Crafts from wood shavings “Shavings in creating compositions. pencil shavings


When pencils are sharpened using special sharpeners (and rarely anyone does this with a knife now, right?), these procedures leave behind wonderful wavy spiral shavings. They can be useful for creating stunning applique paintings.

You can find a large number of examples of such creativity on the pages of this thematic section. Incredibly, in this unusual work there are no restrictions except the author’s imagination. The themes of paintings made from shavings are extremely diverse. Come to this section for inspiration!

Miracles from pencil shavings - for you.

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All sections | Pencil shavings. Crafts from colored pencil shavings

Master class for teachers and parents “Drawing with colored sawdust” Master class for teachers and parents "Drawing colored sawdust» . (to participate in the competition Teacher of the Year 2019) Target: To interest teachers in one of the non-traditional techniques drawing: expand the knowledge of teachers through familiarity with non-traditional drawing techniques, like...

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Pencil shavings. Crafts from colored pencil shavings - Christmas tree made from colored pencil shavings

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Image library "MAAM-pictures"

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Application made from shavings from colored pencils in the senior group “Flower” Have you ever sharpened colored pencils? Chances are you do this regularly. And when the sharpener is full, do you empty its contents into the trash can? And completely in vain! Using this “waste” you can create real works of art. To create a masterpiece...

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Pencil shavings. Crafts from colored pencil shavings - Master class “Magic sawdust”

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It's never too late to find and show your talents. A real confirmation of this is the story of a 55-year-old labor teacher at an ordinary provincial school, Sergei Bobkov. His life and creative path takes place in the village of Kozhany, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russia. He became famous not only in his native village and throughout the country, but also abroad as a talented sculptor who creates stunning three-dimensional artistic products from wood shavings. For several years now, the artist who has found his calling has been delighting people with incredibly realistic creations in the form of various animals and birds, the feathers and fur of which are replaced by the thinnest wood plates processed in a special way.

The first research in the field of a new direction in art, the unique technology of which, by the way, Sergei managed to patent, began nine years ago, when the sculptor was 48 years old. One day he noticed the unique properties of wood shavings, which could help him create something special that went beyond existing ideas about creativity. Thus, the master noted the texture, plasticity and diversity of shades of the wood material. In addition, it is natural, affordable, and does not lose its original aesthetic properties over time. Without shelving the idea, Sergei set to work, and as a result, the first masterpiece was created - a life-size bird made of wood shavings, captured in a typical dynamic pose.

Before this, the artist managed to try a large number of crafts - weaving from wicker, making ceramics, artistic wood carving and even furniture production, but the creation of extraordinary sculptures from wood became truly close to him. The exhibits exude astonishing naturalness and lightness: realistically fluffy wool seems to be bending under a light breeze, and feathers, airy and light, can instantly come to life and soar into the sky. Over almost ten years of his work, the master has produced a whole collection of animals and birds, the likes of which are unique in the whole world.

According to Sergei, doing what most people can do is not interesting to him, but finding your own way and creating something unusual is a completely different matter, it is very inspiring.

Long before starting to create a new sculpture, for several months the master thoroughly studies the subject of interest to him. He studies textbooks with descriptions and photographs of the chosen animal or bird, and also monitors their habits and characteristics in their natural habitat until he becomes a real expert on this topic.

The history of making chip sculpture begins with the creation of a plasticine prototype, which is an almost complete three-dimensional model, serving as a kind of “mannequin” for taking measurements, which are later transferred to the tree.

The base of the future product is cut out according to the created sketch from blocks of wood, which are then covered with wool or feathers. The technology of production and processing of wood chips are quite complex processes. Since ordinary wood shavings are a very fragile material, Sergei has to achieve elasticity and strength by soaking the wood in water. Then the thinnest plates are cut from the wet bars, which dry for some time between the pages of school textbooks.

And finally, the material is ready, and soon a skilled carver will turn thin plates into fur, down or feathers. Each element is approximately 5-8 cm. For greater realism, Sergei processes them with cutters and scissors so that the external similarity is maximum. Wooden feathers and fur are glued with jewelry precision by the hands of the master to the “body” of the future sculpture. The beak and claws are also made from shavings glued together from several dozen layers.

According to Sergei Bobkov, shavings of various types of wood are suitable for this type of art, but he prefers to work exclusively with Siberian cedar.

