Moonstone: the main property is mysterious beauty! Moonstone - magical properties of the stone Where to get moonstone.


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Where to find moonstone? This question worries many lovers of unusual jewelry, as well as superstitious people who tend to surround themselves with talismans and amulets. Moonstone is a potassium aluminosilicate and belongs to the feldspar group. The stone has a pale blue-gray hue.

When the sun's rays are refracted, a glow similar to the light of the moon appears on its surface. The stone is also known as adularia, its name is associated with Mons-Adularia. This is what Mount Saint Gotthard was called in the past.


The mineral has a crystalline form. Depending on the conditions of formation and location, it can be tabular, columnar or prismatic. The density is average, does not exceed 2.56–2.58. At the fracture, the stone is stepped and uneven. On the Mohs scale, the mineral is located in the sixth position, which allows it to be classified as a stone of medium hardness and strength.

Earrings with moonstone

The stone is transparent, may not have a specific color, be white, blue, yellow, or gray. Refractive indices do not exceed the line 1.520–1.525.

Jewelers consider the stone to be fragile. It can crack even after a slight impact, so jewelry based on the mineral should be stored separately from objects that could damage it. After polishing a stone into a cabochon, it can change its color and shine. A similar reaction should be expected when the air humidity in the place where the stone is stored increases.

The mineral is considered rare. The cost of raw spar depends on size, clarity and color. Stones that have a three-dimensional color depth are highly valued.

Methods and places of extraction

Adularia is a rare stone, the deposits of which are located near gold ores and pemanites. It was first found in the Alps among rock crystal, titanite, rutile, chlorite and hematite. To form a stone, a temperature of 500–600 degrees Celsius is required. The place of its formation is considered to be igneous rock. Sometimes the mineral is formed in water saturated with potassium and silica. It is often found in rock cracks.

Extensive deposits of adularia have been found in Sri Lanka, India, Burma, Australia, Brazil, New Zealand, Madagascar, Tanzania and the USA. Some stones have been found in Russia and Ukraine. The first moon rocks were discovered on Mount Mokrusha in the Urals. The mineral is located near quartz deposits. It is also not difficult to find a stone in Ukraine.

Mystical and healing properties

Adularia calms the senses and puts a person’s thoughts in order. The stone is recommended to be used as a talisman for people suffering from mental and nervous disorders. It relieves insomnia, fear and nightmares, helps cope with stress and depression, and relieves irritation. For a long time it was considered a stone of love. Used as a talisman, it protects the heart from bad thoughts and wrong desires, helps to remain faithful and reach agreement in family conflicts.

The stone captures the slightest fluctuations in feelings, changing color and shine as they increase or fade. The lack of mutual love is also reflected on the stone; it becomes dull. The stone is a talisman for people who cannot control their temperament. The mineral protects from enemies, adds charm and charm, helps in finding the right solution, opens the gift of eloquence, and makes a person’s words convincing in the eyes of others.

The power of the mineral manifests itself during the nascent moon. On the new moon, the stone begins to exude a particularly bright glow, but, oddly enough, it is not the patron of those born at this time. The stone patronizes those born on the full moon, preferably on Monday. This particular day is ruled by the moon.

The magical properties of the stone are best demonstrated in a silver frame. In this case, the talisman is best worn on the body in the form of a necklace or ring. It must have direct contact with its owner.

Moonstone has a spiritual nature, enhances feminine energy, feelings, encourages desires and sincere determination. As its name suggests, it is closely associated with the Moon. Ancient, like the Moon itself, the stone has the power of mystery. Its secrets are hidden beneath the pearly veil, and with them our own hidden truths. It is only within the confines of our reflected light that we can begin to understand what it has to teach us.

Moonstone is the main talisman of the inner path. Only by plunging deeply into ourselves can we receive what is missing, that part of the soul that has been forgotten and abandoned.

This is one of the most sought after semi-precious stones. Its brilliance and shimmer are mesmerizing. You involuntarily begin to think that there is definitely a hidden deep meaning in it.

It is highly valued by shamans, fortune tellers, and monks. Moonstone is one of the most sought after semi-precious stones in the world due to its supposed ability to bring good luck to the person who possesses it.

Find out more about this mysterious stone. You may also want to purchase it or a piece of jewelry with it.

What moonstone looks like description

Moonstone (adularia) is an opalescent type of orthoclase, which is a potassium feldspar and a very rare mineral. With a blue or white shine, it is similar to the shine of the Moon. This reflection is created by the internal structure of very thin layers of the mineral.

The chemical formula of the stone is KalSi3O8. It's not very durable. On the Mohs scale its hardness is 6-6.5. Refers to semi-precious stones.

Stones can be colorless, yellow (ivory), white, grayish-bluish, blue. Some samples are layered, others are translucent. But they will all have a characteristic shine when sanded. Some may even have a rainbow effect.

Deposits of moonstone are as wide as the range of its colors. It is found in various parts of Asia, Australia, North and South America. But the main producers are India, Sri Lanka and the United States of America. Although you can find stones from Madagascar, Brazil, Myanmar.

Classically, moonstone is always cut into a cabochon. The more transparent the stone, the more valuable it is.

Moonstone in history

Asian legend says that the best bluestones are washed away by the tides once every 21 years.

From the earliest times, this mineral was associated with the magic of the moon and served as a protective amulet for travelers. It was used in jewelry of Ancient Rome and the East.

