The best ski suits. Ski suits

March 8

Skiing on the slopes without a good ski suit is like riding a hare on a train. You may be able to travel a couple of kilometers, but you shouldn’t count on more. Of course, no one will throw you off the road as a free rider. You yourself will not be able to continue on your way. Therefore, it is very important to understand which ski clothing is the best.

Now there are so many options on the market with different designs and price ranges that choosing among them the one that will become your reliable protector and assistant on mountain trips is no easier than buying a computer or TV. Therefore, we will try to give you tips and tricks to help you when purchasing the right protective suit. In this article we consider the parameters by which the best manufacturers of well-known brands of ski suits are distinguished.

How not to make a mistake when choosing a suit

It’s not for nothing that we compared the elements of an athlete’s equipment with electronics. Scientists are working in laboratories to develop materials for sewing protective sportswear. The goal of their work is to create a product that will reliably protect against snow, wind and rain, but at the same time be as light and comfortable as possible. That is why equipment parts are most often made of synthetics. This material was specially adapted to the needs of skiers, unlike natural cotton, down or wool. It’s better to forget about them altogether when choosing clothes for this sport.

Let's try to explain why:

  • Cotton is not water-repellent. During active movements, you will certainly sweat; the cotton underwear under your suit will get wet and soaked through with moisture.
  • Down and wool provide excellent warmth, but are not suitable for thermoregulation. You will quickly become hot, and you will not be able to continue exercising. If you still want to buy outerwear with natural filling, make sure that the material has undergone special processing. Without impregnation, it will quickly get wet.
Proper ski equipment consists of three well-chosen layers, each of which is responsible for a certain level of protection. If at least one of the layers does not have the necessary characteristics, then you can forget about long skiing. You will either suffer from the heat or shiver from the cold, quickly get tired and leave the track.

Here's what a complete three-layer athlete's outfit consists of:

  • the first layer is the inner one, necessary to remove moisture from the body;
  • second layer – serves to retain heat and maintain a comfortable temperature;
  • third layer - performs a barrier function, provides protection from harsh climatic conditions: snow, rain, wind;
Remember: the most beautiful ski suits and the highest quality ones are not the same thing. Therefore, when purchasing, consider not only aesthetic characteristics. Consider whether you will feel comfortable, comfortable and warm. The models presented in the catalog of the Stayer online store combine stylish design and excellent protective parameters.

Let's start with choosing the inner layer and consider the main quality criteria.

Buying the right thermal underwear

This is where the formation of comfortable and functional ski equipment begins. Regular underwear is not suitable for this. In it you risk freezing, catching a cold, or vice versa - sweating a lot. In specialized stores you can find many options for underpants and jumpers designed for winter sports.

It is worth focusing on these criteria so as not to make a mistake in choosing suitable underwear:

  • First of all, ergonomics is important.
  • Anatomical features for male and female models.
  • Elasticity of fabric.
  • Flat seams.
  • The tightness of the elastic band.
  • Suitable size.
  • Removing moisture from the body.
  • No allergic reaction to the fabric.
  • Thermal protective properties.
If you cannot decide on the fabric, we advise you to choose the most popular and optimal option in this case - polyester. Don't be afraid of synthetics. Modern artificially created materials are specially adapted for winter sports and do an excellent job of water-repellent and thermal protection. In addition, they are hypoallergenic and do not cause irritation, itching or redness on the skin.

If you still prefer clothes made from natural materials, you should take a closer look at models made of merino or sheep wool. Among all the options, this is the most successful. And it is best to give preference to mixed products. They combine the best qualities of synthetics and natural fabrics. Of course, such clothes will cost a little more, but the characteristics and quality are worth the money spent.
But what you should definitely avoid is impregnated thermal underwear. A cheap option, but of little use in alpine skiing. You can ride in it immediately after purchase. But after just a few washes, the fabric will no longer wick away moisture and warm the body.

Also, when choosing a set, try to find models with the fewest seams. Such clothes fit better, do not rub or cause discomfort to the body.

Choosing the best filling for a cool ski suit

The inside of your jacket and trousers determines how long you can maintain your initial body temperature during exercise. It is important that the material is not only warm, but also thermoregulating.

