Love of life: model continues career after leg amputation. These beautiful girls were able to survive a terrible tragedy and came back to life again! Paola Antonini what happened to my leg

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Have you heard the story of the girl Paola Antonini with a prosthetic leg, what happened to her, how she lost her leg? Paola Antonini did not lose heart without a leg and continues to lead an energetic lifestyle.
What do you think about Paola Antonini, let's discuss?

Looking at photographs of Brazilian model Paola Antonini, it is difficult to imagine that this cheerful girl experienced a terrible tragedy and was left without a leg. Two years ago, she was hit by a car, as a result of which doctors had to amputate the girl’s leg. An accident could have broken Paola, but she proved to everyone that any difficulties can be overcome.

Doctors made a prosthesis for Paola, thanks to which she dances and does fitness, skateboards and rides horses. The girl travels a lot and shares life-affirming photos on social media. networks.

Paola not only leads an active lifestyle, but also helps other people with disabilities believe in themselves!

By the way, the model is not the least bit shy about her prosthesis and does not hide it under long skirts or trousers. She wears shorts and miniskirts and lounges by the pool in a swimsuit.

And here are the comments received:
- What a beauty!! And you whine about the folds near the armpits.

Well, I don’t really like this type, but Paola Antonini is great! I hope everything goes well in her life.

What a beautiful and bright girl.

This is how it should be, and all the aching bio-garbage should be eliminated.

This Paola Antonini without a leg is so cool. Well done she. A strong-willed person, she didn’t despair!!!

Money talks. When they are there, nothing is scary.

Well, not really. For example, cancer killed many, and it didn’t matter that there was money.

Very beautiful girl! The main thing is that nothing hurts. The fact that there is no limb is not a problem, she is used to it, and where Paola Antonini lives, there are no sidelong glances, like we have, etc.

Lord, what a great guy! I adore her! The eye rejoices when you look.

Poor girl. I'm very sorry for Paola Antonini.

Smart girl, good luck to her.

I wouldn't want such a life. I am generally in favor of the possibility of voluntary euthanasia for such severe injuries.

And I am for the forced euthanasia of the brainless. Or at least sterilization.

Our humane society will never come to that. And, as you know, the fewer brains, the more a person wants to live and reproduce.

I admire people like Paola Antonini, a girl without a leg - they don’t give up!!!

Strong-willed, beautiful and smart.

The comments are amazing, like it doesn’t matter that she’s missing a leg, but she’s rich, crazy.

I think, rather, it means that there is money and she doesn’t look handicapped, and doesn’t sit at home without the opportunity to go out, like many of our people who have lost their legs. And having money, I bought a prosthesis and I think, I have a car, and hobbies, and money for sports, judging by the photo, Paola Antonini lives an absolutely normal life.

The girl without a leg is very pleasant in appearance.
It’s good that you have money for an active and happy life.

I saw somewhere a photo of Paola Antonini without a leg, there were comments - oh, why is she showing her iron leg, she should wear pants, etc.

She's very pretty, but her appearance is rather inconspicuous for a model, in my opinion. What happened to Paola Antonini, what difficulties does she have? The state provided a good prosthesis and a good pension; most likely, she can walk and run no worse than healthy people. That's the problem, huh.

Are you even out of your mind? What else is euthanasia? This girl lives a normal life, like other people, she can study, work, meet guys and travel and whatever her heart desires. Well, if this suddenly happens to you, you can do whatever you want, who’s stopping you? Why euthanasia?

I wrote. That we need to give people a choice - to live like this or not to live at all!!

How "so"? Paola Antonini lives the same as most people, even better, because she has money. And who took this choice away from her? I wish I had killed myself long ago; no one locked her in a room with soft walls.

She's a great fellow! But you know what's annoying. In our country, ordinary disabled people do not have money for a good prosthesis, and looking at the photographs of Paola Antonini on social media. networks - our disabled people from the country are not getting better from this! In Russia, most disabled people certainly do not have money for fitness and other activities.

It was taken away from everyone else. Voluntary euthanasia is prohibited in our country.

It's true. Well, I understand euthanasia when a person has an incurable, very serious illness and he is suffering, but here is a young, healthy girl.

Well done! I respect such people!

Do you admire people like the legless girl Paola Antonini?


I admire! Honestly. I would turn into a sad piece of garbage if I were Paola Antonini.

Not a single photo with duck lips, no crazy eyebrows, a sincere smile, movement and positivity. In my opinion, this was the first time a girl of this type without a leg was brought to trial.

By the way, I often notice that physically disadvantaged people are much more positive and kinder, they don’t bother with nonsense, they live and enjoy life, there is something to learn from them.