The Romans believed that it contained the image of the moon goddess Diana, who could bestow love, wealth, wisdom and bring victory to its owner.

Another legend says that it contains the gift of prophecy and second sight, claiming that this crystal can clear the mind and allow the owner to reach a rational decision, maintaining the connection between the mind and heart.

In the ancient world it was considered a talisman of winter, and in Eastern culture it was known as the “phenomenal stone” to be worn on Mondays.

The moonstone was given on the day of the thirteenth wedding anniversary and in years divisible by this number. It was believed to protect and counteract the influence of this not very good number.

It has always been revered as a sacred stone in India, having special meaning for a loving couple and was a traditional wedding gift. Allows you to find out the future, the good and the bad of a young family, what awaits them. True, to gain this knowledge, you need to hold it in your mouth during the full moon.

This stone was in the forehead of the four-armed moon god. Partly because of its color, and partly because of the influence of the deity it represented. Its brilliance waxed and waned with the waxing and waning of the Moon.

The stone was also popular among European jewelers. It was worn for protection in the dark, given as a sign of reconciliation between loved ones, and treated insomnia.

Jewelry with it was especially in demand during Art Nouveau times. Most of them were created by the French jeweler Rene Lalique. Today they are in museums or private collections.

Our connections with the Moon are very strong. Just as the Moon appears and disappears in its cyclical movement, controls the ebb and flow of the tides, and influences our emotions, so the moonstone calms, guides, and teaches us the rhythms of life.

Moonstones are known to lose their shimmering silvery shine if their owners harbor a lot of anger.

If you are far from home or family, moonstone will provide you with security and keep your spirit alive.

Why is moonstone called moonstone?

Moonstone is the best known variety of orthoclase potassium feldspar called adularia. The combination of layers of orthoclase and albite causes this beautiful shine of the stone.

It got its name from the area in the Adula Mountains in Switzerland. The word "Orthoclase" is of Greek origin: "orthos" means "vertical" and "klasis" means "fracture". This name fully describes the nature of the stone.

It is called lunar for its shiny, magically shimmering surface that reflects light. This shine is inherent in stones of all colors.

This glow is obtained by cabochon processing. Incoming rays of light are refracted within the stone and scattered, creating a unique play. This is what makes this stone so special and desirable.

Moonstone varieties

This beautiful stone comes in a variety of colors, from milky white to yellow, green, blue, cyan and more. Available in black.

Blue and cyan moonstone

High quality blue moonstone displays incredible three-dimensional color depth that is only visible from different tilting angles. Blue crystals are very rare and their price is high.

A blue stone is an ideal gift for a loved one when there is uncertainty in a relationship.

Promotes clarity of mind and inner vision, balances yin and yang energy. It is suitable for those who work in the healthcare field. He will show travelers the right and safe path.

Blue moonstone is useful for problems with the lymphatic system, for those who suffer from sinusitis and associated headaches, for diseases of the stomach, pancreas, pituitary gland, insomnia, snoring, motion sickness. Helps children with enuresis.

Minerals of this color facilitate communication with people and animals. It focuses on clairvoyant abilities and brings emotional healing.

Green Moonstone

Green moonstone has similar qualities to other stones.

Although these minerals are not as common as other colors, it can be identified by the characteristic luster of the moonstone family.

This color carries the energy of love and balances emotions. Its energy will help you feel more compassion for others, increase your self-esteem and give you a sense of personal well-being.

Rainbow Moonstone

Rainbow stone acts like a prism, dispersing the energy of the entire aura. It provides:

Mental perception:

Clears the mind;

Balance and harmony;

Restful sleep.

It reduces negativity and eases emotional trauma.

For women, a rainbow stone will help:

Normalize hormonal balance;

Increase fertility;

Stabilize the menstrual cycle;

Will recover after surgery (especially on the ridge and uterus);

Reduces the effect of anaphylactic shock.

It combines all the positive energy of the moon with the optimism of the rainbow to calm anyone who feels lost, alone and vulnerable.

It helps with clairvoyance and promotes restful sleep when placed under the pillow. Rainbow crystals will protect those who have thoughts of suicide and provide support with learning difficulties.

Rainbow moonstone is considered more valuable.

Silver Gray Moonstone

This stone is for clairvoyants and shamans. It is called the “new moon” and carries all the secrets of the emerging Moon.

Gray Moonstone focuses on the abilities of vision and clairvoyance. Creates new realities and understanding of those that differ from earthly ones.

It facilitates visualization and meditation, helps to establish contact with your spiritual patrons and angels. This is the stone of perception behind the veil.

Peach Moonstone

Hindus consider such minerals sacred. They are often given as a wedding gift because... It is believed that it brings harmony and love to married couples.

It is well suited for emotional and sensitive people, allowing you to see the positive in any situation.

Delicate peach stones relieve stress and anxiety. Suitable for emotional children.

It is believed that such crystals help women:

Strengthen reproductive function;

Normalize the menstrual cycle;

Reduce symptoms of PMS and menopause.

This is a soothing stone for those who feel helpless due to excess weight. Carry such a stone with you to love and appreciate yourself as you are.

It helps bring out the best in a person. It attracts prosperity and success, and arouses enthusiasm among lazy people.

Such stones heal heart injuries by bringing love. Teaches you to trust yourself and others.

