A large couple from the Volgograd region kidnapped a child, having previously killed their adopted baby. A married couple kidnapped someone else's child to hide the terrible death of their adopted son. Adoptive parents stole the child.

Other celebrations

Investigators from the Volgograd region are looking into a terrible story in the center of which are two kids. A large couple kidnapped a three-year-old child. The boy was quickly found, but it turned out that this crime was planned in order to hide another, even more terrible one.

There are only a dozen houses in the Yarsky farm. And, it seems, everyone is in sight of each other. The Pavlov family was no worse than others. The house is strong and the yard is tidy. Swing, flowers in the front garden. Although they didn’t officially work anywhere, they kept a subsidiary farm and raised five children. One of his own and four adopted ones. This was the case until May 8, when a three-year-old boy who had been kidnapped the other day was found in their house.

“I didn’t expect it from them, they didn’t drink, they seemed normal,” a local resident marvels.

Little Timur was found frightened, but, thank God, alive and well. Now he is home again. Only the relatives still have not recovered from the shock. On May 7, in his native Morozovsk, in the afternoon, he was walking with his sisters and grandmother. An unfamiliar man and woman literally snatched him from the hands of a relative, spraying her in the face with a gas canister. All that a passer-by managed to remember was that the kidnappers took the child away in a dark green Zhiguli. From the license plate I only remembered the seven in the middle and the fact that the car was from the neighboring Volgograd region.

“After receiving information about the search for the car in which the child abductors allegedly fled, the owners of all VAZ 5-7 model vehicles were identified and verified using a fragment of the license plate number,” said Anton Karnaukhov, deputy head of the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Volgograd Region.

From the farm in the Volgograd region, where the Pavlovs live, to Morozovsk in Rostov, from where Timur was kidnapped, is less than fifty kilometers. During the investigative experiment, the kidnappers admitted to Rostov investigators: they stole the baby to replace another one, four-year-old Yegor, who was under their care.

“According to the testimony of the detainees, in September 2016, one of their adopted children disappeared without a trace - four-year-old Yegor was playing in the sandbox not far from the house, from where he allegedly disappeared. At the same time, the guardians explained that they did not contact law enforcement agencies either after the incident or in the next eight months, but they regularly received the payments due to them,” said Natalia Kunitskaya, senior assistant to the head of the department of the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Volgograd Region.

In April, the Pavlovs started receiving calls from the clinic. The kids needed to be vaccinated. But the head of the family said that his wife and children had gone to stay. Having compared all the facts, the Volgograd Investigative Committee suspected something was wrong. Checks have begun. A criminal case was opened under the article “Murder of a minor.” And at the very first interrogation, the adoptive mother confessed to the investigator of an even more terrible crime.

“During the interrogation, the adoptive mother admitted to him that she personally buried her young adopted son, who died last fall as a result of illness. Whether this is so remains to be determined by investigators,” said Natalia Kunitskaya.

They searched for the boy’s body in Yarskoye for almost two days. The woman was unable to pinpoint the exact location of the burial. Investigators and operatives dug up the vacant lot behind the Pavlovs’ house meter by meter. Found it a few hours ago.

“For almost two days, explosive work was carried out in search of the remains of little Yegor’s corpse. “Currently, remains have been discovered, and large excavations have been carried out in the back part of the farmstead of Yegor’s adoptive mother,” said Leonid Rogalsky, head of the first department for investigating particularly important cases of the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Volgograd Region.

The Pavlovs are now under arrest. Representatives of the guardianship authorities also answer the investigators' questions. The most important: why did no one notice for almost eight months that the little ward had disappeared from the foster family? Children left without guardians were removed from their families. For now they are under the supervision of specialists.

Grandmother of a three year old Timur She didn’t even have time to come to her senses when an unknown woman, having sprayed a gas canister in her face, grabbed the boy in her arms and ran to the approaching car. The car immediately took off and soon disappeared from view. The poor woman, who just a few minutes ago was walking in the park with her grandchildren, did not know what to do.

