Do I need to go to the maternity hospital? What to take to the maternity hospital - a list of necessary things for yourself and the newborn

Church holidays

No matter how much a young mother prepares for childbirth, she will never feel absolutely confident. The event is so exciting that it seems like you are bound to forget something. It is indeed very difficult to collect and calm down, but it is much easier to collect if you first make an exhaustive list.

Essential things: what you can’t give birth without

At the thirtieth week of pregnancy, most expectant mothers begin to run around pharmacies and stores, buying everything that seems suitable to them. Many people make this mistake. And unscrupulous manufacturers profit from the natural feeling of anxiety of a pregnant woman, trying to slip expensive and, most importantly, unnecessary things to an inexperienced mother.

Remember: you will be admitted to the maternity hospital in any case. Even if you get there “from the street” without having anything with you. The hospital is obliged to provide you and your baby with everything you need. You will have a bed, food, and sterile clothes. Yes, these things will not be of the best quality, but of course, you want your child to be provided with the best. But in a pinch, free healthcare will help you out.

There are things that will make your admission to the hospital easier. But this is not a family bag and not a big concert with money. The most important thing is the documents. Collect them in a folder, put them in a visible place, or always carry them with you, even if you just went out to buy bread or are returning from work. It should contain:

  • passport;
  • medical insurance;
  • (this is the “medical history” kept by your gynecologist);

Get your birth certificate no matter what. Its presence will be looked at first. This piece of paper determines whether the maternity hospital will receive money for providing you with medical services. Therefore, doctors usually get very nervous if a woman in labor is not given it.

If you have already decided which maternity hospital you want to give birth in, don’t be lazy to call or come there to ask what they require upon admission. Usually the lists are different. Some take copies of all documents from the expectant mother, others require a fluorography of the expectant father. By the way, if a young dad plans to attend the birth, he needs a separate list of necessary things.

What to take a mother to the maternity hospital: less is more

Some women tend to pack their entire home into a birthing bag, hoping it will make them feel more comfortable in the hospital. But remember that after your husband takes you to the emergency room, you will have to carry the heavy trunk yourself. Narrow down your list of items you need to what you really need.

The best adviser in this matter is your maternity hospital. Different hospitals have different requirements for the list of things for the maternity hospital. Some do not allow you to bring clothes for mothers and children, arguing that they are not sterile enough. Others require a clean nightie and disposable underwear for women in labor.

Any list of what the baby and mother need in the hospital is individual. But most often you need to bring the following:

  1. transformable slates made of washable material;
  2. medical products for childbirth and the postpartum period (compression stockings);
  3. daily hygiene products: toothbrush and paste, comb, baby soap, towel;
  4. disposable briefs, suitable postpartum pads. Sometimes it takes up to 11 pads per day;
  5. a phone with a camera and a charger for it (if you plan to take photos of the child in the maternity hospital);
  6. toilet paper (the softest, but not scented);
  7. personal utensils: mug, plate, spoon, fork; if possible - a knife.

Many require that a woman have a disposable razor with her. Other maternity hospitals equate it almost to a bladed weapon. It is good to have a cream with dexpanthenol. It can be used by both mother and baby immediately after birth. But find out if you can carry creams and medications with you that are not prescribed by your doctor.

First clothes for newborns: what to take to the maternity hospital for your baby

Newborn babies do not require a large wardrobe. The most necessary thing is diapers, and they will be given to you at the maternity hospital. Most often, mothers bring several hats and socks, wet wipes for children (at least 20 pieces) and a large package of diapers.

Newborns can go to the toilet every hour, so diapers go through quickly. A pack containing 50 diapers can run out in 5 days. When you get home, you can experiment with reusable or gauze diapers. But in the maternity hospital, only disposable ones are needed.

Newborn at home: how to dress for discharge

So, the painful period of stay in the hospital is coming to an end. The birth of a baby is an important event, so all your relatives will come to greet you. Prepare your clothes for this occasion in advance. But it’s better for a woman not to take all this to the maternity hospital at once. Ask someone at home to bring a ready-made package the day before discharge.

