DIY Dunno costume for the New Year.

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Rezeda Sabulina:

You will need blue crepe-satin, non-woven fabric, isolon.

(no more than 5 mm thick, sold in hardware stores):

Cutting out

1.brims made of crepe satin - 2 pieces, brims made of interlining and isolon 1 piece each, cap made of crepe satin - 2 pieces, cap made of isolon - 1 piece, strips for tassels made of crepe satin and isolon 10 pieces each.:

Field details

2. Glue one part of the brim with non-woven fabric.

3. Place the isolon part on the glued part and secure with needles.

4. Using a machine, we adjust it across the fields, forming rays.

Lightly steam the crepe-satin side; isolon does not tolerate high temperatures!

5. We add crepe-satin brims to the second piece, chop and grind the pieces together. 6. Using scissors, cut out the isolon from the allowance.

(in order to turn it nicely right side out)

7. We turn our fields inside out and fasten them together for further attachment to the cap, create some tension between the duplicated part and the non-duplicated one (the duplicated part needs to have some overlap, then the fields will not sag, since the non-duplicated one will be tensioned).

8. Let's start with the cap. We hide the detail of the cap from isolon and crepe-satin. Stitch open edges.

9. We sew down the sections of the second part of the cap made of crepe-satin.

10. We prepare parts for the brush.

We insert the brush into the upper cap. The top one in our case comes with isolon to maintain the shape of the cap. 12. Almost ready! All that's left is to stitch the bottom one(interior)

This cap will serve in your kindergarten’s costume room for many years! Best of all, it's easy to wash, doesn't lose its shape, and is bright and cheerful! Both children and adults can wear it!

The time before the New Year is a series of pleasant chores associated with the upcoming holiday. Buying gifts for relatives and friends, thinking about the menu, and, of course, children's matinees in kindergartens and schools. And you always want your child to look no worse than the rest, which means it’s time to think about a fancy dress costume. If you don’t want to spend extra money on an outfit, you can always make it yourself. With a little patience and skill, you will get an outfit that will never be distinguished from a store-bought one.

What to choose

Among the huge number of different fairy-tale characters, it is always difficult to make your choice in favor of one or another favorite hero. This article will discuss the Dunno costume. Everyone probably remembers such a controversial hero of the famous writer Nosov, as well as his memorable clothes.

The simplest option

To sew an original costume, you can use those elements of clothing that the child already has. An orange shirt is perfect, which, however, can be replaced with a T-shirt. Pants or shorts must be yellow. In order for the outfit to fully correspond to the description, you need to remember to take care of the suspenders, they should also be yellow.

To complete the look, a green tie and matching socks are not enough.

How to make a hat

An indispensable attribute of Dunno's costume is his famous blue hat. Making it yourself is quite simple:

  • the volume of the child’s head is measured + 1 cm is added;
  • margins and height are made arbitrary.

Felt, which holds its shape well, can be used as an ideal material. When sewing a headdress, you need to remember that the edges must be rigid. That’s why it’s worth using a cardboard frame. An unnecessary hat with large brims will also serve as a great base. Here it is enough to sheathe the costume part with blue fabric.

What other options are there?

To sew a Dunno costume, any plain fabric of bright colors is suitable. It is absolutely not necessary to look for a pattern for a shirt and pants; you can sew it according to the model of those things that the child already has.

When sewing the details of a New Year's costume, it is worth considering that the cut should be loose so that all things look a little larger than they actually should be. This method will allow the child to look more like a fairy-tale hero.

As an additional detail, you can purchase a yellow wig, which is exactly the color Dunno had. Or sew pieces of yellow fabric to the bottom of the hat to imitate hair.

So, as you can see from the article, making a Dunno costume with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems.

What and for whom can a suit be useful?

The character Dunno is fictional and fabulous.

According to the plot of the book, he is a cheerful boy who does not want to live up to his name and thinks outside the box. He is kind, mischievous and friendly. That is why both boys and girls want to be like him.