Three-year-old Timur was kidnapped in broad daylight

Child abduction is an emergency even in these troubled times. Moreover, in small Morozovsk. The city is small, in the Rostov region. Just over 25 thousand people live here, according to official data. In fact, the population is even smaller, since many residents of Morozovsk are only at home “on leave” - they work, study, serve in other cities and towns of the country. child on May 7, 2017 was a real shock for the residents of Morozovsk and the Rostov region as a whole. People wondered who could have kidnapped the child?

The first version was possible family “showdowns”. However, it turned out that the boy’s father and mother live together, their family is good, strong, and they are not going to get a divorce. The version of kidnapping for ransom or because of the professional activities of the parents also naturally disappeared - they are simple people, the boy’s father Alexander Savitsky works in a store. There was active discussion about the kidnapping of a boy for the purpose of sale - for adoption and even for organs.

Almost immediately the strange incident in the Rostov region was reported to the head of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin. He took the investigation into the abduction of three-year-old Tima under his own control. Perhaps it was the intervention of higher authorities that pushed law enforcement officers to take active action.

The police were able to establish that the kidnappers and three-year-old Timur fled in a car with license plates from the Volgograd region. A search for the alleged criminals began in the neighboring region. Establishing their identities turned out to be a matter of technology. Soon both the kidnappers and the boy himself were found.

Who kidnapped the boy and why?

Timur was taken to the Yarskaya farm, in the Chernyshkovsky district of the Volgograd region - in the southwest of the region, just on the border with the Rostov region. By the way, the farm is located exactly on the Chir River, separating the Volgograd region from the Rostov region, and, according to official data, only 140 people live in it.

Spouses born in 1969, Andrey P. And Natalya P., apparently, were not going to do anything bad to the boy except to separate him from his parents forever. They had the conscience to kidnap a child from the family. For what? At first, the kidnappers tried to deceive the investigators and stated that the boy was allegedly lost in Morozovsk, where they arrived at the market, and they found him crying, took pity on him and took him to their home - to shelter and feed him. Thus, the couple almost did a noble deed, but the parents of the boy Timur, in their opinion, should have been punished for poor supervision of their offspring.

However, no one believed this dubious version. Everything about it was suspicious - why would the boy be taken to another region, and why in this case the “saviors” - the kidnappers - did not contact the police or other structures that could help find the child’s parents.

One of the adopted children died under strange circumstances

Later, much more terrible details of the abduction were revealed. It turned out that the kidnapping spouses, as they later admitted to investigators, simply wanted to replace Timur with another child. There are six children in their family. Two of our own and four adopted. They seemed to be living well, but one day a terrible tragedy occurred in the family. A three-year-old boy, one of the adopted children, was scalded with boiling water during water procedures. And here the adoptive parents made the most unforgivable mistake - they did not inform anyone about the death of the child, but buried the boy themselves. Moreover, as the adoptive mother told investigators, the boy was dying in front of her eyes for several days, writhing in pain, and she did not even call an ambulance or take the baby to the doctors. And when he died, they buried him in a vacant lot so that later even the investigators could not show where this place was. And somehow they lived for themselves all this time, and even received money for the child.

Their only concern was that foster children were periodically checked by guardianship authorities. Sooner or later, Natalya and Andrey would have to answer unpleasant questions. Therefore, in order to get out of a difficult situation, they decided to simply “replace” the child. For this, only a three-year-old boy was required, at least approximately similar to the deceased. This is how the idea of ​​kidnapping was born. The couple went to the neighboring Rostov region. Timur and his grandmother were watched during a walk, and then decided to act...

However, again, this is only the version stated by the kidnappers themselves. It is still unknown what they did with the deceased baby. After all, it should not be ruled out that the cause of his death could not have been burns from boiling water. In any case, many questions arise for the guardianship and trusteeship authorities. First of all, it is their oversight - to give the child to be raised in a family of people who are capable of not only concealing the death of the baby, but also committing a daring criminal offense - kidnapping a three-year-old boy in front of his grandmother, causing grief to other, innocent people.

