DIY origami paper machines. We learn to assemble different models of cars using the origami technique. How to make a car out of paper origami diagrams

For men

Making paper figures by folding is very entertaining and useful for children's development. In addition to perseverance and attentiveness, memory and logical thinking develop. All these skills will help your child in school, and you can play with a toy made by yourself, paint it, stick it on a postcard, or give it to a friend.

Origami paper cars are more interesting for boys to make, but some girls also don’t mind taking their doll for a ride in a car. All the figures are collected according to patterns, which are subsequently remembered. The following toys can already be made from memory.

A car

The diagram for assembling an origami machine from paper is simple, so beginners or children of primary school age can try making this model.

To work you will need a square sheet of thick paper of any color. First, it is folded into two equal parts to determine the center fold line. Then each of the halves is further bent in half once and then again. The inner fold of each part of the craft should be on the inside.

Then the workpiece is turned over with the flat side outward and the center line is bent upward. You should get three broken lines or waves: one in the center (large) and two on the sides (small). The entire “accordion” is folded together and the triangles of the corners are folded down.

Then the origami paper machine unfolds as follows. Large triangles form the chamfered edges of the car's cabin. And the small corners are wheels. To make them without sharp corners, the bottom edge is folded upward in a straight line.

By bending the corners of the rectangle, the car body is given the desired shape with the headlights at the front. After the origami machine is made from paper, you can decorate the craft with applique or simply paint it with colored pencils.

How to make a jeep?

You can make a whole car park for your child from paper of different colors. You already understand how to make an ordinary passenger car. Now let's look at how to make an origami jeep car out of paper. SUVs have a flatter body surface at the rear. Let's consider what is needed for such work.

It is better to take thick square sheets of paper - 100 g/m2. You need a flat table surface and care when folding the paper. Each fold must be carefully smoothed with your finger so that the work looks neat.

Paper folding pattern

Before you make an origami machine out of paper for the game, practice on any single-sided sheet. The detailed and step-by-step diagram shows that the work needs to be done gradually, making folds in the order of the numbers under the pictures. Initially, we bend the square in half in one direction and the other. This is necessary to determine the center and divide the sheet into equal parts. Then the bottom half is folded in half and the edges are folded outward. In this case, the folds are made from the central point of the rectangle to the edges. These will be the wheels of the jeep.

Then the upper half is lowered down and we step back a couple of centimeters from the edge, as in Figure 6, and lift the paper up. Then the edges are bent downward at the corners, forming an even line between the center point and the edges at the corners.

All that remains is to turn the craft over to the other side and the work is finished. Decorate the exterior of the car as you wish. You can start the game.

Every boy loves to play with cars; he will not soon assemble a metal structure on his own, but teaching a child to make paper models is very easy. Parents will need a little time, paper, glue and scissors. You can create such machines using the origami technique or 3D design; for each method there are the necessary materials, instructions and recommendations.

How to make a car from waste material?

The older the boy gets, the more interested he will be in complex models, including those made from paper. Parents can only suggest which creativity is more exciting, provide the necessary materials and a good mood to complete the task. For boys, among all the models, it is cars that enjoy great prestige, and buying different designs every day will cost parents a pretty penny. After a while, the child will lose all interest in these beautiful cars, so it is more interesting and useful to make the design yourself. It does not require large financial expenditures; all you need is desire and time.

You can create cars not only using ready-made diagrams, but also using available materials, for example, cardboard and matches, wooden sticks and colored paper. For example, take several cardboard cylinders left over from toilet paper and cover each one with colored paper. After the fake has dried, it is necessary to cut a rectangular hole on the surface of the cylinder, leaving a little space on one side so that it can be bent and thus make a seat for the driver.

The design can also be decorated inside using felt-tip pens or a marker; to create a steering wheel, you should cut a circle out of white paper and glue it opposite the seat. The machine can be additionally decorated with applications made of colored paper, choosing different shades. If the car is a racing car, you can put a number on it; if it is an ambulance or fire model, then you can also cut out the corresponding signs or draw them. To secure the wheels, use small bolts or plastic bottle caps.

Volumetric 3D paper cars

To complete the work, you need to prepare a printer, a sheet of paper, scissors, cardboard material, as well as glue, colored pencils, paints or felt-tip pens.

The instructions are very simple; you can assemble a paper machine without any special skills or knowledge. First, you need to print out a model of the machine you like on paper, then glue the sheet onto cardboard to make the structure durable. The image is cut out along the contour; this is another advantage of this technique of creating a paper machine.

Important ! All the lines are already marked on the sheet, so it will be easy for the child to fold the model, just bend it along the contour and hide the remaining wings of the workpiece inside.

