Where did the expression of the secrets of the Madrid court come from? Family "secrets of the Madrid court"


We are not talking about the Spanish queen from the novel of the same name by G. Born and not about the machinations of thieving office workers from the story by M. Bulgakov. But I really intend to make a “sensational revelation” of some of the secrets and intrigues that exist in every family line, writes Vladimir Semenovich Kondakov especially for econet.ru.

Any family resembles a tangled ball of multi-colored threads of personal destinies: The character and biographical nuances of ancestors leave a strong “imprint” on the course of life of their descendants. I invite you, together with me, to take part in the process of unraveling this “Gordian knot” that envelops the “cartload” of forgotten family traditions, roles and values. After all, only the one who can unravel

Family secrets that prevent you from living happily

  • There are no families without problems: laws and the Power of the Family.
  • Traditional and modern strategies for choosing a spouse or why we make ourselves “Ivans and Marys without parents.”
  • The Severe First Law of Ancestral Systems and two “dogs” buried under it.
  • Conclusion: is it possible to unravel the “family Gordian knot”?

1. As a family psychotherapist, I am well aware that there is no family life without generic “problems”. And it cannot be. And I don't mean any special "witch's curses" or "witch's charms." And not “genetic hereditary” diseases and mental disorders. I’m talking about forces incomprehensible to the average person that interfere with a happy family and social life, forcing him, without his desire - “beyond his will and common sense,” to suffer, conflict, get sick, get divorced, offend loved ones, step on the same steps again and again "rake".

I am truly concerned about the excessively high level of aggression and violence in modern society and in families. The optimistic news is that knowledge of the Laws of Family and Clan, although “does not exempt us from responsibility,” gives us the opportunity to be aware of what is happening and make positive changes to the “scenario of our life,” written in collaboration with ancestors from the seven closest generations. And, most importantly, makes it possible to regain the Power of the Family.

2. Not so long ago there was a tradition, according to which the future spouse (husband/wife) was chosen not by the young people themselves, but by their parents and grandparents. Vedic sources say that the choice of a couple was carried out according to strict rules and at least 12 criteria.

For example, “a couple is a complement to each other, in which the weaknesses of one are compensated by the strengths of the other.” The criteria for selecting a betrothed necessarily included class (professional) and astrological compatibility. And often newlyweds saw each other for the first time only during their wedding.

And at the same time, oddly enough, there was no “fashion for infidelity and divorce.” The newlyweds highly valued the power of parental blessing and were clearly aware of their ancestral duty - the obligation to preserve and, if possible, increase the honor, strength and glory of their Family.

That is why family and clan traditions were so strong, rites, rituals and holidays were strictly observed. For this, the descendants received the spiritual “protection of the Angel of the Family”, confidence in the future, good health and viable offspring, support in all troubles and the ability to peacefully resolve marital “problems”.

Personal happiness did not exist in isolation from family and tribal well-being. And even if the husband/wife were not “love at first sight,” then marriage was humbly perceived as a legitimate lesson of fate (“endure, fall in love”), which should be learned and passed with trust, respect, dignity and gratitude.

The modern tradition of choosing a bride/groom is most often based on completely different values- “freedom”, thirst for personal happiness and ignoring family history - “outdated patriarchal traditions”. Out of the best intentions - out of naive ignorance - most people build in their heads a “mental image of their future ideal family” in which they will be “completely happy”. And all the time. You just have to be happy! Unlike their “dark” ancestors, who irritate with their realistic statements like “every family has its black sheep,” “no oranges are born from the aspen tree,” “an apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” etc. "nonsense."

“I’ll definitely live differently!”- thinks modern youth, nurtured on the ideals of “freedom from...” (debt and responsibility to...) and “intoxicated” by the successes of the scientific human Mind in transforming the surrounding reality, especially the virtual one. In this ideal model of future family life, the bet is on luck in choosing the ideal spouse. This model is based on the belief that once you meet “the real man/woman of your dreams”, and... it’s all in the bag.

  • someone hopes for passive search(like fishing to throw your “photoshopped” “tastiest” angles into the ocean of social networks as bait”);
  • someone afraid of missing out– to waste time while you are “in the juice”, prefers to actively search for a spouse, studying on books and trainings, such as “How to marry ...”, “How to find the partner of your dreams”, etc.;
  • someone uses a proven brute force method: rent a house and bring it there to “live” to test candidates for spouses (the same as “renting a car or a suit”).

Most modern dreamers of an ideal, happy family life make the same main mistake: they decide to start a family only on the basis of personal (selfish) sympathies, sexual attraction or benefits (“calculation”), without bothering to carefully study the Laws of Family Life .

3. What is “law” for the average person? In general, we can say that people treat “law” as “authority”. Many people believe in the saying: “The law is what the drawbar is, where you turn, that’s where it ends up” (“a smart and cunning person can always interpret and apply the law in a way that suits him”).