Where is guardianship headed?

The problem of social protection of children and adolescents in Russia is indeed very acute. The public has long been outraged by the tragedies that befell several Russian children adopted into foreign families. The famous “law” was even adopted Dima Yakovleva».

But they often prefer to remain silent about problems in their own country. Although here we see many very serious situations - from the notorious “blue whales” pushing children to commit suicide, to banal beatings, bullying and even sexual violence from parents and other relatives. A paradoxical situation arises when children can be removed from quite prosperous families who, for example, are experiencing certain financial difficulties, and vice versa, outright marginalized people who lead an antisocial lifestyle and abuse alcohol and drugs can be left in the families.

For example, in many regions of Russia there are so-called. social rehabilitation centers with day care departments. Children from very difficult families are taken to 24-hour departments, but most disadvantaged children attend day care departments. There they are helped with their homework, fed, and at six in the evening the children go home to their moms and dads, who are not always sober and adequate. Another model for solving this problem is foster care. We are used to admiring the nobility of people raising strangers, abandoned children. But today, guardianship has become a profitable business. The state pays decent money for each child; if you take on several children at once, you get a decent amount. At least more than what the average resident of a Russian province can earn. Some enterprising people have turned into caregivers, but are they caring?

Business on adopted children

Guardianship authorities do not always monitor the activities of guardians and foster families properly. A typical example is the story of the kidnapping of Timur. Natalya and Andrey’s child died eight (!) months ago. And no one realized it - although there are only 140 residents in the Yarsky village, everyone here knows each other by name. During this time, the guardianship authorities, it turns out, never visited this family and were not interested in how the tiny person was doing in the foster parents’ house. Maybe they wouldn’t have come to their senses for a long time if it weren’t for this kidnapping story.

According to Chairman of the Association of Parent Committees and Communities of Russia(ARKS) Olga Letkova, in this case, the guardianship and trusteeship authorities really behaved very strangely.

“Their professional compliance, the fulfillment of the duties assigned to them by the state and society raises big questions,” Olga Letkova is perplexed. According to Olga Vladimirovna, this is not the first example of serious problems in foster families.

Guardianship, by assigning children to foster families, “washes its hands” and often ceases to monitor the future fate of the children. According to Olga Letkova, this is due to the commercialization of the very process of transferring children to foster families. Children are taken away from quite prosperous two-parent families, no attention is paid to dysfunctional families, and guardianship turns into a profitable business - this is where we need to look for the root of the problem.

In the Volgograd region, the body of an adopted child was discovered, whose parents are suspected of kidnapping a boy from the Rostov region, the official representative of the Investigative Committee, Svetlana Petrenko, reported on the evening of May 10.

During investigative and operational search activities, the investigative team managed to find and extract the remains of the child. All necessary forensic examinations will be scheduled as soon as possible. Specialists will have to establish the true cause of the child’s death, as well as the circumstances preceding his death.

On May 7, 2017, a 3-year-old boy was kidnapped in the city of Morozovsk, Rostov region. Unknown people snatched the child from the grandmother's arms, sprayed her in the face with a gas canister, and took her away in a car. Based on this fact, a criminal case was immediately initiated on the grounds of a crime provided for in paragraphs. “a, d” part 2 of article 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (kidnapping of a minor committed by a group of persons).
After receiving information that the criminals were driving a car with Volgograd registration plates, and therefore could be in the region, law enforcement agencies of the Volgograd region immediately joined the search for the child.

On May 8, the suspects were detained in the Chernyshkovsky district of the Volgograd region. They turned out to be a married couple - a 48-year-old local resident and his 47-year-old wife. At the request of the investigation, the court chose a preventive measure in the form of detention.

A three-year-old child kidnapped in the Rostov region was found alive and healthy, Svetlana Petrenko reported.
— In the course of competently planned and carried out joint investigative, operational and search activities, on May 8, a three-year-old boy, kidnapped a day earlier in the Rostov region, was found in the Volgograd region. The child is alive, examined by doctors, nothing threatens his life and health.

