New Year's scenario at a sports school. New Year's sports festival in elementary school

New Year

The development of motor abilities and the promotion of sports throughout life are extremely relevant in modern society, when opportunities for physical activity are becoming less and less.

Extracurricular sports work brings variety to children's lives, increases the interest of participants in such events, enriches and improves the emotional background, expands the scope of communication, has a beneficial effect on personality development, and creates conditions for the manifestation of activity and creative inclinations of children. At the same time, interest in physical education and sports increases. Daily physical activity becomes an integral part of everyday life.

I believe that every physical education teacher should pay great attention to the development of extracurricular sports activities. I bring to your attention the development of a sports festival.


Participants enter the gym to the sounds of a sports march, with a captain ahead of each team. Teams line up in 4 columns and greet each other. Raising the competition flag is given to the city team winners. The presenter welcomes the competition participants and guests of the sports festival, congratulates them on the upcoming New Year, and wishes them successful starts. Then he introduces the jury members.

Winter has come, dress in white fields
There are trees with white caps
Winter is for the strong, dexterous, and brave.
The competition begins

Relay “New Year”. Each team member must run their stage, symbolizing a certain year according to the Eastern calendar, as quickly as possible. The challenge for competition participants is similar to the “Calling Numbers” relay race, only instead of numbers, students of a certain year are called up according to the Eastern calendar.

Relay race with gymnastic benches. Run to the bench, jump on both legs along the bench with your hands supporting it, then run around the Christmas tree stand; do the same exercises in reverse order.

Somersault relay race on a gymnastics mat. Run to the gymnastics mat, somersault forward; back running on the gymnastic bench.

Performance by girls from 11th grade. Rhythmic gymnastics

Relay race with jumping rope. Run to the judge standing with a jump rope, 10 minutes of jumping rope and run back to the starting point. The judges count the total number of jumps performed by the entire team

Relay race “Equipment for the skier”. In this relay, the team must dress its twelfth participant, who stands at the Christmas tree. Each participant at his stage must put a certain piece of clothing (equipment) on the twelfth participant, return, and pass the baton by touching his hand to the participant of the next stage.

1st stage - the participant must put sweatpants on a teammate standing by the Christmas tree, 2nd stage - a sweater, 3rd stage - a hat, 4th - a jacket, 5th - a scarf, 6th - mitten, 7th - second mitten, 8th - right ski, 9th - left ski, 10th - one ski pole, 11th - second ski pole.

The relay is considered complete when the dressed skier makes one circle around the tree.

Presenter: “So that our Christmas tree sparkles with fire, let the athletes from our gym decorate it.”

Relay race “Who can decorate the Christmas tree faster.” At the start there are Christmas tree toys made by children from paper. Each participant takes one toy, runs to the Christmas tree, hangs the toy, comes back and passes the baton by touching his hand.

Captains competition. The tasks are written inside the balloons. The captains, having burst the balloon, must fulfill them.

They say on New Year's Eve that you won't wish for it
Everything will always happen!
Things always happen!

Relay “Wishes”. Run to the Whatman paper attached to the wall and write a wish on it.

Performance by girls from 11th grade. Rhythmic gymnastics.

SUMMARIZING. To the sounds of a sports march, festival participants line up. The panel of judges announces the results of the sports festival. Presents prizes and certificates to teams. The captain of the winning team lowers the flag of the sports festival.

Health is the foundation of life!
Strengthen it from school.
Spiritually and physically healthy
Walk beautifully through life!
Not a day without developing your body
Mind and soul and everything.
There is no limit to perfection
When his soul thirsts!

The presenter thanks everyone for participating in the sports festival and says goodbye to the participants and guests of the sports festival. The teams leave the gym to loud applause.

Before preparing for the sports festival, all classes of participants in the sports festival are given a position. Posted on a special notice board invitation for the fans.



Creating conditions for the realization of creative abilities, broadening horizons, popularizing a healthy lifestyle, increasing the emotional mood of students.


