The waters broke before she gave birth. Signs of pathological discharge of water


Timely discharge of amniotic fluid indicates that the pregnant woman is about to reach the finish line. Doctors say that this moment is one of the most exciting for expectant mothers - many of them simply do not know how the waters break during pregnancy. Meanwhile, after this has already happened, it is better not to take risks by staying at home, otherwise you can harm both yourself and your long-awaited baby. In order not to worry unnecessarily, a pregnant woman needs to find answers to all her questions in advance.

Intrauterine development of the fetus occurs inside the fetal bladder, which is filled with amniotic fluid. It is this substance that allows the child to develop and grow and provides him with reliable protection from the adverse effects of various external factors. Shortly before the baby is ready to meet his mother, one of the walls of the amniotic sac ruptures, and amniotic fluid leaves the female genital tract.

This is a sign for a pregnant woman - in about 10 - 12 hours she will see her child. Unfortunately, the situation does not always develop according to the “correct” scenario, and the breaking of water can sometimes confuse a woman, for example, when it happens much earlier than the expected date of a happy event. Sometimes a pregnant woman needs emergency medical care, so every woman carrying a child should at least figuratively imagine how the waters break before childbirth and how to behave.

What does “water break” mean?

Amniotic fluid is the liquid that is the natural environment for the fetus during the long nine months of pregnancy. Approximately 97% of this substance consists of water, in which proteins, mineral salts and other nutritional components are dissolved. In addition, as a result of laboratory testing, epidermal cells, hair fragments and some alkaloids were found in it. If everything is fine with the baby, the liquid substance does not have a pronounced color or smell. Some scientists have suggested that the smell of amniotic fluid can be compared to the smell of mother's milk - maybe that's why the baby intuitively seeks the mother's breast immediately after birth?

Why does this phenomenon mean so much when diagnosing the onset and development of labor? Everything is very simple: after the waters have broken, the child can remain in the womb without harm to his health for no more than 12 hours. And given that the water may break much earlier than expected, it is vitally important for a pregnant woman to notice this and report the incident to her doctor.

How to understand that your water has broken

During pregnancy, a woman should pay double attention to her well-being and condition in order to promptly notice anything unusual that may happen to her. Unfortunately, in the history of every tenth pregnancy, untimely rupture of amniotic fluid occurs.

When the fluid leaves simultaneously with the development of contractions, but with incomplete dilation of the uterine cervix, they speak of early rupture of amniotic fluid. The best situation is when the waters have broken against the background of sufficient softening and dilation of the cervix (by 4 cm or more). In some cases, the integrity of the fetal bladder is not broken in time, so doctors are forced to resort to piercing it with a long thin needle.

The nature of the outpouring of amniotic fluid is determined by the location of damage to the fetal bladder, the position and condition of the fetus in the womb, and the degree of formation of the placenta. The volume and color of the liquid substance is of paramount importance when assessing the condition of a woman in labor and determining delivery tactics.

Amount of amniotic fluid

The composition and quantity of amniotic fluid cannot be called static - these indicators change from the moment the amniotic sac is formed until the onset of labor. Shortly before the baby is born, the volume of water reaches approximately 1.5 liters, but you should not think that if the integrity of the bladder is broken, all the liquid will come out.

Normally, only part of the amniotic fluid is poured out - it is this that moves the baby closer to the cervix. If the head or body of the child clings closely to the walls of the birth canal, the other part of the water remains in the bladder and pours out at the moment of birth of the child, facilitating its passage from the mother's womb to the outside. This physiological feature allows the amniotic fluid to be divided into anterior and posterior.

However, the situation can develop in a different scenario: if the wall of the amniotic sac breaks through from below, all the anterior amniotic fluid will recede at once, and the woman may even think that she has peed herself. Most often this happens when rising from a sitting or lying position, when the abdominal muscles tense.

Rupture of the amniotic sac from the side or from above does not allow the rapid passage of water - the amniotic fluid is poured out in portions, sometimes literally drop by drop. This phenomenon gives rise to a lot of doubts in the woman in labor: on the one hand, one might think that water is leaking, on the other hand, it is likely that the secretion of secretions from the genital tract has increased or involuntary urination has occurred.

