Lightening black eyebrows. How to make dark eyebrows lighter without the help of a cosmetologist

To mom

Thick and black eyebrows, unfortunately, do not suit all representatives of the fair sex, as they give a more serious, mature and sometimes even vulgar look. Recently, many beauty salons have begun to provide a new service - lightening eyebrows by several tones to make girls' faces look natural and feminine. The cost of such pleasure sometimes directly depends on the popularity of the establishment where the master works, and not on the quality. A similar procedure can also be carried out at home, which saves not only time, but also a significant part of finances.

Who is the trendsetter of this fashion?

For the first time, the well-known actress of world cinema, Brigitte Bardot, resorted to this method, who was forced to change her eyebrow color after another highlighting. For a long time, this trick was forgotten, but in two thousand and ten, at one of the fashion shows, stylists lightened the eyebrows of their models, which caused an incredible boom among many famous people. But just some five to ten years ago they made tattoos on this part of the face, outlined each arc with a thick layer of black pencil and tried in every possible way to highlight them.

Who needs lightening

Firstly, this procedure in any case should be performed by naturally dark-haired girls who have dyed their hair in lighter and brighter colors or have become blondes altogether. Otherwise, in addition to black regrown roots, dark brown, gray or brown eyebrows will also give them away. It is desirable that their shade completely matches the shade of the hair.

Secondly, those whose skin is pinkish or slightly pale can lighten their eyebrows to make them look more subtle. After this, girls will be able to do any makeup, even the brightest and flashiest, without looking funny and tasteless. After the procedure, soft hairs become more pliable, easier to style, tint and tidy.

For whom eyebrow lightening is contraindicated?

In pursuit of fashion, representatives of the fair sex forget about their own individuality, which is why they become one gray mass, among which it is impossible to distinguish who is who. Therefore, if you decide to change your style and want to lighten your eyebrows at home, first check whether this color suits you. It is enough to apply corrector on them, dust a little on top and then look in the mirror. If you really like the result, feel free to take action. Otherwise, it is better to consult a specialist to choose the right shade.

However, remember that bleached eyebrows spoil the appearance of tanned girls, since after the procedure the face becomes one continuous spot. Therefore, if you have a southern type of appearance, you will have to completely abandon this idea. The same applies if you constantly visit solariums, use a dark foundation, or like to walk around with black shadows and arrows on your eyes.

Lightening at home: how is it done?

If you decide to experiment a little with color not in the salon, but at home, you can choose one of three main methods for lightening your eyebrows: lightening with peroxide, cream and herbs. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, so the final decision should be made after weighing the pros and cons. You can also try all three of these products one by one (but not at once) to find the best option for yourself.

  • Hydrogen peroxide

First, you should prepare everything you need: shampoo, Vaseline, a wide-toothed eyebrow brush (every self-respecting girl should have one), a regular brush that you use to apply makeup, warm water and peroxide. Before the procedure, wash your eyebrows with shampoo to remove dust, sebum, and remaining makeup, then blot off any remaining moisture with a dry towel. Apply the cream around the hairline so that the peroxide does not come into contact with the skin, otherwise it may leave white spots on the face or cause irritation.

The next step is to prepare the clarification solution. Add peroxide (half a teaspoon) to a glass of warm filtered water, then mix everything. Strictly observe the proportion, as instead of the expected result you may get complete or partial baldness. Now you can begin the lightening procedure itself: apply the liquid to the eyebrows with a brush, then distribute it using a special brush. After fifteen minutes, wash thoroughly with plenty of lukewarm water.

  • Whitening cream

Prepare your eyebrows for the procedure in the same way as when bleaching with peroxide to remove dirt and protect the skin from the aggressive effects of the product. Apply the cream to your eyebrows for one (maximum two) minutes, then rinse with water. If you hold it even one minute longer, you will get a serious burn to that area. It’s unlikely that you want to paint over the arcs with a regular pencil for the next three weeks or look like an alien. After the procedure, be sure to apply a nourishing cream to the treated part of the face to moisturize dry skin.

  • Herbs

A decoction of herbs is perhaps the simplest and most gentle way to lighten at home, which was used in ancient times. You can easily prepare a tincture of calendula or chamomile yourself, because all these plants are freely sold in any pharmacy in packages. To prepare this product, you will have to spend about half an hour. Pour twenty grams of inflorescence (about two spoons) with a glass of water, then leave for about twenty minutes so that the liquid cools to room temperature, then add a few drops of lemon juice.

