Printable New Year's angels on windows templates. Volumetric angel - paper cut out

For teenagers

How to make an angel out of paper- several options from Tatyana Yablonskaya for Christmas 2019.

- These are the messengers of God. They are mentioned in every religion, so they are known all over the world. In appearance, an angel is a weightless translucent entity, which is characterized by humility, insight and immortality. As a rule, these entities have neither gender nor age. Most often, angels are depicted as humanoid, wearing loose long robes, with wings and a halo above their heads.

People believe that angels protect them, so they decorate their homes with figurines of these cute creatures. You can make a guardian angel yourself, from almost any material. Figures made of clay, porcelain look great (see ours). Today we will try to make paper angels. This is the most affordable material that is always at hand. To make the result pleasing, you will need a little imagination, perseverance and diligence. Well, today there are many variations. You can come up with something of your own, unusual and original.

In our work we will use:

  • regular napkins,
  • openwork napkins,
  • office white paper,
  • cardboard,
  • colored double-sided paper,
  • special strips for quilling.

Let's do it first snow-white paper angels, which symbolize purity, purity, tenderness and lightness.

Three-dimensional paper angel (stencils)

Option 1

We take plain white paper and draw on it the silhouette of an angel from the front, with a pipe in his hand. Separately, draw the wings in span. These will be stencils.

Using these stencils, we cut out 4 blanks. On the wings (where the feathers should be) we make a fringe to make them look more magnificent. The bottom of angel dresses can be made openwork using a regular hole punch.

Now we make a small cut on the back and in the middle of the wings. We connect two parts.

You get these little angels with open wings.

We tie strings to each figure (either by the wings or by the halo) and hang them on the chandelier. The blowing air causes the figures to slowly move and spin on a string. It turns out very beautiful!

Option 2

On a white sheet of paper or thin cardboard, draw an angel with a fluffy skirt and high wings. You can print this template:

We cut along the contour with scissors and carefully cut out a halo and heart for the figure.

We take a figured hole punch and make a pattern on the hem of the skirt.

Glue the edges of the skirt and handles using PVA glue. Now the angel can stand.

We make a candle from a napkin and a yellow thread and glue the figures to our hands.
It turns out to be a voluminous angel with flowers on the skirt.

Option 3

On a thick sheet of white paper we draw two stencils: one part with wings, and the other without wings.

Cut out 1 piece with wings and 6 pieces without wings.

We fold those parts that are without wings in half lengthwise.

Now we glue them to the blank with wings. To do this, coat the folded area with PVA glue and apply it to the middle of the central part. Three things in the front and the same number in the back.
The result is a magnificent bell-shaped angel.

Another difficult option from YouTube, but very beautiful! If you manage to fold a three-dimensional angel using this form, send us a photo, we will be happy to publish your boasts.

Angels made from napkins

Option 4

We will make this angel from three-layer white napkins.

Unfold one napkin and place a paper ball in the center.

We connect all the corners of the napkin and form the head of the future craft. We fix it with a napkin rope. Trim off the excess to make a full skirt.
We make the wings from a rectangular cut, which is pulled together in the center with a flagellum.

Glue the wings to the dress using PVA glue. We decorate the head of the figurine with a paper flagellum.
The napkin angel is ready!

Option 5

To make this craft, you need to take round openwork napkins. You will need 2 pieces in total.

From one whole napkin we form a low cone.
We cut the second napkin into segments. We glue handles (cones) from 2 pieces and make wings from 2 smaller triangles.
We make the head of the figurine from a napkin and a paper ball, as we did in option 4.

Glue the head onto the sharp edge of the cone. We place our arms on the sides and wings on the back.

All that remains is to decorate the craft a little with a golden thread.
It turns out openwork paper angel!

Video on how to make such an openwork angel:

Craft “Paper Angel” (accordion)

Option 6

To make this angel, cut a sheet of paper in half lengthwise.

We take 2 strips and form accordions from them. The width of the side should not be more than 1 cm.

We glue them together, not reaching the edge by 3 cm. We turn these parts to the sides - these will be the handles. And on top we glue a large pink bead - this is the head of an angel.

You can make the body differently. Fold one sheet like an accordion, and then make a 3.5 cm long cut in the center.

Bend these edges to the sides, as in the first case.

Glue an oval-shaped purple bead in the center.

Now we use a figured hole punch to make pink and lilac flowers.

Glue flowers to the dress (bottom, sleeves, center).
The result was angels in pleated dresses.

A similar version made from accordion paper is shown in this video:

Option 7

We will form an accordion again. You just need to glue three halves of a white sheet lengthwise.

We glue the accordion into a tube and cut out the silhouette of the upper half of the body.