Peach color is a healing energy, especially for women.

Apricot or yellow moonstone

It is a stone of femininity that will benefit all women. Increases creativity in both women and men, inspires and develops intuition.

Useful for digestive disorders, can solve problems associated with menstruation.

Black Moonstone

Black moonstone is mined in India and Madagascar. It shares many similarities with other colors of this crystal. Although the mineral is black, it looks very different from different angles.

White Moonstone

Carries the energy of the new moon at the height of its power, stimulating psychic perception, vision and dreams. It can increase emotions, activate kundalini energy in women and emotional balance in men, and can help children relieve nightmares or insomnia.

Its energy helps people achieve emotional balance.

It regulates menstrual and fertile cycles and reduces menopausal symptoms.

White stones enhance intuition, feminine wisdom, calm emotions, and promote spiritual growth.

White Moonstone:

Improves digestion;

Helps reduce epileptic seizures;

Reduces gallstones, kidney stones, bladder stones;

Normalizes hormones and the menstrual cycle;

Relieves migraine;

Reduces weight;

Improves hair condition.

White moonstone controls reactions in fraught situations. Carry it with you when traveling, especially at night or abroad.

Magical properties of moonstone

Moonstone is a highly spiritual crystal. It connects both sexes and affects every being on the planet. Its calming nature helps you understand how to be happy.

Real Moonstone:

Brings love and positive emotions;

Helps resolve business issues;

Improves intuition, perception and judgment;


Gives wealth;

Gives the gift of prophecy;

Attracts attention;

Improves creativity and self-expression;

Helps in new beginnings;

Brings positive change;

Provides protection from hazards;

Clears negative energy;

Helps expose hidden and secret enemies.

If you want to understand what you need, keep it under your pillow during the full moon. It is not for nothing that this mineral is considered the stone of shamans and fortune tellers. It opens the gate to the subconscious, but at the same time does not allow those who are not yet ready for it to enter.

It helps you realize that everything is part of cycles.

This is a feminine stone that embodies the energy of divine femininity. The crystal can help calm aggressive women, feel confidence and serenity.

Moonstone healing properties

By unblocking the lymphatic system, moonstone:

Helps the digestive system by enhancing nutrient absorption,

Removes toxins;

Prevents fluid retention and relieves swelling,

Promotes healing;

Normalizes the functioning of the stomach, liver, pancreas and pituitary gland.

It is associated with the energy of the Moon and is an excellent stone for women. They say that it can solve most women's problems:

Improve the reproductive system;

Help during childbirth;

Promotes conception;

Normalizes the menstrual cycle;

Relieves symptoms of PMS;

Normalizes hormonal levels;

Prevents obesity;

delays aging.

It promotes the normal course of pregnancy and helps during breastfeeding. Improves the condition of skin, hair, nails.

Relieves stress and anxiety in both women and men.

Traditionally, the properties of moonstone have been used to treat insomnia. A stone located under the pillow will allow you to sleep more peacefully and prevent sleepwalking. It is often used in conjunction with amethyst.

Who suits moonstone zodiac signs

Moonstone is the stone of travelers. Everyone who went on a trip took amulets from it with them. He protected them at night and while swimming on water.

This is a popular talisman for those who are working on their personal growth.

This stone is especially suitable for water signs. This is the zodiac stone for those born in July under the sign of Cancer and the beginning of summer, starting with the summer solstice from June 21 to July 22.

Cancers born under this sign are easily adaptable, loyal, and attached to their family. They are gifted with a strong imagination and make good musicians, artists, writers and composers. Cancer is also known as the "Sign of the Prophet" or the "Sign of the Teacher".

This is one of the alternative stones for those born under the sign of Libra or Scorpio.

How to Wear Moonstone

These beautiful crystals are very powerful stones that are wonderful to wear. They are quite easy to find in a variety of beautiful jewelry. They come in a wide variety of styles and types.

Wearing products made from this stone will teach you to perceive life as it is, be patient, and bring peace and balance.

It can be worn if you are experiencing any past failures in life or experiencing depression. It will help you learn the lessons you need to reach your full potential.

Wearing a necklace or pendant will help improve your emotional security.

Place under your pillow to improve sleep and relieve insomnia.

To bring good luck when going on a journey, put the stone in your pocket.

Charge the stone on the night of the full moon.

Blue sapphire;


Merlinite is a magical and mystical stone that emphasizes the magical properties of moonstone, helping to balance the male and female energy within oneself.

It goes well with yellow labradorite. It is very good to use them together in meditation to balance your masculine and feminine energies.

An alternative would be to combine moonstone with sunstones, i.e. yellow stones such as amber, yellow topaz, carnelian, citrine.

To enhance the gift of providence, they can be used in combination with:


Sphenome (titanite);

Gabbro (blizzard-stone or blizzard-stone);






To enhance your energy, a great combination would be with:




Chlorite quartz;


For emotional protection, combine it with:

Black tourmaline;

Black jade;

Moonstone is a stone of intuition, balance, desires, and luck. It helps to support the feminine side, understand and determine what is needed in life.

By wearing moonstone regularly, you will begin to recognize negative energy and learn how to heal yourself. Lighter stones have a stronger shine and more healing properties.

But the most magical thing about it is that it comes from lunar magic and is as mysterious as the Moon. They say that it becomes brighter during the waxing moon and darkens during the waning and new moon.

