Celebrating a birthday at home. How to have a fun birthday party in a restaurant with a small group? The best games and competitions for girls for children's parties, birthdays: description



You can have a masquerade ball. You need to prepare invitations in advance and indicate in them that the guest will be dressed in a fancy dress costume of his favorite movie or cartoon character. Moreover, you can organize a competition for the best production of a scene from a film, at the end choose a winner and present him with a kind of Oscar award.

If you want to arrange a surprise for your loved one, then rent a hotel room without telling him anything about it. Decorate the room, set the table, get ready yourself (buy something nice or a maid or nurse costume), call your beloved and tell him that you are already waiting for him. He will never forget this, and will brag to his friends for a long time.

Helpful advice

Birthday is a holiday that every person celebrates. Only in this holiday there is something intimate, because it was on this day that a number of years ago a person was born. There are various traditions for celebrating birthdays. Everyone wants their holiday to be unique and to be remembered by friends and family for a long time in a positive mood. But no matter how you celebrate your day, the main thing is that you like it.


  • where to spend an adult's birthday

When organizing an event, everything depends on what goals are set. For example, if it is necessary to celebrate an anniversary for a company, the event should demonstrate to all employees of the company and honored guests, partners, government agencies that the company occupies a high position in the market, that it has its own corporate culture, that it has its own traditions of congratulating veterans of the organization, and, that the company's management highly appreciates the efforts of young workers.

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Day birth- a holiday not marked in any calendar except your diary. On this day, every person looks back to appreciate what has already been done and makes a wish for the future in order to achieve new goals in the new year of life. To ensure that the holiday takes place under any conditions and is remembered for a long time, do a little preliminary work.


Don’t overlook anything; every little detail is important in preparing the holiday. Visit the restaurant in advance, discuss with the chef the menu and the sequence of serving dishes on the festive table. Surprise your guests with a variety of holiday treats and drinks.

Select musical accompaniment for the holiday, prepare games and various competitions. Organize a place for competitions and a dance floor for. Make small souvenirs for your guests. Make sure that all guests have a good time.

Delight everyone with your unrivaled image and become the queen of the ball. There is nothing more elegant than a perfectly chosen evening dress and a beautiful hairstyle. Take time to go to the salon, sign up for a manicure, visit the solarium. Shine and have fun on your holiday.

Nothing is complete without the main dish - cake. Order the cake you've always dreamed of. Even if it is of an unusual shape and size, your guests will definitely appreciate it and hardly anyone will remain indifferent to such a creation. Select candles for your festive handsome man, and when blowing them out, be sure to make your deepest wish, and it will definitely come true.

If your friend for some reason cannot organize his own birthday celebration, prepare a surprise for him and surprise him in such a way that he will remember the congratulation for the rest of his life.


Organize a real fire show under your friend’s windows. To do this, it is not necessary to invite master fire fighters (people who juggle fire); it is enough to buy flares, which are used by fans in the stands, wait until dark, post a number corresponding to the age of your friend, and set it on fire. Call him first and ask him to look out the window. Choose proven pyrotechnics. Make sure the fire extravaganza doesn't disturb your friend's neighbors. Consider safety measures.

“Kidnap” a friend on the eve of his day and take him out of town to his dacha. There, prepare a party for everyone, a symbolic banquet or barbecue, drinks and entertainment - music, sports equipment, etc. Invite all your mutual friends there that he would be glad to see. Inquire in advance about your friend's plans for the weekend and make sure that his abduction will not frighten other friends and relatives who are counting on him these days.

Prepare your friend a traditional one from Hollywood movies. Under any pretext, ask him for the keys to the apartment. Decorate (and clean if necessary) the room, prepare a festive table, bring drinks. Hide in the apartment so that your friend cannot see you right away, and when he enters, joyfully shout: “S!”. Before such a congratulation, watch several films and try to eliminate all ridiculous situations.

Invite the birthday person to a sporting event taking place in your city. Agree in advance with the organizers that the presenter, who will be with the audience during the break between halves (periods, games), will congratulate your friend. If possible, you can agree with one of the players of your favorite team or a group of cheerleaders so that congratulations come from their lips.

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The ability to properly manage your time is one of the most important qualities not only for a business person, but even for a housewife or schoolchild. Do not forget that the habit of rationally organizing your workdays does not appear instantly - it needs to be developed over the years. Therefore, in order not to waste any more precious minutes, it is better to start this right now.

You will need

  • - a list of all your to-dos and tasks for the near future;
  • -schedule of your work activity;
  • -diary or planner.


Get a diary or just a notepad in which you will write down all your current affairs for every day. But don’t think that it will become a panacea for all your ills - the diary is just a tool that will be useful to you if you learn the fundamental principles of time management, that is, the art of planning your working (and not only) time. These principles must be understood by anyone who is sorely short of time even for their obligatory and inevitable affairs.

Go through in your mind all the current tasks to which you devote your working days. It often happens that quite a lot of these problems have to be solved, and, moreover, at the same time. It is this situation that leads to a lack of time, nervous tension and, as a result, depression. Relax. Keeping all your affairs in mind, you can in any case find a way to devote to each of them as much time as needed, or at least as much as physically possible.

Distribute all your tasks into several categories - the basis of your planning should be the priority of tasks, which determines their order. Well, for example, you can divide current tasks into three categories: the most urgent, less urgent and allowing for some delay. Divide each of your working days into periods of time, and decide which of them will be more effective, and which will be less effective (for example, depending on whether you are a “night owl” or a “lark”).

Plan your every day, correlating the priority of the planned tasks and the efficiency of work in certain periods of time. For example, if a matter is classified as the most urgent, it should be scheduled for the beginning of the day, when the head is still “fresh,” and a less urgent matter should be scheduled for the evening. Things that can be delayed can be planned for this day with the condition that you will pay attention to them only if there is time left after more urgent matters. At the same time, never do one thing at the expense of everything else, try to follow the planned schedule and leave the task when you reach the point if no less important work of a different nature is scheduled for that time.

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Helpful advice

When making a plan for the day (week, month), remain realistic and proceed from your objective capabilities, without deceiving yourself and without wishful thinking.


  • How to plan your day
  • How to teach your child to plan his day

It happens that there is no way to gather guests or you are not in the mood to prepare a treat and entertain friends. Throw yourself an unusual holiday and have fun all alone. Sometimes it is useful to rethink your whole life on your birthday, to think about future plans without advisers.

