Prom makeup for turquoise eyes. Prom makeup for brown eyes: how to create a bright look

March 8

Beautiful prom makeup is one of the key components of an irresistible and delightful prom look. Having chosen for yourself the most luxurious accessories and jewelry, as well as exquisite clothes, pay special attention to makeup for the prom.

Makeup for prom can be varied - brighter or, on the contrary, restrained and calm. It all depends on the image you choose, which must be harmonious, and the makeup must certainly match the dress and accessories.

Some graduates prefer accentuated makeup for prom, highlighting their lips or eyes. Others choose subtle makeup for prom without bright accents.

Whatever makeup you prefer for prom, it should be sophisticated and without frills, in harmony with all the details of your appearance.

It is important to choose sophisticated makeup for 2019-2020 to suit your color type, taking into account eye color, hair color and skin tone. Properly selected makeup can hide imperfections in appearance, minor flaws and focus on those facial features that you would like to highlight.

It is important to create light makeup for prom, which would in no way weigh down the image, but make it natural and natural. You shouldn’t apply too much makeup or use a huge amount of beauty products, which can even ruin your look.

To create a light and non-burdensome evening makeup for prom 2019-2020, you need to know several important rules and techniques that will help you achieve an excellent result.

To do this, we invite you to learn more about makeup trends for prom 2019-2020, makeup ideas and the best prom makeup ideas that will certainly transform you and help you look amazing and unique at the prom.

In this review, we will reveal the secrets of how to do prom makeup in different variations to complement any of your outfits and shine at the prom.

Fashionable makeup for prom 2019-2020: main trends and trends

The key to any beautiful makeup is an even complexion, without flaws or imperfections. Your skin should be radiant and velvety, and a makeup base and foundation that matches your skin tone will help you achieve this.

When doing makeup, do not forget about the color palette of shadows, which must be selected taking into account the color of your eyes.

Thus, brown eyes look harmonious with makeup in purple, lilac, blue, gold, silver, bronze, olive, chocolate, and beige shades of eye shadow. But under no circumstances use pink or orange colors.

It is better to make up blue eyes with shadows in beige, cream, orange, gray, silver, gold, sand shades, which will most emphasize the beauty of blue eyes.

For green eyes, warm shades of blue, pink, chocolate, peach and shadows with a golden tint are especially relevant, which will perfectly highlight the beauty of green-eyed girls.

Having decided on the main points in the color scheme, you need to pay special attention to the makeup technique. The trend is makeup for prom 2019-2020 with an emphasis on the eyes, harmoniously complementing the outfit - this can be colored shadows, colored eyeliner, glitter.

Spectacular makeup for prom, made using the smokey eye technique, will attract special attention to your image and allow you to be the center of attention. It is better to complement smoky eyes with nude lipstick in a nude or delicate shade.

Refined and delicate makeup for graduation 2019-2020: the best ideas for cute graduates

Delicate makeup for prom 2019-2020 in a natural and natural design is perfect for lovely girls who want to emphasize their natural beauty and charm.

This kind of makeup is also called “naked makeup”, because a minimum of cosmetics is applied to the face and it looks as natural as possible. To create such makeup, it is very important to prepare your face so that the skin glows and has a healthy and fresh look.

It is also worth giving a natural shape to the eyebrows without highlighting them too much with a pencil, so it is better to use a fixative and eyebrow shadow. You can use mascara with a natural effect and no artificial eyelashes. Lips should also be as natural as possible - use nude lipstick or gloss in natural shades.

This elegant makeup for prom 2019-2020 is suitable for confident girls who just want to slightly emphasize their natural beauty and create a sweet and sophisticated look.

Fashionable makeup for prom 2019-2020 with bright lips

Exquisite makeup for prom 2019-2020 will not be complete without the trend of the season - bright and juicy lips that attract attention and allow you to create incredibly beautiful images.

For lovely girls, we also suggest trying ombre lip makeup in rich shades. To do this, use shades of lipstick - fuchsia, burgundy, marsala, wine shade.

Makeup with red lips looks very impressive - a classic version of evening makeup. In the version of makeup with bright lips, you should not place special emphasis on the eyes with the help of shadows; they can be emphasized with eyeliner and mascara.

It is important not to do too “heavy” makeup, which would add age to you and make you look older. Therefore, be sure to consult with a makeup artist and stylist, who will tell you how to choose prom makeup to match your evening outfit and overall image.

Dark makeup for graduation 2019-2020: original ideas and images

Girls who want to look special and memorable can choose prom makeup in dark colors, which is original and unusual.