Many are already acting according to the saying: “That’s what the law is for, to get around it”: “specialists from the Center for Socio-Political Monitoring of RANEPA, having surveyed 1.6 thousand residents from different regions of Russia, found that “About 30% of interviewees believe that they can increase their income or improve their standard of living only if they violate the law, and the worse financial situation, the stronger the confidence that success can only be achieved by circumventing the established rules. This point of view is shared by 52% of Russians experiencing financial problems. Violation of the law means switching to gray salaries, doing business without registering with the tax authorities, and so on... According to the Academy’s calculations, about 30 million people work in Russia without official employment - 40.3% of the economically active population.”

The laws of the Family that I write about are those that everyone who wants to be healthy and happy will have to follow. The definition of the concept “law” in dictionaries emphasizes the objective inevitability of its observance:

  • “a constant and necessary relationship, the interdependence of the phenomena of objective reality, regardless of human consciousness”,
  • “the limit set for freedom of will or action, an imminent foundation” (“how the matter will end”);
  • “an expression of the world mind embodied in nature and society (“the Law of God”).”

Therefore, in my opinion, Cicero’s phrase is best suited to the Laws of the Family: “Dura lex, sed lex - the law is harsh, but it is the law” (Latin lex).

Olga Drozhzhina wonderfully expressed this idea in poetic form:

“You have to pay for everything:
For vanity, for gossip, quarrels,
For all the sins that I thought to hide,
For all the empty talk.

For having betrayed me more than once,
For the tears of everyone I offended,
For slander and caustic phrases,
For lying and hating.

For everything I couldn't do,
Making a lot of promises
For living the way I wanted,
Laughing at Almighty God.

And, like a thin thread,
It ends suddenly again...
You have to pay for everything
And time melts...irrevocably."

Today I will introduce you only to the first Law of Ancestral Systems. For those who still dream of building or recreating a happy family “on their own” without prior training, I suggest you read no further. Save your nerves. Otherwise you will soon find yourself in SHOCK.

The First Law of Family Tribal Systems(at first glance) sounds quite democratic and harmless: “every participant in the Family System (Clan) has an equal right to belong to this Clan” (B. Hellinger).

Equality – is it fair? Democracy!!! Do not you mind? Do you agree within yourself? "Why not! Let them belong to themselves, because they are blood relatives! Although they are cousins ​​and second cousins ​​(five or six...), they are still relatives. I can’t baptize children with them. And the inheritance will only have to be shared with first-degree relatives.” “So don’t mind, let them belong,” you say, mentally agreeing.

However, in my life I have never met a person who would “fully subscribe” to every letter of this Law. And you, perhaps, will also be among them when you find out what two “dogs” are buried here.

"Dog first."

People are designed in such a way that they tend to evaluate everyone and divide them into “bad” and “good”. The same fate awaits the relatives.

“Good” relatives are remembered, proud of and boasted about. Legends about them are passed down from generation to generation. They are honored.

But the “bad” ones (mentally ill, criminals, dishonest people with difficult destinies, traitors, thieves, alcoholics, suicides, etc.) are usually “forgotten.” It is not customary to tell descendants about them. In family psychotherapy this is called “exclusion from the system.” My colleague A.V. Veselago in his article “System constellations according to Bert Hellinger: history, philosophy, technology” writes that

An exception usually occurs for one of two reasons:

1) ““You are not ours” - the excluded person has done (or happened to him) something that cannot happen to “good people” in the understanding of the members of this system. In this case, violating family rules (for example, “good girls don’t swear”) entails the threat of loss of belonging (to women of our kind) and punishment.

2) “It’s too painful for us to look at it” - here a person is excluded from the system not because he violated the “rules of the system”, but because it is impossible to accept what happened to him and that this could happen to us . For example, a son seriously injured in an accident is placed in a boarding school and contact with him is gradually interrupted.” But no one has abolished blood kinship (and will not be able to abolish it), as well as the law of equal Belonging to the Family. What are the consequences of violating this law? Towards a simple restoration of justice: one of the descendants(children, grandchildren, nephews)

Can you imagine? We were waiting for a healthy baby, cherishing, blowing away specks of dust, making plans, dreaming of happiness... and, for you... An unexpected turn of events. Drama and tragedy. A “problem” has arisen that “cannot be cured,” no matter how much effort the sufferer and his family make.

Such unconscious identifications with excluded members of the Clan are called intertwining (of destinies). As a result, a person lives his personal destiny (karma) and his ancestral destiny simultaneously.

From the point of view of Rod, this phenomenon is a healing process: By living “someone else’s” life (other people’s problems), this someone returns to the family the memory of the expelled (more precisely, the memory of why he was expelled).

But from the point of view of the intertwined person, his spouse, children and parents, this would rather be called “severe suffering and great misfortune” (divorce, infertility, physical and mental illness, infidelity, violence, suicide, depression, etc.).

