Lunar haircut calendar for September - favorable days. Lunar calendar for hairdresser haircuts Lunar days for hair cutting September

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We invite our subscribers and readers to check the favorable days for haircuts and coloring in September 2016. Every woman carries out hair treatments every month, dyes them, does... But cutting hair, caring for eyebrows and eyelashes at any time is not always safe for human health, so you need to follow the lunar calendar, where everything is listed by date. You need to cut your hair at a certain time, when the Moon has a beneficial effect on a person’s well-being and health, and also improves his financial and personal situation in life.

Let's determine favorable and unfavorable days in September 2016 for haircuts and hair coloring. The lunar calendar will help you navigate the days when it is better to change your image, and when you should not dye, curl, or do any manipulation with your hair.

When to cut your hair in September 2016

In September 2016, you need to cut your hair according to the lunar calendar, which will determine favorable and unfavorable days for manipulating your hair, from cutting, trimming, dyeing, performing masks and other procedures. If you cut your hair on favorable days, you can get rid of bad factors in life, switch to a white streak, gain harmony in your personal life, find peace at work and financial stability. The lunar calendar is compiled based on the position of the moon and lunar phases, which affects hair growth. It often happens that by changing their image, girls remain dissatisfied, everything goes awry for them and they fail to establish comfort in life.

Lunar calendar September 2016: haircuts and coloring by day

  • 1.09.2016 - new moon in Virgo. The first day of autumn is not recommended in terms of haircuts, the mood will become passive, and a depressed state will appear.
  • 02.09.2016 - Moon/Virgo is growing. You can perform hair treatments, from cutting to coloring. It is advisable to visit a trusted specialist.
  • 03.09.2016 - waxing Moon/Libra. Any manipulation with hair will be beneficial, a visit to the beauty salon will bring a lot of pleasure, your hair will become silky and voluminous.
  • 04.09.2016 - waxing Moon/Libra. You can get a haircut, but it is better to visit a professional, then a positive result will be ensured in all respects.
  • 05.09.2016 - waxing Moon/Libra. You can safely change the image that suits you. A favorable day promises success in life and at work.
  • 06.09.2016 - waxing Moon/Scorpio. Painting in light colors will bring warm moments into your life and new acquaintances. The hair will withstand any procedures well on this day.
  • 07.09.2016 - waxing Moon/Scorpio. The day is favorable for haircuts. A radical change in your image with a haircut and coloring will lift your mood, your well-being, and will only be beneficial.
  • 08.09.2016 - waxing Moon/Sagittarius. An ordinary day, the haircut will go well, it won’t threaten you with anything, good or bad.
  • 09.09.2016 - waxing Moon/Sagittarius. You shouldn’t go to the hairdresser today; manipulating your hair will lead to inattention, which entails a number of mistakes and miscalculations.
  • 10.09.2016 - waxing Moon/Sagittarius. An unfavorable day in everything, you can’t help but cut your hair, dye your hair, even style and wash your hair.

When to cut your hair in mid-September 2016?

  • 11.09.2016 - waxing Moon/ Capricorn. Today is a good day for haircuts; hair lamination, coloring, curling and cutting will have a positive effect on your health and mood.
  • 12.09.2016 - waxing Moon/Capricorn. You shouldn't visit a hair stylist today.
  • 13.09.2016 - waxing Moon/Aquarius. Avoid salons today on the tenth road, there is a risk of catching a cold and falling ill.
  • 14.09.2016 - waxing Moon/Aquarius. A positive day, hair manipulation will fill your emotions with a good mood and give shine to your hair.
  • 15.09.2016 - waxing Moon/Pisces. If you want to fill your day with positivity, then avoid going to the salon for today; on a neutral day, it is better to avoid visiting a hair stylist.
  • 16.09.2016 - full moon in Aries. There is a threat that after getting a haircut, troubles and failures will come your way. Today, stop all manipulations with your hair.
  • 17.09.2016 - waning Moon/Aries. Avoid haircuts on this day; it is better not to visit the hairdresser at all; going to a stylist can lead to a decrease in the immune system and apathy, weakness.
  • 18.09.2016 - waning Moon/Aries. Haircuts, curls, and styling can make you sad and disappointed. You can make a hair mask, and leave the rest of the procedures for later.
  • 19.09.2016 - Moon/Taurus is waning. Unfavorable moment for haircuts. On this day you can get seborrhea due to tools, avoid salons today.
  • 20.09.2016 - Moon/Taurus is waning. Hair coloring and cutting can weaken memory and impair the body's immune defenses.