However, this option is only suitable for patient girls, since the product can be applied no more than twice a day, and you will need to do this until you get a positive result. For some it may take two days, while for others it may take at least a week. Therefore, if you have very dark hair and want to do everything quickly and in one go, choose a completely different, more effective method for yourself.

  • Disguise

If you don’t want to carry out the procedure yourself, and you don’t have time to go to the salon or wait for a friend to come, you can “hide” your eyebrows with concealers. It is very easy to make them less noticeable on dark skin with the help of ordinary beige eye shadow. If your skin is too light, go for an ivory shade.

First, tidy up this area of ​​your face, comb the hairs well so that they lie flat. Dab the brush into the shadow, then lightly move the tip over your eyebrow. The last stage is shading so that the disguise is not so noticeable.

For the same purposes, you can use matting or regular compact powder, which will make the eyebrow color less bright and saturated. But in this case, do not forget to do full day or evening makeup, otherwise all your manipulations and tricks will be visible even to the naked eye.

Lightening eyebrows at home: rules and precautions

If you don't want to completely bleach your eyebrows, but want to make them just a tone or two lighter, keep the dye on for much less time than indicated on the package. If the color turns out to be too light, use specially processed henna, the packaging of which indicates that it is intended for this purpose.

Always pay attention to the expiration date of lightening creams, the appearance of the packaging and the manufacturer's brand. Store all products in a dark, dry and cool place, otherwise they may spoil prematurely. Do not buy products in transitions and illegal points of sale, since no one can guarantee you their quality and safety in this case.

After changing hair color, unsuccessful dyeing or permanent makeup, women need to lighten their black eyebrows. You can quickly do this at home using hydrogen peroxide, a special whitening cream or other folk remedies.

  • when dyeing curls light blond, if the natural shade was darker;
  • to remove tattoo;
  • after dyeing too dark.

Lightening not only gives the hair a different shade, but also makes it softer, more manageable, and easier to give the desired shape and fix in the desired position.

It is not recommended to carry out the procedure for girls who use dark shades of foundation and love a bright makeup style with winged lines and rich eye shadow. Against this background, the eyes will lose their expressiveness, and the eyebrows will seem too faded. If you are in doubt about whether to bleach or not, you should try applying a layer of powder or concealer and evaluate the result.

How to make eyebrows lighter after dyeing at home?

Special medications that can be purchased in online stores will help with this. Whitening creams must be used carefully, make sure that the product does not get into your eyes, and carefully read the attached instructions. Before use, you should test for an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a drop to the inner bend of the elbow and check after 5 hours to see if any redness or irritation has appeared.

Professional creams:

1. Jolen made in USA. It contains an extract of aloe vera, which softens the aggressive effects of the cream. Jolen is intended for lightening eyebrows after dyeing, dark hairs above the upper lip, and on the body without the appearance of a yellowish tint. The drug is convenient, suitable for any skin type, provides quick and lasting results, and is approved for frequent use. It does not dry out the dermis and is an excellent alternative to expensive salon procedures.

2. RefectoCil whitening paste (No. 0) allows you to make your hair color lighter by 2 shades. This product is easy to use at home. If you dyed your eyebrows and they turned out too dark, then Refectocil will help correct the defect. You can adjust the degree of whitening using the length of time the paste is exposed. If you need to slightly adjust the color, 3-5 minutes will be enough.

3. White henna Bioprotection, produced in Russia, is made on the basis of an innovative biocomplex, which is able to lighten eyebrows that are too dark after dyeing, while maintaining the health of the hair follicles. The product contains natural henna, hydrogen peroxide, chamomile extract, and citric acid. Disadvantages include the possibility of a reddish or yellowish tint.

Before using the bleaching agent, lubricate the skin of the eyelids with a nourishing cream. Then, using a brush, distribute the composition and leave for 3-5 minutes (indicated in the instructions) depending on the desired result. After this, the residue is carefully removed with a cotton pad and washed off with warm water and baby soap.

How can you lighten your eyebrows at home with hydrogen peroxide?

Another way to bleach hair after dyeing is 3% hydrogen peroxide. First, the hairs are washed with shampoo, then they are allowed to dry, and the skin of the eyelids and forehead is lubricated with a nourishing cream. A solution is prepared from ½ teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide, 200 ml of warm water. The indicated dosage cannot be increased, as this can lead to loss and burns of the dermis. The composition is distributed with a thin brush or cotton swab, kept for 10–15 minutes, then washed off.