While clarifying the circumstances of the incident, investigators learned that the kidnappers were raising five minor children, four of whom were adopted. In September 2016, one of their adopted children disappeared without a trace - a four-year-old boy was playing in a sandbox not far from the house from where he allegedly disappeared. At the same time, the guardians did not contact law enforcement agencies either after the incident or in the next 8 months, but they regularly received the payments due.

The Investigative Committee of Russia in the Volgograd Region has already opened a criminal case on the fact of negligence (Article 293 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) of officials of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities who transferred four children to foster care. During the investigation of this criminal case, the circumstances of the transfer of children to the family will be comprehensively studied and a legal assessment will be given to the actions or inactions of specific officials of the guardianship and trusteeship authority, who did not check the living conditions of the children, and most importantly, did not notice the long absence of a four-year-old child.

The investigation already knows that the deceased child and his older brother were placed under the guardianship of the suspects at the end of 2014. By that time, the family was already raising two adopted children, taken from a rehabilitation center in 2009. Currently, all children have been removed from the family and examined by doctors. Their future fate will be determined by the authorities. The investigation of criminal cases in the Rostov and Volgograd regions continues.

The situation in the Chernyshkovsky district has become another proof of serious problems in the system of guardianship authorities in the region.

More and more new details of the terrible story in the Chernyshkovsky district are emerging. A man and a woman stole someone else’s child in the Rostov region in order to replace their deceased adopted son. According to his adoptive mother, the boy died after being scalded with boiling water. She buried the child on the outskirts of the farm. Neither the doctors nor the regional guardianship authorities knew that the baby was alive for eight months.

Kidnapping according to plan

This story shocked the whole country. Petrov family ( last names and first names have been changed.– Ed.) from the village of Yarsky Chernyshkovsky district raised four adopted children. Both did not work, but they kept a large, good house in order, maintained a personal plot, and kept livestock. The Petrovs took custody of their brother and sister, Misha and Masha, in 2009, and in 2014 very little Nikita and Kostya appeared in the house.

The fact that four-year-old Kostya has been dead for eight months became known after the crime that the husband and wife decided to commit. 48-year-old Nikolai and 47-year-old Natalia kidnapped a 3-year-old child in the city of Morozovsk, Rostov region, where they came to the market to buy groceries. The blond boy was very similar to Kostya, who allegedly disappeared without a trace. The mother of the family managed to convince her husband and other children that Kostya was stolen by his careless biological mother when he was playing in the sandbox. At the same time, the adoptive parents did not report the “abduction” to the police, and did not check the family and guardianship authorities. Even the Petrovs’ neighbors had no idea about the boy’s disappearance.

“Even though they have a lot of children, we have never heard any noise or children’s laughter,” say the neighbors. “All the guys looked as if they were intimidated.”

Most likely, the couple decided to kidnap the boy in Morozovsk when it was time for a routine medical examination and his absence would have aroused suspicion. The husband and wife began to look for a boy who looked similar. A suitable child was found in Morozovsk.

We were looking for something similar

On May 7, Nikolai and Natalia arrived at the market - from the Yarsky farm to Morozovsk about twenty minutes by car. By chance, in a crowd of people, the couple saw a boy who looked like Kostya in a pod; the child was walking with his grandmother. Nikolai sprayed a gas can into the elderly woman’s face, and Natalia dragged the boy into the car. Everything happened so quickly that none of the passers-by had time to understand what had happened. True, someone remembered that the license plates of the car were from the Volgograd region.

“After receiving guidance from a fragment of the state license plate, all owners of VAZ cars of the fifth and seventh models were checked,” comments Anton Kornaukhov, deputy head of the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Volgograd Region. “One of these cars turned out to be registered to a resident of the Yarsky village, where a boy was discovered during an inspection the day after the abduction.

The frightened child was handed over to his parents - the 3-year-old boy is all right. However, this is not a story with a happy ending.

