Butts side view. What to do if your butt is flat

For children

Hello, my dears! Today we have an unusual article. And all because A - it is female, B - it is about the most appetizing part of the female figure - the buttocks or, as they are popularly called, the ass. In the course of this article, we ourselves will act as sculptors, and with our own hands we will create the butt of our dreams, or rather, we will learn how to make a Brazilian butt.

Girls (and maybe boys), take your seats, because the material is exclusive, and the article is just a bomb!

How to make a Brazilian butt: the basics of construction

I recently conducted a small survey among the male population on how they evaluate the Popen Hagens of their chosen ones. So, I decided to burn some answers (I would like to hope that the guys will not find this note, and that I will not get punished for disclosing confidential information in the header :)). So, here is what was said or, so to speak, recorded from the words of respondents to the question: “Do you like the two halves of your other half?”:

  • there is clearly not enough volume and convexity, and sometimes you want it to not even fit in the palm of your hand;
  • a little flat, it could have added some roundness and mass;
  • neat, but the Brazilian ass looks juicier and looks more impressive.

These are the answers we received.

The young ladies may think that their boyfriends are just getting too greedy... perhaps. However, at a minimum, you should listen to your boyfriend’s point of view or wishes, and at the very least, take care of your “wife” (not her name) to the fullest and learn how to make a Brazilian butt. Actually, that’s the last thing we’ll do today.

Well, let's start (And what was above, just thoughts out loud?) I would like to know that Brazil is famous not only for football and its carnivals, but also for the most delicious “butts” in the eyes of men, and in general the women of these territories are famous for their sirloin. And the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the phrase “Brazilian girl” is her butt. It must be said that men are far from ignorant when it comes to assessing female forms, and their trained eye allows them to determine in 8 seconds whether it is worth approaching this lady.

Now I’ll say something that may be offensive to many of our girls. Russian fifth points are noticeably inferior to their counterparts from Brazil, but because... men love shapes and volumes (to have something to hold on to), then it’s no wonder that they look askance at foreign-made butts and forget about the local manufacturer. In order not to be unfounded, we will conduct a comparative analysis of the buttocks of representatives of Russia and Brazil. Actually, this is what we have.

I think the picture is very revealing, and it’s clear who the favorite is.

What is the secret of Brazilian asses, and is it possible for me personally to acquire such a “wife”? Good question, let's answer it and start, as usual, with theory.

If you follow articles on the project (and for this you need to subscribe to the newsletter), then you are aware that there are different ones. From this we can logically assume that there are different types of shapes of female buttocks. Let's get to know them better in order to better understand which “wife” you personally are the owner of.

How to make a Brazilian butt: shapes of female buttocks

No. 1. Bubble Butt

A perfectly round butt that is shaped like a soap bubble. It has good mass and an almost perfectly round shape.

No. 2. Coke bottle

The woman's figure resembles a bottle. She has a straight narrow torso and wide and curvy hips.

№3. Heart-shaped Butt

One of the most desirable butt shapes is the inverted heart shape. The owner has a small waist and large hips.

No. 4. Hourglass

The owner has large breasts, a thin waist, wide hips and large buttocks.

No. 5. Shelf Butt

The term is used to describe a very large butt that simulates a shelf. A woman usually has a flat stomach, a thin waist and a very massive rear frame. An example is celebrity Kim Kardashian.

These are not all forms, just those that we touched on little in the article on body types, and which I would like to highlight in this article.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Test pencil

This is a pretty old test. (used already in the 70s), whom I met in a foreign book on fitness. It allows you to determine whether your “zhenya” actually needs a lift. Its meaning is that you take a pencil and place it under the fold of your butt. If the pencil feels at ease (lingers) there, then the buttocks require work on them. This test can also be done on the breasts to determine if they are sagging.

How to make a Brazilian butt: three secrets

You probably think that Brazilian monkeys naturally have such buttocks, and it’s all about genetics. Of course, genetics plays a role, and not the least, but I believe that every Russian girl can become the owner of a Brazilian butt. And now we will find out the three main pillars on which their Popenhagen is based :).

So, let's say you already go to the gym. (to the gym) and decided to get the best buttocks in the room. In this case, you need to change your approach to training. That's what I mean.

The most effective strategy to build a strong and voluminous butt (not flat like fitness models) is choosing the right type of load. Many women think that light weights and high reps are the way to go, but this assumption is wrong.

