Lesson summary "History of the New Year's holiday" lesson plan (preparatory group). Lesson summary “How the New Year came to us”

With your own hands

A magical New Year... Its anticipation is the anticipation of a fairy tale, a new stage of life, new beginnings. And both children and adults are susceptible to this wonderful feeling. This extraordinary day is one of the most significant of the year, without exaggeration the biggest holiday. And to truly understand what all this New Year’s fuss is about, all these dressed-up people, lavish tables, sparkling Christmas trees and garlands, it’s worth knowing the history of this holiday. The story of the New Year is especially important for children, who look forward to it with special impatience and are always open to new knowledge. Having learned the history of this celebration, the children will prepare for it with even greater trepidation and wait for that very miracle that we all want to believe in...

Surely, this is also the children’s favorite holiday. After your birthday, of course. But a birthday is a personal holiday for the birthday person, and New Year’s euphoria covers everyone around him and is in the air, which is why this night seems so fabulous.

No one knows the exact date of the beginning of its celebration. In addition to being the most popular, it is also the oldest holiday. And they began to celebrate it even when people noticed that the seasons are changing, after spring comes summer, after summer comes autumn, and so on in a circle. But this cycle must have a beginning!

The ancient inhabitants of Rus' noticed that after a long frosty winter, nature comes to life, is reborn, and decided that this was the beginning of the year, which is why the New Year was originally celebrated on March 1. Later, it began to be celebrated in early autumn - the first of September, when all the main field and garden work was completed. The autumn New Year holiday came to Rus' after the adoption of Christianity.

Each nation has its own traditions, and the ancient Egyptians celebrated the New Year at the time when the Nile flooded, because they always suffered from drought and the flood of the Nile was a real blessing for farmers.

The ancient Celts, one of the ancestors of modern Europeans, celebrated the New Year at the end of October, when all gardening and field work had already been completed, daylight hours were shortening, and nature was freezing, preparing for winter. They believed that on this day the door to the world of spirits opens, and they can enter the world of the living. The Celts believed that spirits were hostile towards the living, so they drove them away from their homes with bonfires and torches. The Celts themselves gathered in groups and organized noisy celebrations - is it true that this tradition is somehow reminiscent of the modern New Year celebration?

It is worth noting that even today the New Year is celebrated in different countries in different ways; not everywhere it is celebrated on the night from the thirty-first to the first.

The final modern date for the celebration was approved by Peter the Great at the beginning of the eighteenth century, namely in 1700.

The fact is that Peter the Great tried to adopt many customs from Europeans, which is why the date for celebrating the New Year came to us from Europe. In addition to the date, he also adopted the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree with balls and garlands. But more on that later.

By his decree, Peter the Great ordered people to gather together and celebrate the beginning of the year, and also to fire cannons. Such shooting became the prototype of modern fireworks, without which not a single major celebration, including New Year's Eve, is complete.

In Europe, the tradition of celebrating the beginning of the year on January 1 was introduced by the ancient Roman ruler Julius Caesar, along with his new calendar, which was later called the Julian.

In Ancient Rome, on this day they revered the two-faced Janus, an ancient Roman deity. People made sacrifices to him, it was customary to start new things - hence our modern tradition of planning new achievements at the beginning of the year.

Two-Faced Janus is so named because he had two faces: one of them looked into the past, and the second into the future, so his image symbolizes the line between two years.

Also, the first month of the year, January, was named after Janus.

But let's return to our ancestors - the Slavs. During the period when they celebrated the beginning of the year in the spring, they also had a winter holiday - Kolyada. They celebrated it not just for one day, but for ten - it started on December 25 and ended on January 6.

The reason for this celebration was the beginning of an increase in daylight hours, because the shortest day of the year on December 21 is the winter solstice, after which the day begins to gradually increase and the night decreases. Apparently, our ancestors determined the time of the New Year by this sign. Such changes in the length of daylight indicated that winter is not eternal, there is not much left until spring, which means nature will begin to come to life again, a new countdown will begin.

Today is December 25th - Christmas in Western countries, and January 6th is Christmastide, after which our Christmas comes, and then the Old New Year. The New Year and Christmas holidays have practically merged into one and the entire period from the end of December to mid-January or even until Epiphany is one big reason for fun, for visiting, giving each other gifts, and congratulating with warm words.