What fillers and fabrics are most often used as insulation:

  • Down, usually swan or eider down. Contains several levels of elasticity. Of these, the highest and most reliable is 750 units. Despite its popularity, this is far from the best option for equipping a professional skier. If water gets in, the material rolls and falls off, even if impregnation is present. This greatly reduces the ability to hold and retain heat.
  • Synthetic winterizer is another unsuccessful example of an insulation material. The best modern manufacturers of ski clothing have long abandoned its use. It does not allow the body to breathe and rolls off after washing.
  • Fleece is a good choice for an athlete. It perfectly protects the body from cold and wicks away moisture. In addition, the layer is quite thin. Allows you to move freely and does not restrict movement.
  • Polartek is a synthetic fabric, which is a type of polyester. Soft, warm, the effect is achieved by maintaining an air gap between the fibers.
  • Thinsulate is the highest quality and most reliable option. Thin, hygienic, hypoallergenic. Allows the skin to breathe, does not pill or shrink after washing, and dries quickly when exposed to moisture. It's not cheap, but the price is justified by its positive characteristics.

There is no need to skimp on insulation. This does not mean that you need to take the most expensive model. But still remember that quality costs money. Insulated products from the Stayer company are notable for the fact that they can be used not only for sports, but also for everyday wear thanks to their universal design. Shelter is another polyester microfiber-based insulation material that is used in Stayer models. It retains heat perfectly and performs all the filler functions that are so necessary for ski lovers.

Protective layer: buy a jacket and trousers

The final and most difficult stage is the choice of outerwear. It should be not only beautiful, but also practical. To decide for yourself which ski clothing company is better, remember four main criteria. A good suit should:

  • keep warm (but not hot);
  • be light;
  • do not restrict movement;
  • ensure dryness;
On the website of the Stayer online store you will find models for every taste. We have trousers, jackets, parkas, and overalls designed for all weather conditions. And the most famous and best brands for alpine skiing are:
  • Colmar
  • Bogner
  • Goldwin
  • Killy
  • Vuarnet
  • Stayer
A separate topic for discussion is the material from which elements of ski equipment are made. In order to produce one unit of goods, the manufacturer needs to purchase many expensive parts and blanks: fittings with water-repellent properties, high-quality and reliable insulation. Accordingly, the cost of the product increases. For this reason, companies are looking for various ways to reduce production costs, while reducing the price of the product only slightly.

The most common way to achieve this goal is to replace an expensive membrane with a more affordable, but inferior in terms of quality characteristics, option - impregnation. It seems to the buyer that he is purchasing a cheaper option with the same characteristics. However, the performance will decrease by 30% after the first wash. Therefore, carefully study all the parameters on the label several times before making your final choice.

Membrane fabric in a ski suit

This type of protection is the best for both professionals and amateurs. But the choice of membrane also has its own characteristics that need to be taken into account when purchasing a product. Not every material is capable of keeping the body dry and warm. Here are the types of fabric, the models of which are presented by modern brands:

  • Hydrophilic membranes. Otherwise they are called poreless. Moisture-repellent properties are achieved due to their structure. Durable, elastic material, does not require special care, but can withstand only average temperatures. In extreme frosts, such protection is not enough.
  • Material with a pore structure. Its peculiarity is that water cannot seep through it, but steam passes through perfectly. Such clothing prevents the body from overheating, but does not protect against sweat. Therefore, it is better not to use it at high or medium temperatures. But in severe frost it ensures heat preservation for a long time.
In general, such products combine all the positive qualities of both types of fabric: durability, moisture resistance, excellent thermoregulation and elasticity.

Reading the information on the label

Some important subtleties that are indicated on the label are decisive when choosing a skier's equipment. To understand which ski suit brand is best to choose, carefully study the numbers on the label before purchasing. They demonstrate:

  • resistance to natural influences: snow, rain, wind, frost;
  • vapor permeability;
  • moisture resistance;
Depending on whether you are an amateur skier vacationing at a resort or playing sports professionally, choose the level of protection that suits you. According to the water resistance/breathability criteria, the following values ​​are distinguished:
  • Driving at low to medium speed on a short slope in a temperate climate – 8000/10000.
  • Driving at high speed, extreme climatic conditions - 10000/8000 and above.
  • Freeriding for 5-6 hours continuously in high snow, at high speeds - 15000/15000 or 20000/15000.
Choose high-quality clothes, and then skiing or snowboarding will bring you only positive emotions.