Lubricate the bottom of the silhouette with PVA glue and place it in the center of the accordion pipe. We coat all the folds with glue and fix them with a napkin so that they stick together. Then you get a fluffy pleated skirt.

All that remains is to glue the handles and wings. You can also cut out a candle and make a small book out of paper.
Now our angel reads a prayer or sings a Christmas song by candlelight.

These snow-white creatures will fit into the interior of any room and will become real guardian angels for those to whom you give them as a souvenir. And this is not to mention the pleasure that the process of making figures itself will bring. You can involve small children in it. They will be happy to take part in creating such beauty.

Option 8 (openwork)

Winter spoils us with magical holidays! presents an opportunity to meet friends and relatives, please each other with gifts, fulfill someone’s cherished dream and return to childhood again. And it gives an inexhaustible faith in goodness and miracles, which are sometimes so lacking in life. Let's get a little closer to the mysterious and try make an angel, bringing peace and goodness on his wings. Be sure to tell your children the history of the great holiday and its significance for all people. Then the angel will be charged with the energy of your hands and hearts and will become the guardian of a happy life in the family!

List of materials needed to create an openwork angel figurine:

  • white (colored) A4 paper;
  • a simple pencil;
  • scissors;
  • eraser;
  • glue.

Prepare everything you need for the creative process. You can use white or colored paper, depending on your wishes. The figurine made of silver and gold paper also looks original.

Fold the sheet in half. Unfold again and bend one of the halves inward to the fold line. Unfold a quarter of the sheet and fold it in half inward. Do this to find the width of the strip to create the paper accordion.

Do the same with the other half. After this, assemble the sheet into an “accordion”, properly ironing all the folds.

Using a simple pencil, draw various patterns on the first half of the “accordion” - this is the future attire of the angel. Make the edge round.

Draw a pattern on the top of the accordion - these are the future angel wings. Make the edge leaf-shaped (with a pointed end).

Cut out a pattern at the bottom of the paper blank. Cut carefully, without haste, otherwise you may cut off excess.

Cut out a pattern at the top of the accordion.

If you straighten the workpiece, you will get this openwork “canvas”.

Cut two identical strips from white paper. The length of the strips should be at least 20 cm, width 1-1.5 cm.

Fold one of the strips four times. Cut out a random pattern across the entire surface.

Use the second stripe to decorate your head. Roll a small ring and glue the edges. Wrap the remaining length of the strip around the first ring to form a second rounded row. Make a third round row by gluing the remaining strips.

These are the details you should get from strips of paper.

Let's move on to the design of the angel figurine. Calculate the middle of the accordion. For convenience, count the gathers on both sides. In the upper part, make a cut 6-7 cm deep, bend the wings. This is how you share the angel's wings.

Glue the gathers in the middle along the angel's body to the point where the wings bend so that the figure does not fold when they rise.

Grease the sides to adhere the wings to the garment.

Spread your wings and angel robe.

Glue the head in the middle of the wings.

Glue a patterned strip from one edge of the wings to the other.

If you want to create a festive Christmas atmosphere in your home, then I suggest you decorate your window beautifully and festively. Surprise your loved ones and friends by making an original Christmas window for Christmas, which will definitely not leave your family, friends and neighbors indifferent.
After all, looking at a beautiful Christmas window, your soul will always be joyful and warm. Templates for windows can be different, but since Christmas is coming soon, we’ll look at some beautiful Christmas angels that you can make with your own hands from paper. I think if you have the desire and a little free time, you will definitely make and decorate the window very beautifully, I don’t even doubt it.
I will upload angel ideas for you and you can choose them as you wish. Some stencils can be used as garlands.
Decorate your home and create a Christmas atmosphere in it.

The story of the Nativity of Christ.

The Nativity of Jesus Christ is celebrated differently in different churches; in Russia, Christmas is celebrated on January 7th. This is one of the most important holidays for Christians. The name “Jesus” means “Savior”, “Christ” means “Anointed One”, i.e. Jesus Christ is God's Anointed One, the King of Heaven and Earth, the Prophet and Savior of human souls. The Nativity of Christ marks a new era - the transition from paganism to Christianity, because for the forgiveness of the sins of all people, Jesus Christ came to earth, suffered like an ordinary person, and died on the Cross.

