Nechuy-Levitsky “Kaidashev’s family. Comparative characteristics of Karp and Lavrin from the story I


Images representatives of the younger generation are also depicted in a humorously everyday manner. Depicting Karp and Lavrin, the author, on the one hand, contrasts them with each other, and on the other, highlights their common features. Both Kaydashenkas are individualists and live by their own selfish interests. Their wives do the same. In life, they are united by the desire for independence, the dream of land and their own farm. All of them are depicted by the writer as morally wretched people who, through their endless quarrels, lose their sense of dignity.

Morefrom a young agebrothers were different, had different tastes and characters. Carp are rough and sharp by nature. Even as a boy, he was not silent to his father, and having started his own family, he felt the need to separate, especially when he himself became a father and had equal rights with old Kaidasch. He feels responsible for his family, his wife, and therefore defends her from the attacks of his mother and father, neglecting their authority, trampling on their dignity, raising his hand against Kaidash and thereby destroying the patriarchal traditions of complete obedience to his parents. “Karp, having beaten his father, forgot about it and did not complain at all, as if he had beaten some guy in a tavern.” Karp's isolation did not stop the quarrels in the family, but on the contrary, it increased.

Nechuy-Levitsky portrays Lavrina as different in character, lyrical, respectful. This is a sensitive soul. He plays the pipe, feels the beauty of nature, and treats people with respect. With his character and behavior, Lavrin is not like other Kaidash. But gradually, family feuds spoil Lavrin’s pure and kind soul; he also gets drawn into family troubles, becomes selfish and indifferent.

Enmity between members one family for a patch of field, for an estate, for an old pear tree on the border does not arise unexpectedly, but gradually flares up. The author calls one of the reasons for the quarrels the lack of land - the only means of living; however, the core problem of the family lay in the selfish approach to solving any household affairs of each of its members. The writer humorously depicts mutual envy, gossip and outbursts of violent anger among the Kaidash. However, the humor in the story is sympathetic. It helps to reveal the influence of their difficult situation on the psychology of workers, since after a long period of corvée they found themselves in new, unusual post-reform circumstances.

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The images of representatives of the younger generation are also depicted in a humorously everyday manner. Depicting Karp and Lavrin, the author, on the one hand, contrasts them with each other, and on the other, highlights their common features. Both Kaydashenkas are individualists and live by their own selfish interests. Their wives do the same. In life, they are united by the desire for independence, the dream of land and their own farm. All of them are depicted by the writer as morally wretched people who, through their endless quarrels, lose their sense of dignity.

Even from a young age, the brothers were different, had different tastes and characters. Carp are rough and sharp by nature. Even as a boy, he was not silent to his father, and having started his own family, he felt the need to separate, especially when he himself became a father and had equal rights with old Kaidasch. He feels responsible for his family, his wife, and therefore defends her from the attacks of his mother and father, neglecting their authority, trampling on their dignity, raising his hand against Kaidash and thereby destroying the patriarchal traditions of complete obedience to his parents. “Karp, having beaten his father, forgot about it and did not complain at all,

It’s like he beat some guy in a pub.” Karp's isolation did not stop the quarrels in the family, but on the contrary, it increased.

Nechuy-Levitsky portrays Lavrina as different in character, lyrical, respectful. This is a sensitive soul. He plays the pipe, feels the beauty of nature, and treats people with respect. With his character and behavior, Lavrin is not like other Kaidash. But gradually, family feuds spoil Lavrin’s pure and kind soul; he also gets drawn into family troubles, becomes selfish and indifferent.

Enmity between members of the same family over a patch of field, over an estate, over an old pear tree on the border does not arise unexpectedly, but gradually flares up. The author calls one of the reasons for the quarrels the lack of land - the only means of living; however, the core problem of the family lay in the selfish approach to solving any household affairs of each of its members. The writer humorously depicts mutual envy, gossip and outbursts of violent anger among the Kaidash. However, the humor in the story is sympathetic. It helps to reveal the influence of their difficult situation on the psychology of workers, since after a long period of corvée they found themselves in new, unusual post-reform circumstances.

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Comparative characteristics of Karp and Lavrin from the story “Kaidashev’s family” by I. Nechuy-Levitsky