General management of the preparation and conduct of the competition is carried out by Petridi N.A.


The competition is held on December 20, 2008 at 13:15 in the gymnasium No. 4.


Pupils in grades 5-6 who have a basic and preparatory health group are allowed to participate in competitions. Team composition: 6 boys, 6 girls and one parent. The team must have a uniform sports uniform.

MUSICAL ACCOMPANIMENT: sports marches, songs about sports, New Year's songs.

TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT: sound reproducing equipment, disks, microphones.

EQUIPMENT AND INVENTORY: competition flag, 4 markers, 4 Whatman paper, 4 task balloons, 4 relay batons, 4 jump ropes, 4 Christmas tree stands, 4 gymnastic benches, 4 gymnastic mats, 4 bags with 12 toys for decorating the Christmas tree, 12 images of the corresponding eastern calendar ( Annex 1), for a skier - 4 pairs of skis, 4 pairs of ski poles, 4 pairs of mittens, 4 scarves, 4 sweaters, four sports pants.


For first place - 1 point, second place - 2 points, third place - 3 points, fourth place - 4 points.


Winners and runners-up are awarded with certificates, medals and sweet prizes.

A final table is prepared for the competition protocol.


Class Passing the baton Calling numbers Gymnastic bench Somersaults Jumping rope “Equip a skier” Christmas tree elegant Captains competition Wishes Bottom line Place
5 B


  1. developing in students a culture of preserving and improving their own health;
  2. promotion of healthy lifestyles;
  3. popularization of a healthy lifestyle among children, their parents and teachers;
  4. organize healthy recreation for students;
  5. develop their strength, agility, endurance, mobility;
  6. foster a sense of mutual assistance.


  1. promoting health and all-round physical development of schoolchildren;
  2. educating them in the spirit of patriotism, collectivism and friendship, developing high moral and strong-willed qualities, increasing discipline and organization;
  3. organize leisure and active recreation for students;
  4. strengthen friendships between students.

Relevance: The physical development of a person creates the prerequisites for full-fledged mental work. A physically healthy person can perform better in productive work, overcome heavy loads, and tire less. Along with the implementation of physical development, physical education is designed to arouse in students the need and interest in physical education and sports.

Location: gym.

Hall decoration: New Year's decorations, posters, balloons, etc.

Musical accompaniment: children's songs about physical education, sports march, New Year's songs.

Technical means: music center, discs, microphones.

Sport equipment: foam balls, plastic buckets, brooms, mittens, felt boots, carrot nose (fake), medallion buttons, artificial Christmas trees, hoops (4-5 pieces), g/sticks, large galoshes, skittles, hockey sticks, pucks, throwing balls , small hoops, jump ropes, balloons.

Participants: Pupils of grades 3-4 participate in the festival

The progress of the holiday

Formation and presentation of teams, opening parade, welcoming words.


A dense forest, a blizzard field
The winter holiday is coming to us.
So let's say it together:
Hello, hello, New Year!

Children. Hello, hello, New Year!

Leading. Quite a lot of time will pass, and the new year 2011 will come. And today we have gathered with you in this gym, where everyone can compete in agility, speed, accuracy and strength.

And now we move on to the relay races.


Teams must introduce themselves, but not identify themselves. They are required to show this through facial expressions and gestures, and the audience guesses the names of the teams.

Leading. Now that we have met, you can attach your emblems. Now, tell me, without whom is the New Year impossible?

Children. Without Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, winter.

Leading. Dear Guys! Today Father Frost, Snegurochka and their assistant Snowman will definitely come to visit us. But the evil Snowstorm covered all the roads and paths, scattered our snowman into many snowflakes and made snowdrifts.

(Metelitsa comes out and scatters foam balls in the form of snow.)

Leading. How will Father Frost and Snow Maiden get to our holiday, how will they find their way? What should we do, guys? I think I know who can help us. It will be you guys.


Whose team collects the most snowflakes from artificial snow in 30 seconds wins. The jury sums up the results.

