Retirement age limit. Schedule for raising the retirement age in Russia

To mom

The State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted a law providing for an increase in the retirement age from 2019, but in stages. The law has already been signed by the President of the Russian Federation. Now everyone is interested in the updated retirement schedule by year from 2019, which allows them to understand when they can exercise their right to pension benefits.

The article will provide a general step-by-step schedule for retirement by age in accordance with the new law, schedules for men and women, as well as information on the application of the new law to preferential categories of workers. Let's answer the question of who will retire in 2019 and who will not be affected by the law..

The article does not take into account Vladimir Putin’s proposals to reduce the retirement age of women from 63 to 60.

The current version of the updated retirement age table can be viewed at the link:

Main provisions of the bill

If now in Russia, upon reaching the age of 60, men, and women 55, receive the right to maintenance in the established amount from the state, then soon everything may change. Amendments to the law will introduce a new rule: Russians will retire upon reaching the ages of 65 and 63 (men and women, respectively). However, legislators promise to carry out the reform not at once - a fairly long transition period is envisaged (16 years for women and 10 for men).

The general schedule for retirement after raising the retirement age in comparison with the provisions still in force is as follows. This clearly shows how the retirement age will change.

Year of birth Year of retirement Retirement age
Men Women In accordance with the provisions of the bill According to the rules still in force Men Women
1959 1964 2020 2019 61 56
1960 1965 2022 2020 62 57
1961 1966 2024 2021 63 58
1962 1967 2026 2022 64 59
1963 1968 2028 2023 65 60
1969 2030 2024 61
1970 2032 2025 62
1971 2034 2026 63

For a clearer picture, we will provide a separate retirement schedule by year starting from 2019 for men in Russia in accordance with the bill.

Year of birth Released
1959 61 2020
1960 62 2022
1961 63 2024
1962 64 2026
1963 65 2028

And also a retirement schedule by year from 2019 for women in the Russian Federation.

Year of birth Retirement age (in years) Released
1964 56 2020
1965 57 2022
1966 58 2024
1967 59 2026
1968 60 2028
1969 61 2030
1970 62 2032
1971 63 2034

The schedule for retirement after raising the retirement age is given in the bill and the explanatory note to it; it is part of this legislative initiative. However, changes may be made to it; this is not the final version. A new pension schedule after the retirement of Russians in 2028 and 2024, respectively, will not be established; it is provided only for a transition period, then all citizens will retire upon reaching 65 and 63 years of age.

What will happen to beneficiaries?

The retirement age will also be raised for northerners, who currently have an advantage over other categories of workers. However, the preferential difference of 5 years for northerners will remain, since the legislator recognizes working conditions in the Far North as quite difficult for this.

The transition period schedule in this case is as follows.

Year of birth Year of retirement Retirement age (in years)
Men Women Men Women
1964 1969 2020 56 51
1965 1970 2022 57 52
1966 1971 2024 58 53
1967 1972 2026 59 54
1968 1973 2028 60 55
1974 2030 56
1975 2032 57
1976 2034 58

According to the new law, the retirement age will also be raised for teachers, medical and creative workers (more precisely, an eight-year delay in granting pensions will be established), although the need to develop special experience will remain. The transition period schedule is shown below.

For civil servants, from January 1, 2020, an increase in the growth rate of the retirement age step will be introduced - one year per year.

For citizens eligible to receive a social pension, the retirement age will also be raised to 68 for women and 70 for men.

Transition period schedule for these citizens.

Year of birth Year of retirement Retirement age (in years)
Men Women Men Women
1954 1959 2020 66 61
1955 1960 2022 67 62
1956 1961 2024 68 63
1957 1962 2026 69 64
1958 1963 2028 70 65
1964 2030 66
1965 2032 67
1966 2034 68

Who will retire in 2019?

When analyzing the data presented in the graphs, the question arises of who will retire in 2019. They have already been addressed to the Pension Fund and the answer was given that in 2019 not a single citizen will become a pensioner on a general basis. It is obvious that northerners, teachers, medical and creative workers, and citizens entitled to receive a social pension will also not retire in 2019.

What will happen to those retiring in 2019? They will be able to exercise their right only in 2020.

In addition, the bill mentions categories of workers to whom the new rules do not apply; they will retire in the general manner in 2019; the retirement age will not be changed for these categories of workers.

Among them:

  • workers working in jobs with harmful, dangerous and difficult working conditions;
  • those who have the right to early assignment of state support for health or social reasons, for example, military personnel who have become disabled due to military trauma, women who have given birth to more than five children and are raising them until they are three years old, visually impaired people, etc.;
  • victims of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • men and women from the flight test staff and directly involved in flight testing and research of flight technology.

