Repair the rubber sole. How to properly seal a broken sole on a shoe at home? – recovery methods; video tutorial with step-by-step recommendations


Shoes, without losing their functionality and appearance, must serve the owner for at least three years. In reality, the service life of shoes is often shorter, and the lion's share of problems arise with the sole.

Why does the sole burst? Is it possible to prevent damage and what to do if the sole does crack - throw away the pair or try to repair it?

The sole is the basis of the shoe, and it is the sole that bears the brunt of slush, rain, frost, and the negative effects of chemical reagents. The sole is subjected to intense mechanical loads and, as a result, repeated deformations. Therefore, special requirements are imposed on the materials from which the soles are made - they must be durable and resistant to changes in temperature and humidity.

However, the sole often bursts, and among the most common reasons is the poor performance properties of the material.

Low performance characteristics

Inexpensive shoes often have PVC soles. The vinyl sole is quite wear-resistant, but does not differ in elasticity and frost resistance. As you walk, the sole will inevitably bend, the inelastic vinyl will break, and a crack will appear in the sole. Most often this happens during the winter cold.

Another budget option is polyurethane soles. They are flexible and elastic, due to their porous structure, and weigh little. The material has good shock-absorbing properties and is resistant to abrasion. But due to the high density on cold winter days, when the temperature drops below 20 degrees, the material loses its elasticity and cracks appear in places where it bends.

Another unpleasant feature of polyurethane is that shoes lose their condition even if they are worn very rarely. Over time, the polyurethane sole literally begins to crumble. Even proper care and the use of expensive high-quality protective equipment will not save you from this.

Broken arch support

Damage is typical for demi-season and summer shoes. Breakage of the instep leads to the formation of cracks near the heel, and then to the breaking of the shoe. Therefore, if the heel begins to wobble, the best solution is to contact a repair shop to replace the instep support.

Mechanical damage

Domestic roads, unlike European and American ones, cannot boast of cleanliness. Therefore, punctures with sharp objects are quite common. During operation, even a small defect can turn into a deep crack. Therefore, even with minor damage to the sole, there is no need to delay repairs.

How to prevent sole damage

In most cases, it is possible to prevent cracks from occurring.

Two points are important:

  • Selection of quality shoes;
  • Proper care of the purchased pair.

Thermoplastic elastomer soles are considered “all-weather.” Thanks to a special manufacturing technology, the sole is made of two layers. The inner porous layer retains heat well, and the outer monolithic layer is particularly durable. Thus, TPE (thermoplastic elastomer) combines resistance to mechanical wear and frost resistance. These shoes are not slippery in icy conditions in winter - the TEP sole provides good grip and shock absorption. The material loses its good properties only at extreme temperatures (above 50 degrees and below -45 degrees), which, fortunately, are very rare in most of Russia.


The sole will not burst if it is made of high-quality material, such as leather or rubber. But every material, even the highest quality, needs appropriate care.

To prevent the sole from wearing out, you should take preventive measures - stick on a special, very thin rubber outsole (sticker, roll-up). It will protect the sole from moisture, damage, external influences and extend its service life.

An important nuance: you should not apply the prophylaxis to completely new boots or shoes with leather soles. Shoes should be broken in a little, including the soles.

Prevention will not only protect the sole from premature abrasion and cracks, but will also improve the heat-shielding properties of the pair, and also protect the owner from falling on a slippery smooth surface and in icy conditions.

Types of prevention

For the warm summer months, as well as for those who travel a lot by vehicle or use shoes in the office, 1 mm polyurethane stickers are an excellent choice. If a person often walks on asphalt, it is preferable to install summer polyurethane stickers 2 mm thick.

In the cold months, boots and boots are equipped with thick winter anti-slip protection with maximum wear-resistant characteristics. As a rule, prevention is enough for one season.

Traditional methods

To ensure that the sole wears less and the seams do not allow moisture to pass through, it is recommended to lubricate the sole and seams with castor or linseed oil before using the shoes. Glycerin or a mixture of equal proportions of lamb fat and wax is also useful for these purposes.

If the defect is small

For minor damage, you can try to repair the boot or other shoes yourself. You can seal a small hole with silicone glue-sealant. After the sealant has completely filled the hole and dried, you can go outside in the repaired shoes and not be afraid of moisture.