You will need

  • - tasty food;
  • - movie tickets.


Remember what you dreamed of as a child. Maybe ride a horse, skydive or swim underwater? Do it in day yours, don’t put it off until later. Go to an expensive restaurant and order exotic dishes that you have been wanting to try for a long time. Enjoy relaxation, delicious food and live music.

Buy a ticket to another city and wander through its streets and museums. For special interest, you can point your finger at the card at random. This will be an unforgettable adventure for you in an unfamiliar city in search of entertainment.

If you just want to relax and unwind, have a movie marathon - watch 3-4 new films on the wide screen in a row. Stock up on popcorn and Pepsi and enjoy the experience.

Hard workers who don't see the light in their offices, take a day off and just lie on the couch. Prepare good wine in advance and order dinner for delivery, and enjoy complete idleness.

Celebrate day birth alone, and then gather your friends and family by setting a different date. This will make you feel like you have the power of time and that you can change a lot in your life.

A trip to a tattoo parlor with a tempting picture or a piercing with a beautiful trinket will help create the appropriate mood. Let this be your secret for special occasions and special people.

Call old friends you haven't contacted in years. Invite them over. Indulge in nostalgia while listening to beautiful music, look through albums with photographs of children and youth. Remember your dreams, compare them with the achievements of your life. At such moments, a rethinking of everything that happened comes, new ideas appear that you will begin to turn into reality.


  • How to celebrate a birthday in an unusual way
  • birthday like

Anniversaries are special birthdays that stand out from everyone. And since they happen only once every five to ten years (depending on what exactly is considered an anniversary), the heroes of the occasion want to celebrate the holiday on a special scale.


Think about the format of the holiday. You can mark in various ways. This could be a family dinner at home, a noisy company of friends and relatives in a restaurant, an outing with the same participants, and so on. Choose the option that suits you best. If you fancy skiing on your day, feel free to invite guests to the slopes around town.

Create a group to prepare for the anniversary. It may include your relatives and best friends. In general, these should be people who know you well and who you can rely on. After all, it will take a long time to prepare for such a holiday, and everyone will have a lot of trouble.

Start looking for a place. You can rent a hall in a restaurant, a country house in a pleasant location, or any other premises. Or decide on the place where you will go for a picnic and barbecue. This needs to be done at least a month in advance, especially if you have planned a holiday in a popular restaurant.

Develop a program for the evening. You can do this yourself or with the help of specialists. Contact a holiday agency, they will offer several scenarios to choose from, and also recommend a good host. By the way, you can take it with you not only to a restaurant, but also to the same house or on a picnic. The main thing is to choose a program that will suit the location and interests of the guests.

Choose an activist for when there's a lull in the fun. This should be someone close to you, endowed with a good sense of humor, sociable and knowing most of the guests. It is he who will approach especially bored guests and create the right mood.

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Helpful advice

Have fun and enjoy your holiday, because that’s what it’s all about. Memories of the anniversary will not be made up of the problems that arose during its organization, but from the feelings that you get in the process.


  • how to celebrate an anniversary in a fun way

An anniversary is usually considered a round date; usually they try to celebrate it brightly and loudly, so that for the next five to ten years they will remember the holiday with bated breath. There are many ways to spend this day; the hero of the occasion needs to choose from them.


Have a party in a good restaurant. This option is the most familiar; it is suitable for those who want to spend their day beautifully. The number of invitees can vary from a few people to dozens, it all depends on your desires and capabilities. You can book a table or rent the whole room. Of course, dinner among close people is already good, but don’t be lazy to spice it up with fun.

Pay for the services of the presenter. This person is able to create any atmosphere, involve guests in competitions and amuse everyone present. Be sure to discuss the program, competitions, tell us what you would like to see at your holiday. If there is a person in your circle who is able to manage the course of the holiday and tirelessly entertain everyone, you can involve him in this work without spending extra money on paying an outsider.

Rent a house outside the city. Move your holiday to a different atmosphere, rent a cute house in the forest. It is important that there is a spacious courtyard where you can have fun with your guests, barbecue and dance until you drop. Create the right atmosphere. For example, ask everyone invited to come dressed in the same color or wear hats.

Go bowling or billiards. If you're a fan of outdoor activities, check out one of these establishments. Book tracks or tables so that all guests can take part in the championship named after you. Consider cups for the winners and consolation prizes for all participants. You can continue the celebration at the nearest bar. Positive emotions after such an anniversary are guaranteed to you.

Mark yours anniversary Outdoors. There is nothing more pleasant than going out into the fresh air with friends. Book a bus, choose a seat and prepare refreshments. For the latter, a picnic option is suitable - fruits, vegetables, various types of cold cuts, and so on. You can also arrange a barbecue, just keep in mind that for this you will have to take much more equipment with you. In summer, go to the forest or clearing where you can play badminton, volleyball or Frisbee. The winter option is downhill skiing, skiing and childish fun wallowing in the snow.

Helpful advice

Rely only on your desires; on your anniversary you are free to do whatever you want. A costume party, masquerade, kayaking - you can celebrate your anniversary in an unconventional way.

The host of the celebration is a very important person. It is he who sets the tone for the evening, entertains the guests and prevents anyone from getting bored. If you are invited to host a birthday party, prepare thoroughly.

You will need

  • - holiday script.


Prepare a holiday script. You cannot rely only on chance and hope that you will navigate the situation and choose the right words. If you are a novice presenter, look for holiday scripts on the Internet. You should not completely copy any of them; it is better to create your own, suitable for this particular holiday.

Find out more about the birthday boy and the guests present at the Day. This will help you understand what is best to focus on when hosting a holiday and what competitions to use. If you are hosting an evening with adults, you should not offer guests overly explicit games. In a young company, accordingly, you can use them.

Come up with or find some unusual toasts in honor of the birthday person. It may turn out that guests will be embarrassed to congratulate the hero of the occasion in front of everyone into a microphone, and will prefer to communicate with him in person. To prevent the evening from turning into too boring and quiet gatherings, take the initiative into your own hands and say congratulations to the birthday boy on behalf of everyone present. It is better if the toasts are humorous, but in moderation so as not to offend anyone.

Keep an eye on the guests. In any company there are more relaxed people who are ready to take part in all competitions and games. However, pay attention to those who constantly sit at the table. Try to gently involve them in the fun by choosing roles that suit these people. You shouldn’t force a person, but you can offer him several options. Your task as a host is not to let any guest at the party get bored.