Yes, Cicero was right: “The law is harsh, but it is the law.” And it has nothing to do with such a religious concept as “retribution for the sins of our ancestors.” The “collective tribal conscience” works here(B. Hellinger), protecting the integrity of the generic system and the belonging of ALL its members to it. This conscience does not distinguish between “good” and “evil”, regardless of assessments from the point of view of personal conscience or morality “good” - “bad”: “Everyone belongs, and if someone has been excluded, their story will return in the experiences of other, younger members of the system. This happens no matter how fair or unfair it seems to us.”(A.V. Veselago).

The good news is that a professional family therapist, knowledgeable in the Laws of the Family, can help this person (and family) get out of the intricacies of “ancestral karma” and eliminate the so-called “harmful ancestral program”- family “software virus”.

"The second dog."

Let's return to the initial metaphor. For clarity, I will list what the “family Gordian knot” consists of.

Systemic family psychotherapy, of which I am a follower, states that a person’s gender includes:

  • “his biological parents, whether living or dead, whether known to man or not;
  • his brothers and sisters: living and dead, born and unborn, known and unknown, siblings and brothers/sisters only by father or mother;
  • his spouses and significant men/women: living and deceased;
  • his children: living and dead, born and unborn; and for men: known and unknown;
  • his other blood relatives: uncles and aunts, grandparents, their sisters and brothers, great-grandparents (Hellinger adds: if they had a special or difficult fate);
  • people who are not blood relatives, but who were in a relationship “on the scale of life and death” with blood members of the system: for example, this is the killer of a member of the system or someone who was killed by a member of the system; either the one who saved the life of a member of the system or whose life a member of the system saved; who or whom they “provided life for” (gave them shelter, helped them get an education, etc.);
  • at a higher level of generalization, the family system can include everyone who is involved in the process of origin, preservation/continuation and completion of life” (A.V. Veselago).

How do you like the “memory knot” tied by our ancestors?

Some of you, having vividly imagined the number, “color” and “thickness” of the “threads”, may exclaim: “This is no longer a knot, but a “heavy necklace” (“a yoke around the neck” in an optimistic version - “long rosary”).” !!!

I want to surprise you even more: the number of “spouses and significant men/women: past and present, living and dead” includes, i.e. are full members of your Clan, and ALL sexual partners are yours, your parents, grandparents, etc.!!! And not only the so-called “common-law spouses” with whom they “lived without registration all their lives under the same roof”, but ALL!!!

How do you like this discovery?!?

For a modern young man living according to the Western model: “sex is not yet a reason for dating (for continuing a relationship)” - this is truly a DISCOVERY: “how many “relatives” do I have, it turns out!!!”

That's it. Our family “mafia” (family tree, CLAN) is so big, it turns out! So big that you can’t even remember them all! And how can you remember them if many of them have not been told to you and will not be told even “under torture.”

To add objectivity to the image of the “family Gordian Knot,” it is appropriate to recall that all victims of abortions, miscarriages, ectopic, frozen pregnancies, stillborns, those who died in infancy, etc. are full members of the Ancestral Family System. children. In this place one would like to say a pun - the most complex knot made of dogwood bast, with which the simple farmer Gordius, who accidentally became the king of Phrygia, entangled his cart - is not at all “sewn with bast.”

As an example of the strong confusion of family destinies, I will give another pattern: in codependent families, from the first pregnancy a person is born who is assigned the generic role of “Hero”. The second pregnancy is assigned the role of “Scapegoat” (“rebel”), etc.

Now imagine: the mother had a secret - “forgotten first” - pregnancy, and the couple are raising their “first-born”: they cherish and pamper him as an all-round positive Hero! And for your beloved child, another role suddenly emerges from time to time: with grievances and hysterics, with depression and black streaks, with envy and jealousy. He/she - the “Heroes of the Family” - suddenly find themselves “extreme” and find themselves in unpleasant situations of public reproach, in financial problems or in a period of injuries, illnesses, anxieties and misfortunes, heavy marital shackles, humiliation and insults. And these “black stripes” periodically repeat, despite any tricks! The law is “harsh”...

This same “dog” includes all cases when a child grows up who is not like either his father or his mother,(face or character or health or fate or habits). Everyone is amazed only because they do not know that a woman’s first sexual partners, being full members of her family, have a very strong influence on the appearance, health, development and fate of her future children.

Do you think knowledge of this Law of Family Life can affect a person’s sexual (sexual) behavior? Could it make us more prudent and "scrupulous"?

This law was well known to our ancestors, which is why they did not have such terrifying statistics as today, “casual sexual relations,” divorces, abortions and diseases.

Conclusion. Is it possible to unravel the “family Gordian knot”?

Not only is it possible, but it is also necessary. Although it is difficult. I’ll tell you, this is a most exciting and useful activity (all detectives and soap operas are on vacation.