These white ends must be glued together so that the structure does not fall apart, and if the cardboard is strong enough, then you can use super glue rather than stationery PVA. After that, the most interesting thing for the boy is to decorate the car at his discretion.

A simple way to create a paper car

Paper cars are just as fun to play with as metal or plastic ones, you can arrange real races, and you can also build a garage by decorating all the structures with felt-tip pens, and use a toothpick to make a flag.

To create a paper machine you will need a square piece of paper; it should be folded in half, then unfold the edges and bend them in the opposite direction towards the middle of the sheet. Then, fold the edges again in the opposite direction and fold the sheet of paper in half. Draw the outline of the car onto the material; to do this, fold the top corners, then tuck them inward; two corners will peek out from below. They are also folded inside, after which you need to make wheels for the car.

Bend the lower corners back, rounding them a little, thus creating wheels; in front, to make headlights, the corners must be laid inward. Do the same on the back side of the car; all the details of the vehicle can be drawn, for example, wheels, headlights, doors or the driver behind the wheel. 15 minutes of time and a beautiful paper car is ready.

Origami machine

This is a unique art that involves the creation of unusual paper figures, including cars. To work, you just need to stock up on colored paper and patience, it’s very easy, so you not only can, but also need to involve children, together you can create a whole fleet of cars. Or you can make a car out of a banknote and give it as a gift to a friend.

To create, for example, a sports car, you need to take a rectangular sheet, as a rule, the aspect ratio should be 1:7. The work begins by bending the upper right and left corners, thus creating all the necessary folds. The next step is to fold the top of the sheet, along with the folded corners on the left and right. Small triangles will remain sticking out, which should also be folded towards the middle of the sheet of paper.

Next, you need to fold the sides of the leaf, fold the bottom part, follow the same algorithm that was performed when folding the top part of the paper. All that remains is to fold the structure in half, tuck in the triangles that are peeking out and that’s it, the machine is ready.

The car is a simple origami model. Unfortunately, for children 4-5 years old, it is very difficult to find a simple craft using the origami technique. And this model is doubly valuable, since it is mostly a craft for boys. You can simply play with ready-made paper cars. Or you can make a big application with them, sending these vehicles to the streets of a paper city. This solution is especially interesting for a kindergarten or school. First, you can make an application “City Street”, and in the next lesson you can “settle” cars in your city. Each child can do the work individually, but it is quite possible to do the work as a group. A simple origami craft for kids can be made from any colored paper - either colored on one side or double-sided. For preschool children, the squares should be large enough. No less than 12X12 cm.

For the typewriter you will need a square of paper. It is better to take paper so that it is of different colors on both sides.
Fold the square of paper in half twice, marking the center lines, and open the workpiece.
Bend the bottom edge of the sheet towards the center line.
Bend the corners down.
Turn the workpiece over and bend the top part towards the center line. At this point you can vary the height of your car.
Turn the workpiece over again and bend the top corners towards the center. At this stage we make the contours of the car, and they can be anything.
Draw windows for your car.
The lower corners of the wheels can be turned back a little.
The machine - simple origami for kids is ready.

A paper car is one of the popular origami. In the Soviet past, many boys at school memorized the diagram for assembling cars from a sheet of paper (most often school notebooks). But over time, the schemes themselves were forgotten, and the current generation began to have other fun and entertainment. Somehow, in our spare time, we tried to remember and do a few things together with our son paper machines. We needed a pair of hands and a sheet of A4 paper. This craft can be successfully used for breathing exercises, and if a child actively participates in the process of assembling a paper machine, then this will also be a good exercise for him to develop his fingers. So let's get started. Take a sheet of A4 paper.

A sheet of A4 paper from which we will make our machine.

On one side we bend it at an angle of forty-five degrees, and bend it back. And we do the same in the other direction, also bending it back.

As a result, we will get these folds on the paper, which we will really need in the future.

We do the same actions on the other side of the sheet of paper. Making the same two bends.

Afterwards, taking one of the sides (it doesn’t matter which one), holding the edges of the sheet in the middle between the folds, we bring these two parts to the center as shown in the picture above.

We do the same action on the other side of the paper sheet. As a result, we ended up with something resembling arrows in different directions.

And lower the edges of the “arrows”! You should get it exactly like in the photo.

And now, having selected one of the sides of our workpiece, we will make the front part of our paper machines. To do this, bend one part of the arrow inward, following the example of the photograph.

And also bend the second part of the arrow.

We bend the resulting workpiece approximately in half, as shown in the photo.

And all that remains is to make the finishing touches. Bend the ends of the arrows so that we get fender liners for our paper car and by bending the back part we make a spoiler for the paper car. And we got a racing car.

