Normal body temperature in newborns. Safety precautions: how not to overheat or overcool

New Year

Any parent takes care of their newborn baby, and the normal temperature in a 2-month-old child is always a pressing issue. In the first months after birth, the norm in children is unstable, since the body has not yet adapted to regulate all heat exchange processes. The first measurements are made in the maternity hospital and subsequently this procedure is performed constantly in order to establish the dynamics of changes in the temperature regime of the small organism.

As soon as young parents discover that the thermometer reading has a value different from the norm of 36.6℃, they begin to experience anxiety and worry that something is wrong in the child’s body. At the same time, we must not forget that for a baby this indicator is not always the norm, since thermoregulation has not yet been fully formed.

Normal temperature at 2 months

A normal temperature for a newborn baby is considered to be between 37.0-37.3℃. At the same time, such figures are considered the norm for up to 3 months, since the thermoregulation system has not yet established its functioning. There are cases when the thermometer shows values ​​up to 38℃, while such children remain completely healthy and feel good.

Due to the fact that a tiny organism needs some time to adapt to new conditions outside the mother’s body, the thermometer reading can either fluctuate within the standard or reach some increases.

At the same time, one cannot help but take into account the fact that the numbers on the measuring device completely depend on the measurement method.

Most often, parents resort to measurement by placing a thermometer in the armpit, but to obtain accurate measurements in this way, several rules should be taken into account:

  • the baby should be in a normal state of rest, perhaps even sleeping;
  • Parents must control the position in which the child is. It is considered ideal when the baby lies on his side;
  • It is worth choosing the optimal time for measurement. The procedure cannot be performed after the newborn is overheated or hypothermic, after eating (from the mother’s breast), otherwise the temperature reading will be incorrect;
  • measurements are carried out over several minutes - a 5-7 minute procedure is considered the best time.

From the above it follows that if your child has a temperature in the range of 36.6-37.5℃ in the first 2 months of life, he is completely healthy. Such values ​​are not a mandatory sign of any disease in the child. However, you should always be attentive to any overheating or hypothermia of the baby; the newborn should feel comfortable.

Reasons for temperature rise above normal

In the case when a 2-month-old baby experiences an increase in temperature above the indicated indicators, the following reasons could provoke such changes:

  • excessively tight swaddling or clothes that are too warm and incompatible with the temperature of the room or air where the baby is located;
  • keeping a 2-month-old baby in the sun for a long time;
  • stool disorders - constipation provokes temperature changes;
  • changes in the baby's drinking regime. If the body does not receive enough fluid, the sweating process is disrupted, and this directly affects the cooling of the body;
  • It may be too early to talk about the eruption of the first teeth, but there are cases where at the age of two months a child’s gums begin to swell, which also affects the change in temperature;
  • Excessive stimulation caused by constant crying, laughing, screaming or hot baths can cause a temperature above normal.

Each of the above reasons is the basis for a change in body temperature in a child at 2 months above normal. First of all, you should ensure the normal condition of the baby by dressing him in comfortable clothes that are appropriate for the atmosphere or weather.

Regularly give the child the amount of liquid that will be sufficient for a small body. To reduce the painful syndrome in case of teething, you can use pain-relieving gels for babies, which help relieve discomfort, which stabilizes the baby’s temperature.

The birth of a baby is always the most exciting moment in the life of its parents, because a tiny and fragile newborn needs their affection, love and care. New moms and dads have to learn a lot to ensure their baby is comfortable and properly cared for.

What should parents of a newborn pay special attention to?

Monitor your newborn's body temperature as often as possible during the first month of life.

Parents pay special attention to the child’s health, noticing the slightest changes in his condition, and this applies primarily to the baby’s body temperature.

And the main questions that worry young mothers are what temperature of the newborn is considered normal, and at what thermometer readings the alarm should be sounded.

What parameters are used to determine normal temperature in a baby?

In a healthy adult, body temperature varies within 36.6–36.9 degrees. When this indicator rises above 37 degrees, this is the first signal for a person that his body has been attacked by pathogenic bacteria and is thus trying to overcome the infection.

But newborn babies have physiological processes, including thermoregulation, which is responsible for body temperature, have not yet had time to form, so they have these indicators can differ significantly .

As soon as the baby is born, its body temperature corresponds to the temperature of the mother, that is does not exceed 36.6 degrees. But in the following days, due to an unsettled thermoregulation mechanism, this indicator may increase or decrease depending on environmental conditions. In this way, the baby adapts to the outside world and the main task of his parents is to help the newborn’s body adapt to new conditions.

Temperature norms for a newborn baby at 1 month

The upper limit of normal body temperature in a newborn baby.

A baby's body temperature in the first month of his life can range from 36.3 to 37.5 degrees.

Both indicators are considered normal, provided that the baby feels well, is not capricious, does not refuse food and has a sound, healthy sleep.

Daily regime

The body temperature of a 1 month old baby may vary depending on the daily routine.