Modern ski clothing is designed for people who lead an active lifestyle. Understanding all its features is quite difficult if you do not have the necessary knowledge. Therefore, in the selection process you cannot be guided solely by your taste. It is necessary to clearly know what important criteria a women's ski suit must meet in order to bring maximum comfort during use.


For a good rest, as you know, you need appropriate equipment, the role of which is played by ski clothing. And the level of protection in extreme conditions directly depends on its quality. When choosing, you should pay attention to the material, membrane surface and size. Products should not only be beautiful, but also warm, comfortable, and practical. A woman’s body should be reliably protected from cold, wind, snow and rain.

Winter clothing intended for outdoor recreation should provide good warmth in any cold weather, as well as promptly remove excess moisture. Such features are ensured by the correctly selected size and style of the product. Basically, all women's ski suits are made from lightweight and durable material based on lucre fibers. This clothing has excellent functionality. You can take such equipment to the resort and provide yourself with a comfortable pastime.

Original designer ski clothing has the following characteristics:

  • a light weight;
  • strength and elasticity;
  • resistance to sudden temperature changes;
  • bright colors;
  • reinforced seams and spacious pockets;
  • water-repellent and heat-saving effect.

All clothes for ski holidays are manufactured in special laboratory conditions and undergo several complex testing stages. This determines its level of quality and resistance to adverse factors. Fashionable and beautiful ski clothing has perfectly straight seams and the absence of other defects, which makes it a sought-after element of a woman's wardrobe.

Selection principles

Women's ski equipment is a complete set of clothing designed to create comfortable conditions during physical activity. Before making a choice of these things, you need to decide on the purpose of the purchase. After all, the range of costumes is divided into several categories:

  • for professional skating;
  • single-season use;
  • regular walks.

Each model has individual characteristics and differences, which will determine the quality of its further use. Ordinary hobbyists can take inexpensive options, focusing on suitable parameters. For a professional skier, every detail matters, on which safety in the mountains can depend. Therefore, due attention should be paid to the quality of the material, insulation and fittings. Properly chosen ski clothing will provide good protection from frost, wind and snow.

It is mainly made from nylon and fleece. Experts say that these materials fully comply with the required standards and are also excellent for active skiing. It is slightly different from snowboarding, since the body position in these two sports is characterized by some differences. That is why snowboard clothing has different parameters in relation to ski products.

Branded models in bright colors with multiple pockets, zippers and original inserts are now in fashion, which give things functionality and make the appearance more interesting. Multicolor models with beautiful inserts and exotic prints are in great demand among women.


Multi-layering provides additional benefits to ski clothing. Each such suit consists of three layers: protective, inner and insulation. The protective layer is characterized by durable fabric that can withstand any negative environmental influences. Internal - responsible for ventilation properties, allowing the body to breathe fully and not accumulate unpleasant odors. Insulation – warms well and protects against hypothermia.

To choose truly high-quality women's clothing for a ski holiday, you need to carefully study what layers each type of equipment consists of. Do not forget that this type of clothing must have high waterproof ratings so as not to cause discomfort later. The presence of a membrane layer in sportswear is an indicator of high quality and good protective properties. Each of its varieties has its own advantages and disadvantages, which you must pay attention to when purchasing.


The water resistance rating shows the level of exposure to water that the material from which the ski suit is made can withstand. The higher this indicator, the better the quality of the product itself. Ski clothing that is waterproof from 10,000 mmHg is considered reliable. Art. Modern manufacturers use special impregnation instead of the top layer, although its effectiveness is significantly lower compared to the membrane. The membrane gives such clothing additional advantages, which are very important when skiing.

A high-quality ski suit must be equipped with a membrane layer. The following types are distinguished:

  • hydrophilic;
  • with a pore structure;
  • combined.