In case of more serious damage, the crack can be sealed with a special horseshoe made of polyurethane using thick super glue or contact a shoemaker's shop.

Do I need to repair a broken sole?

Before taking shoes with a crack in the sole to a shoe shop, you should think about whether it needs to be repaired?

If the shoes are good quality and expensive, it is worth spending money and time on such serious repairs. After repair, a quality product will still serve you for one or two seasons, and possibly more. If the sole is cracked on a new pair, repairing such shoes is a waste of money.

It is wiser to recycle it and next time when buying new shoes or boots, be more attentive to the quality of the shoes.

It must be said right away: when solving the problem of how to seal a cracked shoe sole, you should at the same time get ready to buy a new pair. It is impossible to carry out high-quality repairs at home.

The sole is subject to constant stress, and even the most durable, ultra-modern products will not be able to provide insulation for the foot for a long time.

When repairing in a factory setting, the sole is repaired by replacement. Very often, during this process, shoes lose their shape and their appearance becomes unpresentable.

If it is not possible to purchase a new pair, or there is nothing to wear to the shoe store, you will have to think about how to seal the broken shoe sole.

Getting rid of the hole on your own

How to seal the soles of winter or autumn shoes? As a means at hand, “Moment” glue, “Crazy Hands” epoxy sealant, and “Desmokol” polyurethane product are suitable. Each glue comes with instructions that you need to follow when working.

It should also be borne in mind that these products are toxic. If it gets on mucous membranes, it should be washed off immediately with a stream of running water.

Work algorithm:

  • Since winter or autumn shoes in most cases have soles of a honeycomb structure, you will have to deal with the honeycomb first. The rubber that covers them will have to be removed to such an area to remove all the accumulated dirt from the holes. Sometimes access to the honeycombs is from the insole, which has to be completely removed when cleaning the holes;
  • the honeycomb needs to be covered with small scraps of micropores and filled with silicone sealant, sealing well;
  • before sealing the broken sole, you will need to wait for the sealant to dry and harden;
  • then cut out a piece of rubber or micropore that fits into the hole - if it is voluminous, or press small holes with a mixture of micropore sawdust and sealant;
  • The sole is cut out of thin rubber according to the size of the shoe, and glued using an already prepared adhesive over the entire area of ​​the shoe;
  • put shoes or boots under the press.

How long it takes for the glue to dry completely is indicated in the instructions.

How to seal a hole in the sole of a summer shoe

You should follow the same algorithm, only there will be less hassle. If the sandals are adhesive, then it is better to purchase a rubber sole from a workshop and glue it on your own using rubber glue. This can be done when the shoes have a solid base.

Sometimes soles are attached to light summer shoes only along the contour. In this case, the sandals will have to be thrown away.

Sports shoe repair

How to seal the sole of your sneakers when they have a hole because you stepped on something sharp? If the training process takes place in the gym, you won’t have to give up your favorite pair of sneakers.

Of the domestic adhesives, it is best to use epoxy, designed specifically for shoes. Its cost is low.

The edges of the hole in the sole must be thoroughly cleaned and degreased with a solvent. When everything is dry, apply properly diluted epoxy.

If the hole is large, it is necessary to put a fiberglass mesh into it - it is called serpyanka. While the glue dries, it is better to seal the outside of the hole with masking tape so that the sole remains level.

The ideal adhesive option is American Seamgrip glue. They use it to seal rubber boats.

If you manage to purchase it, you won’t have to part with your favorite pair of sneakers for long. This is the only glue that completely solves the problem than gluing a rubber or polyurethane sole.

But if it is possible to purchase glue of this brand, then it is unlikely that you will not have money to buy shoes. Its cost is quite high.

Imported epoxy mixtures like Done Deal are better than domestic adhesives, but the durability of sneakers cannot be promised when using them.

How to repair a torn skate sole

It all depends on the material from which the skate sole is made and the location of the hole. Cheap skates are secured practically to cardboard, and any epoxy glue will help to cope with the problem if the hole in the sole is not where the blades are secured.

In this case, the shoes will have to be thrown away. Torque will reduce all efforts to zero. You will have to do the same with expensive skates - even the most expensive glue cannot ensure strong fastening of the blades after repair.