In addition, the temperature of the newborn may change throughout the day and the thermometer readings depend on day and night time and the activity of the baby himself. For example, immediately after walking, eating or swimming, your body temperature will be slightly elevated. Conversely, during sleep and calmness this indicator may be slightly underestimated.

If a baby's body temperature fluctuates slightly down or up, this is normal and there is no reason for parents to worry.

If the thermometer shows 37 degrees or higher for several days in a row, then it is necessary consult a doctor immediately .

For what reasons does a baby's temperature rise?

Overheating and dehydration can cause an increase in body temperature in a 1-month-old baby.

As noted above, the temperature regime of a newborn depends on several factors, including the temperature of its environment. Therefore, if the thermometer, when measuring the baby’s body temperature, showed a mark 37–37.5 degrees, this does not mean that the child has a cold or is sick. Perhaps it's just wrapped too warmly or placed near a hot radiator.

Hyperthermia (overheating)

In a hot, unventilated area or in direct sunlight, the baby may be exposed to hyperthermia(overheating). To avoid this, mothers should know what can trigger this condition.

What can cause hyperthermia

  • The air in the room is too hot , where the newborn is located most of the time.
  • Overheating also occurs if a child is wearing a lot of warm clothes and cover it with a thick blanket on top.
  • Long walks in hot summer weather under the open rays of the sun.
  • Bathing water is too hot a baby can also increase his temperature.
  • Hyperthermia is also possible with absence of a cap on the newborn's head while walking in the scorching sun.
  • Staying in the car during a long trip on a warm summer day.
  • You can't leave the baby in a stroller under the sun or near a radiator , since not only the stroller heats up, but also the baby himself.
  • Dehydration also one of the common causes of hyperthermia in infants.

How to prevent overheating

Maintain optimal temperature and humidity in the children's room.

To prevent overheating in a newborn, parents need to control the temperature and humidity in the room , and also do not dress the baby in numerous undershirts if the room is warm.

Other causes of fever

Prolonged crying or colic can cause a fever in a newborn.

But not only hyperthermia can cause an increase in temperature in an infant. Some processes occurring in his body during development can also provoke an elevated mark when measuring temperature.

Possible causes of high temperature:

  • prolonged crying newborn;
  • colic accompanied by pain and cramps in the tummy;
  • allergic reaction, for example, to an artificial mixture;
  • body's reaction to vaccination, for example, vaccination against hepatitis B or tuberculosis.

If an increase in temperature in a baby is associated with crying or colic, then parents should not worry, this is a normal phenomenon for all newborns and in order for everything to return to normal, It is enough to calm the baby down or give him tea to relieve pain in the tummy.

If the baby's temperature rises due to an allergic reaction, you should consult a pediatrician.

If the above symptoms occur, it is unacceptable to give your child antipyretics! A baby is treated with medications if his temperature is 38 degrees or higher, and treatment is carried out only under the supervision of a qualified doctor.

For what reasons does a child’s temperature drop at 1 month of age?

A condition in which the thermometer mark drops several divisions below the accepted temperature (35.5–35 degrees) called hypothermia, and it may indicate that the baby is hypothermic.

What can cause hypothermia

  • Insufficient warm clothing while walking in cool weather. This is especially true during the winter season.
  • Decreased temperature in an infant may be related to sleep, when all processes in the body slow down. At night, it is advisable to cover the baby with a warm blanket so that he does not freeze.
  • Lack of headgear on the baby's head . A cap must be on the baby's head, even in summer.


Blue lips and nose are the first signs of hypothermia in a newborn baby.

How can parents understand that their child is hypothermic? The main symptoms that a baby is frozen are hiccups, blue tip of the nose or lips, or cold neck. In this case, you should change your baby into warmer clothes or give him a full body massage, which will improve blood circulation.

Particular attention should be paid to the body temperature of infants who were born prematurely. For premature infants, hypothermia can negatively impact cardiovascular health or cortical development.

Instruments and methods for measuring temperature in a newborn baby

To monitor the baby's body temperature, parents should purchase a special thermometer.

Types of thermometers

  • The most common and familiar thermometer is mercury. Its advantages are that it shows the most accurate temperature. But it also has many disadvantages. To measure the temperature, such a thermometer is held for at least 10 minutes, and it is very difficult to withstand such time with a baby. In addition, the mercury thermometer is made of fragile glass and it breaks easily, and the mercury that leaks from it poses a serious health hazard. Therefore, such a thermometer is not suitable for a newborn.
  • Considered safe and easy to use Digital Thermometer . After the measurement, it beeps, which is very convenient. The disadvantage of a thermometer is that it shows an inaccurate temperature if it measures the temperature in the groin and for more accurate data you need close contact with the body.
  • Gaining increasing popularity among mothers dummy thermometer . It is made in the form of a pacifier from a safe material and shows a fairly accurate temperature. To use it, just let the baby suck for 3-5 minutes.
  • Another safe and easy-to-use thermometer - infrared non-contact. Among the disadvantages of such a meter are the inaccuracy of data and the high price.

Another question that concerns young parents is how to correctly determine the temperature of a newborn baby. This can be done in several ways.