New Year traditions

This is something that is repeated from year to year, bringing a special mood to the holiday, this is that fabulous expectation, because the child knows that a gift is waiting for him under the tree or in his boot - this is tradition.

Each nation has its own, and traditions change over time. In some countries they are quite interesting and unusual for us. For example, many people know the habit of Italians of throwing out everything old and unnecessary on New Year's Eve through the window, including such large items as furniture, so in Italy it is better not to walk under the windows at night) For the Italians themselves, this is a reason to make room in the house for something new.

Among the Italian neighbors, the Spaniards, it is customary to eat 12 grapes at the chime of the clock - one berry for each stroke of the clock. This custom, in their opinion, brings good luck and prosperity for the coming 12 months. The Spaniards first began to eat grapes in a year when there were too many of these berries, but the tradition took root and has existed for more than a hundred years.

There is also an interesting custom in Bulgaria, where after the chimes the lights are turned off and everyone kisses.

The head of a family in Greece goes out into the yard on New Year's Eve and breaks a ripe pomegranate against the wall. It is believed that scattered grains symbolize prosperity and happiness in the previous year, which means that the more there are, the better.

Guests in Greece bring a stone with them as a gift to their hosts. Moreover, the larger and heavier the stone, the better, because it symbolizes the owners’ wallet next year.

Our New Year traditions, although not so exotic, are pleasant and familiar. Even children know that on New Year's Eve it is customary to generously set the table, invite guests, or go to visit friends and relatives themselves. Also on New Year's Eve, people try to pay off all debts, forgive all grievances, in order to enter the next year with a clear soul and conscience.

And everyone associates the New Year with the aroma of tangerines, delicious chocolates, bright garlands and firecrackers - but these are also essentially traditions that are repeated from year to year.

Another pleasant New Year's tradition is decorating the Christmas tree. The whole family takes part in this activity; such activities bring loved ones closer together and create a special atmosphere in the house.

New Year symbols

There are many images and objects that are associated with the main winter holiday, and you can talk about all of them endlessly. In addition, each country and even each family may have its own New Year's symbols. Let's consider only the main ones, but the most important ones: a fluffy decorated Christmas tree and the kind Grandfather Frost with his granddaughter Snegurochka.


It’s hard to imagine winter celebrations without this fragrant tree. Round dances are performed around it, children find gifts under it, and its elegant branches delight the eyes of the whole family.

As already written above, Peter the Great introduced the tradition of decorating a house with coniferous branches, adopting it from the Europeans. They started bringing the Christmas tree into the house much later - already during the Soviet Union.

But in fact, long before the reign of Peter, our ancestors decorated the tree for Christmas. It is this tree that is considered the progenitor of the modern Christmas tree.

There were no shiny balls and garlands back then; initially there were only apples and candles on the Christmas tree. Later, sweets and nuts for children began to be hung on the tree, and then various decorations.

Today, a fragrant Christmas tree or pine tree is increasingly being replaced by an artificial tree, which is to some extent correct, because every year for New Year’s celebrations many trees have to be cut down, which subsequently end up thrown into the trash, although they could decorate the forest for a long time and produce oxygen.

But there is an alternative for those who love nature and do not accept artificial trees - New Year's trees in pots. This pleasure is not cheap, but a festive atmosphere and a familiar pine aroma in the house are guaranteed, while the tree remains alive.

Grandfather Frost with Snow Maiden

Familiar to every child from a very early age. Not a single matinee is complete without them; their arrival is eagerly awaited, because the fairy-tale grandfather and his granddaughter do not come empty-handed - they give the children gifts, sweets, fruits in gratitude for the poem they told or the song they sang.

Historians are still arguing about the origin of the image of Santa Claus; there are several versions, but one thing is certain - this image is fabulous. But that’s not the main thing, the main thing is that he makes the kids happy year after year.

But with the origin of the Snow Maiden, everything is not so complicated. The first time they wrote about her was in a fairy tale play, and they liked this image so much that over time it gained popularity and is relevant to this day.

It is interesting that different countries have their own Santa Clauses and they are called differently, but their essence is the same - this is a kind old man who brings gifts to children.

Here's a little more about the symbols in the video:

New Year and children

Winter holidays are traditionally considered family holidays; they are celebrated with family. It’s also better to prepare for New Year’s fun together. Even if the children are not doing everything right yet and it takes longer to decorate the Christmas tree with the child than usual, and the salad that your daughter helped make is not as elegant and neat as in past years, but the feelings that you gave the children by preparing together are priceless. Thanks to such activities, New Year's traditions are passed down from generation to generation, the main one of which is to gather the whole family under one roof to jointly celebrate the main holiday of the year!

Summary of the educational hour

"New Year's Story"

9th grade of correctional boarding school, 8th type, Bratsk

Teacher of the highest qualification category

Tolstopyatova Galina Lukianovna

Goal: to form an idea of ​​family holidays.


Concretize children's knowledge about the history of the New Year holiday in Russia;

Promote the development of creative potential and communication skills;

Correction of thinking in the exercise of analytical operations;

Foster a desire to create and maintain traditions in the family.

Preliminary work:

Studying material on the history of the reign of Peter 1:

Involving schoolchildren in project activities: selection of material on the following issues:

Who is Santa Claus?

The history of the New Year's song.

Material for the lesson:

Cards - tasks;

Poster with the image of a “young” Santa Claus, an attribute of a beard;

Snowflakes (6-8 sided)

Colored ribbon.

Posters: “Teaching how to play on nerves”; “I'm playing the fool. Inexpensive"; “I’m exchanging an awl for soap”

"I'm throwing dust in my eyes."

Vessel with fortunes.

-Progress of the lesson:

1. Corrective exercise “Holiday Guide”

Assignment: highlight the names of public holidays in red on the card, folk and Orthodox holidays – in green.

List of holidays:

Labour Day; Baptism; Victory Day; Russia Day; New Year; National Unity Day; Nativity; Easter; Tatyana's Day; Defender of the Fatherland Day, International Women's Day; Birthday.


What holidays are considered public holidays?

What status do they have – Orthodox?

Which holiday is called a personal holiday?

Name particularly popular holidays.

2. Introduction to the topic:

Today we’ll talk about everyone’s upcoming favorite holiday (New Year) and the first New Year’s surprise – snowflakes. Choose (snowflakes - 6 and 8 sided) - I suggest taking seats at the tables with the corresponding snowflakes.

Reading of a poem by Andrei Usachev to the music of the popular song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

Is New Year falling from the sky?

Or is it coming from the forest?

Or from a snowdrift

New Year is coming to us?

He probably lived like a snowflake

On some star.

Or was he hiding behind a piece of fluff?

Frost in his beard.

He climbed into the refrigerator to sleep,

Or to a squirrel in a hollow,

Or an old alarm clock

He climbed under the glass...

But there is always a miracle:

The clock strikes 12...

And from nowhere

New Year is coming to us!

3. Work on the topic: “The History of the New Year”


More recently, in 2000, there were two New Years in Russia: one was celebrated in the church way - on March 1, and the second - civil - in September. But on the eve of September 1, 1699, on White Square in Paris, the heralds of Peter 1 announced that the New Year would begin on January 1, 1700. Peter 1 himself introduced traditions: giving children bundles of coins on a red cord for good luck; laugh until you are exhausted; throw old furniture out the window; eat long vermicelli; decorate the Christmas tree, dance in circles. Nicholas 2 himself opened the holiday around midnight: he set fire to a rocket with a torch, giving a signal for the approval of a new custom. The bells began to ring and the cannons began to fire. The gates of the houses were decorated with palm branches. Everyone was ordered to dress in festive torn clothes and beat each other. This is how New York celebrated the January New Year with a palm tree for the first time.

Protection of proposed options.


What does Paris and White Square have to do with it?

What should we talk about?

Where is it customary in the New Year: to laugh until exhaustion; receive bundles of coins on a red cord as a gift; eat long vermicelli; throw old furniture out the window?

What do children traditionally get as gifts in Russia?

How do you dress for New Year?

How do you spend the New Year holiday?

A true story is a snowflake.

4. game “Jump into the New Year”.

I invite 5 people from the team. A ribbon is pulled in front of the players, symbolizing the junction of two years. As soon as I call the number “three,” everyone makes a jump into the New Year, that is, they jump over the ribbon.

New Year is my favorite holiday,

How beautiful - look!

We'll jump together into the New Year,

As I say: one - two - five...

