Medicines to contract the uterus. Oxytocin for abortion in short and long periods Oxytocin and no spa


The uterus is a unique organ, part of the female reproductive system. During pregnancy, it is able to increase its volume many times over, and after childbirth, the organ contracts just as quickly.

However, sometimes the condition of the muscular layer of the uterus requires drug support, in particular in cases where it is necessary to increase or decrease myometrial contractions.

Indications for use of drugs

I distinguish several pharmaceutical groups, which include drugs that contract and tonify the uterus:

  • To increase the tone and rhythm of contractions of the uterine muscles ( prostaglandins, oxytocin);
  • To influence the tone of the uterus, stop bleeding ( Analgin-quinine, Ergometrine);
  • To suppress contractions ( No-spa, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Papaverine).

In what cases are contraction drugs necessary to correct the condition of the uterine myometrium? They are used in the early period after childbirth to accelerate its involution to a normal state, to reduce the risk of bleeding.

If bleeding has already occurred, the use of medications helps to quickly reduce its intensity due to artificial spasm of the uterine arteries.

Another indication is to stop bleeding from endometrial hyperplasia. After a medical or spontaneous abortion, blood clots may remain in the uterus, causing inflammation and other pathologies, so it is necessary to use means to contract the organ.

Opposite-acting drugs to suppress uterine contractions are aimed at preventing premature birth, treating algodismenorrhea, and suppressing myometrial activity during gynecological operations.

Their timely administration helps stop a miscarriage, or threatened abortion, and correct isthmic-cervical insufficiency.

Medicines to correct uterine contractions

In gynecological practice, dosage forms such as injections and tablets for uterine contraction, intravenous and infusion solutions are used for these purposes.


The medicine is used to contract the uterus more often than other drugs for a similar purpose. Oxytocin is a synthetic hormone obtained artificially, the properties of which are identical to the natural hormone of the hypothalamus. It increases the excitability of myometrial cells, increasing the intensity and frequency of contractions.

Indications for use:

  • Stimulation of labor, including in the event of problems such as intrauterine fetal death, gestosis, post-term pregnancy;
  • Stimulation of uterine contractions immediately after natural birth, after cesarean section;
  • Prevention of bleeding after diagnostic curettage, abortion.
The drug is not used in cases of threatened uterine rupture and placental abruption, high blood pressure, transverse presentation of the fetus, cardiovascular pathologies and preeclampsia.

The drug is administered intramuscularly, intravenously and drip. During a caesarean section, injections are made into the wall of the uterus. When using Oxytocin, the following reactions may occur:

  • A sharp increase in blood pressure;
  • Allergy;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Bronchospasm;
  • Nausea.

When using the product, mandatory control of the frequency and intensity of uterine contractions is required.


The drug contains a combination of Oxytocin and Vasopressin and is produced from the pituitary gland of cattle. Most often used to stimulate labor. Indications for use:

  • Bleeding in the early postpartum period;
  • The need to induce labor;
  • Severe menstrual bleeding.

Pituitrin is not used for hypertension, atherosclerosis, myocarditis, during sepsis and when there is a threat of rupture of the uterine wall.

Subcutaneous or intramuscular injections are used to administer the medicine.

Deaminooxytocin tablets for uterine contractions belong to the group of hormonal drugs; they are a synthetic analogue of pituitary hormones. The action of the drug is based on stimulation of the contractility of the myometrium and mammary epithelium.

One of the advantages of this drug is the possibility of use in women with high blood pressure, gestosis, and renal failure. Indications for use:

  • Slow reverse development of the uterus after childbirth;
  • Stimulation of labor activity when it weakens;
  • Stimulation of lactation.

The method of using these medications is very simple - a Desaminooxytocin tablet should be placed behind the cheek and kept there until it is completely absorbed.

The drug is not used for heart failure, abnormal presentation of the fetus, umbilical cord and placenta, threatened uterine rupture, fetal hypoxia and allergy to Deaminooxytocin.


This drug belongs to NSAIDs, it consists of the following components:


Reduces pain by inhibiting the formation of prostaglandins.


Strengthens contractions of the uterine muscles.

Analgin quinine is used to stimulate uterine contractions during childbirth and immediately after them, with weak labor, to induce artificial labor in case of fetal death or malformations, and in the treatment of algodismenorrhea.

The drug is highly toxic; it negatively affects vision and hearing, and can cause headache, tachycardia, urticaria, nausea and vomiting.


Used to stimulate contractions of the uterine muscles by constricting the blood vessels. Indications for use:

  • Weak labor;
  • Severe metrorrhagia;
  • Intermenstrual bleeding;
  • Metropathy.
Ergotal is not used for cardiovascular and liver failure, sepsis, hyperemia and thyrotoxicosis.


The drug stimulates the opening of the cervix, contraction of the myometrium, thereby causing labor. It is used in the form of infusion and in the form of injections that are given directly into the amniotic sac.

