Red urine in a woman. Causes of reddish urine

To mom

Every person has had to have their urine tested at least once in their life. This analysis is on the list of mandatory ones when passing medical commissions and just routine examinations. Although there are many indicators that determine the norm or, conversely, the occurrence of deviations, the color of urine is one of the most important. By the color of urine, you can approximately determine in which organ or system deviations are possible. Red urine is also common. The reasons for a woman may be different. Let's look at them in more detail in this article.

Normally, in a healthy person, urine is straw-yellow in color. Therefore, staining urine in any other color or shade is a reason to consult a doctor.

Before you panic, you need to remember what foods were included in your diet in the coming days and what medications you took in the near future.

Possible reasons for which urine staining is normal:

  • Eating certain foods that can affect the color of urine (beets, blackberries and foods containing food coloring);
  • The use of drugs that can affect the color of urine and turn it red (antipyrine, phenolphthalein, sulfazole, as well as drugs used in chemotherapy and in the treatment of tuberculosis).

Red is a cause for concern

If you have not eaten foods that turn your urine red and have not taken any medications, then this is a reason for an immediate visit to the doctor.

Hematuria is the presence of blood in the urine; it is divided into macroscopic and microscopic. Macroscopic hematuria can be noticed independently, microscopic hematuria can only be seen by a specialist under a microscope.

There can be many reasons for hematuria in women:

  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • oncological diseases;
  • mechanical damage to the bladder;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system of infectious and inflammatory etiology.

During pregnancy, blood may also appear in the urine. Most often, the cause of hematuria in this condition is gestational pyelonephritis. In addition to the main symptoms of hematuria, edema may appear and blood pressure may increase.

Symptoms of hematuria

Based on some symptoms, you can approximately determine what disease could cause the appearance of red urine:

  • With urolithiasis, hematuria will be combined with the release of sand;
  • With problems associated with the liver or, changes in the color of the skin and sclera also occur. They take on a yellowish-green hue;
  • Prolapse of the kidney, its injury and inflammation, is manifested by hematuria in combination with pain in the side, lower back and under the shoulder blades;
  • With glomerulonephritis, hematuria manifests itself quickly and spasmodically;
  • With hemorrhagic cystitis, the presence of stones in the bladder and uric acid crises, hematuria is accompanied by severe pain when urinating.

By the shade of urine, you can also determine the level of disease damage. Urine that is red-brown or brown in color indicates that blood entered the bladder from the kidneys. A bright scarlet color, with the presence of clots of coagulated blood, indicates that the blood is coming from the genitals or urinary tract.

If hematuria is a consequence of the development of an infectious process in the body, then it is accompanied by the following symptoms: sweating, fever or low-grade body temperature, pain in the lower abdomen and frequent urge to urinate.


In addition to the obvious manifestation of hematuria (macroscopic), which can be determined visually, to identify microscopic hematuria and determine the cause of this phenomenon, it is necessary to undergo a number of examinations:

  1. general urine analysis;
  2. urine analysis according to Nechiporenko;
  3. a complete set of studies aimed at identifying possible kidney-related diseases;
  4. Ultrasound of the genitourinary system;
  5. general and blood;
  6. complete gynecological examination.

Gynecological examinations in women should be carried out regularly. Since the manifestation of hematuria associated with diseases of the reproductive system is a fairly common occurrence.

In women, redness of urine can be caused by such pathological processes of the reproductive system as: uterine bleeding, erosion, development of ectopic pregnancy, oncology of the uterus or cervix, endometrial breakdown, cystitis, after cesarean section.


It’s just a symptom, so you should immediately seek qualified help.

After the therapist collects anamnesis, prescribes the necessary clinical tests and detects any pathological processes, you may need additional consultation with the following specialists: gynecologist, nephrologist, hepatologist, gastroenterologist.

In case of gross hematuria, hospitalization is required. Since the patient should be provided with maximum rest and limitation in physical activity. In addition, only in a hospital setting can bleeding be prevented, which can cause hemorrhagic shock.

There is no specific method of “independent” treatment for hematuria. It is impossible without additional tests and consultation with a specialist to accurately determine the cause of this phenomenon, so in no case ignore this symptom and immediately seek qualified help.

Health is the greatest value. It is impossible to enjoy life while feeling even the slightest feeling of discomfort. As Ovid once correctly wrote: “Resist the disease at the beginning; it’s too late to think about medicine when the disease has taken root from long delay.” Do not self-medicate, take care of your body, eat right and be healthy.

yellow or transparent.

If the urine suddenly turns red, this does not necessarily indicate a pathology in the urinary system. Most often, redness is caused by eating behavior or taking medications. But in some cases red - this is a very alarming symptom caused by the appearance of blood in the urine. The condition is dangerous and can even lead to death. This is why under no circumstances should changes in the color of urine be ignored.

Photo 1. Red urine is an extremely alarming sign, often indicating the presence of blood in the analysis. Source: Flickr (Dave Pearce)

Factors influencing redness of urine

Urine can turn red both with the development of pathologies and in completely healthy people.

Factors that may be the cause are:

  • exposure to certain coloring foods;
  • side effects from certain medications;
  • presence of pathologies.


Normally, in an absolutely healthy person, the urine may turn red when consuming foods containing dyes that are excreted by the body along with urine. These are products such as:

  • beet in all types of preparation;
  • cherry and products of its processing;
  • carrot, especially fresh;
  • black currant in fresh and processed form;
  • products containing food colorings(carbonated drinks, confectionery, pickled ginger, etc.).

If you do not complain about anything, and at the same time you can establish a correlation between recent nutrition and the color of urine, then there is no need to sound the alarm.


When a person takes any medications, they can also shift the color of urine closer to the red end of the spectrum. Drugs that color urine red:

  • acetylsalicylic acid and drugs containing it (aspirin, cardiomagnyl, etc.);
  • facilities against constipation based on phenolphthalein;
  • based on ibuprofen anti-inflammatory and fever-reducing agents;
  • medicines for the treatment of tuberculosis containing rifampicin.

If you are taking one of these drugs, there are no other pathologies, there are no adverse reactions, then you should definitely inform your doctor about red urine, but there is no reason to panic.


The most alarming reason for urine turning red is a disease that is marked by the presence of blood in the urine - hematuria. Blood in the urine is a very dangerous symptom that occurs when:

  1. cancerous tumors Bladder;
  2. glomerulonephritis– the kidneys and blood circulation in them are affected, due to which red blood cells coming with the blood filtered by the kidneys slip into urine, which can be a sign of either a separate disease or a concomitant complication of another disease;
  3. urolithiasis– when the resulting hard deposits (calculi) injure the internal lining of the ureters, and blood from microtraumas enters the urine and stains it;
  4. porphyria– a hereditary disease with a violation of pigment metabolism and the synthesis of porphyrins excreted in the urine;
  5. hemoglobinuria– hemoglobin enters the urine due to excessively rapid breakdown of red blood cells;
  6. bleeding disorders of various origins;
  7. injuries of the perinephric areas.