You will see much better results (and in a shorter time), if you start doing so-called weight lifting workouts, i.e. training using moderate-to-heavy weights and proper “cranking” exercises. These can be included.

No. 1. Full squats

You can often hear that you only need to squat to parallel. Tell that to the Brazilian girls who do full squats or, as they say, “butt to floor.” Exactly incomplete path (short range of motion) takes away the round shape of your buttocks. Therefore, if you have healthy knees (and girls usually have less problems with this than men), then perform a full squat with a decent amount of weight.

You need to start warming up with an empty bar, and load the bar as you train. If you want to take the load off your spine, then do full squats. On average, you need to do one squat per workout 3-5 approach to 8-10 repetitions.

No. 2. Split Squats/Lunges

One of the most effective ways to “round” your buttocks, which will make your hamstrings burn. These squats can be performed with either a barbell or dumbbells. (see image).

It is also important here to go deep and show a “good step” in the lunge position. Lengthening your stride will allow you to focus more on your hamstrings rather than your quadriceps, which is the goal of this movement. An excellent option for performing split squats is to use a Smith machine variation.

No. 3. Entering the platform

Another trick from the so-called Brazilian butt training is stepping onto the platform (step-ups). In this exercise, the main “salt” is the step; the higher it is, the greater the focus on the buttocks. It can be performed both with dumbbells and with a barbell (bodybar).

During the execution, in addition to pumping the lower body, an excellent calorie burn occurs.


In this note we will not consider issues of nutrition and aerobic activity; of course, all this should be present. Our goal is to pay attention to the main “building components” of the Brazilian butt.

So, we looked at the flowers, i.e. what adjustments should be made to the current training, now let’s deal with the berries directly and move on to...

How to make a Brazilian butt: the practical side of the issue

Many young ladies are perplexed why Brazilians have such asses)? Maybe there is a secret? Yes, he is! It consists of understanding anatomical issues and a special training system called the triangle training method. Intrigued? Then let's go.

On the Internet and in many popular VKontakte groups you can see the following pictures, explaining how (how) to properly train the buttocks to give them total roundness. These are the drawings.

It would seem that since they are surfing the Internet, this means verified information? Nothing like that, it's a fabricated gluteal anatomy and it lists exercises based on that fabricated anatomy. Who benefits from this?

Well, for example, those who actively promote their CDs called Brazilian Butt Lift and make money on young ladies who are ready to give everything just to get a Brazilian butt. Of course, this is not a crime, but such graphics have filled the entire Internet and are firmly entrenched in the minds of many women. In fact, a similar training method - a triangle - exists, and there is the only correct anatomical map of the buttocks, and our further story will be devoted to these two things.

The real anatomy of the gluteal muscle is as follows.

The gluteus maximus weighs (and occupies area) twice as much as medium and small combined. The gluteus minimus is located under the gluteus minimus in the upper outer quadrant. It is not positioned as the lower part (area/section) of the buttocks.

In other words, there is no separation of muscles by position, as, for example, in the same pectoral (in which the top is the bunches at the top, the bottom is the bunches at the bottom).

The pictures above tell us that the best exercise for targeting the middle region of the buttocks is jumping jacks. In fact, there are exercises that activate the gluteus medius muscle in 10 times more, in particular - abducting the leg to the side while lying on its side and spreading the legs while lying on its side with an elastic band. Those. it turns out, from the point of view of anatomy, that as such the triangle method (when three exercises affect different parts of the buttocks), No. It’s just that this name stuck, it was beautifully presented in the form of a picture and therefore made a name for itself. Therefore, for convenience of word form, we will call our training as triangle training method or Brazil butt workout.

The main feature of this training is the impact on different gluteal muscles from different angles. The high intensity and richness of the program allows you to solve several problems at once on the formation of a volume-elastic target:

  • lifting the buttocks;
  • reduction in hip volume;
  • reduction of problem areas;
  • burning of excess layer of subcutaneous fat.

How to make a Brazilian butt: 8 main exercises


All exercises are visual and therefore the technique of performing them does not require explanation.

No. 1. Taking the leg back

And in motion.

Execute 4 approach (By 2 for each leg) By 12 repetitions.

No. 2. Squats with a dumbbell at the feet

Execute 3 approach to 10 repetitions.

No. 3. Adduction squats (sumo) with a weight

Execute 3 approach to 10 repetitions.

