Circle work on modeling. Plasticine panel on CD "Rainbow"

Choice of colors

Club of Passionate Mothers

Many people have had this happen: it’s already evening, they have to go to bed soon, and then the child remembers that tomorrow they were told to bring some kind of craft to kindergarten (school). This happened to us this time too. It was necessary to bring some kind of craft from waste material to the kindergarten, preferably using an old laser disk. My daughter said she wanted flowers. Well, flowers are flowers. If you want flowers, do it! My second daughter immediately wanted to make crafts with us, which was good for me. The fastest and easiest option seemed to me to be using plasticine. Below you can see a small master class in photographs, what we did, and how to make a beautiful flower from plasticine simply and quickly.

For this craft you will need the following materials:

  1. old laser disc
  2. plasticine of several colors

You can take ordinary plasticine. At our house we had in stock this purchased “light plastic mass that hardens in air.” I have long wanted to try to work with such material for creativity, the opportunity seemed just right to me. Initially, this mass had a consistency similar to thick sour cream. After a couple of minutes, it became similar to ordinary plasticine, from which you can make different things: balls, sausages, etc.

According to our daughters' idea, we had to make a flower. To blind him, we did this:

  • Roll 5-6 small balls of the same size for the petals. We made it from red mass.
  • We flattened the balls, made them sharp on one side, and formed petals.
  • Using a plasticine knife, we made a vein in the middle.
  • We rolled another larger red ball for the core.
  • They rolled a lot of yellow and white very small balls, which they then stuck onto the core ball.

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

The eldest daughter wanted to make her craft a little differently. She made many different flowers of different colors and different shapes. It also turned out very beautiful, in my opinion.

After some time the mass hardened. The mass itself became like foam rubber. The flowers turned out so soft, light and pleasant to the touch. Probably, if we made some figures, it would be nice to play with them. Overall, I enjoyed working with this material.

In conclusion, for those who will sculpt from such a mass for the first time, I will give some advice:

  1. If the mass hardens before you connect any elements, then water will help you. Moisten the places where the elements are attached a little and connect.
  2. The hardened mass can be kneaded a little, again with water. But there is one point, the mass that we used stained my hands a little after I wet it a little. Before wetting, the paint did not remain on the hands.

Our craft was completed and successfully sent to kindergarten, but that’s not the main thing. The main thing is that the girls and I did a wonderful job, and our daughters showed their imagination. We wish you to create more often and create something wonderful and beautiful with your children!

Do you often let your children choose the theme of their crafts? Have you ever sculpted from a similar modeling mass? Tell your moms and dads you know about this publication - click on the social media buttons!

Application from plasticine disks

Master class on working with plasticine on CDs

Subject: master class on working with plasticine on CDs.
Job title:"Plasticine fantasies"
Natalya Vladimirovna Korenkova, physical education instructor, Tyazhinsky kindergarten No. 3 “Golden Key”, town. Tyazhinsky, Kemerovo region.

In our age of rapid computer technology, everyone has long forgotten how to “play films on reels,” and few even remember about tape recorders with cassette tapes... Tape media has been replaced by shiny “round discs,” or multi-colored CDs. Unlike cassettes, discs are much more convenient to store; they are flat and take up little space. But, over time, their number in the house begins to frighten... They become not only convenient, but also ubiquitous! And on the shelf, and on the table, and on the TV, and so on, on, on... “Our apartment is starting to resemble the program “What? Where? When?”, said the mother from Prostokvashino, and she was right!
Got a question– where to put all this shiny round wealth?
It seems like a shame to throw it away, it seems like a completely unnecessary thing...
Such thoughts overwhelmed me until my son, one day, with a guilty look, brought me one such blank, smeared with plasticine. How he did it, I still don’t understand, but the idea of ​​using these disks that settled in my head was simply amazing!
So, I present to you a master class on working with plasticine on the surface of a CD.
This master class can be used:
- when working with children aged 3 years and older (when children can already be given plasticine to work with under the supervision of an adult, and when children begin to develop skills in working with this material - they can, with a little help from an adult, separate small pieces, roll sticks, balls, etc. details) and older children;
- by adults on their own (for making gifts, decorations for the holidays, there is even an idea for making characters for a theatrical production on CDs, implemented by my colleague).
Purpose of this master class: making gifts, decorations for holidays, interior decoration, and of course, useful and pleasant disposal of accumulated CDs.
I present to you the main stages of the work using the example of making the “Boat of Childhood”.

Do you want to join us?
Sailing through a fairyland
On the extraordinary
An unusual ship?
We are on this journey everyone
we invite you.
Don't worry, adults,
please for us!