Please note: if blood gets into the urine, then the situation is very serious and you should under no circumstances delay visiting a doctor.

Depending on the amount of blood in the urine, a distinction is made between macrohematuria, in which the color of the urine can be or even red-brown, and microhematuria, which does not change color, but is characterized by an increased content of red blood cells, which are detected in laboratory tests of urine.

Representatives of the stronger sex often do not pay attention to alarming symptoms, but in vain: serious diseases that red urine may indicate:

  • acute and chronic form;

In addition, hematuria can develop after excessive exercise or sexual activity.

How is diagnostics carried out?

For diagnostic purposes, a number of tests and examinations are prescribed. The very first and most important thing is to study the urine itself. For this purpose it is carried out one-time urine collection. The first morning biological fluid is collected for this purpose.

After hygiene procedures, take only a medium portion of urine for analysis and take it to the laboratory.

In addition to the usual laboratory analysis, you can independently conduct a test for hematuria. The pharmacy sells a special test that will show whether there is blood in the urine and what its percentage is.

The test is done very simply: you need to dip a test strip into urine collected in the same way as for general analysis (only in a clean glass container). And literally immediately take it out, carefully blotting off the excess liquid. Hold the strip horizontally and refer to the diagram on the package.

Note. Such tests are not always truthful and are much less accurate than laboratory tests, therefore they are only suitable for preliminary examination. In emergency cases, this method is suitable, but it is better to contact the laboratory, because hematuria can be a sign of a serious illness.

If the analysis results reveal a large number of red blood cells, it is necessary to prescribe additional studies that will allow an accurate diagnosis to be made.

Photo 2. If dangerous symptoms are detected, it is important not to self-medicate.

Discolored urine as a symptom in the clinical sense is not considered an indicative and clear sign of a specific disease. Diagnosis of red urine is a rather complex process that requires multiple research methods, medical knowledge and practical experience. The general scheme, which involves a set of diagnostic measures, is as follows:

  1. Questioning the patient, collecting anamnesis morbi (information about symptoms), anamnesis vitae (information about lifestyle, previous diseases), you may also need family information - heteroanamnesis. The patient may be asked questions:
  • When and under what conditions did a person first notice a change in urine color?
  • Are there any accompanying symptoms - pain in the lower back, abdominal pain, urination problems, cramps, nausea.
  • When blood appears in urine - at the beginning of the act of urination, during the entire act or at the end (initial, terminal or total hematuria).
  • Have you had any previous urological or nephrological operations?
  • Were there physical overloads?
  • What medications does the person take (have taken).
  • Hereditary diseases.
  • Was there a possibility of getting infected while traveling?
  • The presence or absence of back injuries. Were there any blows or bruises?
  1. Physical examination:
  • Measuring body temperature and blood pressure.
  • Inspection (examination) of the body (skin, mucous membranes), detection of enlarged lymph nodes, edema, possible traces of hemorrhage on the skin, petechiae.
  • Palpation, percussion of the abdominal area. According to indications - palpation of the prostate.
  1. Laboratory tests of urine, blood, possibly feces.
  2. Instrumental diagnostic methods.

Diagnosis of red urine (hematuria) is carried out on the basis of a complex of analytical information. The most difficult thing is to clarify the cause of asymptomatic hematuria, in which the urine is not clearly colored, and red blood cells are detected only in laboratory tests (microhematuria). In such cases, a nephrologist, urologist, and possibly a hematologist are involved in the research, who specify the vector for searching for an accurate diagnosis.

Carrying out analyzes

If a patient complains of a change in the color of urine, the doctor, after physical examinations and collection of anamnestic information, prescribes tests:

  • OAM (general urinalysis).
  • Quantitative determination and analysis of urine sediment, analysis using the Nechiporenko method (detection of the level of leukocytes, RBC (red blood cells), hyaline casts. This analysis is also called a three-glass urine sample.
  • Quantitative method, collection of 24-hour urine, Kakovsky-Addis test.
  • CBC (general, clinical blood test).
  • Blood culture.
  • ESR analysis.
  • Urine culture (antibioticogram).
  • Blood chemistry.
  • Laboratory blood test for ASL-O (determination of antistreptolysin titer).
  • According to indications, renal function tests may be prescribed - ureteral catheterization.
  • Blood test to study disorders of vascular-platelet hemostasis.
  • A convenient method of examining urine using chemically contrasting test strips is often used to detect glucose levels, assess pH, the presence of protein, bilirubin, ketones, nitrites, leukocytes and blood elements. If the test shows the presence of blood in the urine, the result is interpreted depending on the color spectrum and may indicate hemoglobinuria, hematuria, or myoglobinuria.

Analyzes are supported by other types of diagnostics - physical, instrumental methods. It is important for the doctor and the patient to identify the cause of hematuria as quickly as possible, begin treatment and prevent complications.

Instrumental diagnostics

Red urine as a symptom is considered a rather alarming symptom if the urine is not colored with phytopigments or changes color after taking medications. Hematuria requires immediate examination of the patient to identify the cause of the clinical sign and localization of the pathological process. After collecting anamnesis, physical examinations, laboratory tests of blood and urine, the patient is shown instrumental diagnostics. Instrumental research methods that are widely used in urological practice are as follows:

  • Urography (CT or MRI) to provide specific information about the state of the urinary system as a whole (bladder, ureters); the kidneys are also examined during the procedure.
  • X-ray of the abdominal organs helps to clarify the presence or absence of stones in the kidneys and bladder.
  • If the x-ray is uninformative, renal angiography is indicated. The method involves the use of a contrast agent, which helps to clarify the condition of the tissues and vessels (arteries) of the kidneys.
  • Intravenous Pyelogram, pyelogram - visualization of the condition of the kidneys, bladder, ureter (ureters). The procedure is carried out using intravenous administration of iodine-containing drug contrast.
  • It is mandatory to prescribe an ultrasound of the abdominal organs, a method that determines the general condition of organs important for human life. The emphasis is on the study of the kidneys; ultrasound of the lower parts of the urinary system is not effective due to the anatomical features of this area.
  • Cystoscopy may also be prescribed - an invasive, endoscopic procedure that examines the condition of the internal tissues of the bladder cavity (tunica mucosa). In addition to cystoscopy, the list of endoscopic urological methods of instrumental diagnostics includes urethroscopy.
  • If the clinical picture indicates glomerulonephritis, the patient is indicated for a morphological examination of kidney tissue (percutaneous biopsy).

Based on laboratory tests of urine, urine, information provided by instrumental diagnostics, and the clinical features of the process, the doctor can begin to differentiate possible causes of hematuria, then make an accurate diagnosis and begin effective therapy for the identified pathology.