Correctly measuring temperature in a newborn

  • The thermometer is placed in the armpit or groin area . For this purpose, use an electronic or mercury thermometer. This is easiest to do when the baby is lying quietly or sleeping.
  • Measure temperature and orally, that is, they put the thermometer in the baby’s mouth. But this is difficult to do, since the baby may bite the thermometer or try to push it out of his mouth.
  • The most accurate indicator of a newborn's temperature can be obtained by measuring it rectal method. To do this, the thermometer is placed in the baby's anus, after lubricating the device with Vaseline. You can use either an electronic or a mercury meter, but it is best to opt for an electronic one.

A newborn's temperature should only be measured when the baby is in a relaxed state, for example, after a meal or a warm bath. If the baby is capricious and crying, this procedure must be postponed for a while.


In order to always keep a newborn’s temperature under control and notice the slightest changes occurring in his body, the temperature should be measured several times throughout the day, including morning and evening. If the baby has a high temperature for a long time, and he constantly cries and eats poorly, parents should not postpone a visit to the children's clinic.

Video about temperature standards in children and how to measure it

In children under the first year of life, thermoregulation processes are just being formed, which is expressed in deviations from the usual values ​​(36.6). The normal temperature of a baby is between 36-37.7 degrees. A decrease or increase in these values ​​indicates the development of viral and infectious diseases, overwork, overheating or hypothermia, and stress.

The normal temperature varies depending on age.

Normal temperature in children under one year of age

The complete formation of thermoregulation processes in infants ends before 1 year of life. During this period, large fluctuations in the temperature of a small organism - from 36 to 37.7 - are normal, provided that the child is active, eats and sleeps well, and nothing bothers him.

The thermometer readings depend on the method of measuring temperature:

  • in the armpit (main method) – 36.3-37.4;
  • in the rectum - rectal temperature - 36.7-37.7;
  • in the mouth (oral) – 36.5-37.3.

In the first days of a newborn’s life, the readings on the thermometer reach 37.3-37.7 degrees. This is considered normal, since it is difficult for a small organism to immediately get used to the temperature of the external environment, which differs from the mother’s womb. Every month, the thermoregulation centers improve their work and slowly approach the generally accepted norm.

Normal temperature by year

Table “Acceptable values ​​for an infant by month”

Age Indicators
1 month 37,1-37,7
2 months 37,0-37,6
3 months 36,7-37,6
4 months 36,6-37,5
5 months 36,6-37,4
6 months 36,5-37,4
7 months 36,6-37,3
8 months 36,6-37,1
9-12 months 36,6-37,0

An increase in values ​​to 37.7 with prolonged screaming, severe straining with constipation, and active rest is considered normal. The main thing is to monitor the baby’s condition - vigor, activity and good appetite are the main indicators of normal empathy.

Reasons for deviations from the norm

Disturbances in the processes of thermoregulation in children under one year of age are a sign of not only an infectious or cold disease.


High rates depend on the physiological characteristics of the baby, his age and external factors.

Even eating food for a small child is an energy expenditure and, as a result, an increase in temperature

Common causes of deviations from the norm are:

  1. Immature thermoregulatory system– in infants up to a month old, the temperature reaches 37.7, in the first month of life and the next two months it is 37-37.5;
  2. Eating is work for a baby, and the smaller the child, the more energy is spent. Body temperature often rises while eating, especially in a breastfed baby. The baby makes maximum effort while sucking the breast.
  3. Overheating - excessively wrapping the baby in hot weather or in a warm room leads to the fact that heat exchange is hampered and the baby overheats. Most often, children affected are up to a month old, from 1 to 4 months.
  4. – the vast majority of vaccinations cause an increase in degrees from 37.5 to 38 and above.
  5. – during the growth of incisors, canines and molars, the thermometer readings are above 37.0. In some cases, an increase to 38-39 degrees is possible. At this time, there is a runny nose with clear snot, increased salivation, but often teething occurs without snot. The high temperature lasts no more than 3 days.

Lack of fluids in hot weather and during active recreation also stimulate excessive heat production in the body.

In addition to external facts, the thermoregulation centers are affected by pathological conditions of the body:

Constipation can lead to fever

  • colds - occur with cough, nasal discharge, deterioration in general health;
  • intestinal infections;
  • childhood diseases - measles, mumps, scarlet fever, rotavirus;
  • inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx, ears,.

If the onset of fever occurs without symptoms, the child is in good health, and the readings on the thermometer do not exceed 38 degrees - there is no reason to worry, but it is better to monitor the baby.

Reduced body temperature

Normal temperature should be at least 36 degrees. Deviations from this norm occur for the following reasons:

  • transient decrease in degrees– occurs in the first hours after birth;
  • imperfection of the thermoregulation system– observed in both one-month-old, two-month-old and three-month-old infants;
  • hypothermia– prolonged exposure of children to the cold leads to a slowdown in the formation of heat in the body;
  • past infectious diseases– usually the temperature drops due to its artificial reduction with antipyretic drugs;
  • bedtime, waking up– when a child is sleeping, his body temperature is the lowest, so you should not carry out measurement manipulations during sleep or immediately upon awakening;
  • overdose of vasoconstrictor drops for a runny nose.

