Master class “Christmas tree toys. Christmas tree toy factory (g


A year-round workshop of Christmas tree decorations, Christmas Art, operates in the Crafts Park. Visitors will see the process of creating modern New Year's decorations, learn various styles of painting and decorating balls at master classes, and will be able to buy ready-made toys, including those with VDNKh symbols.

Every day in the workshop Christmas Art experienced artist-designers will introduce adults and children to one of the most interesting and truly fabulous technologies - the production of glass Christmas tree toys.

Visitors will be shown classical and modern painting techniques, and during master classes they will be invited to decorate the toy themselves in any style they like. Under the guidance of masters it will be possible to create amazing decorations in the style of Khokhloma, Gzhel, Mezen painting and other folk crafts of Russia in accordance with the canons of the old masters.

Guests of the workshop will also be able to arrange New Year's toys in modern visual techniques(doodling, embossing, dot painting, etc.) using neon paints, 3D patterns, metal plates, glitter and other materials.

Do you like to do handicrafts? Then you will love making Christmas tree decorations with your own hands! This is a pleasant and exciting activity for the whole family, which will not leave anyone indifferent - you will spend several evenings with pleasure making Christmas tree decorations with your own hands.

What do we use for the material?

What do you need to make your own New Year's decorations? You can use almost anything you can get your hands on. If you want, you can buy special supplies (sold in craft stores), or you can use what you have in any home. So what to prepare:
  • plain paper (good for making patterns);
  • pencils and markers;
  • regular cardboard, white and colored (you can use velvet);
  • sharp scissors and a breadboard knife;
  • glue (PVA or glue gun with sticks);
  • threads and needles;
  • yarn of different shades;
  • various decorative materials - these can be sparkles, sequins, confetti, multi-colored foil, stickers and much more.
This is the basic set, but in order to make a specific Christmas tree toy, you may need something else.

Simple crafts from scrap materials

Of course, you've probably seen how New Year's balls are made from thread and glue with your own hands, but why not expand the range? We make different Christmas tree decorations with our own hands.

From yarn

This is a simple and at the same time spectacular Christmas tree decoration that can decorate any Christmas tree.

For production you will need:

  • yarn;
  • tailor's pins;
  • plate or bowl;
  • porous material (for example, a disposable tray);
  • cutting paper;
  • marker.
The threads need to be soaked in glue - the glue should saturate the yarn well, it is thanks to it that the decoration will keep its shape. While the threads absorb the glue, you need to make a template for your toy - draw what you want on paper. These could be DIY New Year's balls, strange birds or neat little houses. You can also try making a snowman, a couple of small trees and a star.

The template needs to be attached with pins (or ordinary toothpicks) to the porous material, and the design you need should be laid out on top - first the outline is laid out, then the interior decor. You should not cross the threads too often; the toy should be fairly flat. Once you are finished, dry the item and remove it from the pins and tie a loop in the eye. If desired, you can decorate with sparkles or rain.

From wire

How to make New Year's toys with your own hands in just a couple of minutes? Use wire!

To make toys you will need:

  • two types of wire - thick and thin (thin wire can be replaced with bright threads, for example, floss. Pure white strong threads look very beautiful);
  • beads, beads;
  • colored tape;
  • pliers.
In order to make figures or balls for the Christmas tree, cut several pieces from thick wire and give them the shape that your New Year's decoration will have. In our case, this is a star, but you can use any geometric shapes and simple silhouettes.

The ends of the thick wire need to be twisted. You need to string beads and seed beads mixed together on a thin wire, tie the end of the thin wire to the future Christmas tree decoration, and wrap it randomly.

When the toy is evenly wrapped, you need to wrap the free tail of the wire around the toy and tie a ribbon in the shape of a bow - your toy is ready.

Another original idea:

Made from ribbon and beads

Who said that making New Year's toys with your own hands must take a long time and painstakingly? Not at all. In just five minutes you can create one that will decorate both the New Year’s tree and the interior.

