Features of raising twins and twins. Happy birthday greetings to twins (twins) How to organize feeding, walks, bathing and sleep


Twins appeared in our family when the eldest was one year and eleven months old. I remember the first night at home as absolutely terrible in terms of my psycho-emotional state.
Firstly, the daughter was not ready for what two crying lumps would bring and could not fall asleep for a long time. My husband walked with her in the dark for a long time and I was already starting to worry. They arrived around twelve at night, but she still did not sleep and was eager to come to me. And I had two little dolls who were also crying... With all this, for some reason I felt monstrously tired. It happens when you fall right off your feet.
I don’t know how we all fell asleep, but in the morning I found myself sitting on the bed against the wall, and the twins were peacefully dozing on the pillows next to me.

But fortunately, such a night only happened once. Then life began to improve. At first they slept, my grandmother took her daughter to the zoo and to guests, and I ran around the apartment and scrubbed everything. There was such a powerful desire to clean constantly.

Then the colic started. Suddenly they somehow snuck up. And the children, from sleeping peacefully, became whining. It was very difficult for me to put them to sleep.

They were born with a difference of only twenty grams. My daughter is 2700, and my son is 2680, but visually the difference was significant. The son looked like a little chicken. Everything about him was tiny and frail. The first days he even rolled his eyes and my husband periodically frightened me with questions: “Isn’t he blind?” Frankly, I even Googled this topic and it turned out that I was not alone. Moms have similar fears.

And my daughter, despite her low weight, looked fine and nice. Sweet, peaceful face. Even when I saw them for the first time in the box, my son was whining and worried, and she was sleeping peacefully with a contented expression on her face.

And at first she was bigger than her brother, stronger, although it was clear that he would catch up. After three months, she stopped gaining weight as much as she should, and her son, on the contrary, began to get rounder. Chubby cheeks appeared and everything was fine. At the next visit to the pediatrician, it was decided to supplement her with formula. I started giving Similac. I bought a heater-sterilizer. A convenient thing, by the way, for those who bottle feed. I simply put two bottles to sterilize, then poured in baby water, which says you don’t have to boil it, poured in the mixture and heated it up, because the water was cool. At any time of the day or night, my manipulations were very simple. My daughter ate formula and breast milk. In the evening, I went to bed with my son, and while he drank his mother’s milk for a long time, my daughter quickly sucked down her bottle and fell into a blissful sleep until the morning.

What helped me

Yes, we slept together. I probably wouldn’t have been able to withstand all these rituals of putting me to bed, because the load was already overwhelming at first.
There was even a period when I didn’t resist if one of my friends came and helped clean and cook.
When the babies had colic, my husband and I rocked them in our arms.

We also had a cool device - an electronic swing. I’ll be honest, before I had twins, although I liked these things, they seemed pretty useless. With the twins, I loved everything: one rocked in a swing while you fed the other, an electronic mobile in the crib with a remote control - and the children were stuck for twenty to thirty minutes. There was also an awesome musical rug. It also gave me quiet time.

When the colic went away, the children became very good. Apparently they felt that they were not alone. Twins have a connection and it is very strong. Astrologically it is believed that they are connected by fate, so they come together. They really felt calm, and even the eldest entertained them.
The daughter was the first to stand on her feet. In general, she always looked very strong.

Their characters are different. At first, the main problem was the daughter. She constantly amused her brother by doing something. Sometimes it was clear that she specifically wanted to amuse him.
At eleven months she was already confidently spanking around the playground. My son probably left after he was a year old. Over time, he caught up with his sister and is now also a very strong baby. But my daughter is always more athletic anyway. She climbs everywhere and it’s clear that she has the ability to do this. It's easy for her.

I breastfed them until they were one year and ten months old. Over time, the bottle with the formula fell off and my daughter began to breastfeed again. But halfway through my last pregnancy, I weaned them off. Immediately and sharply. The daughter accepted it calmly, but the son whined and even sucked a bottle out of grief at night. After three days everything was forgotten, but I had to rock them to sleep in the evening and their daytime sleep was interrupted.

Everything got better when I went to the maternity hospital for almost three months. With dad, they became more independent and began to fall asleep on their own. I breathed a sigh of relief.

I'm watching them. There is also an older daughter with whom they play, but I noticed that there is a special understanding between them. Sometimes my daughter calls her brother very affectionately by name. Sometimes they explain things to each other. It is clear that they have a special love.