I will list in this article only three main principles of this process.

1. Study and training. All my colleagues who help families came to this conclusion. It is no coincidence that it took place 5-7.10.18. The international congress in Moscow dedicated to the day of mental health (“Human Mental Health of the 21st Century”) was called: “Mental Health and Learning.” The laws of family clan systems, in our opinion, need to be taught (studied) starting from preschool age (in the form of games and fairy tales) and at all stages and in all universities.

This also includes the need to honestly and objectively study (compile) your “family tree” and carefully pass this knowledge on from generation to generation (the science of “genealogy”). Therefore, in the market of “helpful services”, I recommend that you choose for yourself those health and personal growth programs that are built on the study of the Laws of Nature: the human body, mind, family, ancestral, social, spiritual.

2. Prevention is much easier than correcting and repairing. Prevention is the mother of health! In my opinion, it is necessary to contact a family psychologist, or better yet, a systemic family psychotherapist for consultation, firstly, by EVERYONE, and secondly, BEFORE family problems arise, and not “after that”.

As a young associate professor of psychiatry, addiction medicine, psychotherapy and clinical psychology, I had serious experience in preparing brides and grooms for married life. This experience reinforced my above stated belief. My twenty years of experience as a family psychotherapist shows that young people need to be counseled at least 1 year BEFORE the start of sexual activity, BEFORE marriage, BEFORE pregnancy.

Considering the degree of complexity and size of the “family Gordian knot,” we can safely say that it is never too early or too late for anyone to start working with a good family psychologist/psychotherapist. In my opinion, a family psychologist is as (and even more) necessary as a family dentist or plumber, etc.

3. Spiritual level: the conscious position of the Student and the Seeker. The foundation of all knowledge about family and Kin should be a more extensive system of Knowledge about Life, such as, for example, Ayurveda (“the art of living”). Today there are a large number of “scientific psychological family practices” that exclude (or ignore) the concept of the Almighty (God).

It is important to note that Systemic Family Psychotherapy (B. Hellinger and others), like Ayurveda, necessarily presupposes the presence of a “Spiritual Conscience,” which determines “the belonging of everything and everyone to unity with the Divine as the largest system. According to this conscience, we are all one and everything that happens to us has a single source” (A.V. Veselago). (This source in modern Western terms is usually called “Spirit Mind” and it does not have any religious character).

I hope that the above facts will serve for you, our dear readers, Seekers and Students, only as a positive incentive to free yourself from your ignorance. Let me remind you that the basis of Ayurveda is Love (for the Almighty, for oneself, for humanity, for all living things). Any kind of self-criticism or aggression towards oneself(shame, guilt, resentment, thoughts of “sinfulness”, inferiority, hatred, etc.) incompatible with true love.

One of the main purposes of spiritual practice in Ayurveda is the awareness and correction of the “mistakes” of our previous experience (“karma”). The ways of “correction” are unconditional positive acceptance, true forgiveness, purification, liberation (from the tyranny of the false Ego, ignorance, illusions, “enemies of the mind”), knowledge and the most complete disclosure of one’s highest “true Self.”

As a final wish, let me remind you of the wise folk proverb “Love and advice (harmony, friendship, harmony) - so there is no need (and grief)” (V.I. Dal, “Proverbs of the Russian People”, 1853, section - “ Family - Relatives"). published.

Vladimir Semenovich Kondakov, especially for econet.ru

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

Georg Born

Isabella, or Secrets of the Madrid Court. Volume 1


The stuffy, sultry day was approaching evening. Dark clouds crawled low across the sky, casting gloomy shadows on the ground. You could feel the approach of a thunderstorm in the air.

In one of the huts, located half a mile from the Delmonte castle, a girl of rare beauty and a young man in the costume of a Spanish grandee lovingly bent over a child’s crib. The young man gently hugged the girl, pulled her towards him and kissed her firmly on the lips. She looked at his thin, as if chiseled, face with an enthusiastic gaze and completely unexpectedly burst into tears.

Are you crying, Enrica? But these are tears of joy?

I cry both from joy and from anxiety, Francisco!..

From anxiety? What could have alarmed you? Be calm, my dear. My heart overflows with love and happiness at the sight of you and the child! Don't you know that I am devoted to you body and soul and that you will always find support in me? Woe to him who dares to insult you! You are everything to me, I have invested all my love in you, and Francisco knows how, without sparing his life, to appreciate and respect those who love him and whom he loves!

At these words, the handsome young man straightened up, his bold black eyes sparkling with a defiant fire.

The young girl looked with adoration at his proud, beautiful posture.