In the end, taking felt-tip pens or pencils, the child has complete freedom of imagination on how to decorate the car.

This machine can be used in breathing exercises. Blow on the car so that it moves and drives. Perform the breathing exercise under the supervision of an adult so as not to cause dizziness in the child!

Using the origami technique, you can create several different models of cars. These crafts are fun for boys of all ages. Little ones are interested in the process itself and at the same time practice small hand movements. And the older ones organize real races and also collect collections of different models.

We will make a racing car first . To make it you need a rectangular sheet of paper. This can be a standard A4 sheet or a double sheet from a regular school notebook. Fold the sheet in half horizontally with the colored side facing inward.

Now we raise the lower corners (the fold at the bottom) to the top.

We unfold it and now bend the top corner down.

We unfold it and repeat the steps on the other side.

We got 3 triangles connected in the center. Now we must fold one short side of the rectangle so that the fold passes through the center of their connection.

On the other side we do the same. Make sure that all folds are clear. Now we make 2 basic double triangle shapes: we hide the side parts inside and cover them with the top.

Now we bend the lower corners of one of the triangles towards the center.

We fold the workpiece in half so that the last folded parts pass below the large triangle, but not completely, but until the lines intersect. Iron the fold well.

Fold the tail spoiler of the car. We bend the back part of the workpiece along the line of the triangles, and then bend the resulting rectangle in half upward.

Raises the wings and the racing car is ready!

Of course, if desired, you can decorate it with stickers and drawings. And if you blow under the spoiler, the car will move.

sedan car

A square sheet of paper (20x20 cm) - cut in half.

We unfold and bend these sides again to the line in the center. Unfold and repeat.

We turn the same corners at all four corners. We measure by eye.

Now on each resulting triangle we bend small elements.

Cut the whole piece in half again. We bend a small part inward at the top.

On the opposite side we retreat a few centimeters and make an oblique cut a couple of centimeters.

Now we hide the part from the cut and the edges inward - we form the hood. For convenience, you can slightly bend the cut part.

Well, the last step is to draw windows, doors and any tuning that your imagination desires. Alternatively, you can make two cuts and get a different car model, or simply bend a larger corner inward.

For one more passenger car you will need a square piece of paper.

We bend him in half.

Unfold and bend the bottom part towards the center.

We bend two corners on the bent strip. And on the parts below we bend the small corners.

We bend the upper part upward, but not in half, but so that there is about 2 centimeters from the first central fold to this.

We lower the corners on the left and right.

Turn the workpiece over and the machine is ready!

Using the same scheme you can make a car and truck. To do this, you only need to bend one corner.

These were all flat models, but the origami technique allows you to create three-dimensional cars.

Prepare a square sheet of paper. Fold it in half diagonally, unfold it and fold it again, connecting the other pair of corners.

Unfold and fold in half and repeat again

Unfold and fold two opposite sides toward the center.

We unfold the lower part and fold its outer part in half again.

We unfold it and now connect the bottom edge to the top fold.

We repeat the same steps on the other side. As a result, our entire workpiece is divided into identical rectangles.

We turn it over and again repeat everything with opposite sides. Now we have the entire workpiece divided into equal squares.

Turn the sheet over so that the fold grooves are at the bottom. At each corner we bend triangles onto a square of 4 small squares.

We turn out all the corners. And on one side we bend the part down 1 square wide.

We divide the left tip of the bent strip into 3 equal parts. We do not iron the fold completely over the entire strip, but only a couple of centimeters from the edge.

On the outermost strip we bend a small triangle.

Now we lift the bottom strip up and iron the fold along the entire length.

Slightly turn over the right edge of the strip and bend another small triangle.

We turn to the left and on this side we bend a strip as thick as the previous one. We repeat this action with the other sides.

We unfold everything to its original state - a square. And fold the strip up along the second fold.

Turning clockwise, bend the strips on all sides.

At each corner, slightly unfold the workpiece and bend the triangle. Then we open it and flatten it. We now have a rhombus covering the triangles.

Now fold the small square in half diagonally. Iron the diagonal on the square well. Fold the square on the corner next to it in the same way.

The next diagonal should be next to the second and create an angle with it.

We form the same angle near the first diagonal.

Now we connect the sides of the triangles. Iron all folds gently but well.

Make folds from the center of the connection of the sides of the triangles to the edges.

Now we bend the corner of the workpiece upward so that the corner of the outer square meets the strip on the right. We get another line in a small triangle. We repeat the same thing on the other side.

On the same side we turn up a thin strip along the already marked line. The diamonds at the edges must be raised.

We bend the same strip on the opposite side.

Iron the two stripes on the center squares well along the center line and the next one down from it.