Indications for use:

  • Emergency termination of pregnancy in the 3rd trimester;
  • Stimulation of contractions;
  • Removal of the fetus during a frozen pregnancy.

Dinoprost is not used for cardiovascular and renal failure, inflammatory gynecological diseases, impaired blood circulation of the placenta, narrow pelvis and scars on the uterus.

When using this medicine, you may experience rapid heartbeat, diarrhea, headache, spasm of the respiratory tract, less commonly, uterine rupture.


The drug belongs to the group of hormonal drugs. Ginestril inhibits the synthesis of progesterone, which protects the uterus from contractions during pregnancy. Indications for use:

  • Stimulation of labor during full-term pregnancy;
  • Therapy after fibroid removal;
  • Treatment of dysmenorrhea.
The drug is not used to resolve premature and post-term pregnancy, abnormal presentation of the fetus, gestosis, anemia and inflammation of the female genital organs.

Side effects are very rare. These are allergic dermatitis, nausea, cycle disorders, adnexitis.

Drugs to suppress myometrial contractions during pregnancy

Most often, correction of uterine contractions in this condition is required for uterine hypertonicity. This pathological condition occurs throughout the entire gestational period. Causes:

  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Tumors (fibroids);
  • Inflammatory process;
  • History of several abortions;
  • Depression, neurosis in a pregnant woman;
  • Physical and psycho-emotional stress;
  • Diseases accompanied by hyperthermia (flu, sore throat).

These factors can lead to early termination of pregnancy and fetal death. They are corrected with the following drugs:

  • No-spa to relieve spasms;
  • Corinfar, Nifedipine to inhibit the absorption of calcium into uterine cells, stimulating hypertonicity;
  • Indomethacin to suppress the synthesis of prostaglandins that contract the uterine muscles;
  • Metipred, Dexamethozone for hormonal correction;
  • Persen and other sedatives to normalize mental state;
  • Magnesium sulfate and calcium antagonists to relieve myometrial spasm and inhibit labor.

Any medications are prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account the woman’s health condition.

Oxytocin is a hormone responsible for uterine contractions during childbirth and the postpartum period. However, the use of oxytocin is not limited to childbirth. The instructions for the drug allow its use to terminate pregnancy. We will talk about how to use oxytocin during abortion and what consequences this can lead to in this article.

Contractions of the uterus during childbirth are stimulated by the hormone oxytocin: it acts on the muscles of the uterus through special receptors, the number of which gradually increases from the 14th week of gestation, remains unchanged for a long time and increases by the time of birth.

Indications for termination of pregnancy

Before 12 weeks, a woman can terminate her pregnancy without explanation. After this period - only for medical or social reasons . Induced abortion is performed up to 22 weeks of gestation. The choice in favor of abortion rather than surgical intervention is due to the fact that, over a long period of time, removing the formed fetus in parts causes psychological trauma to the woman and the doctor who is forced to perform the operation.

The following are recognized medical indications for abortion:

  • infectious diseases - syphilis, HIV, rubella, tuberculosis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • maternal heart defects;
  • hereditary diseases, genetic mutations - Down syndrome, Patau;
  • severe chronic diseases of internal organs with impairment of their function;
  • gross malformations of the fetus;
  • frozen pregnancy.

Examples of social indications:

  • death of a spouse during pregnancy;
  • husband's disability of 1-2 degrees;
  • stay in places of deprivation of liberty;
  • pregnancy after rape.

A complete list of indications is contained in the order of the Ministry of Health.

Oxytocin for early pregnancy termination

The instructions for the drug provide for its use for abortion after 20 weeks, but sometimes oxytocin is also used to terminate pregnancy in the early stages. The most suitable period for this is up to 4-5 weeks. During this period, the embryo has not yet attached to the wall of the uterus, the amount of estrogen increases, and the myometrium becomes sensitive to the effects of large doses of oxytocin.

For a short period of time, the use of the hormone is also justified in case of incomplete abortion - it causes contractions of the uterus, and the remains of the fertilized egg come out.

It should be noted that oxytocin is rarely used for abortive purposes in the short term. Recently, this procedure is carried out with Mefipristone and Misoprostol. Oxytocin tablets for abortion can be used after these drugs.

The mechanism of action of oxytocin during abortion

Oxytocin binds to receptor proteins located on the membranes of muscle cells. This leads to the activation of a chain of enzymes that increases the flow of calcium into the cells. The contractile activity of muscle tissue increases.

It is this effect that is used to terminate pregnancy:

  • In the short term, contraction of the uterus prevents the fertilized egg from attaching and it comes out with a small amount of blood.
  • In later stages, oxytocin exhibits an effect similar to that in childbirth. The cervix dilates and the fetus is born.

Dosage and method of administration of oxytocin for abortion

There are various ways to administer the drug:

  • Intramuscularly;
  • Intravenously.

Oxytocin intramuscularly is used less frequently for abortion. The effect of the injection does not develop immediately, but lasts a long time. However, intravenous administration of the drug is preferable. To accurately dose the amount of hormone, special infusion pumps are used - a device that controls the number of drops of solution per minute.

The dosage of oxytocin for termination of pregnancy is selected individually depending on the reaction of the uterus to the administration.

  • When used dropwise, a dosage of 1-3 IU is diluted in 300 ml of a 5% glucose solution or in saline. The infusion rate is set to 10-30 drops. At first, the speed can be minimal, then it is gradually increased, focusing on the number and strength of uterine contractions.
  • Injections can be carried out into the cervix and uterine walls. A dose of 0.5-1 IU is administered once an hour. The number of repeated injections depends on the effect caused.

The combination of oxytocin and no-shpa to terminate a pregnancy is possible if you use an antispasmodic first and then a hormone. No-spa will cause relaxation of the muscles of the cervix, which will facilitate its opening.

Previously, the so-called “hot injection” was used - drotaverine and ascorbic acid were mixed in one syringe. Pregnancy termination occurred in a small percentage of cases and the risk of complications was high. Using this method is dangerous and ineffective!

Side effects of oxytocin during abortion

Oxytocin solution may have some side effects:

  • tachycardia;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • spasm of the bronchi.

If you have previously had reactions to the use of oxytocin, then its use is associated with the risk of developing severe allergies.

Termination of pregnancy with medications is contraindicated in women:

  • with abnormalities in the structure of the uterus;
  • myomatous nodes;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • with impaired function of the adrenal cortex.

It should be remembered that abortion, regardless of the duration, is a medical procedure and can lead to the development of complications. Fans of self-medication face consequences such as:

  • incomplete abortion;
  • bleeding;
  • infection;
  • long-term consequences up to development.

Under no circumstances should you self-prescribe medications! It is correct to seek qualified medical help.

Yulia Shevchenko, obstetrician-gynecologist, especially for the site

Useful video

15.04.2010, 01:30

Tell me a good clinic where they do good and quick cleaning, I don’t want to lie on the baby on my chest. After the cesarean section, clots remain and threaten to be scraped out.

15.04.2010, 09:43

go to the maternity hospital where you gave birth. I had it cleaned with a vacuum. The whole procedure took 10 minutes and didn’t hurt at all. really, then you have to lie on your stomach for 2 hours with ice

15.04.2010, 10:33

Mama Squirrel

15.04.2010, 10:35

call the insurance company and tell them that the maternity hospital refuses to accept you...:015:
30 days from the date of discharge are required to take:ded::ded::ded:

Johnny English

15.04.2010, 10:38

It’s strange that they were discharged from the RD in such a condition... they should have written a complaint against them))) Did you have an ultrasound after giving birth? and discharged?

I think now, if the RD makes a scandal, you need to go to your residential complex and ask them what to do. Maybe they can point you in the right direction...

15.04.2010, 10:42

15.04.2010, 10:43

And often mothers come with their children

15.04.2010, 12:56

Unfortunately, they refuse, and by the 20th day I can no longer contact them, although I had contacted them before and the problem was there from the very beginning.

They can refuse only if you were not discharged on time and you left the RD with a signature. In this case, they are not responsible for you.

15.04.2010, 13:56

Same problem ((((
Only comm. clinics don’t accept... I called Primerose, they don’t accept.
I'll call the doctor in the evening and if I write anything down.

10-11000 in Baltmed, under general, + preliminary consultation

15.04.2010, 16:38

why clean it right away????

15.04.2010, 17:12

15.04.2010, 17:43

I was in the residential complex. My doctor also washes his hands of it. Yes, he says, there are maternity hospitals that take them back within a month, but maternity hospital 17 probably doesn’t take them back.
As they say, we will wait for bleeding. Tomorrow my mother is going to the manager, if they don’t take me back, we will complain to the insurance company and everywhere else....
I'm trying treatment for now - oxytocin, pepper, analgin-quinine. Let's see. A week later, an ultrasound scan, while the stomach is not bothering me, there is no temperature, but it’s like a time bomb.

15.04.2010, 17:46

Don’t forget to take No-shpa, otherwise everything else will be useless, because the cervix has already closed. Noshpa will relax the muscles so that the clots come out safely.
At least that's what my gynecologist advised me to do.

15.04.2010, 17:57

Virgos, can osteopathy help?.....

15.04.2010, 18:07

when it bleeds it’s already better than when there is no discharge and the cavity is dilated by ultrasound ((((

15.04.2010, 18:08

I was in the residential complex. My doctor also washes his hands of it. Yes, he says, there are maternity hospitals that take them back within a month, but maternity hospital 17 probably doesn’t take them back.
As they say, we will wait for bleeding. Tomorrow my mother is going to the manager, if they don’t take me back, we will complain to the insurance company and everywhere else....
I'm trying treatment for now - oxytocin, pepper, analgin-quinine. Let's see. A week later, an ultrasound scan, while the stomach is not bothering me, there is no temperature, but it’s like a time bomb.