For brunettes, the solution is prepared more concentrated; 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide is diluted in a glass of water. After the first session, the hairs may acquire a yellowish color and bleach unevenly, in which case the procedure must be repeated after a few days. To reduce the negative effects of the pharmaceutical drug, it is recommended to use almond or castor oil.

At home, hydrogen peroxide can be used to lighten colored eyebrows, unsuccessful tattoos, and make the natural black color lighter by several tones. The drug must be used carefully to prevent burns, irritation and hair loss.

Methods for lightening tattoos

If, after performing permanent makeup, a woman is not satisfied with the result, or the color of the pigment is too dark, then there is no need to immediately panic. After tattooing, the skin recovers within 2-3 weeks and becomes a little lighter. Then the tissue is corrected and re-healed. But if you are still not satisfied with the resulting shade, you can bleach it at home with hydrogen peroxide. The drug is applied for a few seconds along the eyebrow line, so that the solution does not get on the surrounding dermis. The procedure is repeated once every 5 days. On the Internet you can find advice on introducing it under the skin using a syringe. This should not be done under any circumstances: you can get inflammation, irritation and many other complications.

A safer way is castor oil. This natural herbal product is slower but more gentle. Helps restore damaged hairs, accelerate their growth, and strengthen follicles. Apply the oil every evening before bed to cleansed skin.

Girls with tattoos are not recommended to stay in direct sunlight for a long time; before going outside, they must apply UV cream. Visiting a solarium has the same effect. Lightening can occur naturally after a summer holiday. But you shouldn’t overuse tanning, as it ages your skin faster. Facial scrubs with a whitening effect also help. They must be rubbed into the dermis in the area of ​​permanent makeup, the procedure is repeated 1-2 times a week. Gradually, the dead cells will slough off, and the skin color will become much lighter.

Home Remedies

A coffee scrub will help with lightening: 1 tablespoon of ground beans, 10 drops of lemon juice and almond oil. It is rubbed into the skin for 2 minutes, then left for another 5 minutes. Wash off with warm water, repeat 2 times a week.

You can prepare a decoction of chamomile at home. This plant can make hair lighter, giving it a golden hue. Prepare a composition of 1 tablespoon of dry herb and 0.5 boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for 2 hours. Then strain, add ¼ teaspoon of citric acid, moisten a cotton swab and apply to the eyebrows, hold for 5 minutes. The procedure can be repeated once every 3 days.

Another homemade whitening remedy after coloring: lemon juice (tablespoon), aloe vera extract (1 ampoule), castor oil (10 drops). Rub the hairs with this solution daily until the desired color is obtained.

How to lighten dark eyebrows in a beauty salon?

An effective way to remove makeup is the use of laser technology. The infrared ray penetrates into the deep tissues of the dermis and destroys the crystallized pigment, which is then gradually removed from the body through the bloodstream. The result is noticeable after the first session. Eyebrows that are too black will become several shades lighter, the color will be softer.

Using a special device, a bleaching agent is injected under the skin - a remover, which dissolves the paint. To lighten the tattoo slightly, one session is enough; if you need to completely remove the tattoo, you will have to visit the salon several times. The drug is eliminated from the body via lymph flow.

Girls love to experiment with their appearance. To suit their mood or fashion trends, beautiful ladies change their hair color and hairstyle. Eyebrows should fit harmoniously into the new image. And permanent makeup will not always be appropriate. Eyebrow bleaching is a common procedure that can be done at home.

When it is necessary?

Delicate and fragile images have recently become relevant again. However, bleached eyebrows are not suitable for every girl. It is advisable to bleach hair in the following cases:

  • dark-haired girl dyed her hair blonde, and the natural dark shade of the eyebrows stands out too much against the background of light strands;
  • skin is pale and pinkish in color; light eyebrows add tenderness and fragility to the image;
  • the girl's sharp facial features, light eyebrows will soften your appearance and make it more feminine.

Natural blondes do not need to bleach their eyebrows; the natural shade usually looks quite harmonious.

Advice! Before the lightening procedure, you need to test whether the new eyebrow color will suit your appearance. To do this, the eyebrows are treated with a corrector, and lightening powder is applied on top. This way you can visually understand how light eyebrows suit your face.

If the result is unsatisfactory, it is better to turn to professionals. They will help you choose the right shade.