Francisco was truly handsome! Thinly outlined, fresh lips just begged to be kissed, and a small black mustache gave his long, regular face that expression of courage and daring that women like so much. A high forehead and a slightly hooked nose completed the impression of masculinity that his tall, slender figure produced. He took off his hat, between the colorful ribbons of which protruded the feather of a kite, which he had cleverly shot a few days before. He threw off his gold-embroidered cape from his shoulders, revealing a gold chain with a small icon on his dark velvet-covered chest. Short trousers to the knees with silk bows and gold buckles, tight stockings that tightly fitted the young man's beautiful, slender legs, and graceful shoes completed his rich costume.

Enrica looked into his eyes.

I have a bad feeling, my Francisco! While you are with me, the fog of sadness dissipates, but when I am left here alone with my little treasure, it seems to me that it can be taken away from me, that we can be separated! Forgive me these words - we women often worry in advance, although adversity is still far ahead, and you men do not believe in danger until trouble comes!

And then we repel the blows of fate and win! We do not pay attention to premonitions and the play of fantasy, Enrica, but we know how to face danger. May this put your mind at ease! Leave these thoughts - I love you so dearly that even your causeless tears stirred my soul! Your premonition will pass!

It’s pressing on my chest, it’s hard for me, but I’ll try to drive it away while I have my Francisco!

Enrica hugged her friend, whose face involuntarily darkened, as the girl’s words alarmed his soul. Although he responded ardently to Enrica’s sincere love, a painful feeling imperceptibly grew within him. Francisco tried to shake it off, to forget, but when finally, at nightfall, he said goodbye to his beloved, kissed the adorable sleeping child and left the hut, melancholy took possession of him again.

Enrica saw him off. He jumped onto his loudly neighing Andalusian stallion and, holding the silver reins, said goodbye to his sweetheart for the last time.

Her heart sank sadly. It was stuffy and gloomy, there was a thunderstorm in the air.

Francisco rode back to his father's castle, looking back often and nodding his head. Enrica looked after him until he disappeared from sight...

From the castle of Delmonte, which Francisco soon safely reached, a deserted plain stretched far away, resting at the foot of the snowy peaks of the Sierra Morena, bordering the plateau on the south on which lies the brilliant pearl of Madrid. The entire area was covered only with tall steppe grass, while a few miles away stretched fields sown with rapidly growing cereals, forests, orchards, and vineyards.

Fertile valleys were on the other side of the Delmonte castle, and from the side of the mountain range barren, bare steppes opened up to the eye.

A strong wind, which usually precedes a thunderstorm, raged in the steppe over the tall grass scorched by the daytime heat and, with a crack like the crack of thunder, crashed in the distance against the rocks, the dark silhouettes and white tops of which were visible from afar in those short moments when the moon appeared between the fast-flying clouds .

The whole day had been excruciatingly hot, and now, at last, the long-awaited thunderstorm broke over the weary southern countryside.

Leaning on one of the low huts that shepherds quickly build here and there for protection from the scorching rays of the sun, a rather young red-bearded man, wrapped in a long dark cloak, stood motionless on this stormy night. With his hat pulled low on his forehead, hunched over, he peered intently at something with sparkling eyes. The shadow from the hat fell on his long face, hiding his pale features, distorted by passions. His eyes are wide open, his thin hand is pressed tightly to his chest. Curses escape from trembling lips.

Damn him! This scoundrel is still nowhere to be seen! And he wanted to wait for me here, at the hut, as soon as it began to get dark. No, apparently I really matter less than my brother Francisco!

Large raindrops fell noisily from heavy black clouds. In the distance, the first dull clap of thunder was heard, following the lightning that flashed brightly in the sky. The lonely man, with the agility of a cat, squatted down, hiding under a low thatched roof, and gnashed his teeth.

Well, if I didn’t want to destroy him and her, no one would have been able to keep me here... but what is this? My hearing, it seems, rarely deceives me.

He put his ear to the ground and clearly heard the tramp of an approaching horse. This is probably him. No one else would dare to go to the steppe on such a damned night, when all the devils seemed to have broken loose!.. But you still need to be on your guard. Under his cloak, he took out a saber from its sheath, which flashed like lightning, but at the same moment he lowered it, looking at the rider with an eagle's gaze.

Barradas, is that you? - he exclaimed, stepping out of the shadow of the hut and straightening up.

That's right, Don Jose! It's good that you're here, otherwise I'm kind of creepy.

What happened to you? You are pale, upset, and arrived late...

Look how my black one is out of breath! I drove her so hard that blocks of earth flew from under her hooves.

Secrets of the Madrid court

Secrets of the Madrid court
From German: Die Gekeimnisse einer Weltstadt oder Siinderin und Buberin. Literally: Secrets of the world city, or the Sinner and the Repentant.
A popular expression has become the Russian translation (its author is not identified) of the title of the novel (1870) by the German writer Georg Born. The novel was a resounding success among the Russian undemanding public and caused a lot of imitations: for example, “Secrets of the Court of Constantinople,” etc. were published. Since that time, there has been an ironic perception of this expression.
The memory of Georg Born - thanks to the Russian translation of the title of his book, which became a catchphrase - was preserved only in Russia. In Germany, this author is practically forgotten, and there are no similar expressions either in German or in other European languages.
Ironically: “secrets” (intrigues, plans) that are well known to everyone or of little interest.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

Secrets of the Madrid court

A humorous expression used to describe the sensational revelation of some secret. It arose after the appearance of the Russian translation of the novel by the German writer G. Born “Secrets of the Madrid Court” (1870).