Leading. Guys, what a great fellow you are, how many snowflakes you collected that the Blizzard swept up. From them you can make Santa Claus's assistant, the Snowman. So let's do it now.


Opposite each team are its fans with Snowman attributes. At the signal, team members take turns running to their fan and putting one element of Snowman paraphernalia on him (plastic bucket, mittens, felt boots, broom, carrot nose, artificial Christmas tree, medallion buttons). The team that dresses up the Snowman faster and better wins.

Blizzard. Here I was blowing snowflakes, scattering the Snowman, making snowdrifts so that Santa Claus and Snow Maiden would not come to your holiday. And I see that you have swept away all the snowdrifts here and made snowmen. But you have not cleared the most important path for the appearance of Santa Claus, and I will block it, and I will blow you all out, wind you up and freeze you.

Leading. And you and I, guys, will now hold the “Crossing” competition so that Metelitsa understands that we are not afraid of challenges.


The guides have 6 gymnastic hoops in their hands. At a signal, they place one hoop on the floor and stand in it, then at arm's length they place the second hoop and jump into it. And so, laying out the hoops and jumping from one to another, they reach the stand marking the opposite bank. Following the guides, jumping from hoop to hoop, all participants cross from shore to shore. The last of them collects the hoops, after which the whole team quickly returns to the starting place. The team that finishes the relay first wins (the place is determined by the time of the last finisher).

(Snowman's exit).

Snowman. Hello girls and boys. I am glad to see you so beautiful, healthy, athletic and very pleased that you defeated the evil Snowstorm, blinded me and my snowman friends, since we are the main assistants of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. I came to your holiday for a reason, with a surprise. I suggest you go on a New Year's trip to the winter forest in search of Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Metelitsa no longer had any strength left to delay our meeting with Father Frost and Snow Maiden, but in the end, gathering all her anger, she made a lot of snowballs for us. But I think we can easily overcome them and roll over them.


Each participant rolls the ball with one hand to a reference post. Taking the ball back into his hands, he returns at a run, passes it to the next participant on the starting line, etc.

Leading. Well done, guys, you proved that you withstood all the tests of the Snowstorm with dignity, and now the time has finally come to meet Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. So let's all invite them together to our holiday.

Children. Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden!

(Exit of Father Frost and Snow Maiden).

Father Frost. Hello my friends! Our children, girls and boys, are tired of waiting.

Snow Maiden. Oh, Santa Claus, how many friends he meets us with.

Father Frost. We walked along forest paths, covered in snowflakes.

Snow Maiden. And from the very ends of the earth we brought joy and laughter.

Father Frost. Happy New Year, new happiness, I wish everyone to be healthy! Have fun and frolic, learn wisely. So that our laughter always rings. Happy New Year to everyone, everyone, everyone.

Snowman. Santa Claus, we are all very glad to see you. The guys were worried how you would get there in such a snowstorm.

Father Frost. Yes, there are snowdrifts in front of the houses, you can’t get through them. But I knew. that you will help us get there quickly and see for yourself how strong and dexterous the guys here are.

Snow Maiden. Guys, you know that winter has given us wonderful sports. Which ones do you know?

(Children list winter sports).

Father Frost. Now we will hold fun competitions for you in these sports.

"Fun Hockey" One of the participants of each team, leading the puck (felt boot) with a stick (broom), must go around all the pins to the finish line, pick up the puck (felt boot) there, run back in a straight line to the start, pass the baton to another participant, etc. The winner is the team that covers the distance faster without knocking over the pins.


At the signal, the first participants lie on their stomachs on the bench and, pulling themselves up with their hands, crawl along it. Then they run to the reference post, run around it and return to the starting line. The team that finishes the relay first wins.


Skates are replaced with large galoshes. Place one pair of galoshes on the starting line for each team. All relay participants jump into galoshes and cover the distance to the turn signal and back. The most agile and fastest ones win these races.

Snow Maiden. We all feel very good and happy today because the New Year holiday has come to us. Come on, children, let's all play with the balloon.