Differential diagnosis

Red urine is not always a symptom of illness. Differential diagnosis primarily consists of excluding physiological and transient, non-pathological causes of changes in urine color - food plant pigments (anthocyanins, porphyrins), taking specific medications or physical stress.

Red urine, which is previously defined as hematuria, and in a clinical sense is already interpreted as a possible sign of the disease, must be differentiated from the following conditions:

  • Trauma, bruise of the back in the kidney area.
  • “Food” false hematuria (plant pigments in food)
  • “March” hematuria - physical overload.
  • Diseases of the hematopoietic system.
  • Cystitis associated with undergoing a course of radiation for cancer.
  • Urethral prolapse (UPU – prolapse of the urethral mucosa).
  • Urethrorrhagia.
  • Myoglobinuria.
  • Drug-induced hematuria.

The most likely etiological factors of true hematuria:

  • Inflammation of the urinary system (cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis).
  • Stones in the ureter, bladder, kidneys.
  • Pathologies of the vascular system - kidney infarction, thrombosis of the vena renalis (renal veins).
  • Oncological process – cancer of the ureter, vesica urinaria (bladder), prostata (prostate gland).
  • Infectious diseases – endocarditis, tuberculosis.
  • Necrosis of papillae renales (renal papillae).
  • Systemic vasculitis.
  • Interstitial nephritis.

Differential diagnosis is not based on one symptom - red urine; extensive analytical information is needed to make a correct diagnosis. Therefore, a patient with complaints of changes in the color of urine, with accompanying symptoms, must undergo a whole range of examinations, including blood tests, urine tests, and instrumental studies. The more quickly diagnostic measures are carried out, the faster and more effective the process of treating the identified nosology will be.

Treatment of diseases that cause red urine

Urine of red shades, as a condition associated with physical overexertion or the presence of foods with plant pigments in the diet, does not require emergency care, as well as therapeutic efforts in principle. Treatment of red urine is the identification of the etiological factor that provokes the appearance of red blood cells in urine and the treatment of the diagnosed pathology. Thus, the first thing to do is to differentiate the symptoms and diagnose the root cause of hematuria.

Features that the treatment of red urine involves:

  • Outpatient treatment is carried out only in cases where hematuria, as a clinical symptom, indicates blood loss (this is determined by laboratory tests).
  • Stopping bleeding requires the prescription of hemostatic drugs according to the clinical picture of the patient’s condition and based on the information obtained after a cytological examination.
  • According to indications, blood substitutes (infusion therapy) may be prescribed.
  • Short-term hematuria does not require drug therapy; patients with a single detection of red urine are under medical supervision, often remotely. If it is necessary to repeat a portion of red urine, the patient seeks help; further management and the choice of form of therapy depends on the accompanying symptoms and the general condition of the patient.
  • Patients with gross hematuria are subject to hospitalization, often on an emergency basis, where they are under the supervision of the attending physician and the doctor on duty, undergo a full range of diagnostic examinations and receive a course of treatment adequate to the identified pathological cause.
  • Severe forms of hematuria (total, with blood clots in the urine) are treated with medications and catheterization (washing, emptying the urinary canal). If insertion of a catheter is impossible for objective reasons (the patient’s health, anatomical features), the doctor may prescribe suprapubic puncture and drainage. This manipulation performs two functions - therapeutic and diagnostic.
  • If hematuria of urolithiasis is detected, antispasmodics and thermal physiotherapy are indicated to help activate the removal of stones.
  • If urolithiasis manifests itself as blood in the urine, pain symptoms and does not respond to conservative treatment, surgery or cystoscopy may be prescribed.
  • Traumatic damage to kidney tissue (ruptures, internal hematomas), profuse hematuria, acute renal failure (acute renal failure) are treated surgically as a matter of urgency.
  • Chronic types of uropathologies and kidney diseases, including hematuria, are treated according to the identified nosology. Antibiotics, corticosteroids (for proteinuria), vitamin preparations, uroseptics, physiotherapy, and homeopathy are prescribed.

A more detailed algorithm that involves treating red urine:

  1. After establishing and differentiating the diagnosis, hemostatic treatment is prescribed according to indications (blood transfusion in especially severe cases or taking tablet forms of the drug, as well as infusion therapy).
  2. If an injury causing hematuria is diagnosed, strict bed rest and hypothermic procedures are indicated. In difficult situations, urgent surgical intervention (subcapsular hematoma) is performed - resection, nephrectomy, suturing of damaged parenchymal tissue.
  3. If inflammation of an infectious nature is determined, it is indicated to carry out antibacterial therapy in combination with hemostatic agents, constantly monitoring the level of hemoglobin in the blood and the presence of red blood cells in the urine.
  4. Tumor processes require surgical treatment - embolization of the damaged vessel (vessels), resection of the tumor sector of the kidney.
  5. Prostatitis accompanied by hematuria is usually treated surgically - transurethral or transvesical adenectomy.

Thus, treating red urine as a single symptom is inappropriate without collecting an anamnesis and drawing up an accurate clinical picture of the process. The therapeutic plan is developed only on the basis of analytical information, and its choice is directly determined by the main etiological factor that caused hematuria.

What to do?

A normal indicator of urine is a light yellow, straw-colored color; any change in the color of urine indicates a disruption in the functioning of the entire urinary system. Factors that cause such shifts in the color spectrum can be either transient, not considered pathological, or associated with acute or chronic diseases.

What to do if red urine appears after eating foods containing plant pigment?

  1. If a person associates the red or pink color of urine with their diet, they should monitor the discharge throughout the day. Usually on the second day, urine acquires a normal light color, since biochromes (plant pigments) are quickly eliminated from the body.
  2. If on the second or third day the urine continues to be colored in an atypical shade, you should undergo an examination and a general urine test to identify the true cause of the change in indicators.

Also, urine may change color during treatment with specific drugs; as a rule, the doctor or the instructions accompanying the drug warn about this. This condition is not pathological; urine returns to normal 2-3 days after stopping the medication. There is also a definition of “march hematuria”, when urine changes color after prolonged or single overload or physical overexertion. In such a situation, you should give the body rest, restore water balance (drink plenty of fluids) and monitor urine output for 1-2 days.

What to do if red urine is not caused by foods that contain biological pigments?

  1. If the urine has changed color, you should not self-medicate. The first action is to visit a doctor and complain about red urine.
  2. Examinations that need to be completed will be prescribed. General urine test (UCA, Nechiporenko urine test), blood tests (CBC, ESR, biochemical analysis), ultrasound of internal organs, kidney urography.
  3. After receiving the examination results, the doctor will determine the factors, the cause of changes in urine parameters and prescribe treatment - conservative, with a course of antibacterial drugs, uroseptics and other drugs. If the situation requires immediate intervention (total gross hematuria, the disease is in the acute stage), hospitalization and treatment in an inpatient setting are possible. Surgery is indicated when there are threatening symptoms and a risk of critical blood loss or acute renal failure.
  1. Call emergency ambulance.
  2. Take a comfortable position to reduce pain.
  3. If possible, collect urine, optimally a three-glass sample for analysis.
  4. Lay out and prepare medicines available at home. The doctor needs to know what was taken before the arrival of emergency medical help in order to quickly determine the primary cause of hematuria.
  5. Be prepared to answer the doctor’s questions - when did the first signs of red urine appear, whether blood appears in the urine once or constantly, whether there was an injury, bruise, chronic kidney disease, whether there is pain and what nature.