There can be many reasons to dress up as Dunno. The main thing is that the child not only puts on the costume, but also understands the character traits of this hero. This is another opportunity to reread the work and discuss it with the whole family. Even a small child will be able to be interested in this wonderful book.

The image of Dunno will be appropriate at any event:

  • New Year's party in kindergarten or school.
  • Children's birthday. The costume can be worn by either the birthday boy himself or any of the guests.
  • Any costumed event (for example, a holiday based on fairy tales).
  • Theatrical performance in the school theater.

Character Features

Dunno is the name of the mischievous little guy from the fairy-tale city of Flowers. He has a tiny stature and a large head with a small nose.

  • Bright blue hat.
  • Canary yellow trousers with straps.
  • Orange shirt.
  • Green tie.

One gets the impression of a very contrastingly and flashily dressed hero. It’s simply impossible not to notice this. A child in such a suit will definitely cause a sensation at a children's party and will feel confident.

If you wish, you can slightly change the color palette of the costume, but the brightness and contrast must be preserved!

Shirt and trousers: sew or buy?

Not every child's wardrobe has yellow pants and an orange shirt. If time is running out and you don’t have any sewing skills, you can buy a ready-made shirt or choose from those available. Before buying such a bright item, you should think about whether the child will wear it in everyday life?

You can replace the shirt with a bright red T-shirt. But such a simple approach will not be appropriate at all events. Therefore, it is better to prepare for the event in advance and sew a shirt with your own hands.

Sewing a shirt is not as difficult as it seems. You can find the simplest pattern on the Internet. Then you need to take basic measurements from your child and transfer the pattern to the fabric using a piece of soap or sharpened chalk. Dunno's shirt does not have traditional buttons, so you can make the simplest fastener on the back.

Sewing a children's shirt with your own hands, video:

The pants are made from thick but light fabric (the child will be hot in thick pants indoors). You can choose a long model or shorts. The simplest pattern is transferred to fabric in the same way as for a shirt. It is worth choosing a model with an elastic band - they are easy to sew, and a child of any age will be able to dress himself.

In addition, Dunno trousers must be complemented with straps with large buttons (green or blue). They can play a decorative role or hold the pants themselves on the child.

A version of the Dunno costume for a girl may include a bright yellow skirt. And some little fashionistas may prefer wide shorts or harem pants. Otherwise, the girl's look is no different from the boy's suit.

How to make a hat with your own hands

The Dunno hat is the most difficult to make. Needlewomen distinguish 2 most common options:

  1. Make a headdress from thick paper or cardboard.
  2. Sew a hat from fabric and padding (non-woven or padding polyester).

The easiest way to make Dunno's headdress is from a flat sheet of whatman paper (or thick wallpaper).

First of all, you need to measure the circumference of the child’s head so that the hat fits him. After this, a pattern for the brim of the hat is drawn on whatman paper. It represents two circles. The inner one corresponds to the size of the head, and the outer one corresponds to the outer size of the hat brim.

The top of the hat is a cone. When it is ready, it needs to be attached to the fields using glue. The finished hat can be painted with gouache or covered with satin blue fabric. An accessory covered with textiles looks more solid and festive.

It is appropriate to complement the Dunno hat with a tassel made of thread or corrugated paper. You can also add hair cut out from yellow paper. They are glued to the inside of the fields. With them, the image of a fairy-tale hero will be even more recognizable.

Video on how to make a hat out of cardboard:

DIY Dunno tie

Before you sew or make a tie, you should look for this accessory in your grandfather's chest. During the dude period, green was in fashion. If you don’t have the tie you need, it’s very easy to sew one. 2 identical parts are cut out from bright green fabric. They are then sewn inside out and turned inside out.

In addition to regular fabric, you can use felt, painted Whatman paper or thick cardboard. You can secure the tie around your neck with a hat (thin) elastic band or use a satin ribbon.

You must involve your child in making a paper tie. A child at any age will definitely enjoy coloring whatman paper with bright green gouache. He will treat such an accessory with care, since he participated in its creation. In addition, this is a great opportunity to practice drawing.