Making unusual sculptures forces the artisan to spend 14-18 hours a day in his workshop, working tirelessly. Complex, filigree work that requires many skills, strength and inspiration brings Sergei only satisfaction and joy. It takes the artist approximately 4-6 months to create one chip masterpiece in the form of a large animal or bird. The sculptor claims that it is especially difficult to work on figurines of fur-bearing animals. For example, a pair of martens, for the fur of which the master needed 150 of the finest shavings, he created for 8 long months. Sable wool consists of 30 thousand fibers, and for the plumage of an eagle it took up to 7 thousand plates of wood shavings. The artist did one of his last major works—two capercaillie—in tandem with his 21-year-old son Artem.

Because of their striking external resemblance to their “models,” chip products are often compared to stuffed animals. However, the artist does not like this statement at all, because his works are the complete opposite of stuffed dead animals - they symbolize life and bring only beauty and goodness to the world.

A collection of sculptures by Sergei Bobkov is exhibited in the village school, where, in addition to local residents, tourists and vacationers from the nearby Krasnoyarsk Zagorye resort often come.

The master has not yet dared to sell the most large-scale creations, which is absolutely not surprising, because it is very difficult to say goodbye to a creation on which more than six months of work have been spent. Small sculptures such as wooden flowers and cute owls are available for purchase. For example, now on the sculptor’s website there is a composition of three owls for sale, the cost of which is 150 thousand rubles. For comparison, it is worth noting that for one of the most beautiful works of the sculptor - a statue of an eagle - they offered 3 million rubles, but Sergei refused this offer.

The talented Sergei Bobkov has grandiose plans for the future - he dreams of a large art center, which will include an exhibition hall, a workshop and a hotel for those who want to learn the intricacies of this type of art or simply admire already created masterpieces.

Wood chip flowers

The technology for making decorative flowers from wood shavings is simple and accessible. The abundance of material, the attractiveness of its texture, the simple technological process and the possibility of quickly obtaining the final result awaken great interest in this type of creativity.

lesson on making flowers.

1. Equipment, materials.

Wood shavings of any type of tree are suitable as a starting material for decorative work. At the same time, it will differ in shade of color and texture. For example, birch has light, almost white wood, cedar is somewhat darker, and pine wood is distinguished by a characteristic alternation of whitish and yellow stripes.

The shavings are removed from the board with a well-sharpened plane. If you remove shavings from the end of the board, you can get a tape with smooth edges, the width you need, which can be used in the future without processing as a decorative element of the composition. It is convenient to store harvested shavings in cardboard boxes, having previously sorted them by color and strip width.

Form flower details from shavings using sharp scissors with thin blades.

PVA glue is used to glue the flower parts and attach the flowers to the background.

2. Technology for making flowers from shavings.

We can conditionally divide the flowers produced by shape, size and number of petals into groups: “lilies”, “asters”, “daisies”, “cornflowers” ​​and flowers in the “fantasy” style.

Sequence of making flowers:

A) making the flower core. For an unopened bud and the core of a flower, choose tightly twisted strips - spirals of shavings. If they are not large enough, roll them one by one until you get the size you need so they don't unwind, apply glue to the end of the strip and press it down, securing it with a rubber band. You can form a large core from several different in width and height, combining them into one circle (Fig. 1).

b) making flower petals. To make flower petals, choose loosely twisted shavings. If the chips are strongly twisted and brittle, they should be lowered for 3 to 5 minutes before work. into water at room temperature.

Must remember!

Always place the blade along the strip of wood (along the grain of the wood) (Fig. 2a).
You need to cut from the middle of the petal to the edge to avoid breaking the chips (Fig. 2b).
The lower edge of the petal should be pointed, this will make it easier for you to assemble the flower (Fig. 2c).

The flower petals should be shaped according to the type of flower you want to get (Fig. 3-7).

c) flower assembly. When all the parts are ready, form the flower, insert the petals into the core and make sure that the number of petals is enough. Taking out the petals one at a time, coat the bottom edge of the petals with glue and return them to their place. After collecting the flower, straighten (distribute evenly) all the petals again and carefully remove the flower to dry.

Another option.

Master Class

Master class: Flowers made from wood shavings Wood, Pencil shavings

The technology for making decorative flowers from wood shavings is simple and accessible.