Lightening the eyebrows should give a girl's look lightness and tenderness. But in some cases, this procedure makes the appearance too faded and even ridiculous. To prevent this, it is not recommended to lighten eyebrows in the following situations:

  • very dark skin naturally or too tanned;
  • often in makeup dark shades of foundation and powder are used;
  • applied along the eye contour black arrows.

Need to pay attention to your health status. Exacerbations of skin diseases, dermatitis, viral herpes, psoriasis, as well as a tendency to allergic reactions are contraindications for the procedure.

If the girl likes to visit the solarium, sauna and swimming pool, then you should either refuse bleaching or the listed establishments.

Professional paints for eyebrow bleaching are produced by many cosmetic companies. The principle of their operation is the same as that of conventional hair dye. Differences in chemical composition and exposure time.

An eyebrow bleaching kit usually includes:

  • lightening cream;
  • developing emulsion;
  • spatula for mixing and applying;
  • gloves;
  • instructions.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to remove makeup from the eyebrows and thoroughly wash the hairs with a degreaser. The finished mixture is applied in a thick layer to the eyebrows and left to act for several minutes. Each manufacturer indicates in the instructions how long you need to keep the composition on your eyebrows. Typically, it will take 2 minutes to lighten by 1 tone, 5 minutes by 2 tones, and so on.

Do not exceed the exposure time indicated on the packaging, and do not allow the brightening composition to come into contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes.

After the exposure time has expired, the mixture is carefully removed with a cotton swab, and then the eyebrows are thoroughly washed with running water. After dyeing, you should not use cosmetics for three days. You should try to avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation and lubricate your eyebrows with olive oil at night.

Professional lightening products contain a whole range of chemical elements, so they should not be used by girls with allergies and skin diseases. Redness and irritation may also occur. However, cases of adverse reactions are rare. And if you strictly follow the instructions, then this method of lightening is the fastest and safest.

In this video, the girl talks about her experience of bleaching her eyebrows with RefectoCil lightening dye.

Lightening cream

Cosmetologists have a lot of eyebrow bleaching products in their arsenal. One of them is a special lightening cream that you can use at home. Before using this drug, it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a drop of cream to any area of ​​the skin (wrist, forearm); if after a while the reaction does not appear, you can begin lightening.

The manipulations are carried out as follows:

  1. The skin around the eyebrows is lubricated with a rich cream.
  2. A drop of lightening cream is applied to the beginning of the left eyebrow.
  3. Using a special brush, it is carefully stretched along the entire length.
  4. After a minute, the composition is wiped off with a cotton pad.
  5. The procedure is repeated until the eyebrows become the desired shade.

The same should be done with the right eyebrow, making the same number of applications as in the first case. Otherwise the shade will be different.

You cannot keep the cream on your eyebrows for longer than the specified time. The composition of the product is very aggressive and you can get serious skin burns. Lightening cream should be used with caution during exacerbation of viral herpes and in the presence of severe acne.

In general, such drugs are very safe and adverse reactions occur very rarely. All products undergo clinical trials and have appropriate quality certificates.

YouTube blogger Daria Dan tells how to bleach eyebrows with a lightening cream.

Whitening paste

Eyebrow whitening pastes belong to the category of professional lightening products and are quite expensive. They have a creamy structure, do not damage the hairs, but act directly on the pigment. They can lighten up to 7 tones, which is very appropriate for girls with very dark eyebrows.

The degree of lightening can be adjusted using exposure time. To correct the tone, 3-5 minutes are enough. If you want to completely bleach your hair, increase the time.

Manipulations are carried out in the same way as in the case of lightening cream. The skin around the eyebrows is lubricated with a nourishing cream, the composition is applied for effect and washed off with warm water.

If you are prone to allergies, be sure to test for reactions before use. You should not increase the exposure time of the whitening paste, otherwise you may damage the hairs and skin under the eyebrows.

White henna

Colorless henna is considered one of the most gentle means for lightening hair. With its help, you can not only make your eyebrows lighter, but also nourish the follicles with useful substances, which helps strengthen and grow hairs.

The brightening composition includes the following components:

  • 1 tablespoon white henna;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of clean water;
  • 2-3 drops of lemon juice.

The procedure goes as follows:

  1. Henna is poured with boiling water, mixed and allowed to stand.
  2. Add lemon juice (a few drops of calendula tincture can be used).
  3. The composition is applied to the eyebrows.
  4. After 15 minutes, the henna is washed off.