The situation does not threaten current pensioners either. It is also worth noting that the pension reform may be revised, and changes may quite possibly be made to the bill. Most likely, legislators will take into account Vladimir Putin’s wishes to lower the retirement age for women from 63 to 60. However, there remains little doubt that the pension reform will be carried out.

Proposed by the Government. However, it will take place taking into account the adjustments proposed in Vladimir Putin’s address to citizens of the Russian Federation dated August 29, 2018. All planned changes since 2019 already provided for by Law No. 350-FZ of October 3, 2018, signed by the President.(text below).

Law on retirement age from 2019

In his televised address in August 2018, the President noted that in Russia “there is a special, careful attitude towards women,” therefore, on his instructions, the Cabinet of Ministers prepared an amendment to the bill, which provided reduction of the retirement age for women by 3 years relative to the 63 years proposed in the original version - i.e. up to 60 years of age, as well as those with three or four children. The further fate of the bill (in the second and third readings in the State Duma).

Will implement gradually from January 1, 2019. Taking into account the mitigation of the rate of increase in the standard age in the first 2 years, changes for women will be carried out as follows:

According to the proposed schedule, raising the retirement age will affect all citizens who, on January 1, 2019, won't have time to retire yet according to the old law (women who will not yet be 55 years old at the beginning of 2019).

This means that the retirement age will one way or another be raised for all women (with the exception of early workers) who will be 55 years old or younger in 2019- and this. A pension from the age of 60 will be assigned to those women who will turn 55 in 2023 and later.

Retirement schedule by year from 2019 for women

Date of reaching 55 years of ageHow many years will retirement be delayed?Retirement age under the new lawWhat year will you retire?
2018 - 55 2018
1st half of 2019+ 0.5 55.5 2nd half of 2019
2nd half of 2019+ 0.5 55.5 1st half of 2020
1st half of 2020+ 1.5 56.5 2nd half of 2021
2nd half of 2020+ 1.5 56.5 1st half of 2022
2021 + 3 58 2024
2022 + 4 59 2026
2023 and later + 5 60 2028, etc.


  • Those women who Turns 55 in 2019, are already subject to the transitional provisions of the new law. For them, retirement will be delayed by 6 months - they will be able to receive payments when they reach 55.5 years of age (in the second half of 2019 or the first half of 2020, respectively).
  • To those who The 55th anniversary will be in 2020, the increase in relatively old standards will be 1.5 years (instead of 2 years according to the schedule proposed by the Government). They will be able to receive pension payments in the second half of 2021 and the first half of 2020, respectively, when they reach the age of 56.5 years.
  • To those who Will turn 55 years old between 2021 and 2022, an intermediate value of the retirement age will be established, taking into account an annual increase of 1 year - 58-59 years.
  • Women who Will be 55 years old in 2023 or later, will retire according to the final standards of the new law - at 60 years old. They will be able to issue payments starting in 2028, etc.

New retirement table from 2019 by year - women from 60 years old

As noted earlier, in Russia women will be subject to since born in 1964, since they will reach 55 years of age after amendments to the pension legislation are made.

But since the new law presupposes conditions for retirement, some women will be subject to intermediate provisions (2019-2026) - for them the age for making payments will be less than 60 years old.

You can determine in which year women of a particular year of birth after 2018 will retire using the following table:

Retirement table from 2019 by year for women


  • For women born in 1964 the so-called “period of working capacity” will be increased by 6 months (i.e. until the age of 55.5 years), since they fall under the transitional provisions of the law.
  • For women born in 1965 The retirement date will be delayed by 1.5 years, i.e. until the age of 56.5 years.
  • For women born in 1966 and 1967 the rate of increase in retirement age standards will be greater - an increase of 1 year annually. Payments for them will be delayed for 3 and 4 years, respectively.
  • Women born in 1968 and later will apply for a pension from the age of 60 - the final value of the retirement age will be established for them.

Retirement of mothers of many children

The new law provides for the possibility of having three or four children. This change was adopted at the proposal of the President - the amendment was considered and approved in the second reading by Parliament of the bill on pension changes from 2019. The final content of the law was adopted on September 27, 2018 during the third reading, signed by V. Putin on October 3 and officially published on October 4.