Give guests time to have a snack and just dance to the music. Don't be too intrusive, otherwise people will get tired of you. Take breaks from games; you should not hold several competitions in a row. Most importantly, be confident in yourself and pay as much attention as possible to the birthday boy, since this is his holiday.

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  • how to celebrate an anniversary


Start your holiday preparations with the simplest things. Find a venue if you're not planning a party at home. Then you need to take care of the decorations. Buy a large number of balloons. You can decorate the entrance to the room with them, hang them on the walls, make beautiful figures out of them, or simply attach them to the ceiling. Make fun and colorful posters to decorate your walls with.

Tables can be decorated with small candles or bouquets. If possible, install ice figures or small indoor fountains there. When decorating, use no more than 3-4 colors so that the room does not become tacky.

Think over the menu. Find out what your guests prefer. No person should go hungry. You should not experiment with dishes on this day. Prepare what you know and can do. It is better not to order food in a cafe or restaurant. Homemade food always tastes better.

Don't forget about decorations for dishes. All of them must be beautiful and original. Make figurines from vegetables, use festive dishes. Pay special attention to the cake; it should become one of the main decorations of the celebration. In summer, in addition to it, you can buy or prepare ice cream; this delicacy will also sell with a bang.

Divide your time into three parts. The first one will be for acquaintance, congratulations and communication. The guests will spend the second part at the table. Well, the third, largest part, should consist of competitions and other entertainment. Take care of small prizes for competition participants.

Invite guests. The more people there are at the holiday, the more fun it will be. At the entrance, offer each guest a carnival hat, but do not insist on wearing it continuously. Every person should feel cozy and comfortable.

Helpful advice

Just in case, have a few jokes and funny stories ready. If your guests suddenly get bored, you can cheer them up.


  • how to make a birthday fun

Holidays are usually full of bustle, with a large number of people around, music and loud voices coming from all sides. But you can take a break from such fun and spend the holiday alone with your significant other. You just need to think about the scenario for such a day in advance.

You will need

  • - a bottle of wine or champagne;
  • - tickets to the amusement park;
  • - food for a romantic dinner;
  • - a gift for your beloved.


Agree that you want to celebrate the holiday with her together. Warn your friends and relatives in advance so that no one can disturb you. Consult with your beloved, find out from her how she would like to spend her time. If you don’t have any special preferences, you can be guided by your own desires. Before you organize anything, plan your celebration.

Prepare a gift for your other half. Choose it according to the special date. If it's her birthday, the surprise should be more appropriate. For more general holidays, some cute little thing or souvenir is enough. If your financial capabilities allow, give him a piece of jewelry - the girl will always be happy with it.

Take a walk around the city together. Walk to your favorite places, go to an amusement park and ride on a carousel. This, at first glance, children's activity perfectly understands the mood and creates a festive atmosphere. Have fun, don't be shy to express your emotions. Buy your girlfriend a bright hot air balloon, take a boat or catamaran ride in a holiday park.

Have lunch at an unfamiliar cafe or restaurant. A holiday is the best time to get to know a new place. Order dishes whose names seem unusual to you. Treat each other, say compliments instead of toasts, dance, remember pleasant moments and remember every minute of this day.

In the evening, set the table for a romantic dinner. Prepare a dish together. Cooking together brings people together, and the resulting food seems the most delicious. Buy a bottle of your favorite wine or champagne, make a New Year's wish. When the air is filled with positive emotions, there is no doubt that everything you wish will come true. After dinner, watch a romantic melodrama or a funny comedy. Whatever the scenario of your holiday, the main thing is your good mood. After all, with him, even an ordinary day will become the brightest.

Birthday is a favorite holiday for many. Relatives and friends wish the birthday boy all the best, and the “newborn” considers it his duty to ensure that the guests have fun and a pleasant pastime. To make the holiday a bright and memorable event, it is important to think through all the details of the celebration.


Make a guest list
There are a great many ways. You can celebrate cheerfully not only with friends, but also with your closest relatives. Decide where and with whom you want to be on this day. For a good mood, invite those people whom you will be pleased to see.

Find entertainment
Think about ways to bring together guests of different ages and interests for easy communication. To make it fun, when choosing entertainment, keep in mind the views of the guests. Of course, it is difficult to take into account the individual characteristics of everyone, but the general direction of interests must be respected. For example, the older generation sings with pleasure, young people like the game of forfeits, but everyone makes fun of practical jokes. If the guests joke and laugh, you have created a relaxed atmosphere and the fun holiday was a success.

Determine the location of the celebration.
The day can be spent in different settings: at home, outdoors, in a cafe or restaurant. If you are a city dweller, celebrate it in the fresh air, away from the hustle and bustle and asphalt streets. This holiday option is suitable for any time of year. After all, preparing a treat in the fresh air in the summer or visiting a hot bath in the winter is already a wonderful entertainment. Take the opportunity to have fun with friends in nature when there is such a wonderful occasion.

Organize a picnic
If this day falls during the hot season, the shore of a reservoir will be an ideal place for a picnic. Here fishermen can try their luck, and swimmers can enjoy the coolness. Those who remain near the fire will find a pleasant activity - watching over the aromatic meat and setting the table. To prevent a picnic from turning into a diligent consumption of food and drinks, entertain your guests.

Prepare the games
Surprise your guests not only with delicious dishes, but also with the opportunity to exercise. After a hearty meal, gently invite them to take part in games. If you have captured rackets and shuttlecocks, offer badminton to those who wish. None of the youth will refuse to play volleyball – it’s fun. It is important to include the whole company - then the guests will enjoy the common fun and will be satisfied with their participation.

Think about the music
In nature, you need to enjoy the singing of birds and the chirping of grasshoppers, but if this is not enough for a festive mood, organize cheerful music. This could be a radio program or a specially prepared disc with recordings of your favorite dance tunes. Sing songs with a guitar, and if you stay to rest until the evening, dancing around the fire will be a good idea.


If you are a fan of celebrating your birthday outside the home, celebrate it in the sauna. You and your friends will enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of relaxation, and this day will become a memorable event. In a good sauna, in addition to the steam room, there is a cafe or restaurant, which eliminates the need to worry about food. In addition, you can take a dip in the pool, play billiards or find other interesting activities.