The best and worst days for cutting hair at the end of September 2016

  • 21.09.2016 - the Moon/Gemini is waning. Not a good day for haircuts. Luck can run out with trimmed ends.
  • 22.09.2016 - the Moon/Gemini is waning. A good day to create fashionable hairstyles; before cutting your hair, consult with your stylist about the shape of the haircut.
  • 23.09.2016 - Moon/Cancer is waning. The period will have a positive influence on the person’s condition, internal self-confidence and determination will appear. A positive day for haircuts.
  • 24.09.2016 - Moon/Cancer is waning. A good day for haircuts, to attract financial success to yourself, give preference to hairstyles for medium or long hair; do not cut your hair short.
  • 25.09.2016 - Moon/Cancer is waning. You can go to a specialist and get your hair cut; it won’t cause any harm, but it won’t improve your hair either.
  • 26.09.2016 - waning Moon/Leo. Don't go to the hairdresser today, or you'll risk hair loss and a migraine.
  • 27.09.2016 - the Moon/Leo is waning. Today is not a day for haircuts, and if you suddenly have to go to the salon, then get ready for chronic fatigue.
  • 28.09.2016 - waning Moon/Virgo. Unfavorable day for going to a beauty salon.
  • 29.09.2016 - waning Moon/Virgo. You can trim the ends of your hair, or it’s better not to do anything at all on this day.
  • 30.09.2016 - waning Moon/Libra. A favorable day for various procedures, today a haircut will bring many good moments, firstly, hair will grow faster, secondly, it will stop falling out, thirdly, there will be many positive moments in life, positivity and big changes will appear.
Coloring calendar, on which days can you paint and on which days can you not?

The best days for hair coloring in September 2016 are the periods when the Moon is in the constellation Libra, this is September 3, 2016, September 4, 2016, September 5, as well as in the sign of Gemini - September 21, 22 and 23, and the constellation Virgo - 1 September, September 2, September 19 and September 28. The best natural hair colors include black, red and its shades, brown and blond. The universal and fashionable hair color in 2016 is light brown and all its shades.

30th and 1st lunar days. Moon in Virgo. New moon

If you have made some efforts to choose the right hairstyle and hair color, then you cannot find a better day to visit the hairdresser. Under the influence of emotions and a momentary desire to get a haircut “like that girl over there,” it is better not to enter the salon. Whatever you do today to both your hair and your face will remain for a long time.

2nd lunar day. Moon in Virgo

Treatments aimed at cleansing the scalp and hair will be very effective. You can go on a special diet, which includes foods that have a beneficial effect on the condition of your hair. Masks with oil solutions of vitamins and eggs will be useful. Try natural, natural remedies for self-care; today your body does not tolerate “chemicals” well.

3rd lunar day. Moon in Libra

This is an excellent time to study what the cosmetics market offers, consult with hairdressers and stylists, and ask them to help you choose the products that are right for you. The day is good for cutting and coloring hair and eyebrows; put yourself in the hands of professionals who apply makeup - you can learn and apply some simple techniques yourself.

4th lunar day. Moon in Libra

A huge role on this day is played by the right choice - an individual style and an individual hairdresser as well. This is a very suitable day for moisturizing your hair - including with ordinary water, which is especially beneficial and healing today. It will wash away not only household dirt from your hair, but also other people’s negative emotions that you have taken to heart.

5th lunar day. Moon in Scorpio

Today, when taking care of yourself, give free rein to your intuition - this is one of those days when we need to pay attention to the clues that the world around us sends us. Any phrase you accidentally hear regarding self-care can carry information that will help you solve even long-standing problems with your appearance. Or a cosmetic product that catches your eye repeatedly may be what you need.

