New Year's days snow is frosty and biting. Short children's poems about the New Year tree

Church holidays

Nadezhda Sushkina
Scenario for a New Year's party for children of senior preschool age "New Year's Days"

MKDOU Kindergarten "Buratino" s. Ilir

"New Year's Day" script for a matinee in a senior mixed-age group.

Prepared: Teacher Sushkina N. D.

Children enter the festively decorated hall to the music.

Leading: We are starting a children's ball, a fun, noisy carnival!

We are inviting friends for the holiday, hurry up and join us here as soon as possible!

The Christmas tree has come to visit us and is glowing with lights.

Let our friends celebrate a happy hour with us!

We’ll dance and sing under the tree, because it’s New Year’s today.

Look everyone, and we will start our holiday New Year!

1 child: Happy New Year!

With winter snowy weather, with clear days,

With skis and skates! With a white blizzard,

WITH New Year's Congratulations to the children with a fir tree -

All girls and boys!

2 child: New Year's Day! The snow is frosty and stinging.

The lights on the fluffy Christmas tree came on.

The painted ball swayed, the beads jingled.

It smells of forest freshness from resinous spruce.

3 child: Where does the Snow Maiden live? Where there is cold, snow and ice.

Where the blizzard swirls, where the snow is deep.

Winter built her an ice tower.

The Snow Maiden lives there, New Year's Eve awaits!

4 child: Santa Claus rose early today,

I harnessed the reindeer to the sled and brought a large sack.

There are birch trees all around, spruce trees frozen in silver,

And the sleigh flew to the children's holiday.

5 child: I’ll get up early in the morning, kiss my mother,

I'll look under the tree and prick myself with a needle.

Who brought me the gift, Mom or Santa Claus?

6 child: New Year gifts! We've been waiting for them for a whole year.

What's in the bright package? The heart will skip a beat...

What's there? A doll or a bear, maybe a ball or a book?

Maybe there's a car there? I've been dreaming about her for a long time!

Body, steering wheel, big tires - a real dump truck!

New Year's Santa Claus will bring me gifts.

I’ll unwrap the bright bag... How I love the New Year!

Leading: The New Year brought us funny ideas.

Let's begin our round dance with a cheerful ringing song!

Round dance "In December, in December"

7 child: We slept in a box for a whole year New Year's toys.

The bunnies, clowns, and Parsley were very bored in the dark.

But they haven’t faded at all, their outfit is just as bright.

We will hang them on the spruce trees, let them sparkle and burn!

8 child: A white snowflake sat on my mitten

And she ruffled her icy back like a bird.

I froze quietly so as not to fly away.

Soon my mitten will become white - white.

9 child: We are snowflakes, we sisters hold hands tightly.

They circled like birds and flew boldly down.

We didn’t fall on a snowdrift, we ended up on your tree!

10 child: There are deep snows all around, no matter where I look,

The snowstorm is sweeping and swirling, do you recognize winter?

The rivers fell asleep under the ice, froze motionless,

The snowdrifts are burning like silver. Do you recognize winter?

11 child: We are racing down the mountain on skis, the wind is blowing at our backs.

There is no more fun time than that! Do you recognize winter?

We will bring a thick spruce to our beloved holiday,

We'll hang beads on it, do you recognize winter?

Snow Maiden enters: Hello my friends!

Everyone calls me Snegurochka

And on the Christmas tree New Year's Everyone is looking forward to it!

The children have all come to the Christmas tree, the guests are here,

But here's the question: where does our merry wander?

Good Grandfather Frost?

It’s time for him to come, he was delayed on the way.

Santa Claus, oh, oh! Do you hear me calling you!

Music sounds and a Snowman runs into the hall.

Snowman: Aw, aw! Be back soon! (runs around the tree)

Look, they're making noise! Look, they started shouting!

Leading: What's happened? What kind of miracle? Who will you be and where will you come from?

Snowman: Who will I be? Snowman! I'm neither small nor big!

Hello! I heard from friends

From all the forest animals that you decorated the Christmas tree,

Everyone was invited to the celebration (offended)

Well, they forgot about me.

I'm angry with you! Yes Yes!

Run away in all directions! (waves arms, stomps feet)

Leading: Snowman! Don't be angry, look around.

The guys here are just a treasure,

Everyone is happy to see you. Smile more cheerfully

Dance with us!

Dance "Merry Polka"

Snowman: Oh, how hot it became in the hall. Oh, I'm afraid I'll melt now.

Snow Maiden: Let me do a little magic, I’ll blow on you now.

