“Atypical beauty” a review of famous “ugly girls.” Unusual beauty of models (21 photos) Unusual beauty of a girl

New Year

In modeling, the main thing is not beauty. It has long been proven that for a real model it is not enough to have a pretty face. In this industry, memorable, textured faces are more valued. And lately, so-called terrifying beauty has become a trend among designers. Girls who would be considered freaks in everyday life are gaining great popularity in the modeling business. We invite you to look at the most famous models with atypical appearance.

Daphne Groeneveld
Daphne's facial features are very similar to the famous Twiggy. The girl is the face of Dior Addict perfume and also stars for Calvin Klein, Dior, Gucci and Prada. In 2011, Groeneveld was awarded the title of "Best Dutch Model" at the Marie Claire Fashion Awards.

Julia Zimmer
The appearance of this German woman combines rudeness and tenderness. Julia is the face of such fashion giants as Vivienne Westwood and Prada.

Lisa Ostanina
This young model comes from Izhevsk. At the age of 15, the girl’s life changed dramatically when representatives of one of the most famous modeling agencies in the world one day contacted her. Ostanina went to work in Japan and is still conquering the fashion capitals of the world.

Issa Lish
The unique thing about this anime goddess is that she is half Mexican and half Japanese. Androgynous and even slightly alien facial features give the model even more charm. Today she is one of the most successful models in the world.

Laura O'Grady
There is something unearthly, fairytale-like about the appearance of this beauty with protruding ears. As a child, Laura often suffered from her peers, children teased her with her lop-eared ear, but the small flaw turned out to be in her favor. Thanks to her extraordinary appearance, the girl has become one of the most sought-after models of our time.

Sierra Sky
The girl has a specific face shape, luxurious long hair, thin eyebrows and sensual lips. In addition, behind her unusual appearance hides a deep personality: Sierra loves literature and even engages in poetic activity.

Magdalena Frackowiak
The girl is one of the most famous models in Poland. The highlight of her appearance is high cheekbones and an unusual oval face. Frakowiak worked with maestro Karl Lagerfeld himself, and French Vogue included her in the TOP 30 best models in the 2000s.

Sometimes, looking at the reflection, it seems to us that we would gladly change a lot about ourselves. And at the same time, we often forget that true beauty is hidden in uniqueness, and not in accordance with the current canons of beauty.

We have collected for you touching stories of real people that will help remind us of the true beauty of each of us.

I always felt complex compared to my petite friends(with a height of 180 cm and a weight of 76 kg). But one day we went on a tour of Europe with them.

During the 2 weeks of travel, simply no one noticed them. And they literally pestered me: they asked for my phone number, offered to come again, and even said that they would pay for the flight and accommodation. Like, I am a real Russian beauty (I have a typical Slavic appearance: a round face, ample breasts and thick brown hair). I don't have complexes anymore.

*** *** ***

I'm naturally bright red and green-eyed., at school they teased me as a “red-haired freckle”, at the institute they called her a witch. My brown-haired parents always told me that it was ugly to be a redhead.

Today I was getting a manicure at the beauty salon, and I heard one lady say: “I want hair like that girl.” The hairdresser couldn’t find such a paint, so she asked me to take a photo so she could order just that shade. I'm starting to feel beautiful and unique, it's amazing.

*** *** ***

Parents had no time for showing love to their children, I had to earn money to feed my sister and me. Only my grandmother told me about my appearance: bulging eyes, a potato nose, and so on in the same spirit... That’s how I lived, until the other day I learned from my husband’s boss that my husband had my photo hanging in his locker at work and that’s all to him they envy him because his wife is beautiful.

*** *** ***

I have a strange body. Disproportionately long arms and simply huge feet for my height. If you can still find clothes, then there are problems with your legs. In the 5th grade, the size was already 39, and at 14 years old - 43.5. This is absolute hell. I have to order shoes, and it’s not cheap, so I make do with several pairs for all occasions. This is my biggest complex throughout my life.