I just don’t understand who assigned all this to you in the end? Doctor in the residential complex?
And who refused the RD? Who operated? Otherwise it turns out somehow in the spirit of “one woman told me about it”;)

15.04.2010, 18:57

Don’t forget to take No-shpa, otherwise everything else will be useless, because the cervix has already closed. Noshpa will relax the muscles so that the clots come out safely.
At least that's what my gynecologist advised me to do.

But-shpa definitely. Without her, the process couldn’t move forward.
and first no-shpa, after 20 minutes. drops of pepper (3 times a day), after the drops it is better to breastfeed immediately, it increases uterine contractions.

Johnny English

15.04.2010, 21:26

why clean it right away????
I also had trouble contracting. oxytocin in the RD intramuscularly. a friend in the ward was also injected with something intravenously. and was discharged home with clots on the 4th day. Then at home they prescribed a course of suppositories + drops. water pepper then and no-shpa. and went to the RD every week for a month for an ultrasound and the results of the head. Showed the software. slowly, slowly, but still decreased!!! If these are clots, and not remnants of the placenta, then you can try with medications, this does not harm breastfeeding.

15.04.2010, 21:40

That means bad doctors. They had no right to discharge with clots...they had to do at least manual cleaning....just a joke(((((
I also had a bad contraction...there were no clots, but they were only discharged on the 6th day((and my friend was hospitalized with clots, so on the 5th day they manually cleaned her out and sent her home, making sure that everything was doing an ultrasound(( (so draw your own conclusions((

I made conclusions!!! I'm glad they didn't put their hands inside the rock! but they gave me an injection and, seeing that the bottom of the uterus had cleared, the clots began to come out, they discharged me home, prescribing a course of treatment and an appearance in a week and an ultrasound. organisms are different. For most people it clears up in 4-5 days, but for me it’s almost a month. but there were no interventions! I am incredibly happy about this, and I am grateful to the doctor (head of the department) for this.

Mom Buttons

15.04.2010, 23:31

within a month they are obliged to accept in the maternity hospital

1:flower:Good luck to you!:flower:

16.04.2010, 08:01

That means bad doctors. They had no right to discharge with clots...they had to do at least manual cleaning....just a joke(((((
I also had a bad contraction...there were no clots, but they were only discharged on the 6th day((and my friend was hospitalized with clots, so on the 5th day they manually cleaned her out and sent her home, making sure that everything was doing an ultrasound(( (so draw your own conclusions((

16.04.2010, 10:12

16.04.2010, 10:56

After my second birth, I had a manual separation of the placenta, but immediately after the birth, because then the cervix closes. So you got something wrong about the 5th day, this can’t be:004:

I was cleaned on the fourth day.

16.04.2010, 11:27

Maybe the two roommates in the ward were also cleaned manually on the 5th day, they were discharged on the 7th day after ER, the uterus did not contract, there were a lot of clots.

They can clean it, that is, like an abortion is done - with a special tool, but manual separation can only be done for several hours after birth, until the cervix closes, because, excuse me, you need to insert your hand, not an instrument.

16.04.2010, 11:29

I was cleaned on the fourth day.
In general, all three of my births have been like this - clots remain in the uterus.
After a month, they begin to come out little by little (temperature is about 38), but t-t-t, there were no hospitalizations.
The first two times I went to the family. home (to the midwife who took me),
I took the risk for the third time and managed it myself.
Lek. the medications were already written + I also did abdominal exercises (but this is effective for my body due to the location of the uterus)...

To the author - regarding the contraction of the uterus - in the genus. At home there is a physiotherapy device for contraction - electric stimulation. For some reason, this procedure is rarely prescribed. It was only my first time, but during the second and third births they injected me with oxytocin :(

After the third birth, they didn’t inject me with oxytocin, but they did massage the uterus (strong pressure with a fist on the lower abdomen), a very painful procedure, I’ll tell you, but everything worked out and the uterus contracted normally. :) The head of the HMO at the Vavilovs, a super woman, did this for me and an excellent specialist, a professional in his field.

16.04.2010, 11:37

vacuum aspiration, and if necessary, curettage at NIISP on Budapest costs 7500 rubles, you can feed for 6 hours...
Of course it’s better to do it in NISP than in a private center...

Electrical stimulation is a great thing, I agree!

Johnny English

16.04.2010, 13:24

After my second birth, I had a manual separation of the placenta, but immediately after the birth, because then the cervix closes. So you got something wrong about the 5th day, this can’t be:004:
But in any case, this is considered an operation, and therefore postpartum leave is longer, therefore maternity leave is longer: fifa:

No, I didn’t make a mistake, it seems you yourself didn’t understand... manual separation of the placenta and manual cleaning (removing clots) are two different things...

Johnny English

16.04.2010, 13:26

I was cleaned on the fourth day.
In general, all three of my births have been like this - clots remain in the uterus.
After a month, they begin to come out little by little (temperature is about 38), but t-t-t, there were no hospitalizations.
The first two times I went to the family. home (to the midwife who took me),
I took the risk for the third time and managed it myself.
Lek. the medications were already written + I also did abdominal exercises (but this is effective for my body due to the location of the uterus)...