New Year comes at midnight

Look at the clock

How the arrows come together

Let's jump together: one - two - one!

Round dances around the Christmas tree...

Well - ka, Christmas tree, burn!

When he hears: one - two - seven!

We are tired of waiting for a long time,

It's time to say "three".

Whoever jumped, well done!

Those who didn't jump are a cucumber!

result: How many are attentive - so many snowflakes in teams.

5. Exercise “National Santa Claus”

Task: determine the nationality of the proposed New Year's grandfather:

Santa Claus - (The American wears a cap and a red jacket, smokes a pipe, travels through the air on reindeer, enters the house through a pipe. The Australian is the same, only in swimming trunks and on a scooter. Why?)

Pere Noel - (French – walks with a staff and wears a wide-brimmed hat)

Joulupukki - (Finnish,. This name was not given to him in vain: “Youlu” means Christmas, and “Pukki” means goat. Many years ago, Santa Claus of Finland wore a goat skin and delivered gifts on a goat.

St Nicholas - (Belgian, Pole. As the legend says, he gave the family who sheltered him golden apples in a shoe in front of the fireplace. He rides a horse, dressed in a miter and a white bishop’s robe)

Father Frost - (Russian, puts gifts under the Christmas tree)

Result: for every correct answer - a snowflake.

6. exercise “Grandfather lost his beard”

Assignment: there is a picture of a “young” Santa Claus on the board. (without a beard). You need to go up blindfolded and attach the beard to Grandfather.

3 people per team, the winner is a snowflake.

7. Educational historical excursion “Where Santa Claus came from”

There are, as usual, several legends. Our lovers of reading and surfing the Internet have found three versions of such a fairy tale.Listen:

1 student: Once upon a time, a priest named Nicholas lived in Turkey. One day he was walking through the city and met three crying beauties. Sad that they had no money for a dowry and could not get married. The priest was able to find the necessary money by telling the sad story to his rich merchant friends, and gave the girls three bags of gold coins. The girls were happy and the whole city soon learned about such a generous gift. Since then, when someone received an unexpected gift, it was believed that St. Nicholas brought it.

2nd student: Once upon a time there lived a boy, Nikolai, an orphan. His relatives were quite wealthy people, so Nikolai did not know poverty. But he saw how white people lived and really wanted to help them. One day Nikolai collected some food and clothing and left these gifts on the porches of the houses where poor people lived. This went on for quite a long time, but the boy hid it from everyone, so no one knew who was sending these gifts to the poor. True, over time this secret was revealed. St. Nicholas's birthday is December 19, and according to legend, he descends from heaven to earth to give gifts to children.

3rd student: Saint Nicholas threw three purses of gold into the chimney of a bankrupt merchant who, out of hopelessness, was going to sell his three daughters into slavery.

Bottom line: be that as it may, but according to all the legends, St. Nicholas, the modern Father Frost, always cared about the unfortunate and poor, and above all, about children.

8 . We learned so much today. It's time to sum up the story of the New Year.

Quiz "New Year's History". For each correct answer you give away a snowflake. The team with the most snowflakes in the resulting snowdrift will win.

1. -The Tsar issued a Decree,

So that the kids

Celebrate the New Year

Only in January

He probably loved winter

Who is this?...(Peter 1)

2. Before Peter 1, a different calendar was in effect in Rus'. What month did the New Year begin with?(from September 1)

3. Who launched the first rocket in Russia in honor of the New Year holiday?

(Peter 1)

4. In what fairy tale by the famous Soviet writer did Father Frost and the Snow Maiden appear together?(in the fairy tale by A.N. Ostrovsky “The Snow Maiden”)

5. When did people in Russia start decorating their houses with fir branches for the New Year?

(under Peter 1 they began to decorate gates and entrance doors with spruce branches. The Russian Tsar became acquainted with this custom in Europe)

6. Where does the Russian Father Frost live?(in the Vologda region, in the city of Veliky Ustyug)

7. What does the name "Santa Claus" mean?(Santa is a saint, Klaus is a diminutive of “Nicholas”).

8. Once upon a time, at the famous Roman carnivals, it was customary to throw small candies, or rather, candied nuts, at each other. And more than 100 years ago, the owner of a Parisian casino came up with the idea of ​​throwing something other than candy. What is this?(confetti)

9. Name the author of the song “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest.”(Raisa Adamovna Kudasheva (1878 - 1964). In 1903, she published the poem “Christmas Tree.”)