The first option is mainly used in inexpensive models. It stretches well, is easy to care for, but does not protect well from the effects of precipitation. The second type is characterized by good vapor permeability, but does not allow water to pass through. It can be worn in severe frosts, as it has an excellent warming effect. The third type, in relation to the two previous varieties, is ideal for sports, since its wear resistance, elasticity and water resistance are at a fairly high level.

Vapor permeability

The duration of comfortable riding also depends on the degree of vapor permeability. For light loads, 5,000 g/m²/day is sufficient, for moderate loads – 10,000 g/m²/day, and for heavy physical exertion, 20,000 g/m²/day is required. The vapor permeability indicator shows how much steam can pass through 1 m² of material during the day. It is worth noting that the highest rates are for ski clothing with a membrane.

In such products, vapor membranes function in the same way as microscopic pores. They allow steam to pass through perfectly and function fully only at low temperatures. Clothes for women with such a protective layer are short-lived and impractical.

Combined membranes are endowed with the highest degree of vapor permeability. They harmoniously combine all the qualities that ski clothing should have. Its excellent vapor permeability capabilities make it possible to wear such products even in the most extreme conditions. Accordingly, the cost of this type of suit is much higher.


When choosing women's ski clothing, you should first of all focus on quality. All manufacturers of these products provide detailed information for each product item, but it does not always correspond to reality. Therefore, the purchase of ski suits must be approached with great responsibility. It is worth remembering that truly high-quality clothing will provide reliable protection in the winter. After all, the best model is the one that best suits the parameters of the body and is characterized by original tailoring.

Modern professional riding clothing is distinguished by bright colors, stylish design and ease of wear. Finnish, Austrian and Norwegian ski clothing is especially popular. The products of these manufacturers are manufactured in accordance with international requirements and standards, and are also successfully sold in different parts of the world. The sewing material has incomparable strength and practicality, and high-quality fittings and the presence of spacious pockets make your stay as comfortable as possible.

Such elite women's clothing is created taking into account all weather conditions in which it will be used. A well-thought-out manufacturing process allows well-known manufacturers to produce worthy specimens, introducing high technologies into their work. That is why these products are resistant to dirt, tearing, wear and tear and do not lose their original qualities after many washes. They do not restrict movement and are perfect for active sports in winter.


Outerwear for sports is on the list of the most popular among women who prefer outdoor recreation. As you know, all of it is made from different membrane materials. All companies that produce such clothing have individual differences, logos and stripes. The most popular brands, included in the ranking of well-known and recognizable brands, are famous for their unique design and unique production technologies.

One of the leaders in the production of high-quality sportswear is the French company Salomon. She is rightfully considered the inventor of a new direction in ski clothing, harmoniously combining classical traditions and modern technologies. Thanks to this, the products give a feeling of lightness and security during use. Sportswear from this manufacturer is ideal for sports and recreation in any cold weather.

The Volkl brand is also known for its high quality, offering a wide range of winter sportswear for different body parameters. Light and warm jackets, overalls and other equipment provide good warmth even in the most severe frosts.

These things have excellent quality, functionality and modernity. And the use of natural down as insulation and technological linings make the clothes reliable and very comfortable.

Recently, a brand called High Experience, whose clothes belong to the premium class, has become in demand. The entire production process is based exclusively on the company’s own developments, which makes it possible to actively ski or slowly walk through the snow-covered expanses. Products for girls perfectly combine aesthetic beauty, high quality and comfort.

Choosing quality equipment is quite difficult. On the forums you can come across the same question - “how to buy a good ski suit?” with a series of varied and often contradictory answers. the site analyzed and selected brands that received positive customer reviews.