You will need:

  • beads;
  • narrow tape;
  • yellow, golden or silver cardboard;
  • glue "Second";
  • needle and thread.
We fold the ribbon like an accordion and string it on a thread, after each loop of the ribbon you need to string a bead. The more “tiers”, the smaller they are - you see, a Christmas tree is already starting to look like. When the ribbon ends, you need to tie the thread in a knot and cut out a small star from cardboard. Next, you need to glue your Christmas tree to the star, and make a loop on top so that the decoration can be easily hung.

Interior decor made in this way looks very attractive.

From cardboard - in a couple of minutes

Some New Year's toys made of paper or cardboard take a lot of time to make, but not in this case - here you really only need a couple of minutes to make an elegant hand-made New Year's decoration.

So, you will need:

  • ordinary cardboard;
  • a little twine or thick yarn;
  • glue;
  • paints and brushes;
  • napkin or cloth;
  • varied decor.
Make two figures out of cardboard, glue them together, placing a thread with a loop between them - the blank for the toy is ready.

Use a loose tail of twine to wrap the tree in different directions. After some kind of thread pattern appears on the tree, you can start gluing it with a napkin. You can tear the napkin into pieces, coat the tree well with glue, and seal it tightly with the napkin. This will give a nice texture to the future toy.

After the toy has dried, you can start painting - paint the Christmas tree green.

After the paint layer has dried, shade the texture of the toy using a dry, hard brush and white paint, and then decorate it to your taste.

From bright shreds

Here you will need a sewing machine, but if you really want to, you can do it without it. This is the best way to make Christmas toys from cotton wool and fabric - just choose fabric with a Christmas ornament, or use what you have on hand.

Prepare several paper patterns - for example, deer, stars, gingerbread men, bears, letters and hearts. Cut out fabric blanks with your own hands, sew them in pairs, leaving a small gap (for stuffing), and through this small hole, tightly stuff the toys with cotton wool or padding polyester. It is most convenient to fill with a pencil.

Patterns can be downloaded here:

By the way, don’t forget - we sew on a machine from the inside, but if you decide to make toys from thick fabric with your kids, then it is better to sew them with a decorative seam over the edge - a toy with your own hands will look simply charming and will be suitable for either a home Christmas tree or a kindergarten - Usually, for kindergarten Christmas trees, children make decorations themselves.

Made from twine and cardboard

New Year's toys made of paper and cardboard will be much more interesting if you add a couple of simple materials to them. To make such a toy you will need ordinary cardboard, simple paper or natural twine, a little felt or any other fabric, as well as ordinary paper, a pencil and ruler, and a drop of glue.

The star template can be downloaded here:

First, make a pattern on plain paper, and then transfer it to cardboard. Don't forget that the star must be double. You shouldn’t make the star too thin; it’s better to make it a centimeter or more. The tail of the twine is glued to the cardboard, then you need to gradually wrap the entire workpiece.

Place the thread as tightly as possible so that there are no gaps. To decorate the star, make a couple of leaves and berries from fabric and decorate one of the rays. Your decoration is ready.

From yarn and cardboard

Do you want to make original and at the same time charming Christmas tree decorations with your own hands? Then it's time to make small gift hats with your own hands from scrap materials. This is a wonderful Christmas gift that looks cute and will keep you warm all winter long!

To make Christmas tree decorations in the form of hats, you will need:

  • a couple of toilet paper rolls (you can just glue cardboard rings together);
  • remnants of colored yarn;
  • beads and sequins for decoration.
You need to glue rings approximately 1.5-2 cm wide from cardboard. If you are using a toilet paper roll as a base, cut it into several segments of approximately the same width.

The threads need to be cut into pieces of approximately 20-22 centimeters. We fold each piece in half, pass the loop through the cardboard ring, and pull the free edges of the threads through the loop. It is necessary that the thread is firmly fixed to the cardboard base. This needs to be repeated until the cardboard base is hidden under the threads.

All the thread tails need to be pulled through the ring so that our hat has a “lapel”.

Now we pull the loose tails tightly with thread and cut them into a pom-pom shape - the hat is ready! All that remains is to make a loop and decorate your Christmas tree toy with sequins and sparkles.