People at risk - pregnant women, women and men over 45 years of age, children with congenital nephropathologies, chronically ill children - should undergo screening examinations of the urinary system in the manner prescribed by the attending physician.

Drug treatment

Treatment of hematuria or red urine caused by physiological causes does not have a uniform therapeutic protocol. Medicines are selected after diagnostic measures, taking into account the characteristics of the process and the identified etiofactor. Most often, red blood cells in urine, a change in the color spectrum is caused by diseases of the kidneys, urinary system (urinary system). If the patient is diagnosed with microhematuria, therapy is carried out according to the treatment protocols for the underlying disease provoking the symptom. Macrohematuria, characterized by the release of visible red blood cells into urine, is treated with hemostatic drugs, conservatively (antibiotics, detoxification) in 35-40% of cases, as well as surgically. Let's consider drugs from the group of coagulants (hemostatics):

1. Dicynon. Etamsylate is an angioprotector and coagulant. Stops and prevents parenchymal types of bleeding. It has a strict contraindication - porphyria and a tendency to thrombus formation. Pregnant women are prescribed only when the benefits of using the drug outweigh the potential risk of harm to the gestating fetus. Not prescribed for children under 3 years of age. Release form: tablets and injections. For adults: 1-2 tablets (up to 500 mg once). Before surgery as a means to prevent bleeding, including hematuria - 1 hour before the procedure, 500 mg. To stop bleeding - 2 tablets of 250 mg at once, repeat after 8-10 hours, observe the dynamics of the process. To stop bleeding of vascularized tissues, ampoules (2 ml each) can be effective - intramuscularly or intravenously. The frequency of administration is determined by the doctor based on the clinical picture and the results of primary tests.

  1. Vikasolum, Vikasol (Menadione sodium bisulfite). A drug that activates the production of prothrombin, proconvertin (F VII), a synthetic analogue of vitamin K. Available in the form of an injection solution, tablets and powder. Indicated for hemorrhagic bleeding, hematuria diagnosed as a consequence of a chronic urological disease. It is often prescribed 1-3 days before surgery, as well as for parenchymal bleeding. Contraindicated in cases of suspected thromboembolism, in the last trimester of pregnancy, acute renal failure (acute renal failure), hepatopathologies in the acute stage. Adults are prescribed up to 30 mg per day (2 times the dose of 1 tablet), infants under 1 year of age, according to indications, 2-4 mg per day, the dosage may increase with age, it is determined by the attending physician. The course of treatment does not exceed 4 days, then a break of 3-4 days is required. Treatment is carried out under the control of the state of the blood composition and depends on the results of monitoring the general therapeutic complex.

Medicines intended to neutralize inflammation, the root cause of the appearance of red urine, can be from the category of antibiotics, uroseptics, and herbal remedies.

1. Monural (fosfomycin), a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug. Effective against many bacteria from the Gram+ series (Gram-positive bacteria). Prescribed for many inflammatory diseases of the urinary system. Available in the form of granules for dilution. Take before meals or before bedtime, after meals, once. The granules are dissolved in purified water at room temperature, 1 sachet (3 g) per 1/3 cup of water. For children, the dosage is selected by the doctor according to the clinical picture of the disease, the age of the child and the specifics of the process. There are few contraindications; they mainly concern severe forms of nephropathologies.

2. Furamag (nitrofuran). An effective antimicrobial drug with a wide spectrum of effects on Proteus, staphylococci, streptococci, Enterobacter aerogenes, salmonella, Shigella. Furamag also helps to activate the immune system and reduces overall intoxication of the body. The drug is contraindicated for babies under 1.5-2 months, for acute renal failure, polyneuritis, and it should not be prescribed to pregnant and breastfeeding women. The course of treatment is up to 10 days, dosage for adults 2-4 times a day, 1 capsule (25 mg), depending on the identified nosology. For children, the drug is prescribed according to the following scheme: 5 mg per 1 kg of child weight - the maximum dose per day.

The list of the most effective drugs that have rightfully earned approval in urological and nephrological practice is long. The choice of medication and the frequency of dosing are the prerogative of the doctor; the course of treatment depends on the etiology of the disease and is based on analytical diagnostic data.


In the complex treatment of urological pathologies and kidney diseases, additional methods such as physiotherapy and vitamin therapy play an important role. Vitamins should be prescribed taking into account the specifics of the process; there are no uniform recommendations, and in principle cannot exist in medical practice. However, there are universal effects that vitamins have on the body as a whole; this effect is used by urologists, nephrologists, hematologists and other specialized specialists who treat the root causes that cause a change in the normal color of urine, including hematuria.

List of vitamins and directions of their effects:

  • Pantothenic acid (B5), is responsible for the activity of the immune defense, participates in the synthesis of ACTH and corticosteroids (adrenal gland function).
  • Vitamin B6, Pyridoxinum is involved in the immune defense, stimulates and supports, activating the production of antibodies against viral and bacterial inflammation.
  • Hematopoiesis stimulator, Cyanocobalamin, vitamin B12. Participates in increasing the level of efficiency of phagocytes, helps in the process of tissue regeneration, optimizes carbohydrate metabolism, helps the formation of nucleic acids, activates erythropoiesis (maturation of red blood cells). It is prescribed in combination with ascorbic acid and vitamin B5 as an activator of immune defense and as an adjuvant for the prevention of anemia of various etiologies.
  • Ascorbic acid, vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is effective in regulating oxidative processes and is effective as an antioxidant. The vitamin accelerates the synthesis of collagen fibers, tissue regeneration, participates in detoxification of the body, and increases resistance to infections.
  • Vitamin A, Retinolum. Retinol acetate is one of the most powerful antioxidants. The vitamin is irreplaceable for maintaining the activity of the immune system and general regulation of metabolic processes. Retinol is involved in normalizing the condition of intercellular membranes, thereby helping to accelerate tissue regeneration. In addition, retinol acetate effectively interacts with many medications and “colleagues” in the vitamin series; such an alliance is especially productive in the fight against infectious inflammation.
  • Tocopherol, Tocopherol, vitamin E. Radioprotective, angioprotective, antioxidant effect, accelerates cellular metabolism, strengthens the walls of capillaries and blood vessels. The vitamin is good as an immunomodulator, activator of blood microcirculation, prevents the formation of blood clots, and participates in the functioning of the hormonal system.

