Weaving from elastic bands star. Bracelet made of rubber bands “Stars”


A star is a figurine made of multi-colored rubber bands. It may well become the basis for some kind of decoration, for example, a bracelet or keychain. To make it, you need not only to know how to weave a star yourself from small rubber bands. In addition to knowledge of the technique, you will need quite a lot of patience and perseverance, but the result is worth it.

Before you start weaving, you should take into account a few simple rules. In order for the weaving to be smooth and neat, it is necessary to strictly follow the sequence of adding elastic bands, strictly following the proposed instructions. The rubber bands should lie flat, without unnecessary intersections.

How to weave a star from rubber bands: a simple do-it-yourself figurine

The craft is performed as follows: first, the initial top of the star is made, and then four more identical tops of the figure are made. At the end, all the parts are connected together.

To make a star, prepare 62 elastic bands of two different colors, 52 pieces of one color and 10 of another. Our colors will be orange and green. Weaving is carried out on a slingshot - a machine with two posts. To make it easier to slip off the loops, use a hook.

How to weave a two-color star?

Weaving begins from the very first top, with orange rubber bands. Place one of the rubber bands on the right end of the slingshot in three turns. Then pull two pieces on both ends at once. Remove the first triple elastic band from the column and place it in the center, and then take the green elastic band and wrap it around the right column twice. Throw two more orange ones on top, pulling them over both posts.

Bring all the bottom elastic bands down into the middle of the weave. You should end up with an orange-green loop. Weave five more such loops, making the last loop without a green elastic band.

Hook the top two green elastic bands and place them on the left tip of the slingshot. Add a couple more orange rubber bands, and remove the green and bottom orange things from both ends from the left column. Do the same with the next green loop.

The first and main part of the sprocket is ready. Now, using the same pattern, make four more tops.

Now it's time to connect them. Insert the hook into the second green loop from the bottom at the beginning of the weave and put it on the right post. On top, add two orange rubber bands to both pins. Remove first the green and then the orange rubber bands. Do the same with the last green loop remaining.

The weaving ends like this: place the initial triple loop on the left side of the slingshot, place one orange elastic band on top, and then remove all the elastic bands, excluding the last one. Move the end of the elastic from the left post to the right one, and then remove the one that is lower. Tighten the last loop. The star figurine is ready!

Let's try to make a stylish Starfish bracelet using a step-by-step tutorial

To make this bracelet, you first need to weave a starfish with five ends. Prepare in advance hooks for weaving, beads for decoration and elastic bands of two colors, for example, two shades of pink.

Take one hook (let's call it the main hook) and wrap a hot pink elastic band around it four times. Then, with the same hook, pick up two more of the same elastic bands, and with the other, auxiliary one, drag the previous elastic band onto them. Pass the main hook through both resulting loops.

Adjust the layers of the central elastic so that they lie flat. Using the main hook, take two more elastic bands of the same color and place all the elastic bands from its shaft on them. Bring the braid down a little further on the hook.

Now take two elastic bands of a different shade and pull all the previous ones onto them, and then put the second end of the elastic bands on the hook. Do the same with the free end of the elastic bands of a different color.

Add a couple more elastic bands and also remove all the woven elastic bands from the hook on them. Reattach the braid to the main hook.

One of the ends of the star is braided. Move it to the auxiliary hook. The remaining ends are woven in exactly the same way as the first, and then connected into a solid figure. To do this, you need to place them on one elastic band and tie it by pulling one loop into the other. Insert half a star into the loose loop to secure the weave.

Making a strap for a bracelet

Let's start weaving the bracelet itself on a machine with two columns. Pull the star onto the posts using any two loops between the ends. Place two new elastic bands above and place the right loop in the middle. Add two more pieces and throw off two loops on the left. Weave the bracelet to the desired length, putting on new elastic bands and removing loops first on the right, sometimes on the left. At the end, fasten the loops of the elastic bands with an s-shaped fastener.

In the “Video” section you will find detailed lessons on creating bracelets and other crafts using forks, looms and hooks.

Video on the topic of the article

How can you please your child? Weave him an original colorful bracelet! In this master class we will clearly and step by step show how to weave a “Star” bracelet from rubber bands.

1. To start work, you need to prepare the machine. To do this, we need to shift the middle link of the machine one column forward relative to the others.

2. Having positioned the machine with the extended part on the right, we will put the elastic band on the first columns of the central and furthest links from us. Next, we connect the second and first columns of the link farthest from us, then the third and second, and so on until the penultimate column, which we connect to the outermost column of the central link.

3. Let's repeat the steps of the previous paragraph in mirror image for the link closest to us.

4. The time has come to take care of future stars. Let's prepare an elastic band of a color that does not match the main one, and connect the second columns from the right of the central and distant links. Next, we hook the elastic bands clockwise, connecting the columns in a circle with the second one from the right (for the first star it will be central).