Now they are three years old. They are growing and their interests have clearly formed. A daughter is a girly girl who wants to imitate her elder. She really likes dresses and jewelry. She loves horses, pegasi and all sorts of pink paraphernalia.

My son is a lover of everything purely boyish. Pistols, machine guns, cars.

I like that they have it separated so clearly. And that my boy is a boy, and my girl is a girl.

At the same time, the son becomes cocky. He often climbs up to his dad to fight. Can hit someone if something doesn't hit him. He yells and screams, but always quickly calms down. Reasonable. If you explain that you can’t fight, he usually understands.

The daughter is very caring and gentle, but touchy. Can be easily offended by things. However, it also goes away quickly. Loves tenderness and affection. However, the son is also affectionate.

If the eldest has gone somewhere and the two of them are together, they can sit and coo about something for a while. Watch the book together. Sometimes they can quarrel over toys. But it's mostly in threes. If everyone has the same ones, then they quickly abandon them. It’s interesting when one is unique, then everyone immediately needs it.

They are playing with their little sister. The son especially loves to play with her and kisses the baby. Very gentle.

Twins are interesting. They are similar and not similar to each other, but they are absolutely connected by an invisible thread, which is even stronger than ordinary brother-sister relationships.

Children are joy
And doubly so for you!
You are not happier
On the big Earth.

Congratulations dad
Mom, babies.
Nothing in the world
No family is more important.

I wish the kids
Smile more often
Good health,
Laugh every day!

You came into this world together,
Since then you have been inseparable.
Grew and became stronger every day,
And you weren't bored.

I wish you to be friends all my life,
Support each other
Share candy between two people
Fun and toys.

I wish you health
And listen to mom and dad.
And may your whole family
She will be the happiest one.

Happy birthday to you wonderful twins. May there always be double happiness and double joy in your life. Let both success and luck multiply by two. May one sun shine brightly for both of you. May you always have a strong and lasting bond. I wish you to live and enjoy everything that happens, I wish you never to be sad and constantly support each other.

You are our twins,
Wonderful cuties
With beautiful eyes,
Tender, playful.

Happy birthday, darlings!
How beautiful you are
Dear children,
Welcome sunshine!

Be good-natured
The most obedient
Sweet, beloved
And unique!

Today is a double holiday,
Name day in the square!
Always used to sharing
You are all half.

Twice the happiness
Therefore I wish
Let fate give you gifts
Multiplies everything by two!

Health, optimism
Let it last for a long time.
Financial freedom:
So as not to save, but to spend!

These are the wishes
They worked out for me.
I'll shout twice as loud
To you: happy birthday!

God sent two sweet, glorious children to the family,
Mom and Dad were surprised and suddenly happy.
Happy birthday cuties, be happy always!
Smile, have fun, never be sad.
Don’t get sick, warm the soul of mom, dad and family.
May your happy birthday be a great holiday!

Happy Birthday,
And there are two births at once.
There will be two fun things at once.
That's how things are.

We wish you joy,
Live very, very friendly,
So that wishes come true,
To make dreams come true.

You are beautiful, no doubt about it.
You destroyed the whole world
Appearing overnight
Bringing happiness with you!

We wish you good health
And congratulations on your birth.
The blessings of the earth - for all years,
Be happy always!

Double birthday
It will be a big holiday.
Congratulations to you today,
We wish you the best.

Let life multiply everything,
Only happiness and joy gives.
You walk in step together,
And take care of each other.

A happy holiday has come to your home,
One moment of happiness for two.
Me, congratulating you on your birthday,
I dedicate this verse to you.

Such different twins
But they are so similar in kindness.
You are without a doubt capable
Fill the whole world with warmth.

May there be joy in your life,
You won't recognize the obstacles on the way,
Good luck to smile
Walk forward with her hand.

You, two suns, got up early,
Have so much fun.
Happy birthday, cuties,
Our glorious twins.

You are inseparable all the time
The two of you are not bored at all.
Enjoy life together
And you sing songs alone.

I wish you a lot of happiness.
Let all bad weather disappear.
More joy and laughter
Bright success in everything!

Be forever inseparable
And they are always happy.
May your dreams come true
And adversity will rush away.

It brings not only great happiness, but also many difficulties that young parents will have to cope with. Once your twins learn to walk, keeping track of them will be much more difficult. Use all the tricks we talked about and diversify them with new tricks designed for children under three years old.

How to organize feeding, walking, bathing and sleeping?