6th lunar day. Moon in Scorpio

On this day, treat yourself to a head massage. It is better to use the services of professionals. Undoubtedly, you will notice that this procedure will have a positive effect not only on your hair, but will also relieve heaviness in your head and relieve headaches. If you decide to massage your head yourself, first read the basic techniques on the Internet.

7th lunar day. Moon in Scorpio

Now is the right time to cut your hair with hot scissors - it is suitable for everyone with long hair: it prevents the ends of the hair from splitting, it does not split and becomes less brittle. Also today, your hair will gratefully receive warm oil wraps or skin-warming masks - for example, with mustard or red pepper.

8th lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius

This day is suitable for a haircut: the hairdresser’s hands literally radiate energy that will affect both hair growth and its condition. It is also important to choose a hairstyle during this time that suits you and will increase your self-esteem. The same goes for choosing hair color. Therefore, choose a specialist who has a waiting list and an appointment in advance: he should not disappoint your expectations.

9th lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius

Today it is better not to subject your hair to any tests: there is a high probability that you may suffer from the tools used in cutting and styling your hair. Scatteredness and the desire to embrace the immensity will be characteristic of both you and beauty specialists, so movements may become careless and attention will be scattered. Better take care of yourself.

10th lunar day. Moon in Capricorn

This is a good time to apply cold to the hair roots, for example, to use cryotherapy, which increases blood circulation in the scalp and improves hair nutrition. Other procedures are also suitable for strengthening hair and reducing hair loss, the main thing is that the products applied should be cold. Let your hairdresser help you choose.

11th lunar day. Moon in Capricorn

If you are planning to tint your hair roots and sharpen the outline of your hairstyle, plan these procedures for today. But if you want radical changes in both hair color and length, then it is better to curb your aspirations and slightly postpone your visit to the hairdresser. Because with a high degree of probability the color will turn out to be much brighter than you would like, and the hair will be much shorter.

12th lunar day. Moon in Capricorn

Today, alternating water procedures (including a contrast shower) with a scalp massage (when the hair is naturally well dried) is beneficial for your hair. You can cut and dye your hair, but give preference to less expensive products and specialists. You will be pleasantly surprised by the quality of work, for example, of college students working in a training hair salon.

13th lunar day. Moon in Aquarius

On this day we so easily step on the same rake! Therefore, if you cannot postpone visiting the hairdresser, at least do not go to a specialist whose work has disappointed you before. Not only will he be nervous and absent-minded, but he will also definitely want to show his creativity and will probably cut your hair the way he thinks will be best, without taking into account your wishes.

14th lunar day. Moon in Aquarius

Do you dream of adding new notes to your usual look? Then go get your hair cut and dye your hair on this day. You catch new trends literally out of thin air and are able to tell the hairdresser exactly what you need. Today it is easy to work in a community, it is easy for people to reach mutual understanding and the process itself is more interesting than the material return from it.

15th lunar day. Moon in Pisces

The day is not very suitable for changing your image, including with a new hairstyle. Take a closer look, maybe the one you are wearing suits you better than the others? Today you are very emotional even about every little thing, and what you like now may irritate you tomorrow. And it will be difficult to reach mutual understanding with the hairdresser.

16th lunar day. Moon in Pisces. Full moon

You should not use cosmetics that contain animal fats. Masks made from fruits and vegetables, possibly using dairy products, will be beneficial for hair and skin. And although ideas on how to improve your appearance will simply overwhelm you, you should not give them free rein: today emotions are at their peak, and in a few days you may lose interest in what seems like a panacea.

17th lunar day. Moon in Aries

Energy overwhelms you, but it is undesirable to have any effect on the scalp, face and hair - they are very vulnerable now, it is easy to cause harm. Only cleansing procedures are allowed. But the time is very suitable for caring for your feet: pedicures and removal of corns and calluses will be effective. You can follow your desire to use bright varnish.

18th lunar day. Moon in Aries

If you want the condition of your skin and hair to be diagnosed as accurately as possible, do not miss this day, contact specialists for advice. They will find all the shortcomings in this area and tell you how to get rid of them. But it’s better to postpone the manipulations themselves a little - so that they are less traumatic and do not cause new problems. And the diagnosis will be super objective.