Helpful advice

To avoid a mutual feeling of awkwardness, celebrate your birthday with colleagues and relatives separately.


  • how to celebrate a birthday in nature

Name days are a great occasion for fun at any time of the year. But in the summer I want to celebrate my birthday in a particularly interesting way. A variety of flowers and fresh fruits, the gentle sun encourages a creative approach to organizing this celebration.


In the warm season, most of all you want to get out into nature. Therefore, it is quite appropriate to move the celebration to a dacha or to a pre-selected forest clearing, closer to a reservoir. Bring with you various colored ribbons, lace or braid. Invite guests to decorate a tall tree with them, say good wishes and toasts in your honor near it.

You shouldn’t limit yourself to just a feast with banal kebabs and salads. Organize a big sports event. Warn guests in advance about the need to come in suitable clothing, prepare the necessary equipment. Divide the participants into two teams and have a competition. Children will be happy to support the game, and older people will participate as fans.

If your guests are young, energetic people, then entertain them, for example, with comic football. Mark the goal with regular plastic utensils and turn the balloon into a ball. Or offer a simple and very fun game that your parents loved - running in sacks. Give free rein to your imagination, choose a theme boldly, come up with a script, make a fun performance that will unite people.

Maybe a feast in nature seems too primitive to you? Then rent a motor ship, boat or yacht. Take a fun boat trip with your friends. It is unlikely that any of them will refuse the opportunity to dance on the open deck, drink a glass of champagne to the health of the dear birthday boy, admiring the shores passing by.

For fans of extreme sports, there are also more exotic summer activities. For example, swimming with dolphins (if your city has a dolphinarium). Every hour spent with these smart animals will be remembered for a long time. Or invite your friends to go skydiving together. Strong emotions and vivid impressions will be guaranteed. It is likely that holding your flight in the air will become a good tradition for the entire company.

Don’t set yourself exact deadlines down to the minute. You are not a high-speed electric train, but a living person. If you write the report not by half past three in the afternoon, but by three o’clock, nothing bad will happen. Solve another problem faster than expected. But if you don’t fit into the framework that you set for yourself, you will start to get nervous, angry, and ultimately it will be even more difficult to follow the schedule.

Don't blame yourself if everything you plan and plan doesn't always work out. Remember Pareto's law. It says that a person achieves eighty percent of his results with twenty percent of his efforts. Conversely, eighty percent of all activities create only twenty percent of results. In other words, four-fifths of the time you are essentially doing unnecessary things. So should you be upset if something falls out of your schedule?

It is better to make a plan for the day in the evening, and re-read it and make corrections in the morning. A diary is ideal for recording important tasks. It is better if it contains sheets divided by time intervals. This will make it easier to navigate your daily tasks. If there is no such separation, you can make it yourself. The most convenient interval is 15 minutes.

First, enter all the “hard” tasks, that is, those that must be completed on a certain day and at a certain time. Indicate which people are associated with this task, who needs to be called, and who needs to be invited. It is these tasks that need to be taken as a starting point when planning the rest of the day, since they are the ones that are the priority.

After that, write down all the things that need to be done, but you can wait with them. Don't forget to leave time for rest and lunch breaks. It is also better to assign an approximate completion time to each task. At the end of the day, analyze the result and make a new plan.

When calling cafes and restaurants, find out if the chosen establishment can host an entertainment program. Many cafes themselves will offer you a script, a presenter and even fun competitions that will enliven the holiday atmosphere. If the cafe does not provide an entertainment program, then be sure to come up with simple competitions. For example, “Who knows the birthday person best?” For this competition you need to prepare a list of humorous questions: “What color are the birthday boy’s eyes?”, “What is he wearing?”, “What color does he like?” For correct answers, guests receive some nice gifts, and for wrong answers they can receive some kind of forfeits.

If you decide to spend your birthday in a cafe with a large noisy company, it makes sense to rent a separate room. In this case, no one will disturb your fun and your entertainment will also not cause censure from other cafe visitors. If you are planning to celebrate a birthday


On a birthday, it is customary to make wishes, but only children sincerely believe in their fulfillment. Why not regain this wonderful feeling of omnipotence? To do this, you can arrange a truly children's birthday, even if the hero is much over 18 years old. Instead of the host, call a clown and animators dressed as cartoon characters, rent preparations for popcorn and cotton candy, put on funny hats for all guests and hide a supply of streamers. For entertainment, you can order a performance by illusionists, a soap bubble show, and if the holiday is held outdoors, fly paper kites into the sky or arrange an airplane launching tournament.

If a group of friends or relatives is easy-going, it’s worth breaking away from your home on your birthday and going on an interesting trip. You don't have to rush to another country. Perhaps there is an eco-village or an ethnographic museum nearby, and in the neighboring town there is a unique guide. The main thing is not the place to celebrate the new year of life, but unusual impressions and a fresh environment.

Staying in your own city, it’s worth exploring the offers of companies offering unusual leisure activities. A good option would be a picnic in a park or suburb after a horse ride with guests. This idea is especially good for residents of megacities who are tired of office routine. If you’re not drawn to nature, you can find a way to rent a limousine or even a bus or trolleybus. In many cities, rare models of passenger transport are specially equipped for such holidays. Then you can agree on a route and menu to have fun while riding along your favorite streets.

The opportunity to spend a birthday in a beauty salon will be appreciated not only by women, but also by men. Many people want silence and solitude on this holiday. By dedicating your birthday to yourself, you can get a relaxing massage, the opportunity to soak in the sauna, drink medicinal tea, undergo medical procedures and perk up your spirit.

Take a contrast shower

Despite the unpleasant sensations that taking a contrast shower brings in the first weeks, this procedure should become a must-have for you. In addition to providing a boost of energy, a contrast shower also improves overall skin tone and improves mood.


Start meditating if you haven't already. Concentrate on breathing, freezing in one position and trying to distract yourself from all thoughts. Spend 5-15 minutes on this every morning.


If you are too lazy to do regular exercise, take 10 minutes to dance, yoga, stretching or intense exercise. Exercising in the morning will shake you up, leaving you feeling more energetic and happier.

Have breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and should never be skipped. If you have very little time, prepare breakfast in the evening (for example, soak oatmeal in kefir overnight, and in the morning add nuts, berries or candied fruits to taste), but in no case neglect your morning meal.

Get inspired

Always keep a list of your global goals in your head or on paper and review them every morning. Knowing which direction to move in will help you feel more confident and make it easier to get up in the morning.