5. To form the next star, connect the fourth columns of the far and central links of the machine. Then we put the elastic bands in the same clockwise direction around the fourth column of the central link. Adjacent stars will have a common column.

6. We put on the elastic bands for the stars to the end of the machine, observing the order.

7. On the last column of the middle link and on the middle of each star we will put on an elastic band of the main color twisted in a figure eight.

8. Let's turn the machine around, changing the beginning and end.

9. We insert the hook inside the first central column and move the upper elastic bands to the side.

10. We attach the elastic band related to the star.

11. Throw the hooked elastic band onto the post in front.

12. Take the elastic band from the second column of the central row and transfer it to the corresponding column of the star.

13. Let's do the same for the remaining vertices of the first star and make a connection to the next one.

14. We will do the same until the end.

15. Let's return to the right to the elastic bands of the main color. Having pulled it out from the inside, we will throw the elastic band connecting the first columns of the central and distant links onto the distant link. Let's weave along the distant link. At the end we will return to the central one.

16. Let's repeat the steps of the previous paragraph in mirror image for the near link.

17. We crochet the elastic through all the layers located on the first left column of the central link.

18. Carefully remove the bracelet.

19. The woven bracelet is too short to fit even a child’s hand, so it needs to be lengthened. To do this, we will throw a row of four elastic bands on the machine, and at the end we will transfer the open elastic bands of the bracelet.

20. Let's weave from left to right.

21. Let's thread a special double-sided hook.

22. All that remains is to remove the bracelet and fasten it. All!

The final look of the craft.

If you are an ardent fan or admirer of woven bracelets, then try weaving a “French braid” on a slingshot.

And they received a cute rainbow decoration on their hand. Today I offer you another master class on weaving a simple bracelet from “Stars” elastic bands, to create which you will also need a machine. To lengthen the decoration, a “slingshot” was used, but if you don’t have one, it doesn’t matter: you can add “stars” either on your fingers or on an ordinary fork.

To weave the “Stars” bracelet you will need:

plain elastic bands;

elastic bands of different colors, contrasting to the first elastic bands;

figure eight clasp;

Let's get started!

How to weave a bracelet from rubber bands “Stars”

For the background, it is better to use white or black elastic bands - they contrast the colored stars, and the bracelet turns out to be especially expressive. Our master class uses purple.

We fold the machine from three lines in such a way that the pins are arranged in a checkerboard pattern, i.e. We push the middle line towards the beginning of the weaving, while we lay the machine so that the open parts of the columns face away from us. So, we begin to put purple elastic bands on the machine, forming the “covering” of the bracelet.

Having reached the end of the machine, we hook the last purple elastic band to the pin of the outermost line and the pin of the middle line of the machine.

We return to the beginning of weaving and do the same with the second line of bracelet lining.

There is a basis for braiding - now we take on the stars themselves. We attach the first colored rubber band of the star, as shown in the photo below: from the center at “two o’clock”, if we imagine that we have a dial in front of us.

We attach the next elastic band of the same color to the next column from the center, moving clockwise.

Continuing to move clockwise, we hang all the other rubber bands necessary to form the star.

Let's take on the next star. Again - an elastic band for “two hours”. The next one is a column lower, again, moving clockwise.

Please note: during the process of pulling them, the elastic bands must be positioned strictly one above the other, without mixing or twisting, otherwise it will be difficult for you to figure out the weaving - and the bracelet may not work out. But if you follow our instructions, undoubtedly, everything will work out as planned.

We continue to form stars in the same way.

We wrap an elastic band of a base color (in our case, purple) around our finger and put it on the pins of the middle line - the center of the star and the last pin.

We turn the machine towards us - so that the posts are facing us with the open part - and begin weaving.

We insert the hook inside the first column and grab the yellow elastic band from the star so that the last ring of two turns of the elastic band put on remains in place.

We pull out the elastic band and put a loop on the center of our star.

We insert the hook into the central column of the first star and grab the top yellow elastic band. We put a loop on the same post from which this elastic band came out (i.e. “four o’clock”).

If while throwing on the elastic bands we moved clockwise, now we move counterclockwise. We take the next “ray” of our star and throw it at “two o’clock”.

We continue to throw “rays”.

Let's move on to the formation of the next star. We take the green elastic band (“6 o’clock”) at the junction with the previous star and throw the loop over the center of the green star.

Let's move on to weaving the outline. To do this, go to the beginning of the weaving (open columns towards you) and pick up the upper elastic band of the edge from inside the pin (remember that the ring of the elastic band twisted in half remains on top, pull the elastic band through it) and throw it onto the first column on the left.

Now on the first post on the left, insert a hook into it and pick up the bottom elastic band, pulling it up through the cavity of the post. We transfer the loop to the next post on the left side of the machine.