To the author - regarding the contraction of the uterus - in the genus. At home there is a physiotherapy device for contraction - electric stimulation. For some reason, this procedure is rarely prescribed. It was only my first time, but during the second and third births they injected me with oxytocin :(

Me too, I was injected with oxytocin for 5 days, 2 injections a day, and had physical therapy.

16.04.2010, 14:05

no, I didn’t make a mistake, you obviously didn’t understand... manual separation of the placenta and manual cleaning (removing clots) are two different things..

I do not confuse these concepts, but manual cleaning, as far as I understand, also involves penetrating the uterine cavity with your hand. Maybe I'm wrong, but at least that's what it sounded like.

Johnny English

16.04.2010, 14:07

16.04.2010, 17:01

Let's find out. They said, we will not refuse you, there will be another ultrasound on Wednesday and we will decide what to do with you...
I decided to wait. I would like to come to a good agreement.

16.04.2010, 18:13

why did you decide that I wrote something wrong? What, clots are not removed 4-5 days after childbirth?

:010:I’m telling you about Foma, and you’re telling me about Erema:065:
They clean and clean, but only on the 4-5th day they no longer do it with their hands:ded:, but do it like an abortion - either vacuum extraction or curettage.

Johnny English

16.04.2010, 18:52

16.04.2010, 19:06

It’s not about Foma, I’m saying, they did it by hand))) I’m not confusing anything... she crawled up barely alive, her legs were X-shaped and pale as a toadstool... she told how it was (((of course there weren’t a lot of clots, but what was done by hand , absolutely right(
I’m not arguing with you, but I’m writing what actually happened.

And I don’t know how it really happened, but I’m sure that manually on the 4-5th day is no longer possible, because the cervix closes, and the uterus contracts rapidly during these days, although the process of complete restoration to its original size does not stretch one day, but you won’t be able to stick your hand in anymore. At least that’s what they explained to me when they offered this operation immediately after giving birth, since my placenta was bad and they were afraid that there might be something left there. They suggested doing it right away, since it’s better to do it with your hands than with metal later, and it’s less traumatic for the uterus.

I especially read Ailamazyan right now (all doctors study the basics of obstetrics using this textbook). So it says there that by the end of 3 days the internal pharynx misses one transverse finger. And by the end of the 10th day it closes completely.
I hope it’s clear what the internal os is;), this is the end of the cervix that is inside, and the external os is looked at by gynecologists when examined in mirrors, and they also take smears from it.
So, think about how you can put your hand into the uterus and perform manual cleaning if the cervix has already closed and only allows one finger through:016:
Your friend most likely just had a cleaning, that is, curettage, well, like an abortion after 7 weeks (you can do a vacuum before 7 weeks)

18.04.2010, 13:04

Oh, girls, my discharge stopped on the 7th day, nothing hurt, on the 10th day I went to the LC, she began to look at me and said that the uterus was not contracting, she prescribed oxytocin 2 times a day. , water pepper, indomethacin suppositories (and the instructions say you can’t drink it during lactation) and nettles.... I started injecting myself - there was a discharge - but not strong, just blood. They didn’t tell me anything about the ultrasound......
and I was reading you for some reason - and it became scary.........maybe my clots can’t come out there?

18.04.2010, 14:00

and what is written in the ultrasound? is there a picture?

18.04.2010, 14:43

But they didn’t do an ultrasound for me (if that’s a question for me)))

18.04.2010, 19:49

19.04.2010, 11:11

go to homeopaths - they have wonderful herbs: flower:

Homeopathy has nothing to do with HERBS. ;)

17.05.2010, 23:30


22.06.2010, 22:12

Girls, I’m barging in on you! My friend has just been lying in the maternity hospital for 11 days, 2 births, EP, there were no abortions, she gave birth without problems, but the uterus does not contract and the dilatation does not decrease... Naturally, they don’t let her go home, but she has psychosis, hysteria((((And the doctors just shrug their shoulders, they do ultrasounds every day, they don’t really say anything. They gave me oxytacin yesterday, it seemed like there were changes, but today they didn’t do anything, they said, there are improvements!!! And then again for an ultrasound, again an increase in size... In general, I want to go to some kind of sensible gynecologist with her pictures, what’s the point of lying there if they don’t treat!!!

This question worries me very much too!
I had EP, but the placenta did not come out on its own and I had to do manual cleaning under general anesthesia immediately after giving birth. Then an ultrasound revealed clots and the uterus was dilated. They cleaned it with their hand and some kind of silicone stick, injected oxytocin, but it didn’t help. Then they cleaned it with a vacuum, gave me IVs with oxytocin and antibiotics, injected me with no-shpa, and did physical therapy, all to no avail. They discharged me on the 8th day, told me to see them for an ultrasound in a week and prescribed meds.
What if in a week everything will be the same? Where to go and what to do? Will they really be admitted to the hospital again or will it be possible to do a cleaning somewhere and leave on the same day?

22.06.2010, 22:28

:005: yes, they seem to treat the whole body
Osteopathy takes a long time... until after three or four sessions every 6-8 weeks, an osteopath will fix you; everything is already bad inside; clots are treated with medication; the remains of the placenta are treated promptly, alas.... and preferably as soon as possible.
In ANY hospital, if the discharge did not occur at your request, but according to the rules/indications, you are required to take it within 30 days - how come they don’t accept it at 17? Are they special????
Good luck

22.06.2010, 23:00

And after the birth they did an ultrasound and told me everything was fine and discharged me. I bled for a long time (more than 3 months), as a result, I decided to visit the gynecologist who managed the pregnancy, they did an ultrasound - it turned out that the uterus was not contracted, a lobule of the placenta remained inside. They offered to cleanse right away, but I was scared and refused to do it right away, it’s like an abortion :(. They sent me to get ready - I took antibiotics and something else, but after a couple of days my period started, and hurray, everything worked out with them :). I did an ultrasound again, and the doctor was even surprised that there was nothing. But I really didn’t want to go to the doctor.
Good luck to the author!

22.06.2010, 23:56

It’s not about Foma, I’m saying, they did it by hand))) I’m not confusing anything... she crawled up barely alive, her legs were X-shaped and pale as a toadstool... she told how it was (((of course there weren’t a lot of clots, but what was done by hand , absolutely right(
I’m not arguing with you, but I’m writing what actually happened.
I confirm that I was also manually cleaned without anesthesia on the 5th day, there were a lot of clots and huge ones, the size of a fist, they took them out and showed me: 001: I had practically no discharge at all. They injected me with oxytocin and put on IVs. By the way, the cervix is ​​slightly open until the postpartum discharge ends, so you can’t have sex until it ends, so that no infection gets into the uterus through the slightly open cervix.

23.06.2010, 00:29

To the author - regarding the contraction of the uterus - in the genus. At home there is a physiotherapy device for contraction - electric stimulation. For some reason, this procedure is rarely prescribed. It was only my first time, but during the second and third births they injected me with oxytocin :(
I was also prescribed this physical therapy with electric shock, and oxytocin was given as a dropper...
in the end, the ultrasound allegedly showed nothing. I was discharged, at home on the 2nd day a large clot came out...
but in general it was very scary from the realization that they could clean with their hands and without anesthesia:(.. I don’t understand what the problem is to do anesthesia in the RD

23.06.2010, 00:41

After giving birth, I immediately had pain when pressing on my stomach, a bad ultrasound, when expressing milk, vaginal discharge simply flowed like a river, but in normal times it didn’t... apparently due to the fact that the premature baby was lying separately from me, there was no stimulation of the breasts with feeding and this aggravated the situation... on the 7th day a terrible bleeding began (I will never forget THIS) - both since everything happened in Otta, and because of the baby lying in the department. premature babies - I was not at home, but in the maternity hospital - they cleaned me very quickly, with spinal anesthesia, it didn’t hurt at all (just scary)... but the surgical surgery there was good... I was very afraid that pain would come after anesthesia - absolutely nothing , no painful sensations... well, the most painful ones: 001: they injected antibiotics - they lay there for another week because of me)... I was very afraid that I wouldn’t get pregnant after this - but I managed to do it quickly :)) but for my friend in Pskov they did it for some day (4th?) after giving birth - rude, boorish, and without anesthesia... it hurts me to even think about it...

Carrying a baby is a trembling and exciting process, which, unfortunately, does not always end with the birth of a new person.

If a woman decides to terminate her pregnancy, this does not mean that the baby was unwanted. In some cases, a fatal coincidence occurs and the child cannot be saved. Although, if the appearance of a new life in the womb was not planned, termination of pregnancy also takes place. Taking into account the gestational age of the fetus, the well-being and general health of the woman, one or another method can be used to perform an abortion. Is oxytocin used to terminate pregnancy and what role does this drug play in the process of stopping the development and removal of the embryo from the uterine cavity?

Oxytocin - description

Oxytocin is a hormone that is produced by the hypothalamus. Next, it enters the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, and from there into the blood. In addition, this substance can be synthesized chemically and artificially introduced into the human body. In medicine, this hormone has become widespread in obstetric and gynecological practice to stimulate prolonged labor, as well as to reduce postpartum bleeding with myometrial hypotonicity, and during other gynecological operations to eliminate the risk of uterine bleeding. In addition, the contractile activity of the uterus, which occurs under the influence of the hormone, has made it possible to use Oxytocin to terminate pregnancy in the early stages.

Mechanism of action of Oxytocin

The action of synthetic Oxytocin is similar to its “natural” counterpart. It binds to myometrial receptor proteins. In this case, a chain of enzymes is activated, resulting in an increase in the flow of calcium into the cells. As a result, there is an increase in the antispasmodic activity of muscle tissue. In this regard:

  • In the early stages of gestation (no more than 4-5 obstetric weeks), under the influence of Oxytocin, the fertilized egg either fails to gain a foothold in the uterus, or it is rejected and, together with a small volume of blood, is excreted from the body.
  • During termination of pregnancy at a later stage, the action of the hormone is similar to the work of its natural analogue during childbirth. The drug causes the cervix to dilate, resulting in the birth of the fetus.
  • Also, in some cases, Oxytocin is prescribed after termination of pregnancy, as well as after the birth of a baby at full term. Such decisions are most often associated with hypotonicity of the uterus, its low contractile activity in order to avoid congestion, the development of inflammatory processes, and bleeding.

Methods of administering Oxytocin

The hormone is destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract, so the main methods of its administration are:

  • Intramuscularly. How and where to inject Oxytocin to terminate a pregnancy? For an Oxytocin injection to terminate a pregnancy, the uterus or its cervix is ​​most often selected. Dosage 0.5-1 IU once an hour. The result of the injection occurs within 5 minutes, but has a long-lasting effect (2-3 hours). If we are talking about injections to improve uterine contractions after pregnancy, then they can also be administered into the gluteal muscle.
  • Intravenously. This method of administering the drug is more common, as it causes an immediate response from the uterus. The effect lasts 1-1.5 hours after the drug enters the blood. For the most accurate dosing of the drug, infusion pumps are used that clearly control the number of drops of the hormone per minute. Oxytocin is diluted in saline or 5% glucose solution. The frequency of drug administration is set within 10-30 drops. The administration of the substance begins with a minimum amount, and then, if necessary and there is a positive response from the uterus, the dose is gradually increased.
  • In some cases, the drug can be administered subcutaneously.

There is also “stabilized” oxytocin, a substance that is resistant to the effects of gastrointestinal enzymes. The drug is available in the form of tablets with the commercial name Demoxytocin or Sandopart. Oxytocin in abortion pills must be placed behind the cheek or under the tongue and held until completely dissolved. Regardless of the chosen method, the required amount of oxytocin is calculated individually in each case, based on the body’s response to the administered hormone. If a woman intends to terminate her pregnancy with oxytocin, then No-shpa can be used in combination with the hormone in the sequence antispasmodic - oxytocin.

Termination of pregnancy with Oxytocin - indications and timing of the procedure

There are various ways to stop an unplanned pregnancy. How to terminate a pregnancy with oxytocin and what is the overall role of the hormone in this process?

Termination of embryo development with Oxytocin for up to 12 obstetric weeks

It is possible to remove the fetus from a woman’s uterus both surgically and conservatively. The latter includes the use of medications for the purpose of abortion. A distinctive feature of this method is the deadlines, failure to comply with which leads not only to an incomplete abortion, but also to complications that threaten the woman’s life. If we are talking about Oxytocin, then the calculation must be made with an accuracy of days, since the maximum period for removing the embryo from the uterine cavity using this drug is 4-5 obstetric weeks. The abortive effect is achieved due to the good sensitivity of the uterus to high doses of the hormone. In addition, the drug is also used in cases of incomplete spontaneous expulsion of the fetus in the early stages of gestation. As a result of uterine spasms, the remaining fragments of the fertilized egg come out. When using Oxytocin to terminate pregnancy, the dosage of the drug is prescribed by the doctor in each individual case. However, the use of this hormone to remove an embryo in medical practice is relatively rare. The main reason is the high risk of rupture and the onset of severe uterine bleeding due to excessively active contractions of the latter. Preference is often given to drugs based on mifepristone.

Late abortion with Oxytocin

The term “late abortion” means the expulsion of the fetus from the uterus during a gestation period of 13 to 22 weeks. Another name for this manipulation is artificial childbirth. Termination of pregnancy at such a period is carried out exclusively for medical reasons - the woman’s health condition or the presence of serious developmental abnormalities in the child. The latter include:

  • Severe pathologies of the internal organs and systems of the fetus (heart and blood vessels, central nervous system, urinary system).
  • Chromosomal disorders.
  • Death of a child in the womb of a woman.
  • Opening of bleeding, preeclampsia.
  • Any complications of pregnancy that threaten the woman’s life.

Among the social factors that “permit” artificial stimulation of the birth process ahead of schedule is pregnancy resulting from rape. The administration of oxytocin in the dose required to terminate pregnancy promotes the opening of the uterine cervix and the beginning of the labor process - contractions begin, and then the birth of the fetus occurs. After the baby and placenta are delivered, the doctor performs an inspection and, if necessary, cleaning. Termination of pregnancy with Oxytocin by intramuscular injection is rarely practiced. In most cases, intravenous injections are preferred.

Oxytocin in late pregnancy

In addition to terminating pregnancy, synthetic hormones are often used to stimulate labor during the natural birth of a baby. The action of the drug is aimed at smoothing and toning the uterine muscles, dilating the cervix, if the latter does not occur or its pace is too slow. Administration of the drug can occur in the 2nd and 3rd periods of contractions, as well as immediately before the birth of the baby. In this case, doctors most often resort to drip administration of the hormone.

