Non-crystal shoes. National shoes of Holland


Clogs - the history of wooden shoes

Remember the 70s of the last century, when many of us not only dreamed of, but also wore shoes with wooden soles. I had more than one pair of these shoes. It was very comfortable for me to walk in, although some of my friends didn’t really like it, because they thought that the shoes looked bulky. But everyone has different tastes and everyone decides what to wear. If in those years it was difficult to buy clogs, now you can not only buy them easily, but also have a fairly large selection. Shoes are offered in different colors and designs, not like in the days when clogs first appeared. And you’ll find out when and where now.

Clogs, klomps, klumpes, trasko - these are all the names of wooden shoes that were worn by the lower strata of the population: peasants and workers as everyday and sometimes protective footwear. It was made from various types of wood - willow, poplar, birch, beech and others. There were many varieties of wooden shoes and this was related to the country in which they were made. therefore, some had heels, others looked like boots, and they even made sandals.

Although wooden shoes in the Middle Ages and later were the main footwear in many European countries, such as France, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Sweden and Great Britain, their history goes deep into antiquity. Such shoes were worn both in Ancient Rome and Japan. In the 10th century Japanese geta had a wooden sole in the shape of a bench. They were the main footwear of women and men from different segments of the population and were worn until the mid-twentieth century. There were different styles of wooden shoes. They were closed and with an open heel, without decoration, varnished or decorated with carvings and paintings, and sometimes they were trimmed along the edges with copper wire. To increase the wear time, wooden shoes were shod with iron. While walking, such shoes rumbled terribly, and when running along the pavement, sparks even fell from under their soles. Such shoes were worn in villages until the beginning of the 20th century, but gradually they were replaced by the products of industrial enterprises. Interest in it arose again in the 60s of the last century. Then a version of clogs with a leather top and a thick wooden sole appeared, which we wore. And as I said above, now the models of clogs have changed, they began to produce both women's and women's. And depending on the style, different materials for the upper of shoes and decor are used. All that remains is to carefully consider the choice and see what kind of clogs were worn not only in ancient times, but also in the present day.

An advanced European country, with high technology and the same standard of living. But even today, it is impossible to imagine without them, despite the fact that now only a fairly limited circle of people wear them. What I'm talking about? Of course, about traditional Dutch shoes... Klomps are wooden shoes, the history of which goes back to the Middle Ages, when wooden sandals were replaced by more comfortable and durable shoes.

Once upon a time, along the entire coast of Europe, from the Atlantic Ocean to the North Sea and from Spain to the Scandinavian countries, you could meet people wearing wooden shoes, slightly different styles, but the idea was the same.

The historical homeland of klomps is France, or rather its southern part, but they won real popularity and sincere love from. In the 15th century, they were worn by the majority of the population (with the exception of the upper class). And, all thanks to its cheapness and practicality, especially in rural areas due to the predominance of swampy soil.

Pay attention to the boy’s feet 😉

The huge demand for wooden shoes has led to the rapid development of this craft in the country. The durable woods needed for their production, such as willow and poplar, grew here in abundance.

In the old days, boots were made by hand; craftsmen created their own special models and motifs to decorate them.

Machine for making clamps

By the way, it was by the patterns that it was possible to determine which province a person was from, since in different regions of the country they were decorated with a certain painting.
"Fresh" clop

Klomps, with painting "Delft"

In addition, there was a demand for special types designed for various purposes: for walking on ice (with spikes on the sole) and skating on ice (with a blade like skates), for playing football and even for weddings. In winter, for warmth, klomps were filled with straw or shredded paper.

Due to the decline in the number of workers in the agricultural sector and on livestock farms, it is not common to see people wearing wooden shoes these days.

But despite this, the production of traditional clogs is still alive in Russia, and manufacturers do not lose money: millions of pairs of wooden shoes are sold annually. True, now they are mainly bought by numerous tourists, for example the Japanese or Americans, who adore - ■ About a rich man who has accumulated a fortune with difficulty, it is usually said that he came to Paris in wooden shoes...

Lexicon of common truths

Souvenir Dutch clogs Modern wooden shoes clogs Wooden shoes wooden shoes, an element of traditional national clothing in Europe. In France, wooden shoes are called clogs (French sabot), in the Netherlands clogs (Netherlands... Wikipedia Shoes - (Turkic) 1. A type of light leather shoes with heels and buckles. Appeared in the 18th century. in Rus'. Depending on the means of the owner, B. buckles were gold, silver, and sometimes they were decorated with precious stones. Such B. gentlemen wore...

Encyclopedia of fashion and clothing

They consist of items that are generally extremely necessary in the household of a 19th-century peasant and are made mainly from solid pieces of wood, which are given the appropriate shape by trimming or scraping the outside and removing ... ... Wikipedia

They consist of items that are generally extremely necessary in the household of a peasant and are made mainly from solid pieces of wood, which are given the appropriate shape by trimming or scraping the outside and removing the inside... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

This term has other meanings, see Shoe (meanings) ... Wikipedia

- ... Wikipedia

Made from poplar for everyday use. Klomps are traditional Dutch wooden shoes. Currently, the practical value of Dutch wooden shoes is declining, most Dutch people have already ... Wikipedia

A set of women's shoes reflects Russian fashion of 2006 2007. Boots Footwear is an element of clothing. Worn on feet. It is used primarily for thermal and mechanical protection of the feet... Wikipedia


  • Wooden shoes, Kasis Saya. A collection of autobiographical stories about the life of a Lithuanian orphan shepherd boy. Only after the restoration of Soviet power in Lithuania and the victory over fascism in the Great Patriotic War...

