To your beloved man, tender confessions in your own words. Beautiful and gentle SMS to your lover in your own words, so that it touches your soul

To mom

This section will help ladies choose a speech that is suitable for all occasions - from the first declaration of love to a man to daily words of love for “experienced” spouses who love to pamper each other with pleasant surprises.

But declaring your love to a man is not at all the same as declaring your love to a guy. Even gentlemen with a romantic mood will probably be perplexed if a lady reveals to them the secrets of her soul in poetic form.

Simple, sincere words will quickly win the heart of the object of your love. If disappointment awaits you, and the man does not find a reciprocal response to your love in his heart, it will not turn out to be a very awkward scene. It’s easier to turn a declaration of love in prose dedicated to a man into a joke and pretend that nothing serious happened. Then the girl may experience tears of disappointment, but they will not be joined by wounded pride.

When the feeling is mutual, the man will not feel pretense in the words of his beloved if she confesses to him. Sincere words of love, spoken in a sensual voice, alone with a man, will themselves create a romantic atmosphere. It’s nice to receive beautiful words in a message by phone or on social networks.

5 reasons to pronounce a love confession to a man in prose

  1. Simple words are perceived as a manifestation of true feelings that are not feigned or exaggerated.
  2. There is a chance to hear: “I love you too” even from the shyest prince.
  3. Even the most stern and serious men who are far from romantic are favorable to such expressions of feelings.
  4. A simple declaration of love from a woman causes a man to respond to the manifestation of emotions, gives him confidence.
  5. It doesn’t have to be long and full of epithets that men don’t understand. For mature men, “bunny cats” can seriously irritate them, as can excessive poetic pathos.
  6. If one or two words from a prepared speech are forgotten, it will not hurt to replace them with similar ones or skip them altogether. This is difficult to do if you express feelings in poetry, where all phrases depend on one another.

Confessing your love to a man first is already half the revenge. And it doesn’t matter what turns out to be the jackpot in this game - mutual love or the invaluable experience of unrequited feelings - the lady is already lucky: she has won time for present or future love from doubts.

Without you, I'm afraid it will be impossible for me to breathe, exist, live! You are my bright ray of happiness, I live by you, I want to fall asleep in your arms to wake up from your warm breath. I want to sit with my legs tucked under me and watch you go about your business, I want to watch movies with you, walk, I feel good next to you, because I love you madly! 98

All day long I could look into your eyes, hug you and receive kisses in return! I adore you! You are my favorite person in the world! 149

You sparked a great feeling in my heart, I love you and want to always be by your side. Only with you am I happy, only next to you do I feel completely free, happy and most loved! 225

I constantly think about you and love you very much, I want to give you all my tenderness and affection, spend unforgettable days and nights with you, whisper words of love in your ear and just purr with pleasure! 191

I forget about everything, but I never forget about you! You are always in my thoughts, you are very dear to me, I love you madly and simply adore you! 203

Without you, I’m just a little person in this world - one of many, but with you I’m in seventh heaven. When you are near, I feel that I need you. When you are far away, I really miss you. I think about you all the time and love you very much. 80

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I can’t imagine myself without you, without your smile, your eyes, your kisses, without your hands. You are my happiness! I adore you! I need you more than life! I love you! 94

I want to enjoy you and your smile every day, I want to see how happy you are. I love you very much and always look forward to meeting you. 83

What is my life? This is happiness - when we are together, this is your smile, the anticipation of meeting you, the joy of meeting... I fell in love with you. You are the person for whom I have always had a place in my heart. 56

You know, I've been wanting to tell you for a long time... I wanted to tell you... This has been tormenting me for a long time... For a very long time... Ever since we started dating... A lot has happened lately... for these days... I thank you for every pleasant minute given by you... In general, I’ll probably stop procrastinating... It’s time to dot all the i’s... I want to say that I love you madly, just madly! 153