Mountains mean unexpected weather, snowfall, sun, rain, wind, cold, and only high-quality clothing can cope with all the unexpected weather conditions. You shouldn’t skimp on your health, because it can cost you much more later. You can save money by buying a ski suit from last season’s lineup rather than buying dubious Chinese ski consumer goods. Leaders in ski suits:

  • Ski suits Halti (Halti) Ski suits Halti are produced in Finland. Halti ski clothing is made from specialized waterproof and breathable membrane materials.
  • Salomon ski suits (Salomon) Salomon ski suits are high quality, modern membrane materials and, perhaps, a more reasonable price.
  • Ski suits Phenix (Phoenix) Phenix is ​​a Japanese company widely known throughout the world for the quality of its ski equipment.
Many people produce ski clothing, but not everyone succeeds.
  • Ski suit Halti (Halti) - reviews.
    Summarizing reviews of Halti ski suits, we can say with confidence that they are wear-resistant, protect from wind and rain, and retain heat well. At the same time, the Halti ski suit “breathes” perfectly, all seams are taped and, most importantly, there are a sufficient number of pockets. Even after many washes, Halti ski suits retain their heat-protective and moisture-wicking functions well. Halti is excellent quality clothing that has many positive reviews. It’s not for nothing that Halti is the official equipment of the Finnish ski team.
  • Ski suit Salomon (Salomon) - reviews.
    According to reviews from skiers who purchase ski clothing, the Salomon brand has proven to be excellent quality clothing, perfect for both ski resorts and daily wear in the city. Fleece lining and modern insulation provide perfect warmth and protection from cold winds. Salomon ski suits breathe well, retain heat remarkably well, have a comfortable and functional cut and all the necessary pockets. Salomon uses the most innovative fabrics and materials to make ski suits.
  • Ski suit Phenix (Phoenix) - reviews.
    According to reviews from skiers who purchase Phenix, these ski suits have proven to be comfortable clothing of the highest quality. The main feature is the use of heavy-duty fabrics; They perfectly remove excess moisture and do not get wet, providing a high degree of comfort and dryness. Phenix skiwear is beautifully tailored using four-stripe stretch material for maximum mobility and flexibility. Phenix ski clothing does not restrict movement at all, will be comfortable at the ski resort and look good when worn in the city.
All these ski suits use expensive and high-quality membranes (Dermizax, GoreTex, Sympa-Tex). These ski suits have received excellent reviews due to their practicality, maximum functionality and durability.

Such a snowy, such a dazzlingly beautiful winter! What winter activity could be more exciting than skiing? But for such a holiday you need the appropriate equipment.

A ski suit is not only comfortable, warm and beautiful, but also, of course, technologically advanced. Modern ski suits are developed in laboratories and go through many stages of testing. However, not every mere mortal will understand all the sophisticated characteristics and mysterious signs on the labels. It is important to understand that the most expensive model is not always the best. In some cases, you will overpay for the design or brand, while the main qualities of the ski clothing will not be at the highest level.

A ski suit is a whole set of accessories and clothing, the choice of which is strictly individual. This set includes: pants, jacket, thermal underwear, goggles and gloves.

If you go to the mountains in a fancy suit (pants + jacket), while wearing simple cotton underwear and a wool sweater on your body, do not expect a good effect. A ski suit should not be extremely warm; its main task is to prevent the body from getting wet during active riding, and at the same time to breathe. What happens when you wear wool and cotton underneath? You'll feel warm at first, but once you get hot, your body starts to sweat and these natural materials collect moisture. Then you cool down, but this moisture does not go anywhere, and as a result - a sharp temperature change and a cold. For this reason, special thermal underwear has been developed from synthetic materials, the main task of which is to remove moisture.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a ski suit?

Waterproof ski jacket

Indicator one: water resistance. This indicator shows how much water pressure the material of the product can withstand. This indicator is measured in millimeters of water column (mm The higher this indicator, the better.

A good ski suit has water resistance ratings of 10,000 ( and above.

Vapor permeability of a ski jacket

The second indicator is very important. It largely determines whether your skiing will be comfortable and long. The vapor permeability coefficient shows how much steam a material can transmit per square meter per day. Again, the higher this indicator, the better the body will “breathe” under all this equipment. Under heavy loads, the vapor permeability of a ski jacket should reach 20,000 g/m²/day, under moderate loads - 10,000 g/m²/day, but if you are a beginner and don’t expect any special loads, then 5,000 g/m²/day will do.

What you need to know about suits with membranes?

Ski suits with membranes have the best indicators of waterproofness and vapor permeability. Currently, there are 3 types of membranes: hydrophilic, porous and combined.