19th lunar day. Moon in Taurus

Today the teeth, lower jaw and neck are vulnerable. Therefore, it is better not to treat the lower teeth right now. Also, don’t talk a lot, take care of your ligaments. Hair cutting and coloring will be accompanied by problems. Great attention must be paid to the hygiene of all procedures performed so as not to cause infectious complications.

20th lunar day. Moon in Taurus

On this day, medicinal herbs are very effective, especially yarrow. Be sure to rinse your hair with it. It has long been known that a decoction of this herb makes the skin matte and velvety. You can freeze the yarrow decoction in the form of cubes for future use. If you prefer to harvest your own herbs, dig up the roots on this day.

21st lunar day. Moon in Gemini

Start now to regularly use a contrast shower for your legs - from your feet to your thighs. This procedure will be very effective if you have skin rashes anywhere, especially those caused by allergies. It is worth reconsidering your diet, focusing on foods that combine with each other, and not eating everything mixed together. Dry your hair thoroughly to avoid catching a cold.

22nd lunar day. Moon in Gemini

The masks and compresses that you will apply to your head today should be warm. We highly recommend performing a facial and head massage using herbal bags, which are filled with medicinal herbs (those that you consider necessary), then first dipped in boiling water, cooled a little and applied to problem areas for about twenty minutes.

22nd 23rd lunar days. Moon in Cancer

Taking good care of the liver and gall bladder will have a general healing effect on the entire body, including the skin and hair. Eat the vegetables and fruits that suit you

will seem especially tasty. It's time to experience for yourself, for example, the effect of the watermelon diet; come up with face and hair masks from these gifts. Try not to get too cold.

24th lunar day. Moon in Cancer

The day is suitable for visiting a beauty salon if you want to keep your haircut as long as possible - your hair will grow back slowly. You should not dye your hair on this day - the dye will wash off quickly, which is especially offensive if you use expensive dyes. So it’s better to spend time on an active walk in a nearby park.

24th lunar day. Moon in Leo

You can cut your hair if you don't want your hair to grow back too quickly. This is an excellent time to independently prepare the raw materials for real beauty elixirs - infusions of nettle and burdock roots. Such potions are made with water or vodka, after cleaning the soil from the raw material with a brush. You can rinse your hair with it after washing or rub it into your scalp.

25th lunar day. Moon in Leo

Observe the prompts of the Universe when planning to perform this or that manipulation with your appearance. You can cut your hair, but you shouldn’t try to add something extraordinary and extravagant to your appearance. Do not use new care products. Strive to look decent and appropriate for your age. Hide any imperfections with bright jewelry.

26th lunar day. Moon in Leo

Use this day if you cannot relax properly on your own: contact a massage specialist, and both relaxing, cleansing, and relieving massage will be useful. You should definitely work on the collar area and head. This will reduce blood pressure, improve cerebral circulation, and also make the heart work more rhythmically.

27th lunar day. Moon in Virgo

Deep cleansing of the skin can be done at this time. The fight against acne, fungus, and warts will be quick. Choose foods and drinks carefully - they should be fresh, with a minimum of preservatives, or better yet, without them at all: today the intestines are very vulnerable, you need to take care of them. Be sure to take care of your feet: now you can remove everything from them that prevents you from walking normally.

28th lunar day. Moon in Virgo

The day is suitable for solving such a delicate problem as constipation. And don’t rely only on medications: an excess of them will cause addiction, and therefore reduce their effectiveness to nothing. Fiber, water and exercise – these are the three pillars on which your fight for a healthy intestine should be built. And of course it’s worth mastering massage of the reflex zones of the legs.

29th lunar day. Moon in Libra

This is not a bad time to treat diseases of the head, eyes, nose, ears, as well as radical methods for removing unwanted facial hair. The effect of the procedures can be called the “golden mean”: you will achieve your goal and will not injure your skin. As for preserving your hair, now it is better to use expensive, branded cosmetics for hair care.