Jokes in the style of “Inna-Gulliver”, etc., bewilderment of people in shops and the subway. And God forbid you step on anyone’s foot. I met my husband, the love of my life, only at 28 years old. From the same shoemaker. He is over 2 meters tall and has a foot size of 49. Now there are two Gullivers in our family.

*** *** ***

I have stuttered since childhood. To overcome fear, I tried to be sociable with strangers. I talked to sellers, hairdressers, people in line. Now I am a very sociable person and am not at all ashamed of my small defect. This is my challenge.

*** *** ***

I always complained about my appearance I whined that no one loved me and that no one needed me. Then I experienced clinical death. You can’t imagine how scary it is, not even for yourself, but for your loved ones. Now everything in my life is not the same as before, I am sure that my parents love me very much, and this is the most important thing. Never complain about anything, appreciate everything you have! And love your parents.

*** *** ***

Last fall I was a little fatty with a pleasant face framed by a double chin. I was riding my bike home from school and accidentally bumped into a chubby guy. She apologized. He looked at me very carefully, but I did not react to it.

A week later I went to the store. There I met him again. He looked at me, came up and asked: “Girl, don’t you want to lose weight?” I was shocked by such impudence, but after that he invited me to train and run together. As a result, I am now his pretty, fit girlfriend, and he is a pumped-up brunette with an earring in his ear - straight out of my dream.

*** *** ***

I have red hair. Now they are more copper, but in childhood they were golden, almost orange. How I envied girls with brown hair! No one oppressed me or offended me, but inside I hated my color. And I would have grown up with terrible complexes about nothing if it weren’t for my first teacher at school. She called me “sun girl”, “golden girl” and said how gorgeous my hair was. By the 6th grade, almost all of my classmates were wearing red hair.

*** *** ***

I secretly admire faces with some kind of “defects”, so to speak. I especially like protruding ear tips, long noses, gap-toothed teeth and abundant hemp. And you have no idea how annoying it is to me when people want to get rid of all this by getting a smooth “template” face. When will you understand that all these cute imperfections are nothing more than your business card, your personality! I firmly believe that beauty is in its flaws.
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Sometimes, looking in the mirror, we think that we would gladly change something about ourselves. And at the same time, we are completely unaware that real beauty lies in uniqueness, and not in imitation of the stereotyped standards of beauty accepted in society.

website collected the most sincere stories of real people from communities "Overheard", which remind us of the true beauty of every person.

    I always felt complex compared to my petite friends (with a height of 180 cm and a weight of 76 kg). But one day we went on a tour of Europe with them. During the 2 weeks of travel, simply no one noticed them. And I was literally fed up: they asked for a phone number, offered to come again and even said that they would pay for the flight and accommodation. Like, I am a real Russian beauty (I have a typical Slavic appearance: a round face, ample breasts and thick brown hair). I don't have complexes anymore.

    I am naturally bright red-haired and green-eyed, at school they teased me as a “red-haired freckle”, at the institute they called me a witch. My brown-haired parents always told me that it was ugly to be a redhead. Today I was getting a manicure at the beauty salon, and I heard one lady say: “I want hair like that girl.” The hairdresser couldn’t find such a paint, so she asked me to take a photo so she could order just that shade. I'm starting to feel beautiful and unique, it's amazing.

