrong and that there has been a serious disruption in the functioning of your body.

So, the main reasons why urine may be bright yellow are often:

  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • pregnancy period;
  • infectious or inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • long-term intake of vitamins;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • chronic diseases of various localizations;
  • sudden climate change;
  • excessive consumption of table salt.

Another explanation for why the urine is bright yellow is the age and weight category of the patient. So, in older people, as well as in those who suffer from obesity, the color of urine can be very different from normal, that is, it can be much darker. Newborns usually have clear urine because their body contains a high concentration of water.

Quite often, a urologist or nephrologist may hear a patient ask, “What does it mean if the urine is straw-yellow?” Despite the fact that many people are worried about this shade of biological fluid, it is precisely this indicator that a person is absolutely healthy. For this reason, do not look for unnecessary information for yourself to think about, and if you have any doubts, it is better to share them with your doctor.

Yellow urine in pregnant and lactating women

If bright yellow urine in women often signals the addition of an infection, in particular, the development of cystitis, then in pregnant women the situation is somewhat different. During this period, the body undergoes all sorts of changes, since the birth of a new life is a great stress for it.

The reasons for bright yellow urine in expectant mothers may be related to taking vitamins, as well as eating large amounts of yellow, orange and red fruits. However, if a woman has not taken or eaten anything like this recently, and the color of the biological fluid suddenly changes, then she should consult a doctor.

The fact is that the lemon-yellow color of urine or, conversely, its shade being too dark, may indicate the development of some pathology in the expectant mother or the fetus. Thus, it is better for a woman to play it safe by contacting a gynecologist and undergoing all the necessary tests.

Bright yellow urine during pregnancy may be a sign of hormonal changes in the body. However, this is only in the first weeks, so if the expectant mother expects the baby to appear in the next 30-45 days, and the color of the urine has already changed, this should cause caution and concern.

The reasons for yellow urine in nursing mothers is a large loss of fluid from her body. For this reason, doctors strongly recommend taking a responsible approach to the drinking regime.

Urine has become too yellow - what should I do?

If you have figured out the question of why urine is very yellow and found an explanation for this, then you can safely move on to the next stage - solving this problem. In the event of the development of one or another pathology, the situation can be stabilized only with the help of a doctor. However, if it’s not a disease at all, but you still have very yellow urine, then try taking the following measures to eliminate this unpleasant problem:

  • drink enough water;
  • stop taking pills that turn your urine yellow;
  • Avoid foods containing food dyes;
  • Do not do strenuous physical exercise, which leads to a large loss of fluid from the body.

The main thing is to remember: deep yellow urine is not an indicator of illness, so don’t panic in advance and give yourself a “deadly” diagnosis! If you do not control the situation and your emotions, then even the most minor deviations from the norm in your body will plunge you into shock, and this is already fraught with serious consequences for your nervous system.

Yellow urine in children

Yellow urine in a child often appears due to food poisoning and stomach upsets. Among other things, even babies are not immune from diseases of the liver, gall bladder, and kidneys. In addition, children are very active and energetic, so they lose much more fluid per day than adults.

Bright yellow urine in a newborn baby is also not uncommon. In babies who have just been born, urine can have a different shade - from carrot (brick) to completely transparent (although this happens extremely rarely). This is due to the fact that the kidneys and urinary tract are not yet sufficiently developed. In a few days everything will get better and your worries will disappear.

Change in urine color in men

Bright yellow urine in men often indicates liver problems. Thus, heavy physical activity, addiction to beer, smoking, and heavy food play a significant role in this. Thus, the liver gradually ceases to cope with its functions, which immediately affects the fluid secreted by the kidneys - urine. This may explain why urine is yellow and smells.

Despite the fact that cystitis is a disease that often occurs in women, men can also become infected with it. An unpleasant odor, a change in the color of urine, a burning sensation and pain when emptying the bladder - all these alarming signs should be a good reason to visit a urologist’s office. It is better to solve the problem immediately, since cystitis can become chronic, and then it will be impossible to get rid of it completely.