Hypothermia causes a drop in temperature, which is also not normal

Viral diseases can cause a decrease in body temperature. Indicators below 36 degrees remain for up to 4 days, accompanied by drowsiness and lethargy of the baby.

Komarovsky about temperature in infants

Dr. Komarovsky strongly recommends not to reduce the fever if the readings on the thermometer are below 38.5. When a virus enters the body, the immune system actively produces interferon, which is needed to suppress pathogens. Its highest concentration in the blood is achieved on the 2nd day of disease development. If you actively lower the temperature at this time, the child’s defenses decrease and the disease progresses.

From a medical point of view, a newborn is a child with moment birth up to 28 days.

Usually the temperature of babies in the maternity hospital is measured twice a day.

Many newborns begin to have a fever on the 3rd-4th day after birth (during this period, 37-39° is noted).

The reason for the temperature is the following: in the first days of life, the baby’s body undergoes adaptation, that is, the child adapts to life outside the mother’s belly.

The temperature reading varies depending on the part of the body in which the thermometer was placed. If the temperature in the rectum is 37°, then in the mouth it will be 36.7-36.8°, and under the armpit - 36.4-36.7°.

The condition in which the newborn was when the temperature was measured is of great importance. After feeding the baby or bathing, the body temperature will be higher than actual.

Therefore, it is necessary to measure the temperature while the child is in calm state (during sleep or immediately after it).

The normal temperature for a newborn is from 36.3 to 37.5°.

Each toddler is individual, so each baby’s temperature will be individual.

At different times of the day, babies have different temperatures.

At night and in the early morning the lowest body temperature is observed, and in the afternoon and evening the highest temperature is observed.

Normal body temperature of a newborn is:

  • in the mouth – from 36.6° to 37.3°;
  • under the arms – from 36° to 37°;
  • rectal – from 36.9° to 37.5°.

It all depends on the personality of your baby and the temperature may differ from the above indicators (temperature fluctuations from 35 to 38° are possible).

Body temperature in infants

Your little one is already a month old and now he is rightfully considered not a newborn, but an infant. From this moment until six months, a temperature measured under the armpit that does not exceed 37.4° should not cause concern. In infants older than six months, a temperature of 37° is acceptable.

The reason is as follows: at this age, the child requires a lot of energy for any action, because of this the temperature can instantly rise.

If the baby is breastfeeding, his temperature may be 37.5°. And if he is swaddled in warm diapers and he also cries a lot, then the thermometer may generally show 38°.

To determine in advance the temperature norm for your baby, measure his temperature for three days in the morning, lunch and evening at the same time (at 7.00, 15.00, 23.00).

All readings must be recorded and temperature deviations from the norm must be determined from them. During control measurements, the toddler should be in a healthy and calm state.

Let's measure correctly!

It is best to measure your baby's temperature while he is sleeping.

This way the measurements will be the most reliable.

Infants need to take their temperature rectally, that is, into the rectum with special thermometers.

Mom definitely needs to make sure that the baby is lying down still to avoid intestinal damage.

The baby can be placed:

  • on the back, legs need to be raised up;
  • tummy on your lap, baby’s legs should hang down;
  • on its side, the baby’s legs must be pulled towards his body.

If you measure the temperature with a regular mercury thermometer, you need to pick up the baby, place the thermometer under the arm and hold it with the child’s hand, holding it with your hand to avoid the thermometer falling. Hold the thermometer for about 4-5 minutes. Important – you can measure temperature with a mercury thermometer only under your arm!

Currently, pharmacies offer a wide range of devices designed to measure temperature.

These are electronic and digital thermometers, forehead thermal strips, pacifier thermometers. Let's take a closer look at them.

Electronic thermometers are very convenient, easy to use and safe.

This thermometer is usually used to measure temperature orally. The thermometer should be placed under the tongue for 50-60 seconds.

At the tip of an electronic thermometer there is a small round rubber suction cup that is used to measure temperature. When the measurement result is recorded, the thermometer emits a sound signal.

Digital thermometers are also quite simple and convenient, equipped with a flexible tip with a metal rod at the end.

Temperature measurement time is about 20-40 seconds. At the end of the measurement, the thermometer also gives a signal. Typically, digital thermometers measure rectal temperature.

The tip of the thermometer is lubricated with Vaseline and carefully inserted into the baby’s anus a centimeter or two. The child needs to hold the legs in an elevated position with one hand, and hold the thermometer itself with the other hand. The forehead thermal strip is applied to the forehead for 10-15 seconds.

It is better to use this thermometer outside the home, since it does not indicate accurate result, but only indicates the very fact of the presence of elevated temperature.

A thermometer pacifier is indispensable if your little one is too mobile and does not recognize thermometers. This pacifier will measure the temperature in 20-40 seconds.

The choice is quite varied. But glass mercury thermometers were and are the most accurate. They will never run out of battery like digital or electronic ones.