  • Parents had no time for showing love to their children; they needed to earn money to feed my sister and me. Only my grandmother told me about my appearance: bulging eyes, a potato nose, and so on in the same spirit... That’s how I lived, until the other day I learned from my husband’s boss that My husband has a photo of me hanging in his locker at work and everyone is jealous of him because his wife is beautiful.
  • I have a strange body. Disproportionately long arms and simply huge feet for my height. If you can still find clothes, then there are problems with your legs. In the 5th grade, the size was already 39, and at 14 years old - 43.5. This is absolute hell. I have to order shoes, and it’s not cheap, so I make do with several pairs for all occasions. This is my biggest complex throughout my life. Jokes in the style of “Inna-Gulliver”, etc., bewilderment of people in shops and the subway. And God forbid you step on anyone’s foot. I met my husband, the love of my life, only at 28 years old. From the same shoemaker. He is over 2 meters tall and has a foot size of 49. Now there are two Gullivers in our family.
  • I have stuttered since childhood. To overcome fear, I tried to be sociable with strangers. I talked to sellers, hairdressers, people in line. Now I am a very sociable person and am not at all ashamed of my small defect. This is my challenge.
  • I always complained about my appearance, whining that no one loved me and no one needed me. Then I experienced clinical death. You can’t imagine how scary it is, not even for yourself, but for your loved ones. Now everything in my life is not the same as before, I am sure that my parents love me very much, and this is the most important thing. Never complain about anything, appreciate everything you have! And love your parents.
  • Last fall I was a little plump woman with a pleasant face framed by a double chin. I was riding my bike home from school and accidentally bumped into a chubby guy. She apologized. He looked at me very carefully, but I scored. A week later I went to the store. There I met him again. He looked at me, came up and asked: “Girl, don’t you want to lose weight?” I was freaked out by such impudence, but after that he invited me to train and run together. As a result, I am now his pretty, fit girlfriend, and he is a pumped-up brunette with an earring in his ear - straight out of my dream.
  • I have red hair. Now they are more copper, but in childhood they were golden, almost orange. How I envied girls with brown hair! No one oppressed me or offended me, but inside I hated my color. And I would have grown up with terrible complexes about nothing if it weren’t for my first teacher at school. She called me “sun girl”, “golden girl” and said how gorgeous my hair was. By the 6th grade, almost all of my classmates were wearing red hair.
  • I always considered myself imperfect. There was always something I didn't like about my appearance. I wasted money on my beauty in batches, but the result was always either short-lived or none at all. One day I met the man of my dreams who told me: “You know what? Nobody is perfect. But you are the most beautiful girl I have ever met!” - and made an offer. I have never been so happy! I agreed. With his help, I fell in love with myself for who I am.
  • I secretly admire faces with some kind of “defects,” so to speak. Especially I like the protruding tips of the ears, long noses, gap-toothed teeth and abundant hemp. And you have no idea how annoying it is to me when people want to get rid of all this by getting a smooth “template” face. When will you understand that all these cute imperfections are nothing more than your business card, your personality! I firmly believe that beauty is in its flaws.

Beauty will save the world. Or at least provoke him to stay alive. Because conflicting emotions and debates about what beauty is will not end as long as they exist. Women are actresses, singers, models and simply earthly goddesses who inspire this world to be, and women - not to consider appearance the basis of their personality.

1. Cara Delevingne

23 years old, hooligan, top model and actress, stylish, cheerful and self-ironic, bold and lively, the most invited and the most influential - this is a short list of Kara’s characteristics. And this is just the beginning.

Of course, one selfie of hers, taken with her left heel, “sells” designer clothes better than the most pretentious fashion show. Kara knows her stuff. She has been in the fashion industry since she was 10 years old, with her first photo for Italian Vogue.

Not bad for a slightly upturned nose, which many consider ordinary? Diversity, hyper-emotionality and youthful enthusiasm. Is it not these powerful forces that attract more and more subscribers to her overwhelming Instagram?

2. Charlotte Gainsbourg

Who knows what would have happened to this little girl if not for her star parents - Jane Birkin and Serge Gainsbourg.

Inheriting the features of both, Charlotte became a symbol of intellectual beauty, melancholy and modern Paris. Although she doesn’t like her appearance, which she has repeatedly admitted in interviews.

However, this difficulty did not become an obstacle to receiving the Cannes Film Festival prize for Best Actress for the film Antichrist in 2009.

Anti-irony of fate? Don't be born beautiful - choose the right family.

3. Tilda Swinton

If your family history goes back at least one thousand years, there is a high probability that people will consider you an alien from another planet. This is exactly what happens with Tilda Swinton.

