Makeup for ballroom dancing juniors 2. The secret of beautiful makeup for ballroom dancing

March 8

Makeup for dancing is a serious matter. After all, the appearance of a girl dancing a waltz or tango is radically different from the appearance of a participant in a competition for the best Latin performance.

One thing is certain: the atmosphere of cheerful drive on the dance floor requires bright makeup, not similar to ordinary daytime. So, let's start with getting ready for the next disco.

Do you want to look beautiful? You will.

1. Wash your face with boiled or mineral water. After treating the skin with tonic, apply a light layer of foundation to even out the complexion. Now you can use blush to highlight your cheekbones. It is best to choose blush at a young age in pink or peach color.

2. The next stage is eye makeup. The main role is played by the color of the shadows. Rich tones of blue, green, and purple are perfect for a disco; The sparkle of silver on your eyelids will look great.

A layer of light shadows is applied to the upper eyelids. Then darker shadows are applied to the outer corners of the eyes. They need to be shaded with light movements to smooth out the transition from one color to another.

Draw a pencil along the lower and upper lash lines. After this, you can paint your eyelashes, for which mascara is not only black. Like eyelids, eyelashes can be green, blue, etc. The main thing is that they are in harmony with the color of the eyelids. You also need to slightly highlight your eyebrows using a light brown pencil.

3. The finishing touch is to apply lipstick or special gloss to your lips. It is advisable to choose a dull color for them, otherwise, in combination with thickly made-up eyes, the appearance will simply be vulgar.

Skillful makeup will give you self-confidence. You'll see - you will feel like a real queen!

Makeup for the ball

If you participate in ballroom dancing, then the makeup should be restrained and elegant in a European way.

Makeup artists advise using exclusively professional cosmetics. Its advantages are that it has a wider color palette and retains its appearance unchanged for a long time, without being washed out by sweat. Another valuable tip is to apply makeup under the lighting that will be on the dance floor.

1. Facial preparation is standard, i.e. washing; rubbing with lotion; evens out the complexion and disguises imperfections with a thick and long-lasting foundation. Then, in some areas: the center of the forehead, around the eyes, nose, chin, you need to go over some areas with a brush with loose light powder to highlight them. Shade the wings of the nose with darker powder. Highlight your cheekbones with a light stroke of dark blush.

2. All attention is to the eyes. Shadows - beige, light brown, maybe with a slight shine. Be sure to apply eyeliner along the lash line. And you can even cover your eyelashes (upper ones) with false ones. It is advisable to choose an eyebrow pencil to match their color.

3. Contour your lips with a pencil and cover them with pearlescent lipstick with a coral tint. The lower lip can be made more voluminous by applying a layer of gloss in its center.

You will look charming: tender, sweet, in a flowing dress - the embodiment of pure and naive youth...

Makeup for "Latinos"

Oh, these beautiful girls, so sexually attractive when they move cheerfully and uninhibitedly to the rhythm of jive or rumba! And you will also be one of them if your makeup matches the overall image of a hot Latina.

Choose foundation and powder so that they match the color of your skin that it will receive as a result of applying bronzer or self-tanning.

You also need to keep in mind that your eye makeup should be quite intense. Don't be afraid to experiment! Professionals recommend applying shadows of seemingly incompatible shades: dark cherry with beige, purple with yellow, burgundy with pink, etc.

Glue false eyelashes on both the upper and lower eyelids and paint with mascara in two layers. An indispensable detail is long, clear arrows. Eyebrows can also be made darker to make the eyes more expressive.

Outline your lips with a pencil and cover them with the brightest lipstick, but, of course, in harmony with your clothes.

Every day women are faced with the need to apply makeup, and most know what colors suit them, what advantages to highlight and what flaws to correct. As for stage makeup, unlike everyday makeup, it has its own nuances and requires some knowledge in the field of makeup and make up. What should stage makeup look like?