A mercury thermometer has disadvantages: the measurement takes about 5 minutes, and if used carelessly it can be broken. But it will always show the exact body temperature.

If the temperature is low

Now you have learned how to correctly measure your baby’s temperature by choosing the most appropriate method, and have determined the temperature norm directly for your baby.

At elevated temperatures, any mother knows that the baby is sick and measures need to be taken to treat him.

The question arises: what to do if a child has a low temperature and what does it mean?

From a scientific point of view, health workers call low temperature hypothermia. Most often it occurs in children born ahead of their term, i.e. premature.

Also, the cause of a decrease in temperature can be oncological diseases, thyroid diseases, excessive weakness of the immune system, or impaired functioning of the adrenal glands.

Common overwork, hypothermia, loss of strength, previous illness or overdose of antipyretic drugs can also lead to a significant decrease in temperature.

Body temperature below 36° is considered low. It is often accompanied by drowsiness, apathy, lethargy, depression and persistent headache. With hypothermia, involuntary muscle contractions, blue fingers, rare heartbeat, slow breathing, and fatigue are observed.

Often when a child’s temperature drops enough give him a massage and dress him in warm clothes. It would be a good idea to feed your baby hot broth, drink hot milk with honey, and tea. Hold your baby close to you and warm him with the warmth of your body.

If your baby has a weakened immune system, then reconsider his diet and daily routine. Monitor your baby's diet so that he regularly receives the necessary vitamins (in the form of drops, syrups or tablets).

The child’s menu should include fresh fruits and vegetables every day. Hardening procedures are useful to increase immunity, but they should only be performed on a recovered child.

Often mothers, afraid of catching a cold in their child, wrap him up from head to toe, which is completely unacceptable. Try to dress children depending on the weather. Excessive wrapping, as well as too light clothing, will only bring harm to the child.

Do not engage in self-diagnosis; if your baby has a low temperature for a long time, be sure to consult a doctor.

Please note a few tips for taking temperature. Try to measure your baby's temperature while sleeping or immediately after it. This way the results will be the most reliable.

When measuring temperature, use only safe thermometers that will not harm your child. If you doubt the results, measure your temperature again.

If your little one has a high or low temperature, never panic. Take care of drinking - it is necessary that the child drinks more liquid: at elevated temperatures - warm drinks, and at low temperatures - hot drinks. Contact your doctor and calmly explain the whole situation, and get advice on your next steps.

High temperature in a child: video

Look at the material, which explains what a child’s temperature is and gives advice on what to do in specific situations:

A pressing problem for many mothers can be the normal temperature of the baby. After arriving home from the maternity hospital, mothers face a lot of troubles related to the baby. This is quite natural, since he requires a lot of attention from his mother.

Features of the baby's body

At birth, any baby needs additional time to adapt to the environment. In fact, the baby has not yet developed immunity, so at first he may exhibit various unpredictable reactions.

It is not for nothing that in the maternity hospital doctors prohibit strangers from being present near the newborn. A common cold, which an adult will not even notice, threatens the baby with health problems.

In exactly the same way, the lack of immunity affects the thermoregulation of the baby. What is the normal temperature of a 1 month old baby? If temperature fluctuations in adults are quite insignificant, then the temperature in a newborn child has a very wide range of fluctuations. For example, in a newborn the rate can fluctuate from 36.3 to 37.1 per day. This temperature is considered normal in an infant.

What indicators are considered normal?

Despite the fact that the mechanism of thermoregulation in infants has not yet been established, pediatricians have determined the exact limits within which temperature fluctuations can be considered normal and not to be worried about. The normal body temperature for a child 3 months of age and younger ranges from 36.3 to 37.50.

Mothers should know that in the evening the temperature of an infant often rises by several tenths, and when the child sleeps, it drops. Usually in the morning the child’s temperature is no higher than 370.

Another point that is important to remember is that when the baby is too hot, his body temperature is increased. There is no need to worry, you just need to unwaddle the baby or undress it so that the baby’s temperature returns to normal before the age of one year.

How to take measurements?

Every mother is concerned about the issue of correctly measuring the baby’s body temperature, because its increase in the baby is an alarming signal by which one can understand that the baby is sick. To measure, you will need an electronic thermometer, since mercury is unsafe. There are several ways to measure body temperature:

  1. Rectal. It is carried out by measuring through the rectum. The mother should place the child on her lap so that the legs hang down and place the thermometer in the anus. The end of the thermometer must be lubricated with this baby cream. After a couple of minutes, you can carefully remove the thermometer and evaluate the results.
  2. Oral. The measurement is taken in the oral cavity. During measurement, you need to monitor the position of the thermometer, holding it with your hand, since a newborn can damage or swallow the thermometer.
  3. Axillary. The most popular method of measuring in infants is to place a thermometer at hand. It is best to use it when the baby is 4 months old. You need to lay the child down, insert the thermometer into his armpit and hold it with the handle. After the sound signal, the thermometer can be removed.