The Mother of God - Virgin Mary, together with her husband Joseph, lived in the Jewish city of Nazareth. After the Annunciation - the announcement by the Archangel Gabriel of the good news about the birth of the Son of God Jesus Christ - the Roman Emperor Augustus, who conquered Judea, decided to conduct a population census, which every resident of Judea had to take in the city of his birth.
Therefore, Mary and Joseph went to their homeland - to the city of Bethlehem, located somewhere 15 km from the capital of Judea - Jerusalem. The path was quite difficult, however, on the evening of January 6, Mary and Joseph reached Bethlehem, which was crowded with people wishing to take the census. All the hotels were occupied; out of despair, the Virgin Mary and Joseph decided to spend the night in a country cave, in which sheep usually slept at night. But that night the cave was empty, to the delight of the travelers.
It was in this very cave that the Savior, Jesus Christ, was born from Mary. The difficult life path of Jesus began not in a royal mansion or even in a house, but in an ordinary cave, on hard straw, which clearly characterizes the sacrificial life of Jesus Christ for the sake of saving us mere mortals, sinful people.

In that country there were shepherds in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. Suddenly an Angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them; and they were afraid with great fear. And the Angel said to them: Do not be afraid; I bring you good news of great joy, which will be to all people: for today a Savior has been born to you in the city of David, who is Christ the Lord; and here is a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly a large army of heaven appeared with the Angel, glorifying God and crying: glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men!
When the Angels departed from them into heaven, the shepherds said to each other: let's go to Bethlehem and see what happened there, which the Lord told us about. And they hastened and came and found Mary and Joseph, and the child lying in a manger. When they saw it, they told about what had been announced to them about this Child. And all who heard were amazed at what the shepherds told them. But Mary kept all these words, writing them in her heart.

When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of King Herod, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem and said, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews?” For we saw His star in the east and sewed it to worship Him. And behold, the star that they saw in the east walked before them, when it finally came and stood over the place where the Child was. Seeing the star, they rejoiced with very great joy, and, entering, they saw the Child with Mary, His Mother, and, falling down, they worshiped Him; and having opened their treasures, they brought Him gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh.
When they departed, behold, the Angel of the Lord appears to Joseph in a dream and says: get up, take the Child and His Mother and run to Egypt, and be there until I tell you, for Herod wants to look for the Child in order to destroy Him. He got up, took the Child and His Mother at night and went to Egypt, and was there until the death of Herod.

This is the Christmas story that happened many years ago in Bethlehem.

Look what beautiful windows our craftswomen Anya Dovgailo and Yagodki made

Paper figures cut out on windows and walls - vytynankas - will help create a New Year's atmosphere. This selection includes silhouettes of New Year's heroes: Father Frost and Snow Maiden, snowmen, gnomes; Christmas trees, balls and bells, snowflakes, snow-covered houses, deer, bunnies and animals.

The templates can be easily printed on a sheet of white paper, cut out and pasted on the window with soapy water, or secured in other corners of the New Year's interior. Vytynankas are suitable for decorating cards, posters and other New Year's crafts. But most often, paper protrusions are hung on windows to decorate the room both inside and outside.

With small protrusions you can decorate a window or create a composition on a windowsill or table; with larger stencils you can decorate the walls in a room or on the stage where the New Year's holiday will take place.

Here are the stencils for the silhouette cutting of the Snow Maiden and Father Frost. You can cut with thin scissors or a stationery knife; you will definitely need a backing board so as not to scratch the table. You can use a plastic cutting board or a piece of linoleum.

Silhouette paper cutout: Christmas tree

You can cut out the Christmas tree using a stencil as a silhouette, or you can make a symmetrical cutout by folding a sheet of paper in half. We make a standing Christmas tree in one of the following ways: glue two symmetrical Christmas trees onto an oval paper stand, or fold each Christmas tree in half and glue it together.

If you cut out two figures from tinted paper using the following stencil, you can connect them and get a beautiful three-dimensional New Year's composition. This composition will look great suspended from the ceiling or a lamp in the center of the room.

Paper protrusions: snowflakes and ballerinas

Snowflakes on windows are also vytynankas, perhaps the most common and popularly loved. Snowflakes can be very different, especially if the master uses all his imagination. You can create a symmetrical snowflake by folding the paper several times. If you try, you can even cut out snowflakes with stars at the ends of the rays.

You will find more in this collection
If you cut out a large enough snowflake, you can place a completely independent composition inside it. For example, a New Year's snowman or a snowy forest.

Snowflakes can take the form of light snow ballerinas. To do this, cut out the silhouette of a ballerina separately, put an openwork snowflake on it and hang it by a thread. The result is a very delicate, airy decoration that can be hung from the ceiling or lamp.

Vytynanka: Christmas balls

Silhouettes of Christmas tree decorations can be cut out either in a symmetrical pattern or using an individual stencil. These decorations can be used to complement a composition on a window, decorate a Christmas tree, or attach them with threads to a chandelier or curtain.