Yes. I admire Paola Antonini, a girl without a leg. I, like a dead goat, healthy and unharmed, will not learn to enjoy life and seize every moment, but people with real problems do this very successfully and, in principle, do not notice any problems.

What happened to her to admire Paola Antonini after she lost her leg? What is she doing in the photos that makes you admire her? I understand if there were some achievements or something else, but just ordinary photos. She is not bedridden, but has the opportunity to walk and live like an ordinary person.

I sincerely do not wish you to find yourself in her position.

Well, I don’t really admire it, but people like Paola Antonini without a leg are great for not losing their love for life after losing a part of themselves.

No, it does not do her credit that Paola Antonini lost her leg and inserted a fully functional prosthesis. Which makes her quite healthy and not constrained in her movements. At a time when many cannot even buy normal medicines for themselves. It would be better to post cancer patients or polio, AIDS or even asthma, millions of people suffer. What's this? I took beautiful photos of her, how young, beautiful and enjoying life she is!

Well done for not losing heart.

And in general, it is not known how Paola Antonini lost this leg, maybe she rushed drunk in her car into the firewood and hit someone else.

What a cheerful, positive, cool girl.

- “Positive” just keeps on coming.

What nonsense? "She has plenty of money." And what? She had money even when she had two legs. She is used to this kind of life, this is the norm for her (money). But then Paola Antonini lost her leg and realized that she was no longer functional. “Well, even if I lose at least 2, but I have money, I should be happy.” You are crazy if you think a person can think like that. It’s a huge stress to lose a leg, especially for a young girl! Disabled men are leaving depressed, what can I say. And they sit there, “there’s plenty of money, so what’s that?” Would you be willing to trade your leg for money? Oh well.

To the commenters who say she has nothing to be upset about, I'm talking to you. Sometimes disabled people's societies hold events so that others can feel how they feel. For example, they provide you with a regular wheelchair and offer to ride around the city with them and get into public transport. And healthy people often fail to do this. Being disabled is already a difficult task, and money won't help much there. Go and try it. Perhaps understanding will appear, you will be surprised that people like Paola Antonini, the girl without a leg and others, are generally strong enough to smile.

And anyway, what is the argument about? Everyone has their own hemorrhoids. The girl lives and enjoys life, that’s how it should be, no matter what. If I were a (functioning) disabled person, the last thing I would want was to be singled out for that reason. She is a normal person, alive and healthy. Leave her alone.

I already see her more often than myself. A normal girl, but I don’t know what to admire here. She is not dying, and not bedridden, she can walk and live like an ordinary person.

I admire the fact that I didn’t give up on living a full life.

I personally admire this guy.

Definitely yes!!

Considering how she lost her leg, why is this Paola Antonini without a leg, we don’t know her story.

No, I don’t know her to admire her or not.

Probably more yes than no. I think that after such a tragedy I would not have had the willpower to live the same way as I lived and enjoy life, Paola Antonini is well done for being able to do this, good health and happiness to her.

This girl doesn’t seem to live in Russia and doesn’t ride in a wheelchair, I think she doesn’t have these problems.

Tell me, why admire them? They are exactly the same people as everyone else. They have no mental barriers, they probably do not live in Russia, they receive compensation twice as much as my salary, and they do whatever they want. In the end, this is just a limb, not a kidney, not a piece of liver or lung, but a limb, the absence of which will only reduce the load on the heart, and it will also outlive us all here, so why admire them?! Stop treating people with disabilities like unknown animals, they don’t need it at all, it only makes them into complexes.

We are talking about people like those in the photo. Is she sitting in a stroller, poor thing?

No. Why should I admire it?

No, I don’t care about them, but I feel sorry for the cats.

There is such a thing.

Disabled person is different from disabled person. Most are accustomed to pitying only those who have external injuries; it is clear that the person is sick. And those who have internal diseases are considered a trifle - on the outside, everything is not bad.
So here it is. A person who has lost a limb, etc., gets used to it and does not suffer much. Let's better start admiring heart patients, cancer patients who have not lost heart, despite the terrible torment. And this is nonsense.

Why should we (you) admire Paola Antonini? It's complete nonsense, she is a stranger, and I don't care about her.

Doesn't inspire admiration! I feel very sorry for her, there is a video about her on the Internet where she dances. Poor girl!

What did they do to be admired? Did you save the planet?

This does not mean that in most cases people who have lost a leg or an arm do not turn into eternal whiners. There are at least brains, since Paola Antonini lives, plays sports, smiles and goes about her life. Many people even with two legs cannot boast of a full life.

In Russia, people often stand in front of stores with such problems and ask for money for surgery. The girl without a leg was lucky.

Paola Antonini is so beautiful, smiling and active that, yes, I admire this particular girl.