You can still try to seal holes on the side of the boot or on the toe yourself, but a deformed boot does not guarantee stability. Home repair of sports shoes should only be carried out in case of minor damage.

Expensive skates with leather soles are sealed with special shoe glue for repairing leather products. If the area to be sealed is thoroughly degreased, the hole is filled with a mixture of leather scraps, and pressed in, then the integrity of the sole will be restored.

When repairing expensive sports shoes, it makes sense to purchase expensive glue. High-quality sports shoes cost much more than a package of adhesive. There is no need to think about how to seal the sole of a shoe that is cracked across. It is impossible to cope with repairs at home.

And you shouldn’t trust private shoemakers who promise to solve the problem by installing preventative measures. After such repairs, you only have time to get to the door of the shoe shop. When repairing, a complete replacement of the “spare part” is required.

In order for your shoes to last for some time, you need to know the following repair nuances:

  • Before applying glue, all surfaces are cleaned, degreased, and dried thoroughly;
  • the adhesive is applied in a layer no more than 3 mm thick;
  • Before joining the parts, the glue is kept for about 10 minutes;
  • shoes must lie under a load for at least 10 hours.

The load must be selected so that the shoes do not become deformed. If you have a shoe last, you won’t have to worry about the shape of your favorite boots or shoes.

Still, it’s worth thinking about purchasing another pair of shoes. After repairing the soles using even super high-quality glue, the shoes or boots will very quickly fail.

A common reason people go to a shoe repair shop is because the sole has burst. The sole can burst on any shoe, regardless of its cost. Let's figure out why the sole of a shoe can burst.

The sole burst. Causes

  1. The most important reason for cracks in the sole is the poor quality of the material from which the sole of the shoe is made. Most often, PVC soles burst, since this material is extremely inelastic and as a result of bending, the sole can crack or even break.
  2. Another common reason for a sole to burst is a sole that is too thick. The likelihood of cracks in the sole, as well as its breakage, increases with the thickness of the sole. Often, thick soles are made from microporous rubber or polyurethane foam. So, if the rubber was of poor quality, then there is a very high probability of cracks in the sole. The polyurethane sole copes very well with the bending of the sole, but the catch here is different: after about 5 years, the foam sole begins to crumble, even if you have not worn this pair of shoes at all.
  3. If the sole of your shoe has burst, you may have stepped on a sharp object and only now discovered a large crack. If there is a small gap in the sole, rest assured that it will become larger after a while. If the sole of your shoes is made of high-quality elastic rubber, then the sole may not burst into two parts, but a small slot in the sole also causes inconvenience: your feet will be wet in wet weather, and dust will get clogged between the insole and the sole.
  4. If your sole has burst, it may be due to the time of year. According to statistics, the sole most often bursts in winter due to exposure to cold temperatures and the two reasons described above.
  5. The sole may burst (at the junction of the heel and sole) if you walk for a long time with a burst arch support. This most often happens with demi-season and summer shoes.
  6. The sole bursts if you sit down in a squat.
  7. Another reason for the breakdown of the sole is that the shoe has been in use for too long, literally worn out to holes.

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    The sole has burst - how to seal it? This question is relevant regardless of the season, because a crack in the sole of any shoe causes a lot of trouble. If you don’t take the necessary steps in time, you could end up barefoot at the most inopportune moment.

    Repairing a broken sole is classified as complex, because you not only need to distinguish what material a particular sole is made of and what kind of glue should be used to glue it together, but also be able to assess the degree of complexity of the work ahead. That is why, to solve the problem with cracked soles of winter boots, UGGs, boots, sneakers, sneakers, favorite summer sandals or shoes, you should contact specialists at a shoe workshop. It is there that any problems related to shoes will be corrected in the shortest possible time and for a small fee.

    But if you are not ready to pay money or want to try your hand at being a shoemaker, then read this article and watch the attached video tutorial with step-by-step recommendations. No one is born a shoemaker, all abilities need to be developed. So why not take action now? Moreover, you definitely have something to practice on, since you are looking for ways to solve the problem.

    What do you need to repair soles at home?