(walks around the Snowman, blows on him)

Guys, help, wave at the Snowman.

(children wave at the Snowman)

Snowman: Yes, it became cool in the hall, you waved so well.

Snow Maiden: Snowman, sit down and watch the snowflakes dance.

Hey, snowflakes, come out and show us your dance.

Dance of snowflakes.

Baba Yaga runs into the hall riding on a broom to the music.

Baba Yaga: What kind of gathering is this? Why fun, laughter?

I’ll throw a party for you, I’ll disperse you all now!

Leading: Wait, Santa Claus will come soon, he will show you!

Baba Yaga: Don’t wait for Santa Claus, he won’t come to you today.

And of course no one will bring you gifts!

Leading: Why doesn’t Santa Claus come, he promised.

Baba Yaga: I tricked Santa Claus and locked him with a big lock.

I have the key to this lock... Look!

(shows a large key on his neck, on a ribbon)

But I won’t give it to you, better don’t ask!

(Baba Yaga sits on a chair near the Christmas tree, examines her key, admires it, strokes herself on the head, praises her for her intelligence, cunning, dexterity)

Snowman: Well, Baba Yaga, bone leg!

What to do, how to be?

Snow Maiden: We need to drink the grandma! I'll do a little magic now and Baba Yaga

will fall asleep. (walks around, puts him to sleep and removes the key, gives

to his Snowman)

Yeah! Here we have it! Snowman, quickly take the key and run

help out Santa Claus!

Leading: Guys, while we are waiting for the Snowman, we will recite poems.

12 child: Hello, Christmas tree, how glad we are,

that you came to us again!

And in green needles

Brought the freshness of the forest!

13 child: On your branches toys and lanterns are burning,

Multi-colored firecrackers, different beads hanging!

14 child: You are the freshness of the forest at dawn

She brought light into our room,

Straightened the resinous needles,

Light up with sparkling lights!

Father Frost: Aw, Aww!

Let's shout together: Grandfather Frost, oh!

Father Frost: Aw, aw! Stuck in the snow!

Snowman runs in: Guys, help me get Santa Claus out of the snowdrift.

(pulled out of the snowdrift by the rope)

Father Frost: I am cheerful Santa Claus, your guest New Year.

Don't hide your nose from me, I'm kind today.

I remember exactly a year ago I saw these guys.

The year flew by like an hour. I didn't even notice.

Here we are again among you, dear children!

Hello, kids, girls and boys!

Get up in a circle and sing a song together!

Song "Swept by a blizzard"

Leading: Santa Claus, the guys want to play with you.

A game "Guess - ka"

Children: Good Grandfather Frost, look at us.

Guess, Santa Claus, what are we doing now?

(play violin)

Father Frost: I’ll think about it now. Are you scratching your beard?

Children: No, we play the violin.

(Etc. - play the pipe - drink milk; play the piano -

You sort through the grains.)

Leading: Well, Grandfather Frost, you guessed nothing!

At this time Baba Yaga wakes up, stretches, yawns.

Baba Yaga: What kind of scream? What's that noise? (she grabs the tape, notices that her key is missing) Oh, they robbed me, guard!

Father Frost: It’s you, Baba Yaga, why did you lure me in and lock me up?

I'll freeze you now!

Baba Yaga: (runs around the tree and talks as he walks)

Wait, wait, Santa Claus. This is an unprecedented thing -

Collect squirrels, Cheburashkas and bunnies for the holiday,

Both girls and boys! Well, have you forgotten about me?

I will not forgive any offense, I will take revenge on you now! Here!

Leading: Baba Yaga, don’t be angry with us. Look how fun it is all around,

What beautiful children!

Baba Yaga: What is it like? Children, then, are beautiful... And I...

Granny Yagulechka, ugly?

Leading: What are you, what are you, Baba Yaga! You are also very beautiful! Is it true,

Guys? Let's praise her. Let everyone say something kind and good to Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga: Oh, I really am such a beauty! I want to play with you

And I won’t scare you, but your Christmas tree is standing without lights, it’s a disaster!

Father Frost: We will fix this problem. Let's all get together let's shout together:

“One, two, three, the Christmas tree is on fire!”

(Christmas tree turns on)

And now it’s time for us kids to play.

Baba Yaga: Can I, can I, play? I want to know which kids are smart and fast. Santa Claus, let's go with you first.

A game "Who will take the toy first"

Father Frost: And now, quickly, guys, let’s get into a round dance again.

I'll take a look: Who sings a sonorous song better?