This method causes virtually no side effects. In rare cases, allergic reactions are possible. Sometimes a reddish or yellowish tint appears on the hairs, but this depends on the individual characteristics of the pigment.

The procedure is contraindicated for fungal and bacterial skin lesions, after surgery and in the presence of individual intolerance.

A professional master class on the correct application of henna for tinting eyebrows in the following video:

A very popular home method for lightening eyebrows is using hydrogen peroxide. This method cannot be called absolutely safe, since peroxide can cause skin burns. But if you follow the instructions, you can achieve good results when bleaching your eyebrows.

To lighten with peroxide you will need:

  • 3% hydrogen peroxide;
  • water;
  • shampoo;
  • Vaseline or fatty cream;
  • application brush.

Before the procedure, you need to thoroughly wash your eyebrows to get rid of sebum and dirt. Then the skin around the eyebrows is lubricated with cream. Eyebrows are lubricated with a lightening solution: 200 g of water mixed with 0.5 teaspoon of peroxide.

The specified proportions must be strictly observed to avoid burns.

Exposure time – 15 minutes. After this, you need to wash your face thoroughly, avoiding getting the lightening mixture into your eyes.

After manipulation with hydrogen peroxide, peeling and itching, burns and redness may occur. The hair color may become yellow or red. Hairs may be damaged. Don't use peroxide too often. If the result of the first procedure was satisfactory, then the next one can be performed no earlier than a week later.

A girl talks about lightening her eyebrows with hydrogen peroxide.

Herbal decoctions

Eyebrows can be lightened using natural means. However, for girls with black hair this method is ineffective. Brown-haired young ladies can resort to lightening with herbal infusions.

The procedure goes like this:

  • have to take 40-50 g of dry calendula or chamomile herb(you can use a mixture of herbs in equal parts);
  • pour boiling water and leave for 30 minutes;
  • before application it is added to the decoction lemon juice;
  • the composition is applied to the eyebrows and washes off after 1-2 hours.

After one manipulation there may not be a noticeable effect. This method is suitable for patient girls. Repeat the procedure every 2 days until the desired result appears.

Lightening with herbs practically does not cause negative reactions. In exceptional cases, allergies and skin itching occur. After each procedure, it is necessary to lubricate the eyebrows with olive oil to avoid skin irritation.

This method is also one of the safest. It has no special contraindications. Irritation and redness occur in rare cases, as do allergic reactions.

The method is not as effective as using professional dyes and creams, but does not have a negative effect on the structure of the hairs, but on the contrary, makes them stronger.

You need to take a slice of lemon, squeeze out the juice and mix with a few drops of vitamin E, which is sold in capsule form in pharmacies. The composition is applied to cleansed eyebrows and left for 15 minutes.

The procedure is repeated every 2-3 days. After some time the effect will be noticeable. Eyebrows will become several shades lighter.

Can home methods cause harm?

The above methods of eyebrow lightening are quite safe. If you strictly follow the instructions, then the chances of harming the skin or hair structure are minimal. Possible complications include:

  • the appearance of allergies;
  • peeling and itching;
  • the appearance of an undesirable eyebrow shade.

If any unwanted symptoms occur, you should contact a cosmetologist. He will suggest more suitable methods of bleaching hair and ways to correct the situation.

Which way is better?

Traditional methods of lightening eyebrow hairs are preferable from the point of view that there is practically no possible harm from them. Chamomile and calendula, as well as lemon juice, have a beneficial effect on the follicle, the hairs become stronger, and a healthy shine appears.

Chemical methods show high efficiency, but it is better to refrain from them:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • with a tendency to allergies;
  • in the presence of skin diseases.

Before choosing a method, you must check whether allergic reactions will occur, and also consult with a specialist.

Lightening eyebrows after unsuccessful dyeing with henna or dye

Sometimes biotattooing with henna can be unsuccessful, especially if it was done at home. There are several ways to help remove henna in a short time. Eyebrows are lightened using:

  • vegetable oils, any of which is applied to the eyebrows daily for 15 minutes;
  • professional removers, which should be handled with extreme caution, strictly following the instructions;
  • 10% ammonia solution, which is applied 2 times a day to the hairs;
  • hydrogen peroxide in the manner indicated above.

After painting with chemicals, you can remove the unwanted shade only with the help of vegetable oil (preferably castor or olive).