No happy ending

When it turned out that no one had seen 4-year-old Kostya for eight months, investigators from the regional Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case under the article “Murder.” Experienced operatives and criminologists went to the Chernyshkovsky district, and by the evening of May 10, Kostya’s remains were discovered not far from the Petrov family home. On the same day, the three remaining adopted children were placed in the district hospital until all the circumstances were clarified.

The details of the death of the Petrovs’ 4-year-old adopted child shocked even seasoned law enforcement officers. During an investigative experiment, Natalia Petrova admitted that she personally buried Kostya, who died after being scalded with boiling water.

“Kostya lived with us since 2014, everything was fine, but in September 2016 a misfortune happened,” Natalia feigns remorse in the operational video footage. – The children were in the room, I was outside, preparing twists. Water was just boiling on the stove, and suddenly I heard a scream. I went into the kitchen - Kostya was standing on a stool, a saucepan was lying on the floor. His legs were purple, his feet were red - I immediately took out Miramistin, treated the wounds and calmed him down.

The woman decided not to show the boy with severe burns to doctors. She says she was scared of the guardianship authorities. “Suddenly they will take our children away because of my oversight, because of my negligence,” the mother of the family admits on camera.

Natalia sat Kostya, roaring in pain, in front of the TV. Over the next two weeks, the boy began to develop gangrene.

“The skin became crusty, so we began to apply emollient ointments,” says Petrova. “Then I noticed that there was pus under the crust, but I didn’t call the doctors. On the morning of September 25, I went into Kostya’s room and found him dead. While my other son was having breakfast, I wrapped Kostya’s body in the room, and I went and dug a hole. My hands were shaking, I was in a state of shock. She came and wrapped the body, carried it through the backyard to a vacant lot and buried it.

When the older children returned home, the woman told them that Kostya had fallen ill and was taken to the hospital. But a few days later she said: the child was stolen while he was playing in the sandbox. She accused the boy's biological mother of theft.

Criminal negligence

The court will determine the punishment for the Petrovs. But local guardianship officials have already been held accountable for negligent treatment of adopted children placed in families. An emergency meeting was held in the Chernyshkovsky district, chaired by Deputy Governor Zina Merzhoeva and Volgograd Children's Ombudsman Nina Boldyreva. Several employees of the district guardianship authority have lost their posts; an internal investigation is being conducted against the management and employees of the relevant department of the Chernyshkovsky district administration. It turned out that the consultant from the guardianship department, who was the curator of the Petrov family, visited them only once in two years.

“The pediatrician said that since January 2017, she had repeatedly invited the foster mother and her children to the hospital for examinations and vaccinations, but the latter said every time that she could not come, and then stopped answering the phone altogether,” comments the senior assistant to the head of the SU. Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Volgograd Region Natalia Kunitskaya. – The pediatrician regularly informed the guardianship authorities about these facts, but there was no reaction from the consultant of the department for education, guardianship and trusteeship, who supervised this family. Now this administration employee has the status of a suspect in a criminal case of criminal negligence. It has been reliably established that over the past two years, she was in a family where four adopted children were placed only once - in March 2016.

After the events in the Chernyshkovsky district, the governor of the Volgograd region, Andrei Bocharov, initiated a comprehensive review of the conditions of stay of minor families in foster families in the region.

By the way, after the story of Kostya’s death was covered by the Volgograd and federal media, his biological mother showed up. 25-year-old Ekaterina M. went to Moscow to work several years ago and since then has not been interested in the fate of her children. Kostya and his brother lived with their grandmother, but when the family was left homeless, the children were handed over to guardians.

The situation in the Chernyshkovsky district became another proof of serious problems in the system of guardianship authorities in municipalities. “MK in Volgograd” already wrote in one of its issues about a blatant case in the Kotovsky district, where a convicted Ukrainian forbade his daughter, whom he re-adopted after another imprisonment, from attending school, allegedly due to a serious illness.
Until recently, an adult man slept with a 12-year-old girl in the same bed and protected her from visiting doctors. Representatives of the guardianship authorities knew the situation in the family and made several formal attempts to talk with the girl, but even in this case they did not have enough persistence to bring the matter to the required result. After the publication of the material regarding the “strange” Kotov family, a prosecutor’s investigation began, the results of which we will talk about after its completion.