Stage make up rules

Firstly, stage makeup should be denser and place emphasis on both the eyes and lips, unlike everyday makeup, where the emphasis is on one thing. Plus, if one part is painted more, for example, more mascara is applied to the eyes, then the second should match, i.e. lips are painted with bright lipstick. The skin tone is selected in accordance with the chosen image, as a rule, it is either a natural shade, or bronze or tan.

Secondly, the tones of the make up depend on the chosen image and costume. Makeup artists recommend using:

  • For brunettes and brown-haired women use dark colors: black, dark blue, graphic, dark gray, burgundy;
  • For burning brunettes with light eyes, silver and sea colors are recommended;
  • Brown-eyed brunettes are more suitable for brown, chocolate, burgundy and plum stage makeup;
  • Blondes are more likely to wear light sunny shades or cool blue and silver shades, depending on the color of the suit.

Of course, the cosmetics used to create makeup for the stage are fundamentally different from the decorative ones used at home. It is denser, contains a high number of pigments, is more toxic, and therefore has an extremely acute effect on skin health. Therefore, its use is harmful and should either be limited or combined with natural decorative cosmetics.

Instructions for using stage make up products

Stage makeup, as mentioned earlier, is not the most beneficial procedure for skin health, so it makes sense to take several actions preceding it in order to protect the health of your face and its premature aging:

  • The face should be cleansed with a lotion or mask with tonic nutritional properties, since stage cosmetics dry out the face extremely; then you can use toners that work to narrow the pores so that as few cosmetic particles as possible enter the epidermis;
  • Next comes the turn of the base or base for makeup; it will become a “primer” for applying the overall tone. It is applied with frequent small movements in order to lie more evenly on the face and takes some time to absorb;
  • Then the “primer” itself is applied, which should lie in an even layer due to a well-cleansed face. Give preference to stick foundations; they are more durable, long-lasting and allow you to perfectly camouflage your face. Be prepared for the fact that a lot of tones will be used. In order to give the desired color to the face and make the coverage even.
    The next step is to use loose and hard powder, applied to the face with a large brush. It is necessary in order to hide what needs to be hidden (dark shades) or, conversely, to reveal light shades.

The following points should be done strictly after using foundation, corrector and powder.

Eyebrows are drawn with dark shadows, so the color is evenly distributed throughout the hairs. Then, as in everyday makeup, shadows are applied to suit the costume or look. The arrows are applied with eyeliner and mascara. Using eyeliner and mascara, try to lengthen your eyes; in particular, mascara should lengthen your eyelashes in a direction of 45 degrees to the outer corners of the eye.

After the eyes, you should outline the contours of the lips; to do this, apply a light pencil along the contour, which will give volume to the lips, then apply a pencil with a color close to the color of the lipstick. It is distributed as follows: the upper point and the lower point are drawn, and from them lines are drawn with a pencil to the corners of the lips. Next, lipstick and gloss are applied in large quantities to make the lips juicy.

Blush is the finishing touch. They correct all imperfections in the face shape and emphasize the cheekbones, making the face more expressive.

Thus, your makeup turns out no different from the work of professional makeup artists. It is enough to follow these points and know some features of your face, i.e. how to correctly correct the shape of the face, nose, cheekbones, chin, make your eyes spectacular and your lips sensual. And, of course, we recommend that you turn to professional products that will reduce the harm of such cosmetics on your face.

Makeup for ballroom dancing plays an important role, because along with the costume and hairstyle, makeup helps to create a bright and memorable image on the floor.

“How to choose the right cosmetics, what subtleties and features exist in makeup for ballroom dancing, what are the differences in makeup for standard and Latin?”- Surely every partner asks similar questions at one time or another, wanting to captivate the audience not only with her dance, but also with her excellent appearance.

Undoubtedly, to answer all these questions, the most effective way is to seek help from professionals. This is the first article in a series about makeup for ballroom dancing, in which we will try to reveal all the secrets and subtleties and help you with expert advice on how to properly apply beautiful and interesting makeup for performances at sports ballroom dancing competitions.