Vitamin complexes and individual vitamins in various forms (tablets, injection form, solutions) are prescribed as part of a general therapeutic complex and cannot be an independent, separate method of treating diseases of the urinary system.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Physiotherapy in urology and nephrology is an important part of the therapeutic complex. Physiotherapeutic treatment has a small list of contraindications and is considered a low-traumatic method that can consolidate the results and prevent relapses of the disease. As a pathogenetic method, physiotherapeutic treatment in the presence of hematuria should be combined with etiotropic methods that eliminate the cause of the appearance of blood in the urine. The impact of physical manipulation activates and potentiates the overall effect of treatment (drugs) by increasing the polarization of plasma membranes and accelerating the activity of ATP transport phases.

The choice of options for physical procedures is always carried out by the attending physician, taking into account the general clinical features of the process and possible side effects.

Options for procedures that may be indicated when a symptom of hematuria is identified and after diagnostic procedures are performed:

  • Magnetotherapy.
  • Inductothermy.
  • Endourethral laser therapy.
  • Ultraviolet irradiation (UVR of blood).
  • Heat therapy (applications of ozokerite, paraffin, psammotherapy).
  • Laser therapy.
  • Diathermy.
  • Darsonvalization.
  • Prostate massage.
  • Peloid therapy (therapeutic mud).
  • Decimeter therapy.
  • Dynamic amplipulse therapy.
  • Short-pulse electroanalgesia (device "DiaDENS-T").
  • SMT therapy (sinusoidal modulated currents).
  • Endovesical phonophoresis.
  • Mineral water.
  • Intrarectal laser therapy.
  • Electrophoresis.

Physiotherapeutic treatment is not carried out if there are such contraindications:

  • Renal colic due to urolithiasis.
  • Persistent disturbance of excretory function and urine outflow.
  • Acute forms of urological diseases, nephropathologies.
  • Anuria.
  • Extensive bleeding, total gross hematuria.
  • Oncological processes.

Traditional treatment

If hematuria is defined as a short-term, transient condition without alarming accompanying symptoms, alternative treatment can be used. It is advisable to do this under the supervision of the attending physician and without experiments in the field of independent selection of prescriptions. Below are proven methods recommended by specialists and herbalists:

  1. Each ingredient needs to be crushed and taken 1 tablespoon. Mix horsetail, elder flowers, knotweed, St. John's wort (4 components). The mixture is poured with boiling water (1 liter) and left covered for at least half an hour. The strained infusion is taken 200 ml on an empty stomach in the morning and evening, 30 minutes after a meal. Course 0 7-10 days until the symptom “red urine” disappears and the result is consolidated.
  2. Arctostaphylos (bearberry). 1 tablespoon of leaves is poured into 0.5 liters of boiled water, brought to a boil over low heat (after boiling, immediately remove the container from the heat). A decoction of “bear ears” (as bearberry is popularly called) helps reduce discomfort during cystitis and activates the outflow of urine. You need to drink bearberry decoction as often as possible, in small portions, literally 1 sip every half hour. The duration of treatment is at least 5 days. Please note that bearberry decoction may change the color of urine again - to a greenish tint, this should be considered normal.
  3. Achillea millefolium, honey-bearing yarrow, which was not accidentally named after the ancient hero Achilles. In ancient times, this plant was used for almost all diseases. In urology, yarrow is used as a herbal remedy containing organic acids (salicylic, formic, isovaleric), azulenes, monoterpenoids, alkaloids, camphor. The herb has hemostatic and bactericidal properties. Traditional treatment with yarrow requires caution, as it has contraindications (allergies, thrombosis, pregnancy). Recipe: 4 tablespoons of dry herb are boiled in 1 liter of purified water for 3-5 minutes. Then the broth is poured into a thermos and infused for 10-12 hours. You need to drink the infusion 1 teaspoon, in fractions, every 2 hours. The course is 5-7 days, monitoring changes in urine color and general health.

Herbal treatment

Herbal medicine in the presence of symptoms - red urine can be used as a preventive remedy or strictly as prescribed by a doctor. Herbal treatment is not as safe as it might seem, especially when it comes to hematuria caused by serious pathology. Haematuria, erythrocyturia can be partially stopped by herbal remedies that perform an auxiliary function in the general therapeutic complex.

  1. Barberry is known for its unique properties to stop bleeding, neutralize bacterial infections, and relieve spasms due to berberine, which is part of the plant. Recipe: 2 tablespoons of crushed dry barberry roots, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Take half a glass warm 3 times a day before meals. The course is at least 14 days. Another method is to chop 35-40 g of berries, pour 1 glass of cold water, bring to a boil and cool. Then the product must be diluted with boiled water so that the volume reaches 1 liter. After straining the broth, you can drink it twice a day, half a glass. The course of treatment with barberry berries is 10-14 days.
  2. Ginger, a royal spice, can stop inflammation of various etiologies, relieve swelling, improve the process of hematopoiesis, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, neutralize spasms and help in the treatment of urolithiasis. Directions for use: 1 teaspoon of green tea mixed with 1 teaspoon of ginger root (pre-peeled and finely grated). The mixture is poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water, left for 20-25 minutes, cooled to an acceptable temperature and drunk as tea throughout the day (2-3 times a day). Ginger tea can be drunk in long courses, up to 1 month. Then you should take a short week-long break and treatment with ginger decoction can be continued. Pregnancy and breastfeeding may be a contraindication for taking ginger. Also, people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, prone to exacerbation of the process, should drink this tea with caution.
  3. As a hemostatic herbal remedy, you can drink a decoction of nettle, parsley and rose hips. Mix 1 tablespoon of each component, take 2 tablespoons of the herbal mixture and pour in a liter of boiling water. Leave the infusion for at least 30 minutes. Strain and drink warm (50-60 degrees) a tablespoon quite often - every 40-60 minutes. The course does not last long; this method is intended to stop bleeding. If red urine continues to be discharged for more than a day, you should immediately stop herbal treatment and seek medical help.


Hematuria requires careful selection of drugs for the course of treatment. The classification of red urine suggests many reasons that provoke the presence of red blood cells in urine. Therefore, homeopathy is prescribed only after a comprehensive examination, relief of acute symptoms and elimination of alarming, threatening risk factors.

Let's consider several options in which homeopathy can play a positive role as an effective way of self-treatment or consolidation of a therapeutic result after taking a course of traditional medications.