On May 7, three-year-old Timur was kidnapped in the Rostov region in broad daylight. The attackers acted boldly - an emergency happened in the very center of Morozovsk, when the baby was walking with his grandmother, sister and cousin. An elderly woman was sprayed in the face with a gas canister, after which they grabbed the child and fled with him in a car. Eyewitnesses said that there were two criminals - a man and a woman.

Thanks to eyewitness testimony, it was possible to establish that the attackers fled in a car with Volgograd license plates. Law enforcement officials immediately introduced the Interception plan. Investigators suggested that the thieves left along the highway leading from Morozovsk to Volgograd. Next, drivers who drove along this route that day were interviewed.

Then Rostov police contacted colleagues from the Volgograd region. The investigation managed to find out that the attackers lived in the Yarsky village. The suspects' house was under surveillance.

When law enforcement officers identified the persons who kidnapped the child, their surprise knew no bounds. A married couple, 48-year-old Andrei and his wife, 47-year-old Natalya, decided to commit a daring crime. The Pavlovs were guardians of four adopted children. In addition, residents of the Volgograd region had their own children, according to various sources - one or two.

The police entered the house of the attackers under the guise of social workers to check the living conditions of the children, among whom was the missing child. However, Timur immediately “gave up” Natalya and Andrey. He started shouting: “My dad’s name is Sasha.”

“He still shudders from time to time and calls for his mother,” the boy’s father, Alexander, told reporters.

As it turned out, Andrei and Natalya were prompted to take a desperate step by a tragic incident that occurred in their family more than six months ago. Then one of the Pavlovs’ adopted children, four-year-old Yegor, died. The couple hid this news from neighbors and officials, probably for fear of losing the allowance they were given to support the boy, as well as losing custody of other children.

The couple's neighbors say they were uncommunicative. When the boy disappeared, his brothers and sisters said that they decided to return him back to the orphanage. Senior family members, on the contrary, assured that the child was not feeling well.

“Since six months ago, even more - since the fall, he disappeared somewhere. And the rest began to appear less in public. Everyone tried to sneak past... When they asked them in passing where he supposedly went, the Pavlovs hesitated: the younger ones said that they had returned him to the orphanage, the older ones said that he was sick, then that they had taken him away for treatment. It’s not clear, in general,” the farmers shared with journalists.

The situation reached a critical point when it was necessary to go to the local clinic for vaccination. Fearing to carry three children instead of four, the couple, according to preliminary data, decided to kidnap someone else’s child and pass him off as their own. Natalya and Andrey were specifically looking for a boy who would be like their adopted son. Little Yegor, they claimed, had disappeared.

After some time, new, chilling details appeared in the story. Yegor’s remains were found in a field not far from the Pavlovs’ house. During a conversation with journalists and law enforcement officers, Pavlova shared her version of the tragic events. According to the woman, Yegor was burned when she left a pot of boiling water in the kitchen. Natalya did not call an ambulance, fearing that she might be deprived of custody of the child.

“I heard the child’s cry and immediately went in. I saw the pan already lying on the floor. He was still standing. His legs were purple and he was screaming. I immediately took out a box of medicine, treated his legs, calmed him down... He sat down, watched TV, I constantly came to check on him. My legs started to swell. I was afraid to call an ambulance. I thought that I could cure the burn, since I once had one myself. I was afraid because I thought that the older children would be taken away by the guardianship authorities. I was afraid that they would be taken away because of my negligence,” the woman added.

Two criminal cases have been initiated against Natalya and Andrey under the articles “Abduction of a minor by a group of persons” and “Murder”. In addition, employees of the guardianship authorities who have not checked the Pavlov family for a long time face liability under the article “Negligence.”

Materials used in preparing this article "Komsomolskaya Pravda" and REN TV.