Dark makeup for prom requires a special approach - you should carefully work on your eyebrows, choose the appropriate range of dark shades of eye shadow and lipstick that would harmonize with your look.

Dark makeup for prom requires special skills and practice, which are necessary to work with whimsical dark shades. Therefore, if you are in doubt about whether to do dark makeup for prom, it is better to choose a more familiar and classic evening makeup for 2019-2020.

Beautiful makeup for graduation 2019-2020: photos, ideas, new items, trends, fashion images

Eyes are a reflection of the soul. They are the ones who attract the most attention on the face of every girl who dreams of being a beauty in the center of everyone's attention at the prom, eclipsing everyone else. Therefore, prom makeup is vital to highlight the natural beauty and sparkles in the depths of the pupils. There are no problems for girls with amber eye color, contrary to the opinion of many people, because the Internet has long been replete with articles, the pearl of which are articles on the topic of makeup for brown eyes.

Key points in image preparation

Preparation is high on the to-do list. The face has very delicate and fragile skin. It should be cleaned and moistened so as not to cause significant damage. Do not forget that constant makeup contributes to the rapid depletion of the skin. In most cases, a moisturizer is applied using massage movements, which will protect the pores from clogging. It is not recommended to apply too much due to the fact that the paint easily spreads with a large amount of moisture.

If it is the eyes that should attract attention, you should approach the choice of colors especially carefully, taking into account the color of the dress, accessories and the shade of the young lady’s iris. Before applying paint, you can even out your skin tone. Powder or foundation is suitable as your main weapon. The latter is selected during the day, checking the skin tone. It is important to choose the color as close to natural as possible. Agree, different colors of the face and neck (or hands) do not complement each other. A light coating of powder is applied over the foundation for uniformity. It will eliminate unnecessary oily shine.

Disadvantages of adolescence - acne. Problematic skin will not be a hindrance, because it is quickly masked with light shades of powder, and bright lipstick will take the silver in the battle for the views of guests, emphasizing the sensuality of tender age.

Prom makeup 2019

In 2019, pastel colors and matte cosmetics are becoming increasingly popular for prom. She emphasizes the depth of her gaze and artificially enlarges the shape of her eyes, making the young lady look like an ancient goddess rather than a former student. Makeup artists place brown eye makeup in a separate category due to the fact that in most cases they do not require bright colors, but stand out for their natural beauty.

Brown-eyed temptresses

Brown eyes have unique features, causing many girls to wonder how to do makeup for themselves. This is not a significant problem on which feelings of anxiety and worry should be emphasized. Of course, you will have to deny yourself bright shadows, because your appearance allows you to shine without the colorful peacock streaks. For graduation, it will be enough to use cream shades. Lighter colors are suitable for the inner corner of the eye, passing along the eyelid in a beige arc to the outer corners with almost black shades. Correctly drawn arrows allow you to take liberties, as shown in the step-by-step photo.

If you hate standard tones, dark blue and purple colors will help highlight the shape of your eyes. For brown eye makeup, they can emphasize the depth and clarity of the look.

The same goes for light brown eyes. Makeup for those with brown eyes ranges from milk chocolate to amber. The luxurious effect here can be achieved with courage and a flight of creative thought, using not only horizontal options, but also vertical ones to create large-scale splendor, as shown in the photo.

The color gradient will help you choose a table to highlight the iris of the eyes.

Mysterious eyes, as if looking at smoky topaz - smokey ice

If a girl wants makeup for the prom that would give her eyes a seductive and languid look, then a smokey eye is perfect for this purpose. Translated from English, the phrase means “smoky eyes,” which speaks for itself about the technique: good shading of shadows, similar to leaves made of smoke. Therefore, it is a mistake to think that makeup is done using only black.

Makeup involves a transition from dark to light, which is a selection of shadows in accordance with your type of appearance. For example, if a girl who has dark hair, eyes and skin applies white eyeshadow, then it will at least look like a foreign object. Also, lipstick should not distract attention. Bright and saturated, it will not match black and white shades.

What to do with the dress?

Having previously chosen an outfit, the graduate proceeds from it when choosing both accessories and makeup. Under a black dress, for example, you don’t need to apply a lot of shadows. Enough passionate scarlet lipstick and black eyeliner.

Golden and soft pink colors go with a green dress. The main thing here is to avoid making a common mistake: green does not like its fellows. The face takes on the uniform shade of spring foliage. At graduation, only the faces of girlfriends should turn green with envy. Brown shadows are ideal.