It’s not that difficult to make a Dunno costume with your own hands, but the child will definitely feel confident in such a unique image. And joint creativity will help to establish contact and develop a sense of taste in the offspring. In addition, the costumes of heroes from fairy tales allow you to refresh your memories of the works and discuss the character of the characters and their actions.

07 Oct 2017 Valeria 80 We recommend reading along with this article

Good afternoon, dear visitors of the Island of Good Hope!

Today we are reopening our sewing workshop, which means another detailed master class awaits you, in which I will show you how I sewed.

This is not the first carnival costume that I had to sew for my boys. I sewed both a wolf costume and a snowman costume. But this is the first time I’ve posted a detailed master class and pattern. I hope this makes things easier for a lot of moms.

Of course, I had to sew this suit for a reason. The fact is that on May 25, the day of the last bell, first-graders at our music school congratulated the graduates, and my first-grader played the role of Dunno.

So I had to “rack my brains” on how to make a Dunno costume. We looked at books, of course, scoured the Internet, there were ready-made costumes, but no one told in detail, much less showed, how he did it.

Sewing a bright orange shirt, green tie and yellow pants was no problem for me. Moreover, our wardrobe already had a ready-made shirt of the appropriate color (I sewed it last year), we didn’t need pants, and sewing a tie was a matter of minutes. The problem was how to make Dunno's hat.

For a long time I did not dare to use ordinary Whatman paper as a frame, as other mothers advised, with it, it seemed to me, the hat would not be very durable. But time was running out and nothing else came to hand, so I finally settled on whatman paper and, to be honest, I didn’t regret it. The hat holds its shape perfectly. Naturally, it won’t be possible to wash such a hat, well, let’s learn to treat things more carefully.

So, here is a scaled-down drawing of a hat and tie pattern. To enlarge the picture, click on it with the left mouse button.

To make panties, you can use the pattern of panties, which I always use to sew shorts for my boys. I will post the shirt pattern very soon.

We build a hat pattern on a large Whatman paper.

Glue the top part of the hat into a cone. The circumference of the base of this cone should coincide with the length of the inner circumference of the crown of the hat.

But it's okay if they are a little different. The main thing is that after cutting out a smaller circle, try the crown on the child’s head and make sure that the hat stays stable on the head: it doesn’t fall too low, but it doesn’t fall off either.

We cut out the same details from fabric, only in two copies and with seam allowances (I used blue satin). We do not cut off the top of the cone!!!

We sew the outer circle on a machine, notch it close to the line.

Cut out the inner circle.

Turn it inside out and sew the outer edge with bias stitches.

The process is not quick, but don’t be lazy, be sure to do it, then the edge will turn out neat. Iron, remove bias stitches and carefully insert the paper piece. Machine sew the inner circle.

Now let's move on to the top part. We sew two cones: inner and outer.

We insert the inner cone into the paper frame, pulling out the tip at the top.

Cover with the top one and fasten both ends with hand stitches. Then we will remove them and sew the top of our hat in this place.

We connect both parts at the bottom using hand stitches and iron them inward.

Now we need to connect both parts of our hat. I did this by hand with hidden stitches, and so on all the way around.

On the inside we got this raw edge, which we simply trimmed with bias tape.

First, we sew it on with temporary stitches by hand, and then carefully, also by hand, with threads that match the color of the hat (unfortunately, we can’t do it with a machine).

Our hat is almost ready, all that remains is to sew on the top. From the same blue satin, I cut strips about 15 cm long and 1-1.5 cm wide. I connected them all in the middle, and sewed this bomb to the top of the cone.

This is the hat we got.

Yes, I almost forgot, the brim of a hat can be easily given the desired shape. For example, I curled the brim up at the front.

With a tie everything is easier and faster.

We cut out 2 parts according to the pattern. We glue one of them with serpyanka or non-woven fabric.