The abundance of material, the attractiveness of its texture, the simple technological process and the possibility of quickly obtaining the final result awaken great interest in this type of creativity.

For my work, I use tree branches of different species. Each type of tree has its own color tone, its own texture and has a different effect on the shape of the chips. The larger the assortment of wood, the greater the compositional possibilities.

It is easy to adjust the branch to the diameter of the sharpener using a knife. The peeled bark and wood can be useful later in the work. There is no need to try to make the workpiece perfectly round. The more irregularities there are on the surface of the rod, the richer the edges of the petals will be. The cut surface of the workpiece forms a fleecy edge on the chips. Round blank-supplier of petals with smooth edges.

By evenly distributing the effort when feeding the workpiece into the sharpener, a garland of chips is formed. Sometimes, helping with my fingers, I place the shavings as they come out of the sharpener, like a sculptor into a bud.

As a result, these are the blanks for flowers.

Sometimes the output is finished buds or their large components. This is dictated by the nature of the material and the uniformity of effort when feeding the workpiece into the sharpener.

A shaving garland does not always form. Sometimes these are single fragments. From these elements you can form a flower according to your design.

Using plasticine, I secure the buds to the board. To hold the shape, individual elements can be attached with a pin. Then wax is poured into the center of the flower. To do this, you can use batik tools or pour directly from the jar, which must be done carefully and carefully. The wax holds the flower together and forms its core. The flower will acquire a pleasant texture if it is dipped entirely into molten wax, and the entire structure of the flower will be significantly strengthened.

I make the stem from wire. To avoid operations for further decorating the stem, you can immediately use a thin colored wire. The wire rod is slightly bent at one edge and inserted with the other, sharp end into the wax middle; dragging it through, you need to deepen the bent edge into the wax mass.

A real tapestry is a lint-free wall carpet with a plot or ornamental composition, hand-woven by cross-weaving threads. Our tapestry is made from sawdust, which is why it is often called “pseudo-tapestry”.

So let's look at what we need to get started.

1 - Sawdust (not small like powder, but not large either)
2 - PVA glue
3 - board/chipboard/fibreboard of any format and size (cardboard is undesirable, because it can get wet); maybe even a plastic tablet.
4 - gouache
5 - pencil and piece of paper (for a sketch)
6 - container for mixing (you can have one, or you can have one for each new color)
7 - water
8 - and most importantly - cutlery FORK

First, let's make a sketch of our composition. It is better not to make a very complex composition; You should also not make a composition from very thin or small objects.
Having made a sketch, we decide on the colors. For a decorative composition we will use no more than 3-4 colors. On the sketch we note for ourselves what color we will have. After this, we roughly outline our composition on the board.

Now take a container for mixing colors. It should be quite voluminous (of course, it all depends on the size of your canvas). Pour some water.

Add paint to water and dissolve it. It is convenient to use paint in tubes or powder pigments - they dissolve easily and do not create crumbs.

Having diluted the paint in water, add about 2-3 squeezes (not very full) of sawdust.

And after that we begin to mix sawdust with colorful water.

Then, when almost all of the sawdust is wet and colored, PVA glue is added to it. You need quite a lot of it, about 2 teaspoons. And if there is a lot of sawdust, then a tablespoon of glue won’t hurt.

You need to mix very carefully so that each sawdust is painted (naturally, there are single sawdust on which paint practically does not take at all - we do not count them).

Now that you have received such a colorful, porridge-like sawdust mixture, you can begin to spread it on the board with a fork. To do this, we scoop up a little (about half a fork) of our porridge and carefully place it on the board.

Then we level the sawdust mess according to the shape of our drawing, which we lay out with this color. You need to level it with the same fork, flat, gently pressing and stretching in the right direction.

The thickness of the applied pattern, after leveling, should be within 3-5 mm. If it turns out thinner, you just need to add a little porridge on top and level it further.

The rounded parts of the pattern, laid out in open areas (not occupied by the already laid out color), can be carefully rounded off using a fork in this way:

Here we have laid out the entire blue drawing of our pseudo-tapestry.

If there is too much water in the porridge, it will take a long time to dry. But you can speed up drying with a hairdryer in order to quickly start laying out the next color. Before the laid out color dries completely, you will still have to wait about a night, sometimes longer.
Now we dilute the next color, in my case it is green, in the same way as blue was diluted. And we begin to lay out the green according to our sketch. It turned out that the green gets into a thin partition to the edge of the canvas. In such a place we can’t get by with just a fork, so we help with our hands.