Oxytocin after pregnancy

The ability of Oxytocin to cause uterine contractions is in some cases used after pregnancy - both after its artificial termination, and after the birth of the baby according to the “natural” timing. In the latter case, the drug not only helps the timely restoration of the uterus, but also stimulates the “milk ejection reflex,” which is very important for the normal development of lactation. The use of Oxytocin after medical termination of pregnancy is intended to prevent possible bleeding, as well as to ensure the necessary contractile activity of the uterus, since there are no other natural factors contributing to this process (for example, breastfeeding).

Possible side effects of Oxytocin as a result of use during pregnancy

With the appearance of new life in a woman’s womb, changes occur in the functioning of the entire pregnant woman’s body. Artificial termination of fetal development is a serious stress for a woman, both psychologically and physically. In addition to possible malfunctions on the part of the body, a negative reaction of the body to the medical drug oxytocin administered to stimulate the contractile activity of the uterus can also be observed. As a result, in some cases women experienced:

  • Painful increase in heart rate (tachycardia).
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Allergic reactions up to anaphylactic shock.
  • Spasms in the bronchi.
  • Poor blood circulation in the brain.

Contraindications to termination of pregnancy using medications

A number of conditions and anatomical features of a woman’s body make drug stimulation impossible as a way to remove an embryo from the uterine cavity. These include:

  • Anomalies of the structure of the uterus.
  • The presence of myomatous nodes.
  • The location of the fetus outside the uterine cavity.
  • Incorrect position of the baby in the uterus (transverse, oblique).
  • Placenta previa.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the adrenal cortex.

Even if a woman does not have any of the conditions listed above, it is strictly prohibited to terminate the pregnancy on her own. As a result, serious complications may develop, some of which may pose a threat not only to a woman’s reproductive capabilities, but also to her life:

  • Opening of bleeding.
  • Incomplete removal of the fetus.
  • Development of infectious processes of varying intensity.
  • Long-term complications that lead to the inability to conceive and carry a baby.

Opinions of doctors and patients on the use of Oxytocin during pregnancy

As with any kind of stimulant drugs that disrupt or correct natural processes, and interruption and artificial stimulation of labor is one of these, the opinions of both doctors and women vary. According to reviews, the use of oxytocin for abortion justifies its low cost, as well as its easy availability (it can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription). In addition, the body of many women really responds well to such stimulation, and the effect of using the drug is completely justified. On the other hand, when labor is activated in this way, incomplete expulsion of the fetus may occur. As a result, fragments of the membranes remain in the uterus or the child does not completely leave the mother’s womb. Such situations require additional surgical intervention.

Be healthy and may your upcoming pregnancy bring only positive emotions!

Good day!

I have known him for many years, but I only recently got to experience him.

Price about 60 rubles.

Packaged 5 ampoules of 1 ml.

My application experience

This drug was prescribed to me by a gynecologist after a missed pregnancy. The action of oxytocin is aimed at contracting the uterus; I needed this for indications after an ultrasound.

The dosage is determined only by the doctor; depending on the situation, the amount of the drug may differ.

Oxytocin is a prescription drug, but was previously sold in pharmacies without a prescription. At least I bought without it for several years. Now people are asking for the recipe, I think it’s correct, because... Such drugs should not be dispensed without a doctor’s prescription.

I gave oxytocin intramuscularly. I was prescribed oxytocin and no-spa (also intramuscularly), the injections are quite painful, but tolerable. There were no unpleasant sensations other than the injection process itself. There were no side effects.

After the course that was prescribed to me, the result was excellent. Oxytocin was able to help and I didn’t have to go for a cleanse (I think many people understand that the procedure is far from pleasant).

In general, I sincerely hope that I will no longer be faced with the need to administer oxytocin, despite its excellent effect.

Oxytocin for animals

I first learned about oxytocin from a veterinarian who advised me to purchase this drug in preparation for giving birth to a dog. It is placed if the animal has stopped having contractions. I have encountered this a couple of times over the years, and it was in these cases that oxytocin helped the animal.

The dosage of oxytocin for a dog (or cat) is calculated based on weight.

I believe that oxytocin should be prepared, but it should not be used unless absolutely necessary. This is a serious drug and it is better to first try to stimulate contractions in other ways; it is not needed during childbirth in many cases (and usually towards the end). Oxytocin should not be given to a cat or dog before the birth of the first fetus!

I use oxytocin after my dog ​​gives birth to cleanse the uterine cavity. It was during childbirth, without the supervision of a veterinarian, that I would not risk it (except for the obvious delays in the birth of puppies).

It was while using oxytocin for a dog that I learned that not all manufacturers are created equal. Oxytocin Richter has proven to be much more effective, so I recommend it!

I wish you health and no unpleasant situations!

Thank you for your attention!