Amniotic fluid color

It is important for the expectant mother to know what broken water looks like, because the color of the amniotic fluid can be used to judge the condition of the baby. Normally, the contents of the amniotic sac are a clear, colorless or slightly yellowish solution, vaguely reminiscent of urine. The color of the waste water differing from the normal indicator is an alarming sign.

Turbid/dirty amniotic fluid that has a greenish tint or brown color indicates fetal hypoxia, in other words, indicates that the baby is experiencing an acute lack of oxygen. Another reason for such metamorphoses may be intrauterine infection. The unpleasant smell of gushing water is also considered an alarming symptom. Normally, amniotic fluid has a barely perceptible, slightly sweet odor.

If there is an admixture of blood in the discharged fluid, the expectant mother needs to immediately call an ambulance - this is a sure sign of placental abruption.

Sensations when amniotic fluid breaks

Before the water breaks, the woman does not experience any suspicious or even painful sensations. A feeling of moisture in the perineal area will indicate that the integrity of the amniotic sac has been compromised. In some cases, a woman may hear the sound of rupture of the amniotic sac if the anterior waters break at once - this can be called a click, pop or crack.

You can find out that your water has broken by a non-painful cramp-like spasm in the lower abdomen and a feeling of heaviness that spreads along the abdomen and lower back if the amniotic sac burst at the peak of one of the contractions. But most often, amniotic fluid passes asymptomatically.

How the waters leave: possible options

If water pours out in small portions, the expectant mother must first make sure that her baby is not in danger. To do this, you need to inform your gynecologist about what happened. If there is still time left before the expected due date and there are no contractions yet, the doctor will most likely suggest that the pregnant woman undergo a test to determine whether her water is leaking or not.

If the discharge of fluid is abundant, then this is most likely amniotic fluid. As already noted, they should be transparent or have a slightly yellowish tint. The presence of mucus and flocculent fragments, which are particles of vernix lubrication of the fetal skin, is within normal limits.

There is another specific feature that distinguishes amniotic fluid from urine - its outpouring cannot be stopped or delayed for even a few seconds.

What to do when your water breaks

The circumstances under which the outpouring of amniotic fluid occurred, as well as their qualitative and quantitative characteristics, should in no way affect the actions of the expectant mother - she should immediately notify her doctor about what happened. You can’t hesitate in such a situation: you need to take the things you packed for the maternity hospital and go to the hospital.

Some pregnant women who feel well during leakage or after the outpouring of amniotic fluid are sincerely perplexed as to why there is such a rush. The answer is obvious: as soon as the integrity of the fetal bladder is broken, the sterile environment where the fetus has been located all this time disappears, opening access to the fetus to various infections. Moreover, let's not forget that a baby can live in a waterless space for no more than 10 - 12 hours. If birth occurs later, the child may develop irreversible pathologies of important vital organs due to oxygen starvation.

When labor does not begin within 10-12 hours after the rupture of amniotic fluid, doctors will decide to artificially stimulate it. In some cases, the baby is born via caesarean section. Absolute indications for surgical delivery are situations when, during the expulsion of the contents of the amniotic sac, the umbilical cord or limb of the child falls out (most often this happens if the fetus is located across the uterus).

If amniotic fluid leaks in the early stages of pregnancy, doctors will do everything possible to maintain the pregnancy and save the baby. Maintaining the viability of the fetus, when amniotic fluid has been released at a period of 20 weeks or more, is considered by modern medicine as common practice.

How to detect water leakage

Speaking about the discharge of amniotic fluid during pregnancy, one cannot fail to mention the situation when amniotic fluid leaks. Why does this happen and is this phenomenon dangerous for a woman and her baby?

Leakage most often begins when the amniotic sac ruptures due to thinning of its walls. If the gap is minor, the pregnant woman most likely will not even know what is happening. Amniotic fluid will flow out drop by drop, which can be mistaken for natural vaginal discharge, which with the onset of pregnancy becomes more abundant than before.