No. 4. Raising the hull with a bridge

And in motion.

Execute 3 approach to 10 reps for each leg.

No. 7. Jump Squats

Execute 3 approach to 10 repetitions.

No. 8. Split lunges with jumping

Execute 3 approach to 10 repetitions.

The same training program can be rounded off, i.e. make it circular. To do this, you need to perform all the exercises one after another like a train with minimal (better without it at all) amount of rest and exercise. Circles in this case must be performed 3-4 .

For homebodies, I will give a training program for creating a Brazilian butt at home.

Use these two programs, and soon you will get the most delicious buns :).

That's all for me, let's summarize.


Today we thoroughly studied the question of how to make a Brazilian butt. I must say that you will not find such detailed material on this topic anywhere else. Therefore, read everything again and do the most important thing - lift your butt off the chair, and now, without delay until tomorrow, start doing the exercises. I assure you that in just a few months you will have the best “wife” in the room, and on the beach you will have the longest train of men following you. I wish you success, my beauties, see you later!

PS. Every comment is +1 to the volume, so let’s unsubscribe!

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in your social network status - plus 100 points for karma, guaranteed :) .

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Created 12/15/2013

Unfortunately, not all girls and women have been given appetizing and rounded butt shapes by nature. Both thin and overweight women can have a flat butt.

Because of this, complexes appear, since men first of all pay attention to this part of the female body.

If genetics haven't given you a sexy round butt, don't despair. There are ways to improve the situation. So what to do if your butt is flat?

Start with your posture. Straighten your shoulders, straighten and slightly arch your back, sticking your butt out, pull in your stomach.

A sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition will make your already not very attractive shape flabby. You can do any type of dance that will strengthen your muscles, improve your posture and flexibility. An interesting way to give your butt a better shape is with roller skates or regular skates. Riding them will make all your muscles work. You will strengthen your thighs and buttocks. You can play football, basketball or volleyball. During swimming, most of the muscles of the body work, the skin is massaged, excess fat is removed, and muscle mass is added to the buttocks. Yoga, which includes poses to strengthen the legs, is also useful.

Of course, it is impossible to radically change your body shape and naturally flat buttocks with exercises. But it’s quite possible to tighten up flabby buttocks.

Lie on your back. Knees bent. Feet pressed to the floor. Squeeze your glutes and lift your hips off the floor, forming a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Hold in this position for two counts and lower to the starting position for four counts. Repeat 12 times.

Standing on one knee and one straight arm, extend your right leg and left arm straight, hold the position for two counts, then smoothly lower and straighten your left leg and right arm. Do 12 reps for each.

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lunge forward with your right leg, bending your knee and rotating your torso. With your left hand, touch your toe. The left leg is straight. Push off with your right foot to return to the starting position. Repeat for the left leg. Do 8 repetitions for each leg.

Get on your hands and knees. The back is straight. Wrists directly under shoulders. Squeeze your glutes and lift your right leg, keeping your knee bent at a 90-degree angle. Pull your foot toward the ceiling until your hamstring aligns with your torso. Don't arch your back. Lower your leg. Do 12 repetitions for each leg.

Take dumbbells in your hands and stand in front of the step platform. Stand on the stand with your right foot and lift your left foot, bending it at the knee. Hold this position. Lower your left leg, stepping onto the floor with your left leg, then your right. Repeat for the other leg. Do 8 repetitions.

Stand up straight. Feet shoulder width apart. Hold a body bar (weighted stick) behind your back, holding it with your hands above your head and below your lower back. Keep your back straight, rest on your heels, push your hips back and slowly bend down, slightly bending your knees until your torso is at a 45-degree angle to the floor. Return to an upright position. Do 8 reps.

It is important to do exercises to enlarge your buttocks regularly, and once you achieve results, do not quit. A good figure requires constant training.