In his address to citizens of the Russian Federation on August 29, 2018, Vladimir Putin noted the need to provide such benefits to mothers with many children according to the following scheme:

  • if a woman has three children, then she will be able to 3 years earlier than the generally established retirement age arrange pension payments;
  • if there are four children, then 4 years ahead of schedule;
  • if there are 5 or more children, current legislation already provides for such mothers retirement at 50.

The age of early retirement will be determined based on the final retirement age - those. from 60 years old. This means that women with many children will be able to receive payments early only upon reaching 56/57 years of age (for three/four children, respectively).

  • Women will be the first to leave early on preferential terms Born in 1965, with 4 children(in 2021 upon reaching 56 years of age, when the general retirement age for women born in 1965 will be 57 years).
  • The following will be able to take advantage of early payment processing: women born in 1966 with 4 children also at 56 years old (they will retire in 2022, while on a general basis women born in 1966 will retire in 2024 at the age of 58, and if they have 3 children - in 2023 at the age of 57 ).
  • And so on.

Has a law on pensions at 60 for women been adopted in Russia?

Reducing the retirement age for women from 63 to 60 years President Vladimir Putin announced during his address to citizens, which took place on August 29, 2018. An amendment to the bill containing such adjustments was prepared by the Government - on September 26, 2018, it was already unanimously approved by State Duma deputies.

In its final form, the law on raising the retirement age in Russia was adopted by the State Duma September 27, 2018. This law () was signed by the President on October 3.

According to the procedure provided for by Russian legislation, the consideration of the Government Bill has passed all required steps:

  1. Until September 24, 2018 collection of amendments to the bill which were considered in the second reading. Those approved by Parliament include the following:
    • Introducing an amendment proposing a reduction in the retirement age for women from 63 to 60 years.
    • Enshrining in law the new order proposed by the Government at a rate higher than the inflation rate (on average).
    • Incorporation into law of the concept of “pre-retirement age” in order to oblige employers to notify the Ministry of Labor of the dismissal of older employees.
    • An advanced training program for citizens of pre-retirement age, for the financing of which the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection proposes to allocate about 5 billion rubles annually.
    • Increasing the transition period in the first 2 years of the reform (i.e. reducing the rate at which the standard age value will increase annually), etc.

      The final list of amendments to the law was considered by deputies during the second reading - September 26, 2018

  2. During the second and third readings, deputies considered and voted for the proposed amendments, as a result of which the parameters proposed by the Government for increasing the retirement age for women and men were adjusted.
  3. After the bill was finally adopted by the State Duma, it passed the stage of its approval by the Federation Council and signing by President Vladimir Putin on October 3. Then the final law was officially published, and the law came into force as of January 1, 2019.

The legally established age at which citizens can apply for state-guaranteed financial support. The general principles of legal regulation in Russia of issues related to retirement age are regulated in two fundamental documents:

1. Federal Law of December 17, 2001 “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” (No. 173-FZ);

2. Law of the Russian Federation of December 15, 2001 “On state pension provision” (No. 166-FZ).

Retirement age in Russia.

First retirement age in the Russian expanses was appointed in 1932 (that is, still in the USSR). Currently, it is fixed separately for women (from 55 years old) and men (from 60 years old), but will change until 2021. This is due to changes in Federal Law No. 173. Retirement age for women will change in stages, eventually reaching a figure of 60 years.

1) mothers with fifteen years of work experience and having five or more children whom they raised until they reached the age of eight;

2) citizens with a working experience of 20 years or more who became disabled due to injuries received during hostilities;

3) women over the age of 40, and men over 50, who are visually impaired, class I, and have a work experience of 20 years or more;

4) father or mother of a disabled child (provided he is raised up to 8 years of age);

5) citizens working in the vastness of the Far North;

6) people with very rare diseases (in particular, Lilliputians) who have disabilities (from the age of 40 or 45 years).

The recently developed pension reform provides, as part of its implementation, early pensioner status for other categories of people working in underground work, in harmful and dangerous working conditions. Citizens laid off due to layoffs will be able to apply to become a pensioner early.

Law No. 4468-1 regulates some pension features for the category of military personnel. They continue to receive a long-service pension. Military personnel who have served in their position for at least 20 years are eligible. Law No. 173 guarantees early retirement for teachers who have worked in educational institutions for at least 25 years. For ballerinas, early retirement begins with the acquisition of fifteen years of experience on stage. For the flight attendant category - 20.

Retirement age in 2015: briefly about the changes.

The reform of the pension system from 2013 to 2015 is characterized by the presence of many advantages. The most important among them remains the introduction of a savings system. The Russian Federation has managed to create a favorable climate for accumulation.