  1. Glomerulonephritis is usually treated with cytostatics, corticosteroids, anticoagulants, and diuretics. The course of treatment is very long - from 6 months to 1 year or more, therefore, after relief of the acute condition, homeopathy will perform a buffer function during the break between treatment with complex (cytostatic, steroid drugs), temporarily replacing medications without losing the achieved therapeutic effect. The following drugs are indicated:
    • Arsenicum album. An antiseptic medicine that reduces fever and intoxication. In granules - for acute forms of the disease, it is prescribed in dilutions C3, C6, C9. The chronic course requires taking the drug in C30 dilution. The medicine is taken once in a regimen selected by the doctor. Adults - high dilution (15-30), take once, once a week or month, 8-10 granules. Under the tongue 30 minutes before meals. Arsenicum is strictly contraindicated in cases of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases (ulcerative forms) and acute renal failure.
    • Mercurius corrosivus, a complex preparation based on sulima. The medicine can relieve spasms, reduce body temperature, and swelling. It is prescribed by a specialist based on the individual characteristics of the patient. Mercurius is available in breeding - C3, C6 and more. High dilutions are indicated for chronic conditions; acute forms of the disease can be treated with low dilutions (granules or drops).
    • Apis mellifica, homeopathic painkiller, dilution - 3, 6, 9, 12 and 30. For glomerulonephritis, Apis is indicated in dilution 6. The medicine is taken an hour or 1 hour after a meal. Dosage: adult patient - 9-10 granules sublingually (under the tongue) every 1.5-2 hours; children from 3 to 14 years old – 3-5 granules under the tongue, take every 2 hours. The method of administration can be adjusted by a homeopathic doctor.
  1. Cystitis, in which red urine is often noted:
  • Solidago compositum C (Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH). An injectable drug, administered as intramuscular injections, 2.2 ml (1 ampoule) 1 to 3 times a week for 21 days.
  • Renel (Heel GmbH), a multicomponent drug in tablet form (resorption). Take half an hour before meals, 1 tablet twice or thrice a day as prescribed by a homeopath. Acute forms of cystitis - dissolve 1 tablet every 15-20 minutes for 1.5-2 hours. Renel is indicated for children from 3 years of age; the dosage is selected strictly on an individual basis.

Homeopathy is effective only in cases of diagnosis as one of the treatment methods included in the overall therapeutic plan.


Hematuria, as one of the many symptoms of various conditions and pathologies, does not require surgical intervention. Surgical treatment is indicated only in emergency situations, severe illnesses and acute forms of illness. Symptomatic therapy may include a wide range of antibacterial drugs, hemostatic agents, and antiviral drugs. If conservative methods do not give the desired result, hematuria is not relieved, surgical treatment is carried out only taking into account the ratio of potential effectiveness and risks.

Indications for surgical treatment:

  • Neoplasms in the organs of the genitourinary system (benign or prone to malignancy).
  • Urological emergencies – septic shock, anuria, urosepsis.
  • Gross hematuria with intense internal bleeding, risk of losing a large amount of blood.
  • Bladder abscess.
  • Large stones in the ureter.
  • Kidney injuries.
  • Periurethral abscess.
  • Nephrolithiasis.
  • AKI - acute renal failure.
  • Ureteral stricture.

Surgical treatment, methods:

  • Embolization of the renal artery.
  • Nephrectomy (radical, laparoscopic - according to indications)
  • Endoscopic cauterization (coagulatio) of blood vessels.
  • Endoscopic, transurethral resection (TUR) of the bladder.
  • Crushing bladder and ureteral stones.
    • Compliance with daily hygiene procedures (personal hygiene).
    • General hardening of the body, which significantly reduces the risk of viral infections.
    • Eating foods of natural origin that do not contain chemical, toxic components, limit oxalates (rhubarb, peanuts, spinach).
    • Maintaining drinking regime, water-salt balance (1.5-2.5 liters of fluid per day).
    • Avoiding situations that provoke stagnation of urine in the vesica urinaria (bladder).
    • Follow the rules of safe intimate contacts (contraception, prevention of STDs - sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV).
    • Keep fit, move more.
    • Give up habits that worsen your overall health and carry the risk of developing serious pathologies (smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages).
    • Timely prevent the spread of infection, sanitize foci of infection - potential sources of development of the pathological process.
    • Undergo routine medical examinations and examinations - urologist, gynecologist, dentist.
    • Seek professional medical help in a timely manner in cases of clinical signs indicating a pathological process in the organs of the genitourinary system.


    Red urine is not an independent noology, it is a symptom. The prognosis is determined by the underlying disease and depends on how serious the identified cause of hematuria turns out to be. Almost 100% of cases of changes in urine color due to physical overload, active training, or eating foods containing anthocyanins, betocyanins (biochromes, natural pigments) have a favorable outcome.

    The prognosis, which cannot be considered positive, depends on the specific etiological factor, the type and form of the pathology, as well as on the accurate diagnosis and effectiveness of therapeutic efforts. In what situations can we not talk about a favorable outcome of the entire process as a whole:

  1. Total hematuria caused by the following diseases:
  • Nephritis.
  • Fibrous stenotic periurethritis.
  • Cystic pyelourethritis.
  • Prolapse of the ureter.
  • Polycystic kidney disease.
  • Renal artery aneurysm.
  • Nephroptosis.
  • Kidney tuberculosis.
  1. Tumors and oncological processes of the organs of the urinary system (urinary system):
  • Acute non-lymphoblastic leukemia, AML (acute myeloid leukemia).
  • Transitional cell carcinoma.
  • RCC (renal cell carcinoma).
  1. Congenital anomalies of the development of the urinary system.

In general, earlier contact with a doctor, timely diagnosis and compliance with basic rules of caring for one’s own health makes it possible to say that the prognosis for treatment of the underlying disease will be positive. Patients most often undergo outpatient treatment, being observed by a specialist for a year, less often - for a long time. Prevention and regular medical examinations prevent the development of pathological processes and can significantly increase the statistics of favorable prognoses regarding diseases of the genitourinary system.

A change in the color of urine can be caused by a variety of reasons.Red urine in womenappears with the development of a number of diseases of the genitourinary system, due to the consumption of certain foods - causes may be different. To prevent the development of serious pathologies, you should undergo a timely examination by a doctor, because distinct red urine may signal significant negative changes in the body. The examination will make it possible to make a diagnosis, and a well-thought-out treatment regimen will ensure the rapid restoration of normal urine color and prevent the onset of diseases.

Detection of this change requires a mandatory visit to a doctor, who will make a preliminary diagnosis. Having studied the woman’s health indicators, the specialist will draw up a necessary treatment plan or make nutritional corrections. There are a number of reasons that affect the color of urine, some of them pose a health hazard, while others do not have a significant impact on the general condition of a woman.

What to do if a woman's urine is red?

Normal urine should range from light yellow to deep amber shade . Color changes indicate changes in diet, drinking regimen, taking certain medications, and the development of diseases. Any unusual Feel that arise without pain , can be considered as minor deviations from the norm.Reddish urineis an indicator of changes in the body, therefore, if there are any deviations in its color, you should consult a doctor for an examination.