From beads

Making a New Year's toy in a minimalist style is easy and simple - you will need wire, beads and seed beads, a ribbon and a coin (can be replaced with a small candy, but it looks much more impressive with a coin). Try to make this Christmas tree toy with your own hands, the master class is very simple.

Make a loop on the wire and string green beads mixed with large beads on it - they will play the role of New Year's balls on our Christmas tree. Once the wire is filled, give it a herringbone shape by folding it in a spiral.

Once your tree has taken shape, bend the free edge into a loop.

We cut off a piece of ribbon, form a loop from it for hanging and pull it through the Christmas tree, and decorate the free tail with a coin (the easiest way is to glue it with double-sided tape). We tie a decorative bow on the hanging loop - your decor is ready!

Christmas balls

How to make a New Year's ball from threads? It’s as simple as that, watch our master class on spectacular lace balls for the Christmas tree.


  • several balloons;
  • cotton threads;
  • PVA, water and sugar;
  • scissors;
  • polymer glue;
  • spray paint;
  • decor

First you need to inflate the balloon - not completely, but according to the size of the future decoration. Mix two tablespoons of water, two teaspoons of sugar and PVA glue (50 ml), and soak the thread in this mixture so that the thread is saturated. Then you need to wrap the ball with thread randomly. The balls need to be dried for several hours. After the glue has completely dried, you need to deflate the ball and take it out, and carefully paint the ball of thread with spray paint and decorate it with sequins and sparkles.

DIY thread Christmas balls will turn out to be very, very impressive if you make them in different tones - for example, red, silver and gold. Try to make New Year's balls with your own hands using different techniques - you can sew or knit balls, make them from cotton wool with your own hands, or, for example, sew them from felt - you can never have too many of these toys.

From paper

New Year's decorations made of paper are very popular among both big and small admirers of the New Year's miracle - try making paper Christmas tree balls with your own hands.

A DIY paper Christmas toy is made like this:

There is no additional need to decorate such a toy; it is already expressive.

Another ball option:

Or you can make a ball like this according to the master class:

From felt

DIY felt Christmas toys look very warm and cozy, and they are very, very easy to make. To make your own charming felt Christmas tree decorations you will need:
  • red, white and green felt;
  • red, white and green threads;
  • Crystal glue;
  • scissors and needles;
  • cardboard;
  • a little satin ribbon;
  • soft filler (cotton wool, holofiber, padding polyester).

First, make sketches for your future toys. It can be anything. Once the patterns are ready, transfer them to felt and cut them out. What is good about this material is that it does not crumble, you will not need to additionally process the edge of each workpiece.

Make identical decorative elements - for example, sprigs of holly (by the way, did you know that this is a symbol of joy and Christmas reconciliation?). The berries need to be glued to the leaf using glue, and then a decorative knot should be made - this will give the berries volume.

We sew each piece together in pairs. By the way, it is best to sew it with contrasting threads; it will be fun and elegant. How to make New Year's decorations voluminous? Stuff them with holofiber before sewing them up completely! Straighten the product well, so the Christmas tree toy will be filled more evenly. You can use the back of the pencil for stuffing.

Sew on the decorative elements and your New Year's toy is ready!

Try to sew felt decorations not only for the New Year tree, but also for your home - for example, a Christmas wreath decorated with felt toys looks very stylish. Look at the selection of DIY New Year's decorations, photos of master classes - and you will understand how many interesting things can be made from ordinary felt of two or three colors.

Master class on how to make a New Year's garland from felt with your own hands:

Below you can download templates and patterns of different Christmas trees for felt crafts.

Alla Shmatko

On New Year's Eve I spent with my children master Christmas making class toys. Together with the children we got acquainted with history Christmas decorations

The tradition of decorating a Christmas tree came to us from Germany. New Year's

decorations were expensive and were considered especially valuable toys,

for the production of which chromolithographic

Images: a face was attached to a thick cardboard base

beautiful young creature. And this inspired us to make Christmas ball.