After a year, twins begin to use cutlery, so they can be feed at the same time, saving a little time . On the other hand, your little ones begin to be capricious, refuse some foods and cannot live without others, while their tastes may be radically opposite.

So that cooking for two kids does not take much time, offer them the same food even if one of them refuses it. At the age of 2-3 years, children's tastes change quickly, and those dishes that they refused to eat yesterday will turn out to be their favorites tomorrow.

If you don't want to stand at the stove every day, try to optimize the diet of the whole family by creating a menu for the week ahead. This way you can buy all the necessary products at the supermarket at one time, which will save you from unnecessary trips to the store with two little ones.

You can prepare meals a week in advance, freezing some of the dishes in the freezer so that they do not have time to spoil. Any broth, puree, or minced meat or fish dish can easily be frozen. It will take you several hours to prepare meals for seven to ten days, but during the week you can simply defrost and reheat pre-prepared meals.

Once toddlers have learned to walk, they quickly get used to walking in a stroller, which makes mom’s life much easier. After all, now you spend much less time getting ready and going out, and you don’t need to wield a heavy and clumsy stroller. Instead, you can get a lightweight stroller for your fidgets, or you can simply reduce the time of walks, but do them more often, so that the kids learn to walk on their own two feet.

A new concern during walks will be the need to control two pranksters at once, who usually scatter in opposite directions. So as not to be torn between twins, get them used to playing together , find safe activities for them within your sight.

On the playground they will also get their first experience of communicating with other children. It can be diversified by enrolling twins in an early development group. An hour-long lesson in the presence of professional teachers will allow you to relax for a while and provide little ones with important life experience necessary for mastering the world around them.

Grown-up babes get special pleasure from joint evening bathing. They will organize boat races, play with airy soap foam and splash playfully. You need to keep this fun within limits, otherwise bathing may end up with you changing wet clothes and cleaning up a flooded bathroom. If you can't control the mischief makers in the bathroom, temporarily return to the practice of separate bathing. You can leave one baby in a crib or safe nursery while you bathe the other.

Most twins are successful at 2 years of age fall asleep and wake up at the same time , which makes life much easier for their parents. However, older babies may fuss and play in the crib for a long time, not wanting to fall asleep when you put them to bed for the night. In this case, it is important to be firm and not react to noise in the nursery. Let your kids understand that their fussing will not make you come back and continue playing. Sooner or later, one of the babies will fall asleep, and the second will have to follow his example.

At the end of the article, we have prepared for you a “Time management for a young mother” checklist. Download it and become an organized, calm and confident mom!

Often, one of the twins is earlier ready to give up morning sleep, which is why the synchronization of the regime is disrupted. Try to persuade your baby to lie quietly in the crib with toys while his brother or sister sleeps. When this is not enough, you will have to wean the second baby from the morning nap. To compensate for this disruption, try changing your nap time and increasing its duration. In this case, instead of two short breaks during the day, you will have a long break of 2-3 hours, during which you will be able to cope with basic household chores.

What to do with twins at home?

Until your little ones learned to walk, coping with them was difficult, but possible. Now you have to constantly monitor two pranksters who strive to explore every nook and cranny of your house.

  • Raise all dangerous and fragile interior items higher, and equip the doors of cabinets, drawers and ovens with child protection.
  • Set up a safe play area in the nursery or other room so you can safely leave them alone without worrying about possible injuries.
  • A variety of educational toys will help you keep your kids occupied to free up some time for other household chores.
  • To avoid spending your family budget on a double set of toys, use household items. If your little ones love to play with magnets on the refrigerator, place them on a small metal tray or baking sheet from the oven.
  • At the age of 2-3 years, babies love to explore the world by feeling objects of different sizes and textures. Build a fun educational attraction for them from scrap materials. Take several boxes of different sizes and place a small object in each box, such as a ball of thread, a table tennis ball, a pompom or a bell. Stack the boxes one inside the other and let the kids take apart the complex structure.
  • During the period of becoming independent, children learn to dress themselves. Invite them to play dress up. To do this, you will need a basket with clothes that the little ones can easily put on and take off on their own. For girls, old mother's dresses, scarves and scarves are suitable, and for boys you can collect a collection of hats.
  • Set aside a separate place for creative activities so that your little ones can master drawing with pencils, paints, and modeling to their heart's content. At an early age, you don’t have to spend money on expensive sets of creative tools, because your twins will probably try to taste them.

At the end of the article, we have prepared for you a “Time management for a young mother” checklist. Download it and become an organized, calm and confident mom!

