There is nothing under the dress. Look up your skirt: the digital revolution is in full swing

For teenagers

The revolution that digital technologies brought to our lives thirty years ago did not end (relatively speaking) with the advent of the Pentium. It continues - and every year new inconsistencies, inconsistencies, bottlenecks emerge in culture, traditions, law, not adapted to the new - digital ones! - realities.

Often such inconsistencies are serious and give rise to long, heated debates: such as the problem of the inability to control digital copying (remember Salinger's dilemma). But there are also seemingly little things that are not even possible to discuss normally. Yes, they demonstrate in their purest form how technology is ahead of the law, but touch on this topic even briefly and you are guaranteed at least a condescending smile from your listeners. And discuss this on television, in the press?! Well, you know! An example of such a “trifle” is the upskirt phenomenon.

I see, I see, the one who is in the subject began to smile :-). To be honest, this thing is very popular in certain circles. If by some miracle you don’t know what we’re talking about, then it’s simple: the word “upskirt” is translated from English as “peeping under a skirt” and is used to refer to both the actual action and the resulting photographs or videos. Its history is rich and extends far beyond the digital age. There is Marilyn dancing over a well, and frivolous paintings by medieval painters, and much more.

In the context of our conversation, two points are important. Firstly, there has always been a tangible element of eroticism in upskirt. Secondly, from the point of view of society, this has always been fun on the edge of what is acceptable, something between a game permitted for adults and generally accepted deviations like spying on someone taking a bath. The sexual revolution that happened in the second half of the 20th century (you know, “mini” and all that) even made the upskirt a fashion item. But hardly anyone could have imagined that at the beginning of the 21st century, thanks to digital technology, skirt peeping would turn from fun into a headache.

Is the English term annoying? I admit, I myself am not delighted with it. And while I was preparing the material, I almost broke my head, thinking about how best to translate it into Russian, and consulted with a linguist. Ideally, you need the same catchy, short, self-explanatory word. But even in the Russian-language section of Wikipedia there is no article on this topic (I’ll add a column and get started - join us!), so, for lack of a better one, I decided to use the direct transliterated version: apskirt. Not everyone will like it, but we are no strangers to the tablet and Satoshi ;-).

Something else is more important again. Upskirt in its modern sense is the child of camera phones and smartphones. The emergence of super-compact digital cameras, and even crossed with a mobile phone, has become a kind of feature: such cameras are invisible, do not arouse suspicion, and make distributing footage as simple as possible. As a result, skirt peeping has degenerated into a criminal business and unpleasant antisocial activity. Today, upskirting is one of the most popular categories on pornographic resources: there are providers of such content who provide a continuous stream of photos and videos from the streets, shopping centers, beaches, and there are consumers willing to pay for it. There are also plenty of “amateurs” sharing the results of their “works” on the Internet - and also putting random people they meet in an awkward position. I guess few girls dream of seeing themselves captured from below on YouTube. And the question is whether we can do anything against the invasion of privacy from this side.

Strangely enough, it is easier for us, citizens of the Russian Federation, than for many others: covert filming in any form is outlawed in our country (correct me if something has changed). But the rest of the democratic world, alternating abuse with laughter, is forced to look for more precise and subtle formulations.

Americans are having a particularly hard time right now. Another scandal is raging in the States (they hope that this will be the last), connected precisely with upskirting. The backstory is simple and already typical: in 2010, in the Boston subway, a man was seen trying to take pictures with his phone - of course, without permission or knowledge - of fellow travelers from below, with an emphasis on the hips and crotch (sorry, that’s how it is in court documents). The police organized live bait fishing, sending disguised female employees out for a ride, the man took the bait and they tied him up (Michael Robertson, 31 years old). Soon the first trial took place and found the man guilty. It is not surprising: after all, voyeurism - that is, (I quote) the deliberate filming of the intimate areas of a partially or completely naked person without her consent at a time when the person assumes privacy - is illegal in the United States. But this was only the beginning of the story, the first iteration, if you like.

In the photo from the police station, Robertson is an ordinary middle-aged white guy. We do not know whether he was, as they say, a pervert or a cyber activist who, by his example, wanted to point out the inconsistency of the legal system with the actual state of affairs - well, just like the ever-memorable Aaron Schwartz. But, one way or another, Robertson really helped! He appealed and just won!