There are now a huge number in stores Christmas tree

toys, but it’s much nicer to hang on the tree toy

made with love by your own hands

On New Year's Day, all children want to feel the magic. Together with the children, we decided to create comfort and a New Year's mood in our group in order to feel the atmosphere of the approaching holidays. And the best part is creating your own holiday decor! I present to your attention master- manufacturing class Christmas balls using technology

which will decorate your green beauty and will delight the eyes of all your family and friends.

So, to create we will need toys:

White sheet of paper;

Round template;

PVA glue;



Openwork ribbon

Napkins with a New Year's pattern

From a thick sheet of white paper, using a round template, cut out a ball and leave room for a loop, which can be conveniently made with a hole punch; we cut out the same thing, but with a smaller diameter, from a napkin. We decorate the ball with ribbons and beads. IN plate dilute the glue with water, immerse the napkin and then apply it to the ball

The balls look very beautiful on the New Year tree.

Publications on the topic:

A Christmas tree decorated with purchased balls and tinsel looks elegant and stylish. The same one on which homemade toys also hang, they evoke.

New Year is a joyful event in the life of every child. Therefore, I suggest you start preparing for the holiday in advance. Always for decorating the Christmas tree.

In anticipation of the New Year, I so want a miracle and fulfillment of desires. So the guys and I decided to decorate our Christmas tree in the group with our own toys.

Decoupage of toys is a good way to transform an old toy, as well as make a new one that you will like. However, quite.

Quest - game “Where did the Christmas tree decorations go?” (photo report) The preschool years are the most important in a person’s life, when the necessary ones are laid.

Modeling has always attracted children, but not all children know that plasticine can be used to draw. And it all started with the announcement in our kindergarten.

Dear colleagues! I present to your attention a master class "New Year's toys" Goal: to introduce children to non-traditional toys.

For b excursion booking tel.:8 495 795 10 95 (multichannel)

We invite you to a magical workshop, where the miracle of New Year's toys is born. All year round, skilled and talented glass craftsmen work tirelessly here to please you on New Year's days with a fabulous decoration - a Christmas tree toy!
This showpiece enterprise is located not far from Moscow and offers you a fascinating, interactive tour of the production of unique handmade Christmas tree decorations. The uniqueness of the excursion is that there are a minimum of prohibitions here, and a lot is possible here. Realize your fantasy, touch everything and try to make it yourself. Your guides will be talented master artists, passionate about their profession, who have created thousands of New Year's masterpieces.


1. A fascinating excursion into the history of New Year celebrations.
In a magical room, in a fabulous forest clearing, a bonfire awaits you, snow-covered fir trees decorated with amazing New Year's toys. Everything is possible here, even magic! Do you want to play in the snow? Please! Don't believe that you can install a Christmas tree on the ceiling? You'll see!
To prepare you for visiting the production, you will be shown an educational film about how a toy is created, and what path it takes from the master’s idea to the store counter!

2. Visit to the production facility, where you can get acquainted with the full production cycle of glass Christmas tree decorations. You will see how a glass tube turns into a beautiful, unusually shaped Christmas tree toy, then it takes on shape, color, is covered with sparkles, and decorated.
And most importantly, you will not only be shown the process that in most factories takes place behind glass, but

3. Master class where you will learn how to paint and decorate a toy. Take the toy with you!

4. Tea with sweets.

5. Presentation of gifts from the factory

6. Profitable New Year's shopping. In the company store at the factory you will be offered a large selection of exclusive New Year's decorations. All toys are handmade, this is a wonderful New Year's gift for yourself and your loved ones!

The price includes: transport services (tourist class bus), accompanying services, tour of the production, tea party, master class, gift.


Factory of Christmas decorations "Yolochka", Vysokovsk

8 495 795 10 95

Excursion dates: December 15, 22

The unique, ancient factory of Christmas tree decorations "Yolochka" is located in the town of Vysokovsk near Moscow, 10 km from the city of Klin and 85 km from Moscow.

Decorating a Christmas tree for Christmas and New Year is a kind of ritual that symbolizes the miracle of renewal, rebirth, it is a ritual that returns us all to the mysterious New Year holiday of our childhood. In Russia, this custom became generally accepted at the beginning of the 19th century.