"Air Snowflake"

Each team is given a balloon and a stick (badminton racket). The first participant from each team moves, hitting the balloon with a stick, to the turn indicator and back to the start, where he passes the balloon and stick to the next participant, etc. Penalty points are awarded for the ball falling to the floor.

"Secret Cipher"

Opposite each team is a postcard cut into 10 pieces. Each team member runs up one by one and puts together a postcard from the pieces.

(The jury evaluates the correctness of the folded postcard).

Father Frost. The Snow Maiden and I came quickly to please the children. My bag is always with me, and the gifts in the bag are tasty and bright.

(The jury sums up the overall results and awards).

Father Frost. The time has come to say goodbye. I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart. Let both adults and children celebrate the New Year together.

Snow Maiden. We will return to you in a year. We'll meet again in this gym. See you again!


(Sports competition dedicated to the New Year!)


    Develop a positive attitude towards an active lifestyle;

    Foster the need for team cohesion and unity, a tolerant attitude towards team members;

    Charge yourself with positive emotions, energy, joy.

Inventory: 2 batons, 4 hoops, 2 balls, 2 sheets, 2 chairs, color. pencils, 8 hurdles, rope, 2 balls with horns, 2 darts.

Presenter No. 1:

To grow and harden
Not by days, but by hours,
Do physical exercise,
We need to study!

Presenter No. 2:

Hello, dear guys and dear teachers!

We are very pleased to see you all today in our gym!

We are starting the most fun of all sports and the most athletic of all fun games - “Fun Starts”!

Presenter No. 1;

And our gym turns into a winter stadium!

Competitors will compete in strength, agility, ingenuity, and speed!

Presenter No. 2.

We dedicate this sports holiday to the New Year!

Presenter No. 1:

Class representatives! Stand in one line! Pay for the first, second or third!

So we have two teams! Each team comes up with a team name and greeting!

The teams say their names and greet their opponents.

Presenter No. 2:

The teams greeted each other, and we introduce the jury that will evaluate us!

1.. ……

2. ……..

    Relay "Baton"

On command, the first participant runs, runs around the turntable, and passes the baton!

2. Relay race “Put it back!”

Leading. There are two hoops on the field with a distance of 10 m, in the first hoop there is a volleyball ball. The participant must run to the first hoop, pick up the ball and transfer it to the second hoop. Then run around the post again, take the ball from the second hoop, return it to the first and pass the baton.

3. Ball relay

Leading. Each team is given a ball. On command, you hold the ball between your legs and jump or run, as best you can, to the hoop. Place the ball in the hoop and run to your team. The next participant runs to the hoop, squeezes the ball between his legs and runs with it back to the team. And so on until the last participant. Whoever finishes first wins. If someone drops the ball, then he starts all over again. Is the task clear? Reade set Go! The music is playing and the relay race is going on.

Host: Who knows poems about the New Year? Tell me...

A story of poetry...


Captain, captain, smile

After all, a smile is the flag of a ship.

Captain, captain, don't be lazy,

Only the brave conquer the seas.

So, what's the competition?

Students. Captains competition.

Leading.. Right.

4. Assignment for captains

Leading. The captains must run up to the table and quickly draw a symbol for the next year! Whoever can do it faster, more colorfully and brightly wins!

    Fifth relay: Barriers

Team members run, jump over the first hoop, climb through the second, jump through the third and climb again, running back.

    Ball relay.

They jump on the balls, throw one dart, and run back; whoever is more accurate gets a plus point.

    Relay race Tug of war.

Leading . Our “Fun Starts” are over.

Our friendship won, but there is a team that was luckier. She turned out to be a little faster, stronger and taller. Congratulations guys. The jury's word.

The winners are being awarded.

Presenter No. 1.

We will be friends with sports

And cherish our friendship.

And then we will become strong,

Healthy, capable,

Both dexterous and brave.

Presenter No. 2.

I wish you, friends, always

Be strong athletes.

After all, only sport will help you

Be healthy and strong.