I love you for your incredibly beautiful eyes that look at me with tenderness and care. I love you for your body, which warms me at night. I love you for your hot kisses, which just make your head spin! I love you madly! You are like a gentle sun that makes me happy every day! 77

I don’t need gifts, I only need you, your attention... Sometimes, waking up in the morning, I understand that I live for you... I want to always be with you. I love you more than life. 34

I always want to do something good for you, I want to please you with something. I confess my feelings to you, I love you, my one and only, desired and unique. Let our love make us the happiest people. 62

I remember our meeting, when all the circumstances came together for us to find each other. Perhaps it's fate. Probably everything should have been exactly this way and no other way. And I’m just happy that everything happened this way. I want to admit that I love you very much from the very minute we met. 79

When you are near, I feel that you need me just as much as you need me. For me, my whole life is you, you are my joy and all my dreams! 57

Talk about your feelings as often as possible, then the relationship will become stronger. Don't know what to do to a guy? We will show you how to express your feelings beautifully.

Declaration of love to a guy in your own words to the point of tears in prose

Guys give compliments, show sympathy, say tender words - this is common. But it’s rare to hear a girl declare her love. Men also want verbal confirmation.

Confirm declarations of love when meeting one-on-one in a romantic setting with a warm look.

Let's figure out how to choose beautiful words for your loved one in prose. Here are some examples:

  1. “I am happy that the threads of our destinies are intertwined and we met one day. I love you more and more every day. Your voice, smile, strong hugs and kind words make me happy. I dream of never being apart."
  2. “I love you, my love! I miss even a minute of separation. I want to hug you tighter, give you my tenderness and give my heart into your hands forever.”
  3. “You are the best for me: courageous, fair, dear, unique. Let my love be your guardian angel. Thank you for being there!”

Add some zest to your confession, highlight special moments of your meetings or the guy’s individual traits, for example, a mole on his cheek, a habit of adjusting his collar.

If your loved one understands humor, you can formalize the confession in this style:

  1. “I love you as much as a cold mojito on a hot day. I love sour cream like a cat. I admire the New Year tree like children do. I value you like a hundred-carat diamond.”
  2. “You are a charming, sweet, witty, kind-hearted and affectionate... monster! And I’m that beauty who loves this monster madly!”

How to confess your love to a guy so that it comes out sincerely? Say what you feel, what you want, what you dream about. Confession in his own words will not leave him indifferent. Make it original:

  1. Send beautiful words by email via Viber.
  2. Complete the application on paper and leave it in a visible place (refrigerator, desk).
  3. If you are separated for several days, put a signed letter in your backpack or pocket.
  4. Present your guy with his favorite dish with a hidden note.
  5. Send a voice message to your loved one.

Don't be shy to say words of love. Decide to confess, and Cupid will fill you with inspiration.

Short declarations of love to a guy in your own words

Long ones require time and recitation, while short phrases are appropriate in everyday life. Whisper a few sentences of love to your guy at a party, say nice words when he takes you home. Short confessions are suitable for SMS messages and notes. Use examples:

  1. “You are my most important man in the world. Love you!"
  2. “I love your curly hair and brown eyes, my love.”
  3. "You are my only one! I was incredibly bored all day, burning with love.”
  4. “My heart and soul belong only to you. You are my prince, hero, ideal. I only want to be yours."

Use short, funny phrases:

  1. “Remember: you are mine, you can’t get away!”
  2. “Away with emotions, away with doubts - you are the best, that’s my opinion!”
  3. “Even though we are both not gifts, we are a great couple together.”

In the morning or before bed, send short poems to your beloved guy. Rhyming phrases sound beautiful and lift your spirits. Here are poems about love for a guy as an example:

  1. “My love for you is so endless. And these feelings will last forever."
  2. “The Sahara will become hotter with my love! You can’t hide from my feelings in the shadows!”
  3. “You are my reason to be happier and my reason to smile! Every day again and again I can fall in love with you!”