The topic of this master class will be the production of mini-paintings to decorate a children's room, with the image of a boat. In our children's room we have one wall in a nautical theme, and I already have one picture on a disk with a boat; for symmetry, we'll make a second one, and the wall will be perfectly harmonious. My son will help me make it (I made the first one with my own hands); it’s much easier for a child to work based on a model, so he didn’t mind helping me.
So let's get started.
First, let's prepare the necessary materials:

- work surface (I have a small piece of plastic wall panel);
- CDs, preferably not in a single copy, in order to be able to redo the work if something goes wrong;
- plasticine (in my case, a large amount of “used” plasticine and packaging of new);
- toothpicks, an orange stick from a manicure set (or any objects with sharp tips that are convenient for you, for attaching finished parts to the disc);

Auxiliary tools - scissors, stack (from a package with plasticine), colored crayons (pastel) and some cold porcelain.
Perhaps you may need some other materials that will be convenient for you to use, but this will only become clear to you and only when you get to work.
We have everything ready, we can start.
First, let's look at the sample, because in our case we are creating the most identical picture.

Let's get down to business.
All the parts of our boat consist of very simple elements - thin plasticine sticks - “sausages”, which children from the age of three can make.
1. We select plasticine of the desired colors and begin to roll out the details of the picture.
We cut small ones from a large piece, roll them into a ball, and in turn roll the ball into a stick. This is convenient to do with your fingers on the surface. To achieve “thinness,” when rolling, gradually move your fingers apart. If the stick breaks (tears), there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, because we will need parts of different lengths.

So we did:
- a yellow ball and sticks of different lengths for the sun;
- blue sticks (blue, ultramarine and other shades of blue at your request) for sea waves;
- white - for clouds and “lambs” on the waves (in the case of a not very pure color of white plasticine, you can use cold porcelain or a similar material);
- red - for the ship's hull;
- orange - for the lifebuoy and “observation point” on the ship’s hull;
- brown - for ship pipes;
- a white stick is intertwined with a blue one for future smoke from the chimney.

Why do we need pastel crayons, you ask?
The answer is simple. If you are not satisfied with the brightness or saturation of the colors of plasticine, you can take cold porcelain, crayon shavings, mix it all, achieving the desired shade. In my case, the colors of the plasticine suited me quite well.
2. The fun begins! Let's turn our sticks into the “Boat of Childhood”...

Our boat named CHILDHOOD
Call us to distant countries!
We take with us as an inheritance
Mom's look full of tender love...

We begin to place the parts from top to bottom.
The first to appear is the sun, created from a flattened circle of plasticine and yellow sticks of different lengths. Apply sticks - rays to the circle and lightly press with your fingers or a toothpick.

Next, a small cloud will appear near our sun. To do this, we will make a “frame” of the cloud from a stick, laying out an arbitrary closed line. Let's fill it with “cumulus lambs”. Roll sticks of different lengths, white and blue, into a snail shape between your fingers and place them inside the cloud. You can make “lambs” around the cloud and in general as you wish.

Let's start making the sea surface. For this we will need prepared sticks in shades of blue. We place them at the bottom of our picture, laying them out in the form of waves. Look at the sample, try to do the same, or, more interestingly, come up with your own way of creating sea waves. Use leftover white sticks to create white foamy wings for your waves. So, the sea is ready...

Hurry, our boat is setting sail!
Together with the song we will sail towards miracles!

We make the basis of the ship - the hull. We lay it out from red sticks. We immediately create a flag and an “observation point” (orange) on the ship.

Using red sticks, adjusting their length (cutting off with a stack), we fill the hull of the ship.

We complement our ship with a pipe, smoke from the pipe and a life preserver on the hull.

3. To complete the picture, you can decorate the sea waves with shells and small pebbles, like in my first picture. But when making the second painting, in our “What? Where? When?" I couldn’t find any shells, so this is the second picture for now. But the two together look very harmonious. So I left this work.

We promise to bring a lot of impressions.
Please tell us "Have a nice trip"!

I hope not only to present the master class to my colleagues, but also to inspire creative ideas and achievements. And also be useful in the matter of creative use of very accessible material.
In the text of the description of the work, lines from the children's song “Boat of Childhood”, by T. Muzykantova and E. Solomanov were used.
I bring to your attention an overview of several more works performed using this technique.
“Caution, traffic light!”
The inspiration for this craft was the new sheet in my son’s bed, a gift from his grandmother.

And at the same time I killed the second hare - I had a conversation with my son about traffic rules. The son helped create the three-eyed observer with his own hands, expressing his admiration for the process every half hour.
Then the craft moved to kindergarten for a couple of days, and, having received grateful feedback from teachers, returned home.