Size pensions for old-age pensioners, leaving later than the legally established period, according to the new system is calculated using a bonus coefficient. Citizens receive special points for each month from the date of their right to a pension. They are determined based on a fixed salary. A higher premium coefficient guarantees an increased amount of the insurance pension.

Summary of retirement age bonus rates.

Number of full months that have elapsed from the date the right to an insurance pension arose

For a fixed payment

For old-age and survivors' insurance pensions

Retirement age 2016

On September 17 of the previous year, the Russian Ministry of Finance put forward a proposal to continue to increase retirement age in 2016. Having previously carried out the necessary calculations, the ministry announced colossal savings of public funds (620 billion - 1.3 trillion rubles). The government has not yet made a final decision. Social Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets managed to state on air on the RBC TV channel that the government’s plans in the near future do not include making fundamental changes in this direction. , according to the Deputy Prime Minister, there will be virtually no change until 2018. From 2017, changes in retirement will affect only civil servants.

Retirement age in the world.

Having analyzed the legislation of countries around the world, we can conclude that retirement age in most world practices it is set between 50 and 65 years. In Ukraine it is 55 (women) and 60 (men), in Kazakhstan - 58/63, in Israel - 62/67, in China - 50/60.

In mid-June of this year, the Russian government announced a pension initiative. The proposal to carry out the reform received a great response in society. The outline of the project is the adoption of new age limits for citizens retiring. Thus, for men it is proposed to increase the age limit by 5 years, and for women - by 8. The second reading of the bill is scheduled for September 26, 2018.

Main provisions of the proposed reform

After the first reading, the essence of the federal law is as follows:

  1. After the speech of the President of the Russian Federation, it is planned to raise the retirement age for both women and men by 5 years. To do this, you will need to amend Article 8 of the Federal Law numbered 400-FZ, adopted on December 28, 2013.
  2. If a man’s experience is forty-five years, and a woman’s is forty, then they can become pensioners 2 years earlier. At the same time, the condition that men reach sixty years of age and women reach fifty-five years of age is not canceled.
  3. A transition period is envisaged. The five-year increase will affect men whose retirement age will come in 2023, and women - in 2026. More detailed calculations can be found in the tables below.
  4. The effective date of the law is January 1, 2019.

The bill was approved by deputies in the first reading. 72.9% were in favor. These are 328 members of United Russia. Only one member of this faction spoke out against it - N.V. Poklonskaya. and one hundred and four parliamentarians representing all other parties. Nobody abstained. Under the pressure of violent public outrage, the authorities promised to finalize the project and make amendments to ease its burden on the population.

Retirement age increase table

For the male population of Russia:

For women:

The last time the framework of working capacity was discussed and the corresponding law was adopted was in 1928. Over the past period, many changes have occurred:

  • The average life expectancy of Russians has increased;
  • the standard of living and its comfort have increased;
  • people began to work in better conditions.

The Pension Fund cited statistics according to which the country is experiencing a steady increase in pensioners to the detriment of the number of workers. Based on this, it was concluded that after several years it will be very difficult for the Russian state to provide pension payments.

Nuances of retirement in 2019/2020

During a television broadcast, the President of the Russian Federation informed citizens of amendments to the proposed law. According to them, citizens who have lived to the age of 60/55 (men/women) will be able to go on vacation next year at 60.5/55.5, and not at 61/56. The same relaxation will apply to those Russians who will turn 60/50 in 2020.

The adoption of such a six-month benefit will make early retirement possible for people. This will allow those who planned their lives in advance taking into account the old canons to adapt to the new rules. While the relatively younger generation will have enough time to get used to the updated pension realities.

Preferential retirement

The bill contains a section dedicated to the retirement period for citizens belonging to the preferential category:

  1. Russians living in the Far North are also not experiencing any changes. Northern men will be legalized as pensioners from the age of 60, and women - from 55. They will also be subject to the provision of a transitional period.
  2. The requirements for preferential length of service for medical workers and teachers do not change. But it is also proposed to shift the retirement date by 5 years.

The current legislation provides preferences for women who are mothers of many children (five children or more). They are given the right to receive pensioner status 5 years earlier. And so it will remain. The President recommended that those mothers who have four or three children also be included in the preferential category. Accordingly, they should retire 4 and 3 years earlier.

Who will not be affected by the law?