    How to properly seal the sole with your own hands at home without the help of a specialist, as well as what you need to have on hand during the repair process, you will learn from this section of the article. Recommendations regarding the order of work to eliminate gaps of varying complexity will also be given here.

    It is important to remember that all work should be done in a room with good ventilation and away from heat sources.

    You also need to take into account that the process of repairing soles at home is a very dirty job, and it also requires concentration and enough time.

    It should be remembered that you only need to glue a clean sole. To do this, the entire shoe, and especially the sole, should be washed and dried, and only then begin to repair it.

    • To fix a problem with a sole, a home handyman will definitely need patience and:
    • shoe knife;
    • sandpaper from “three” to “zero”;
    • gasoline or any other degreasing compound;
    • special glue;
    • awl;
    • matches or lighter;
    • hair dryer or heat source;
    • a sole of the required size, a piece of rubber or hard leather for the sole to replace the cut out (damaged) area;
    • pencil or felt-tip pen
    • shoe hook;

    nylon threads. Also, every home craftsman will need a heavy object that will act as a load, which will speed up the gluing time and improve the quality of the work.

    In some cases, you may need a mini-grinder or a regular angle grinder.

    Be responsible when choosing glue! After all, the final result of the work will depend on its quality. Choose shoe glue on sale in hardware stores, and be sure to read the information about whether this substance is suitable for gluing the material from which the sole is made.

    You can also use a generic product.

    There are several methods for restoring a burst sole. The simplest of all is to glue a piece of rubber or other suitable material to the tear site. This method is suitable for shoes with smooth soles, such as sandals and pumps, but is not suitable for shoes with spikes and treads, such as ankle boots or sports shoes. Also, this method is not relevant for soles made of foam rubber.

    The second way to repair a cracked sole is to glue the area with a special glue or composition that melts the original material of the sole. This method is often used to eliminate small cracks near the heel or along the welt of shoes, as well as in some parts that are not subject to a high degree of stress, for example, at the heel or on the toe.

    The third way to eliminate a hole in the sole is to partially replace the damaged area. This option is best suited for troubleshooting treaded surfaces.

    Some home craftsmen practice express repairs, but one can only guess about the durability of the latter.

    For the most part, emergency measures should only be taken when there is no other option. But at the same time, one should take into account the risk that a crack can form in the shortest possible time in any other place of the sole. This is due to the peculiarity of the load distribution when walking, and also directly depends on the quality of the road surface on which you have to walk in shoes repaired in this way.

    It is important to remember that most compounds for gluing rubber or polyurethane dry only after 24 hours. That is why you can use shoes after repair only after this time has elapsed.

    The procedure for eliminating cracks in the sole will depend on the choice of repair method. Read more about each of them below.

    Classic renovation

    Classic sole repair is used to repair cracked soles made of polyurethane or plastic rubber.

    To “reanimate” such shoes you will need to have experience and dexterity, because you will have to not only glue the hole, but also sew it up with nylon threads using a shoe hook and an awl. This method is suitable for smooth soles.

    1. The repair procedure is as follows:
    2. Apply some fast-curing glue into the crack and then seal the hole.
    3. Apply a zigzag pattern to the sole, as shown in the photo.
    4. Sew the sole with short stitches along the slits using an awl and hook. Hide the knot in the edge of the zigzag.
    5. Singe the edge of the nylon thread with a match, and then glue it to the welt while still hot.

    Once the classic repair is completed, the shoes can be worn immediately. The disadvantage of this method is its complexity and the fact that the sole glued in this way will partially allow water to pass through, and the threads are very unstable to abrasion.

    Partial replacement of the damaged area on a smooth sole

    Repair with partial replacement of the damaged area is suitable if a crack is detected on the smooth sole. The work is carried out in the following order:

    1. Pour a little glue into the cracked sole, and then hold the product for a while.
    2. Degrease the area requiring repair with gasoline. For leather soles, you can use acetone.
    3. Sand the crack area with fine sandpaper, and then repeat the operation with coarse sandpaper.
    4. Place the shoes on the material of the future outsole, then outline the area with a pencil or felt-tip pen. After this, remove the shoe and cut the workpiece along the line using a shoe knife. Do not rely on sleight of hand and do not cut around the product!
    5. Using sandpaper, smooth out any unevenness on the material at the cut points, and also sand the side on which glue will subsequently be applied.
    6. Apply glue to the surface of the sole, rub it in an even layer using a wooden stick or silicone spatula. Perform a similar operation with a new heel. Dry the glue with a hairdryer or near the stove.
    7. Apply glue again to the sole of the shoe and then apply the repair material to it.
    8. Press the heel firmly against the sole and be sure to watch. So that she doesn't move.
    9. Place a weight on the product, then leave it for a day until the glue completely hardens.