How did he do it? The highest court of the state where the hearings took place (Massachusetts) found that, while in a public place, a citizen has no right to hope for privacy, and moreover, cannot be considered even partially naked: he is dressed! A subway car is not a bathroom or a changing room, and a smartphone is not a hidden camera. And in general, if a citizen exposes parts of his body (intentionally or not), what kind of expectation of privacy can we talk about? Therefore, although voyeurism in the classical sense is still prohibited, this prohibition does not apply to upskirt.

After such a verdict, natural hysteria erupted in the media. Everyone laughs: some covertly, some openly; lawyers, passers-by, TV presenters and the press laugh. They laugh and make salty jokes like whether Robertson's lawyer was wearing panties when she talked about her client's "constitutional right to take upskirt pictures in public places"? And everyone understands that it will not be possible to laugh at the problem - and some, through tears of laughter, are already demanding improvements to the law, which is so far behind technology. But the trouble is, it is unclear what the final wording should be.

One option: at least over your clothes a person in a public place cannot expect privacy, under clothes he still expects her, and the invasion there should be prohibited. The definition is casuistic and not without flaws, but that’s the point: numbers A civilization has stepped on another callus - and no one knows how to get rid of the pain!

Naturally, the unfortunate inhabitants of Boston are not the only ones who are faced with this. Other American states suffer from the same “hole” in the law and have already acquitted citizens caught upskirting. Why, America, everyone is trying their best. Japan does not prohibit covert filming, but it does restrict the distribution of materials obtained in this way. Shaky. The UK looks at the problem rather with a grin, which is why especially celebrities suffer greatly - for whom the paparazzi have not yet put the lens between their legs. Nothing good either. India and Singapore are stupidly imprisoning upskirt lovers. Roughly: what if it was an accident?

In short, it is impossible to prohibit, it is more expensive to ignore, it is both scary and funny to discuss. This is such an awkward moment. One thing is good: instead of boring faces decorating materials about other clashes of numbers s and society, there are beautiful legs here. Enjoy while you can! 🙂

Agree that an ideal figure is very rare. The female sex especially loves to find fault with itself, managing to find flaws where they are minimal or non-existent. The situation is even worse when, even with very great efforts, such as massage, diet, sports, etc., we still do not get the desired results. Way out? Shapewear! The industry has become so skilled in its production that now you can purchase products on the market that allow you to easily adjust your figure up to an effect equivalent to liposuction.

Are there types of shapewear on the market that you can comfortably wear all day long?

The answer is yes, there are several variations of such underwear.

For example, the company Barely There offers a full-length combination, it performs its functions perfectly, since its different parts have different densities. The tissue density in the thigh area, for example, is different from the tissue density in the chest area. Thanks to this little trick, the product, tightly supporting but not compressing the body, allows you to get a perfectly defined figure, without lumps or sagging.

Another version of this type of lingerie is a little more expensive, but it is sexier.

The combination from Walford will allow you to feel comfortable for at least 8 hours. It has a built-in bra, the shape of the cups of which has additional support due to a metal rod. This small addition gives a very piquant and seductive shape to your breasts. It is especially good to wear such a product under fitted dresses with deep necklines made of thin or soft materials such as knitwear.

If you are quite satisfied with your bras, but from the chest line and below you need to adjust, or you simply prefer a lighter version of such underwear, then the Maindenform company produces exactly what you need. This is the so-called “half combination”. On top it has a wide special panel that securely holds this product on your body exactly where it should be. The advantage is that the only underwear you need to wear is a bra. This "semi-slip" has a panel sewn into the inside, which saves you from having a visible panty line (and putting on panties as such!) Don't worry, the panel has a specially designed clasp that saves you from any inconvenience when visiting the ladies' room.

What underwear will give me the illusion of perfect buttocks?

Aesthetic problems in this part of the body can be reduced to two - saggy or flat buttocks. The last drawback occurs for various reasons, it can be either severe weight loss or simply genetics.

To correct saggy buttocks, you need tight underwear that lifts and supports this particular part of the body.

By varying the density of the fabric, using such underwear you can simply mold yourself into the desired shape. Many companies offer a wide variety of such models, one of the most popular are products from the Bali company. With excellent quality, they are quite affordable.