Vytynanki: New Year's bells

We make carved bells using a stencil. If you glue translucent paper, for example, tracing paper, to the inside of the cutout, then such a bell can be used with a backlight effect.

Silhouette cutout: deer, sleigh, cart

Another fabulous New Year's hero is the deer. The delivery of the wizard Father Frost and the Snow Maiden is associated with it. We offer stencils for cutting out deer, carts and sleighs.

Paper cut: snowmen

Charming Snowmen are another character of the New Year holiday. It’s easy to cut out their figures symmetrically, or you can make a “family photo of Snowmen” or a composition with a Christmas tree and children.

Large protrusions look great on a plain curtain and can completely replace complex decorations.

Composition of silhouette clippings with backlight

With openwork paper cutouts you can decorate not only the window, but also create a three-dimensional panorama on the windowsill. It will be especially impressive if you put a garland or small lights inside the box.

Get involved in the design of New Year's decorations - made of paper with your children. This is not only useful for developing imagination and training fine motor skills, but will also give you a lot of pleasure from joint creativity, and then from contemplating the resulting beauty!

Therefore, it is often used when decorating for these celebrations. The vytynanki of Angels will help you with this. Download, cut and create a magical holiday atmosphere.

New Year and Christmas are closely related, and the celebration of one flows into the other. The styles of decorations for these celebrations are similar and intertwined with each other. This should be taken into account when preparing, weaving Christmas motifs into the New Year's surroundings.

Vytynanka Angels will perfectly complement your New Year's home decoration, along with snowflakes, candles, wreaths and other original paraphernalia.

By the way, by February 14, the image of Cupid and Cupid can be replaced with his “unarmed brother”, leaving hearts unbroken. Templates of angels with trumpets, harps, bells and stars are at your service, without any bladed weapons.

Name days are also called Angel Day, so this symbol is also relevant on birthdays. It can be used as a design element for a gift, card or gift wrapping.

Cutting out protuberances of Angels and other figures is wonderful not only from the point of view of festive decoration. But also from the point of view of developing creative abilities and teaching children to do needlework and use tools. However, on top of everything else, this is another way to spend the evening with the whole family making crafts.

Want even more stencils? Then you will find what you were looking for!

New Year's vytynanki have become an indispensable attribute of this holiday along with garlands and. They are most often cut out and glued to windows, creating a fabulous atmosphere. But we will not limit ourselves to just this idea: let’s see which vytynanka templates can be used for, which are suitable for decorating a festive table, and which for creating. In fact, the scope for using protrusions is limitless!

In addition to the most fabulous ideas for decorating your home with vytynankas for the New Year 2020, “Cross” will tell you in detail:

What types of vytynankas are there?

Most often, protrusions are cut out on, so we will rely on this topic. So, what can be classified as silhouette and what can be classified as symmetrical protrusions.


  • numbers for numbering the coming year
  • symbol of the coming year ()
  • winter compositions
  • and Snow Maiden
  • animal figurines
  • fairy tale heroes

Even such simple protrusions on the windows will look very elegant:

From simple pictures cut out using stencils, you can create complex compositions and full-fledged plots:

People with extensive experience cut out plots of incredible complexity:

What materials and tools will be useful in the work?

We are pleased to publish on the pages of the online magazine “Cross” a list of everything that may be needed and help in the cutting process, as well as for gluing.

  • Printer or copier
  • white A4 paper, colored printer paper, not too thick Whatman paper, kraft cardboard
  • stationery knife small size (the sharper the knife blade, the easier it is to cut, and the smoother the protrusion) or a knife for artistic work (paper cutter), for example, from Mr.Painter or Erich Krause.
  • cutting base(a breadboard mat, a cutting board, a piece of plywood, or, as a last resort, a thick stack of newspapers or magazines that you don’t mind ruining)
  • scissors(regular and manicure ones are useful, as well as those with a very sharp nose)
  • pencil
  • tweezers
  • box or package for paper waste
  • box (preferably with a lid) for storing finished vytynankas
  • glue or double-sided tape, laundry or other soap
  • sponge or tassel

Kraft cardboard vytynanki

Art knife

Dummy cutting mat


The vytynanka painting will fit perfectly in a box from:

Even the simplest ones will become more elegant if they are decorated with cut-out scenes on a current topic:

Vytynankas cut from very thick paper or even cardboard:

  • decorate a mobile phone
  • chandelier or lamp
  • suitable as

In order to make such New Year's balls, cut out a New Year's protrusion from paper or cardboard, and then stick it on cardboard of a different color.

Can serve as table decorations:

And the illuminated city will literally bring any window sill to life! To make such a city on the window, place snowdrifts below, some that houses can easily fit into. ,