    After time has passed, check the tightness of the patch. The operation described above should also be performed on the second product of the pair (even if the sole is intact), since it will be uncomfortable to wear such shoes.

    High Tread Products

    Repair of products with high tread is carried out by analogy with the method described above. But instead of a full patch, a small piece of material is used. The thickness of the piece of rubber for the patch should be equal to the height of the tread or be a few millimeters less.

    This method of repairing a cracked sole is most suitable if the hole is longitudinal or transverse, but with smooth edges. It can also be used when the crack is shallow or only affects the tread itself.

    The area around the crack should be degreased, and then using a grinder or a sharp shoe knife, cut off the spikes at a distance of about one and a half centimeters on each side of the fracture. After the operation, the area should be sanded and degreased. The patch is cut along the entire length of the crack. The width of the replacement piece cannot be less than two centimeters. Otherwise, the patch will simply fall off when walking.

    Glue is applied to the insert and the main sole. The principle of the work allows you to quickly eliminate the hole, so within a day the shoes can be worn again.

    If the crack is deep, you can try to cut out a piece of the sole in the place of the hole, and instead insert a patch made of molten nylon. It should be noted that this method is more suitable for foam or polyurethane soles than for rubber.

    Express method

    Express sole repair involves applying quickly hardening glue or nylon melted to a liquid state to the crack site. This method is not suitable for repairing the soles of sports shoes, but is an excellent solution for reviving the soles of children's shoes.

    All you need to do is degrease the crack, turning it outward. While holding the shoe in a bent position, pour glue material into the hole. As soon as the substance fills the pores, the sole will need to be returned to its normal position. It is important to be able to firmly squeeze the gluing area until the glue sets. This usually takes fifteen minutes. After the operation, the shoes can be used almost immediately.

    If, after following all the recommendations regarding restoring the integrity of the soles of your favorite shoes, the desired result is not obtained, then you should replace the soles of the shoes with new ones. Perhaps the sole of your boots was defective from the start.

    Well, who among you and I has not encountered such a problem as a burst sole? The situation is very unpleasant, because not everyone knows how to seal the soles of sneakers or any other shoes. You can take it to a specialist, but it will cost a lot, then the idea comes to mind to solve this problem yourself. To do this, you must be aware of some of the nuances that are discussed in this article.

    As a handy tool for repairing the soles of sneakers, the following is suitable:

    • glue, for example, “Moment”;
    • epoxy sealant “Crazy Hands”;
    • product with polyurethane “Desmokol”.

    Each of them comes with instructions that you need to follow during operation.

    Important! You must also take into account that these products are somewhat toxic. If any of them gets on the mucous membranes, they must be immediately washed off with a stream of ordinary running water.

    Sequence of work:

    1. Since winter or autumn shoes often have soles with a honeycomb structure, first you will have to deal with the honeycombs. You must remove the rubber that covers them to such an area that will allow you to remove absolutely all accumulated dirt from the holes. It happens that access to the honeycombs occurs from the side of the insole, which will have to be completely removed when cleaning the holes.
    2. Fill the honeycombs with small scraps of micropores, and then fill them with silicone sealant, thoroughly sealing them.
    3. You will need to wait for the sealant to dry and harden before you begin to seal the cracked sole.
    4. Next, cut out a piece of rubber or micropores that can fit into the hole in size if it is large, or press out small holes with a mixture of sealant and micropore sawdust.
    5. According to the size of the shoe, cut the sole from a thin piece of rubber and glue it using the already prepared adhesive over the entire area of ​​your shoe.
    6. Place your shoes or boots under the press.

    Important! The time required for the glue to dry completely is indicated in the instructions for it.

    How to seal a hole in the sole of already summer shoes?