But what to prepare for discharge for a newborn? Clothing should be appropriate for the season and comfortable. Here is a basic list of things for a newborn to be discharged for the warm season:

  • diaper (babies grow quickly, make sure diapers don't get too small);
  • bodysuit (this is better than a regular shirt, because the bodysuit prevents clothes from sliding down, even if the baby fidgets);
  • tights, rompers or panties (preferably even for girls, it’s too cold outside to wear dresses);
  • socks and a hat (depending on the weather, the child is dressed in wool or cotton);
  • mittens without fingers (so that the baby does not scratch himself);
  • an envelope or blanket (to make it convenient to carry the child outside).

Don't buy too many clothes. Children grow up quickly. Give relatives the opportunity to give a birthday gift. It will be good if they know exactly what things to give you.

Caring for a baby is a difficult task for a woman who has just given birth. The ones you have collected should make it easier. Your bag should contain only useful things and a minimum of medications.

After 32 weeks of pregnancy, a pregnant woman needs to pack her things for the maternity hospital. It is best not to take a whole suitcase with you, but to distribute them among three bags. In the first bag, put the most necessary things - you will take it right away, the second bag will be brought to you by relatives immediately after the birth, the third bag will be “delivered” on the day of discharge.


You cannot bring bags into most Russian maternity hospitals, so it is better to put everything in plastic bags.
- Tell your loved ones where your bags are at the maternity hospital so that they can promptly bring you all your things.

Documents for the maternity hospital

  • Passport.
  • A completed exchange card with the results of the necessary tests. Issued at the antenatal clinic at 22-23 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Compulsory medical insurance or voluntary medical insurance policy.
  • Maternity hospital address, doctor's contact phone number.
  • Birth certificate (if you are giving birth without a contract).
  • Referral to the maternity hospital (issued by the antenatal clinic doctor if you are admitted to the maternity hospital as planned).
  • Childbirth contract (if you entered into one).
  • Pension insurance certificate (SNILS), if a birth certificate has not been issued.

Bag one. List of things

For mother (before childbirth):

  • Slippers or any other rubber slippers.
  • Several cotton or disposable underpants.
  • Bathrobe, nightgown (useful in the prenatal department; sterile clothing is provided in the postnatal department).
  • Socks (thin and warm, but not wool).
  • Phone, charger.
  • Gadgets (e-reader, laptop, MP-3 player, tablet). Take things to the hospital that will help you relax and distract yourself in the periods between contractions.
  • Utensils (cup, spoon).
  • Still water and a few green apples (they will help you out if you give birth late in the evening or at night).
  • Hygiene items (toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, toilet paper, soap, shower gel, comb, towel, washcloth, safety razor).

Bag two. List of things

For mother (after childbirth):

  • Special nursing bra.
  • Disposable breast pads (indispensable if milk leaks).
  • Nipple cream with lanolin (helps fight cracked nipples; it is advisable to choose a cream that does not need to be washed off before feeding).
  • Postpartum pads.
  • Regenerating cream for the skin of the abdomen and chest after childbirth.
  • Postpartum bandage.
  • Hand and face cream.
  • Wet wipes, best for children.
  • Cosmetics.

For the baby

  • Baby diapers for newborns (from 2 to 5 kg). Small packaging.
  • Diaper cream, oil, powder, cleanser, wipes.
  • Baby nail scissors (many babies are born with long nails).
Most maternity hospitals provide sterile clothes for newborns, so it’s worth checking with your chosen maternity hospital whether it’s worth taking baby clothes. If it is not issued, then after the birth of the child you will need:
  • 4 diapers: 2 cotton and 2 flannel, size 60x90 (most maternity hospitals provide them).
  • Size 1 knitted cap.
  • Several vests or bodysuits.
  • Romper (4 pairs) and socks.
  • Scratchies (thin mittens so that the baby does not scratch himself).

Bag three

Beautiful clothes for mother and baby. Usually relatives bring it on the day of discharge. Therefore, it is worth preparing a separate bag of things and showing your relatives where it is.

What to take with you to the maternity hospital? This question is probably asked by every expectant mother.

My gynecologist said that the bag for the maternity hospital should be collected at 35 weeks, explaining that even if the pregnancy is going well, labor can begin at any time at 36-42 weeks. Unfortunately, I didn’t listen to her... During my first pregnancy, I put off packing my bag for the maternity hospital for a long time, buying a dowry for my daughter.