We connect the parts with the right sides inward, stitch along all the lines except the top one, cut off the corners and turn them inside out through the top cut. We sew with oblique stitches, iron, remove the stitches. We bend the upper part of the tie and insert an elastic band there, the length of which can be adjusted on the child.

All you have to do is sew a shirt and pants. And you DIY Dunno costume ready.

Let me remind you that in the near future I will post a pattern and a detailed master class on making a shirt. To avoid missing out, subscribe to blog updates.


Character: Dunno is the hero of a series of books by Nikolai Nosov. This mischievous boy does not want to put up with the fact that everyone considers him a stranger.

Costume: The author of books about Dunno, Nikolai Nosov, describes his costume in detail: “Dunno wore a bright blue hat, canary yellow trousers and an orange shirt with a green tie.” Of course, the character will exactly match his description in the book. if there are yellow trousers and an orange shirt in the child’s wardrobe. But if there aren’t any, then don’t despair: any other bright and preferably contrasting-colored trousers and shirt will do. But you can’t do without a wide green tie and a blue hat! But... everything is in order!

Shirt: draw a pattern on paper (see Fig. 11 “Drawing of Dunno’s shirt and trousers”) and transfer it to the fabric using a piece of soap, pencil or tailor’s chalk. Remember that the pattern is given without seam allowances and when cutting you need to add 1 cm on each side. Cut out the details of the shirt. Overcast the middle back seam. Sew the right and left sides of the back, leaving an opening for the fastener. Iron the seam. Sew shoulder seams. Overcast shoulder seams. Sew the main part of the jacket with sleeves and overcast the seam. Sew the side seam of the jacket and the bottom seam of the sleeve at the same time and overcast. Fold the bottom of the jacket and sleeves. Sew a button and loop to the back of the cut under the fastener.

From the same fabric as the shirt, cut out the collar - four identical parts, since it consists of two parts. Place them face to face and stitch along the edges. Turn each part of the collar inside out and iron. Place the collar on the neckline and stitch. Dressmakers with at least a little experience can hide the neckline between two parts of the collar.

Pants: Cut out of yellow fabric, having first drawn a drawing on paper (see Fig. 12 “Drawing of Dunno’s shirt and trousers”) and not forgetting to add seam allowances. Sew the crotch seams and overcast them. Sew the middle seam and overcast it. Fold the top cut (waistband) and the bottom. Cut the straps from the same fabric as the pants, fold the strap parts in pairs face to face and stitch along the edge, leaving space for turning out. Turn the straps right side out and iron. Sew the back end of the straps to the trousers, sew loops on the front of the straps, and sew buttons on the front of the pants.

It may very well be that in the closet of a stylish grandfather in the past, there was exactly the kind of tie lying around that was needed for a suit. If not, then it can be easily made from a piece of bright green fabric. To do this, you need to draw a tie pattern on paper
(see Fig. 12 “Drawing of Dunno’s hat and tie”), and then cut out two identical parts from the fabric. Remember that patterns are given without seam allowances (1 cm on each side). Then fold the parts face to face and stitch along the contour, leaving a 5-7 cm long slot at the narrow end of the tie. Turn the tie right side out through the left slot. Sew the slit neatly from the front side, trying to ensure that the seam is not visible. Iron the finished tie. Fold the top end of the tie along the fold line and stitch the edge on the wrong side. Thread an elastic band into the resulting hole, adjusted to the circumference of the child’s neck.

Rice. 12. Drawing of a shirt and trousers Dunno---------------Rice. 13. Drawing of Dunno's hat and tie

A simpler method is to make a tie from paper. To do this, you need to draw the outline of the tie on paper up to the fold line. The tie can be immediately cut out of green or white paper and then painted. Remember that the paper must be thick enough to withstand the holiday and not wrinkle or even tear prematurely. Pin the finished tie to the shirt collar with a safety pin or sew on it.

Note: To obtain deep, bright color, it is better to use gouache. To prevent the surface painted with gouache from being smeared, you can add PVA glue to the paint in a 1:1 ratio.