You need to rub the oil into your eyebrows and wait a few hours. After this, when you wipe off the oil from your eyebrows, the paint will also come off in parts. The procedure is repeated until the desired result is achieved. You cannot use chemical methods to remove paint from eyebrows. This can be too damaging to the hair and skin.

Lightening a bad tattoo

Dealing with a bad tattoo at home is not easy. However, effective methods exist. They should not be used if there are skin infections or if the skin is too sensitive. Each of these methods aggressively affects the pigment introduced under the skin and can cause unwanted reactions. The best solutions for permanent makeup are:

  1. Professional remover.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide solution.
  3. Iodine solution.
  4. Tincture of celandine.
  5. Sea salt.
  6. Chemical peeling.

After such manipulations, it is imperative to carry out restorative procedures. Lubricate the skin with oil and healing cream. Under no circumstances should you visit the solarium, sauna or swimming pool for 2 weeks after tattoo removal.

Disguise using decorative cosmetics

If for some reason you don’t want to resort to radical methods of eyebrow lightening, you can disguise the unwanted shade with properly applied makeup.

To do this, you will need decorative cosmetics, which all girls use daily. It is worth trying one of the options:

  • Light eyeshadow. Use sand, beige or ivory shades. Use a brush to apply shadow to the eyebrows, avoiding the areas between the eyebrows. The brush is moved from the inner edge to the outer edge and vice versa until the desired effect is achieved.
  • Compact or loose powder. The application method is the same as in the previous method. The main thing is not to overdo it with application, so that the trick does not catch your eye.

These camouflage options look harmonious when applying full makeup. There is no need to paint your eyebrows separately with shadows and powder.

Every woman dreams of getting closer to the ideal of beauty. Beautiful ladies are looking for themselves, changing their image and hairstyles. To carry out some manipulations, a visit to a cosmetologist is not always necessary. Eyebrow bleaching is a very affordable procedure that can be done at home. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations and contact a specialist if any unwanted effects occur.

The shape and color of the eyebrows can make the look more expressive, soften or emphasize facial features, and therefore often play a decisive role in creating a harmonious image. Dark eyebrows add severity to the face, while lighter eyebrows add lightness and romance.

When do you need to lighten your eyebrows?

The eyebrow color should match or be a shade darker than the hair color. Lightening your eyebrows based solely on fashion trends will be a mistake. It is recommended to do this in the following cases:

  • For blondes and girls with red hair, eyebrows that are too dark in combination with light curls create a sloppy and gloomy look.
  • For ladies with pale skin, pink undertones - to make the face more delicate and shift the emphasis to the eyes.
  • For girls with naturally dark hair dyed light brown or blond, black eyebrows in this case look inappropriate, and sometimes even vulgar.

Girls of Asian appearance, with dark or very tanned skin, should abandon the idea of ​​lightening their eyebrows. Light eyebrows will blend in with your skin tone, making your face look dull.

How to lighten eyebrows in a salon

In addition to selecting the desired tone, the beauty salon additionally performs eyebrow shaping. Having the color done by a professional technician guarantees a high-quality result.

The procedure usually takes no more than 30 minutes, depending on the cosmetic products used and the need for preparatory work.

How to lighten eyebrows at home

Using hydrogen peroxide

The simplest and most affordable way is to use hydrogen peroxide. Please note that after the procedure, eyebrows may become almost white, so carefully monitor the speed of lightening.

  • You will need hydrogen peroxide, shampoo, eyebrow brush, makeup brush, cream, and a glass of warm water.
  • Cleanse your face to remove impurities, oils and cosmetics.
  • Rinse your eyebrows by lathering a small amount of mild shampoo into your palms (it's best to use a baby clarifying shampoo that won't irritate your eyes).
  • Gently apply the rich cream around the hair arch. This is necessary to prevent the peroxide solution from getting on the skin, which can lead to white spots or irritation.
  • To prepare the mixture, take a non-metallic container, add a glass of warm boiled water and 0.5 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide, mix well. Maintain proportions, otherwise you risk hair loss.
  • Apply the solution to your eyebrows with a brush and then spread it out with a brush.
  • After 15 minutes, rinse your face well with plenty of warm water.

Lightening with a special cream

  • Prepare your face and eyebrow area in the same way as described above.
  • Apply the cream first to one eyebrow, rinse off after 1 minute, then to the other eyebrow. This approach is recommended for determining the exact holding time. Longer exposure time may cause burns and hair loss.
  • After the procedure, apply a nourishing cream to your face to moisturize dry skin.