Make lists

Multitasking is a very good trait, but sometimes this approach to things is not beneficial. Make a to-do list and move along it from one task to another without unnecessary fuss and haste. This way you will have time for much more than if you start wasting yourself on many things at once, and complete all tasks as efficiently and correctly as possible.

Is your child’s birthday coming soon and you want the holiday to be special so that your son or daughter will remember this day for a long time? Believe me, for this it is not at all necessary to invite animators from a special agency or to hold a holiday in some children's club. A fun, original, memorable children's birthday can be held at home. Parents are quite capable of organizing and holding a children's party themselves. The most important thing you will need is time to plan and prepare everything in advance. And we will help you with valuable advice on holding a children's party at home.

Child's birthday

The baby is looking forward to his birthday, asking you several times a day: “Is it coming soon? And when? How much is left? In order not to answer the same question 100 times, the author recommends that you make a waiting calendar so that every day the child can cut off a number and see how many days are left until the holiday. The cake and circles with numbers are made of thick paper (cardboard).

The most amazing and magical thing about this calendar is that when all the circles are cut off and only one paper cake remains from the calendar, then in the evening it suddenly magically materializes into a real cake, greatly surprising and delighting the birthday boy (birthday girl) and all those gathered.

Organization of children's parties

We've sorted out the decoration of the room for a children's party, now let's move on to the entertainment.

Choose the ones you like best, which are on our website, and hold them at your children's birthday party. Make or buy the necessary equipment in advance for playing games at a children's party. In this article, we want to offer you several more win-win entertainment options for children's parties.

Birthday games

At children's birthdays, drawings of small gifts for guests are a great success. The well-known classic version of the prize draw is this. Prizes wrapped in beautiful paper are hung on strings, and blindfolded children cut them off one by one. Whoever cut off which bundle won a prize. The number of prizes should be greater than the number of participants in the drawing, so that the last ones also have plenty to choose from.

Make raffle tickets for children's parties. Play them among your guests. Kids will love peeling off the protective layer on the lottery tickets and finding out what prizes they won.

Be sure to include a few magic tricks in the entertainment program. After all, all children simply love magic tricks! Nowadays you can find many interesting sets for magic tricks in stores. You can perform tricks yourself, or maybe a child too, if they practice well in advance.

Don't forget to arrange a photo session for the birthday boy(s) and guests.

An interesting and unusual idea is to make special accessories for a photo shoot on sticks.
See how you can experiment with them.

Pinata “Donkey” master class

A piñata is a great holiday activity for kids. Roughly speaking, a piñata is a box in the shape of an object or animal, covered with a fringe of corrugated paper. There are sweets and surprises hidden inside the piñata. Children take turns hitting the piñata with a stick. As a result, the box falls apart and surprises fall out.

How to end a birthday

The children's party is coming to an end, it's time for the little guests to go home... To make this inevitable part of the children's party not so sad, prepare small gifts for the children that they can take with them.

Children's birthday menu

A child's birthday is always a special day in the life of a family. I really want him to remember this memorable day for a long time. In order for the holiday to be a success, you need to take care in advance of both the cultural program (entertainment, competitions, sweepstakes) and the holiday menu.
Here we will give you basic recommendations for creating a children's birthday menu. We recommend that you organize a children's birthday buffet based on the buffet principle. Everything should be small and portioned. Variety and beautiful presentation of dishes are welcome. If you are preparing salads, then before serving, place them in small salad bowls or shortcrust pastry baskets. Salads served in transparent cups look very nice. A great idea is to organize a salad bar. To do this, you need to place the chopped ingredients on separate plates - boiled potatoes, beets, carrots, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, canned corn and green peas, meat, chicken, sausage, boiled eggs, herbs, etc. And dressings for them - homemade mayonnaise, sour cream, butter. The children themselves serve what they like and mix their own salads. It is important to offer small plates for culinary experiments so that too much food does not suffer due to failures.
Fruits and desserts can also be placed in portioned cups or, for example, waffle cones.

For main course, we advise you to prepare chicken skewers on skewers. Chicken skewers turn out beautiful and juicy! Don't forget to cool them slightly before serving.

Canapés are very popular among children. You will need sticks for canapés or wooden skewers for kebabs. And what to string on them: fresh and salted cucumbers, avocados, sweet bell peppers of different colors, raw and boiled carrots, cheese, processed cheese in slices, boiled and peeled quail eggs, meat, chicken, sausage, olives, olives, apples , oranges, cherry tomatoes, grapes, etc.

When thinking about how to celebrate an upcoming birthday, birthday people always want to organize something unusual and memorable. While some people want to cook delicious dishes and surprise guests with them, others come up with crazy entertainment that will be etched in their memory for a long time. Each birthday person relies on their imagination and financial capabilities when planning a holiday. See tips and tricks to help you plan your name day in a fun, creative way.

If you want to invite a large number of guests to your birthday, but have limited resources, it is better to celebrate at home. This option is especially good for celebrations that fall during the cold season and for people who value comfort most of all. Celebrating a birthday at home has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • cozy atmosphere;
  • easy to provide guests with rest and transportation;
  • possibility of serving a wide range of home-cooked dishes;
  • the presence of all conditions for overcoming difficulties (heating a cold dish, replacing a spoiled portion);
  • cost-effectiveness;
  • a huge selection of directions in room decoration, the possibility of organizing a themed party.

Choose a holiday theme

When starting to plan a celebration at home, wanting to diversify the holiday, you should choose a special theme. The thematic direction will be the highlight that will make the birthday celebration unforgettable, allowing everyone present to play a fun game and try on unusual images. Which specific topic to choose depends on the tastes of the hosts, their financial capabilities, and the temperament of the guests.

  • for noisy companies you need to organize something fun and exciting (for example, a holiday in the spirit of Hawaii);
  • for those who are more reserved - a more static one (for example, a celebration in the style of British classics, with tea drinking).

But the main factor that should be taken into account when choosing a celebration style is the tastes, desires, and dreams of the birthday person. An ideal birthday should give a pleasant experience directly to him, and the guests will only share this special day with him. Therefore, a themed design that takes into account the dreams of the hero of the occasion can be an excellent gift if it is planned and implemented in secret. So, if the birthday boy has been dreaming of going to French Provence all his life, friends and family can prepare for him a birthday celebration with the appropriate atmosphere.