We do the same with the next column: insert a hook into its cavity, pick up the bottom purple elastic band, bring it up, remove it and throw it onto the next column. Repeat until the end of the machine.

We return to the beginning of weaving and repeat the same for the stroke on the right side.

We have reached the last star - and at the end of the weaving we insert the hook into the column. At the bottom, we hook another purple rubber band onto the hook and pull one side of it through all the rubber bands remaining on the final pin (we hold the other end of the rubber band with our fingers).

We throw both elastic loops onto one hook.

We pull both loops with a hook and secure them with a clasp.

We pull the clasp, removing the finished fragment of the bracelet from the machine.

Now this fragment needs to be lengthened so that the bracelet with stars gets the desired length. We suggest finishing with weaving ““. You can follow the link provided and get acquainted with the detailed master class, but here we will, perhaps, briefly repeat the basics of fishtail weaving and tell you how to weave this wonderful bracelet made of elastic bands with stars to the end.

On one side, the fragment with stars has a clasp. On the other side there remains a ring of elastic, twisted in half. We disconnect this ring and put both of its loops on the slingshot.

We put two more purple elastic bands on top of the slingshot.

We hook the bottom elastic band and throw the loop over the center of the slingshot.

We do the same with the second loop of the lower elastic band.

We put another elastic band on both parts of the slingshot, after which we throw both loops of the lower elastic band on the slingshot towards the center. We repeat - put on a new elastic band, and fold the loops of the bottom one to the center. Repeat until the braided fragment is the desired length.

We fasten the ends with a clasp - and our “Stars” elastic band bracelet is ready.

Eva Casio specially for the site Handicraft Master Classes

Have you noticed that now many representatives of the fair half of humanity are fond of sex? In a short time you can create jewelry with bright patterns - rings, hair bands and even necklaces! We will introduce you to how to weave bracelets from rubber bands in the shape of stars on a machine.

Bracelet made of rubber bands “star” - materials

To create a stunning bracelet you will need the following:

  • machine;
  • clasp;
  • elastic bands of different colors, including black and bright shades;
  • hook.

How to weave a bracelet from rubber bands “star” on a machine step by step?

So, let's start weaving the bracelet:

  1. Place the machine on a level surface in front of you with the arrows and U-shaped pins pointing away from you.
  2. First we place the black frame of the future bracelet. Place the black elastic band diagonally on the first pegs of the center and left row.
  3. Place the second black elastic band on top of the first pin and on the second pin of the left row.
  4. Continue in the same way until you reach the second to last peg of the row.
  5. Pull the elastic band from the penultimate pin diagonally to the last pin of the central row of the machine.
  6. Now you need to return to the front of the machine and do the same with the right row. After this, all the black rubber bands should be lowered to the bottom of the peg.
  7. Now let’s start filling out the frame of the bracelet from rubber bands in the “star” style. Choose 6 rubber bands of the same color. Place the first elastic band on the second pin of the central row and on the second pin of the right row. In the same way, from the second peg of the middle row, put on 5 more elastic bands clockwise, forming an “asterisk”. Lower the elastic bands to the bottom of the pins.
  8. The second “star” of the bracelet must be started from the fourth peg of the central row of the machine. All six rubber bands of a different color are placed in the same way as the first “star”.
  9. Make 4 more “stars” in the same way, remembering to lower the elastic bands to the bottom of the peg.
  10. After this, put a black elastic band folded in half on the first peg of the middle row and the central peg of each star.
  11. Now comes the most important stage of creating a bracelet made of rubber bands with a star pattern - plexus. Now the machine must be positioned so that the arrows on the machine “look” at you. After this, in the middle row in the first pin, hook a colored elastic band, pull it up and put it on the second pin of the middle row (aka the center of the star). This way there will be two loops of the same elastic band on the peg.
  12. We do the same with the remaining elements of the star. In this case, you should hook the loop from the center of the star onto the peg, moving counterclockwise in a circle. We do the same with the rest of the stars on the machine. Be careful not to release the loop and thereby break the weave.
  13. Then you should start weaving the bracelet frame. We start with the first peg of the central row. Using a hook, we hook the edge of the elastic, which is hooked between the first peg of the middle row and the first peg of the left row. We stretch it up and put it on the first peg of the left row so that both edges of the elastic are on the same pin.
  14. Continued

Recently, crafts made from rubber bands have become very popular. In stores and kiosks you can find special kits for weaving from rubber bands. And this is not surprising, because all these multi-colored bracelets, keychains, etc. they look very nice. In this article, you will be offered a mini-lesson that will tell you how to weave a star out of rubber bands. This can be done in several ways, let's consider everything in order.