Urine with red tint appears both in organic pathologies that require urgent treatment, and when eating foods that contain coloring pigments. In this case, a urine test should be considered mandatory. It is this that will allow you to get a complete picture of the processes occurring in the body.Red color of urineallows you to identify possible deviations, but all of them require confirmation from a doctor. Based on the urine test data, the doctor makes recommendations for dietary changes or therapeutic interventions.

The color of urine is an indicator of a general urinalysis

Answering the question, Why women appear red urine , the doctor lists the likely factors, but to clarify in a particular case, a urine test will be required. To get the most informative results, you will need to follow all the recommendations for its implementation.

Rules for donating urine

In order for the results of a urine test to make an accurate diagnosis and prevent the development of serious pathologies, it is necessary to properly prepare for it. To do this, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Before the analysis, refrain from taking spicy, fried, canned food, or medications;
  • completely stop drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • limit physical activity;
  • normalize visits to saunas and steam baths.

On the day of submitting your urine for general analysis, you will need to perform careful hygiene. Women should strictly monitor the absence of fragments of menstrual flow. In progress urination Flush the first portion of urine into the toilet, collect the middle portion into a prepared container, and flush the last portion of urine into the toilet. This will prevent particles of urethral epithelium from entering the analysis.

Normal and abnormal urine color

The color of urine can normally vary from light yellow to bright orange. These colors are considered normal. However, the appearance of brown, red, purple, greenish shades can be called a deviation from the norm. Often such changes are noted in elderly age when chronic diseases worsen. This requires medical supervision and appropriate treatment.

Color changes may occur for reasons that are not dangerous to the health and life of the patient, and pose a danger in the form of the development of the disease. Non-pathological causes are varied; to restore the normal color of urine, it is enough to adjust the diet, make adjustments to the drinking regime, and stop consuming certain foods or medications.


The process of egg maturation presupposes the onset of ovulation. In pregnant women, urine during the period of ovulation may acquire unusual shades. This is due to changes in the body due to hormonal changes, which are considered normal for the female body. According to urine analysis doctor easily determine the period of ovulation and prescribe corrective medications for the woman if necessary.

Food pigments

Hematuria , or the appearance of blood particles or elements staining the urine red, may be observed due to the ingestion of foods with a coloring effect. For example, beet in large quantities gives a reddish tint to urine. Even healthy people Frequent consumption of this product causes a change in the color of the urine from pinkish to rich burgundy. This is not a pathology, after excluding or limiting the use of beets and other coloring products urine color is restored.

Changing Hueurine may occur when using a number of medications. This is due to the presence in their composition of certain particles that affect the color of the fluid excreted from the body.

When examined by a doctor, you should tell him about all the medications that you are currently taking or have recently taken. For example, drugs from the carotenoid class enhance the natural color of urine, making it more saturated, even red.

Pathological factors

If it appears blood in urine , then this indicates serious pathological changes. In this case, correction with the help of medical intervention and the use of appropriate medications will be required. The following conditions can be attributed to pathological changes in the body leading to changes in the color of urine:

  • glomerulonephritis, in which damage to the glomeruli of the kidneys is noted. At the same time, as accompanying symptoms there is pain in the lumbar region, increased blood pressure;
  • impairments in condition bone the brain, on which the process of maturation and excretion of urine from the body largely depends;
  • the occurrence of tumors of any kind in the urinary system, which can metastasize to any internal organs. This leads to serious disorders in the body and, if left untreated, poses a danger to the patient’s life;
  • infectious processes that pose a serious health hazard.

Treatment will depend on the diagnosis, which will be known after general and clarifying urine and blood tests.

Infections in the genitourinary system

Infection can occur due to many factors. This may be the spread of infection from other organs in the absence of necessary treatment, the appearance of pathological bacteria that enter from the kidneys into ureters and from the urethra.

Pyelonephritis An example should be considered of the penetration of an infection into the urinary tract and its development in the kidneys, which is accompanied by pain when urinating, general malaise in the form of increased body temperature, and the appearance of a febrile state. With this disease it becomes painful sexual intercourse , resistance to other diseases decreases, and is excreted from the genital tract. slime .

Cystitis also causes pain and blood in the urine. In this case, damage and further changes in the composition of urine are noted, which is caused by the active proliferation of pathological bacteria.

With any type of development of the infectious process, it is necessary to urgently carry out therapeutic measures to prevent further deterioration of the condition. The treatment process should be determined by the attending physician based on data from urine and blood tests.

Internal injuries

Gross hematuria , or significant saturation of urine with blood, is often noted after a history of injuries . In this case, there can be serious damage to the internal organs; even with a slight shock, blood particles are likely to get into the urine, which turns it reddish.

For example, if the injury results in bladder , then blood often gets into the urine. A slight dissection of the tissues of this organ can cause pain in combination with the release of blood into the urine.

Stones in the genitourinary system

Manifestations urolithiasis- stones in the genitourinary system. Often, the appearance of stones is noted in the kidneys, which causes a disruption in the process of excretion of urine from the body, and severe pain occurs when urinating. Such pathologies are also often accompanied by the appearance of blood in the urine.

The process of treating and removing stones from the urinary tract should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor who prescribes drugs for crushing and grinding stones. This makes the process of removing them easier.

Development of neoplasms

Tumors in any part of the genitourinary system can also cause the appearance of blood in the urine. Neoplasms are the most complex manifestation of the disease; the treatment process must be drawn up by a doctor and controlled by him. The penetration of metastases into tissues is dangerous kidney , which becomes possible when the initial stage of tumor development is not detected in a timely manner.

If women produce red urine, the cause may be various diseases, but most often – urolithiasis. Hematuria is a sign of vascular damage or a functional disorder of the kidneys. Often this symptom indicates the presence of a malignant tumor in a woman.

Red tint of urine in women

Otherwise called hematuria. In healthy women, a general clinical analysis may detect up to 3 red blood cells. If this indicator is higher, then additional research is required. To detect erythrocyturia, the following tests are most often organized:

  • microscopy of urine sediment;
  • Nechiporenko's test;
  • Kakovsky-Addis test.

Red blood cells are visible even at first glance. At the same time, the color of the urine changes. This condition is called macrohematuria. Severe cases are characterized by red urine, reminiscent of meat slop. A slight increase in the level of red blood cells detected in the laboratory is called microhematuria.

The penetration of red blood cells into urine occurs at different levels. Hematuria has 3 forms:

  • initial (initial);
  • terminal;
  • total.

In the first case, the appearance of red blood cells marks only the first portion of urine. This is due to damage to the urethra. Terminal hematuria affects the neck of the bladder and is determined by the last portion of urine. The greatest danger is total hematuria. It most often characterizes the pathology of the kidneys and ureters.

Hematuria is divided into false and true. The first case is characterized by the accidental entry of red blood cells into the urine during menstruation.

Other causes include taking dyes or medications that give urine a reddish color.

Cherries, blackberries, beets - all these are products whose consumption can provoke false hematuria in women.