Decorate your apartment in an original way

When the birthday style is chosen, you need to move on to decorating the apartment. The decor must fully correspond to the theme in which the event will be held, and can be implemented in one of two directions:

  • Imitation is the most accurate transformation of a room, giving it the appearance of a certain area. There is no need to use additional ceremonial paraphernalia here, because the goal is to transfer the birthday person’s imagination to the desired place.
  • Creating a festive atmosphere in a certain spirit - conveying the atmosphere of the place where the birthday person wants to be. May be symbolic, inaccurate. Combines with festive decorative attributes (balloons, flags, congratulatory inscriptions). The goal is to create a feeling of celebration.

Do not forget that the final picture, regardless of the type of design, must be holistic - you need to change, decorate the entire space, and not add elements of a new style on top of the old one. For example, if you plan to celebrate a fruit birthday, then the furniture in the room will have to be changed. For example, on a wicker or decorate an existing one using pastel-colored fabrics, hang pictures of fruits, choose decorations in rich colors, place baskets of fruit on the tables.

Prepare gifts and souvenirs

Souvenirs that are prepared by the birthday boy or the birthday organizers for participants in competitions must also be made in the chosen thematic direction. The presence of such gifts will significantly increase the excitement of the guests, increase their openness, good mood, and make the celebration memorable for everyone. So that souvenirs do not compete with birthday gifts, they should be small and inexpensive.

Prepare games and competitions

Competitions, games and other entertainment are the key to having fun at your birthday. They will brighten up the banquet time, prevent guests from getting bored, and will be remembered for a long time, especially if memorable prizes are awarded for winning. It is important that competitions are organized not by random participants, but by the presenter - then the percentage of participants increases noticeably. This task can be assigned to a professional (if the company is large, there are funds for this) or to one of the friends or relatives of the birthday person.

Find out what you can do.

Ideas for unusual and fun birthday celebrations outside the home

If you don’t want to celebrate your name day at home or it’s not possible, there are many ways to celebrate the holiday outside your home – in nature or in one of the many entertainment venues. This kind of birthday celebration has a number of advantages:

  • the celebration will be unusual, unlike all previous ones;
  • will give new, bright impressions to the birthday boy;
  • will remain in the memory of those invited for a long time;
  • will give you the opportunity to try something new;
  • will unite everyone present.

Outdoors in tents

If you don’t have the money to organize a luxurious holiday, an ideal option for celebrating would be an outdoor birthday with an overnight stay. This is the most economical way to make your holiday unusual and memorable. Ideal for large companies that are difficult to accommodate at home or at a table in a cafe. The availability of outdoor recreation depends on the season in which the celebration occurs: the ideal time is summer or warm spring, but winter is completely unsuitable.

Celebrating a birthday in the open air involves spending the night; for this, a camp is set up, sleeping places are prepared (tents or sleeping bags), and a fire is lit. Tents can be either regular ground or hanging - it depends on the terrain: if there are strong trees or danger from wild animals, it would be better to purchase the second option. The quality of outdoor recreation depends on many little things: a well-thought-out program, an adequate supply of water and food, the availability of matches and mosquito repellent.

At the recreation center

Celebrating a birthday at a recreation center preserves the atmosphere of nature and naturalness, however, unlike spending the night in tents, it provides a high degree of comfort. Accommodation for the birthday boy and his invited guests will be inside tourist houses, provided with everything necessary. Depending on the quality of the camp site, vacationers are provided with all sorts of facilities for organizing leisure time - a place for barbecuing, outdoor games, swimming, a concert venue and much more. Often the birthday person receives a discount from the establishment in honor of his birthday.

In the night club

Club-type establishments are a popular venue for birthdays and other celebrations.

  • There is everything that the birthday boy and guests need for the celebration. This includes musical accompaniment, alcohol, good varied cuisine, cozy recreation areas for individual groups, and entertainment programs. The only negative is the difficulty of communication between people due to the loud music.
  • By notifying the administrator in advance that a birthday celebration is planned, the birthday person can receive a discount on the bill, free cocktails or a bottle of champagne. Often, the program changes slightly - the presenter congratulates the hero of the day and holds special competitions with nice prizes for him and other celebrants.

At the amusement park

For those who love an active and fun holiday, celebrating a birthday in amusement parks is more suitable: on attractions, paintball fields, entertainment complexes like Disneyland, hydroparks, ice skating rinks and other such places. Celebrating a holiday there, there will be no need to come up with an entertainment program on your own, and vivid impressions will be provided. It is convenient that on the territory of many of them there are cafes, recreation areas, pizzerias, where the birthday person can arrange a festive banquet.

In a sauna or spa

For those who like to combine business with pleasure, the best place to celebrate will be health centers, saunas and spas. They are perfect for small and medium-sized companies. For men celebrating their birthday with friends in the sauna turns into a real ritual. For women, cosmetic spa procedures have the same effect, allowing you to arrange, in addition to the main thing, a feast of body and soul.

In a rented limousine

Small companies can organize a bright and memorable birthday celebration inside a limousine. It's easy to order in any major city. Inside the comfortable, roomy car there is everything that the birthday boy and guests need for a good holiday - music, glasses, a refrigerator with champagne. The advantage of a birthday party on wheels is the ability to move around the city and surrounding areas, to all the picturesque places that those celebrating want to visit. Also, this way of celebrating allows you not to think about how to get home after the festivities.

Celebration in the air

To celebrate a birthday in an unusual way, to create the atmosphere of a fairy tale, an unforgettable romantic adventure, a hot air balloon flight will allow you to celebrate. The only condition is that no more than two people are allowed inside the basket. But if the birthday person wants to spend this day alone with a loved one, this option will be the best. You are allowed to take a small basket with sandwiches, fruit, a bottle of wine, and enjoy a wonderful flight, an exciting view, and also take spectacular photographs.

Video: how to unforgettably celebrate a birthday at the dacha

Having at his disposal a dacha or a country house, the birthday person is able to organize a vacation that includes elements of most of the above methods of celebrating a birthday. This includes fresh air, camping amenities, healthy home-cooked meals, and all kinds of entertainment that can be held on the territory of the dacha. The site and interior of the country cottage can be decorated in any style and thematic direction. To learn how to make a birthday celebration at your dacha original and unforgettable, watch this video:

The presenter can be one of your close friends, or a husband if the birthday girl is married, or maybe a specially hired person. The scripted celebration can be held in a banquet hall or in a spacious room at home, depending on the number of people invited.

an envelope with a phrase, a photograph of the birthday girl, cards with inscriptions, sweets, prizes for competitions, several certificates, album sheets, two Whatman paper, two markers, two blindfolds, a gift bottle,

The host greets all guests.