The hat can be made from whatman paper, having first let it rest under a press so that the finished hat does not roll up. A drawing of the details of Dunno's hat is given in Fig. 13. The brim of the hat and the base (crown) should be blue, with zeros on both sides. Glue the base of the hat along the side allowance. When cutting out the brim of a hat, it is necessary to add a gluing allowance along the inner circumference of the part 1 cm wide and cut it. ("apply glue to the allowance for gluing the brim of the hat and glue them to the main part so that the allowance is on the wrong side of the hat. Paint the hat or cover it with blue paper.

Note: For gluing paper parts, it is better to use IVA glue or a glue stick. Regular office glue leaves sloppy, glossy spots on paper, so it’s best not to use it.

Glue a tassel to the top of the hat, which is done as follows: a sheet of paper (preferably corrugated) is cut into strips, not reaching the edge, and rolled tightly at the uncut end, secured with thread or tape.

Dunno’s mischievous swirls can be painted on the hat with yellow paint (see Fig. 13 “Drawing of Dunno’s hat and tie”) or cut out of not very thick paper, painted yellow, “curled” with scissors or a pencil, and then glued to the hat .

The time before the New Year is a series of pleasant chores associated with the upcoming holiday. Buying gifts for relatives and friends, thinking about the menu, and, of course, children's matinees in kindergartens and schools. And you always want your child to look no worse than the rest, which means it’s time to think about a fancy dress costume. If you don’t want to spend extra money on an outfit, you can always make it yourself. With a little patience and skill, you will get an outfit that will never be distinguished from a store-bought one.

What to choose

Among the huge number of different fairy-tale characters, it is always difficult to make your choice in favor of one or another favorite hero. This article will discuss the Dunno costume. Everyone probably remembers such a controversial hero of the famous writer Nosov, as well as his memorable clothes.

The simplest option

To sew an original costume, you can use those elements of clothing that the child already has. An orange shirt is perfect, which, however, can be replaced with a T-shirt. Pants or shorts must be yellow. In order for the outfit to fully correspond to the description, you need to remember to take care of the suspenders, they should also be yellow.

To complete the look, a green tie and matching socks are not enough.

How to make a hat

An indispensable attribute of Dunno's costume is his famous blue hat. Making it yourself is quite simple:

  • the volume of the child’s head is measured + 1 cm is added;
  • margins and height are made arbitrary.

Felt, which holds its shape well, can be used as an ideal material. When sewing a headdress, you need to remember that the edges must be rigid. That’s why it’s worth using a cardboard frame. An unnecessary hat with large brims will also serve as a great base. Here it is enough to sheathe the costume part with blue fabric.

What other options are there?

To sew a Dunno costume, any plain fabric of bright colors is suitable. It is absolutely not necessary to look for a pattern for a shirt and pants; you can sew it according to the model of those things that the child already has.

When sewing the details of a New Year's costume, it is worth considering that the cut should be loose so that all things look a little larger than they actually should be. This method will allow the child to look more like a fairy-tale hero.

As an additional detail, you can purchase a yellow wig, which is exactly the color Dunno had. Or sew pieces of yellow fabric to the bottom of the hat to imitate hair.

So, as you can see from the article, making a Dunno costume with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems.

Dunno is everyone’s favorite character from N. Nosov’s books. Cartoons have been filmed based on the fairy tale, modern comics have been created, etc. This image is used in developmental classes and when writing scripts for children's parties. Many children want to be like this character and ask to make a Dunno costume for them.

The character Dunno is fictional and fabulous.

According to the plot of the book, he is a cheerful boy who does not want to live up to his name and thinks outside the box. He is kind, mischievous and friendly. That is why both boys and girls want to be like him.

There can be many reasons to dress up as Dunno. The main thing is that the child not only puts on the costume, but also understands the character traits of this hero. This is another opportunity to reread the work and discuss it with the whole family. Even a small child will be able to be interested in this wonderful book.

The image of Dunno will be appropriate at any event:

  • New Year's party at or at school.
  • Children's birthday. The costume can be worn by either the birthday boy himself or any of the guests.
  • Any costumed event (for example, a holiday based on fairy tales).
  • Theatrical performance in the school theater.