Round dance "New Year"

Father Frost: You children danced wonderfully, but you didn’t read poetry to me.

Leading: Santa Claus, take a rest and sit under the tree. Listen to how our

children read poetry.

15 child: Happy laughter rings again, our tree is tall.

It is decorated amazingly, reaching up to the ceiling.

Isn't she a beauty? We all like the Christmas tree.

16 child: A wonderful day is coming, New Year is coming to us!

A holiday of laughter and inventions, a holiday of fairy tales for children!

17 child: Congratulations to everyone in the world, We sincerely wish everyone:

So that your hands clap, so that your feet stomp,

To make children smile, have fun and laugh.

18 child: It’s nice for children to dance around the Christmas tree on New Year’s Day.

But it’s still more pleasant, to hide it, to receive Grandfather’s gifts!

19 child: We still couldn’t wait for winter,

To ride a sled from the mountains,

So that our skis and skates

Let's race!

20 child: Even in winter, everyone is waiting for the New Year to come.

And there will be celebration and fun, and Grandfather Frost will come.

21 children: Waving a shaggy branch

Happy New Year to us.

They know all the guys know:

A glorious holiday is coming to us!

Father Frost: Well done! What good poems they told me.

Song "Green Christmas tree"

(at the end of the song, Santa Claus, as if by accident, drops his mitten near Baba Yaga, who picks it up.)

Baba Yaga: We saw it, we saw it, but we won’t give it to you just like that.

Come play with us.

A game "Catch the Mitten"

Father Frost: Oh, and they played great!

Snowman: Santa Claus, haven’t you forgotten about the gifts?

Father Frost: Well, dear friends, the main thing I have in store for you is a miracle.

I’ll give you the gifts that I prepared for you now, guys.

(looks for a bag)

Where is my bag? Here's the secret...

Not on the right... and not on the left... But not on the tree? And not under the tree?

Snowman: Grandfather Frost, maybe Music will help you?

If it sounds loud, your bag is lying next to it!

Father Frost: Well, let's try to search with music.

(music begins to sound quietly, Santa Claus moves further around the hall)

Isn't it on the window? Isn't it on the chair?

Doesn't mom have one? Doesn't dad have one?

(At this time, Baba Yaga quietly rolls out a log from under the tree, with gifts in it. Santa Claus approaches the tree, the music sounds louder. Baba Yaga offers the Snowman to saw the log. They cut it, take out the gifts.)

Snowman (surprised):This is what happens on New Year's Day:

The logs are filled with gifts!

(Funny music sounds, Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Snowman and Baba Yaga distribute gifts to children)

Father Frost: Here comes the holiday New Year It's time for us to finish!

I wish you a lot of joy today, kids!

All: Happy New Year! Goodbye!

Poems about the New Year tree for children, its decorations, sweets and gifts. Very beautiful, funny and festive children's poems for holding a matinee and for decorating a Christmas tree with your family.

You need to memorize one or better several children's poems about the New Year tree with your child in order to tell Santa Claus and get a good gift.

Christmas tree, shine!

The golden rain is pouring down,
Dripping from the Christmas tree.
Admire her:
That's what she is!
Everything sparkles and blooms
Bright lights.
Invites you to a round dance
Have fun with us.
New Year is on its way,
He will come to us soon.
Brighter, Christmas tree, shine
You are a delight for the children!

Candies hung from the Christmas tree

The tree has stretched out its branches,
Smells like forest and winter.
Candies hung from the Christmas tree
And fringed crackers.
We clapped our hands
We stood together in a round dance...
Came so good
And Happy New Year!

Christmas tree

There is a Christmas tree in the room
And, shining with toys, he speaks to us.
The Christmas tree sadly remembers the winter forest,
Full of sonorous songs, fairy tales and miracles.
Christmas tree, don’t be sad in vain, -
We are your cheerful, loyal friends.
So sparkle with a festive rainbow for us,
Be happy, Christmas tree, just like we are now!

On a fluffy Christmas tree

New Year's days,
The snow is frosty and stinging.
The lights came on
On a fluffy Christmas tree.
The painted ball swayed,
The beads jingled.
Smells like forest freshness
From a fluffy spruce.

Miracle Christmas tree

What a miracle, a miracle tree
All the green needles
In beads and balls,
In yellow lanterns!

Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree

Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree,
He lit the lights on it.
And the needles shine on it,
And there’s snow on the branches!