During the excursion you will visit the production facility, where you will see the birth of a hand-blown and hand-painted New Year's toy. These are balls of various sizes, tops, figures, pendants, sets and garlands.

After the excursion, you will have a unique opportunity to visit a store selling Christmas tree decorations that will decorate your Christmas tree and your interior, make the New Year holidays magical and bright, and help you feel the fabulous aroma of your favorite childhood holiday!

Travel time: 2.5 - 3 hours.
Leningradskoe highway, 120 km.
Duration of the excursion: 8.5 - 9 hours

Travel information.
Visit to the plant for the production of Christmas tree decorations JSC "Yelochka"
- Factory Museum
- Visit to production: acquaintance with the technological production chain from the zero cycle to product output,
visiting workshops: glass blowing, painting and drying, painting.
- A visit to the company store, where you can purchase unusually beautiful glass Christmas tree decorations produced by the Elochka OJSC factory.
- A gift for every tourist from JSC “Yolochka”

Included in the price:


Excursion booking phone number: 8 495 920 48 88, 8 903 014 07 42

Excursion dates: December 20, 2018

We invite you to the ancient town of Klin, located near Moscow, which is 85 km away. from Moscow. Here you will visit the unique and only museum of Christmas tree decorations in Russia “Klinskoye Podvorye”, where you will find an exciting journey through the country “Glassland”. New Year's fairy tale in your home! Decorating a Christmas tree for Christmas and New Year is a kind of ritual that symbolizes the miracle of renewal, rebirth, it is a ritual that returns us all to the mysterious New Year holiday of our childhood. In Russia, this custom became generally accepted at the beginning of the 19th century. Gradually, gingerbread cookies, sweets, nuts and gifts began to replace elegant toys, primarily glass ones. You have a unique opportunity to visit the Yolochka Christmas tree decorations factory and see it all with your own eyes. During the excursion you will visit the production facility, where you will see the birth of a hand-blown and hand-painted New Year's toy. These are balls of various sizes, tops, figures, pendants, sets and garlands. Our guests will also have a unique opportunity to visit a store selling Christmas tree decorations that will decorate your tree and your interior, make the New Year holidays magical and bright, and help you feel the fabulous aroma of your favorite childhood holiday!
About the museum of Christmas decorations “Klinskoye Compound”:
The exhibition complex consists of 12 halls that will tell you about the origin and development of the glass industry on Klin land. You will find yourself in a new world with a rich history of Christmas tree decorations and watch the difficult work of glassblowers and talented artists.
In the first hall of our complex you will be greeted by a Christmas tree decorated with sugar roses and apples. The tradition of decorating the Christmas tree goes back centuries. In the 19th century, the festive tree was decorated with all kinds of sweets, nuts, apples, and funny figures made of paper, cardboard, fabric and foil. And in 1848, the first glass Christmas tree balls were made in the town of Lauscha in Germany. The inside was covered with a layer of lead, and the outside was decorated with sparkles.
The Christmas tree outfit changed depending on fashion. In Rus', they always tried to dress up the forest beauty like a king. The whole family made Christmas tree decorations. And those who had the means, bought multi-colored glass balls from artisan glassblowers.
In the second hall you find yourself in a peasant hut from the end of the 19th century. You will see the workplace of a master glassblower, leather bellows that kept the fire burning in the burner, and metal molds for making beads.
Entering the glass blowing shop, you will see the “birth” of a glass toy. The master, rotating the glass tube - the dart - with both hands, heats it in the flame of a gas burner until the glass becomes soft, and begins to blow through the hole in the tube - the tendril. A wonderful transformation of a glass blank into a ball, bell, or heart takes place!
Artists paint kind smiles for Santa Clauses, “lay” snow on the roofs of fairy-tale houses, and sprinkle them with “gold” and “silver.” Then the toys are “reinforced” - a tin cap with a wire is put on each one.
This is how amazing and very fragile Christmas tree decorations appear in our homes and decorate the coniferous beauties on New Year's Eve.
For some, a visit to a fairy-tale museum awakens nostalgia for a bygone childhood, while for others it plunges them into romantic dreams. Miracle trees, fantasy trees greet you as the most dear guests and dazzle you with their beauty. All visitors are happy to make a cherished wish near the 10-meter Christmas tree - the queen of the Klin tower!
In the master class, children and adults can try themselves as a specialist in making a New Year's miracle; they will paint a real glass ball themselves and take it with them as a souvenir of their visit to an extraordinary museum.
! Travel time: ≈2 hours.