If you are particularly sensitive to the phases of the moon, do not wear the stone during the full moon.

Moonstone got its name due to its unique shine, which makes the mineral look like an Earth satellite. In ancient times they believed that the light of the full moon was imprisoned in the crystal.

In ancient times they believed that the light of the full moon was imprisoned in the crystal

The gem has a thin-lamellar structure - this is the reason for such an unusual shine. The stone can be transparent or translucent, similar to chalcedony. Its second name is adularia, derived from Mount Adula in Switzerland, where the crystal was first discovered.

Moonstone (adularia) is very fragile and cannot be subjected to mechanical stress. Despite the fact that the material is ornamental and not precious, it is quite popular among jewelers and collectors. Inexpensive everyday jewelry is made from it. Many people try to get their hands on luminous specimens of a unique shape. Most often you can see moonstone in silver. Such jewelry looks quite elegant.

Deposits of the mineral were found in quartz and ore veins. It looks like a small diamond-shaped crystal. Samples do not exceed 10 cm in size.

Products made from moonstone became popular in the second half of the 11th century. It was at this time that mineral mining began to gain momentum. Jewelry samples used in jewelry are mined in Myanmar and Sri Lanka. Orthoclase is also being developed in Russia. Four mineral deposits have been discovered in the country. The mineral is mined in the Irkutsk region, the Urals, the Khabarovsk Territory and the Kola Peninsula.

Varieties of mineral

There is only one real moonstone - adularia. But since it is difficult to find, to attract customers, jewelers began to call other minerals with a similar shine moon crystal. For example, black moonstone is labradorite, a translucent quartz crystal with a blue tint.

Blemorite, belonging to the feldspars, is an opaque or translucent white gemstone with a blue moonlight. The description of the stone by jewelers says that it looks like a combination of pearls and adularia, although blemorite is very far from these stones.

Compare with moonstone and amazonite. It is a volcanic mineral of varying shades of green. It was classified as a lunar gem due to its soft tint. Amazonite is an ornamental material used in the manufacture of souvenirs and jewelry.

Selenite is a yellow, blue or milky white crystal that has the same radiance as adularia. Like moon crystal, selenite is a calcium-sodium silicate. This and the fact that the gem bears the name of the goddess of the Moon, Selena, classified the crystal as a type of moonstone. In ancient times, it had a different name - moon kiss.

It is worth noting that from a scientific point of view, it is incorrect to perceive these minerals as types of moonstone. Adularia is one of a kind. The gem does not have a specific shade; its tint depends on the angle at which the sunlight falls. It is not for nothing that it is called a rainbow, shimmering stone.

Properties of moonstone (video)

Medicinal properties

Like many minerals, rainbow moonstone has healing effects on the human body. Lithotherapists claim that the mineral calms the nerves, relieves negative emotions and even cleanses the aura.

It has long been believed that stone fights bad mood, helps with fatigue and can overcome even prolonged depression. It is useful to wear amulets with it for people who suffer from sleep disorders. In case of insomnia, it is enough to place the gem under the pillow. The stone will restore calm, and problems and troubles will fade into the background, giving way to self-confidence.

In addition to stabilizing nervous processes, orthoclase has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract. It has also been noted that the silver tint of the mineral stimulates brain activity.

The characteristics of the stone also include facilitating the process of childbirth.. Women need to wear a pendant or ring with adularia throughout pregnancy, and before giving birth, it is recommended to acquire a talisman that can be taken with them to the hospital.

Since the Moon protects women, since ancient times it was believed that adularia is an exclusively female stone. A moonstone ring will give its owner confidence, fill her with energy and enhance femininity.

Gallery: moonstone (50 photos)

Magic of the Moon

Surprisingly, the natural mineral is not popular among magicians and sorcerers. It's not a lack of potential, but the fact that the magic of the moonstone is too strong. If handled incorrectly, the talisman can deprive any magician of the magical power, so they were afraid of it and did not interact with the crystal unless absolutely necessary.

The magical properties of moonstone are dangerous only for people with special powers. For an ordinary person, the stone will become a faithful guardian. It is believed that it awakens love, so a moon ring on a girl’s finger was a sure sign that she was looking for a mate. The talisman patronizes only people with sincere, deep and pure feelings. Lust and lust have no place in the life of the owner of the talisman.

The stone not only attracts love, but can also become a protector. Adularia protects the owner from quarrels, disputes, dark spells and even natural disasters, for example, from a lightning strike.

Moonstone is suitable for creative people and card sharpers. In the first case, the talisman will reveal inner abilities, and in the second it will attract good luck. The amulet acquires its strongest meaning and influence during the full moon.

Previously, there was a belief that a person who managed to find and harness a gem acquired the ability to predict the future.

Combination with zodiac signs

Who is adularia suitable for? First of all, the talisman is suitable for people born on a full moon. In addition, he favors those born on the first day of the week. It will not just bring good luck, but will become a talisman that will support you in any difficult situation.

According to astrologers, the mineral is suitable for Leo, Libra, Virgo, Sagittarius or Scorpio.