Moreover, you need to be kinder.

Certainly! Because having arms and legs, I am a whiner by nature.

I don’t admire him, I treat him the same way I treat other people.

I would say that whining like this is more likely not the norm than the norm. Even taking animals - they lose part of their body, but they will continue to struggle for life with all their might, they do not have thoughts like “how am I now, who needs me like that, who will love me, why live like this,” etc. The fact that people in such cases slide into a swamp is pure grief from the mind. Well, and of course, often there are simply no conditions, if a person without both legs lives in a five-story building without an elevator, and has not earned enough money for cool prosthetics, then, of course, it’s a nightmare.

That's right, I also think that this is not the norm. But, you see, falling into a terrible state and simply giving up taking care of yourself is exactly what most girls would do in such a situation. And even more so a gym for a girl without a leg, this is what makes Paola Antonini admired, at least for me.

I admire any sick person, disabled person - if these people have not lost the ability to enjoy life, do not blame everyone for their troubles and are able to live fully, no matter what, like this girl without a leg, for example.

I generally admire active, positive people. And everyone’s features are different.

I’ve been watching Paola Antonini’s page for a long time, it both delights and shocks me every time.

I didn’t even notice from afar, Paola Antonini is a very beautiful girl even without a leg, of course I admire her.

Yes, it’s scary and such people are heroes!

How do you feel when you look at a photo of model Paola Antonini of a girl without a leg?

Asov Arsen

Not everyone finds the strength to continue to live life to the fullest and enjoy it after some serious shock or physical injury. But not these girls, who will be discussed below.

Michelle Salt

Canadian snowboarder, Paralympian.

In 2011, Michelle lost control while riding her motorcycle. The girl received numerous injuries that seemed to be incompatible with life. Doctors fought for her life for a long time; she spent about a week in intensive care. As a result, the girl was saved, but her leg had to be amputated just above the knee. She spent about five months in the hospital.

Before the accident, Michelle was snowboarding, but the accident did not take away her desire to devote herself to her favorite activity. After 8 months, Michelle resumed training and in 2014 she took 9th place at the Paralympic Games in Sochi. In addition to snowboarding, Michelle is involved in fitness. Even before the accident, she was planning to compete at the Canadian Fitness Championships, and the accident did not interfere with this. She took 4th place.

Olesya Vladykina

Russian swimmer, two-time Paralympic champion and world record holder.

The tragedy occurred at a resort in Thailand. The bus with tourists was traveling at high speed and the driver lost control when turning. There were a lot of wounded and several people died, including Olesya’s best friend. Having come to her senses while still on the bus, Olesya saw that she had no arm. Olesya was in the hospital for a month. By the way, the girl refused to wear a prosthesis.

After the rehabilitation period, Olesya returned to her favorite activity - swimming, and a few months later at the Paralympics in Beijing she won a gold medal, setting a new world record. As the girl admitted later, this was a surprise to her, and no one had high hopes for her, since the rehabilitation period was short. In an interview for magazine, Olesya admitted: “Oddly enough, I began to perceive everything more positively and joyfully. I used to get upset, angry and offended over trifles. And then it was as if a revelation came: life is so short, you shouldn’t waste it on trifles. Nothing comes back, and every day, every moment needs to be appreciated. Happiness is what I can see. But among the Paralympic athletes there are blind people. And they also live and rejoice.” According to Olesya, everything in her personal life is even better than before the accident.

Paola Antonini

Brazilian fashion model

The model was hit by a car. The girl's life was saved, but to do this her leg had to be amputated.

Despite all the tragedy, especially for modeling life, Paola never ceases to be cheerful, leads an active lifestyle, plays sports and participates in television shows.

Ksenia Bezuglova

Public figure, winner of the Miss World 2013 title among girls in wheelchairs.

In 2008, on the way home after vacation, Ksenia and her husband were in a car accident. At the time of the accident, the girl was pregnant. Ksenia was taken by helicopter to the hospital, where she underwent a complex operation. The spine was severely damaged, and the girl remained confined to a wheelchair.

Later, doctors reported that the anesthesia used during the operation could have a negative impact on the fetus and it would be better to terminate the pregnancy. But Ksenia disobeyed the doctors. In 2009, her daughter was born. And in 2015 she became a mother for the second time. Ksenia has a loving husband who supports her in such a difficult situation.

Paola Antonini is one of the best examples of love for life. More than two years ago, on Christmas Eve, Paola Antonini was hit by a car. Doctors fought for many hours to save her life. The girl was miraculously saved, but the model’s leg was amputated above the knee.

It’s hard to imagine what Paola felt when she woke up after the operation: “I have never felt such pain. I decided not to look down so as not to see how bad things were. But I knew it was very serious.”