In another place on the canvas, green creates a thin passage between the blue parts. Here you can’t really help with your hand - you can only gently move the sawdust onto the canvas with your hand, and then carefully, trying not to touch the blue color, level it with a fork, first flat, and if necessary, then with the tip of the fork.

Now we've finished laying out the green. We also let it dry so that the paint does not leak from it when pressed. To do this, we resort to using a hair dryer.

Now let's mix the next color - red. This color will touch both blue and green. Therefore, it is necessary for both colors to dry well enough.

We begin to carefully lay out the red drawing. Here we will resort to leveling the porridge with the tip of a fork. And when the porridge is more even, press it flat with a fork.

Then we lay out the entire red pattern in the same way and our pseudo-tapestry becomes more beautiful and is already closer to its finish.

We move on to the last stage of tapestry making. Mix the yellow color with sawdust and carefully, even more carefully than the previous one, lay it out and level it. Now we have a finished tapestry.

We leave the resulting product in some warm place - under a hot radiator, near the oven, in a warm room, and let it dry. A medium-humid product will take about 8-12 hours to dry. After drying, the tapestry will take its final shape, the colors will become brighter and richer. It will become hard and textured. It happens that some individual sawdust falls off from a dry tapestry - they can be fixed with strong hold hairspray.

After complete drying and final processing, our pseudo-tapestry is ready! Now you can even frame it.

Thank you for your attention and good luck in mastering the pseudo-tapestry technique!

Happy owners of suburban areas can decorate the garden with various green spaces: perennial shrubs, trees. You can even order an artificial tree frame made of polymer concrete, which will serve as a tall trunk for climbing perennials. But what should owners of city apartments who do not have a local area do?

Miniature Japanese maple

There is always a solution: create a small tree yourself! If you get creative, you can make a tree from any available materials (fruit, yarn, coffee beans, paper, candy, beads and much more).
Inspired by a photograph of a Japanese maple, there is a desire to recreate its decorative miniature. This master class is for those who love crafts made from shavings and who are tired of banal crafts made from beads and paper. We offer an original option on how to create a miniature tree from shavings with your own hands.

Decorative maple - crafts made from wood shavings

The production of any decorative tree begins with the preparation of materials and the creation of a frame; for it we will need:
- pliers;
- plaster;
- wire cutters;
- PVA glue;
- stacks;
- wire;
- paper tape;

1. Using wire cutters, cut a piece of wire to the required length. This will be a branch of our tree.

2. Give the branch the desired shape with pliers. To secure the branch to the trunk, you need to bend one end perpendicularly.

3. To give the branch a natural look, increase its thickness by wrapping it tightly with paper tape.

4. We make a certain number of such branches and connect them with tape to each other. The frame of the future maple is ready!

5. Fill our tree stand (in this case we took the base of the box) with plaster, wait until it thickens a little. Then we install the tree trunk into the mold.

6. To create the natural texture of the bark, we will use gypsum. Cover the tape with PVA glue and wait for it to dry completely. Then we apply the first layer of plaster with a brush, and the next one with stacks to add texture. After the plaster has dried, coat the tree trunk with paint.

Here's what we got:

Now we begin to make the crown of the tree. We will need a sharpener and tree branches. It is better to take fresh, slightly damp twigs of varying diameters up to 8 mm.

1. Using a cutter, adjust the diameter of the branch to fit the sharpener. Do not try to make the workpiece round, keep the unevenness.

2. Make a string garland evenly and carefully.

3. After several hours of painstaking work, this should look like this:

4. Such shavings look impressive even without coloring, but to realize the idea of ​​​​creating Japanese maple, we will paint the shavings using regular Easter egg paint. The technology for making paint is the same, but you need to hold the chips longer.

6. We make a crown frame from wire and wrap it tightly to the trunk with a thin wire.

Now you need to be patient and carefully stick our shavings onto the wire frame using glue.

Our shaving tree is ready!

Dear readers, what kind of crafts made from shavings can you offer to lovers of this craft for public viewing?

You will learn how to make a cute table from a natural solid piece of wood.

But you can get it from an ordinary willow tree branch.

Useful for artificial aging of wood.

Real craftsmen will certainly be able to decorate our miniature with LED lighting, as in this video: