GCD for the application “Russian flag. Crafts competition on the theme of state symbols

Gift ideas

Olga Nuzhdina

To get started we will be needed:

Outline of a double-headed eagle,

Paper napkins (pale yellow, bright yellow, red, white and blue,

Glue (preferably wallpaper, it does not leave marks,

Glue brushes,


Whatman paper in A2 or A1 format.

We took the Eagle picture from the Internet, divided it into 4 parts and printed it out.

The parts were connected and glued to whatman paper. To the middle (St. George the Victorious) It wasn’t made from pieces, we printed it out again, glued it and colored it, but you can just print it on a color printer.

It is better to take single-layer napkins. We took 5 species: pale yellow, bright yellow, red, white and blue. They need to be cut along the folds and into 4 more parts so that the balls from them are not very large.

To make it easier for children to navigate what and what color, it is better to start with the outline of the eagle itself. We made it with bright yellow napkins. Then we made the outlines of the flowers Russian flag. First we laid out the middle in blue, then along the edges. The eagle itself was painted pale yellow.

Since the case was quite long, we worked in subgroups of 9 people, taking turns.

These are the symbols Russian Federation we succeeded.

On the twelfth of June, citizens of our country will celebrate the day of one of the most powerful powers in the world. This day has recently become considered a Russian holiday. In preparation for festive events, together with your children, you can make a bright applique with your own hands - a postcard. Such work will help to study or remember state symbols. One of the main symbols is the tricolor flag.

The craft can also be decorated with a white dove - a messenger of goodness and peace. We present to you a master class suitable for the theme of the holiday.

To create an application, prepare:

  • Thick cardboard of any color;
  • Scissors;
  • Crepe paper in red, blue and white colors;
  • Plain blue and white paper;
  • Glue.

Stages of making a three-dimensional postcard for Russia Day:

Thick cardboard will become the basis of the postcard application. You can take any color; the surface of the cardboard will in any case be hidden under the rolls of corrugated paper. The soft paper itself will be needed to imitate the Russian flag. We have selected the appropriate shades. Additionally, we will decorate the craft with a paper dove and flowers to match the flag.

Cut out a rectangle from cardboard. Cut rolls of soft corrugated paper into small squares. You will need three separate portions of red, blue and white paper.

Roll many balls of soft paper to cover the surface of the cardboard. This technique is called clumping because the process involves creating many small lumps.

Generously coat the surface of the cardboard with thick glue and begin pressing the prepared lumps on top, collecting them by color. You need to form three stripes of red, blue and white. You can pre-apply pencil borders for more accurate work. Attach the balls tightly, pressing each subsequent one to the previous one.

Fill the entire surface of the canvas with balls. Now the famous banner is ready. The surface of the applique is rough, the craft looks like a three-dimensional postcard.

To add some extra festive elements, also make some paper flowers to match the overall composition. Cut the paper into squares. Fold each square several times and trim the top edge with a birdie. You will get a blank for a flower.

Glue white and blue flowers from two layers of paper. Glue the red center - a simple spool of corrugated paper - into the center.

Glue flowers at the bottom of the applique.

Cut out a dove figurine from white paper. Glue to the center of the applique.

Citizens of Russia usually celebrate one important holiday on June 12 - Russia Day. Our country is the most powerful country. Therefore, this day is celebrated on a grand scale. As a rule, a lot of time is spent on preparation. And the most enjoyable thing in this case is to make crafts for June 12th with your own hands.

Tricolor flag

It’s fun to make an applique postcard with your children. It will contain state symbols - the tricolor flag of Russia. This craft can be decorated with a white dove, which is considered a messenger of peace and goodness. For this you may need the following materials:

  • high density cardboard of any color,
  • crepe paper red, white and blue,
  • plain Russian flag paper,
  • glue and scissors.


For the base of the card you will need thick cardboard. Any color can be used here. Soft paper will be needed to imitate the Russian flag. First we will depict the flag itself, and then we will further decorate it.

So, a rectangle is cut out of cardboard. Rolls of corrugated paper are cut into small squares. Roll these squares into balls. You should have a lot of them.