As a result, I had to pack my bag urgently just before leaving for the maternity hospital (I gave birth to Alice at exactly 38 weeks). It’s good that I already bought everything I needed. But even collecting all the things and putting them into bags took me a lot of time.
During my second pregnancy, my main bag was ready at 33 weeks, I didn’t want to risk it)

How to know what to take with you to the hospital

Surely, the maternity hospital you have chosen has an official website, where, as a rule, you can find a list of necessary things. Some maternity hospitals have a very general one, while some maternity hospitals provide a detailed list with recommendations and even requirements.

It will be great if you have the opportunity to go to the maternity hospital for reconnaissance. Usually, in the reception department there is always a list of necessary things, which you can photograph on your phone. Or, ask the nurse working in the emergency department for a list.

In general, rely on the list offered by your maternity hospital. But, of course, this does not mean that you cannot take something additional (what, in your opinion, you may still need in the maternity hospital).

In accordance with sanitary standards, it is prohibited to bring things into maternity hospitals in bags made of fabric, leather or other dense materials.
Therefore, as a rule, things are put in ordinary plastic bags with handles. It is recommended to sign the packages (for example, write your full name on a piece of paper in large block letters and stick it to the packages with tape).
You shouldn’t take many packages; usually, you take 2 packages. So, you can take one bag for the birth itself, and in the second you can put things that will be useful to you after the birth, in the ward.

My list (for example)
Package No. 1 (for childbirth):
  1. Documentation:

– passport (original + copy)
— compulsory medical insurance policy (original + copy)
— SNILS (original + copy)
— exchange card
- birth certificate
— Ultrasound, doctors’ reports

  1. Slippers (washable slippers)
  2. Bottle of drinking water without gas 0.5 l.
  3. Phone, charger
  4. Disposable absorbent diapers size 60x90 (10 pcs.)
Package No. 2 (after childbirth):

1. Clothes (robe, nightgown, nursing bra or top, socks)

The shirt should be such that you can easily free the breasts for feeding the baby. It is not at all necessary to buy a special nursing shirt; as a rule, they are very expensive. You can buy a regular cotton shirt with a wrap or with thin straps.

Nursing bra or top
I bought a special nursing bra, but, unfortunately, I didn’t get the right size and, even before giving birth, it turned out to be too small for me. It’s good that I tried on in advance and managed to buy a nursing top. More precisely, I wanted to order such a top in an online store, but, by a lucky coincidence, I remembered that I had seen a similar top in the Magnit-Cosmetics store in the underwear department. There I bought several of them in different colors, because the price for them was five times lower than a special top for feeding. Later, in a maternity store, I looked at these nursing tops and saw no difference in quality with those I bought at Magnit.

Such tops provide good support for the breasts, do not compress them and are practically not felt on the body. And, what is very important, they stretch, i.e. you can easily choose your size and not worry that it will become too small for you later (after childbirth, your breasts can increase by a whole size, or even two). You can free your breasts for feeding in this top very quickly and easily.

I am attaching a photo of this top from Magnit Cosmetics:

2. Breast pads

What are they needed for.
After childbirth, almost all women face the problem of milk leaking from the breast. The reason for this is hot flashes during the period of lactation, because. A lot of milk is produced. Typically, hot flashes go away a month after the baby is born, when lactation is already beginning to improve and milk is produced as much as the baby needs.

Also, some people, including me, have a problem with reflex milk release - i.e. When a baby sucks on one breast, milk leaks from the other at the same time. Reflex milk release can persist throughout the entire period of breastfeeding. With Alisa, my milk leaked until the end of breastfeeding (a year and a month). Faya is now 10 months old and I still use breast pads - they turned out to be a lifesaver for me.

There are disposable and reusable pads.
At first I bought disposable ones. And they were very expensive for me, for example, such pads of the Babyline brand (pack of 60 pieces) cost from 300 rubles. During the first month after giving birth, I needed 3-4 pairs a day, i.e. One package lasted me about a week.

Then I learned about the existence of reusable pads. And, since then, I have only used them.

3. Postpartum pads (2 packs) + regular night pads with maximum absorbency (2 packs)

Postpartum pads.
For the first birth I took postpartum pads “Hartmann Samu”, for the second - “Peligrin” (review). Postpartum pads will come in handy immediately after childbirth, when there is very heavy discharge. They must be used with mesh panties.