Main etiological factors

Hematuria is a sign of various diseases. The most common among them:

  • urolithiasis;
  • kidney cyst;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • kidney tumor;
  • injuries;
  • kidney rupture;
  • tuberculosis;

  • Berger's disease;
  • renal failure of acute and chronic forms;
  • pulmonary embolism;
  • acute hemorrhagic cystitis;
  • schistosomiasis;
  • foreign body;
  • carrying out catheterization of the bladder;
  • vascular thrombosis;
  • prolapse of the kidneys.

Hematuria is often observed with endometriosis. More rare causes include blood pathology (thrombocytopenia, coagulopathy, leukemia, hypertension), sickle cell anemia, acute appendicitis, systemic lupus erythematosus. Very often, not only blood, but also mucus is released in the urine. This occurs against the background of sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, mycoplasmosis).

Hematuria is not always a consequence of an organic disease. Other possible reasons:

  • bites of snakes and other poisonous animals;
  • food and chemical poisoning;
  • uncontrolled use of anticoagulants;
  • carrying out radiation therapy;
  • hard physical work.

– a reason to see a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination.

Redness of urine due to endometriosis

Red urine is a sign of endometriosis. With this disease, functional epithelium located in the uterus is found in other organs, which is rejected and bleeds. Most often, women of reproductive age, 30–50 years old, are affected by the disease.

Risk factors are:

  • hormonal changes;
  • family predisposition;
  • endometrial metaplasia;
  • decreased immunity.

The presence of red urine is observed in the extragenital form of endometriosis.

Sometimes the process develops in the kidneys and bladder. Hematuria in such women is observed during menstruation.

It is caused by bleeding of cells due to germination of the walls of the bladder. Endometriosis of this localization is characterized by pain during voiding, discomfort in the lower abdomen, dysmenorrhea, discomfort during sexual intercourse, and heavy menstruation.

Cause: tuberculosis of the kidneys and bladder

Total hematuria indicates advanced renal tuberculosis, the cause of which is mycobacteria. Usually, kidney damage is caused by improper treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. This is a dangerous disease that can cause colic, chronic renal failure and secondary arterial hypertension. The outcome is chronic renal failure.

Most often, this pathology develops 3–5 years after the onset of bone or pulmonary tuberculosis. Pyelonephritis and urolithiasis contribute to this. With tuberculosis in women, the following symptoms are possible:

  • periodic hematuria;
  • malaise;
  • low-grade fever;
  • sweating;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • lower back pain;
  • colic.

The appearance of red urine is caused by the formation of ulcers and erosions in the parenchyma of the organ. Hematuria is total.

There is no pain when passing urine. Hematuria is often combined with pyuria. When the bladder is involved in the process, women are concerned about an increased urge to urinate with painful sensations. Periodic gross hematuria is observed. The urine of sick women turns red.

Redness of urine due to urolithiasis

This symptom in women is possible if there are stones in organs such as the bladder, urethra, ureters or kidneys. This is a metabolic pathology of hereditary nature. In terms of prevalence, it is second only to inflammatory processes (urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis).

Women get sick less often than men. Stones can be multiple or single. Giant stones reach 10 cm in diameter. The following factors are involved in the development of urolithiasis:

  • monotonous nature of nutrition;
  • abuse of mineral water;
  • gout;
  • change in urine acidity;
  • hypokinesia;
  • harmful working conditions;
  • lack of retinol and B vitamins.

9 out of 10 sick women experience hematuria. It has the following features:

  • occurs after renal colic;
  • combined with pain;
  • caused by the movement of stones and damage to the mucosa.

An important distinguishing feature is that the red blood cells are fresh. Most often, gross hematuria indicates damage to the bladder, pelvis and ureter. Other signs of the disease include pain during voiding, nausea, vomiting, and pollakiuria. You can only get rid of it surgically.

The reason is hydronephrosis and glomerulonephritis

Urine often turns red in women suffering from. This serious disease of immunoinflammatory origin can cause kidney failure. If treatment is not carried out in a timely manner, women need constant hemodialysis (blood purification).

The acute form of glomerulonephritis is more often diagnosed in young women under 40 years of age.

The development of the disease is based on damage to the glomeruli and tubules. They are responsible for filtering blood plasma and reabsorbing it. Violation of this process leads to hematuria. Red blood cells penetrate the barrier and rush into urine. In severe glomerulonephritis, the urine shows signs of dark red meat slop.

Red blood cells are detected in the hundreds. This often leads to anemia. Red blood cells in urine become altered (leached). Microhematuria is less common. This symptom is combined with other signs of the disease (high blood pressure, swelling, lower back pain, decreased urine output).

No less dangerous is a disease such as hydronephrosis. It obstructs the flow of urine from the kidneys to the bladder. The acute form of hydronephrosis is manifested by pain in the lower abdomen, gross hematuria, nausea, vomiting, back discomfort, and arterial hypertension. This pathology often develops in pregnant women and in the presence of tumors.

Benign and malignant tumors

Red urine is a sign of tumors. The bladder, urethra and kidneys are affected. The admixture of red blood cells in urine is a late manifestation of these diseases. The greatest danger for women is cancer. Damage to the bladder is possible due to intoxication, exposure to carcinogens, contact with rubber, and chemicals. The risk group includes women who have been smoking for many years.

The development of bladder cancer is promoted by the human papilloma virus. With this pathology, the following symptoms are possible:

  • change in urine color;
  • pain at rest and when urinating;
  • general malaise;
  • fever;
  • weight loss;
  • false urges;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • skin itching.

The blood is usually fresh in the form of streaks or droplets. It turns urine pink. characterized by the appearance of girdle pain on the affected side. Benign tumors have a more favorable course. Redness of the urine indicates the germination of blood vessels.

In the presence of urethral tumors, hematuria is combined with partial incontinence, burning and itching during urination, bifurcation of the stream and its deviation.

Examination and treatment tactics

Discharge of red urine requires a visit to the urologist. You will need to carry out:

When making a diagnosis, indicators such as the density of urine, the presence of salt, mucus, the number of leukocytes and erythrocytes, color, reaction, and protein are taken into account.

Treatment of patients can be conservative or surgical. If a woman has urolithiasis, lithotripsy (crushing stones) is required. If urates are detected, medications can be used.

Treatment of schistosomiasis is carried out with the drug Biltricid and its analogues. For glomerulonephritis, a diet is prescribed. You can normalize urination with the help of immunosuppressants and antibiotics. Treatment of neoplasms (tumors, cysts) is only surgical. It is often supplemented with radiation therapy. is an indication for the prescription of antimicrobial drugs.

If the redness of the urine is due to endometriosis, then surgical treatment is performed. It is complemented by hormonal therapy. Combined oral contraceptives, gestagens and gonadotropic releasing hormone agonists are used.

Thus, an admixture of red blood cells in the urine indicates a serious pathology of the genitourinary organs.