For a person in the fashion industry, appearance is a big part of life, if not all of life, but not for Antonini. The girl was fitted with a modern prosthesis, she underwent a course of physical and psychological rehabilitation, but, despite everything, she confidently walks through life with a smile: “You know, girls often worry about their appearance - being overweight or thin. But I want to say that each of you is beautiful. Accept yourself for who you are. This is what makes us unique."

After her experience, Paola Antonini decided to do charity work. Now she helps people with disabilities, inspiring them with her example. The model has more than 80 thousand subscribers on her YouTube channel and 799,026 on Instagram.

Moreover, Paola leads a fairly active lifestyle - she goes in for sports, dances and has not given up her modeling career. Antonini walked on catwalks, took part in fashion photography and signed several lucrative contracts after the accident: “Time has passed since the accident... But I never I didn’t change my dreams. Every day I try to be better and do more. I meet new people, have new experiences...and I still love to dance."

She dedicates publications on social networks to inspiration, loved ones and travel, without which she cannot imagine her life: “I want to tell all people that you should never give up. I always believe that tomorrow will be better than yesterday. Every person faces their own difficulties and life challenges. All you have to do is calm down. And believe that everything will be fine. My experience allows me to say this. My life after the accident was not easy, but everything returned to normal with time. I don’t set any restrictions for myself and do what I want.”

I have repeatedly thought about writing an article about the famous Brazilian model Paola Antonini(full name Paola Antonini France Costa). The girl was born on May 19, 1994, in the southeastern city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. She moved quite quickly and rapidly to success in the modeling business. But a grandiose turn in life can only be provoked by a moment in time. After reading this publication, you will learn about the incredible love of life of a young girl who lives by the “glass half full” principle.

On Christmas night, Paola hurried to Rio de Janeiro to celebrate together with her family. Having almost reached her destination, she gets into a traffic accident. A drunk driver, rushing towards Antonini, lost control and hit the car of a then twenty-one-year-old girl. As a result, horrific leg injuries were sustained. Her left leg was simply crushed: broken in four places. Doctors were forced to amputate the leg at the knee, and after a short period of time, the rest above the knee.

Paola already admits today that at some point she was severely depressed. Realizing the fact that she could spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair haunted her. After expensive prosthetics, the famous model begins to learn to walk again. “Between the options of always being unhappy and being grateful for being alive, I chose the second one,” she said. Very soon, her labors bore fruit. She again became a favorite in the modeling business.

Paola Antonini said in her interview: “I want to become a model for other people with disabilities who have experienced amputation.” And she did it! Today, the Brazilian beauty model has over one and a half million followers at her disposal. on the social network Instagram. She has taken on the role of an inspiration for hundreds of thousands of people who follow her from different parts of the world.

Paola inspires to love life and appreciate every moment. Evil tongues say that it is someone's project. There are so many divorced individuals who see conspiracy and secret meaning everywhere, when there may be none at all. Today her name is perceived as a brand – “Paola Antonini”. She runs her personal YouTube channel, participated in the opening of the 2016 Summer Paralympic Games in Brazil, and has been repeatedly invited for photo shoots by leading American publishing houses.

Arthur Magalhães(Arthur Magalhães) - the girl's boyfriend. In 2014, he also managed to accept the grief that befell Paola. They continue to meet, write joint blogs and travel the world. The Brazilian model said that her main mentor is her own mother, who did not let her go into all serious troubles after the incident.

Of course, the case of Paola Antonini is not unique, and there are actually more people with disabilities in the world than it seems. Not every family has the financial means to “buy” a second chance to feel like everyone else. If everyone had the same energy as Paola, we would move mountains.

A Brazilian model who lost her leg after being hit by a drunk driver is showing everyone that a disability can't stand in the way of a modeling career. Paola Antonini Franz Costa still walks the catwalk. The 21-year-old girl’s thirst for a fulfilling life and self-realization is supported by 600 thousand followers on Instagram.

Paola lost her leg in a car accident just after Christmas in 2014. Despite four attempts to save her limb, her leg had to be amputated below the knee.

Referring to the incident in an interview with Brazilian news site Veja BH shortly after, Franz Costa said: "I have never felt such pain in my life."

After Paola had just begun to learn to walk again, the doctors stunned the girl with yet another piece of news. The limb had to be amputated above the knee. However, despite the mental and physical devastation after the accident, the model decided not to hide her prosthetics from anyone.

In one interview, the girl stated: “I want to be a model for other people who have undergone amputation.” Paola, of course, has achieved an incredible result - the girl confidently parades at fashion shows. She also proudly posts photos on Instagram. More than 600 thousand followers admire her unstoppable passion for life and courage.