The national shoes of Holland are still popular and can be bought as souvenirs. Moreover, souvenirs are sold of a very different nature: miniature copies of shoes, as well as normal-sized shoes, which, however, are sometimes not embarrassing to wear in public. It’s hard to imagine how the streets of Europe used to be filled with the rhythmic knock of wooden clogs and filled with a colorful festival of national costumes.

In principle, there is no tourist who would not want to purchase such a unique product of national culture. The first lines in history mentioning the national wooden shoes of Holland date back to the Middle Ages. In any case, the paintings painted during that period depict people wearing this type of footwear.

At first, shoes were made by hand. But since more and more of them were needed, we had to gain momentum and begin to develop production. By the 18th century, specialized mechanisms appeared, which accelerated the production of shoes.

Shoes from Holland and Amsterdam - history and distribution, wooden miracle shoes

Wooden shoes in Holland, in some areas, are still made “the old fashioned way.” They are called klompen. By the way, the analogue of the Russian expression “to carry away one’s legs” is the Dutch one – “to carry away the klompen”.

But still, wooden shoes in Holland today have a purely tourist purpose. A lot of tourists come to the country, and skilled shoemakers make great money from this.

Although klompen are still worn in certain regions of the state. And these are quite comfortable shoes, surprisingly practical. You can walk on nails and glass in it, they can be easily and quickly removed or put on.

In addition, in summer it is not at all hot in wooden shoes, and in winter the texture will retain heat. For more warmth, people stuff straw or paper into their shoes.

Wooden shoes in Holland are a completely justified invention, not only comfortable, but also beautiful.

Already from the beginning of the 19th century, neighbors also learned about shoes from Holland. Factories are growing like mushrooms, competing in the quality of the goods produced and in beauty. Only the 20th century ruined everything (World War I, then the crisis of the thirties, the bourgeois revolution in the Netherlands, World War II).

After the war, there was a sudden rapid rise in the shoe business, but the growth did not last long. Klompen have ceased to serve as everyday shoes, and now no more than three million pairs of exotic shoes are made in the country, mostly for visiting tourists.

To buy shoes in Amsterdam, you should visit the souvenir shops. To make shoes, the necessary wood is first obtained, usually poplar. But the age of the tree should not be less than 20 years. This material is very easy to process, lightweight and durable. In the Middle Ages, black poplar wood was used.

By the way, American poplar has taken root well in the Dutch soil and climate and is now actively cultivated. The resourceful Dutch bred one from two varieties of poplar and called it Canadian.

Today, almost everyone who has traveled to this amazing country has shoes from Holland as a souvenir. But few people know how much wood goes into carving antique shoes. For example, for 50 shoes you need to process a cubic meter of wood. And since up to 3 million pairs are produced per year, up to 60 thousand cubic meters of wood are spent on this. Imagine how much forest is cut down in order to please tourists and the few lovers of wooden shoes.

Klompen that are sold for everyday use are rarely decorated with fancy paintings. The design won’t last long anyway, because the shoes need to be wiped with sand in order for them to serve their owners. Painted shoes are worn only on holidays. Moreover, in different parts of Holland, a different type of design is applied to shoes, according to which a specialist who understands the art of Holland will immediately determine from which region this or that guest came to the capital.

Welcome to our online store selling Dutch Clogs

We are glad to see that you are interested in Dutch clogs. Just like us, you probably love wooden clogs. Clogs are a fantastic product and have been worn for hundreds of years. The oldest clogs found in the Netherlands date back to 1230 and have remained virtually unchanged since then. As you know, the Netherlands is famous for these wooden shoes, clogs are part of the national tradition.

Why Sabo?

Clogs have many benefits. They are comfortable, provide protection, keep your feet dry and warm, and keep your feet healthy. In addition, Clogs are indispensable when walking through mud. Centuries ago, clogs were designed and created to be used for a variety of purposes. For example: traditional peasant Clogs, Clogs for gardeners and gardeners, Clogs for fishermen, Clogs for ice skating, Clogs for Sundays, Clogs created specifically for women. Clogs can tell a lot about the creator and the people wearing them. They speak their own language.

Buy Dutch clogs now!


Most of the wooden Clogs we sell are handmade by craftsmen from a family that has been making Clogs for five generations. Traditionally, each craftsman has his own design. In our store you can choose from a wide range of handmade Clogs, but we also sell souvenir Clogs.

Clogs are made of wood, so you need trees to make them. Dutch Clogs are made from willow or poplar. These trees are common in the Netherlands. These trees are moisture resistant and are light, tough and resilient. The trunk is cut into the desired shape with a special cutter and then cut with a special knife. Then a depression in the shape of a foot is hollowed out. After this, the clogs are polished, sometimes decorated with patterns and finally dried.

Order Clogs

Visit our online store to select Clogs from our various models and designs of wooden shoes. If you would like your own design please contact us to discuss the possibilities.

When ordering Clogs there are a few things you should know. Wooden shoes should not fit tightly. When you place your foot in the shoe, there should be a gap the width of your big toe between the heel and the heel of the wooden shoe. Please read our sizing page carefully before you order a pair of clogs.

For consultation, please contact us.