How can you suspect something is wrong? It is usually worthwhile to more carefully evaluate the nature of the discharge: if the underwear constantly becomes wet, and the vaginal secretion has become more liquid and watery, this is already a good reason for examination. Moreover, amniotic fluid is easily distinguished from urine by its lack of color and odor.

Natural discharge during pregnancy is stable, and water leaks mainly when the abdominal muscles tense during exercise. To see the difference between the first phenomenon and the second, it is enough to carry out a simple test at home. To do this, you need to take off your underwear and sit quietly for half an hour on a diaper folded in several layers, then check whether it has become wet. Then, having put on clean underwear, you need to do some active activity: for example, perform several exercises from a gymnastics complex for pregnant women or laugh heartily at the characters of your favorite comedy. After half an hour - an hour, the underwear is also checked for moisture level. If the diaper remains dry, but the underwear becomes damp or wet, this most likely indicates a water leak.

To finally confirm your guesses, you need to buy a special test at the pharmacy - it looks like a paper strip treated with a special reagent. The test is soaked in a liquid, which every now and then causes discomfort, and then compared with the results indicated in the instructions.

Why is water leakage dangerous?

The amniotic sac and the amniotic fluid that fills it play the role of reliable protection for the growing organism: no microbes or mechanical injuries are scary for the little man. Leakage of amniotic fluid is a kind of signal that not everything is in order with the “strength” of the baby. When the amniotic sac is no longer a single whole, pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate there, threatening the fetus with infection and death.

In late pregnancy, water leakage may be more intense than at the beginning. At the same time, this is not so scary - the baby, most likely, has already managed to finally form, which means that labor can be stimulated. If an unexpected leak occurs at the beginning of pregnancy, the woman will be admitted to the hospital to try to save the baby with a ruptured amniotic sac. In this case, the woman is prescribed complex antibacterial treatment to protect her child from possible infection.

Rush of water before childbirth. Video

The interest of a pregnant woman, especially a first-time mother, in how the waters break before childbirth, and how long after this contractions should begin, is quite natural. Knowing when and why the process of rupture of water occurs and how to behave when this happens will help you go through the last stage of bearing a child without problems and complications.

Amniotic fluid is a fluid originally formed from the blood plasma of a pregnant woman. This fluid performs protective functions, being a kind of buffer, provides the child with freedom of movement, and also contains nutrients that in the early stages of fetal development enter the body directly through the skin. The amount of fetal fluid is approximately 1 - 1.5 liters.

In the future, we will talk about the normal development of events, when the water breaks no earlier than at 32 weeks of pregnancy. Then the outpouring of water is a natural physiological process, a signal that labor will soon begin. But if this happens before 20 weeks, there is practically no chance of carrying a child to term. When the water breaks out between 20 and 28 weeks, it is possible to carry the pregnancy safely to term, but it is associated with great difficulties.

What types of water discharge are considered normal?

The discharge of water occurs as a result of rupture of the fetal membrane. Most often this happens a few hours before childbirth, or during the initial period of labor. In some cases, the amniotic sac is so strong that it must be opened during childbirth, a procedure called amniotomy.

The most favorable period for the rupture of amniotic fluid for childbirth is when the uterus is already open by 4 - 5 cm. If a small crack forms in the fetal membrane, the water may recede little by little, over several days. And in the event of a large rupture of the shell, they can pour out all at once, in a few seconds. Both are quite normal.

However, if half a day after the rupture of the membranes, contractions have not yet begun, the pregnant woman is diagnosed with a “long anhydrous period” and measures are taken to speed up the labor process. After all, amniotic fluid (the so-called fetal fluid) serves as a reliable protection for the child from external infections, and the loss of this protection is dangerous for him.

In addition, dry births are not always easy. The presence of remnants of the so-called anterior fetal fluid (usually about 200 ml) and posterior fetal fluid (they are located behind the baby’s body) help dilate the cervix and facilitate the process of the newborn passing through the birth canal.