Lightening with herbal decoction

This method is the safest to do at home, but it will take longer and is not suitable for lightening black eyebrows.

  • To prepare the decoction, take 2 tbsp. spoons of dry herbs - chamomile or calendula, pour a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil in a water bath and leave for 15-20 minutes to infuse.
  • Strain and add 5-6 drops of lemon juice to the infusion.
  • Apply the product to the cleansed eyebrow area 2 times a day until the desired result is obtained. Depending on the initial color and structure of the hairs, you may need from 2-3 days to several weeks.
  • For best effects, it is recommended to prepare a fresh decoction daily.

Using eyebrow dyes

After lightening, eyebrows often acquire an unnatural yellowish tint, so further coloring is necessary.

Regular hair coloring products should not be used to color eyebrows.

The cosmetics market offers a wide variety of special professional dyes that can be used at home.

  • When choosing a coloring agent, you must proceed from the purpose of this procedure. If you plan to lighten regularly, give preference to durable ammonia-free paints. If you want to temporarily change your look, choose from soft toning products with a hypoallergenic formula.
  • Before coloring, apply a rich cream around the eyes, and after lightening, use soft care products on the eyebrow area.
  • When preparing the composition, carefully read the instructions from the manufacturer and strictly follow the mixing proportions and holding time of the product.
  • If you have eye diseases, do not use products containing ammonia.
  • Before using any dye for the first time, test for an allergic reaction.

Recently, a procedure such as eyebrow lightening has become very popular among many girls. Even some celebrities resort to this fashionable procedure, which was undeservedly forgotten, but is now being revived. This article will talk about how to do everything correctly at home.

What is it for?

Before bleaching your eyebrows, you should find out who is suitable for this procedure and who should not do it. Many girls are sure that black eyebrows add a certain rigor, while lighter shades add romance and real lightness to the look.

For real blondes, owners of light brown and red hair, eyebrows that are too dark and strict do not always suit them. Therefore, they should think about lightening their eyebrows and thereby emphasizing their individuality and beauty.

If you have fair skin with a slight hint of pink, then you should also consider this procedure.

Even if you are not a natural blonde, but periodically lighten your hair and like lighter shades, it is worth lightening your eyebrows a little. But girls with dark or heavily tanned skin, as well as Asian appearance, should not resort to this procedure. Light eyebrows will look unnatural and will make your face look dull.


There are two surefire ways to make your eyebrows lighter. The first is to go to a salon for the procedure, where a master of his craft will quickly and easily cope with the task. The second is to carry out the procedure at home.

If you decide to go to a beauty salon, remember that everything will be done quickly and efficiently. As a rule, a professional copes with such a task in half an hour, sometimes less. It all depends on what product the master will use, and whether it will be necessary to carry out such preparatory work as eyebrow correction.

You can also lighten your eyebrows at home, and there are several proven methods for this, which we will discuss below.

Perhaps the most popular and accessible method is lightening with hydrogen peroxide. Before you begin the procedure, prepare everything you need. You will need the peroxide itself, a special eyebrow brush, a brush with which you apply makeup, shampoo, cream and a glass of warm water.

Before starting the procedure, be sure to thoroughly clean your face of dust, sebum and makeup. Next you need to rinse your eyebrows. To do this, you need to take a small amount of shampoo; it is better to give preference to children's shampoo, as it is safe if it comes into contact with the eyes. Lather a small amount of shampoo in your hands, apply to eyebrows, massage lightly and rinse with warm water.

Next, around the eyebrows, namely along the hair, you need to apply a rich cream. Try to apply the product in such a way that particles of the cream do not get on your eyebrows. The cream will serve as a kind of protection for you, protecting your skin from accidental contact with peroxide. Then in a plastic container you need to mix a glass of warm water with half a teaspoon of peroxide, mix everything thoroughly.

Apply the resulting solution carefully with a makeup brush, then distribute evenly using a brush. After ten minutes, the hairs will lighten a little. You need to rinse everything off with warm water exactly fifteen minutes after applying the mixture to your eyebrows.

But it is also quite possible to choose a simpler lightening option, using a special cream for this. Pre-clean and prepare your face for the start of the procedure; we described all the details above. Apply the purchased lightener carefully to one eyebrow and rinse off after exactly a minute. Next, repeat the procedure with the second eyebrow. Remember that if you leave the product on your eyebrows for more than a minute, the consequences can be disastrous. After the special product has been washed off from both eyebrows, it is recommended to apply a cream with a nourishing effect to the face.