When choosing makeup for a beige outfit that looks aesthetically pleasing and feminine, you should emphasize the airiness of the image, limiting yourself to more natural means. It is recommended to use dark brown mascara and eyeliner to visually enlarge the eyes.

A common outfit is a sky-colored dress. The combination of dark and azure has immortalized itself thanks to its wide popularity. In this regard, the option with smokey ice will work well. Violet and silver colors under a turquoise dress have a spectacular impact. The innocent and meek prefer to lean towards pink shades, emphasizing their modesty and purity.

If a girl decides to wear a red outfit for prom 2019, then she should understand that any scarlet-colored clothing looks at least provocative and passionate. Therefore, makeup, especially for brown eyes, should be chosen accordingly. Bright lipstick and eyeliner emphasizing the look in half with a shiny shadow under a red dress will give a stunning effect.

However, if gentle girls, on the contrary, chose pink as the color of the outfit, then under the prom pink dress, makeup artists advise choosing light and elegant shadows that will not compete with the clothes. The inverted mirror method also works: the paler the shade, the stronger the shadow makeup should show itself.

For a blue dress, recommendations are in favor of golden and creamy sand shades. Prom makeup is diluted with light blush and lipstick, excluding cold tones. For example, lilac.

Hair is the pride of the female soul

When making makeup for prom, perfectionists take into account everything, including hair. Especially noting them with disheveled hair. To choose the right cosmetics exactly for your hair color, experiment with different options.

For the simple reason that dark hair can be blue-black, chestnut, dark blond. Combinations of dark hair and brown eyes are often found. The latter are emphasized with eyeliner or a high-quality pencil with a thin line along the border with the eyelashes. Such manipulations can visually increase the natural shape of the eyes. A plus will be neat arrows, into which shades of warm peach and light brown shades turn. The combination of light skin and dark hair will highlight not only the eyes, but also the lips.

Alluring coffee colors will suit brown hair. Even in terms of taste, the combination of milk chocolate and coffee attracts the attention of those with a sweet tooth. In this case, many layers of mascara without lumps, which are easily removed with a brush, visually enlarge the eyes.

Formal evening makeup for blond hair is combined with bright lipstick the color of human blood and smokey eyes against a general background that does not have a bright palette. Delicate light skin gives an undoubted advantage over other shades. A matte surface is achieved with a beige foundation, a cooled layer of powder and blush.

Almost anything suits natural blondes: coffee, purple, dark blue, pink shadows. Blonde hair can be curled into an updo or dyed with feathers for the evening. Light blonds are closer to blue, and platinum ones require warm shades of golden color. The latter are applied in fan-shaped extensions to the outer end of the eyebrow. By the way, eyebrows are emphasized with a brown pencil using light movements. Do not apply too many layers. One touch is enough. They will emphasize the elegance of the look.

Instructions for the meek

Makeup artists say that bright makeup will be the most popular at graduation 2019. The image of a femme fatale intrigues and attracts a large percentage of curious people with veiled riddles. However, it requires patience and careful attention, since dark shades do not rub off well if applied incorrectly. Also, bright components, applied inaccurately, are highlighted by curved lines. To implement standard bright makeup, you will need a rich black cosmetic pencil, pearlescent glitter, and a couple of light and dark shadows.

Step by step:

  1. It is necessary to draw a bold arrow with a pencil and shade it over the entire surface of the upper eyelid to hide the original lines;
  2. Next, the resulting line is fixed with a small flat brush using cream shadows. Walnut color is also suitable;
  3. Pearlescent shades add shine to the look when applied to the surface of the eyelid directly under the eyebrow;
  4. However, there are now clear boundary contours between the light and dark lines. The transition is carried out thanks to gray or silver tones, which are shaded into the eye;
  5. Soft eyeliner with a black pencil with a line widening towards the outer corner of the eye will help to emphasize the eyes. The painted mucous membrane of the lower eyelid also gives expressiveness;
  6. The end is crowned with a crown of multi-layer mascara, which is freed from lumps.

The participation of bright colors implies the replacement of gray shadows with other colors.

Smokey eye makeup is one of the most popular evening makeup techniques. We'll tell you how to do this makeup for prom step by step.

Smokey eye prom makeup step by step

For smoky eyes makeup you will need:

  • soft black pencil;
  • shadows of dark shades with a difference in tone;
  • black mascara;
  • three brushes: for applying shadows and shading, as well as a brush for shading the pencil.

As for the color palette, when choosing it you should focus on the color of your eyes.

“Smoky eyes” for brown eyes look great in black and chocolate shades; light eyes are emphasized by gray and lilac tones.