Night pads.
I bought “Libresse goodnight”, two packages were enough for me. Then, at home, I already used the usual “Libresse Normal”.

Stock up on pads in advance that you usually use on menstrual days, because... After childbirth, discharge lasts for an average of 2-3 weeks.

4. Postpartum disposable mesh panties (5 pcs.) + regular cotton panties (2 pcs.)

Mesh panties are made of soft mesh fabric, due to which their “breathable effect” is manifested. Therefore, it is recommended to wear such panties in the first days after childbirth, especially after childbirth with complications (cesarean section, ruptures), because They don’t press or rub anywhere, we can say that they are not felt at all.
Both my first and second births went without complications, so after 2 days I was already using cotton panties and regular night pads.

5. Large towel (for shower) + small (for face)

6. For the shower(washing gel, toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, balm, liquid baby soap with dispenser)

In order not to carry large bottles to the maternity hospital, I took 3 small bottles (I bought them at Fix Price for my trip to Turkey) and poured shampoo, conditioner and cleansing gel into them.

Also, to save space in my bag and ease of use, I took liquid baby soap with a dispenser. I washed my hands with it and used it instead of shower gel.

7. Cosmetic bag(mirror, comb, hair elastic, day and night cream, pencil, mascara, foundation, lipstick, cotton swabs, nail file!

8. Dishes(cup, large + small spoon, fork, plate)

9. Drinking water 0.5 l.

10. Cookies 1 package. I took Maria cookies

11. Wet wipes

12. Paper towels

13. Toilet paper

What should you take to the maternity hospital for your baby?

It is necessary to note such an important point - in our maternity hospitals we still practice separate stays, i.e. The babies are kept separate from their mothers and are brought in only for feeding. Baby care is provided by nurses in the children's department.

We were asked to bring diapers (I took Huggies Elite Soft No. 1, pack of 27) and baby wipes (large pack). They may also be asked to bring a package of cotton swabs, baby soap, or something else to care for the child. The maternity hospital provided diapers for the babies.

If your maternity hospital practices sharing a stay with a child, then you need to take everything on the list from the maternity hospital to care for the newborn.

One more thing about getting ready for the maternity hospital

If your husband or relatives have the opportunity to quickly bring you something you need to the maternity hospital, you don’t need to take a lot of things with you.
But, nevertheless, it is better to buy in advance and store at home what you may need, for example, Bepanthen cream (may be required for breast care) and a breast pump.
If you are not so lucky, you will give birth 100 km away. from home (this also happens) - then, of course, you need to immediately take with you as much as possible all the things that may be useful in the maternity hospital.

Do I need a breast pump?

I bought a breast pump in advance and took it with me to the maternity hospital when I gave birth to Alice. As it turned out, it was not in vain - it was very useful to me both in the maternity hospital and after discharge, because... I had to pump frequently.
When I gave birth to Faya, I decided not to use a breast pump. In the maternity hospital I expressed by hand and I didn’t need it.

Whether you need it, you will find out only after giving birth.
But still, if possible, buy at least the most inexpensive one in advance. If your relatives have the opportunity to quickly bring it to you at the maternity hospital, leave it at home in the package (so you can sell it later if you don’t need it). Or don’t buy, but look at a pharmacy or store where they are always in stock. So that, in case you need it, your relatives or husband can buy the right model and bring it to you at the maternity hospital.

I bought a World of Childhood breast pump from an online pharmacy, and I was completely satisfied with it:

Also, you need to collect a package of things at home in advance, which your relatives will bring to you on the day of discharge.

Package for discharge

— clothes for you + outerwear (if it’s cold outside) + shoes
— clothes for the baby for discharge
— a camera – you must definitely capture such an important moment!
- gifts for nurses/doctor - at your discretion.

Do I need to bring gifts for the nurses/doctor at discharge?

Usually, upon discharge, we bring small gifts for the nurses who dress and carry the child. This is understandable - many want to thank the nurses of the children's department for caring for the babies.
We were no exception and brought small gifts to the nurses of the children's department upon discharge.

