“The guy couldn’t stand it”: Alena Vodonaeva spoke about the reasons for breaking up with Anton Korotkov. Alena Vodonaeva stopped hiding her new boyfriend: he works as a tattoo artist, does not drink or smoke Alena Vodonaeva's boyfriend Anton Korotkov on Instagram


Account: _korotkovvv

Occupation: tattoo master

Anton Korotkov is an Instagram user who has an athletic build and a strong, strong-willed character. He is an open, positive person who is not shy about showing his feelings.

Anton Korotkov photo from Instagram whose story tells about my intense life

highlights life events, often shares new posts. The guy is actively involved in sports and adds photos from training. He practices boxing and shows his biceps to his subscribers. The guy loves animals, as evidenced by the pictures of his beloved dog on the page, with whom he often walks. He devotes quite a lot of time to his friends who also play sports. Since Anton works in a tattoo parlor, he has many different tattoos on his body, which he constantly shows off. He also publishes photos from his work. In the tattoo parlor where the guy works, there is a close-knit team of guys.

On Anton Korotkov’s Instagram page you can find many joint photos with his beloved girlfriend Alena Vodonaeva. The couple travels a lot to different countries. Real passions rage between lovers, they often add romantic photos. The guy really treats his girlfriend with warmth, gives her gorgeous bouquets, and protects her. They participate in various photo shoots. The guys see each other very often, despite the fact that Alena works a lot and hosts programs. Also, in the photos from the summer trip, Alena’s son, Bogdan, is present. Anton and Bogdan have friendly relations; the photographs show that they like to have fun. He keeps a lot of things secret, does not reveal some details of his life, so as not to attract unnecessary attention to himself and his beloved.

Biography of Anton Korotkov

Anton Korotkov's biography, which began on October 27, 1987, never talked about where he was born and raised. He received his education in Moscow at the Russian State University of Social Sciences.

  • In 2011, he worked at the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, as a specialist of the 1st category.
  • In 2013, he decides to completely change his life and do what he loves. He started working as a tattoo artist in a Moscow salon. It was from this time that the biography of Anton Korotkov was forever associated with this activity.
  • In 2016, he is an active tattoo artist in the MAGNUM salon in Moscow.

In a recent interview with one of the popular publications, Alena Vodonaeva admitted that she would get married next year. The ex-participant of the Dom-2 project even declassified the wedding date - July 7, 2017.

Less than a month had passed since the interview was published, when rumors spread on the Internet that Alena Vodonaeva and Anton Korotkov had broken up.

The reason for such assumptions was the fact that almost all the photos of her fiance disappeared from Vodonaeva’s Instagram.

Alena Vodonaeva did not tolerate the envy of her groom

In an interview with journalists, Alena Vodonaeva recently described how attentive, courageous and understanding her lover is. Even frequent quarrels do not affect a couple’s decision to be together.

But now, when it became clear that Anton Korotkov and Alena Vodonaeva broke up, the ex-star of “House-2” did not remain silent, but reported on her Instagram page everything that had accumulated recently.

Anton Korotkov turned out to be completely different from the man Vodonaeva had previously imagined him to be:

I just understood and felt the limit. I was mistaken. I have already said that I am tired of stupidity, emptiness, jealousy and my independence. But what’s more surprising is that I never expected to go through copper pipes with this man. I was ready to put up with endless checking of my phones, tantrums and breakdowns, quarrels, mood swings and reluctance to grow. And I was looking for a solution. In the end, I realized that my choice fell on a man who was not ready to lead, walk hand in hand, or follow a woman, even if she is still (emphatically) more successful than you. I heard words addressed to me that I had never heard even from my fiercest enemies. I was accused of... being successful." Of being too busy with my career and my child and... growing up.

Well, now no one is stopping the dizzying career of the former TV star... Alena herself hinted that the place in her heart has already been taken by someone else.


After the divorce, Alena did not want a serious relationship for a long time, but everything changed when she met Anton. According to the star, he hooked her with his kindness, honesty and warmth.


“He’s only brutal in appearance, but he’s a calm, caring, modest, intelligent guy. You won't find anything like this during the day! Even though I’ve liked bad guys all my life, I still married a good guy, and Anton is also a good guy. By the way, Anton is not a tattoo artist, as he is called in the press. This is more of his hobby, for the soul. He draws and takes art lessons. But he is an economist by training and has his own business,” said the star.


“According to the horoscope, I am Cancer, Anton is Scorpio. We are so different that when we argue, we can’t agree on anything. It doesn’t lead to fights, although... Six months ago I was so hysterical that I spanked Anton with my palms. In general, our quarrels are thunder and lightning, and over bullshit. We can watch, for example, a rap battle, disagree on opinions, and such an argument will begin! It's like we're 15 years old! Then we sit down, like at a school desk, and spend hours sorting out relationships. Worse than in “House-2” on Execution Ground!” - she said.