The results of measuring body temperature in an infant differ depending on where it was measured. Thus, if a child’s rectal measurement showed 37.5 degrees, then the axillary measurement would show 36.5 degrees, and the oral measurement would show 37 degrees. The baby’s indicators differ on different parts of the body; this should not worry parents.

Increased performance

The baby's temperature may be elevated. There are many reasons for its increase. When rectal measurements show 38°, this is not normal. Then children often become capricious, stop eating, behave restlessly, and cry constantly. In addition, you may experience increased sweating and increased heart rate. Many children develop insomnia due to the increase. If your child has such symptoms, you should seek help from a pediatrician.

If some time before the increase in indicators the child underwent vaccination, then there is no need to worry. Typically, its increase often lasts for several days after vaccination.

Temperature fluctuations in infants

The normal body temperature of young children is usually three or four tenths of a degree higher than that of their parents. This is typical for children at 2 months, 3 months, 4 months, and so on.

The natural temperature for newborns ranges from 37.0+0.5 degrees and depends on the place and hour of measurement. The highest temperature readings are recorded from six in the evening to ten, and the lowest body temperature is in the morning. The highest indicator is recorded when measured rectally, generally it is not higher than 37.6, although sometimes a variant of the norm can be 38 degrees. This is approximately a degree more than the axillary t° and 0.3-0.4 degrees more than the oral t°.

Each baby has an individual temperature norm, which may not correspond to generally accepted indicators. To determine what body temperature is the personal norm for a child, you should measure it when he is calm and has no signs of illness. And so in the morning, afternoon and evening. This way you will establish its norm. Children under 6 months are advised to measure it rectally.

Children in the first years of life have imperfect thermoregulation. A healthy child in the first years of his life has a lot of strength. Already at 4 months he is constantly moving. At the age of 4 months, children give off excess heat through evaporation during sweating and by heat exchange during inhalation and exhalation of air.

The activity of all three methods of heat transfer depends more on the difference between the baby’s body temperature and the temperature of the external air. If the normal temperature of the home is 24-25 degrees, and the child is wearing overalls, he will not be able to give off excess heat. Its indicator can exceed 37 degrees by several tenths. This is far from a disease, but the baby’s regulatory systems are overstrained, so he can easily catch a cold.

To rid yourself of groundless worries about the child’s health, the mother needs to know what the norm is and what is considered a deviation from the norm. In children, there is often an increase in indicators, but only if it goes beyond the norm, radical measures should be taken. A worried mother can do more harm to the baby than good.

If there are large fluctuations in indicators, it is best not to seek your grandmother’s advice, but to call a pediatrician who can determine the cause of the deviation and prescribe treatment for the child.

So the little one is sick, but he can’t say anything. He just whines and doesn't eat well. And he sleeps the same way. Moreover, it's all hot. What to do? We will talk about this in the article.

Don't panic!

The baby is sick - that’s already clear. Lethargic, capricious, flushed... Some mothers measure the temperature literally at the slightest hint that the baby is unwell. Others will simply press their lips to his forehead - and this is how they determine the temperature. It turns out very approximately, of course.

But I wonder what body temperature is considered normal for infants? This is usually called the numbers from 36.3 to 37.3. If in a boy or girl it is 37 and does not change for a long time, but there are no obvious indicators of the disease (the baby sleeps well, eats just fine), then there is no need to panic. Several months will pass, and the child’s thermoregulation will begin to “work” correctly. The temperature will return to normal.

The smallest

You brought your miracle from the maternity hospital. They put him to bed. And he suddenly began to hiccup, his arms and legs turned blue. What is this? Just frozen. In newborns, the regulation of body temperature has not yet been established at all, so heat loss prevails over its production. This is why it is not at all difficult for babies to become overheated or overcooled.

The body temperature of infants (1 month old) should be 37 or 37.5 degrees. And in just a few days she can start jumping from 36 to 37. Don’t be alarmed. The habitual, “traditional” 36.6 will appear in the child only by the end of the first year of life.

Thermoregulation in infants is still imperfect, so it instantly reacts to all changes in the air. Both in the apartment and on the street. This is why the body temperature of a baby (2 months) is not constant even before reaching three months of age. Either the child quickly overheated - and she jumped, or cooled down - and fell.

And there are several reasons for this (besides colds). The baby cried for a long time and became hot. Or his mother wrapped him up too warmly - again the thermometer shows above normal. Or a baby who is less than one month old has started to experience colic, plus gases have accumulated in the tummy. Here you have the temperature again.

While the small organism has not yet adapted to life outside the mother’s tummy, it cannot cope with thermal stress.

One more moment. If the baby is constantly swaddled, wrapped up, and not allowed to breathe at least a little in lightweight clothes, then the mechanisms of his heat exchange will not start. He, as they used to say, does not harden, becomes unstable even to the slightest colds. A baby needs the most ordinary care: do not dress him too warmly or very lightly. The golden mean is important here too.

Don't part with your thermometer

Until the baby is six months old, the temperature must be measured every day. This is certainly ideal. But it’s unlikely that anyone will follow our advice - to run to the crib with a thermometer every morning. But you shouldn’t pay attention to anything either.