What can you give?
Nurses are often given flowers and chocolates. I don't think nurses need flowers. If you want to thank them, it’s better to buy something that they will definitely need. For example, good tea or coffee.
You can give sweets in addition to coffee or tea, but it seems to me that they already have too much of this goodness) Better - good tasty cookies. Or cheese and delicious sausage - as we brought for our niece’s discharge - the nurses were very happy)

I repeat, whether to thank the maternity hospital staff or not is a personal matter (desire, capabilities) of everyone. After all, they don't work there for free. And if you don’t give anything, no one will blame you for it.

What should you take to the maternity hospital? Things and documents

From about 32 weeks of pregnancy, it is advisable to collect all the necessary documents for the maternity hospital and carry them with you everywhere, just in case. From the 36th week there is a real possibility that they will begin unexpectedly, so the level of readiness must be increased even more.

Documents for the maternity hospital

  • passport;
  • medical insurance;
  • exchange card;
  • birth contract (if you signed one).

Place it all neatly in a bag or file and carry it with you in your bag, especially if you are planning to go somewhere.

List of necessary things for the maternity hospital - what to take for childbirth

Once contractions begin and you are admitted to the hospital, you will be allowed to bring very few things with you to the birth. Ideally, a pregnant woman should be given everything except slippers. Here, a lot depends on the maternity hospital, on the conditions and rules that are accepted in it. Therefore, it is better to agree on the list in advance and find out what is possible and what is not:

  • slippers made of washable material;
  • hygiene items: toothpaste, brush, shampoo (preferably in bags), baby soap, comb.
  • A player or phone with music that you have selected in advance for childbirth (not allowed in all maternity hospitals, you need to find out in advance);
  • a photo or video camera if you decide to capture the moment of your baby’s birth. It is better to give them to your birth partner, for example, your husband.

What you may need after childbirth

You can buy a ready-made kit at a pharmacy, but it is better to put the items in a bag: many maternity hospitals do not allow bags. You can also collect everything you need yourself.
Things for mom

  • Robe and nightgown. In many maternity hospitals, these things are prohibited and you should only use those that are given out.
  • Postpartum pads. For the first three days you may not be allowed to use pads. This is because the doctor needs to monitor the discharge after childbirth.
  • Toilet paper is the softest you can buy.
  • Utensils: mug, plate, spoon.
  • Mineral water, if you don’t want to drink boiled water from the tap.
  • Towel.
  • Cotton panties - at least 3 pieces.
  • Nursing bra. It will be very useful, it is better to take two: while one dries, the second can be worn.
  • Disposable bra pads.
  • Cream “Bepanten” - useful for cracked nipples. It is not at all necessary that they will be, but you can grab the cream just in case. In addition, it can be used to lubricate the baby’s skin in areas of redness.
  • Postpartum bandage, if you are going to wear it.
  • Suppositories with glycerin to ease stool.
  • Vitamins for pregnant and lactating women.
  • Face cream, hygienic lipstick.
  • Something to read, a notepad and pen, a phone charger.
  • Cosmetics for discharge. Be sure to take foundation - you will be photographed.
  • Money.
  • Comfortable clothes for discharge. A skirt is preferable to trousers. Keep in mind that your breasts can be very large these days due to the arrival of milk, so forget about tight blouses. Don't forget comfortable outdoor shoes (not flip-flops or slippers).

Things for a newborn (what to take a baby to the maternity hospital)

  • Set of clothes: - at least 4 diapers: 2 cotton and 2 flannel, size 60x90, many maternity hospitals provide them;
    - blanket;
    - “scratchies” - protective gloves made of thin cotton so that the baby does not scratch himself;
    - at least 4 pairs of rompers and socks;
    - vests or bodysuits;
    — caps of the first size 2 pcs;
    — overalls and envelope for discharge;
  • Baby diapers for newborns (from 2 to 5 kg). You need to take 20–25 pieces.
  • Cotton swabs with limiter. They are convenient for lubricating the umbilical wound, cleaning the nose and ears.
  • Special scissors for cutting nails.

The period of waiting for the baby is coming to an end, very soon you will be holding him in your arms.

This moment will be one of the happiest in life. But when contractions begin, before giving birth, believe me, it will be difficult to collect everything you need for the maternity hospital.

At these moments there is no time for it at all. It is better to pack a bag with the necessary things for the maternity hospital about a week or two before the expected birth.