How to understand that your water has broken

If the fetal fluid flows out at once, in a large portion, it is impossible not to notice a wet bed or a puddle under your feet. If the tear in the amniotic sac is located far from the os of the uterus and is sandwiched by its walls, water will leak periodically, in small portions. Then the fact of water breaking can be mistaken for normal discharge or involuntary release of urine. But there are distinctive features that are characteristic only of amniotic fluid:

  • Amniotic fluid is odorless;
  • They are liquid, not slimy and stretchy like jelly;
  • When amniotic fluid leaks, their amount increases with movement, whereas this is not observed with urinary incontinence or vaginal secretion.

Amniotic fluid is colorless. The greenish color can be given to it by the original feces (meconium), which is sometimes a sign of oxygen starvation of the fetus; the fetal fluid acquires a brown color due to the admixture of blood during placental abruption. Therefore, upon entering the maternity hospital, be sure to tell the doctor how your waters broke before birth, approximately how many there were, what color and consistency they were.

The water broke: what to do?

If you have suspicions that amniotic fluid is leaking, or the water has clearly (that is, intensively) broken, it’s time to get ready for the maternity hospital. You have a few hours left, unless, of course, the amniotic fluid is green or brown. Then the collection time is reduced to an hour and a half, since these signs indicate a birth pathology.

In case of abundant effusion of amniotic fluid, to prevent possible prolapse of the umbilical cord and its pinching, it is recommended to stand on all fours for 10–15 minutes, leaning on your knees and elbows (knee-elbow position). This can be done before the ambulance arrives, at home, on the bed or on the floor, or in the back seat of the car that is taking you to the maternity hospital.

In this article:

Some women who have not given birth may not know what it means to “break your water.” The amniotic fluid leaves after the rupture of the membranes, so a waterless period begins, which lasts until the birth of the child. At this time, the woman is stressed, tense and may be scared. She listens to herself and asks questions about when contractions will begin and how many hours later she will give birth if her water breaks.

First of all, the expectant mother needs to calm down and slowly get ready for the maternity hospital. The discharge of amniotic fluid is one of the normal stages.

How long does it take for labor to begin after your waters break?

The question of how many hours later will labor begin if the waters have already broken is quite natural. Normally, rupture of the membranes occurs during childbirth. In the first, the bladder plays the role of a shock absorber, protecting the child from injury. Its herniation promotes dilatation of the cervix. But there comes a time when it is already superfluous and prevents the child from passing through the narrow birth canal. Then the bubble bursts and the waters pour out.

If a pregnant woman’s water breaks, it will start at any time (if it hasn’t already started), no one can say for sure how many hours or minutes later this will happen. The first contractions are weak and painless, with large intervals. Intense contractions can normally begin either after 2 hours or after 6. More often than not, contractions proceed faster, which is why contractions begin earlier.

When your water breaks

Normally, this occurs at the end of the first stage of labor, when the cervix is ​​dilated by about 6 cm, before intense contractions.

Another development of events is also possible:

  • If the waters recede before the normal dilatation of the cervix, but in the presence of contractions and labor, this is considered an early rupture.
  • It is also possible that the water may have broken, but there are no contractions. E If this happened before the onset of labor, we are talking about premature rupture.

What happens if contractions start and the waters do not break, how will this affect childbirth? There is nothing scary about this. You need to see a gynecologist. If this is the beginning of labor, if necessary, the bladder will be pierced in the maternity hospital. If this is the case, it will be left intact, but the obstetrician must differentiate these conditions.

How does this happen

How can you tell when your water has broken? This usually happens after the first contractions appear and after. They can flow abundantly, in quantities from 200 ml to 1 liter. A woman experiences a feeling of urinary incontinence, and she cannot stop the flow of fluid by contracting the bladder sphincter muscles. The water may recede in 2 or even 3 stages. Some women may experience a “popping” sensation when the membranes rupture before their water breaks.