After this, the surface of the cardboard is well lubricated with thick glue. Now these lumps begin to be pressed onto the cardboard. You should have three stripes, like on a flag. To make the work neat, you must first draw the boundaries using a simple pencil. The balls are attached closely, one ball is attached closely to the previous one.

The entire surface of the cardboard should be filled with balls. After this, it is worth preparing the decorative elements. It is necessary to make flowers from paper that will have one with the overall composition. To do this, cut the paper into squares, each square is folded several times. The top edge is trimmed with a birdie. As a result, you will have a blank for the flower.

Blue and white flowers stick together. A red lump is glued to the center. These flowers are glued to the bottom of the applique. A dove figurine is cut out of paper. It is placed in the center of the application.

Brooch for Russia Day

Quite often, crafts for June 12 are made from ribbons. Such products, as a rule, are worn during special events and festivities that are dedicated to this day. All that is needed in this case is satin ribbons that have a pattern of the Russian flag. Of course, you will need glue and additional elements for decorations. You can try to make simple versions of the brooch or try to make something more complex.


It is very interesting to make crafts for June 12, Russia Day. In a kindergarten, this may turn out to be a collective panel, in the making of which all the children will take part. Here you will first need whatman paper, which is painted in the color that you need.

Next, it’s worth finding the Kremlin blank. It can be downloaded from the Internet, cut out and then glued to this Whatman paper. Of course, this composition cannot be imagined without a peaceful sky above your head. Therefore, these details are also glued to this composition.

And in order for the composition to look beautiful, you need to add flowers to it. They are also cut out of colored paper and glued to the base. Be sure to glue the Russian flag to the composition with the children. It is this element that will remind you that the composition was created for the Russian Day holiday.

Russian flag layout

With this article you can learn how to make themed crafts for Russia Day with your own hands. The next craft is also a collective one. This means that all the guys in the group will be involved in its creation. The making of crafts should be approached thoroughly. And this means what you have to prepare:

  • A4 corrugated cardboard and corrugated cardboard size: 6 cm by 12 cm (2 pieces).
  • Colored paper also in A4 format (blue, white and red).
  • Artistic brush and red gouache.
  • Glue stick, scissors and a simple pencil.


First, a blank is cut out of corrugated cardboard, which will be the main flag. This will be an A4 rectangle with dimensions of 25 by 35 cm. Now you need to move 5 cm from the bottom corners to the center and make slits that should be 3 cm deep. They will be needed for fastening.

At the next stage, stands for the flag are made. In this case, the corner of rectangles 6 cm by 12 cm is cut off in a semicircle and slots are made for fastening, which are similar to the slots in the base. The finished stands are connected to the base. Next, the front side of the stands is painted with red gouache.

After that, the shapes of the palms are outlined on each sheet of paper and then cut out. To make a flag, cut out 8 of these palms from each color.

Now, starting from the top edge, glue the white palms. They need to be laid out slightly overlapping each other. We do the work carefully. We make sure that the cardboard does not show through in the space between the palms. To glue the palms, use a glue stick, which is applied only to the wrist area. At the same time, we do not glue our fingers together.

Thus, it is worth filling in all the stripes of the flag and the composition will be ready.


With our article you learned how to make crafts for the Independence Day of Russia. As you can see, everything is simple here. But to make any gizmos you will need persistence and a certain set of necessary materials.

Crafts for Russia Day have not yet become a common occurrence in our country, but children are happy to join in the process of making them on the initiative of adults. At the same time, they develop a sense of patriotism and devotion to their homeland.

A good option for crafts on the theme “Russia” could be an interesting postcard made from an ordinary white sheet.

It is quite possible for children to make such a postcard for Russia Day with their own hands within the walls of a school or kindergarten. To work you will need to prepare in advance:

red, blue and white cardboard;

red colored paper;


PVA glue in a tube with a narrow spout;

simple pencil;


Let's get started.

We fold a white paper sheet in half and give it the required dimensions.

We open the sheet and cover the entire interior space with blue watercolor.