Regarding the eyeshadow brush, there are special recommendations: choose a tool with medium-sized rounded bristles.

If you use creamy shadows, take a brush with synthetic bristles, and if you use loose shadows, give preference to natural material.

The blending brush should be smaller and barrel shaped. Choose the bristle material based on the same conditions as in the case of an eyeshadow brush.

To shade the pencil, you need a brush exclusively with artificial bristles.

Here's how to do makeup step by step:

  1. Shade the eyelid with a soft black pencil.
  2. We draw the line of eyelashes and the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid.
  3. Shade the pencil.
  4. Apply the darkest shadow to the upper eyelid and draw a line along the growth of the eyelashes from below.
  5. We take shadows of a lighter tone, painting over the area of ​​​​the upper and lower eyelids without dark color.
  6. Apply mascara to your eyelashes.
  7. To highlight the inner corner of the eyes, use light shadows or highlighter.

Smokey eye makeup: features for eyes of different shapes

When choosing makeup for prom, you should pay attention to the shape of your eyes.

  • abandon the charcoal tones and turn to a lighter color scheme;
  • use pink, pearlescent, light brown and gray shades;
  • do not apply shiny shadows, but replace them with matte ones;
  • highlight the area under the eyebrows with light shadows or highlighter.

Girls with drooping upper eyelids should take the following tips:

  • give up pearlescent shadows and glitter;
  • apply the shadow just above the crease of the eyelid;
  • blend the base shade on the moving eyelid without going beyond the crease line;
  • try to carefully shade both shadow colors, creating a smooth transition between them.

Owners of close-set eyes should remember the following nuances:

  • do not darken the inner corners of your eyes;
  • apply dark shadows from the lash line;
  • use glitter shadows to highlight the inner corner of the eye;
  • highlight the outer corners of the eyes with shadows of the darkest shade and blend towards the temples in the manner of arrows.

If your eyes, on the contrary, are wide apart, consider these recommendations:

  • do not make the inner corner of your eyes light;
  • Line the upper eyelid with a pencil from the very corner.
  • Do not darken the outer side of the eye too much - apply the shadow evenly.

Girls whose corners of their eyes are slightly drooping should heed the following tips for smokey eye makeup:

  • blend the shadows on the crease of the upper eyelid diagonally towards the temples;
  • do not darken the inner corner of the eye;
  • Do not apply too much eyeshadow on the lower eyelid.

Those with Asian eye shape should consider the following:

  • use three colors, the second of which should be intermediate.
  • Apply it to the orbital line of the eye, creating a soft gradient.
  • highlight the inner eyelid with beige and light pink shades of eyeshadow or pencil.

To make your smokey eye makeup look beautiful and last well throughout the evening, listen to these helpful tips:

  • mask under-eye circles with concealer;
  • apply concealers not before, but after applying eye makeup;
  • do not forget to remove the remnants of shadows that have fallen on the skin under the eyes;

  • use a primer before the shadows to obtain an even tone and better shading;
  • choose shadows whose shades are in harmony with each other;
  • do not change the sequence of applying tones;
  • carefully shade the pencil and shadows, avoiding clear lines and transitions;
  • Apply translucent setting powder.

By strictly following the instructions, you can easily master the “smoky eye” makeup and be able to do it for the prom.

Don't forget to take eye shadow and mascara with you in case your makeup needs touching up: after all, graduation is a touching and exciting event.

The perfect look for prom 2019 is influenced by a number of factors: outfit, shoes, hairstyle, manicure, and, of course, makeup. When going to such an important evening, you need to take into account all sorts of aspects in order to look dignified and tasteful. You can clearly understand what makeup should be like for brown eyes only after choosing a dress.

What should be the makeup for prom 2019 for brown eyes?

Brown eyes can be completely different:

  • dark chocolate;
  • caramel;
  • graphite black;
  • almond;
  • nutty;
  • amber.

Under a blue and light blue dress

Graduates very often choose sky blue and blue outfits. The composition, consisting of dark and azure shades, looks great. Smoky eyes are perfect for this option. The combination looks impressive - purple and silver, suitable for a sapphire dress. Modest girls choose pale pink eyeshadow.

For a blue outfit, golden, cream, and sand shades of shadows are best suited. You can dilute your makeup with light blush and lip gloss or lipstick (the tones should not be cold). Lilac will look great.

Under a golden dress

Shadows of exactly the same shade are perfect for the golden color of the dress. The inner edges of the eyelids can be painted gold, and then drawn over it with black eyeliner. Apply gloss to lips.