Is it possible for the water to break without contractions? This happens when amniotic fluid leaks prematurely through microcracks in the membranes. A woman may mistake them for urinary incontinence or increased abundance of vaginal secretions, since water can come out sparingly, literally drop by drop.

How can you tell when your water has broken?

A woman will not miss an abundant outpouring of water. However, it is not uncommon for the water to break while the woman was sleeping at home. In a dream, she may not feel it. If after waking up there is no smell or color of urine on the wet sheet, and even more so if there is a mucus plug, this speaks in favor of water. A plug is a clot of mucus that forms in the cervix during pregnancy.

You can skip the moment of venting when a woman takes a bath or shower. In this case, the presence of a mucus plug in the bath may indicate that the water has broken without contractions.

In such situations, a woman often doubts and asks questions: did the water break and when did it happen, and if the water did break, then what to do? There can only be one answer - urgently go to the gynecologist.

When to be wary

Premature rupture of water is common and poses a great threat to both the baby and the woman.

Therefore, you should always be on your guard, especially:

  • with increasing cases of urinary incontinence;
  • when vaginal discharge becomes heavier and more watery;
  • when the discharge becomes more abundant when changing body position;
  • when there is an unpleasant odor of vaginal discharge;
  • when the stomach decreases in size;
  • at down;
  • with abdominal pain.

What waters are normal?

During the normal course of pregnancy in a healthy woman, the amniotic fluid is light, transparent, colorless and odorless. The volume of water by the end of pregnancy ranges from 600 ml to 1500 ml. Deviation from these numbers up or down is considered oligohydramnios or.

If there is pathology, the water may change:

  • when the fetus is starved of oxygen, they have a greenish tint;
  • if there is a threat of miscarriage and premature placental abruption, they may have a brown or brown color;
  • with a bacterial infection, the water will be cloudy, yellow-green in color, and have an unpleasant odor.

Why does my water break?

This happens when the volume of the fetal bladder decreases under external pressure from contractions - as a result, the internal pressure of the amniotic fluid on its walls increases, and they burst.

However, rupture of the membranes can occur long before labor occurs. One of the reasons is infectious melting of the walls of the amniotic sac. Where it is thin, microcracks form. Also, one of the obvious causes of bladder rupture is injury.

Factors contributing to premature or early rupture of water:

  • narrow pelvis of a pregnant woman;
  • violation of the condition of the woman’s cervix - rigidity, scar changes after abortion or previous births;
  • abnormal position of the fetus and;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • exacerbation of chronic bacterial infection in the vagina and uterus;
  • the presence of serious chronic diseases of the mother - diabetes mellitus, lupus erythematosus and others.

If there are no contractions

If a woman’s water has already broken, she is naturally interested in how long the child can do without this water. Ideally, the waterless period lasts from 4 to 6 hours and ends with the birth of the child. When it exceeds 6 hours, it is already considered long-term, but this is not yet a pathology. The danger arises, this period lasts over 72 hours.

Inexperienced expectant mothers sometimes ask the gynecologist what to do when their water breaks, for example, 12 hours ago, but there are no contractions. But why wait so long? Immediately after the water breaks, you need to go to the hospital. Within 24 hours, doctors can begin to stimulate labor or begin.

The breaking of water is an important sign of the beginning of the labor process. Premature onset of the process is often subtle and gradual, but it can provoke spontaneous abortion or cause serious pregnancy complications. If a woman notices that her water is breaking, she should urgently seek professional help from an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Useful video about the end of pregnancy and the beginning of labor

In the last weeks before giving birth, many pregnant women carefully listen to their bodies, waiting for the first signs of labor. The most indisputable evidence of the onset of active labor is the discharge (or, as they say, effusion) of amniotic fluid. It is difficult for an expectant mother to miss such an event, since the amount of fluid can be significant. The very process of pouring out the fluid surrounding the baby leads to increased contractions and activation of the birth process. But sometimes the waters can only leak

, which is why they are confused with mucus plug discharge or urinary incontinence. How to understand this issue, and what volume of fluid should be expected during labor?