The first type works on the principle that in order for moisture to be removed outside, a sufficient amount of condensate must accumulate on the surface of the membrane. For this reason, the first type of suit is always a little damp. However, this material is very durable and elastic, and does not require the purchase of a special washing shampoo.

Pore ​​membranes They work on the principle that microscopic holes (pores) allow steam to pass through, but not water. Such membranes only work at very low temperatures, but do not work in rain. Products with such membranes are very short-lived and require careful handling.

The most modern at the moment are. They combine the best qualities of the first two types, but also disadvantages. Suits made of this material have excellent stretch and wick away moisture, but at the same time they do not work well in conditions of high humidity. It is the third type that has the highest vapor permeability and water resistance and is ideal for extreme conditions. Prices for such suits, as a rule, “bite” the most.

How to properly wash a ski suit with membranes?

Unfortunately, not all manufacturers write on the labels about how to properly care for such expensive suits. But after two or three washes in a washing machine with powder, all the useful qualities of suits with membranes are simply lost. When purchasing a product, check with your sales consultant whether it requires special care. As a rule, specialized stores sell special shampoos for washing products with climate membranes.

Three layer rule

Choosing a good suit (pants + jacket) is not everything. Proper equipment requires the presence of three layers, the first of which removes moisture from the body, the second keeps you from freezing, and the third protects from wind, snow and rain. We have already talked about the third layer, this is our suit. But what are the second and first layers?

The first mandatory layer is thermal underwear. It should be your size, and in no case should it be too loose for you. It’s better not to skimp on thermal underwear; it should be hypoallergenic and seamless, the material is polyester.

The second layer of equipment is insulation. These can be a variety of sweaters or vests made from synthetic materials. Advice: in some jacket models, insulation is included in the ski suit; it is better that the second layer is separate from the third.

This was an article about how to choose the right ski suit, I hope the information was useful to you!

Ski clothing: rules of good manners

When choosing ski clothing, the main thing is to clearly determine which group of skiers you belong to. If you prefer to sunbathe on a sun lounger after going down the highway a couple of times, there is no point in buying the most “advanced” things with a bunch of characteristics that increase the cost.

As for brands, the variety is great, to put it mildly. Even such “haute couture” monsters as Lagerfeld and JС de Castelbajac make ski clothes. The prices for these suits, naturally, are steep. There are also less pretentious fashion-ski brands: SportAlm and MDC, but they are also not cheap. Among experienced skiers, time-tested (and not too expensive) “specialty” brands are popular. This group includes Phenix, Descente, Colmar and Spyder. You will have to spend a little less on Salomon, Völkl and Rossignol. If price is absolutely critical, pay attention to manufacturers of “sportswear in general,” for example, Columbia.

Good clothing for any level and style of riding can be distinguished by a number of characteristics of “thoroughbredness”. I will consider them in descending order of importance.

  • Use of technological materials

It has long been a rule of good manners to indicate the parameters of a fabric: water resistance in millimeters of the water column held by the fabric, and vapor permeability in grams of liquid that one square meter of fabric can pass per day.

Select the model according to the characteristics of the membrane. The general rule is this: for ordinary skiers who prefer moderate skiing, a water resistance of 5000 mm and a vapor permeability of 5000 g/sq.m/24h are sufficient. Of course, the higher these indicators, the more your wallet will lose weight. But the greater the chance that you will be comfortable in the snow and rain. The insulation is no less important - it should be thin and light. It consists of thousands of tiny particles and creates an “air cushion effect” around the body.

For freeride and expert skating, it is worth choosing clothes with high performance - water resistance - 30,000 mm, vapor permeability - up to 30,000 g/sq. m/24 hours. Standard indicators for middle-class clothing are 10,000 mm and 10,000 g/sq. m/24 h, respectively). Good ski clothing does not wrinkle, can withstand rain or sleet, protects from wind, and has dirt-repellent properties. This, by the way, is very important, considering that it is better to wash clothes made from membrane fabrics as rarely as possible. The most expensive and functional items are protected with a special coating from DuPont. For those who prefer speed to wildness, and ideal tracks to freeride, when choosing clothes, it is enough to buy things with a vapor permeability of 10,000 g/sq.m. m/24 and similar water resistance parameters. Even in the event of rain or snowfall, the “ten thousandth” membrane will not let you get wet.