    You need to follow exactly the same algorithm, but there will be a little less hassle.

    If the sandals are adhesive, then purchase rubber soles from a professional workshop and glue them on yourself using rubber glue. This can be done if the shoes have a solid base.

    Important! If the sole is attached to summer shoes solely along the contour, in this case you will have to throw away the sandals.

    We repair sports shoes

    If the training process takes place in the gym, you won’t have to give up your favorite pair of sneakers. Of the domestic types of glue, it is best to use epoxy, which is designed specifically for shoes. Its cost is relatively low.

    Imported glue:

    How to seal the soles of sneakers:

    1. Thoroughly clean the edges of the hole in your sole and degrease it with a solvent.
    2. Once everything is dry, apply the properly diluted epoxy mixture.
    3. If the hole is large, put a fiberglass mesh called serpyanka into it.
    4. While the glue dries, cover the outside location of the hole with masking tape so that the sole remains completely flat.

    Tread repair

    To repair the tread, you need a sharp knife - it is best to take a shoemaker's knife, coarse sandpaper or a grater, which is made from a piece of tin from any tin can with holes punched in it.

    The repair proceeds as follows:

    1. To begin, cut a patch from a piece of fairly hard rubber and fit it into place.
    2. Using a grater and knife, give the patch a wedge shape.
    3. The surface should be rough, so it is better to treat it with sandpaper, and then wipe it with a degreasing solvent and dry it.
    4. After this, apply glue to the surface in two or three layers. Dry the glue thoroughly. The drying time for the first layer is approximately 20 minutes, the second - at least 2 hours, but preferably at least 6-8 hours.
    5. Then heat the glued surfaces over an electric or gas stove until the smell of glue appears, quickly attach them to each other, press firmly and hold for several seconds until they have cooled completely.

    Sneaker heel repair

    If the tread is thoroughly worn out, it is carefully torn off from the surface of the sole, cutting it precisely in those places where it is impossible to tear it off. You can moisten these areas with solvent so that the protector comes off.

    Transfer the outline of your sole onto cardboard, draw in the erased edges, and then cut out the pattern. You can make a new protector from any rubber mat that can be found in any hardware store.

    Important! During gluing, thoroughly clean the surfaces to be joined, but otherwise, the gluing technology itself is the same.

    Repairing soft soles

    If your soft sole has worn out, then before gluing a new tread, increase the soft sole to the required thickness using microporous rubber.

    Shoe upper repair

    When repairing a sneaker upper, a lot depends directly on its material. If the upper is made of natural or artificial leather or suede, then they crack at the bend or simply wear out.

    Glue or sew patches made of a much thinner and more elastic material than the top, such as suede or artificial leather, onto cracked and burst areas.

    Important! But it’s better not to allow cracks to form. To do this, lubricate the natural leather with shoe polish, clean the suede with a dry, stiff brush, as well as a school eraser, trying to lift the pile.

    In order to clean natural leather and suede from dirt, it is better to use a slightly damp cloth and under no circumstances wash them with running water. By the way, try not to wear shoes that are made of artificial leather in sub-zero temperatures.

    How to sew on patches correctly?

    In those moments when the threads that hold the parts of the sneakers together break, the layer of threads is restored using the original holes. You can use a paperclip to pull the threads through, but it is best to use a syringe needle, slightly dulling its tip with sandpaper so that the needle cannot cut the thread.

    Rules for storing shoe glue

    You can store any remaining shoe repair glue until the next unpleasant occasion, the main thing is to follow a few recommendations:

    • Store the glue in a dark, cool place, but never in the refrigerator to avoid condensation.
    • Store the tube of glue in an upright position.
    • Attach a sticker to the tube with the date it was opened.
    • Wipe the tube spout with a lint-free cloth to extend the life of your glue.
    • After use, screw the cap on tightly.
    • During storage, be sure to maintain temperature and humidity conditions. Optimal storage conditions for glue are 22-24 C at 50-60% humidity.

    Important! Read the storage instructions for the brand of adhesive mixture you have chosen very carefully.

    Now you know not only how to seal the soles of sneakers, but also how to repair sports shoes for any other problem. We hope you managed to save your budget and were able to deal with the defect of your favorite pair of shoes on your own.

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