For Leos, the stone will give peace and confidence, but at the same time it will pacify ambitions. Libra, having acquired the amulet, will be able to fully reveal their talents. He will bring wisdom and prudence to Virgos. With its help, Sagittarians will solve any problems, and Scorpios will achieve success in financial matters. Astrologers say that the most universal amulet is the moonstone; the zodiac sign is not particularly important; in any case, it will help a person in studies, business, career and relationships with others. But if the person’s horoscope is Aries, Aquarius or Pisces, you should not abuse the help of the amulet.

Adularia is one of the most powerful talismans known to mankind. But you need to know how to wear it. First of all, you need to pay attention to the phases of the moon. The waxing moon and the full moon are the optimal period for wearing amulets. But when the moon is waning, the stone is able to draw energy from its owner. During this period, it is better to remove your jewelry.

You need to know what the crystal is combined with and what metal it can be framed in. How to wear moonstone?

The most suitable cut for the mineral is silver. This metal enhances the healing and magical abilities of the talisman several times. The gem should be in contact with the body, and not with clothing. It is best to choose a ring and wear it on your right hand.

The mineral does not combine with other stones. If a person has chosen adularia, then you need to abandon other crystals for the entire period of wearing. It is capable of enhancing basic character traits, so it is not recommended to give the crystal to angry, capricious and indecisive people. The lunar talisman will lead its owner to the goal, regardless of the purity of his intentions.

Secrets of the Moonstone (video)

How to recognize deception?

In India and on the island of Sri Lanka there is a deposit of the most valuable gems. These are exactly the places where true moonstone is mined. However, the deposits are practically empty today. This fact led not only to an increase in the price of the crystal, but also to the appearance of many fakes.

Synthetic stones look even better than natural ones. They are brighter and shinier, with an unnaturally rich shimmer. But artificial stone does not have the energy that a natural mineral has. A fake will be just an empty decoration without any magical or healing properties. When choosing a talisman, you need to know how to distinguish a real gem from a synthetic one.

The blue color used to cast the highest quality samples of the mineral is visible in natural stone only if you look at the jewelry at an angle of 12°. If you look directly at natural moonstone, its color will be slightly grayish. The fake shimmers equally no matter how you tilt it.

Adularia is a cold mineral. If a person managed to warm the stone in his palms in a few minutes, then it is a fake.

There were many who wanted to copy other varieties of orthoclase. Most often, white (blemorite) and black (labradorite) crystals are counterfeited. These are the most popular of all varieties of moonstone.

Attention, TODAY only!

Already in the time of the first people, Adam and Eve, man's craving for beauty awoke. They admired the full moon and flowers in the Gardens of Eden. Satan noticed this and decided to awaken greed in people’s souls by seducing them with a crystal that would surpass the moon in beauty. He scattered the gems on the ground and people looked at and sorted them with pleasure. But they liked the crescent moon better and soon the interest cooled down. Satan got angry and cursed his creation. Since then, it has been believed that the moonstone is cursed and brings its owner only misfortunes, tears and disappointments.

The legend was found in ancient Persian treatises. Since then, ideas about the stone and attitudes towards it have changed. They no longer consider him cursed, although they treat him with a mixture of admiration and mistrust.

  1. Moonstone became the subject of study by medieval alchemists. It was believed that any mineral could begin to shine if it was held under moonlight for a long time. In addition to glowing, it acquires other properties: it becomes smooth without polishing, and absorbs the cold of the night moon. The extreme degree of endurance is the ability of the crystal to instantly cool boiling water.
  2. Chaldean magicians claimed that the power of the moonstone depended on the phases of the crescent moon. During the full moon it is at its most powerful. Clairvoyance sessions were scheduled at this time. On a full moon, the magician placed this stone under his tongue. This opened the door to parallel worlds for him and he began to predict the future.

  3. Yellow moonstone is called witch moonstone. It is believed that a dying witch must pass on her witchcraft knowledge. When there were no people willing to adopt the skills, the witches sealed the power into stone.
  4. The Hindus saw the frozen and split light of the moon in the moonstone. Such a mineral gives the gift of divination. Even now there are moon worshipers who worship the adularian.
  5. The Arabs considered moonstone a symbol of abundance, so they sewed it on clothes.
  6. For the Romans, it became a symbol of femininity and romance.

Modern science has studied the origin of moonstone and the nature of its glow. It is not related to the moon or extraterrestrial origin. But the impact of the stone on people remains a mystery.

Physicochemical characteristics

Moonstone has a second name - adularia. This is feldspar, which has an internal glow - iridescence. The stones come in transparent and milky white colors with white or blue tints. The flickering occurs due to albite plates growing in the thickness of the spar. Light is reflected from them, interference is created, which causes the appearance of blue and golden reflections. Sometimes there are stones with the effect. The reason is the plates, but even smaller in size.

Adularia is not the only stone with iridescence. The following minerals are often confused with it:

  • belomorite is also a feldspar, but plagioclase. It is distinguished by a more intense color with blue and green reflections, which is not typical for adularia;
  • also refers to plagioclases, but contains impurities that color the stone in different colors;
  • some resemble moonstone in color and transparency, but lack the glow.

Natural adularia is rarely found in nature and is therefore highly valued. The best stones are mined in Sri Lanka, but supplies are running out, so the cost will rise. A flawless gem-quality moonstone can cost from $100 to $500

Magic properties

Beautiful, rare, luminous, personifying the moon - this stone initially had all the makings of becoming a magical talisman. Opinion. That moonstone brings misfortune is already outdated. It can only harm people who are overly dreamy and capricious, by enhancing these characteristics. It will have a beneficial effect on others. Moonstone should be worn with caution, first listen carefully to your feelings and relationships with people around you. In case of any changes for the worse, it is better to refuse wearing the stone.