"Distant planets await us"
The craft was made by me, together with my son, for an exhibition of creative works of children and parents dedicated to Cosmonautics Day.
Here, unlike the previous work, the main part of the details is made not with flagella, but with circles, balls, dots - as you please. My son made the lion's share of them with his own hands.

Plasticine is an excellent material for creating both three-dimensional figures and two-dimensional paintings. Plasticine pictures look very advantageous, especially if they depict a landscape - they can decorate any room. So, a hand-made picture from plasticine “”

It will definitely attract the attention of your home guests or visitors.

To make it you will need:

unwanted CD;


small rolling pin;

modeling board.

The CD is needed to make the plasticine more durable: it will be used as a base. You can use cardboard instead of a disk, but then the picture will turn out softer.

Let's get started.

We place the disk in front of us.

We cover its upper half with a layer of dark blue plasticine.

First, distribute the plasticine with your hands, and then use a rolling pin, which will help make the surface more even and smooth.

The plasticine that extends beyond the edges of the disk is carefully trimmed with a stack.

The top half of the disk turned blue.

Cover the bottom half with white plasticine.

Its top edge should rise slightly above the blue layer.

We cut off the edges hanging over the surface of the disk.

The result is a round picture that depicts snow-covered ground and a blue evening sky.

Now we roll a sausage out of black plasticine.

Cut it into pieces of approximately the same length.

Align them in length, cutting off excess edges.

Place them next to each other.

Trim the edges again. The result was a log house.

We make a cake out of black plasticine, cut one edge of it so that it becomes even.

We place the flatbread over our row of sausages.

We cut out a triangular roof for the house from it.

We draw transverse stripes on it.

Make a yellow cake and cut a square out of it.

We put this square on the frame - we get a window. For greater similarity, we draw cross-shaped strips on it. From yellow plasticine we make balls - stars and a month.

Plasticine application on CD on the theme: Winter

Master class with step-by-step photos. Plasticineography. Panel "Winter"

Soldatova Elena Ivanovna, primary school teacher, Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 1 of Novouzensk, Saratov Region”
Description: This master class is intended for students in grades 1-2, teachers, parents and simply creative people
Purpose: work for an exhibition, gift.
Making panels using plasticineography technique on a disk
- Introduce an unconventional imaging technique - plasticineography;
- To consolidate the techniques of working with plasticine - smearing, smoothing, rolling, flattening;
- Develop fine motor skills, artistic taste, imagination, imagination;
- To foster independence, accuracy, and interest in arts and crafts.
Materials required for work:
ballpoint pen refill

Winter... Frosty and snowy, long-awaited for some, and not very loved by others, but undoubtedly beautiful. Fields covered with a white blanket, modest Christmas trees in white fur coats, snowdrifts and the creaking of snow underfoot - it is impossible not to be captured by Zimushka-Winter. It will whirl you around with blizzards and enchant you with the paintings on the glass.

White snow, fluffy
Spinning in the air
And the ground is quiet
Falls, lies down.

And in the morning snow
The field turned white
Like a veil
Everything dressed him.

Dark forest, like a hat,
Covered up weird
And fell asleep under her
Strong, unwavering... (I. Surikov)

Poets convey the beauty of winter in poetry, composers with the help of sounds, artists with the help of paints.
Today we will depict the beauty of winter using plasticine.

Step-by-step process for completing the work:
1. Take a disk, smear white plasticine on the lower half of the disk - this is snow.

We make the upper half blue - this is the sky

2. Make a hut with brown plasticine and use a ruler to make impressions of the logs

3. Sprinkle the roof of the hut with snow - roll out a flagellum from white plasticine and lightly press it to the base

4. Let's depict transverse logs using plasticine balls rolled up and slightly flattened. Using the opposite end of the pen refill, you can make impressions on these balls.

5.Make a window from blue plasticine

6. Add snowfall

7.Add a rowan bush in the foreground

8. Herringbone

9. Let's plant a bullfinch on a rowan tree. Our panel is ready.

Winter has brightened up:
The headdress has fringe
From transparent ice floes,
Snowflake stars.
All covered in diamonds, pearls,
In colorful lights,
The radiance is pouring around,
Whispers a spell:
-Lie down, soft snows,
To the forests and meadows,
Cover the paths
Leave the branches down!
On the windows, Santa Claus,
Scatter crystal roses
Light visions
Tricky gossip.
You, blizzard, are a miracle,
Round dances of the backwaters,
Take off like a white whirlwind
Turning gray in the field!
Sleep, my land, sleep,
Keep your magical dreams:
Wait, she’s dressed in brocade,
New dawn! (M. Pozharov)