Another proven and completely safe method is lightening with a specially prepared decoction of chamomile and calendula herbs. In order to prepare the infusion, you need to pour two tablespoons of the above herbs with a glass of hot water, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Then steep the broth for exactly twenty minutes, then strain and add half a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice. The product should be applied to cleansed eyebrows twice a day; there is no need to rinse off. Gradually, after a few days, you will notice how the black or brown hair color becomes lighter. The procedure must be repeated until you achieve the desired result.

Another popular method of lightening eyebrows is using lemon juice. Everyone knows that the acid of this sunny citrus fruit can have a brightening effect. Unlike most other methods, this method can be called very safe. To carry out the procedure, you need to take one small capsule with beauty vitamin E. You will only need five to six drops of the vitamin and one teaspoon of juice. The mixture is applied to cleansed hairs with a regular cotton swab and washed off after twenty minutes. It is recommended to repeat the procedure every other day for one to two weeks until the desired result is achieved.

Using colorless henna, it is also quite possible to carry out a similar procedure at home. This product can lighten very black eyebrows a little, giving them a brownish tint. One tablespoon of this product should be diluted in three tablespoons of water. The water must be hot. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth and add a couple of drops of fresh lemon. Once the mixture has infused, you can apply it to the prepared eyebrows. We wait exactly fifteen minutes and wash off with warm water.

Which method is better?

Every girl who dreams of beautiful and light eyebrows thinks about which of these methods is better. It is impossible to get a definite answer to this question. If you turn to a professional with many years of experience, the result will indeed be ideal. But if you decide to carry out the procedure at home, and are doing it for the first time, then you should pay attention to more gentle and safe methods.

Lightening with lemon juice or herbal decoction does not require any special skills, and they are quite safe. To begin with, you can apply exactly these methods. True, in this case you will have to wait a long time for the result.

If you want to get results immediately on the same day, you should pay attention to special creams. When using such products, be sure to check the expiration date and strictly follow the instructions without violating the proportions. In addition, you should not trust products from unknown and unverified manufacturers.

Remember that traditional methods without the use of various chemicals are suitable for everyone, even those who have sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions.

Discoloration after tattooing

Having decided on such a procedure as eyebrow tattooing, many girls soon think about how to slightly lighten the result. Here the most common iodine, which is found in every home medicine cabinet, can come to your aid. The product should be very carefully applied to the eyebrows with a cotton swab. The procedure must be repeated regularly, two to three times a day for one month. After a few days, a barely noticeable crust will appear on the eyebrows, which indicates that the pigment removal process has begun correctly.

Regular oil can also help make your eyebrows lighter. Heat one teaspoon of olive or almond oil over the steam of boiling water. Next, carefully apply the oil to your eyebrows, repeating the procedure every other day. As a result, after a few weeks the eyebrows will become a little lighter.

Sometimes after lightening, dark eyebrows become an unpleasant yellowish tint. Not all representatives of the fair half of humanity like this effect.

There are several tips that will help you achieve the perfect result, and the beauty of your eyebrows will delight you and everyone around you.

  • At home, you can use special paints that will help lighten your eyebrows and create the delicate look of your dreams. Such dyes are needed if the hairs become yellowish after the procedure. Be sure to choose products that do not contain ammonia. Before coloring, it is recommended to apply a rich cream around the eyebrows.
  • Before you decide to radically lighten your eyebrow hairs, it’s worth doing a small test at home. Apply corrector to your eyebrows and light powder on top. If you like the result, then you can safely decide to experiment.
  • This procedure is not recommended for those who are prone to allergies.

  • Such a natural remedy as henna can not only color or lighten hairs, but also strengthen their hair follicles and make eyebrows thicker.
  • If you don't want to lighten your eyebrows yet, you can disguise them a little. For those with dark skin, the most common shades of beige shades will help with this. For girls with fair skin, it is best to use ivory eyeshadow. Shadows should be applied to clean eyebrows laid in one direction with a special brush. In this case, shading is absolutely necessary.
  • If you want to slightly disguise the dark color of your eyebrows, but you don’t have eyeshadow of a suitable shade, you can completely use powder.
  • Special products for the lightening procedure must be diluted in plastic or glass containers, but under no circumstances in iron.