In order for a haircut to please and bring good luck, it is often planned in advance, looking for suitable hairstyles and consulting with a hairdresser. Please also refer to the lunar calendar to find out all about the days favorable for visiting the salon.

September 1st and 2nd. Judging by the forecasts of astrologers, you can change your image from the first days of autumn. In the first days of September, the condition of your hair will be influenced by the Moon in the Zodiac Sign Virgo. On September 1, it will also be favorable, but the New Moon, coinciding with a solar eclipse, can confuse your cards. Therefore, when choosing between numbers 1 and 2, it is better to give preference to the 2nd when the Moon begins to grow. On days like these, caring procedures have an amazing effect. So feel free to try hair masks and treat yourself to self-massage to enhance the effect.

September 11 and 12. These two days are also suitable for anyone who has long wanted to strengthen their hair or make it healthier, more beautiful and attractive. The Moon is in Capricorn, and this practical Zodiac sign favors everyone who has decided to get rid of split ends and untidiness. Astrologers especially advise those whose hearts are not occupied or suffer from unrequited love to get a haircut. A new hairstyle can attract the attention of your future soulmate.

September 19 and 20. Moon in Taurus. Hairdresser's scissors will work wonders for those who are susceptible to autumn depression and blues. Drive her away and boldly change! These two days will help you get a haircut that will look status and expensive. This means that you will give the impression of a confident person - an indispensable aid for those who are going to take an exam, undergo an interview or, for example, take a driving test.

Finally, the last days of September. The numbers from 26 to 30 are completely favorable for making an appointment with the hairdresser. If you have been planning to update your appearance for a long time, make up your mind and do it while September, favorable for such an undertaking, is in force. Leo, Virgo and Libra, who will alternately influence your affairs these days, will not let you down in any case, since stylish and extravagant experiments are not only welcomed, but highly recommended by all astrologers. And you and only you set the boundaries - a shocking hairstyle is good when you feel at ease with it.

We wish you a safe appointment at the salon and be delighted with the results. Choose the right day for a haircut, look at the lunar calendars more often and don't forget to press the buttons and

30.08.2016 07:54

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The lunar calendar of haircuts in the first month of autumn 2016, September, was compiled on the basis of algorithms for changing lunar phases and taking into account the influence of the Moon on hair growth. It has long been known that lunar days are divided into two categories - favorable and unfavorable days for caring for your hair.

The lunar calendar of haircuts for September 2016 offered below will give our lovely fashionistas the opportunity to choose the most appropriate time to visit a fashionable beauty salon to update or create a new hairstyle.

Lunar calendar of haircuts for September 2016

As you know, people are part of the sublunar space, and our energy potential with the change of lunar phases begins to increase from the new moon, reaching its maximum at the full moon. During this period, the manifestation of the vital activity of all living beings on our planet is most active. For example, our hair grows faster, or plants reach towards the Sun faster, thereby accelerating their growth.

From the day of the full moon, the activity in the manifestation of energy of living organisms gradually begins to decline. During this period, a certain internal redistribution of energy occurs, corresponding to external changes, namely, changes in lunar phases. At this time, plants strengthen their internal structure, roots, trunks and branches.

A person’s hair also depends on the waxing and waning moon, for example, in the interval from new moon to full moon, our hair grows faster after cutting, but during the waning moon it grows slower.

Since in September 2016, according to the lunar calendar, these days will be: new moon - 2, and full moon - September 17, which means only one thing, in this interval the hair after cutting will grow back quickly.

Favorable days for haircuts in September 2016

In order for a woman to best give the necessary volume to her thin and sparse hair, she only needs to choose the right type of haircut, its length and determine which shade will visually make her hair more voluminous.

There are a range of fashionable haircuts available that will make your hair look thicker and fuller. It is well known that many famous women have thin and thin hair, but they have such hairstyles that it is not at all noticeable.

The most suitable haircut for this purpose is the bob and its variations. She is quite unpretentious in caring for her, and styling does not take much time.

The lunar haircut calendar for September 2016 recommends going to the hairdresser on the waxing Moon - from the 3rd to the 16th of the month, of course, if you want your hair to grow faster. The most favorable time for a new haircut is when the Moon is in the sign of Leo, Virgo or Libra, namely: September 1 - 5 and 26 - 28.