On furry prickly paws

On furry prickly paws
The Christmas tree brings the smell into the house:
The smell of heated pine needles,
The smell of freshness and wind,
And the snowy forest,
And a faint smell of summer.

Live, Christmas tree!

They bought me a Christmas tree!
They bought me a Christmas tree!
In the forest at the edge they did not cut it down.
And they made the Christmas tree at a good factory
Good uncles, cheerful aunts.

Come quickly
Take a quick look
For a Christmas tree made of thin silver threads:
All covered in shaggy needles,
Shiny and lush,
Per day -
And it will ring barely audibly.

But the forest tree remained alive,
Standing on the edge
Nodding with the top of her head.
To whom?
No one!
Just the wind, blizzard,
Just as beautiful
Uncut spruce!

Sparkling Christmas tree

Sparkle with lights, Christmas tree,
Invite us to the holiday.
Fulfill all your wishes
Make all your dreams come true!

Happy New Year,
Happy New Year
Congratulations to everyone,
And then
And let's dance in a circle,
And we will dance and sing.

Santa Claus stands by the Christmas tree,
Hiding a laugh in his beard.
Don't keep us tormented for too long
Untie the bag quickly!

There's no better time for the New Year's rush

I carefully carry the New Year's tree
And I treat her with respect,
When through the narrow doors the beauty of the forest
I'm trying to carry it without hurting it.

We are preparing a beautiful outfit for the Christmas tree
And gifts below for the kids.
Our traditions tell us to do this.
They will be found near branches and pine cones.

There are golden balls coming from the top.
I'll make it rain again.
It’s better not to have the bustle of New Year’s time,
Where all people are preparing for a miracle.


The Christmas tree is dressing up -
The holiday is approaching.
New Year's at the gates
The Christmas tree is waiting for the kids.


The round dance began to spin,
The songs flow loudly.
This means New Year,
This means a Christmas tree!


Hello, holiday tree!
We've been waiting for you all year!
We are at the New Year's tree
Let's lead a friendly round dance!


Our tree is tall
Our tree is big
Taller than mom, taller than dad,
Reaches to the ceiling.


It's snowing, it's snowing!
So, New Year is coming soon!
Santa Claus will come to us,
He will bring gifts to everyone!


What a miracle, a miracle tree
All the green needles
In beads and balls,
In yellow lanterns!


Fur coat, hat, mittens.
Tits are sitting on the nose.
Beard and red nose -
It's Santa Claus!


Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree,
He lit the lights on it.
And the needles shine on it,
And there’s snow on the branches!


I love chocolates
And I love candy
At home everyone thinks I'm
I have a rare sweet tooth.
I know, I know what I brought
Good Grandfather Frost!


The turrets are high
I build on the carpet.
Only a few cubes
It's December!
The cubes are lost
Yes, and I have grown up.
Give me new ones
Santa Claus!


To Grandfather Frost
I'm writing a letter.
Truck with trailers
The baby needs it!
Black tires
And three trailers...
Long car
Give it to me!


Beautiful snowflakes
Descending from heaven.
And the forest, like in the picture,
Full of miracles.
Through the New Year's forest,
Hiding your nose behind your collar,
Lucky gifts sweets
I'm Santa Claus!


Mom decorated the Christmas tree
Anya helped her mother;
I gave her toys:
Stars, balls, firecrackers.
And then the guests were invited
And they danced at the Christmas tree!


New Year, New Year,
He will come very soon.
Let's decorate the Christmas tree
My brother and I are together
Let's dance together
And we'll sing a song.


New Year's days,
The snow is frosty and stinging.
The lights came on
On a fluffy Christmas tree.
The painted ball swayed,
The beads jingled.
Smells like forest freshness
From a fluffy spruce.


Children dance in circles
They clap their hands.
Hello, hello, New Year!
You are so good!


Soon, soon New Year!
Soon Santa Claus will come.
There's a Christmas tree behind me,
Fluffy needles.
He brings us gifts
And he asks us to read poetry.


At the entrance, on the site
I collected the snow with a shovel.
Even though there wasn't a lot of snow,
I made a Snow Maiden.
I put it in the corridor,
And she... melted!


Who is in a smart warm fur coat,
With a long white beard,
Comes to visit on New Year's Day,
Both ruddy and gray-haired?
He plays with us, dances,
It makes the holiday more fun!
- Santa Claus on our Christmas tree
The most important of the guests!


The first snow fell in the morning
White and cold
So he will come to us soon
New Year's holiday.
Lights on our Christmas tree
They will sparkle brightly!
And cheerful Santa Claus
Will bring gifts.