If you have to deal with flat buttocks, the "lifting" effect may not be enough. If the problem is really serious, then you should consider purchasing underwear with sewn-in panels in the buttock area.

It will be completely unnoticeable under clothes, but you will get the desired effect. The Victoria's Secret company, very well known on the Russian market and no less widely represented, produces exactly what is needed.

The underwear has special bags in the buttocks area, where padding is inserted to increase the volume.

That's right, the principle is the same as in bras. By the way, due to the fact that this product is just above the knee, it perfectly corrects the upper part of the legs and is completely invisible under trousers.

What is the best way to correct a less than ideal belly?

A flat and well-toned stomach is achieved through years of training and a very strict diet. A slightly bulging belly can look very cute, but dresses, skirts and even pants of a certain cut can sometimes clash with this part of the body.

If you only need minimal adjustments in this area, then you can get by with this wide belt.

It allows you to create the illusion of a rather narrow waist and will make the stomach at the level of the stomach quite flat.

If you are going to wear a very fitted dress or skirt with a narrow and high belt, then you better opt for underwear with a high belt.

The inner panel is cut in the form of a wide band at the back - this allows you to avoid publicly seeing the details of the cut of your underwear (the so-called “visible panty lines” or visual panty lines, VPLs - are considered completely unacceptable!).

If you want to shape your belly and plan to wear trousers or jeans, then it is better to choose a model that is cut in the form of a corset.

In this case, you do not have to worry that the top may curl up or will constantly stick out at waist level. In addition, this model will allow you to disguise additional “accumulation” on the sides at waist level. The figure will appear more even and toned.

If you prefer a product that covers the entire body, then you should pay attention to a model with a built-in bra and thicker panels on the sides and in the abdominal area.

The inner panel of this model also has a specially designed fastener, which is easy to unfasten and fasten if necessary.

What type of shapewear is best for preventing my body from “bulging out” where the shapewear ends?

The best choice is underwear that is cut high at the waist, where it fits close to the bra and has long legs.

With such underwear, your figure acquires a well-defined waist and beautifully emphasized and perfectly defined hips. Additionally, if the bottom of the legs has a “laser cut” (the fabric is actually cut with a laser, which seals the threads) rather than a traditional elastic hem, then this prevents the upper part of the legs from being too compressed and makes the underwear completely invisible.

I love wearing shapewear, but what should I buy so that it won't be so noticeable when I take my clothes off?

The main thing is good support for your body on the buttocks and abdomen.

Choose underwear with very dense inserts in these places. The rest will look like the most ordinary, but beautiful underwear and nothing more.

I would like to increase the "tightening" effect when wearing shapewear. Should I buy underwear a size smaller?

Absolutely not! The effect is achieved not by size, but by the properties of the fabric itself. Buy your actual size. If you are still full of skepticism, then imagine what a large pillow will look like if you try to stuff it into a smaller elastic pillowcase. I'm sure none of my favorite Julians want to look like that!

In addition, a smaller size will not only not perform its functions, but is almost guaranteed to cause you discomfort when wearing it, and “body bulging” may appear in places where it was not initially observed!
The overwhelming number of manufacturers of such products produce linen in three density categories:

Lightweight, provides good support to the whole body, very good for daily wear

Medium, the “squeezing” effect is much more intense, in this underwear you will look visually thinner

Tight, allows you to achieve maximum effect. When wearing such underwear, your waist and hips will look as if they have lost a couple of centimeters in volume.

Do not forget that such underwear contains a high percentage of artificial fiber. It should be washed daily, only by hand, using a mild detergent and in water at room temperature. You can't wring out this laundry, you just need to let it drain. Elastic fibers are very sensitive to high temperatures, from which they can quickly lose their properties. Since this linen is not cheap, you should not dry such items in the sun or in a dryer.

Now you have the right to ask me, does it really make sense to buy shapewear for yourself?

Celebrities wear shapewear; all those perfect silhouettes at premieres were achieved using it! According to a confession made to me by one fairly famous stylist (she asked not to use her name), celebrities have not just underwear under their dresses, but a whole structure!

Purchasing and wearing shapewear makes sense, especially if you have to attend an important event. This allows you to achieve the maximum effect of your appearance. Wearing such underwear is completely justified when you have lost a lot of weight and your body has sagged. Training will get you in order, but it will take some time. Shapewear will also help you look good after childbirth while your body regains its original shape.