10. How many times a day can you celebrate the New Year in Russia?(11 times: our country has 11 time zones)

Counting snowflakes in snowdrifts.

11. Final round: “Find predictions in a snowdrift”

The collected snowflakes contain notes with predictions (“In the coming year, expect success in the Russian language”; “Don’t use a cheat sheet. The teacher will notice,” etc.)

They will be pulled out one by one:

The one with the most cheerful eyes, the rarest name, the longest braid, the one who has a brother, sister, the largest foot size, the best math scores, the thickest portfolio, etc.

Karaoke “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

Assignment: 3 people per team who depict the events of the song. Allthe others sing it.

New Year is the most favorite holiday of most adults and children, because on the night from December 31 to January 1 (and in most countries the beginning of the year falls on these dates) real miracles happen!

With impatience, excitement and joy, people await the onset of the gala night. Preparations for the holiday begin in advance, and by the end of December the city streets are already sparkling with lights, and every house has a decorated Christmas tree.

A festive atmosphere reigns everywhere: in homes, shops, restaurants.

The pleasant New Year's bustle embraces everyone without exception. People go shopping in search of gifts for their friends and family, choose the most beautiful outfits and think over the menu for the holiday table.

The history of the holiday

The history of the New Year celebration goes back to Mesopotamia, where the tradition of celebrating the spring awakening of nature arose, this happened in the month of March. Even then the fun lasted more than a week. Nobody worked these days, people went to celebrations and fun masquerades.

Later, the custom of celebrating the New Year was adopted by the Greeks, then the Egyptians and Romans.

On what date this holiday fell among the pagans, before the baptism of Rus', is still unknown, but the fact is that the celebration of the New Year coincided with the end of winter.

With the advent of a new calendar associated with the baptism of Rus', the date of March 1 was assigned to the holiday; later it moved to September 1.

In 1699, Tsar Peter I issued a decree to celebrate the New Year on January 1. This was done following the example of all European countries that lived according to the Gregorian calendar.

New Year traditions

Each country has its own New Year's traditions, but there are several holiday customs that are observed by people all over the world.

What is customary to do for the New Year?

  • Get together with the whole family.

Most people strive to celebrate the holiday in a warm, cozy, homely atmosphere. Raise glasses of foaming champagne, make a wish among family and friends, sit at a festive table - these are the things that are valued in all countries of the world!

  • Decorate the house.

It has been customary to create a festive atmosphere in the home since ancient times. Our ancestors used to decorate their homes with all sorts of things! Basically, it was something edible: apples, nuts, potatoes and even eggs. Much later, glass balls, garlands and other decorative elements familiar to us appeared. Today, the choice of New Year's decorations is so large that choosing exactly what will make your home unique and fabulous is not difficult.

  • Give gifts.

Not a single New Year is complete without gifts. It was like this before, people congratulated each other on the end of the old year and the beginning of something absolutely beautiful.

The tradition of giving gifts is certainly one of the most enjoyable!

New Year's signs

“MIR 24” has made a selection of the most unusual New Year’s signs from different countries:

  • In Vietnam, it is commonly believed that the household god goes to heaven on New Year’s Eve on the back of a carp, so people buy live fish in advance for the holiday in order to release it into some body of water at night. Thus, the god who protects the house is provided with transport for the entire next year.
  • Residents of the island of Cyprus turn off the lights in their homes at midnight for a period of time because they believe that darkness will bring them good luck in the new year.
  • Many Italians, at the height of the holiday, throw old things out of the windows, and at that moment they themselves are dressed exclusively in red underwear!
  • The Chinese do not use scissors, knives and other sharp objects on New Year's Eve, so as not to accidentally “cut off” the prosperity and good luck that come to the house along with the holiday.
  • The French consider the wheel to be a symbol of a happy new year, so they often give it as a gift to their friends and family.

Christmas tree

Decorating a Christmas tree for the New Year is customary in many countries. The symbol of the holiday can be not only spruce, but also any coniferous tree (pine, fir, etc.).

The history of this tradition began a very long time ago. Since ancient times, people have believed in the power of the World Tree, which was a symbol of life.