There are no plans to increase the age of retirement for the following categories of citizens:

  1. Working in conditions recognized as harmful and dangerous. Provided that the employer made payments in accordance with the tariffs established for this.
  2. Citizens whose untimely retirement is due to social reasons or health conditions.
  3. Victims of man-made disasters or those affected by radiation.
  4. The men and women who were on the flight test crew. We are talking about people who directly took part in testing parachute, aeronautical, space and aviation technology.

What is retirement like in other countries?

One of the main arguments of supporters of the transition is the situation with the solution of this issue in other countries. It looks like this:



Bosnia and Herzegovina

Belgian kingdom


United States




The situation cannot be called stable. The adoption of the new law caused a split in the Federal Law. This step has been continuously criticized by experts. Known cases of popular protests. Therefore, until the law passes the second reading, it is difficult to predict exactly how people will retire next year.

October 3, 2018 new law on retirement age in Russia No. 350-FZ was signed by the President and officially published on the state legal information portal. A week earlier, it was adopted by State Duma deputies in the third and final reading, taking into account numerous amendments (the main ones were proposed by the President and aimed at mitigating the consequences of the pension reform). The law comes into force already from January 1, 2019.

The implementation of the reform will already begin from January 1, 2019, while all changes will be made in stages - with a gradual increase in the “working age” annually for 1 year, except for the first two years of the reform, when preferential retirement will be provided (six months earlier). Thus, the new retirement age standards will be finalized in 2023 for men and women.

Pension reform in 2019

The prepared and approved law contains a whole range of changes in the pension legislation of Russia relating to the following types of pensions:

As part of the pension reform, adjustments are expected from 2019 and regarding early pensions:

For all these types of pensions, the age requirements for the right to receive them will be revised in one form or another. Adjustment will start from 01/01/2019 and will occur through a gradual increase in age to the standards provided for by the new law.

Let us consider in more detail each of the proposed changes (by types of pensions and categories of their recipients).

Consideration of the bill

The main change that was proposed by this bill in its original version is the increase in the retirement age from 2019 up to 63 for women and 65 for men(now they are 55 and 60 years old, respectively). However, these parameters of the law were adjusted by presidential amendments. The President proposed the following main measures to mitigate pension reform:

  • lowering the upper limit of the retirement age for women from 63 to 60 years(i.e. the increase will be not for 8, but for 5 years);
  • opportunity to retire 6 months earlier the period provided by law for the first two years (i.e. for those who, according to the old law, had to retire in 2019 and 2020);
  • easing conditions for early retirement two years earlier than is provided for by the new retirement age - this can be done if available;
  • the possibility of preferential registration of pensions for those who raised not only 5 children, but also 3-4 (for three children - retirement 3 years ahead of schedule, for four - 4 years).

Increasing the retirement age for receiving an old-age insurance pension

The bill proposed by the Government provides for a gradual increase in the retirement age, upon reaching which a pension will be assigned (which since 2015 is now called “insurance”). Taking into account the proposed adjustments by President V. Putin, it is envisaged that the age will be fixed at the level 60 and 65 years for women and men(i.e. the increase will be the same and will be 5 years).

It is proposed to make changes annually, increasing the value of the retirement age: annually for 1 year during the transition period, but with some adjustments:

  • in the period from 2019 to 2020 it will be possible to leave six months ahead of schedule;
  • from 2021 until the end of the transition period (i.e. until 2023), the age value will increase by 1 year.

You can determine in which year a citizen will be able to apply for an old-age pension based on the data in the table.

Table - Retirement age in Russia since 2019 (the law taking into account the adopted amendments proposed by V. Putin)

Year of retirement under the old lawRetirement age under the new lawYear of retirement under the new law
2019 60 + 0,5 55 + 0,5 2019 and 2020
2020 60 + 1,5 55 + 1,5 2021 and 2022
2021 60 + 3 55 + 3 2024
2022 60 + 4 55 + 4 2026
2023 60 + 5 55 + 5 2028

It should be noted that these changes will not affect those who are already retired- they are aimed only at future pensioners who have not yet received an old-age pension according to the standards in force in 2018 (55 and 60 years).

Thus, the first changes envisaged will affect women born in 1964 and men born in 1959- they will be able to retire only in the second half of 2019 and the first half of 2020. Women born in 1965 and men born in 1960 will be able to retire in the second half of 2021 and the first half of 2022. Thus, only those citizens (women and men) who in 2018 are under 55 and 60 years of age.

The law provides for a small “compensatory measure” for such an unpopular decision: employees will be given the right to retire 2 years earlier than the established retirement age. This reduction is provided for women with more than 37 years of experience, subject to reaching 55 years of age, and for men with more than 42 years of experience, upon reaching 60 years of age.