Character Features

Dunno is the name of the mischievous little guy from the fairy-tale city of Flowers. He has a tiny stature and a large head with a small nose.

  • Bright blue hat.
  • Canary yellow trousers with straps.
  • Orange shirt.
  • Green tie.

One gets the impression of a very contrastingly and flashily dressed hero. It’s simply impossible not to notice this. A child in such a suit will definitely cause a sensation at a children's party and will feel confident.

If you wish, you can slightly change the color palette of the costume, but the brightness and contrast must be preserved!

Shirt and trousers: sew or buy?

Not every child's wardrobe has yellow pants and an orange shirt. If time is running out and you don’t have any sewing skills, you can buy a ready-made shirt or choose from those available. Before buying such a bright item, you should think about whether the child will wear it in everyday life?

You can replace the shirt with a bright red T-shirt. But such a simple approach will not be appropriate at all events. Therefore, it is better to prepare for the event in advance and sew a shirt with your own hands.

Sewing a shirt is not as difficult as it seems. You can find the simplest pattern on the Internet. Then you need to take basic measurements from your child and transfer the pattern to the fabric using a piece of soap or sharpened chalk. Dunno's shirt does not have traditional buttons, so you can make the simplest fastener on the back.

Sewing a children's shirt with your own hands, video:

The pants are made from thick but light fabric (the child will be hot in thick pants indoors). You can choose a long model or shorts. The simplest pattern is transferred to fabric in the same way as for a shirt. It is worth choosing a model with an elastic band - they are easy to sew, and a child of any age will be able to dress himself.

In addition, Dunno trousers must be complemented with straps with large buttons (green or blue). They can play a decorative role or hold the pants themselves on the child.

A version of the Dunno costume for a girl may include a bright yellow skirt. And some little fashionistas may prefer wide shorts or harem pants. Otherwise, the girl's look is no different from the boy's suit.

How to make a hat with your own hands

The Dunno hat is the most difficult to make. Needlewomen distinguish 2 most common options:

  1. Make a headdress from thick paper or cardboard.
  2. Sew a hat from fabric and padding (non-woven or padding polyester).

The easiest way to make Dunno's headdress is from a flat sheet of whatman paper (or thick wallpaper).

First of all, you need to measure the circumference of the child’s head so that the hat fits him. After this, a pattern for the brim of the hat is drawn on whatman paper. It represents two circles. The inner one corresponds to the size of the head, and the outer one corresponds to the outer size of the hat brim.

The top of the hat is a cone. When it is ready, it needs to be attached to the fields using glue. The finished hat can be painted with gouache or covered with satin blue fabric. An accessory covered with textiles looks more solid and festive.

It is appropriate to complement the Dunno hat with a tassel made of thread or corrugated paper. You can also add hair cut out from yellow paper. They are glued to the inside of the fields. With them, the image of a fairy-tale hero will be even more recognizable.

Video on how to make a hat out of cardboard:

DIY Dunno tie

Before you sew or make a tie, you should look for this accessory in your grandfather's chest. During the dude period, green was in fashion. If you don’t have the tie you need, it’s very easy to sew one. 2 identical parts are cut out from bright green fabric. They are then sewn inside out and turned inside out.

In addition to regular fabric, you can use felt, painted Whatman paper or thick cardboard. You can secure the tie around your neck with a hat (thin) elastic band or use a satin ribbon.

You must involve your child in making a paper tie. A child at any age will definitely enjoy coloring whatman paper with bright green gouache. He will treat such an accessory with care, since he participated in its creation. In addition, this is a great opportunity to practice drawing.

It’s not that difficult to make a Dunno costume with your own hands, but the child will definitely feel confident in such a unique image. And joint creativity will help to establish contact and develop a sense of taste in the offspring. In addition, the costumes of heroes from fairy tales allow you to refresh your memories of the works and discuss the character of the characters and their actions.