Add a touch of creativity. Unusual short confessions will be remembered and will delight representatives of strong status. Look how interesting it is:

It is just as pleasant for a guy to hear a declaration of love as for a girl. Surprise your chosen one. Get ideas from the tips, but remember: what you say in your own words comes out much closer and closer.

A beautiful declaration of love to a dear man in your own words

A gentle snowdrop makes its way towards the spring sun... So my heart yearns for you, wanting to surround you with bright tenderness and endless love...

A clean, bright spring allows you to quench your deepest thirst. And I’m drowning in the endless tenderness of your beloved eyes... And the sea of ​​my love is not afraid of even the most terrible drought...

Ding-ding-ding - with such a gentle trill the bells on the green meadow announce the onset of summer. And you can guess about my ardent love by the restless beating of my heart... It is yours!

There is no need to pick off the tremulous petals on a defenseless daisy, wishing for the desired answer. Look into my eyes - and you will see in them those words that are written not with ink, but with a movement of the soul: I love you!

A beautiful little snowflake, no matter how good it is, will certainly melt when it lands on a warm palm. And my love is not afraid of any life circumstances. She will always be by your side!

Even an experienced traveler, chasing new experiences but without a compass, can get lost in an unfamiliar thicket. And my compass is in the depths of my heart - your native name! And he will never let you down...

In late summer, a bright shooting star calls for you in an effort to tell him your most secret desires... And my secret came true in the moment of a long-awaited meeting with you... And you became my guiding star, because true love overshadows everything around.

My bright star! My sweet sunshine! Both day and night, next to you, any road becomes easier, any path becomes shorter, any problem becomes a trifle, any desire becomes fulfilled. And I have nothing more to wish for...

In the pre-holiday bustle, everyone tries to choose interesting gifts for family, loved ones and friends. I alone do not need any more blessings in the world. I want only one thing - for you to reciprocate my love!

Beautiful text of declarations of love to your beloved guy, beloved girl

Warmth to the one who radiates light. It is light for those who carry the sun within themselves. As soon as we met, an unquenchable fire lit up in my soul. The sparkles from its flame deftly form tender words. I want you to read them: I love you...

Do you believe that ellipses are traces on the tiptoes of bygone words? Even if they themselves talk about love, they still don’t want to frighten away this timid feeling... I look at you - and I want only one thing: to read a reciprocal confession in your tender eyes...

I want our relationship to become a wonderful mirror. We would look into it and see each other's faces. This is only possible with true love. I love you! And you?..

Can a base passion be called love? Is it possible to attribute love to only one type of emotion? Of course not! Love can only be called a very deep understanding that someone completes you. And I have it...

Previously, it happened that I envied the birds soaring in the sky: it seemed that this was the highest of freedoms. I was wrong... It is love that gives a person real freedom - to be himself. And today I am truly free and happy - because I love you!

As children, we read fairy tales because we wanted to believe in miracles... And now it becomes clear: by showing true love in the world, you open yourself to real miracles. What is happening between us cannot be called otherwise... I love you!

It’s not for nothing that they say that to whom the soul lies, the legs go to him. It’s not just my legs that carry me to you - it seems that I can fly without wings. Love gave me such strength. I love you - does anything else really matter?

It's true: there is no medicine that can cure what happiness can cure. From the moment of our first meeting, it is happiness that gives me both strength of spirit and fortitude of soul. Only after loving you did I understand how and why life is worth living...

Who can add courage when all other means have already exhausted themselves? Only love! Only she is not afraid of anything, she is fearless and omnipotent, and she leads those who have managed to experience real feeling. I love you and want us to be together - always!

This gold may be fake, indistinguishable at first glance. And true love does not require a lie detector test. She just walks along. Always. And then you know that no force can separate you. I love you! Be with me...

If the nightingale’s trill does not evoke a tender thrill in your heart, it means that it has never felt true love... And when the chirping of all the songbirds from all over the world fades before your enchanting voice, this means only one thing: I love you!!!