Makeup for ballroom dancing (preface)

For a while, when I was an active dancer and competed in competitive ballroom dancing, I had a lot of problems with how to apply makeup, where to start, what looks good and what doesn't. And how to distinguish tips, advice and tricks that can be applied in everyday makeup and which cannot.

Surely you already know that when you turn 13 - 14 years old, you need to start applying makeup for performances in sports ballroom dancing competitions, but you have absolutely no personal experience in applying cosmetics. You ask your teachers and older dancers in your club for help, and if you don't get any specific information, you start experimenting with your face. You may even be trying to copy someone's look that you like, but your "copy" doesn't quite resemble the "original." My journey has been something similar to this, and that's why I want to help you with tips on how to apply makeup for ballroom dancing so that it is fun and enjoyable, rather than annoying and tiring.

Therefore, let me answer a question that I have heard at least a hundred times from beginners or experienced dancers, from those who are not dancers at all... Why does ballroom dance makeup have to be such “heavy” makeup?

1. Cosmetics for dance performances are actually theatrical makeup.
Even though this type of dance is now a sport, it is equally important to impress the audience and promote all the theatricality and impact of the dance movements and energy. Our performances feature a light show and the lights distort our faces. Generally, light tends to make our faces look dull, often creating shadows under the eyebrows, thus making the eyes less noticeable and making the skin appear brighter.

2. Facial expressions complete what our dance moves are trying to say and therefore we must emphasize facial features so that the expressions become more noticeable. In most cases, the audience is 10-20 m away from us, and we want them to distinguish all parts of our face. Speaking of viewers, we want to attract their attention and hold it for as long as possible. Therefore, our makeup (and our face) should be distinct, but not off-putting. The best contact is achieved with the eyes, so we usually emphasize them.

3. The most theatrical thing is that our costumes are not exactly what we wear in everyday life. They are all bordered with fringe, fake diamonds, fabrics of the craziest colors... And our makeup must match our costumes.

4. The last reason (which probably should have been the first) is the general reason why we wear makeup in general (for dancing and/or everyday), it is to highlight what we like and hide what we don't. I like our appearance.

Every two weeks I'm going to write an article about makeup for ballroom dancing. I will prepare various types of makeup (for standard, Latin, tens and makeup for Juniors II), as well as recreate the images of famous dancers (Anna Melnikova, Kristina Moshenskaya, etc.)

Today we will start with the most common errors:

1. Plucked eyebrows– one of the biggest mistakes in everyday makeup. Eyebrows that have irregular shapes and do not match the shape of the face remain “bare” while the rest of the face is completely made up. Or they remain untouched, but without correcting their shape (the first case is the most common).

2. Wrong foundation shade. Orange, pink or even red foundation shades are not your friend! These shades have nothing to do with sun tanning. Don't panic, I have a whole article on foundation and how to choose the right one.

3. Panda/raccoon eyes– the eyelid is completely black, a white shadow around it, distinct edges and no blending... It scares me when I see this, it is usually common among beginners, but also occurs among experienced dancers. We'll learn how to create smoky black eyes without going overboard, and what you can use instead of white eyeshadow for this purpose.

4. Makeup that matches the color of your clothes. Pink or red eyeshadow is likely to make you look like you've just finished crying, while blue and green eyeshadow will help create a black eye. The color of your eye shadow should match the color of your eyes. This may be a slight reflection of the color of your clothing on your face, but it should not dominate.

5. False eyelashes– they are longer than the main eyelashes on your eyelid. Sparse eyelashes become thick and long (when your eyes are open, the tips of the eyelashes touch your eyebrows or the eyelid below them), and the biggest “sin” is that each of the eyelashes is applied at its own height and angle. The most common mistake is applying eyelashes before applying eyeliner; they are applied further away from your natural eyelashes, thus making your eyelid visible between the false eyelashes and your natural eyelashes.

Here we come to the end of the introduction to makeup for ballroom dancing. Think about your makeup, especially if you've found some mistakes you make and how to avoid them (until I tell you all my secrets).

Stay beautiful. Sarah.