The lovers have not yet decided on a wedding date, although they planned to get married last year.

“Anton proposed to me on July 26 last year. With a Tiffany engagement ring, everything is as it should be. Later we bought a ring for him too. Anton wants to sign and fly away somewhere together. I don't really want to throw a big party either. And if there is to be our wedding, I think it will be modest and only for two. Well, I think it will be a little later. Now there’s no time for it at all, there are too many other things and tasks,” said the star.

Recently, Anton became Alena's director. The young man is involved in some of her projects and advertising contracts.

“He took over most of my affairs. We have, one might say, a family contract. I didn't even expect it to be like this. But Anton and I currently live in two apartments,” added the star.

34-year-old model and TV presenter Alena Vodonaeva stunned everyone with the news of the cancellation of her wedding planned for the summer of 2017: the girl announced that she had ended her relationship with tattoo artist Anton Korotkov. Vodonaeva has already voiced the official reason for the breakup - the young man did not share her desire to pursue her career. However, as it turned out, the reasons for the couple’s separation are much deeper. Life had at its disposal a recording of Alena Vodonaeva’s emotional story about a conflict with her lover - in a conversation with a friend, without mincing words, the girl described in detail “family life” with Korotkov.

From the star’s reasoning it is easy to understand that the 29-year-old tattoo artist actually lived on the support of his famous beloved. Vodonaeva paid all the guy’s expenses, making him her director, waiting for a long time for him to start earning money. Korotkov was clearly in no hurry to leave his comfort zone, which brought the situation to a conflict.

Life publishes a scandalous recording of Alena Vodonaeva’s confessions.

“At some point, it was just necessary to open everything up. I just one morning, in fact, our last morning, asked him: do you hear, what kind of wedding are we talking about if a person doesn’t think about studying, working, earn money, buy your own car, improve your apartment? I asked: are you going to work at all? Not for me, but in general?”- Vodonaeva is indignant. - So that you can at least start paying utilities in the apartment you’ve been living in for a year and a half?”

“And there were so many mistakes in working together! I let you down, was late, got everything mixed up! I’m a super responsible person, but I forgave everything, I decided it myself. But why should I be the director of the director, b...?- the star wonders, opening up about her ex-boyfriend - But he doesn’t want to do a damn thing, he lives on everything ready-made, like in a hotel. The man is 29 years old - that’s almost thirty! He already has a lot to do at thirty, and already at twenty-five!”

"The cup just overflowed,- Vodonaeva explains her decision to leave. - And his accusations that I spend a lot of time on Instagram? Yes, this is your bread, which you also eat! But it’s normal to lie on the couch like a seal and talk about how bad I am. Such a disappointment in him, to be honest."

"The hardest thing is when the children get used to him. When Bogdan asks now where Anton is, I say - at work. But this is p...! Now I understand that I need a reliable, sane, caring man, partner next to me. Father for Bogdan. But, unfortunately, it’s not Anton - the guy doesn’t take him out, he didn’t take him out... in short!- the TV presenter ends her monologue with an emotional conclusion.

Let us recall that Alena Vodonaeva’s affair with Anton Korotkov became known in the summer of 2015, when Life caught up with the couple. For a year and a half, Vodonaeva went out with her new boyfriend - they even got tattoos on each other’s bodies as a sign of their love. The “black cat” ran between Alena and Anton in August of this year during a joint trip to Barcelona - according to the star, their quarrels had already begun.

Fans of Alena Vodonaeva suspect that the TV star has broken up with her fiancé Anton Korotkov. The ex-participant of the reality show "Dom-2" deleted from social networks all joint photographs with her lover, reports Woman.ru.

Alena Vodonaeva planned to marry Anton Korotkov on July 17, 2017, after which she intended to fly to Europe for her honeymoon. According to the TV presenter, it was on the seventeenth that she began dating her current boyfriend.

However, fans of Alena Vodonaeva believe that the girl broke up with the 29-year-old tattoo artist. The ex-participant of the reality show “Dom-2” stopped mentioning her lover in new posts and deleted from social networks all joint photographs that she previously regularly posted on her page.

The ex-participant of the reality show “Dom-2” previously admitted that she constantly quarrels with her loved one. “Honestly, we quarrel regularly once a week, but then we make up, because we can’t live without each other. I understand when people’s relationships deteriorate because of cheating, betrayal. And we quarrel over little things. Perhaps we are just sometimes We get tired of each other, because we spend almost 24 hours a day together. We live and work together, Anton is my director,” Starhit quotes Vodonaeva.

As Paparazzi.ru writes, the place of the star’s director instead of Korotkov was taken by another man named Dmitry. Currently, Vodonaeva mainly publishes photos from her vacation and her place of work on Instagram - the ex-participant of “House-2” became the host of the “ParaNormalnyh” show.