Unfavorable days for haircuts in September 2016

Small tips:

Oily hair strands always appear thinner, so wash your hair more often; if you have oily hair, try to use a shampoo that is suitable for your hair.

You have thin hair and need to create volume for it - there are special products for the care of thin hair, with the help of which a protective film is created on the surface of each hair, which provides protection and at the same time creates additional volume for the hair.

Favorable days for coloring in September 2016

Natural and natural hair colors are always fashionable and one of the popular trends in creating women's hairstyles, as well as in hair coloring. Natural hair color can be achieved in several ways: natural or permanent chemical dyes, as well as tinting agents. For the most part, only soft natural colors can highlight a woman’s charm.

Among the wide variety of colors in natural shades, black, brown, red and blond can be distinguished. The most unique and versatile color is light brown, which suits almost any face type. A shade of brown will soften facial features, so it’s no wonder that brown-haired people often look younger than their age.

It is known that naturally red hair color is quite rare, however, this particular shade will be the most popular in the upcoming 2016 season. The red color will add a special, defiant brightness to a woman’s image, and you shouldn’t be afraid to stand out from the general gray mass!

For ladies who are especially shy by nature, or those women whose career restrains them from expressing themselves, muted and calm shades of red are suitable; these can be copper, dark gold or a dull sunny color.

By the way, red hair shades look best on those with freckles, more than on brunettes; the red color is especially suitable for young and young women with freckles.

To dye your hair in September 2016, it is best to use days taking into account the lunar calendar when the Moon is in the signs of Libra, Gemini and Virgo, namely: 1 - 5, 19, 21 - 23 and 29 of the month.

Learn how to dye thin hair...

If you have thin hair and don't want it to look even thinner, don't dye it white. It is also not recommended to use dark dye, because white skin will be visible between the strands of hair.

To create a voluminous hairstyle effect, you should try hair highlighting options.

Favorable days for curling in September 2016

The hot summer was replaced by warm autumn days in September. Our hair is no longer so exposed to the sun's rays and holds its new curl quite confidently.

Do you know how to curl your hair correctly?

First, divide your hair into six sections, and a simple comb will help you with this, secure each of them with a clip. Wind each of the six sections onto a large-diameter curling iron, holding it down in the direction of your hair.

To get the curl and the perfect waves, first warm up the curling iron well, and then use it, but do not overheat it.

After curling all the strands, tilt your head down and shake your hair with your hands, then fix your hair with hairspray, lifting it to create more volume.

If you have medium or long hair, then using a curling iron, you can easily and quickly create a spectacular wavy hairstyle.

Perm your hair according to the lunar calendar for September 2016, on favorable days when the Moon is in Gemini and Libra: 3rd - 5th and 21st - 23rd of the month, and your curls will look natural and voluminous. Hair curling during the waxing moon will last a long time: from September 3 to September 16.

Lunar calendar of haircuts for September 2016 - in conclusion...

In the end, we offer this information, perhaps it will be of interest to those ladies who are interested in learning how to create the effect of voluminous hair on their thin hair...

Hair length should be shoulder length or slightly shorter.

The ideal haircuts for thin hair are bob or ladder hairstyles; asymmetry will always add volume.

Avoid hair styling products that make your hair sticky and brittle.

Use hair styling tools with a thermostat.

Always use medicated shampoos that suit your hair type.

And, of course, keep on hand the lunar haircut calendar for September 2016, the horoscope of hairstyles, coloring and curls for the first month of autumn, which will always tell you about favorable and unfavorable days for hair manipulation - peace, love, success and life's blessings to you in 2016 Year of the Monkey!

Lunar calendar of haircuts for 2016...

Lunar haircut calendar for September 2016 – Favorable days

If you decide to change your image or just get a haircut, the worst days are when the Moon is stationary in the constellations Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Leo. Lucky dates include the days when the Moon went to visit Libra, Scorpio and Cancer.

The most favorable days for cutting hair in August 2016: September 2-7, 11, 14, 22, 24 and 30.