Moonstone will show great power in the hands of moon people - those born on Monday or the full moon. He will become an assistant for them on the path to happiness. It will help you overcome obstacles and quickly achieve your goal; if you have the slightest doubt, you need to turn to him for help in order to choose the right direction.

The amazing magical property of moonstone is to help in gambling and any other matters where luck is required. For example, business. But at the same time, it also attracts love luck, providing the attention of the opposite sex, although usually love and luck do not coexist. This made the moonstone an object of desire among sharpers and avid gamblers. They were ready to kill for him.

Magic properties:

  1. Strengthens the gift of eloquence and persuasion.
  2. Treats melancholy and depression.
  3. Prevents suicide.
  4. It generates in the soul an attraction to the great, therefore it will lead a noble and strong person to victories.
  5. Warns of danger by changing color.
  6. It fades if love has passed.
  7. Protects against witchcraft.
  8. Protects from quarrels. Gives people prudence and wisdom, which help resolve disputes and disagreements peacefully.
  9. It prevents passion from flaring up in a young girl’s soul and helps preserve honor.
  10. Keeps marriage from cheating. The husband is not allowed to look at others, and the woman is protected from the encroachments of other men.

  11. Helps to see the future, enhances extrasensory abilities.
  12. It evokes tenderness and passion between spouses.
  13. Singles will find a mate.
  14. Amulet for travelers.
  15. Calms, relieves anger.
  16. Helps you find inspiration and reveal hidden talents.

The energy of moonstone depends on the moon. The closer to the full moon, the stronger the influence of the stone. It is not recommended to wear a moonstone on a new moon. He has nowhere to draw energy from except from the owner, so he will begin to drain the owner’s strength.

When choosing a talisman, it is better to choose a silver frame.

When deciding to buy a talisman with a moonstone, you should take into account your horoscope. Moonstone affects each zodiac sign differently.

  • brings peace to Taurus, relieves stress and nervous tension;
  • relieves sudden mood swings;
  • softens character, relieves anxiety;
  • helps virgins sort out their feelings and improve family relationships;
  • in Scorpios he will reveal creative talent;
  • Aquarius will get rid of stubbornness and protect from envious people;
  • with its help they will develop intuition

Moonstone does not affect the signs Leo and Sagittarius, so it will only serve as decoration. The zodiac sign better beware of it.

Healing properties of moonstone

Amulets with moonstone are used as a remedy. To enhance the effect, it is better to always carry the moonstone with you, close to the skin. If it is not possible to wear it under clothing, then you will need to frequently touch and stroke the surface of the mineral.

  1. May help the nervous system.
  2. Contemplation of the mineral relaxes and calms, treats anxiety and depression.
  3. Relieves nightmares, normalizes sleep, relieves stress.
  4. Helps with diets. Adularia improves metabolism, helps absorb nutrients, removes toxins and excess water.
  5. The mineral normalizes the functioning of the liver and pancreas.
  6. Promotes rapid recovery from inflammation of the genitourinary system.
  7. It dulls pain, which is why in ancient times this mineral was used during childbirth.
  8. Influences the emotional sphere, exciting, but without irritability.
  9. Helps with concentration.
  10. Gets rid of salt deposits.

The main property of adularia stone is to calm all types of nervous disorders, regardless of the nature of their occurrence. Moonstone is also a mineral that can restore hormonal levels. Thanks to this, it rejuvenates the body.

How to spot a fake

Most commercially available moon rocks are fake. This is low-quality pressed adularia chips or glass. At first glance they are identical. If you use it only as an everyday decoration, then you can buy an imitation. But such a stone does not have the magical properties of a natural mineral and can even cause harm. Esotericists claim that prolonged wearing of a fake changes a person’s biofield and aura.

It is better to buy jewelry in stores that value their reputation and sell only certified products. In this case, the origin of the mineral will be indicated on the tag. If in doubt, you can ask for certification documents.

You also need to pay attention to the price. Natural stones are expensive. If they offer a large moonstone for $10, then most often it is counterfeit.

Ways to spot a fake:

  1. A naturally occurring moonstone casts blue reflections when the stone is turned.
  2. The synthetic material has the same shimmer no matter what angle you look at it from. In natural, the intensity of the glare changes depending on the angle of inclination.
  3. The stone does not conduct heat well, so when touched it remains cold for some time.
  4. Natural minerals are not perfect and may have defects inside.
  5. Natural crystal in water becomes brighter. Artificial does not react to water in any way.

Buying a good quality natural moonstone is a great success. The market is filled with synthetics or low-grade small stones of Asian origin.

Moonstone Care

Moonstone is susceptible to scratches and dents, and can become dull and lose shine from bright sunlight, high temperatures and chemicals.

Rules for storage and use:

  • must be stored separately from other jewelry in a box with soft walls or a bag;
  • avoid falls and impacts;
  • do not expose to chemical cleaning agents;
  • do not keep in the sun;
  • avoid sudden temperature changes;
  • clean with special products.