Leningradskoe highway, ≈100 km.

Excursion program:
Travel information.
Visit to the museum of Christmas tree decorations "Klinskoye Compound":
- visit to mini-production.
- a visit to the company store, where you can purchase unusually beautiful glass Christmas tree decorations produced by the Elochka OJSC factory
- Present.

Included in the price: transport services (tourist class buses), entrance tickets to all museums according to the program, services of an accompanying guide, gift.




Excursion booking phone number: 8 495 795 10 95

Do you know that Santa Claus also has a birthday? We invite you to visit the fairyland where Santa Claus lives and where New Year's miracles are born!
We all love New Year since childhood. It is always an expectation of a miracle, a magical night when your most cherished wish can come true. We are preparing for the holiday by decorating the New Year tree with wonderful Christmas tree decorations.
On Santa Claus's birthday we will go to a very unusual, fabulous place - a factory where Christmas tree decorations are born. This is the fairy-tale country “Glassland”. Is waiting for you interactive show. Each room has its own surprise. You will be greeted by fairy-tale heroes and, with their help, you will be able to complete a fabulous task and receive prizes from Santa Claus.
You will see how Christmas tree decorations are made by hand - it is very interesting and entertaining! How thin-walled glass “soap bubbles” are born from fire, which are then painted in cheerful shiny colors and painted with a brush.
You will also be able to visit in the unique museum of Christmas decorations “Klinskoe Podvorie”. You will find out where the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree came from. This is a very ancient tradition. Initially, gifts brought to the spirits of deceased ancestors were hung on a real living spruce: pieces of candied apples, nuts made from tow dolls. The richer the gifts were, the more generously the ancient gods bestowed gifts on people. Later, after the adoption of Christianity, they began to hang gilded and silver-plated angels, wrap sweet gingerbreads, wrap nuts in colored paper, and decorate the top of the fir tree with the Star of Bethlehem. Under Soviet rule, Christmas trees were banned at one time; later, Stalin himself restored the tradition of Christmas trees - he organized the main Christmas tree of the country - the Kremlin.
At the Christmas tree decorations factory you see the fascinating process of birthing New Year's balls. The master, rotating the glass tube - the dart - with both hands, heats it in the flame of a gas burner until the glass becomes soft, and begins to blow through the hole in the tube - the tendril. A wonderful transformation of a glass blank into a ball, bell, or heart takes place!
Artists paint kind smiles for Santa Clauses, “lay” snow on the roofs of fairy-tale houses, and sprinkle them with “gold” and “silver.” Then the toys are “reinforced” - a tin cap with a wire is put on each one.
We, modern people, have long forgotten how the traditions of decorating Christmas trees began, but still, when hanging toys on the Christmas tree, we make our most cherished wishes and imagine that the heart is new love in the coming year, the doll is a new human life, nuts are wealth and prosperity, and Father Frost and the Snow Maiden will bring absolutely incredible, good miracles.

Travel time: ≈2-2.5 hours.
Leningradskoe highway, ≈100 km.
Tour duration: ≈8 hours

Excursion program:
Travel information.
Visit to the Klin Compound Christmas tree museum:
- an exhibition of unique Christmas tree decorations.
- visit to a mini-production with an interactive program “Santa Claus's Birthday”.
- a visit to the company store, where you can purchase unusually beautiful glass Christmas tree decorations produced by the Elochka OJSC factory.
- Present.

Included in the price:
transport services (tourist class buses), entrance tickets to all museums according to the program, interactive program, guide services.