If the main criteria when choosing clothes are the price/quality ratio and the “external characteristics” of things, then you can purchase suits or jackets from lesser-known brands, which, nevertheless, must still have a membrane of at least “5000 to 5000”.

  • Availability of technological parts

Tech details include waterproof zippers, extra ventilation and taped seams. You need to choose according to the principle “the more (options and adjustments), the better.” Don't forget to pay attention to the presence of such pleasant little things as ski pass pockets, key holders, and half-glove cuffs.

  • Ergonomic cut of clothes

Skiers are actively moving throughout the skiing day. Even if the last descent is already behind you, no one wants to look like a robot or a bag. Therefore, ergonomic clothing is very important. Darts and contour seams at the elbows and knees provide freedom of movement and prevent the fabric from tearing. Reinforcements along the bottom edge of the trousers would also be useful - they will protect against cuts.

An important detail is the hood. It should be adjustable to the shape of your head. Often the hood can be unfastened or tucked into the collar (convenient for those who ride with a helmet). On women's models, the hood often comes with a fur trim - if you are not ready to ride in a jacket with fur, make sure that it comes unfastened.

  • Application of special technologies

It is unlikely that in the near future you will defend the honor of the nation in competitions or make a living from skating. In any case, you should feel as comfortable as possible. It should be comfortable, dry and warm (but not hot!) both on the slope, and on the ski lift, and in line for it (God forbid, of course) and in the open-air cafe at the bottom station.

The best minds in the industry are just thinking about how to introduce more of this into production so that their clothes become truly unique. Some build audio players and drinking systems into their clothes, others continue to “revolve” around the essential “dry and warm”, introducing those same special technologies.

  • Thoughtful design and variety of models

Choose bright ski suits. It is much easier to notice an athlete who has fallen on a slope if he is wearing multi-colored clothing. Moreover, even while playing sports you want to look attractive and stylish.

Be carefull

In recent years, unfortunately, in our ski markets and even in small shops you can find a fair amount of fakes that imitate (and quite skillfully) things from leading manufacturers of ski equipment. Of course, such clothes are much (sometimes several times!) cheaper than their real “analogues”. But the sensations on the track for its owner have nothing to do with the comfort mentioned above. A good jacket from a well-known brand, whose logo regularly appears in World Cup broadcasts and at international competitions, cannot be cheap.

How to protect yourself from counterfeiting? Choose the right place to buy: usually well-known brands distribute their collections through sports supermarket chains or their own stores. If you are sure that the retail outlet you have chosen has the right to sell products from well-known companies, pay attention to a few more details before you start trying on and bargaining.

You should be wary:

Absence or low quality of packaging and labels

Poor quality of the logo (uneven stitching, protruding threads, letters connected by threads)

Lack of information about the composition of materials and technologies

The presence of zippers from an unknown manufacturer (most world manufacturers use YKK zippers)

Unpresentable appearance of the fabric or the product itself

Failure to comply with the rules of brand image (changed proportions, font)

However, keep in mind that the level of execution of fakes is constantly growing, and often even an experienced skier cannot distinguish a “original” thing from a counterfeit. If you don’t want your jacket and pants to fade during the first wash, make purchases only in trusted stores.

Buying new clothes is always a joyful event. But skiing is not like walking on a clean carpet. Yokes and chairs, the need to carry skis on the shoulder, falls, “snacks” on the lift - all this does not at all contribute to the ideal cleanliness of our precious things. Sooner or later you decide that it would be nice to wash the jacket. To prevent the properties of the membrane from deteriorating, it must be treated with respect.

Clothing manufacturers recommend using special detergents for membrane fabric (they are available in almost all sports supermarkets), choosing a delicate cycle and trying to reduce the number of washes as much as possible. Sometimes, to wash away dirty stains, you just need to wipe them with a damp cloth. After each ride, dry your clothes, but not on a radiator or heater. Treat your clothes with care and wisdom - and they will last for more than one season, providing comfortable riding in any weather.

See you on the mountain!

Stepan Kuminov