Jewelers do not advise wearing jewelry with moonstone all the time, so as not to expose it to aggressive environmental influences or create scratches on the surface of the stone. This goes against the opinion of magicians. In this case, you need to decide what is more important: the appearance of the stone or its magical influence. In any case, even if the moonstone is stored in a box and is waiting to be released into the world, it is worth taking it out more often, peering into the play of light, admiring it and trying it on.

Mystical, bringing misfortune or revealing the secrets of the universe and calming? Everyone will decide for themselves what moonstone is for them. There is just no doubt about one thing - he is handsome and involuntarily attracts glances. It is impossible to remain in the shadows with such decoration.

It is interesting that moonstone, despite its name, is only indirectly related to the Moon. Amazing, misty crystals emitting a pale light were once found in the Alpine mountain range of Mons Adular. The beautiful mineral received its scientific name from the place where the rock was discovered and described. The common name - lunar - was assigned to it by jewelers, uniting several completely different gems under this trade designation.

Depending on the variety, prices for products with iridescent stones can vary significantly. In addition to natural samples with similar structure and properties, you can also find a large number of imitations made of frosted glass on the shelves. How to distinguish the original from analogues and artificial crystals that do not have magical powers?

Many-faced gem

All types of minerals, which are commonly called moonstones, belong to the group of feldspars. The difference is only in the internal structure, which suggests the presence or absence of microcracks, air inclusions, layers growing into each other and other features. Based on these characteristics, in geology it is customary to distinguish orthoclases, oligoclases and plagioclases. What the processed gem looks like depends on its structure.

The magical properties of the moon stone are ensured by its structure: thin plates of crystalline substance pressed together. Regardless of the name, all representatives of this “species” belong to the element of Water, influencing their owner in a very specific way. That is why esotericists do not single out any particular mineral as a real moonstone. The magic of all varieties is of the same nature, differing slightly in the power of manifestation. But in geology, this name refers to only one type of orthoclase - adularia.

Along with similar varieties of natural minerals, synthetic spinel is often passed off as moonstones

In retail outlets, the following minerals may be called lunar:

  1. Adularia differs from other representatives of its group in the absence of microcracks in the internal structure. This is a rather rare and therefore very valuable gem. Samples of high jewelry quality are mined on the island. Sri Lanka, India, northern Russia (Chukotka, Siberia, Ural). The gem differs from other varieties of moonstone by its blue iridescence (adularization). It is not characterized by rainbow tints or multi-colored flashes. This elegant stone exhibits a single-ray asterism (cat's eye effect) when cut into a cabochon. The ghostly bluish glow is not similar to the glow of other varieties. Only adularia has an amazing, visually three-dimensional crystal depth.
  2. Rainbow - plagioclase, or white labradorite - is similar in appearance to the previous one, if you do not pay attention to the iridescence. Unlike adularia, it is much less valuable; in its raw form it is almost opaque, white in color with a pearlescent sheen on the fractures. When cut into a cabochon, it is devoid of asterism, but acquires translucency and iridescence with an iridescent tint, reminiscent of gasoline stains on the surface of water. Along with the blue glow, you can see yellowish, pink and purple reflections. When contemplating the stone, there is no feeling of its extraordinary depth, like the adularia.
  3. From the group of plagioclases, the mineral belomorite was once isolated and given its proper name. Unlike adularia, it iridates in multi-colored small flashes in blue-green and reddish shades. The surface of even a polished sample often has noticeable cracks.
  4. Labradorite, or black moonstone, has an iridescent blue-green and purple tint to its polished surfaces. People often call it peacock for the similarity of shades of iridescence. Translucent plagioclase is darker in color than other varieties, which makes it possible to distinguish it from other related rocks.

In addition to those listed, the number of gems, as if illuminated by the light of the moon, includes chalcedony, albite, microcline crystals and other types of translucent feldspars. Despite their own beauty, they do not have the effect of iridescence. The jewelry value of such stones is extremely low, and they are used as ornamental stones.

How to distinguish an imitation from a gem?

Along with similar varieties of natural minerals, synthetic spinel is often passed off as moonstones. When growing its crystals, sometimes defects occur, expressed in the inclusion of air microbubbles in the monolithic structure. The resulting iridescence resembles the effects of belomorite or rainbow plagioclase. Products with defective spinel are often passed off as jewelry with moonstones, but their price is relatively low compared to natural gems. The easiest way to recognize this fake is by the price.

Decorative varieties of frosted glass with glitter inclusions are sold as inexpensive jewelry. Nevertheless, manufacturers consider it possible to designate inserts as “moonstone”. Purchasing such jewelry as amulets or talismans will be a waste of money.

Those hoping to purchase not just a piece of jewelry, but a magical companion in their own life, need to know how to distinguish natural minerals from counterfeits. The main feature, noticeable even to the inexperienced eye, is the constant iridescence of synthetic or glass “jewels”. The absence of asterism, that is, a clearly visible luminous stripe moving along the surface of the cabochon, should also be alarming.

Thanks to its layered structure, natural moonstone is able to glow, give the effect of flashes or pearlescent tints of color only at a certain angle to the surface. Having slightly turned jewelry with inserts made of adularia or other representatives of the species, even an inexperienced buyer may notice that the semi-precious inserts have lost their glow. The glass will shimmer constantly, since the sparkles are distributed evenly throughout its entire body.