Having connected her youth with the theater and becoming world famous after 40 years, Tilda has always puzzled lovers of plump lips and innocently open eyelashes. But never doubt your own talent. And the Oscar received in 2008 for Best Supporting Actor in the film “Michael Clayton” is just one proof. Gender uncertainty and beauty are compatible concepts.

4. Uma Thurman

Another sex symbol for intellectuals. Everything is as it should be: one meter eighty tall, size 42 feet, angular movements and large feet that Quentin Tarantino is crazy about.

The press is full of scary headlines about unsuccessful plastic surgery. Let’s forget and forgive, dancing like in “Pulp Fiction” and singing “U-ma-tur-man!” And remember the 2003 Golden Globe for Best Actress for Hysterical Blindness.

5. Vanessa Paradis

Thin and fragile, almost boyish, this little girl proved to the world that a gap between her teeth adds charm to her appearance, and deliberate thinness easily turns you into a style icon.

Former common-law husband Johnny Depp and two common children confirm. And even though separations are inevitable, Vanessa is not shy about smiling widely and does not consider it necessary to hide the wrinkles on her eternally childish face.

6. Sarah Jessica Parker

The actress who plays Carrie Bradshaw, who knows everything about Sex and the City, was voted the most unsexy woman alive in 2007 by readers of the men's magazine Maxim. Problem? Meanwhile, Robert Downey Jr., Nicolas Cage and John Kennedy Jr. do not think so. A romance with each of them is a clearer indicator of reader sympathies.

Well, four Golden Globe awards and two Emmys to the actress “with a horse’s appearance” are an easy bonus for those who have final doubts.

7. Hilary Swank

Rough facial features sometimes bring star roles in films - for example, transgender Hilary in Boys Don't Cry or boxer Maggie in Million Dollar Baby.

“Angular,” but charming and courageous, Hilary was repeatedly noted for these roles. She has won two Oscars (2000, 2005) and two Golden Globes (2000, 2005).

8. Chloë Sevigny

A little shocking and vintage, plus a scandalous debut role, as was the case with Chloe in the film “Kids” (1995) - and you are guaranteed a pass to the world of celebrities. This is the recipe from a blonde who believes that you don’t have to be perfect.

Beauty is a relative concept, and its canons sometimes change very quickly. Our review contains photographs nine custom models from around the world, destroying stereotypes and proving that you can be beautiful, desirable and in demand, no matter what.

Girl without a leg - Victoria Modesta

The Latvian singer and model underwent 15 ineffective operations on a leg damaged during childbirth. Soon the leg had to be amputated. But her self-confidence did not diminish. Quite the contrary. She inspires many with her example.

Two meters of beauty - Erica Irwin

35-year-old model from California Erica Irwin, thanks to her height - 2 meters 5 centimeters - is considered one of the tallest and most popular models in the world.

Alien on the catwalk - Masha Telna

Ukrainian model with surprisingly big eyes. She is often called "the alien" and "the fair elf".

Sexy Lily McMenamy

The rising star of the modeling business, to put it mildly, the too unconventional model Lily McMenamy conquered the catwalks of world brands and won a countless number of men's hearts.

Provocative model - Melanie Gaydos

Melanie Gaydos is a German-born art model living in New York. Melanie's unusual appearance attracts photographers and artists. The girl often participates in the most provocative photo shoots, not embarrassed to appear naked. A bald head, lack of eyebrows and eyelashes, a cleft lip - all this creates a bright image that makes a strong impression on others. Melanie became an Internet star after starring in the video for the German band Rammstein's song Mein Herz Brennt (My Heart Is Burning) in 2012.

Appetizing Denise Bidot

The 28-year-old Puerto Rican model is considered one of the most sought-after XXL models. Bidot is proud that she has become a clear example of the fact that you can always be successful and beautiful, for all women heavier than 55 kilograms

Androgynous Casey Legler

This French model became the first to be signed as a man. She advertises men's clothing. Legler's height is 188 centimeters. Short hair, sharp cheekbones and a strong chin make Casey look very much like a young man.