Apply the paint in a fairly thick layer.

Using a piece of cotton wool, carefully blotting the paint with it, we apply silhouettes of clouds, thereby making the background heterogeneous.

We cut out stripes of the Russian flag from colored cardboard.

Glue the stripes of the flag together.

On one side of the future postcard we draw a heart.

Let's cut it out. We put it inside so that it can be seen through the slot.

Fix the flag with glue. In the free space around it, we draw air clouds with the same glue, squeezing it straight out of the tube.

Sprinkle them with semolina.

Shake off the semolina when the glue sets. The clouds have gained volume.

We fold a red paper strip into an accordion. Cut out the flower petals - in the form of droplets.

Decorate the front side of the card with flowers.

Cover the flower cores with glue and sprinkle with semolina.

Shake off the semolina - the cores have turned white.

Before us lies a wonderful version of a craft for Russia Day, which we made with our own hands from an ordinary one.

Complete this card with a simple bouquet and you will receive a wonderful gift for this important national holiday.

Making a model of the Russian flag

Fomicheva Natalia Albertovna, teacher, general development kindergarten No. 30 "Teremok", Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region.
Description: This publication will be useful to teachers of preschool, school and additional education, as well as creative parents. The process of creating a flag for Russia Day is accessible to children of preschool and school age.
Target: Do-it-yourself festive decoration of the premises for Russia Day, making the Russian flag.
- create a solemn festive atmosphere;
- introduce an element of Russian symbolism - the Russian flag;
- evoke an emotional response from the child in preparation for the holiday;
- cultivate a sense of pride, patriotism and love for one’s Motherland.

Russia Day is a wonderful holiday! Day of our beloved Motherland! Despite the fact that this is one of the youngest public holidays, it is celebrated on a grand scale. In large cities on June 12, celebrations, concerts, and fireworks are held.
Preschool children need to be told that Russia is the state in which we live. It has its own state symbols: flag, coat of arms, anthem. Then offer to consider the Russian flag. Draw the attention of children that it is a tricolor: three horizontal stripes. These stripes are arranged in a certain order. Namely: from top to bottom - white, blue, red. Each color of the flag has its own meaning.
White color symbolizes peace and purity, blue - faith, red - strength and blood shed for the Fatherland.

What's that rainbow in the sky?
Red, blue, white color.
This is the flag of my Russia.
There is no more beautiful flag!

Below, red is the color of Victory.
In the middle is blue.
This is the color of great rivers,
What flows in Russia.

Well, on top it’s white.
Everyone knows this
What spiritual purity
Rus' welcomes guests.
(A. Alexandrov)

To consolidate the knowledge acquired about the national flag of Russia and decorate the room for the holiday, it is advisable to make a similar symbol together with the children.
I bring to your attention a master class on how to create it.
Materials and equipment:
A4 corrugated cardboard - for the base (size may vary depending on the idea);
corrugated cardboard for stands - 6 cm by 12 cm - 2 pieces;
A4 colored paper (white, blue, red) - 2 sheets of each color;
red gouache;
art brush;
simple pencil;
glue stick.

Cut out a blank for the base of the flag from corrugated cardboard: an A4 rectangle (approximately 25 cm by 35 cm).
Stepping 5 cm from the bottom corners towards the center, make slits (3 cm deep) for fastening.

Make stands for the flag. To do this, cut off one corner of the rectangles (6 cm by 12 cm) roundly and make slots for fastening, similar to those on the base.

Connect the base of the flag with the stands.

Paint the stands on the front side red.
The structure is ready.

Now on the back side of the colored paper you need to circle the children's palms. And carefully cut them out.

To make a flag we will need 8 palms of each color.

Then, starting from the top (white) strip, we begin to glue the palms of colored paper, laying them slightly overlapping each other. This should be done so that the cardboard is not visible. Coat your palms with glue with a pencil only at the “wrist”. The fingers should remain unglued.

By sequentially filling out all three stripes, we get the Russian flag in a children's version. This is what he looks like!

The production of such a festive attribute can be timed to coincide with the Day of the State Russian Flag - August 22.