Dictionary of catch words. Plutex. 2004.

See what “Secrets of the Madrid Court” are in other dictionaries:

    Noun, number of synonyms: 1 intrigue (13) Dictionary of synonyms ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

    - “Isabella, or the Secrets of the Madrid Court” is a historical novel by Georg Born, which enjoyed some popularity in Russian-speaking countries. Thanks to this novel, a phraseological unit appeared in the Russian language. This is usually what people say jokingly about... Wikipedia

    Secrets of the Madrid court- wing. sl. A humorous expression used to describe the sensational revelation of some secret. It arose after the appearance of the Russian translation of the novel by the German writer G. Born “Secrets of the Madrid Court” (1870) ... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

    Book Joking. or Iron. About intrigues, secrets of superiors, incomprehensible to their subordinates. BMS 1998, 563; ZS 1996, 367. /i> Phraseologism arose after the appearance of the Russian translation of the novel by the German writer G. Born “Secrets of the Madrid Court (1870) ...

    secrets of the Madrid court- about intrigues, secrets of superiors that are incomprehensible to their subordinates. The phraseological unit arose after the translation into Russian of the novel by the German writer G. Born “Secrets of the Madrid Court” (1870), which tells about the scandalous adventures of the Spanish queen... ... Phraseology Guide

    SECRETS OF THE MADRID COURT- adj. Mysteries, secrets... Explanatory dictionary of modern colloquial phraseological units and proverbs

    Alexander Vershinin ... Wikipedia

    This is great. Book What's l. about? secret, hidden. /i> Quote from the Epistle to the Ephesians (5, 32), which is read during an Orthodox wedding. BMS 1998, 563. Receive the holy mysteries. Novg. Die. Sergeeva 2004, 199. Secrets of Madrid... ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

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    Vasily Zotov Birth name: Vasily Glebovich Zotov Date of birth: December 16, 1974 (1974 12 16) (38 years old) Place of birth: Moscow, USSR ... Wikipedia


  • Secrets of the Madrid Court, or Isabella (set of 3 books), Georg Born. Georg Born (1837-1902) - famous German writer, author of historical and adventure novels, including “Eugene, or Secrets of the French Court”, “The Iron Count”, “Don Carlos” and others...
  • Secrets of the Madrid Court (set of 2 books), Georg Born. The first book includes parts I and II of the novel by the popular German writer of the nineteenth century G. Born (1837 - 1902). Behind-the-scenes intrigue at the Spanish court of the mid-nineteenth century,...

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The wonderful comedy “Secrets of the Madrid Court” was staged on the stage of the Maly Theater by director Vladimir Beilis. This is a fascinating performance, permeated with subtle, sparkling humor. The play by the French playwright E. Scribe was written a century and a half ago; for many years it has not left the theater stage, undergoing various changes, interpretations, interpretations. So Vladimir Beilis decided to demonstrate his vision of the famous plot to the capital's public. The actors in the play are brilliant - Elena Kharitonova, Olga Pashkova, Alexander Vershinin, Vyacheslav Ezepov, Tatyana Lebedeva, Viktor Nizovoy, and other talented artists. Together they form a magnificent ensemble of actors, reproducing this intriguing, light, charming story on the famous stage. The playwright (and, accordingly, the director and the audience) focuses on the beautiful princess of France Margarita (Elena Kharitonova), who is heading to the capital of Spain, Madrid, to rescue her brother from captivity. The princess is so charming and delightful, graceful and feminine, that even her enemies are ready to do anything to win her heart. Margarita will have to come up with many tricks and weave a lot of intrigues to save her brother. The intricacies of the plot will be interesting to watch for viewers of any age. “Secrets of the Madrid Court” is one of those comedies that can safely bear the title “for the whole family.”

The set design of the play is no less beautiful than its direction and plot - the palace interiors amaze the imagination, the historical costumes amaze with their splendor. Together with the production of “The Secrets of the Madrid Court”, the audience of the Maly Theater will be transported to the distant nineteenth century, and will enjoy watching the adventures of Princess Margarita at the luxurious Spanish court, plunge into the whirlpool of passion with the main character and solve all the mysteries that Eugene Scribe has prepared for them.

Genre: Comedy in 2 acts.

The duration of the performance is 3 hours.