  1. Position - lying on the floor, arms crossed on the chest, legs bent at the knees at an angle of 90 degrees. Raise your upper body and legs at the same time and lower them smoothly.
  2. Position - lying on the floor, legs raised up. Reach your hands toward your toes, lifting your buttocks slightly and bending your knees.
  3. Position - lying on the floor, legs straightened. Raise your legs up perpendicular to the floor and lower them to the floor without bending.
  4. Position - lying on the floor, arms straight at your sides, legs bent at the knees at an angle of 90 degrees. Raise your butt and lower it to the floor.
  5. Position - lying on the floor, arms straight at your sides. Raise your legs straight as in the picture and lower them to the floor.
  6. Position - lying on the floor, arms straight at your sides, legs straight and slightly raised above the floor. Alternately bend your knees and straighten them.
  7. Position - lying on the floor, arms straightened at your sides, straight legs slightly raised above the floor. Alternately, without bending your knees, lift one or the other leg as in the picture.
  8. Position - lying on the floor, hands behind your head, legs straightened and raised above the floor. Turn your torso and bend your leg at the knee, pulling it towards your elbow. When turning the right side, the left leg bends and rises.
  9. Stand straight, feet together, arms extended in front of you parallel to the floor. Squat down without spreading your knees so that your butt is parallel to the floor. As you rise, move your hands to your waist.
  10. Starting position - straight body facing the floor on your toes and straightened arms. Lift your butt up, bend your leg at the knee and move it forward, then return it to the starting position.
  11. Position - with your back to the floor, resting on your toes and straightened arms. The body is straight. Raise your legs one by one without bending and lower them to the starting position.
  12. Position - legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor, arms apart, torso raised, back straight. Raise the leg bent at the knee one at a time and return to the starting position.

In general, many on the forums write that the exercises do not give any results: just as the butt was flat, it remains flat. But here is an example of a girl who did exercises for her hips and buttocks regularly for two years. The photo clearly shows that her butt has noticeably tightened and rounded. Well, those who only want quick results will not achieve any.

You can achieve visual enlargement and rounding of the buttocks with the help of underwear. Of course, the effect is temporary and deceptive. And it is not recommended to attract a man in this way. As they say, everything secret comes out someday.

Shapewear shorts will lift and tighten your buttocks.

It happens that the butt is not just flat, but with depressions. Panties with sewn-in silicone inserts will help here. You can use the silicone inserts on their own, placing them under regular panties, but an embarrassing situation may occur if they become dislodged.

Many women wear push up bras that lift and enlarge their breasts. There are also panties. They lift and enlarge the buttocks thanks to polyurethane foam, which itself is elastic to the touch. This padding in the back of the panties is molded and molded and does not move during movement, so everything looks more than natural.

A flat butt can be corrected with clothing. Wear pants with pockets and pleats at the back, which will create the illusion of a more curved shape. Avoid pants that are tight around your buttocks. Give preference to skirts and dresses with drapery on the buttocks. Always accentuate your waist with a belt to draw attention away from a flat butt. A medium-width belt on the hips also helps in this case. Also wear long jackets and tops that hide your imperfections. Namely, they should be of a length that covers half of the butt, that is, the flattest part of it from the lower back. Skirts and dresses that fit to mid-thigh and then widen will hide a flat butt. Example: pleated skirt with yoke. And stay away from tight dresses and skirts, jeans without pockets.

You can radically change the shape and make a flat butt round only with the help of plastic surgery. But not everyone can afford it, and not all women will decide to do it.

One of the methods is the Brazilian butt lift. The photo shows that the buttocks on the left look like long saggy ovals. And on the right - rounded buttocks and a thin waist.

Here the arrows show that the length of the buttocks on the left is greater than on the right. After plastic surgery, the butt becomes smaller and rounder.

This is achieved by removing fat from selected areas of the body (sides, thighs, abdomen), cleansing it, and then transplanting fat cells into the buttocks. The fat injection process involves tens or hundreds of injections. The procedure is designed to fill out the upper part of the buttocks so that they are lifted and rounded.

You can enlarge your buttocks using gluteoplasty. This technology uses silicone implants. These implants, unlike breast implants, do not have to be changed even once. The effect remains for life.

Another method of lifting the buttocks is filament lifting. The lift is carried out using threads (they are called Brazilian), which are introduced into the sagging soft tissues of the lower part of the buttocks and are firmly fixed and then stretched.

Incredible facts

Perhaps no part of the body attracts as much attention as a woman’s buttocks.

But if for men this part of the body is attractive from an aesthetic point of view, then for specialists the shape of a woman’s butt is, first of all, an indicator of the health of its owner.

After all, the shape of the buttocks can tell a lot about a woman.

Body fat distribution

So, the size and shape of the buttocks can say a lot about the general condition of a person. It is believed that storing fat on the body is unhealthy, but this is not true for all areas of the body.

According to experts, obesity is a growing problem worldwide due to unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity. Numerous studies show that you may actually be healthier if your fat is more distributed in your lower body rather than your upper body.