Makeup for sports ballroom dancing has a number of distinctive features: the use of richly colored cosmetics, the choice of style is based on the style of the dance costume, sharp highlighting of the lines of the eyes and lips so that judges and spectators can distinguish emotions on the faces of the dancers. Special products are of no small importance in the field of dance makeup: self-tanning, bronzer, all kinds of glitter and rhinestones.

The basic rules for dance makeup are consistency and thoroughness. An important requirement is the presence of good artificial lighting, since the dance competition takes place indoors. It is better to do the correct makeup for ballroom dancing after creating your hairstyle. And you should start with the initial preparation of the skin; for this purpose, it can be cleaned and toned with lotion, after which the skin is moisturized with cream and a makeup base is applied.

The next step is to shape the eyebrows using eye shadow or a pencil, then apply eye shadow on top of the base on the eyelids, followed by eyeliner and mascara. The lips are painted at the last stage, first the lip line is drawn out with a pencil, then with lipstick. The final touch is blush, which adds freshness and corrects the shape of the face.

Makeup for ballroom dancing. Photos of step-by-step execution

Step-by-step execution of makeup for sports ballroom dancing is suggested in the photo:

You can watch the video for step-by-step makeup for ballroom dancing:

Video Makeup for ballroom dancing

There are no small things in sports. Therefore, in order not to leave your opponents a single chance to win, you must look perfect. A thoughtful suit, neat hairstyle and, of course, the right makeup for ballroom dancing - and you are champions of the dance floor.

Makeup for ballroom dancing differs from the usual daytime and even bright evening. It has special requirements that must be taken into account when preparing for the performance:

1. Makeup must be done with special cosmetics. The eye shadow and lipstick in your makeup bag, even luxury brands, may not withstand such a test as a dance competition. Therefore, it is better to use stage makeup. It is more durable, dense, adheres better to the skin and does not spread due to sweat or under the influence of bright spotlights. You will have to move a lot - and you must be sure that your makeup will not run after the first performance, but will look neat throughout the competition.

2. Makeup for ballroom dancing should be bright and rich. Typically, athletes perform at a distance from the jury and spectators. Therefore, in order for the partner’s face to be expressive and not look like a solid pale spot from afar, it is important to correctly highlight the eyes and lips. Remember that the jury necessarily evaluates the artistry of the couple’s performance. So, proper makeup, emphasizing and conveying emotions, can bring you the coveted few tenths of a point.

3. Makeup should match the colors of the suit and the overall look. For example, if you're dancing tango dressed as the sultry Carmen, choose bright red lipstick. For a suit in pastel colors, give preference to pink, but rich lipstick. It is important to remember that the colors of cosmetics in makeup for ballroom dancing are selected primarily to match the costume, and not to the eye color or color type of appearance. Because from a distance the jury will not be able to discern the color of the eyes, but the incompatibility with the suit will immediately catch the eye.

4. Makeup for ballroom dancing should be done taking into account the bright lighting in the hall. It's no secret that makeup looks completely different in bright electric light than in daylight. Therefore, try to find the brightest place in the dressing room to apply makeup. Before the performance, be sure to look at yourself in the mirror in the hall where the competition will take place and evaluate how your makeup looks.

Makeup rules for ballroom dancing video

Makeup for ballroom dancing is technically simple. It consists of several basic stages.

1. Apply a foundation that matches your skin color to your face. Use powder with a radiant effect to highlight the area around the eyes, forehead, nose and chin.
2. Glue on false eyelashes. After the glue has dried, apply light shadows to the inner corner of the eye, use bright shadows to paint the moving eyelid, and highlight the outer corner of the eye with the darkest ones. Using eyeliner, draw neat arrows along the lash line on the upper and lower eyelids. Apply mascara to the eyelashes.
Be sure to highlight your eyebrows with a dark pencil, giving them the desired shape.
3. We outline the lips with a dark pencil and apply long-lasting lipstick
4. Emphasize cheekbones with blush. You can use dark colors, but it is better to avoid red and hot pink, as from a distance they can give the face a reddened and tense look.
Makeup for ballroom dancing is ready.