Under a pink dress

Pink color is usually chosen by sensual people. In this case, makeup artists recommend giving preference to light, airy, elegant shadows that will not compete with the outfit itself. However, you can follow the opposite principle: the paler the shade of the dress, the richer the shadows should be.

Under a black dress

Having chosen your prom dress and accessories in advance, you can think about makeup for brown eyes. For example, under the black color of a dress, you don’t need to apply a lot of shadows. It is enough to highlight your eyes with black eyeliner (the upper eyelid with liquid eyeliner), and paint your lips with scarlet lipstick.

Other colors

Golden and soft pink shadows will go well with a green dress. The key point is to avoid a common mistake: the emerald color does not tolerate its “brothers”. The face may take on the shade of spring leaves. Also for brown eyes and a greenish outfit, chocolate or brown shadows are suitable.

When choosing makeup for the peach color of the dress, which looks aesthetically pleasing and feminine, you will need to highlight the airiness and tenderness of the image, limiting yourself to the most natural products. Mascara and eyeliner in dark brown colors will look great; they will contribute to the visual enlargement of the eyes.

Makeup artists offer a lot of ideas for implementing makeup for brown eyes. Having realized the image of your dreams - by choosing the right dress, accessories and accompanying makeup, you can safely go to prom.

Masking flaws. 15 minutes after applying the cream, start working with your facial skin. The first thing you need to do is use a concealer: apply concealer to pimples, redness, and the area around the eyes. If you have a palette with correctors, use the classics: cover redness with green corrector, dark circles under the eyes with yellow. Leave pigment spots with a natural color corrector. If you don’t have a palette, apply a body corrector to problem areas. For example, Essence stay natural concealer (price: 110 UAH).

Tone equalization. If you have oily skin or have rashes on your face, use a mattifying or antibacterial foundation. It will not only hide imperfections, but will also take care of the skin and protect pores from clogging. Alternatively, you can use Manhattan Fundation Clear Face natural matt (price: 75 UAH). For normal skin, any moisturizing foundation with a light texture is suitable.

Apply the product with a sponge using light tapping movements. If you are applying antibacterial foundation, avoid the eye area. Dust your face with any loose powder using top-down movements.

Correction. Apply a little prom 2017 makeup bronzer to your cheekbones. Literally one or two strokes. Don't overdo it, our task is to simply highlight the face, without frills. You can also apply bronzer along the contour of your face. But again, remember the minimum amount of product. It is important that the bronzer is matte. Eg, Essence sun club matt bronzing powder (100 UAH).


The purpose of blush in prom makeup is to emphasize your youth and freshness. pay attention to Rose Coup de Foudre from Borjois (price: 120 UAH). They do an excellent job at the task. If you are in doubt about choosing a shade, take Rose Coup de Foudre 16- they suit absolutely everyone. Apply blush to the apples of your cheeks, gently blending them towards your ear.


For eye makeup for graduation in 2017, I offers a classic option smoky eyes. It will instantly make you bright and will suit your look, regardless of the style of the dress. The only thing is, instead of the classic gray-black palette of shadows to perform the smoky eye technique, we suggest you use a brown version of the smokey eye, or allow yourself to experiment and make a colored smokey eye.

Important: If you are in doubt about the choice of eye makeup color for your graduation at school or university, use the classic rules. So, olive and coffee smokey eyes are suitable for brown-eyed girls, chocolate smokey eyes are suitable for green-eyed and gray-eyed girls, and coffee shades are perfect for blue-eyed beauties.

When choosing a makeup pencil for prom - the basics, pay attention to pencils from Color Me (price: 160 UAH), and when choosing shadows, trust the Turkish Flormar (price: 80 UAH).

Here is a classic theme for applying smokey eyes:

Step-by-step scheme for performing smokey:

Important: Before starting eye makeup, do not forget to powder your eyelids well.

Paint your eyelashes well with your favorite mascara, or use false eyelashes - they are ideal for an evening celebration.


To correct your eyebrows for graduation in 2017, use a pencil that matches the color of your hair. Scheme for correct application of eyebrow pencil:

Don't forget to brush your eyebrows at the end. It will also be appropriate if at this stage you apply a little gel to your eyebrows. This way they will retain their shape throughout the evening.

When choosing an eyebrow pencil, pay attention toFlormar (price: 60 UAH).


For lip makeup for prom, choose a neutral range of lip glosses. It can be a soft pink, beige or slightly golden shade. The shine will highlight your freshness. A neutral color scheme goes with everything.