Table of contents:

Amniotic fluid: functions

Throughout pregnancy, amniotic fluid fills the entire uterine cavity inside the membranes, and it is in it that the baby swims. Its main functions are to protect against negative environmental factors, moisturize the skin and maintain its functioning, nourish the baby, and help train the respiratory system and digestion. In addition, amniotic fluid helps in metabolism, eliminating metabolic products during its renewal. They constantly maintain the baby’s optimal body temperature, create space for him to move, do not allow the umbilical cord to be pinched, due to them the fetus occupies the most correct and comfortable position for birth.

Amniotic fluid is no less important during childbirth. When the fetal head descends into the mother's small pelvis, the waters are divided into anterior and posterior. The anterior waters are located behind the fetal head in the area of ​​the cervix; at the beginning of labor, during contractions, together with the amniotic sac, they perform a unique function - they form a “hydraulic wedge” that helps to smoothly and leisurely open the cervix. This allows you to experience contractions easier, they are less painful and the cervix opens smoothly.

Discharge (outpouring) of amniotic fluid
In normal physiological childbirth, the discharge of amniotic fluid occurs closer to the dilation of 6-7 cm, in a situation where the amniotic sac has already lost its purpose and ruptures.

The contents may drain away at once, in one large stream, or the water may gradually leak over several minutes. Women describe such sensations as spontaneous emptying of the bladder (many people mistake this for incontinence).

The waters are usually clear, slightly yellowish in color and have a sweetish odor; they may contain small amounts of blood due to microcracks in the cervix. Sometimes women describe the feeling of a pop or a click, a bursting of the bag, before the outpouring of water. This is the opening of the amniotic membranes, where the anterior waters are located.

As the fluid drains, the fetal head is firmly inserted into the pelvis, the birth process is activated, contractions become painful and strong. Often, in order to stimulate labor during sluggish contractions, doctors open the membranes with drainage of water (amniotomy). This revives contractions and allows you to complete the labor process faster.

How to determine the discharge of amniotic fluid?

In some cases, it is important to distinguish leakage of amniotic fluid at 38-40 weeks from urinary incontinence and vaginal discharge. This can be done visually: amniotic fluid is clear and liquid, while vaginal discharge is mucous and thick, heterogeneous. Urine usually has a specific smell and color. But it is not always possible for the woman herself to visually distinguish these liquids; then relatively simple tests are carried out.

You need to take a shower and dry yourself thoroughly, put an absorbent sheet or diaper on the bed, lie down and stay in a horizontal position for about 30 minutes. The appearance of a watery spot on the bed without odor or color will most likely be a sign of leaking water. It's worth going to the maternity hospital.

Also A test for amniotic fluid using a pharmaceutical pad with a reagent can help. After washing and thoroughly drying the perineum, it should be worn on your panties for a couple of hours. The appearance of reagent staining in the area of ​​the gasket indicates a water leak; it is necessary to urgently go to the maternity hospital.

At the appointment, the doctor can also conduct tests for amniotic fluid using special reagents, as well as visually assess the condition of the amniotic sac and cervix, their readiness for childbirth and the stage of the process (preparation for childbirth or the beginning of labor).

Amniotomy during childbirth

If the amniotic fluid does not drain during childbirth, and the doctor considers it advisable to rush the birth process, he may recommend the process of amniotomy - opening the amniotic sac using a special instrument.

This is a painless procedure, it is performed during one of the contractions, when the woman lies on the gynecological chair. After this procedure, contractions usually intensify, and labor proceeds faster, and the weakness of the labor force is eliminated.

Before the procedure, the doctor explains all the conditions and the need for amniotomy of the expectant mother and obtains written consent from her, having previously indicated all the pros and cons, possible complications and sensations.

What is the volume of amniotic fluid?

The normal volume of amniotic fluid before childbirth is up to 1500 ml, but how much of it is released during childbirth depends on the presentation of the fetus, in each case it is individual.