We return to the triangles and connect them again.

Carefully connect the inside of the square with a line that comes from the center of the connection of the rectangles.

Repeat the fold from the diagonal of the square and above. And now we connect the outer part of the square with the same line. Accordingly, on the other side we perform the same actions. Iron the folds well and hide the excess elements inside.

Now we work on the other side of the workpiece. We make a diagonal fold from the corner of the square on both sides to the width of the bent part. And we connect the sides of a small triangle on the strip.

We bend the diagonal from the square to the top of the workpiece. From the top point of the diagonal, a line descends downward and must be connected to the diagonal. Accordingly, on the other side we do the same.

The squares have turned into diamonds and now we bend them upward along the upper right line.

Now we connect the lower right part of the diamond with the bottom of the folded strip. And we do the same with the opposite side.

Carefully unscrew each square and fold a small triangle inside - flatten it and fold it in half.

We turn the squares slightly and bend the thin strips inward on the wide ones on both sides.

On the front of the car we also bend a thin strip inward, but from below. At the same time, keep an eye on the folds that need to be hidden underneath.

Now we bend the strips on the sides and underneath. Please note that on one side the corner will open and fold in half, and on the other it will bend over the part.

We form wheels - on each square we bend the corners inside out.

Iron all the main folds well and the machine is ready!

Video master class “Origami machine”

Origami tank made of cardboard

If you are a fan of military equipment, then you will definitely want to make an origami tank out of paper. This craft is perfect for a personal collection, as well as a gift for both a little boy and an adult man. Thanks to the low level of complexity, even novice origami masters can handle it. And the small amount of time required to assemble a tank allows you to make several models in a short period of time.

Fold a standard sheet of A4 paper in half lengthwise.

Unfold and repeat from the outer edge to the fold.

We unfold and do the same on the other side of the workpiece. As a result, we get a rectangle with two outlined triangles.

Now we hide the side triangles inside and cover them with the top triangle with the base - the short side of the rectangle. We repeat the same thing on the other side. We get the basic shape - a double triangle.

Carefully bend the long side of the rectangle towards the center. Please note that we do not bend the upper triangle, but work underneath it.

Now we bend it from the center to the edge. We turn the workpiece and repeat the same steps on the other side.

Cover everything with triangles.

We rotate the workpiece and raise the corners of the triangle to the top.

We turn the workpiece over and connect it as follows: carefully fold in half (but do not iron!) the triangle that has not yet been folded and pass it between the folded triangle.

To add a tank barrel, take a small rectangle of paper that color and fold it into a tube. The end can be secured with glue for reliability. We insert the barrel into the tower. If the trunk is long, the excess must be cut off with scissors.

The tank is ready for battle!

We are sure you liked it. Then you won’t be able to resist and will definitely make another model - a high-speed origami tank. It’s a little more complicated, but if you really want something, then all obstacles can be overcome. As always, it all starts with a standard sheet of A4 paper. Fold it in half lengthwise

Turn over and repeat on the other side.

Unfold to get the basic shape of the door. Place the cut side towards the top and bend the corners towards the center.

Now we bend the long side towards the cut in the center and bend it in the opposite direction. We repeat the same steps with the other long side. Do not forget that the final result depends on the quality and accuracy of the bends.

We turn our workpiece over and bend it 2 times, but not in half, but so as to connect it to the base of the tank.

We connect the parts of the tank: carefully tuck the paper from the bottom under the top strip with small triangles.

To make the caterpillars, carefully straighten the paper with your fingers and squeeze it forward.

We form the second caterpillar in the same way.

Now you need to bend the two small triangles on the tower. To make the trunk, prepare a rectangular sheet of paper. It must be rolled into a tube diagonally, starting from the corner.

Cut off the sharp tip of the paper, and now glue the smooth edge so that the trunk does not unfold. The finished tube also needs to be cut off on one side so that the trunk is even. Insert the barrel into the turret and you're done!

Video master class “Origami tank”

Origami paper boat

An origami boat is an incredibly simple but exciting craft! It promotes the development of fine motor skills of the hands. After all, if you quickly fold the boat, it will turn out careless, and maybe it won’t work out at all. The biggest advantage of this craft is that you can play with it even outdoors. Alone, in the company of friends, or with family. It is possible to organize a sea expedition or a high-speed race. To fold them, you can use both colored paper and plain paper. But if you make it from a sheet of newspaper, the craft will also serve as an excellent headdress. This is how multifunctional it is! Also, it is possible to paint it and select a toy carriage. In bad weather, your bathtub will be an excellent reservoir, and in the country - a basin. In a word, everything is in your hands. Get comfortable and get started!