Common mistakes made by parents of twins

In the second and third years of life, twins often develop competition for their parents' attention. It is difficult for twins to share their mother, because their hysterics and whims are often associated precisely with the lack of attention and care on the part of their parents. So that your children grow up confident in your love and do not compete for every praise, from the first years - treat them as two independent individuals, each with their own characteristics.

Spend some games, entertainment and developmental activities with two children at the same time.

WITHBathing together will be much more fun than swimming separately, as will reading an evening story. The three of you can do gymnastics, walk, watch cartoons and draw.

However, when your husband returns from work, try to separate the children and spend time with each of them separately.

If one of the twins loves music, dance together while dad and the other child cook dinner. Be sure to switch children so that neither twin feels left out.

It is enough to separate the twins for 20-30 minutes a day, concentrating on one child, so that he feels surrounded by care and love.

Two babies make a lot more noise than one baby. Therefore, if you left the kids to play alone for a while, but noticed suspicious silence, you should not rejoice. Silence in this case serves as an alarm signal in which you need to be wary and return to the children. Even if you catch the pranksters in the act, don’t be too nervous and scold them, because any mess can be cleaned up. And so that this takes less time, from early childhood teach your little ones to clean up after what they have done.

Be patient, properly organize your children’s walks, meals and sleep, learn to find games for them that you don’t have to participate in. And remember that your little ones are growing at an amazing rate. Many mothers of twins claim that after their fourth birthday, their life becomes much easier.

We'll talk about how in the next article.

So three years have passed. How difficult it was in the first year, and how much everything has changed now. Children already communicate well with each other, allowing their parents to do their own thing. Yes, of course, it doesn’t happen without quarrels, and sometimes even fights, but all children go through this, and twins in this regard are no exception.

What special and interesting can be said about twins at 3 years old? They are very attached to each other and if you have already sent your kids to kindergarten, you have probably noticed that they try to stay close. This way kids feel more confident and calm. If your 3-year-old twins are not constantly fighting and one child is not dominant over the other, then you should not separate them into different groups - this will deprive them of constant support and a sense of calm and confidence. They need each other, and there is no need to interfere with this.

The speech development of twins at 3 years of age does not differ from the speech of other children at that age, unless, of course, a developmental delay was not observed before, and if the parents behaved correctly all this time when communicating with the kids (they did not constantly speak in diminutive, caressing, lisping language and did not adopt words invented by children into their vocabulary).

At 3 years old, children begin to share toys and constantly argue with each other about any matter. And parents during this period of their lives need to be very careful so that during the next children’s showdown they do not stand up for the wrong person, or inadvertently offend the child. Therefore, always be attentive to what is happening, try to understand the cause of the quarrel and try not to take anyone’s side, especially since most likely both are to blame. Your main task is to help children make peace and find a compromise solution, and not to find the culprit and punish.

During this period in the life of twins, it is very important to teach them to maintain order, do everything they can do independently, and also follow certain rules. So, for example, you shouldn’t put away children’s toys in the evening or put on their pants when they go to the potty. Kids can already do all this on their own, and it’s time to show independence.

For 3-year-old twins, the parents’ reaction to this or that event is of great importance. All children test their parents for their reaction. An example would be:

The child sits and diligently tears the puzzle mat into pieces. Mom says: “Sunny, don’t do this. After all, the toy will then be impossible to repair. At this moment, the sun looks his mother straight in the eyes, smiles sweetly, and, slowing down, continues to tear the rug.

Why is he doing this? This is just another test of my parents’ reaction: what will happen if I don’t listen?..

And if with one baby your reaction is visible only to him, then in the case of twins you must always remember that another pair of curious eyes is watching you next to you, and both children will draw the appropriate conclusions. And if this time you allowed one of them to tear this rug to the end, then next time you will have to do the same in relation to the other, because otherwise the baby will have a completely logical question: “Why is it possible for him, but for me?” it is forbidden? They don’t like me and they forbid me everything?” Remember that your prohibitions should be prohibitions for everyone, and if you allow something, then allow both.

At 3 years old, twins, of course, become quite independent, but you shouldn’t relax. At this age, it is necessary to seriously engage in their development, broadening their horizons, and training. Therefore, you simply must pay them a lot of attention and time, especially if they do not attend kindergarten.

It is also worth remembering that two heads are much better than one, and they can come up with all kinds of entertainment around the clock without a break for lunch. At the same time, their fun often ends in tears, and therefore it is necessary to constantly monitor what the children are doing and always keep an ear out.