During cephalic presentation, the waters are divided into anterior, those that are in front of the fetal head in the cervix, and posterior, located around the body of the baby in the uterine cavity. When the fetus descends and the head is inserted into the small pelvis, a separation of waters is formed due to the contact zone around the circumference of the head, and when the amniotic sac is opened, usually no more than 300 ml of fluid is released. The remaining volume of water leaves at the birth of the shoulders and the entire body of the child.

Breaking of water: timely, premature and delayed

However, water breaking in expectant mothers can occur at different times, which is why both physiological and pathological conditions associated with amniotic fluid are distinguished. Timely outpouring

- this is the discharge of amniotic fluid during regular and fairly intense contractions, when the cervix is ​​dilated more than 4-5 cm.

It is also possible for the waters to break before the onset of contractions, during contractions during the first stage of labor, towards the end of labor, and then the fetus is born “in the shirt”, with the amniotic sac intact: Each of the conditions of untimely outpouring has its own risks and dangers. So,.

early or premature birth poses a risk of fetal infection if labor is prolonged

According to doctors, if the water breaks, no more than 10-12 hours are allotted for the baby to be born, after which there is a high probability of infection. In case of a prolonged anhydrous period during labor, the mother is administered intravenously or intramuscularly to prevent complications in her and the fetus.

In some cases, doctors decide to artificially open the bladder to enhance labor and intensify contractions. In this state of affairs, the cervix begins to open more actively.

Change in color of waste water

Normal amniotic fluid is colorless and odorless, but if the water is colored differently, this requires special attention from doctors and indicates possible complications and pathologies. Most often, the amniotic fluid is colored green, dark or bloody, which indicates various complications. become evidence, due to which his muscles relax, including in the anus, which leads to the discharge of meconium into the amniotic fluid. It is the impurities of feces that give the water a similar color.

Greenery in waters can form during the aging process of the placenta, which is typical for. By the end of gestation, this organ can no longer fully perform all its functions of supplying nutrition and oxygen, as a result of which metabolic processes in the water area suffer.

Throughout the entire period of gestation, the child is in the amniotic sac filled with amniotic fluid. This is his natural environment, which ensures harmonious development and growth, and also protects him from possible negative influences from the outside world. But before childbirth or already during the process, the integrity of the amniotic sac is disrupted, which is accompanied by the discharge of amniotic fluid.

Normally, this means that labor has already begun, and the baby will be born in the next 10-12 hours or less. But in each individual case, the water may break differently, not always in a timely manner and sometimes “wrongly,” which confuses the expectant mother. It can be difficult to determine whether the water is leaving or leaking. Meanwhile, the difference is very big!

Some conditions require urgent medical intervention. In addition, you cannot stay at home after the release of amniotic fluid. Therefore, every pregnant woman should know how the water breaks before childbirth and what needs to be done in such a situation.

Let’s make a reservation right away that the waters do not always break with the onset of labor. If this happens before it begins, then doctors talk about premature or prenatal rupture of amniotic fluid. Their early release occurs already with the onset of contractions, but still with insufficient dilatation of the cervix. If the waters pour out when the cervix is ​​sufficiently softened and open (at least 4 cm), then such an outpouring is considered timely and the most favorable in terms of the course of labor. However, it also often happens that the amniotic sac does not burst in time - and then doctors pierce it manually using a mechanical method.

How water breaks in pregnant women depends on the location of rupture of the membranes, the location of the fetus in the uterus, the condition of the baby and the placenta. Consequently, the amount and especially the color of amniotic fluid are very important when assessing the birth condition, predicting the course of the labor process and further tactics of medical staff.

How the waters break before childbirth: quantity

The amount and composition of amniotic fluid changes throughout pregnancy. Before birth, their volume is approximately 1.5 liters, but this does not mean that exactly that much is poured out immediately when the membranes of the membranes rupture. As a rule, a certain part of the amniotic fluid is released first, while simultaneously moving the fetus towards the cervix. When the baby presses tightly against the walls of the birth canal, a so-called contact belt is formed, while part of the amniotic fluid will still remain in the bladder and will move away with the birth of the baby, facilitating its sliding through the birth canal. Thus, the amniotic fluid during childbirth is divided into anterior and posterior.