Lunar calendar of haircuts for September 2016 – More details by day

September 1 is the new moon in Virgo. The first day of the month is not recommended for cutting hair. Today this will lead to a depressed state.

September 2 – waxing Moon in Virgo. The day promises to be successful, just trust your hair to a trusted person.

September 3 – waxing Moon in Libra. After today's manipulations, your hair will become silky and voluminous - even a casual visit to the salon will bring satisfaction.

September 4 – waxing Moon in Libra. Beware of new hairdressers - a proven professional will do an excellent haircut.

September 5 – waxing Moon in Libra. The day guarantees success in your personal life and at work. Feel free to change your image - it will suit you.

September 6 – waxing Moon in Scorpio. Your hair will withstand all hairdressing procedures perfectly. Painting it in light shades will bring new good people into your life.

September 7 – waxing Moon in Scorpio. Don't be afraid of bold experiments: a short haircut and a radical change of color are only for the better.

September 8 – waxing Moon in Sagittarius. Neutral number - no positive or negative changes are planned either in life or in image.

September 9 – waxing Moon in Sagittarius. Haircut or coloring today will lead to a decrease in attentiveness, which threatens mistakes and miscalculations.

September 10 – waxing Moon in Sagittarius. It’s an unfavorable day - don’t even try to get a haircut, it’s better to even avoid washing your hair and straightening or curling it.

September 11 – waxing Moon in Capricorn. Attract the flow of energy to yourself - today cutting, coloring, curling and laminating will have a positive impact on your health and mood.

September 12 – waxing Moon in Capricorn. Any manipulation today will affect the health of your hair - avoid visiting the hairdresser.

September 13 – waxing Moon in Aquarius. You shouldn’t visit a salon today – it will have a negative impact not only on your favorite hair, but also on your overall health. There is a risk of catching a cold.

September 14 – waxing Moon in Aquarius. Be positive: today's haircut will fill your hair with shine. Today nothing will affect your good mood.

September 15 – waxing Moon in Pisces. If you want to improve the appearance and condition of your hair, make an appointment with a specialist on a different date. Today is a neutral day for a haircut.

September 16 is the full moon in Aries. There is a great threat that failures and troubles will reach you through the cut ends, so pay attention not to another day of the month.

September 17 – waning moon in Aries. Today's haircut will cause a decrease in immunity and a decrease in vitality. Don't trust your hair even to your loved ones.

September 18 – waning moon in Aries. A new haircut will only cause you disappointment and melancholy. Make a mask from natural substances, and leave changes in your hairstyle for later.

September 19 – waning Moon in Taurus. An unfavorable day for a haircut, which can even bring such troubles as dandruff or seborrhea from tools.

September 20 – waning Moon in Taurus. Deciding to cut your hair today can lead to weakened immunity and memory impairment.

September 21 – waning Moon in Gemini. Luck will go along with the ends of your hair - the period for cutting and any coloring is not suitable.

September 22 – waning Moon in Gemini. You can safely make an appointment with a hairdresser, just pay great attention to choosing the shape of your hairstyle - to do this, contact a stylist.

September 23 – waning Moon in Cancer. A haircut will have a positive effect: self-confidence and determination will appear. Great time for dramatic changes.

September 24 – waning Moon in Cancer. The date promises to be very successful for haircuts. Just don’t give preference to too short hairstyles, so as not to scare off your financial well-being.

September 25 – waning Moon in Cancer. Nothing bad will happen from visiting the hairdresser's chair, but your hair promises to become unruly.

September 26 – waning Moon in Leo. This is not a good date for going to the salon - there may be problems with hair loss and headaches.

September 27 – waning Moon in Leo. An attempt to change your image can lead to chronic fatigue, which will not have the best effect on your work.

September 28 – waning Moon in Virgo. No circumstances should bring you to the salon. Take the tenth route if you don't want to get the worst haircut of your life.

September 29 – waning Moon in Virgo. Not the best time to change your image. The maximum that is allowed is to trim the ends.

September 30 – waning Moon in Libra. A very good time for a haircut: hair will begin to grow quickly and stop falling out. A period of great change and positivity is coming in life.

Sergey Vasilenkov