Characters and performers:

Charles V, King of Spain V.I. Ezepov
Eleanor of Austria T.N. Lebedeva N.N. Vereshchenko O.V. Dairy
Guatinara, Minister V.V. Petrov A.V. Vershinin M.G.Fomenko
Babieka, valet of Charles V. V.A. Bottom S.A.Veshchev V.V.Bunakov V.A.Andrianov
Isabella Portugalskaya O.L. Pashkova T.V. Skiba E.M. Bazarova
Francis I, King of France A.R. Khomyatov O.V. Dobrovan A.V. Vershinin
Margarita, his sister E.G. Kharitonov
Count Henri d'Albret V.G. Zotov A.V. Vershinin
Head of the guard A.N. Anokhin M.G. Fomenko P.V. Abramov
Page S.V.Potapov F.E.Martsevich P.S.Zhikharev

Around midnight on January 18, 1568, King Philip II of Spain - helmeted and sword in hand - walked at the head of a secret procession through the dark corridors of the palace in Madrid to the apartments of his son and heir, Prince Don Carlos. The bolts on the doors were opened in advance, the weapon that the prince kept near his bed was prudently removed. Calling the members of the royal council as witnesses, Philip woke up his son and spoke to him, but not as a father, but as a king. Don Carlos was taken into custody. The windows were boarded up, the doors were locked, and guards were posted. Forbidding anyone to talk to the prince or give him letters, the king left. From then on, the unfortunate monarch and his only son never met again. The night arrest and detention of the 22-year-old heir, and six months later his death, became a sensation not only in the Spanish court, but throughout Europe. To his contemporaries, Philip seemed “a colossus riding our mortal world.” In addition to Spain, he ruled over the Netherlands, parts of France, most of Italy, Sardinia, Sicily and - with the exception of Portuguese-owned Brazil - over the entire New World south of the Rio Grande. It can be said that Philip ruled an empire on which the sun never set. Philip II inherited most of his vast kingdom from his father, Charles V, who in 1555-1556 renounced the Spanish throne in favor of his son and the crown of Holy Roman Emperor in favor of his brother Ferdinand. Having toured his new territories, Philip returned to Spain in the fall of 1559 and has not left the Iberian Peninsula since then. Throughout his reign, he was concerned with two things: how to preserve the Catholic faith, of which he was an ardent champion, and how to provide an heir to the throne. Both of these goals tragically intersected in the fate of Don Carlos.

Secret lover and rebel?

Philip's first wife, Maria of Portugal, died in 1545, shortly after the birth of Don Carlos. Nine years later, yielding to the wishes of Charles V, Philip married Queen Mary Tudor of England without love. He was 27, she was 38. Four years later, in 1558, Mary died, leaving the English throne without an heir, and Philip remarried. His choice fell on 14-year-old Elizabeth of Valois, daughter of the King of France. They say that at the first meeting in January 1560, the bright and attractive princess began to gaze intently at the royal groom, who was 19 years older than her. “What do you want to see there? – Philip allegedly asked. -Grey hair?" Elizabeth had previously been promised to Don Carlos, her peer. Thus was born the legend of forbidden love between them. Philip's unconditional support of the Catholic faith encountered serious opposition in the Netherlands. To suppress the uprising of his Protestant vassals, Philip sent there in the summer of 1567 an army of 20,000 under the command of the Duke of Alba. Don Carlos, a secret supporter of Protestantism, decided to join the rebels, but on December 23, 1567, he committed a rash act - he shared his plans with his uncle, Don Juan of Austria. Philip learned of his son's betrayal, arrested him, imprisoned him, and is believed to have later killed him. In any case, such accusations were made by Philip's enemies. Two centuries later, in 1787, the great German playwright Friedrich Schiller presented this version of the story in the form of a verse drama, Don Carlos. In 1867, Giuseppe Verdi composed a monumental opera of the same name based on Schiller's play, as a result of which it is this view of events that is most famous today. A son who rebelled against his oppressive father; an incestuous relationship between a son and a young, beautiful stepmother; cruel revenge of the father - but is it so?

Defective heir apparent

Don Carlos's appearance could hardly be considered ideal for the heir to the most powerful throne in the world. Frail (at the age of 18 he weighed only 34 kilograms), with raised shoulders that made him look like a hunchback, and a speech impediment, to correct which he had to cut the hyoid frenulum, the prince could hardly have pleased the lively and cheerful Elizabeth of Valois. In fact, there is a lot of evidence that she was a devoted wife to Philip. It is known for certain that the king found the highest happiness in this marriage, tenderly loved Isabella and Catalina - his two daughters from Elizabeth - and inconsolably mourned the death of his wife, which followed the birth of his third daughter in September 1568. But even physical shortcomings aside, Don Carlos was not a suitable heir for Philip. There is clear evidence of his mental instability, and possibly dementia. As a child, he was distinguished by the fact that he loved to roast hares alive, and once, in a fit of rage, he blinded the horses in the royal stables. At the age of 11, he flogged a young girl with a whip for sadistic pleasure and was subsequently forced to pay compensation for his offense to her father. At the University of Alcala in 1562, a 16-year-old prince fell headfirst down the stairs while chasing a maid. In a desperate and perhaps ill-judged operation, doctors removed a piece of his skull bone to drain life-threatening fluids. After the operation, Don Carlos's actions became even more strange and unpredictable. He made it a habit to wander the streets of Madrid, kissing random young girls and shouting obscenities at respectable matrons. Appointed by his father to the State Council, the prince insulted other advisers not only verbally, but also physically, and willingly revealed the country's secrets to anyone who agreed to listen to him. The judgments of his contemporaries at court sound derogatory. The imperial envoy from Bena said that the heir to the throne had the mental development of a seven-year-old child. One of Philip's advisers privately called Don Carlos an "idiot." Commander Candidate