If the amniotic sac ruptures from below, then the entire portion of the anterior waters may flow out at once: it may seem to the woman that involuntary urination has occurred. Very often this happens at night during sleep or when getting out of bed, with tension in the abdominal muscles.

The hole formed on the top or side of the amniotic sac leads to the gradual discharge of amniotic fluid - in small portions or even drops. This complicates the correct understanding of the situation: the pregnant woman doubts whether her water is breaking, amniotic fluid is leaking, vaginal discharge has increased before childbirth, or urinary incontinence is occurring. It happens that as soon as you put on dry underwear, you soon have to change it again.

How the waters break before childbirth: color

Difficulties also arise because normally amniotic fluid is colorless or slightly yellowish, which is very similar to the color of urine. But other options are possible...

Greenish, brown, cloudy, dirty waters indicate fetal hypoxia, and sometimes the development of intrauterine infection. A bad sign is an unpleasant odor in the water. Blood impurities in the amniotic fluid indicate placental abruption and require urgent medical attention!

This is why knowing what color amniotic fluid is is very important. If they went home, then you should definitely pay special attention to their color.

When water breaks before childbirth, the pregnant woman usually does not experience any pain, discomfort, or other special sensations other than wetness in the perineum. Often women hear a characteristic sound with which the amniotic sac bursts if all the amniotic fluid is poured out at once: it resembles a click, pop or crack.

The amniotic sac may burst at the peak of one of the contractions, and therefore, when the water is released, a slight cramp-like spasm in the lower abdomen, a slight nagging pain, and heaviness are possible. But the outpouring of water can occur without any sensations at all.

If all the front waters have been poured out at once, it may seem as if a lot of water has suddenly poured out of you (although, in fact, its amount is much less than it seems), as if a full bucket was turned over, for example.

How to understand that your water breaks during pregnancy

If the water breaks in small doses, then you should make sure that the situation does not threaten the baby. The best way to do this is to notify your doctor. If the due date has not yet arrived and there are no contractions, then he will take a smear for analysis or conduct a test for leakage of amniotic fluid. You can also buy such a test at a pharmacy and do it yourself at home.

If the watery discharge before childbirth is abundant, then most likely it is, after all, water. They, as we have already said, are normally transparent or slightly yellow, and may contain flake-like impurities (particles of vernix from the baby’s skin) and mucus. A characteristic sign of amniotic fluid is a subtle sweetish odor. Unlike urination, the discharge of amniotic fluid cannot be delayed or stopped.

No matter how your water breaks, if this happens or if you suspect that this is happening, there is no point in waiting: you need to take your bag to the maternity hospital and go to the hospital. Any discharge of amniotic fluid indicates that the sterility inside the bladder is broken - and access for infections to the child is open. In addition, the fetus is able to remain in an anhydrous space without danger to itself for only a certain time. As a rule, if labor does not occur within 10-12 hours after the water breaks, doctors stimulate the labor process, and in some cases resort to cesarean operation. One of the indications for this may be prolapse of the umbilical cord or limbs of the fetus due to the rupture of amniotic fluid (more often this occurs with a transverse presentation of the fetus), which is detected during examination of the woman in labor.

The main conclusion of all that has been said above is the following: if the amniotic fluid has broken at home, then it is necessary to evaluate its color and approximate amount and immediately go to the maternity hospital. In the hospital, you will certainly be examined and preparations will begin for delivery - depending on the situation (the onset or absence of labor, the degree of maturity of the cervix). If the water breaks in the early stages, the pregnant woman must be hospitalized to take measures to preserve the pregnancy and save the fetus. In most cases, with timely measures taken, pregnancy, in which the waters break after 20 weeks, can be prolonged.

In general, it should be understood that the outpouring of water before labor is one of the signs of its onset, that is, it is the norm and should not be frightening. If the waters have not broken, then this is completely harmless.

Especially for - Larisa Nezabudkina