Young parents must understand one thing: your new family member’s immunity has not yet strengthened. The thermal mechanism has not yet been fully formed. This is why a baby (up to six months old) overheats so easily and quickly. And always - with active play or strong crying. And the slightest breeze blows, a draft blows through - he is already hypothermic.

But if you notice that the baby’s body temperature is low, for example it has dropped to 35, then the reason for this may be the antipyretic drugs that you gave the baby the day before during illness. And their effect simply lasts for some time after recovery. After all, the body of children is not the same as that of adults.

Rare case

This symptom is not common. And although a baby’s low body temperature does not necessarily mean that he is very ill, parents are still obliged to pay attention to this.

You also need to know that this can be seen in premature babies. Or in children in the first two months of life, who can quickly become hypothermic when the air gets colder.

Also, the temperature tends to change over a 24-hour cycle. A slight decline occurs at night, around 2-4 o’clock, when everyone is sound asleep.

In a situation where a child has been ill for a long time and seriously, the general weakness of his body also causes a drop in temperature. Let's add here anemia with vitamin deficiency. They also affect the thermoregulation of babies.

It's different for everyone

There is no clear answer to the question of what is the normal body temperature for an infant. It cannot be the same for all children, because each is individual. The indicators “float” from 36 to 38 degrees.

They also depend on where the temperature is measured. These data are also influenced by other factors characteristic of both the development and physiology of a particular child.

If you want to know what your child’s usual temperature is, you will have to measure it for several days in a row - in the morning, at lunch, and in the evening.

What does it depend on?

As we have already found out, normal body temperature in infants is usually from 36 to 37 degrees. But scientists, meanwhile, have established: even each organ has its own! So, the liver has the highest. In other organs it is slightly lower. But the skin in the armpits is usually the hottest: (36-36.8 degrees).

On the neck - always lower than the normal body temperature of a baby. Only 34 degrees. This must also be remembered, since parents sometimes take into account what was measured here, in the fold of the skin.

Very few degrees are shown by the feet and hands of babies (24-28). In the mouth - a little higher compared to the armpit and rectum.

The temperature also fluctuates throughout the day. In children, the lowest occurs in the early morning (4-5 hours). And the highest is at 16-17. She also jumps after eating, especially if there were meat dishes on the plate.

A well-fed, very excitable toddler, always on the move, is always a few tenths of a degree hotter than an apathetic child who does not like noisy games.

In healthy children (the first years of life), energy is in full swing. If they are not sleeping, they do not sit still for a minute: they crawl, spin, and run. And they accumulate a lot of heat. And they have a problem with heat transfer. So they sweat a lot.

When to measure

Knowing what the infant’s personal body temperature is, parents can not overuse its measurement so often. This is despite the fact that the baby has no hints of illness. But if you see that the baby has calmed down, is not eating well, is pale, has cold hands, and is shivering, then this is a signal that the temperature needs to be measured urgently.

Some mothers use the old, folk method to apply their lips to the baby’s forehead. Of course, the method is proven, but very subjective. And when the baby has chills, it doesn’t mean anything at all. What we need here is an effective tool.

Most often, a situation where the normal body temperature of a baby is disturbed is the first sign of a cold or some kind of inflammatory disease. This means that a pediatrician needs to be called to your home immediately.

All kinds of thermometers are needed

To find out whether infants have normal body temperature or not, parents most often use a traditional thermometer (mercury). Its main advantage is accuracy. But the error is small - only 0.1 degrees.

There are also disadvantages. First of all, time. You need to keep it in your armpit for 7 minutes and 5 minutes. – in a child’s butt, which is a lot for a little fidget. He won't be able to stand still for such a long time.

This thermometer is also unsafe. It is filled with mercury and requires very careful handling. So it’s a little difficult to use for a little person.

The electronic device is very convenient. In this case, you can measure the temperature in the mouth, armpit (but here the most inaccurate data) and rectally. Everything will take three minutes. In addition, there is a signal indicating the end of the measurement.

Such thermometers also come in the form of a dummy. Suitable only for babies who are still keen on the pacifier.

The downside is that an electronic thermometer is slightly more erroneous compared to a mercury thermometer. Up to one degree. And the battery in it needs to be changed.

The newest infrared is a good invention. It can be either contactless or ear-based. The first one instantly shows how many degrees the sick person has, you just need to bring it to the baby. But it cannot boast of high accuracy. However, it is convenient if the child moves.

And with the help of the ear, you can quickly and easily see what the body temperature of infants is. It only takes five seconds while the baby is sleeping. There is only one drawback - the thermometer is expensive.

There is also a disposable thermometer. It is presented in the form of stripes. They need to be applied to the child’s skin or taken under the tongue. Time is only a minute. However, their accuracy is low. But they are extremely necessary on a trip.

How to do it

If the baby has already learned to sit a little, then take him on your lap. Place the thermometer under your arm. Hold the baby's hand. Knowing what the baby’s body temperature should be, compare it with the one on the thermometer.