I remain true to my own words - people can lie to you (for various reasons), photos never do!

Judge for yourself, and the decision is up to you.

4 ways to pee in a wedding dress: the story of a girl who tried everything

A girl named Christine is preparing very seriously for her wedding. So seriously that I even thought about going to the toilet in a classic bridesmaid dress... and tested 4 ways to do it. On 3 types of dresses! And we retold her report.

The dresses were selected in three of the most popular classic styles: with a skirt, diverging from the hip, a cone-shaped skirt and a full ball gown.

But Christine chose both classic and unusual ways to write: using a Bridal Buddy device, using a garbage bag, wrapping the hem over her head and sitting on the toilet backwards.

To avoid cheating, Christine wore matching underwear under each dress, so she was really uncomfortable. However, it did not come closer to reality when testing the methods, so you can safely look at further photos. There is nothing too intimate there even behind the scenes.


“Druzhok” is something like a cover with ties that is worn under a dress.

Pros: Hand holes allow you to assemble the skirt very quickly. In addition, the cover is white, you can easily wear it all day under your dress.

Minuses: Yes, it is white, and therefore it can be difficult to find somewhere in the folds of a white wedding dress.

Interaction with dresses: great - with a fit to the hips, not bad - with a cone-shaped skirt, but the fluffy ball gown “Druzhka” was simply devoured.

Rubbish bag

Pros: It’s cheap and you don’t have to carry it around all day.

Minuses: not environmentally friendly, and without holes for the hands, it’s not as comfortable as the “Druzhok”, unless the support team helps you.

Interaction with dresses: great - with a hip-hugging look, great - with a cone-shaped skirt, a complete failure - with a full ball gown.


Pros: for free!

Minuses: It's very, very awkward if you're shy.

Interaction with dresses: great - with a hip-hugging skirt, very good - with a cone-shaped skirt, and with a full ball gown, this is generally the only thing that works!

Sit with the hem wrapped over your head

Pros: for free.

Minuses: it will take some good teamwork with someone you seem to trust more than your fiancé. Even wrapping the back of your skirt over your head can be difficult. What can we say about the long gaze eye to eye while the process itself is taking place...

Interaction with dresses: easy and simple - with a dress that flares out from the hip, quite simple - with a cone-shaped skirt, and a complete failure - with a fluffy ball gown.


Kristin's favorite was the trash bag.

With a fluffy ball gown, there is only one way - to sit on the toilet backwards with the help of a friend.

“Bridesman” is good if the skirt is not too layered - the holes for the arms make it very comfortable.

And separately, Christine urges brides not to occupy toilets for the disabled if possible to avoid it.

Photo at the announcement:

Three days on the water, suck in your stomach, squeeze your buttocks, bite your cheeks - the beauty is ready for the red carpet. Although some people replace complex machinations with simple shapewear. And they are not shy about talking about it.

Cameron Diaz:

“People think I'm trying to make a statement by not wearing a bra. But really, I’m just an ordinary kid.”

Kelly Osbourne:

“I am for slimming pantaloons! I don't wear sexy lingerie. And everyone who adores him is blatantly lying. How can you even endure a lace thread piercing your body all evening?!”

Mary Elizabeth Winstead:

“I wear shapewear, yes. It is very thin, you won't even feel it.

“Now I have more than 100 bras. I usually buy three pairs of underpants for each one so I can wear them as often as possible.”

Naomi Campbell:

“I don't always wear underwear. Especially when it's hot outside. If I’m wearing, for example, a floral dress, then why bother wearing a bra and panties?!” Seriously, why?

Sarah Hyland:

“I always wear shapewear. Always. This is a safety net that everyone should have. And I give credit to the women who don't do it because they have stronger balls than I do."

Nelly Furtado:

“I love cotton underwear. I don't need to wear leopard print to feel sexy."

Zoe Saldana:

“I like to wear men’s clothes and men’s underwear.”

Gaby Hoffmann:

“I don’t have any underwear on. As far as slimming goes, hell no. Crap. No. I mean, I've never worn it. Maybe girls feel good in it, but I don't know. I don't even like wearing regular underwear and I'm not going to wear damn shapewear. There was a bra that I had to wear when I first had the baby, but that was it.”