As for the Protestant sympathies of the prince, there is practically no evidence of Don Carlos's support for the uprising in the Netherlands. In fact, it is more likely that he wanted to command the military forces sent by Philip to quell the rebellion. However, this desire may have been driven more by years of envy of the Duke of Alba than by devotion to the cause of Catholicism or the desire to gain military glory. As royal commander-in-chief, Alba presided over the ceremony of officially proclaiming Don Carlos as heir to the throne in 1560. While swearing allegiance to the prince, the duke did not consider it necessary to kneel down and kiss his hand. Such an obvious insult plunged the prince into rage. And although Alba apologized for his mistake, Don Carlos retained his hostility towards the veteran commander. - Am I not a slave, am I not the most unfortunate of all living? - Don Carlos lamented. - Because I am not allowed to participate in the affairs of the state, I am not respected by anyone, and I have no occupation that would prepare me for rule. -Having learned that Alba was to lead the army sent to the Netherlands, Don Carlos, in a temper, began to lay claim to this role. And when the Spanish parliament - the Cortes - came up with a petition recommending that he stay at home, the prince threatened each of the deputies who voted for it with violence. He ended up attacking Alba with a dagger when he came to say goodbye. His confession to Don Juan of Austria that he was going to the Netherlands against his father's will precipitated the prince's arrest and detention a month later, on January 18, 1568.

Philip: saddened but humble

Philip understood that the actions he took against his son would cause reproaches from his friends and the wrath of his enemies. A month later, he wrote to his sister Maria, the wife of the Austrian emperor: “I would like to speak with all frankness about the life and behavior of the prince, about the depth of his dissipation and imprudence, as well as about the measures that I took to force him to change.” Nevertheless, he sadly stated, all attempts to re-educate or cure Don Carlos failed, and then in the name of the state what had to be done was done. He confessed to Alba his grief and regret, thanking God for the fact that the people so calmly accepted the news of the prince’s arrest. Meanwhile, the prince either fell into silent despair, then flew into unbridled rage, then went on a hunger strike, or indulged in gluttony. For many years, the frail Don Carlos suffered from bouts of fever, and his imprisonment worsened the disease. The crisis came in the summer of 1568. After a three-day fast, Don Carlos ate a huge number of dishes, including spicy partridge pie. To quench the thirst that developed after the meal, he began to drink ice water - and also in incredible quantities, which caused severe diarrhea, vomiting and the inability to hold down food. The legend portrays Philip as a monstrous murderer who callously ignored Don Carlos' dying desire for reconciliation. In fact, having learned from the doctors that his son’s condition was hopeless, the king wanted to see him, but out of fear that his father’s arrival could plunge the prince into rage and thereby hasten his end, it was decided to dissuade Philip from the last meeting. Apparently, the king was still at his son’s deathbed when he fell into unconsciousness, and, having blessed him, retired to his chambers. Soon after the death of his son, Philip lost Elizabeth of Valois and was left without an heir. To rectify the situation, two years later the king married his 21-year-old niece Anna of Austria. Although four of their children died in infancy, a fifth child survived and, as Philip III, inherited the throne in 1598, after the most powerful monarch of his age - so unfairly maligned by his descendants - died at the age of 71. Philip II spent half of the 42 years of his reign on the construction of a grandiose monument - the Escurial Palace-Monastery, located high in the foothills of the Guadarrama range, 50 kilometers northwest of Madrid. At the end of his life, the king spent a significant part of his time there, occupying modest apartments, the door of which led directly to the high altar of the central church; even from his bed the pious monarch could watch the service. Today, the king's chambers, furnished in the same way as during his lifetime, are open to public inspection. But perhaps most of all, visitors are struck by two sculptural groups of bronze and gilded statues on either side of the altar. On one side, standing as if alive, are Charles V, his wife, daughter and two sisters. On the other are Philip II and three of the four queens (there is no image of Mary Tudor). And next to his mother, Maria of Portugal, stands Don Carlos, this son allegedly disgraced by his father, united in death with his long-suffering parent.