Dates - on order (+7 495795 10 95)

A trip to the country of Glassland is a New Year's fairy tale in your home! Decorating a Christmas tree for Christmas and New Year is a kind of ritual that symbolizes the miracle of renewal, rebirth, it is a ritual that returns us all to the mysterious New Year holiday of our childhood. In Russia, this custom became generally accepted at the beginning of the 19th century. Gradually, gingerbread cookies, sweets, nuts and gifts began to replace elegant toys, primarily glass ones. You have a unique opportunity to visit the Iney Christmas tree decorations factory. During the excursion you will visit the production facility, where you will see the birth of a hand-blown and hand-painted New Year's toy. These are balls of various sizes, tops, figures, pendants, sets and garlands. Our guests will also have a unique opportunity to visit a store selling Christmas tree decorations that will decorate your tree and your interior, make the New Year holidays magical and bright, and help you feel the fabulous aroma of your beloved
holiday of childhood! Low prices and a magnificent assortment of New Year's toys in the company store at the factory will pleasantly surprise you!

And in conclusion, you will have a sightseeing tour of the city of Pavlovsky Posad. We will visit the only one in the world " Museum of Scarf and Shawl", let us venerate the relics of the Righteous Basil of Pavlovo Posad in Pokrovsko-Vasilievsky Monastery, and before leaving the city Let's give ourselves a luxurious gift - a real Pavloposad shawl.
Pavlovsky Posad - « Flowers of Russia on your shoulders"
The Pavloposad shawl is a unique, truly Russian phenomenon, a subject of national pride and one of the symbols of Russia. The scarf has long been an integral part of the Russian national costume. He not only made the outfit complete, but was often its main decoration.
For about 200 years, the Pavloposad shawl manufactory has been producing bright, colorful scarves and shawls with dense floral patterns, with the finest detailing of plant patterns, and careful delineation of each petal. The luxurious rose, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow, became the main motif and recognized symbol of the Pavloposad scarf.
Magnificent scarves and shawls are an exquisite accessory to any outfit, emphasizing the beauty and impeccable style of its owner. But people said that these unique products warm not only the body, but also the soul. Perhaps because one of the founders of the factory was a real saint. The merchant Vasily Gryaznov, who together with Yakov Labzin began the production of the famous printed scarves in the 50s of the 19th century, was a famous righteous man during his lifetime. He enjoyed great spiritual authority among his contemporaries and, in terms of the power of his prayer, he was compared to Saint John of Kronstadt. Vasily Gryaznov equipped himself with a cell in the factory and prayed fervently, creating the special energy of this place, part of which was undoubtedly transferred to his brainchild - the fabulous Pavloposad shawls.
Subsequently, Vasily Gryaznov was canonized as a locally revered saint, and in memory of him a church was established in Pavlovsky Posad Pokrovsko-Vasilievsky Monastery (late 19th century).

Full of impressions, in a great mood, with wonderful gifts for the New Year and Christmas, we return to Moscow! The trip will be amazing!

Gorkovskoe highway, 70 km.
Duration of the excursion: ~ 11 hours

Excursion program:
- Travel information.
- Excursion to the Christmas tree decorations factory “Rime”:You will learn the history of the origin of Christmas tree decorations, see how they are born and created, and be sure to visit the exhibition hall, where toys are collected from the first to the latest samples.
- Meet Father Frost and Snow Maiden at the New Year's tree! Competitions, round dances and gifts for everyone!
- Purchasing New Year's toys in a company store..
- Master class - for extra. payment 150 rub/person. (payment upon request in the office)
- Sightseeing tour of
Pavlovsky Posad, with a visit to the monastery.
- Museum of the History of Russian Scarves and Shawls:
Three halls and everything about the scarf in all its diversity, a visit to the company’s scarf store.
- Lunch in a cafe/restaurant - for extra. payment 300 rubles/person (optional, paid in advance in the office)

Included in the price:
transport services (tourist class buses), entrance tickets to all museums according to the program, services of an accompanying guide.

* * * Current dates, prices and information on availability of seats for the specified excursions as part of please call:

+7 495 795 10 95