Another sign of a natural gem is its high heat capacity. Glass (or synthetic stone) will become noticeably hot when squeezed between your palms. Natural crystal remains cool for a long time, practically not heating up from the warmth of the hand. This method can help to accurately determine the naturalness of a gem.

Silver ring with cubic zirconia and moonstones (go to the SUNLIGHT catalogue)

How are moonstones used in magic?

Even in ancient Indian treatises on the properties of minerals, moonstone (jandarakand) is mentioned. For its extraordinary glow effect, it was credited with magical properties to reveal the future. Similar abilities to give mystical revelation to someone contemplating the depths of a crystal were known in Ancient Greece. Chaldean magicians used a shimmering shard by placing it in their mouth. The prophecies pronounced at this time were considered very truthful, especially during the full moon.

Adularia was also endowed with medicinal properties. It was believed that the moisture released by the crystal on a moonlit night could cure malignant fever. Medieval healers used the gem as a remedy for epilepsy.

Modern lithotherapists take into account that these minerals belong to the element of Water. Their ability to help in the treatment of urolithiasis is widely known. For nervous disorders and depression, one should contemplate the play of shades inside the crystal. This helps to drive away anxiety and achieve sound sleep without nightmares.

Silver necklace SL with cubic zirconia and moonstones (go to SUNLIGHT catalogue)

Who is the gem suitable for?

The mobile and receptive energy of the element of Water is not suitable for every character. It is possible to determine for whom a moonstone is suitable only by taking into account the person’s date of birth. Constant contact with him will be favorable only for signs belonging to the Water trine: Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces.

The main properties of the gem - dissolving negativity, peace, relaxation - will help to contain outbursts of anger and calm down during stressful conditions. He will be able to give even aggressive and energetic representatives of the Fire signs (Sagittarius, Leo, Aries) a little prudence. But for representatives of Air, constant contact with the mineral can result in apathy and reluctance to act. For those whose zodiac sign belongs to the element of Earth, not too frequent communication with the powerful energy of the gem can be beneficial by moderating excessive ambitions.

For magical and healing purposes, the gem is best worn only on the waxing Moon. At this time, and especially during the full moon, the energy of the stone grows. As soon as the luminary moves into the 3rd and 4th quarters, the strength of the mineral also decreases. At this time, it is better to use it to reduce negativity and relieve pain.

Moonstone Jewelry

Both its ability to help the owner and the effectiveness of the jewelry itself depend on how the moonstone is worn. Its characteristic as a discreet, faded-colored mineral does not allow combining such an insert with a gold frame. Moonstone in silver with blackening is very good: the dull shine of the metal does not suppress the material of the inserts. The rainbow tints of labradorite or the bluish glow of adularia are successfully emphasized by the calm color of the metal.

Jewelry made from a stone that shines like the moon is very rarely decorated with faceted inserts. Iridescence on the facets is not so noticeable, and asterism does not appear at all. Therefore, adularia, belomorite, and labradorite are often cut as cabochons. Combinations of moonstone with other gems are practically never found: a silver pendant or ring usually contains a single large insert. This is the only way to truly appreciate the beauty of the mineral and see the exquisite play of light in its depths.

Silver ring SL with alpanite, cubic zirconia and moonstones (go to the SUNLIGHT catalog)

Necklaces are also made from lunar minerals. Large adularia beads can be quite expensive, and a necklace 45-50 cm long reaches a price of several tens of thousands of rubles. Therefore, such jewelry is quite rare.

You also need to combine products made from these gems with clothes with taste. A shining droplet on a little black dress will look elegant. A very elegant combination can come from a strict classic suit with a pendant and earrings with shimmering stones.

A moonstone ring can also be worn by a man. Typically, such jewelry is purchased by people with a penchant for practicing magic. A silver ring with an adularia is considered to be an accessory for clairvoyants and psychics. In this case, what is considered is not the correspondence of the stone’s energy to the owner, but its significance as an amulet that causes visions. The decoration most often serves these purposes, since it has sufficient contact with its owner, and the silver of the frame further enhances the magical properties of the insert.

Known gem deposits

From ancient times to the present day, it is believed that the most beautiful adularia are mined in Myanmar and Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). This is where the most expensive varieties with bluish iridescence and a three-dimensional effect come from. The mineral is located in the thickness of volcanic rocks, where it crystallized millions of years ago from a melt of silicon and other substances.

A large amount of adularia is mined in Russia. Domestic samples are famous for their inclusions of gold and silver nanoparticles. This provides an unusual play of light in the crystal, although it does not cause the flickering characteristic of belomorite.

This variety also belongs to the Russian variety. A deposit of belomorite was discovered at the beginning of the twentieth century in Karelia. Geologists accidentally noticed an outcropping of light-colored rock with an unusual pearlescent tint. It is believed that only a poetic description of this oligoclase allowed it to receive its own name.

Labradorites are found both in the Russian North and on the American continent, where they have been mined for more than a century. Rainbow tints made peacock stone very popular among urban fashionistas back in the 19th century. The relatively low cost of the stone makes jewelry with it quite affordable in price.

The calming cold shine, akin to moonlight, makes the gem desirable for many representatives of the fair sex. But we should not forget that its magical properties and energy may conflict with the character of the owner. A beautiful piece with iridescent or shimmering precious adularia or iridescent labradorite can bring more than just joy. When choosing a moonstone for yourself, you need to take into account some subtleties, and then you will not have to regret the money spent on its purchase.