“Fat in the thighs and buttocks keeps all the fatty acids away from the heart, arteries and liver, which can reduce the risk of heart disease and other serious diseases such as diabetes.

Since your body is programmed to redistribute fat to the abdominal or buttocks, female hormones are thought to direct and distribute fat primarily to the buttocks, thereby protecting the heart.

What determines the shape of the butt

It has also been noted that those with slightly larger than normal buttocks may have greater intelligence.

What is this connected with?

The results showed that those with curvy buttocks had lower cholesterol levels. And, most likely, in such women, the body more actively produces hormones for sugar metabolism.

Having a voluminous buttock implies an excess of Omega-3 fats, which have been proven to catalyze brain development.

In other words, a large fifth point is associated with higher levels of Omega-3. Omega-3s are known to promote brain health.

Thus, the benefits of curvy buttocks are obvious from a health point of view.

So what does your butt say about you and your health?

What does the shape of your butt tell you?

Square shape

A square butt shape can indicate many things.

For example, perhaps a person has small deposits of fat around the waist, or maybe a person exercises but does not have a toned butt.

The square shape of your buttocks indicates that you have fairly good health and good stamina.

But if you are unhappy with this form, you can change it.

To improve the shape of the butt, a number of special exercises are recommended. Bending over and stretching are great helpers in the fight for a beautiful butt. Thanks to this load, you can get rid of fat in the waist area and pump up the buttocks area.

Round form

The elastic, round shape of the buttocks is an indicator that a woman has well-balanced hormonal levels. If you are the owner of this particular form, this indicates that your hormones are in perfect order.

In addition, everyone knows that men pay attention to women with exactly this shape of buttocks.

It is believed that girls with such rounded hips usually become mothers of very healthy children.

There is an opinion that women with rounded buttocks have easier childbirth. It is for this reason that on a subconscious level, men are attracted to such ladies.

Heart shape

This is probably the most desirable butt shape.

This shape is characterized by a full bottom that tapers towards the top, closer to the waist. This type of butt also tends to lose fat faster over time.

Perhaps a heart-shaped butt indicates a lack of estrogen in the body. Either you have already faced this problem, or you will face it later, as a mature lady.

Triangular shape

The so-called triangular shape also indicates estrogen deficiency in the body. This form is common, mainly among older women who lack estrogen.

According to experts, a lack of this hormone in women causes insomnia, irritability, nervousness, decreased libido, loss of strength and lack of energy.

It turns out that there are only five forms of female butts in the world, and each woman has one specific type. This discovery was made by surgeon Matthew Shulman, who during his work examined 50 thousand representatives of the fair sex from 35 countries. It’s safe to say that this person understands the fifth point like no one else.

As Shulman said, he was able to classify the following types: pear-shaped, triangular, square, round and the “inverted heart” type. The shape of a woman's butt, according to the surgeon, depends on the position of the pelvic bones, the distribution of fat, the size of the buttock muscles and how the muscles are connected to the femur.

Sounds very scientific. Let's look at each type and define ours, and also find out which underwear is suitable for each butt shape.

1. Square

If your pelvic bone and outer thigh create a line perpendicular to the floor, then you have a square-shaped butt.

Suitable Underwear: Thongs, tanga panties, bikinis, and shorts are ideal for this type. It is desirable that it be an elastic material that fits tightly (not to be confused with “pinches”) the legs.

2. Inverted Triangle

You can classify your butt as this type if the lines from the hips to the pelvis are turned inward. Dr. Shulman says that this type is typically found in women with broad shoulders and narrow hips.

Suitable Underwear: consider briefs, briefs, hipsters or bikinis.

3. Pear shape

Your butt belongs to this type if its widest point is between the pelvic bones.

Suitable Underwear: Since such a butt is characterized by fairly wide hips, pay attention to tangas, bikinis, and shorts. In a word, for those models that do not cut into the hips. Seamless underwear is also a good option.

4. Round

The soft and smooth lines of this butt form a circle. Happy owners of this type include Beyoncé and Kim Kardashian.

Suitable Underwear: Choose thongs and thongs, as well as briefs and briefs that have plenty of fabric on the sides. Give preference to those models that do not turn one buttock into two. For the same purpose, choose underwear one size larger.

5. Upside Down Heart

This type is similar to a circle with the only difference being that most of the weight falls on the lower part.