If you have a baby, then you can only put a thermometer on him when he is lying on his back. Lift its handle and then press the thermometer firmly against your body. You can watch in seven minutes.

Many people also measure the baby’s temperature rectally. Just remember to lubricate the tip of the thermometer with Vaseline or baby cream. Insert it extremely carefully, and no further than two centimeters. Remove slowly. Be sure to disinfect afterwards.

It’s also a good idea to measure in a child’s ear. Carefully insert the thermometer (ear), while slightly pulling the earlobe back and the drop upward. Place the probe into the channel. Then remove it quietly.

Only peace!

Remember that you can measure the temperature of a tiny baby when he is calm. If before this the baby was actively moving, you swaddled him or he cried, then wait a little. Let him calm down. And then - please carry out all the manipulations.

Do not forget that in the evening the temperature always rises a little for any person. Therefore, if you know what the baby’s normal body temperature is, and this was exactly what it was in the morning, but you still suspect that the baby is sick, then be sure to measure it both during the day and just before bed.

There is no need to show your child that you are very worried. Children, including the smallest ones, always sense their mother’s mood and adopt it. They will begin to be more capricious and feel even more discomfort.

Rest assured that everything will work out. The baby will recover if he is sick, and everything will be fine with you.

An urgent task for every young parent is Maintaining the correct temperature of the baby immediately after birth.

The first months of life are very important in a child's life. It is during this period that all processes in the body associated with physiology complete their formation.

The newborn begins to get used to life outside the womb, so parents need to help the baby smoothly adapt to the outside world.

The newborn begins to get used to life outside the womb, so parents need to help the baby smoothly adapt to the outside world. Therefore it is necessary know normal temperature indicators for infants.

Providing comfortable conditions

Normal body temperature in a baby 1 month after birth strongly depends on the state of the surrounding world. Therefore, young parents should carefully monitor the maintenance of a certain state of thermal conditions.

It includes:

  1. good warming up the room, in which the child is located. Apartment heating parameters should be maintained within 20-24 degrees.
  2. Depending on the season, The baby’s clothing should be 1 layer higher (or less) than the adult’s clothing.
  3. While walking The child's head should always be covered with a cap or cap.
  4. The child must at night stay warm. This can be achieved using a blanket made of natural material.

    During a walk, the child's head should always be covered with a cap or cap.

If these rules are followed, parents can rest easy - the newborn's temperature will not exceed normal values.

How to measure?

Normal The temperature of a 1 month old baby can vary throughout the day. It is necessary to correctly measure this indicator of the body’s condition in order to prevent obtaining incorrect values.

Errors can be eliminated by measuring temperature during sleep. Increased parameters of this indicator are provided as a result of feeding or bathing a newborn, after taking a walk in the fresh air, or while crying. That's why It is optimal to take measurements on an infant 30 minutes after performing these procedures.

The normal temperature of a 1 month old baby can vary throughout the day.

To find out the temperature in the armpit, The thermometer should be placed between the hand and the child’s body in the direction from the forearm to the elbow. The skin itself in the area where the thermometer is installed must be wiped.

The rectal method is a little more complicated than the previous one. During this procedure, it is advisable to use electronic ones, which have a soft tip, instead of the usual mercury thermometers.

Normal indicators

Immediately after birth, the baby's temperature is the same as that of the mother. Subsequently, this indicator can range from 36 to 38 degrees. Such jumps are explained by the physiology of each baby, the special course of the process of adaptation to the external environment and the maintenance of a certain thermal regime by parents.

The temperature indicator can range from 36 to 38 degrees.

In infants, the process of thermoregulation is not sufficiently complete, therefore their temperature depends on the external environment. Wrapping the baby in diapers promotes comfortable adaptation to the outside world. Routine child care will ensure that the body temperature is maintained at the correct level.

The average value of this indicator in an infant is determined by carrying out a similar procedure three times throughout the day. The baby’s usual numbers of 36.6 are established after 12 months. Before this, when measuring in the armpit, the thermometer will show a value in the region of 36-37.3. Using the rectal method of measurement, this indicator will be in the range of 36.9-37.6 degrees. Normal temperature in the baby's mouth after birth up to 1 month is considered 36.6-37.2 degrees.

Reasons for rising temperature

If a baby’s value exceeds normal parameters, this does not mean that the child has an infectious disease.

There are a number of reasons why the temperature rises in infants. Among them:

  • cry;
  • body overheating;
  • appearance of teeth;
  • influence allergic reaction or vaccine reaction;
  • colic.

Average Deviations from the norm are allowed within 10 divisions (1 degree). You should consult a doctor if additional symptoms of the disease occur.: lethargy, poor appetite, constant crying.


The normal temperature of a baby 1 month after birth often fluctuates. It is important for young parents to remember that this instability often depends on many external factors. The baby is easily exposed to hypothermia and overheating. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the child’s surroundings and maintain a stable thermal regime.

Find out now about the most useful drug Plantex for newborns (instructions for use). For colic, constipation, bloating, regurgitation and to normalize digestion.