Dear guests, hello! I am glad to see each of you at this magnificent holiday, which is organized in honor of our dear (name of the birthday girl). On this day, the world had a special honor to recognize this amazing, incomparable woman. I ask everyone to take their seats. We begin.

As you may have guessed, this evening is under my leadership! But, there are many of you, and I am alone, so I will need my personal assistant! Please look under your chair, everyone who finds the envelope will be my assistant for the evening!

(An envelope with a short phrase is attached to the chair, for example “wow”; the person who finds the envelope will pronounce this phrase loudly before each toast)

Like every social event, our holiday has its own rules that everyone must follow! Now I will read them:
1. Have fun until you drop;
2. Don’t be sad, don’t be discouraged at the table and beyond;
3. Say beautiful toasts;
4. Drink whatever is poured;
5. Take part in all conversations;
6. Dance, dance, dance;
7. Obey the leader in everything.

Everyone has gathered a long time ago,
It's time to raise everyone's glasses,
For the beautiful birthday girl,
It's time to say congratulations to us!

While you are all having a bite to eat, I want to remind you that you can only leave the hall with the permission of our beautiful Queen of the evening and only in your things.

(Name of the birthday girl) They say that in the East there is one wisdom that I really want to voice:
Conquering your age is not difficult,
You can't refuse it
Although in principle it is possible
If you have friends next to you!
May you be 100 or 200,
But your soul is young
Pour the glasses quickly
Drink to your youth (name of the birthday girl) to the dregs!

Do you know how wonderful it is sometimes to immerse yourself in memories of your childhood, youth, youth. Probably, not everyone remembers what kind of girl our hero of the occasion was, but now, thanks to the efforts of her close friends (children, family, husband, parents, depending on who takes on this creative process), you can plunge into her past, and see what she was and what she became.

(Prepare a collage with photographs or a presentation about the birthday girl in advance. It is important to make this surprise bright and cheerful. You can insert a few jokes, photographs into pictures, write a few funny facts and life stories)

But without (names of the birthday girl’s parents) this event simply would not have happened. Therefore, I propose to raise a glass to them, for the fact that they gave us such a wonderful woman who fills the lives of each of you with happiness!

In the meantime, you have a snack, I would like to tell you one story that you may know, which you may hear for the first time. So, this happened several decades ago. In one town, in the most ordinary apartment, a miracle happened, out of nowhere a tiny girl appeared and remained to live there. The girl grew, grew, grew, grew and grew! Many different people appeared on her path, but she forever settled the most special ones in her heart. And so, so many years of desperate searches have led her to those with whom she shares her holiday today, to those whose love and support are most important in the world. For friends, comrades, for you!

You eat, eat, and in the meantime I’ll hold a small auction! So, friends, there are three special lots up for grabs, including a photograph of the birthday girl, a dance with the birthday girl and a hug lasting a full minute! Let `s start?

(Auction of “Compliments”. To win, the guest needs to name compliments. Whoever says the most compliments receives the lot. Props: photo of the birthday girl)

I offer you a drink for your compliments,
Which touched the birthday girl's soul,
Fill your glasses quickly
And reinforce everything you said!

Traitor, please pay attention! I recently passed by a magic shop and bought cards. But these are not simple cards, but magical ones. They will tell you what the people sitting at this table think about you. Pull your card, gentlemen!

(Cards are prepared in advance on which one of the qualities of the birthday girl is written. For example, “I think you know how to put a kettle on perfectly” (if the hero of the occasion does not know how to cook). The inscriptions should be cheerful, but at the same time truthful. You can also make cards with predictions. Props: cards with inscriptions)

It’s a pity that our magic session was not long, but it made it clear what the guests were thinking. Now, I would like to talk about love, about the wonderful feeling that fills our soul (name of the birthday girl). And now the man of her life will tell her about his feelings. As far as I know, he prepared .

(The husband or boyfriend is invited, if there is no one and the birthday girl’s heart is free, the point is skipped, or they simply raise their glasses to love)

Dear guests,
It's your turn
Congratulate our birthday girl,
Everyone is welcome here!

(Guests take turns saying wishes and).

While you are having a snack, I want to hold a small competition, the winner of which will receive a valuable prize. I will ask questions about our birthday girl, for each correct answer - candy, the one who collects the most candy will win!

(Details: sweets, certificate of honor)

1. On what day of the week was she born?
2. How much did you weigh on your birthday?
3. How much does he weigh now?
4. How long did she spend most of her time on the phone?
5. Favorite color?
6. Does she mope in the fall?
7. How old are you?
8. What grade did she get in algebra?
9. Favorite sweet?
10. How much time does he devote to sports?
11. How many pairs of shoes are in her wardrobe?
12. Does he like to chew at night?
13. Does he smoke?
14. First guy's name?
15. Favorite flowers?
16. Favorite music?
17. Favorite movie?
18. Excitement, her faithful ally?
19. What did she dream about in 1st grade?
20. Who was the first to receive a kiss?

(The questions may not necessarily be these; it is important to get the answers first so that you know who guessed correctly. The questions are read loudly and quickly)

Somehow you all stayed too long,
We need to fix this
Did you want what you wanted?
Let's dance quickly!

(The presenter announces a dance break)

And now, my dears, I suggest you play a little. You all dance well, and I want to invite you to diversify your steps a little.

Competition "Repeaters".
Each guest must repeat the movements after the other; whoever copies it better wins a prize.

The glasses are waiting, it's time for the table,
Let's go back to the dance floor,
It's time to wish you health, happiness,
Friends, follow me!

Now, I would like to torture our men a little. More precisely, I want to test their dexterity! Ladies, what do you think of this?

Competition "Kisses".
Men are given sheets of paper. In half a minute they must collect the kisses of the ladies who came; whoever collects the most wins a prize!
Props: sheets.

I would not like to be distracted from our hero of the occasion, but it seems to me that our men also deserve our attention, I propose to raise a toast to them!

Dear guests, I suggest you draw a little! But the drawings will be unusual. You will have to portray the birthday girl!