Our dates, like sweet stories from a talented writer, bring pleasant thoughts and tender memories to me the next day. Thank you for this. I love you so much…

I love you SMS in your own words, very beautiful in prose

It seems to me that little round-faced Cupid accidentally shot not one, but several arrows at me, because I love you several times more than is permitted. And this love slowly but pleasantly burns my nature.

Your hands are so tender that they seem to me like river streams, carrying my soul beyond the limits of the possible, into a world of happiness and magnificent pleasure. Thank you for this tenderness. I very love you.

They say that swans find a mate for life. I, like a swan, will remain faithful to you, dear. I will carry my love through the hardships and joys of our relationship, no matter how heavy this burden may be.

You and I are like Venus’s favorite birds - doves that, with their beauty and tenderness towards each other, win the hearts of people. Thanks to our love, we gain wings, just one flap of which can give us joy, and one flight can give us long-awaited happiness.

I hear our hearts beating in unison, with their sound encouraging our souls to become sincere, kind, and distracted from the whole world in the name of our love. This sound became my favorite music.

You and only you are my idol. I bow to you like the Egyptians bow to God Ra. And your strength is the strength that won my heart, struck the target so deeply that mentally I am always only with you.

I am amazed by the bright warm glow emanating from your heart, full of kindness and tenderness. I am struck, like a warrior on the battlefield, by your sparkle playing in my eyes. I'm crazy because I'm wildly in love with you.

The hungry sky is driving you crazy

The heart drives into the head about pure love

I start a new day with another declaration of love for you, mentally and then out loud. I feel so good next to you that I sometimes think that people are really like a peach - we are divided into two halves that create one whole. You are my soulmate and I love you.

I love you SMS in your own words to your beloved guy, beloved girl

You are so beautiful that when you appear in my dreams, you amaze with your beauty not only me, but also the inhabitants of my incredible dreams. I am happy that you, a girl who, like a goddess, dazzles the eyes with herself, chose me as her gentleman. I love you sweetheart.

I love you so much that I will vote for you, like the Little Mermaid; freedom, like Belle; I'll risk my life like Quasimodo. My incredible love knows no bounds.

You are the best guy in the whole world. My heart, which beats at a frantic rhythm, whispers to me about this, like a perpetual motion machine. My soul, like a glass, is filled to the brim with tenderness for you, as well as sincere, magical love.

You gave me incredible, amazing happiness. Happiness that has become a part of me and invisible to others, like the third eye of a fortune teller. This is the most expensive gift of my life. And in return I give you my eternal love.

you are like a string in my life that combines all octaves and

What does a person need in life to become a joyful owner of happiness? Probably just a few phrases said by another person that brought harmony to life. Several warm hugs and tender kisses that created an atmosphere of true love. One look from loving eyes that remains in the soul forever. Thank you for this.

I love you so much that the gods of Olympus descended to earth to look at a mortal who allowed himself to open his heart to sincere feelings, like the bravest god. And I will love you like this always, I promise. After all, the feeling that settles in the heart usually never leaves it.

Am I in love? Probably, not. I went crazy with an avalanche of feelings; from love, which, like a wave, swallowed me whole. I'm not in love, sorry. I love.

How many minutes of my life are spent thinking about you? It seems to me that there are more than planets in all the Universes. I think about you constantly, even in my dreams you come to me like a guardian angel. Your gorgeous smile lights up my life like a ray of light in the middle of the night. I very love you.

Love is only a feeling that permeates our flesh, our souls and our hearts. Love is only a feeling that becomes a priority in life. Love is just a feeling that inspires and motivates you to do great things. Let love be the only feeling I have for you.

I love you. How is it shown? In blind trust, worthy respect, strange understanding and the greatest desire to make you truly happy. You know, I don't just love you. I am a fan of your playful look, the magical warmth of your hands and the infectious laughter that fills my life.

Let a warm ray of sunshine into your life...