Let's go to the lesson

This master class will tell you how to weave an ordinary two-color star on a slingshot. This process is very entertaining and not as difficult as it might seem at first. The essence of weaving is that first 5 identical vertices are created, after which they are connected together.

We will need to take a total of 62 rubber bands, of which 52 are one color and 10 are another (our colors will be orange and green, but you can choose them to your taste). You should also prepare a slingshot. To make it more convenient to throw elastic bands, it is recommended to use a special hook.

Let's start the weaving process.

Let's start creating the first vertex, now we will use those rubber bands, of which you have 52 (we remind you that in the photo lesson these are orange, further on it will be said so).

Wrap the orange elastic band three times around the right post of the slingshot. Then we put 2 pieces of orange rubber bands on both columns at the same time. How it should look is shown in the picture below.

Now we take the hook and transfer to the center the elastic band that was wrapped three times around the post. Then, on the right column, we wrap the green elastic band twice. And again we put a couple of orange elastic bands on both posts. You should get the same result as in the picture below.

Now we lower the green elastic band and the lower orange ones into the middle of the weaving.

The next step is to double-wind the green rubber band on the right column, and put a couple of orange ones on top (on both columns).

Using a hook, we fold the green and lower orange elastic bands back to the center. We get the beginning of the star, or rather, the beginning of its first vertex. Let's start creating the second vertex, carefully follow the sequence of actions; you will need to make the remaining vertices in exactly the same way.

We wind one green elastic band in two turns onto the right column, and put a pair of orange elastic bands on top of both columns. We look at the picture below, if you do the same, you are doing everything correctly.

We lower the green elastic band and the lower orange ones (on both sides) to the center. Then the process is repeated: we put a green elastic band on the right column in two turns, and we put orange elastic bands on top of both pins of the slingshot.

We repeat again: green, wrapped in two turns on the right column, on top of two orange ones on both columns.

Next, we just put two orange rubber bands on both pins of our slingshot; there is no need to put on a green rubber band. We put on the lower orange elastic bands, lowering them to the center over the elastic bands we just put on. Look at the picture, it should work out for you too.

Now we take the hook and insert it into the topmost green elastic bands from the previously woven center, and hook these elastic bands onto the left column of the slingshot.

We put two more orange elastic bands on both columns, then lower the green elastic band on the left and the lower orange ones from two columns.

Now we again insert the hook into the green elastic bands, but now the second ones from the top. Look carefully at how this is done in the picture.

We continue in the same way: we throw a green pair, taken with a crochet hook, onto the left post, and put a pair of orange elastic bands on both pins.

Again we lower the green and orange ones into the middle, as was done earlier.

When you finish the remaining vertices, you should perform the following actions: return to the very beginning of weaving and insert the hook into the second double green elastic band from the bottom as shown in the picture.

We also put it on the left column, and then put on a pair of orange elastic bands. We weave, first lowering the double green one, and then the lower orange ones.

Don’t forget to check your actions with the picture, because if you do it differently, it means you’re doing something wrong.

We drop the green rubber band and the lower orange ones from both columns.

We are getting closer to completion; to do this, insert the hook into the very first orange elastic band and throw it over the left column.

We again put an orange elastic band on both columns, now one piece, and throw all the orange elastic bands that remained at the bottom into the center.

We throw one of the orange elastic bands onto the adjacent column.

We throw off the bottom elastic band from the post.

Now, we tighten the very last elastic band thoroughly and tuck it into the resulting star so that all the elastic bands lie flat and nothing sticks out.

Your star is ready.

Another type of weaving

You can weave not only a simple figure, let's try to create a bracelet with stars, let's look at two methods: on the machine and on forks.

Creating such a bracelet is not an easy task; anyone who wants such beauty should be patient, but it is worth noting that although the work is painstaking, it is very entertaining.

The machine must be installed so that the open sides of the posts face in the opposite direction from you, and the central row is offset slightly lower than the outer rows.

We put black elastic bands around the perimeter of the machine as shown in the left picture.

Next, as shown in the picture, on the right we form a star from colored rubber bands. The rubber bands need to be attached clockwise and not twisted together. In the picture, the elastic bands are numbered, and this is the order in which they need to be attached.

We put on the remaining rubber bands in the same sequence. How to do this is shown in the picture on the left.

We wind one black elastic band into the center of each star in two turns. You can see how it should look in the picture on the right.

Next, we turn the machine over and, using a hook, lower each link counterclockwise. We look at the picture on the left; for clarity, the rubber bands are numbered, and this is the order in which they need to be done.

At the end we make a loop, connect the two ends with a special plastic clasp, your bracelet is ready.

If you don’t have a machine, you can weave such a bracelet using forks; below you will find a video tutorial that tells you in detail how to do this.

Video on the topic of the article

If you still have questions, you can watch these videos, which describe in detail how to weave a star from rubber bands.