Guests are divided into two teams. The first participant is blindfolded, and so on down the chain. The team with the best drawing will receive a prize.
Requisites: two Whatman paper, two markers, two blindfolds.

Now stand in a row
We will play with you,
Let's, let's have fun,
An evening to remember for a long time!

(The presenter announces the “Shores” competition. There are two code words “Shore”, “Water”. With the word “Shore”, everyone jumps forward, with the word “Water” they jump back. You can also use other words: land, sea, beach, ocean, etc. Those who are inattentive fall out, the most attentive one gets a prize. It is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of the participants; if necessary, you can use another one).

Now, I invite you to be in the role of singers! The task is not difficult, you must sing for our dear birthday girl!

(The presenter names the word with which the song should begin. The one who sings the most will win)

I want to raise this toast
For happiness, for health,
So that the birthday girl always blooms,
So that all bad things recede!

Now it's time to give us gifts,
And to make it more interesting,
You must describe your gift,
Will the Princess guess him?

(Guests take turns giving gifts, while describing them, but not naming them)

But the gift is common, it is from everyone,
It will become a good memory
It is recommended to open it after 10 years,
And treat the guests who came!

(The presenter hands the birthday girl a bottle of good wine or cognac. You can decorate the bottle, and instead of a label, stick a photo of the hostess of the evening)

The congratulations sounded wonderful,
Beautiful toasts you all said,
It's time for the birthday girl to say,
Thank you for visiting!

(The birthday girl gives her speech, thanks the guests for coming)

(Addressing the birthday girl) did you manage to make a wish? Think carefully, because now is the time to blow out the candles!

(They bring out the birthday cake)

Friends, our glorious evening is coming to an end. I'm sorry to part with you, but I still have to. I would like to finally wish our beautiful birthday girl the usual feminine happiness and cheerful, prosperous days! Thank you for the atmosphere and good mood!

I love a good party. When based on an interesting idea and a little bit of organization, simple get-togethers turn into an interesting event that is memorable. That is why I was very happy to receive an invitation from my sister to her birthday. The holiday was in the format of a picnic in the park (it was summer after all!), and my sister chose a nautical theme as a basis, inspired by Navy Day. We are so crazy in my family, we can’t live without a concept.

Organizing an interesting party with a twist is not so difficult, especially if you follow the standard algorithm. True, often in the bustle of everyday life it is difficult even to force yourself to organize a holiday for yourself (unfortunately, you cannot hope that someone will organize a holiday for you). My sister's seaside picnic inspired me to structure my approach to party planning so that it's just a matter of gracefully crossing items off the list and saying “check” like Monica Geller.

1. Make a list of invitees (and also manage not to accidentally forget anyone)

For such cases, I have a list in my notes in Outlook. After all, from year to year we invite almost the same people to events such as birthdays. With such a file, you don’t have to make a list again: add new acquaintances, remove those who have moved away or dropped out of your social circle - and voila! Check!

2. Come up with a topic

The most difficult and most interesting task. To come up with a cool theme, you need to be inspired by something. A specific day (for example, Navy Day), or a venue (White Party of White Nights with a walk through night-time summer St. Petersburg), or even the number of participants (I came up with the theme of a birthday party of all the colors of the rainbow when I realized that I would have seven guests). I wrote about the ideas that I used for my birthdays. I allow you to poke without hesitation.

3. Announce the dress code

As a rule, after the theme is thought up, it is already easy to understand what the dress code will be. Lately, I like to help the guests (at this moment the slippers of my girlfriends fly at me, who this year, because of my crazy ideas, were running around the shops in search of white dresses), and as inspiration I am preparing a rough selection of outfits.

4. Prepare a wish list

Perhaps, almost more than anything else in the world, I love surprises... from people who know me well and know what gifts I will like. This year my sister gave me KINFOLK magazine with the issue's theme about houses, which was not on the wish list (well, you understand how delighted I was anyway). But having a wish list prepared in advance is important if you don’t want to end up inundated with flipper-my-size gifts. I used to use the Mywishlist service, which I created, in my opinion, back when I was actively using LiveJournal, since then it has not undergone changes and is stuck somewhere in the mid-2000s, although wishes for lilacs, peonies and more cannot become outdated . Pinterest is everything to us. I have a wish board here that I'm slowly but surely filling up.

5. Decide on the location of the action

To you or to me? Well, you get the idea. A picnic and boat ride, a walk through the city at night with balloon release, a cooking master class in a culinary studio, a pajama party at home or home gatherings. One of my friends actually decided to celebrate her 30th birthday in Georgia (invitations were sent out almost a year in advance (!)). Much will depend on the overall theme (and sometimes the location will dictate the theme). Don’t delay this matter, otherwise you’ll be like me sitting at a cookie-making master class in the large hall of a restaurant, and nasty kids will scurry around and beg you for the balloons they gave you.

6. Send an invitation

No matter how obvious this step may be, there have been times when I sent an invitation at 11 pm on the eve of the birthday itself (this applies not only to airplanes). For people like me, salvation is the invitation service on Facebook (oh, is there really someone else who doesn’t have a Facebook page? Okay, I duplicated information via SMS for such individuals of a rare endangered species). Why are Facebook invitations better than email invitations? Because you can add information there (the same wish list, dress code, action address) as it becomes available. This, by the way, also perfectly stirs up the interest of the public, which means it lengthens the holiday. I also have a dream to throw a party with real invitations sent by mail, but apparently I won't wait until I have a ring on my finger.

7. Prepare the decor

Here, of course, the master is my sister. Only she can eat 20 jars of applesauce on the eve of her birthday in order to decorate them as drink cups. I usually limit myself to something simple. White party - a huge bunch of white and silver balloons. Rainbow party - colorful donuts and lollipops.

8. Consider who will take photographs

Have I already mentioned that I love taking photos? I like taking pictures of myself! Photos are important, important, important. Consider who will take on this role. If there is no person with hands from the right place, then he can hire a photographer (after all, unfortunately, birthdays only come once a year), or Instax comes to the rescue - that’s always fun. Oh, and one more thing, don’t forget to take a picture of the food before it disappears.

9. Prepare gifts for guests

This is soooo cute! Well, really, think about whether you can give something small but nice to your guests. I honestly admit that I was only able to accomplish such a feat once. For my rainbow themed birthday, I gave each guest an envelope with Skittles (try the rainbow!) and a hair clip with a flower in the rainbow color the guest chose.