The question arises: What should you take to the maternity hospital? See below my list of necessary things that I collected for myself and the newborn.

When you enter the maternity hospital, the first thing you will do is go to the prenatal room. In this room, you are generally not allowed to take anything other than a few items listed below (in the blue box). This is especially true if the maternity hospital is state-owned (free).

Therefore, when entering, you should only have with you:

  1. Your passport
  2. exchange card
  3. compulsory medical insurance policy
  4. if childbirth is paid, then a contract (agreement) for childbirth
  5. washable slippers. You should not take fluffy slippers.

These are the most basic, necessary things when entering the labor room. Usually in a free maternity hospital nothing else is allowed. In paid maternity hospitals they allow you to take many additional things, such as: a camera, a video camera, a cell phone (it is better to take it with a charger). But each specific maternity hospital has its own rules of permitted things and it is better to clarify them in advance. It is not recommended to eat before giving birth, so do not stock up on food. But after you get into the ward where you will be with your child, you will need more things. After all, you will have to live there with your newborn from 3 to 10 days, depending on the situation. List of necessary things for yourself and the newborn in the ward:

What clothes you should take to the maternity hospital for yourself:

  • The gown is your everyday attire in the hospital.
  • nightgown or pajamas (a couple of pieces to replace). I really liked wearing a beautiful nightie for nursing mothers in the maternity hospital. It looks like a dress with hidden slits for feeding a newborn. Very comfortably.
  • socks
  • bras for nursing mothers. (preferably a couple).

What should you take to the maternity hospital - hygiene items:

  • soap with soap dish, toothpaste and brush, comb, shampoo, small mirror.
  • toilet paper
  • sanitary pads are the largest (maxi, ultra super) or now they sell special ones for women in labor.
  • panties. At one time I took regular ones and washed them. Now you can take disposable ones with you to avoid this.
  • a towel - a couple.
  • cosmetics (useful on the day of discharge)
  • nipple cream - my husband will buy it later if necessary. It is needed to lubricate cracked nipples. For example, it was not useful to me.

What to take to the maternity hospital for a newborn:

The nurse girls themselves bring everything they need for newborns. Diapers, vests and caps are provided daily in the required volume. Everything is sterile, so you don’t need to take anything with you for your newborn. But it will come in handy:

  • baby soap
  • cotton buds

You don’t have to take diapers, they give you enough diapers, you’ll just need to change them more often. A newborn baby without diapers will be even more comfortable :). Things like powder, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide for treating the navel, body cream - everything is available in the maternity hospital, you don’t need to take it with you. Especially if the maternity hospital is paid, such things are not useful there. The nurses themselves come and process everything the baby needs. And the eyes will be washed and the navel will be treated and lubricated with cream if there is a need for it.

What things should you take to the maternity hospital:

  • utensils (cup, spoon, plate)
  • notepad and pen

The food in the maternity hospital is tolerable, you can eat :). Honestly, after giving birth, it’s better to stay on this diet for a while. They have it adapted for newborns (so that there are no rashes). You can take bagged tea and sugar with you. Everything else will be provided by your relatives at your request.

What should you take to the maternity hospital for discharge:

There is no need to take these things in advance.
On the day of discharge, relatives will bring:

  • Clothes for mom. To avoid getting into trouble, it is better to take things that you wore during pregnancy. Because the belly doesn’t go away so quickly, and you may not be able to fit into another one.

For a newborn, we take things with elements of blue or pink depending on the gender of the child:

  • Diaper
  • Bodysuit or blouse or vest
  • Sliders
  • Thin cap
  • Booties or socks
  • Diaper (thin + thick). Under a warm blanket.
  • Take a camera or a video camera (or maybe both) when you leave so that this wonderful moment in your life remains on your photo cards. This point is especially important!

During the cold season (autumn, spring, winter) the following will be additionally required for discharge:

  • Warm hat
  • Winter overalls or envelope or warm blanket with ribbon

This concludes the list of what you need to take to the maternity hospital for yourself and your newborn.

P.S. Sweet gifts and flowers for the nurse will also come in handy, who will carry your baby, and the rest of the doctors at will. I sincerely wish you to easily endure childbirth and give birth to a strong, healthy baby! Happiness to your family and home!