Quilling: learning to create real masterpieces using the paper rolling technique. Quilling for beginners: diagrams with detailed descriptions Quilling

February 23

If you are looking for an interesting hobby or - try quilling! This simple craft at first glance will make your imagination play, and for children it will be a useful activity for developing motor skills. Don't believe me? See for yourself!

What is it?

Interesting! The name comes from the English quill, which means “bird feather”. If you choose a Russian analogue, you can call this technique paper rolling or, more elegantly, the art of paper filigree.

The essence of quilling is to create flat or voluminous paintings and crafts using strips of thick paper twisted in a special way. Lines and skeins intertwine organically, creating the outlines of flowers and animals, drawing landscapes and portraits.

They do quilling based on their own imagination or quilling patterns. Previously, a feather was used to twist ribbons, which is reflected in the name of the art. Nowadays, needles and toothpicks are used for these purposes, and the choice of paper has become much wider. And the most important advantage of this art lies in the fact that it is accessible to almost everyone - the main thing is to understand its basics.

A little history

Information! If the East is considered the birthplace of origami, then the situation with quilling is more complicated. A number of sources date the origin of this type of needlework to the 1st-2nd centuries. The timing is not accidental - in 105, paper was invented in China.

According to another version, Catholic nuns were the first to engage in paper rolling in the 14th-15th centuries. Creating medallions and postcards from quilling with your own hands also attracted society ladies. For a long time, commoners could not afford paper, so this technique was the prerogative of wealthy citizens. Paper rolling has occupied a particularly significant place among the applied arts of Korea.

Be that as it may, the quilling technique was enriched by the traditions of different countries and times. And unlike the first products made in it, it has reached us intact.

Types of products

Of course, the differences between Western and Eastern quilling crafts are as noticeable as the difference in the mentality of people from different countries. Thus, European models are simple, clear, and do not require a long time to complete. In the East, craftsmen painstakingly work on every curl and create massive, often three-dimensional paintings, figurines and jewelry.

Idea! Depending on the preferences of the person to whom you want to present quilling for a birthday or other occasion, you can choose the style of execution. If the recipient is interested in Japanese culture, sakura, voluminous and consisting of many complex details, will be just to his liking. Amateur modern you can please with a laconic and uncomplicated, but at the same time thoughtful postcard.

On a note! With the help of quilling they create not only pictures, but also figurines, vases, snowflakes, boxes, decorative cups and saucers and even chess.

Idea! Those made using the quilling technique look very bright. butterflies. You can make several pieces of different colors and place them on the leaves of indoor flowers.

Set of tools

The good thing about quilling is that you don’t need a special cabinet or super-complicated professional tools. The set of tools comes down to a small list:

  1. Strips of paper of different widths (3, 4, 6 and 10 mm);

    Advice! If possible, do not skimp on paper. Not only the final result, but also the process of the work itself will depend on the quality of this material. After all, special paper is easier to bend and less damaged.

  2. A device that allows you to twist ribbons. This could be a needle, a toothpick, or a needle with a large but bitten eye stuck into a wooden stick. A special machine can be found among other handicraft products.
  3. Tweezers. To prevent your fingers from sticking to the parts and cardboard when gluing, you need to use tweezers with flat ends.
  4. Scissors. Sharp and thin ones work best.
  5. Glue with a brush. White PVA glue is perfect, which is easy to find in any office supply store. If there is no brush in it, use a toothpick to lubricate the parts - this will avoid marks on the paper.
  6. The basis. Cardboard works great as a canvas. In addition, you can choose the desired tone that is in harmony with the image.

Advice! To create fringe, you can resort to using a special device that cuts it without extra effort. Finding such a tool can save you a lot of time. Also useful stencil with different circles.

In addition, ready-made paper rolling kits can be found in stores specializing in quilling and.

Ideas for Beginners

How to do quilling? If you don’t do needlework often, don’t worry, as it’s easy to start learning this art from the very basics. After all, even simple crafts look beautiful if done carefully.

On a note! Quilling for children is a fun and useful activity that promotes the development of fine motor skills and imagination. It’s even better if you work on the craft together. Once carried away, the child will be able to express himself, which does not always happen in school classes.

Before, you need to master the technique of creating parts. Perhaps the easiest way to make flower petals. To do this, you need to take a strip of paper, twist it into a tube, and then flatten it on one side. Having made several of these parts, you can lay out a flower that will decorate any postcard.

You can create a more complex craft from similar parts. For example, a heart with candy. For this, in addition to the tools already listed, you will need the following materials:

  1. Sweetie. It is desirable that the treat be round, but its packaging protrudes beyond the contents on both sides.
  2. Thick white cardboard base.
  3. Colored (red or pink) paper.
  4. Transparent narrow tape.
    • Step 1. Create a cardboard base. Draw a heart with a central axis of 7 cm, a width of 8 cm. Inside you need to draw a circle. A stencil is useful for this; you can also use a compass. You need to step back a centimeter from the top line of the circle, put a dot, and draw a semicircle through it. Cut out the resulting oval.
    • Step 2. Next comes the preparation of the tubes, as described above. By the way, you don’t have to squeeze them. Then you will get closed, round spirals. Or, on the contrary, you can close the skein from both sides, getting something similar to an eye.

Advice! Use one or both options at your discretion.

As everyone already knows, 2015 is the year of the good and pious goat/sheep. And the symbol of the coming year should be present in every home.

To create a goat we will need the following materials:

  • pale blue and red quilling paper
  • PVA glue
  • quilling tool
  • plastic quilling template with circles
  • plastic eyes
  • glue brush

Do-it-yourself 3D 3D goat quilling - master class with photo:

For the body, take 17 strips 30cm long and 7mm wide, glue all 15 strips into one long strip and twist them into a tight spiral using a paper rolling tool. When the spiral is ready, glue the end. We get a spiral with a diameter of 22mm.

Next, carefully pull out the spiral and give it a conical shape.

Pour glue inside the cone and coat it thoroughly with a brush.

We twist the second spiral from 15 strips. The finished spiral is 20mm in diameter. We also give it a cone shape and impregnate it with glue. Leave to dry until the glue is completely dry. This procedure is necessary to ensure that the cone is strong and does not fall apart.

For one half of the head we twist a spiral from 13 strips, and for the second from 10 strips. We make two cones, soak them in glue, and leave them until completely dry.

For the legs, take three strips and glue them into one. We twist it into a tight spiral and glue the end. It is necessary to make four legs.

We form cone-shaped figures. We coat all of them with PVA glue and leave to dry.

For the ears, we twist a loose spiral of one white and one red strip, with a diameter of 14 mm.

Glue the end and form an ear in the form of a droplet, for which we compress the circle on one side.

For the horns, we twist a tight spiral of two strips of paper, glue the end, and form a tall cone. Soak in glue and leave until completely dry.

We form a tail from a tight spiral, twisted from one strip 5 mm wide, and give it the shape of a cone. We also soak the inside with glue and dry it.

After all the parts have dried, you can begin assembly.
We coat the larger part of the head at the very edge with PVA glue and insert the smaller part into it. Leave to dry.

In the same way we connect the parts of the body.

Apply glue generously to the base of the horns and glue them to the top of the head.

We glue ears on both sides of the horns.

We glue the legs to the body and wait for them to dry completely.

Next, glue the head and tail to the body.

The final touch to the volumetric quilling of the goat is to glue on the plastic eyes.

So our volumetric quilling goat is ready. Sweet and funny, may she bring good luck to everyone in the new year - the year of the goat.

What is quilling, what is necessary for this skill and the technique of handicrafts. Easy quilling patterns, 29 photos and videos on creating shapes.

Quilling originated in the 14th century, and is now experiencing another renaissance. Many are attracted by the fact that such beauty can be created with their own hands from paper strips.

Quilling for beginners - what you need to prepare

For those who have never engaged in such creativity, it is better to start with simple crafts. It can be:

  • postcards;
  • snowflakes;
  • flowers;
  • panel;
  • Pictures.

They will tell you how to make a craft using the quilling technique for beginners. Below are the main figures that are used to create real works of fine art. First you need to prepare everything you need for this type of creativity.

If you have the opportunity to buy a quilling kit, buy it. The basic kit includes:
  • strips of colored paper;
  • a template with a coordinate grid, radii, and guides applied to it;
  • a device with a forked metal tip, with which paper tapes are twisted;
  • glue;
  • small scissors;
  • tweezers.
Larger quilling kits are also available for sale. There is a ruler with round holes for making twisting elements of the required size; pins for rough fastening of parts. Ready-made kits are also sold, which contain a diagram, blanks for making flowers, a butterfly, a picture, and so on.

If you can't buy a ready-made kit, that shouldn't stop those who want to create. The following can be turned into quilling tools for twisting ribbon:

  • nail scissors with straight ends;
  • awl;
  • kernel;
  • gypsy needle;
  • toothpick

Cut off the sharp part of the toothpick, and bifurcate the resulting top using a stationery knife. You will place the edge of the paper tape into this hole and twist it.

When using nail scissors, paper strips are placed between the two blades. Next, the tape is wrapped around this tool and a spiral of the desired size is obtained.

When using an awl and a gypsy needle, the edge of the strip is placed on the metal part, held with two fingers of the free hand and twisted. They also work with a rod, but in this case the core of the workpiece may turn out to be larger than necessary, then any of the four tools listed above is used.

Strips of quilling paper can also be replaced. To do this, cut them out of white or colored double-sided paper.

Quilling schemes

A detailed description of the manufacture of various elements of this needlework will help you create real masterpieces over time.

The main elements of quilling are:

  • tight and loose spiral;
  • curl;
  • drop and curved drop;
  • semicircle;
  • eye;
  • arrow;
  • sheet;
  • heart;
  • triangle;
  • crescent;
  • square;
  • paw;
  • horns.
Almost all work begins with the manufacture of a “tight spiral”. Take a strip of quilling paper. If there is no such material, then place a horizontal sheet of A4 paper in front of you, move the scissors from bottom to top, cut a strip equal in width to 3–5 mm. Secure its tip between the blades of nail scissors, in the slot of a toothpick or a special quilling tool.

You need to hold the paper tape with your left hand and the tool with your right. If you have a double-sided strip, then its wrong side should face the direction of the rod. Rotate the tool clockwise, and with the fingers of your left hand, hold the spiral that is beginning to form from above and below so that the curls are even and at the same level.

When the tape runs out, drop a little glue onto its free end and attach it to the spiral so that it does not unwind and the workpiece looks neat. So you have made one of the main quilling figures. Many others are based precisely on this element. Those who are better with their left hand need to carry out this process in a mirror image.

The next element is called a “free spiral”; make it from the figure you just obtained. To do this, remove the spiral from the needle and let it unwind a little. You can do it differently - do not let go of the fingers of your left hand, but rotate them a little in the center of this quilling element, and the spiral will weaken.

To make a “curl”, you do not need to glue the free end of the twisted tape to the spiral. To make a “drop,” you need to squeeze the “free spiral” on one side with your fingers for a few seconds. A “curved drop” will be created if you bend the corner of the “drop”.

The element called “eye” is also easy to make. To do this, the “free spiral” needs to be slightly pulled to the sides and clamped on two opposite sides, then released. The “leaf” shape will be obtained if you bend the corners of the “eye”, one to the right, the other to the left. To make a “semicircle”, take a loose spiral, press it so that the top side becomes rounded and the bottom is flat.

Visually shows how elements are made using the quilling photo technique. Looking at it, you will understand how to create an “arrow”. To do this, press your fingers on 3 sides of the spiral to form a triangle, now press its two corners together, leave the third as it was.

To make a greeting card using the quilling technique, you can decorate it with an element called “horns”. To do this, you need to take a long piece of paper, bend it in half, twist the right side in a spiral clockwise, and the left side counterclockwise.

The “heart” shape is made in the same way, only the right half of the ribbon is wound counterclockwise, and the left half clockwise. The junction of these two elements must be pressed with your fingers to form the corner of the heart.

The “crescent” is made from an “eye”, its 2 opposite corners are bent in the shape of the letter “C”. A “triangle” will be obtained when the “free spiral” is compressed in three places, but to make a “square” this must be done from 4 sides.

For the “foot” you need to make a “triangle” shape, and then bend its two opposite sides with your finger towards the center.

How flowers are made using quilling technique

Now that you know how to make the basic elements for this type of creativity, you can begin the exciting process of creating original cards. If you want to decorate them with these flowers, then make a “drop” shape from the “free spiral”. To make the petals colorful, use quilling paper of different colors. The center of the flower will be made from a “free spiral” shape.

Apply glue to a card or cardboard and place a “free spiral” here. Also use glue to secure several petals around it. The stem is glued in the same way. For it, take a strip of green paper. The middle leaf, as you can see, is made from a “drop” shape, and the upper and lower ones are made from “eye” elements. Once the glue has dried, the job is complete.

You can make other postcards using the quilling technique. For beginners, there is another simple option.

As you can see, the middle of the flowers is a “free spiral”. The petals are made from the same element, but in a different shade. Decorate the card with a “heart” element, as well as an “eye” shape. A beautiful creation will be appreciated by the one to whom you present such a gift.

How snowflakes are made using the quilling technique

For the New Year you can make a snowflake. For it you will need:
  • quilling paper;
  • stencil;
  • tailor's pins;
  • glue gun or PVA;
  • quilling tool.
Cut 3 paper strips in half, you will need 5 pieces. Place the tip of the first one into the hole of the quilling tool and twist the tape tightly. Remove it and place it in the stencil hole. Let's say it is 10 mm. This is the diameter you will have for your first workpiece. Make the next 4 elements the same size.

To remove the spiral from the stencil, pick it up in the center with a toothpick and remove it by pressing the workpiece with your finger. Let it unwind a little, glue the tip. You have a “free spiral”. Place all 5 blanks in the center of the template, it will be easy to align them.

If beginners make a snowflake using the quilling technique, then it is better to attach the elements to the template with a pin and then glue them together. Then the parts will be arranged as needed.

As you can see in the photo, there are 10 “eye” parts around the five “free spiral” elements. Make them and glue them together and with the central parts of the snowflake.

The next 5 parts of the “free spiral” are made from solid strips, so they will turn out 2 times larger than similar snowflakes glued in the center. A stencil will also help to achieve their evenness. Use a hole with a diameter of 2 cm. Having glued the tip to the spiral, let it unwind and attach each such piece to the previous row of parts.

To prevent the “free spiral” in the snowflake from unwinding, direct the center of the spiral towards its edge and press. You can apply a little glue here so that the middle of the workpiece moves towards the edge.

As you can see, the “tight spiral” completes the production of the winter and New Year attribute. You need 5 of these elements made using a stencil. Glue them in place. If you are hanging a snowflake, pass a strong thread through the center of one "tight spiral" and out through the middle of the other. Tie it in a bow and hang it on the tree or wall.

The video clearly shows how to make quilling snowflakes:

You have read how to make flowers and a snowflake using the quilling technique, and you have become acquainted with the main elements that are used to create works of such creativity. A lot of new and interesting things await you; you will learn how to make a lake, paintings, and animals using the quilling technique. You will also learn how to make candy bowls that are almost as strong as glass ones, but, unlike them, will not break.

Other video tutorials on quilling (for beginners):

Other photos of quilling works:

Useful tips

If you want to relax and do something interesting, exciting and useful, then it might be worth paying attention to quilling (paper rolling).

Using this technique, you can make a lot of interesting things, decorate cards and/or gifts.

It is also worth noting that this activity requires accuracy and perseverance from you. Despite this even the very first time you will do a beautiful job, and you won’t have to throw away something that you think didn’t work out. Just follow the master class, make a small flower or several paper flowers, and then attach them to a card or gift.

If you decide to get serious about quilling, gain practice and develop spatial thinking.

For quilling you will need:

Colored paper is not very thin, which needs to be cut into strips with a width of 1.5mm to 9mm (there is even special paper for quilling).

* To cut colored paper into strips you will need a steel ruler and a utility knife.

A rod for rolling paper. If you do not have a special rod, you can replace it with a wooden stick, a thick needle, a thin awl or a toothpick.

A stencil that has several round holes of different diameters

Tweezers (preferably have sharp and smooth ends) to hold the twisted strip while glue is applied to it

Straight nail scissors, for cutting fringes and small parts

PVA glue or other quick-drying glue




More experienced quilling masters also use machines for cutting small fringes, special cork boards to pin elements to them during assembly, and a hot glue gun to make three-dimensional structures.

Crafts using the quilling technique. Where to start.

To master this technique, try starting with a simple card. To make one flower using the quilling technique, it will take you about an hour (20 minutes is enough for experienced quillers).

1. To begin, outline the future composition on the postcard blank with a simple pencil.

* The main element of quilling, from which you can then make various shapes, is called a roll. It is made when you roll a strip of paper into a tight roll.

2. To make a roll, you need to hook the strip with the forked end of a rod (this could be a toothpick, a thin awl, etc.) and screw it tightly onto this rod.

* After you have rolled the roll, let it unravel a little, gently holding it with your fingers. Glue the tip of the roll to the spiral.

3. You can start giving different shapes to your roll. You can flatten the edges with your fingers on one or more sides and get many different elements, including a droplet, a leaf, a crescent, a heart, etc.

4. When you have the element ready, apply a little glue to it and stick it to your card.

These are the flowers you can make using quilling

If you want rolls that are all the same size (for example, if you are making petals for one flower), you might want to purchase a template with different sized holes. The "officer" line, for example, will help you.

If you made rolls from thin paper, do not hold them in your hands for a long time, otherwise they will not unfold.

Use just a little glue to secure the spirals. You can apply it with the tip of a toothpick.

If you want to make a three-dimensional figure, twist a spiral from a very long strip, and then give the roll a three-dimensional shape—a dome or a cone, for example. Then use glue to attach the arms, legs and other elements to your form.

If you decide to purchase special paper for quilling, pay attention to its length - if it corresponds to the length of a regular A4 sheet, then the paper strips could be made from regular paper, but they are sold as special paper. Quilling paper.

When working with quilling technique, never rush.

Quilling. Schemes for beginners. Basic forms.

A regular spiral can be modified and combined with other elements so that you can get different shapes and structures.

Here are some shapes that can be made by manipulating a strip of colored paper:

Quilling for beginners. Flower.

Quilling for beginners. How to make a drop.

Paper rolling provides a wide field for imagination, including the creation of not just flat compositions, but also amazing three-dimensional objects. This type of paper technique is called 3D quilling, which is often also called volumetric quilling.

3D quilling is based on basic techniques that are also used to create traditional compositions. In other words, you will need cut strips of paper, twisted using a special quilling tool or other homemade tool into spirals of different sizes, as well as glue and tweezers.

To make three-dimensional crafts with your own hands, you can use both regular quilling strips and corrugated ones. There is also colored corrugated cardboard on sale, from which you can cut strips of different widths.

Additional tools include a disk mounted on a special tool with a forked end, which simplifies the winding of a large-diameter spiral.
And a template that helps give the spiral beautiful curved shapes of different sizes. If there is no such template, then you can shape the spiral with your fingers.

And the practical application of these tools

There are two ways to create three-dimensional compositions using the quilling technique. In the first case, it is possible to make spirals of large diameter - this method is suitable for creating figurines of people and animals, where such elements will serve as body parts: arms, legs, heads.

But for making vases, plates, and balls, another method is more suitable, when the entire structure consists of small spirals connected to each other with glue. In this case, during work it is better to be guided by a specific scheme, which will facilitate the process of fastening all the elements. To give the structure greater strength at the final stage, it is recommended to lubricate the work with PVA glue.

3D quilling provides an excellent opportunity to create your own original stories, because you can also use additional decor to decorate the figures. Such compositions are an original idea for a gift and the best interior decoration for any room, children's parties and New Year's tree.

3D products using quilling technique