Almost all peoples revered evergreen plants. At first they were dressed up in forests or near houses without cutting them. Later, people began to place trees in their homes; this tradition has still been preserved, but artificial plants are increasingly replacing living plants.

It is customary to decorate the Christmas tree with balls, lights, lanterns, garlands, pine cones, and sweets. Many people stick to a certain color scheme that matches the coming year.

New Year's table

The New Year's table should traditionally be rich, however, what dishes to prepare is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

"MIR 24" chose 5 interesting dishes that decorate

New Year's tables of people from different countries:

  • England, Christmas pudding

Almost every home in England has a sweet dessert made from flour, candied fruits, lemon zest, apples, raisins, nuts and spices on the table. The dish begins to be prepared a month before the celebration! This makes it even more desirable, especially for younger family members.

  • USA, stuffed turkey

They love to cook turkey for various holidays in the United States of America, New Year is no exception. The filling of the bird can be absolutely anything; each family prepares the dish according to its own recipe.

  • Austria and Hungary, strudel

The traditional dessert takes its place of honor on the New Year's table. It is usually served with ice cream and beautifully decorated with nuts, berries and syrup.

  • Japan, mochi cakes

Delicate cakes made from rice dough are not only placed on the festive table on New Year's Day, but are also distributed to friends who come to visit, neighbors and relatives.

  • Germany, pork knuckle

The favorite dish of all Germans is sure to be on the table on New Year's Eve! The shank is usually cooked in beer and served with sauerkraut, potatoes and other side dishes.

Father Frost

The kindest fairy-tale character that all children look forward to is, of course, Santa Claus.

An old man with a long gray beard, arriving on three horses late at night, when everyone is already asleep, quietly enters houses and leaves gifts under the tree.

The history of the appearance of this character goes back to ancient times, when there was still paganism. The almighty god Morozko personified the beauty of winter and was a generous giver of frosts and snowstorms. With the adoption of Christianity, Morozko began to be represented as a negative hero, and only in Soviet times the image of a kind grandfather returned.

For many years now, children have had a tradition of writing letters to Santa Claus, who lives with his granddaughter Snegurochka in the city of Veliky Ustyug, and it is from there that he comes on New Year's Eve with gifts that everyone is looking forward to with such impatience!

New Year films

Nothing inspires people more before the holiday than watching films filled with a fabulous atmosphere and the magic of the New Year.

If you still don’t feel like you’re in the New Year’s mood, take the evening off from work, brew aromatic mulled wine or cocoa, take a warm blanket and choose a movie from our holiday selection. We guarantee that any of them will give you that very feeling of celebration that is so necessary in the last days of the outgoing year.

Favorite New Year's films around the world:

  • "Alone at home"
  • "Miracle on 34th Street"
  • "Merry Christmas"
  • "Sorcerers"
  • "Exchange Vacation"
  • "Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!"
  • "Christmas tale"
  • "Christmas trees"
  • "Carnival Night"
  • "How the Grinch Stole Christmas"

New Year cartoons

Not only children, but also adults love cartoons. And even more so New Year's!

What could be better than getting the whole family together and plunging into a fairy-tale world?

We bring to your attention a list of New Year's cartoons that will fill your home with the atmosphere of the upcoming holiday!

  • "Cold heart"
  • "Snowman Postman"
  • "Winter in Prostokvashino"
  • "Last year's snow fell"
  • "The nightmare before christmas"
  • "Nutcracker"
  • "Penguins from Madagascar in Christmas adventures"
  • "Chrismas story"

New Year's songs

New Year is a noisy and cheerful holiday! Of course, it does not take place without songs, many of which have become so firmly entrenched in our lives that it is difficult to imagine this magical celebration without them.

Here are a few New Year's songs that must be heard on the night from December 31 to January 1 in every home:

  • "Jingle bells"
  • "Happy New Year"
  • "Let it Snow"
  • "Last Christmas"
  • "New Year's"
  • "Song about 5 minutes"

Children's New Year's songs:

  • "If only it weren't winter"
  • "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"
  • “Tell me, Snow Maiden, where you have been”

"New Year's Story"

Summary of educational activities for introducing preschoolers to social reality

Educational field: social and communicative development

Notes prepared by: teacher

Tsytsarkina N. A.

Summary of educational activities for familiarization with social reality in the senior group

Educational area: social and communicative development

Form: direct educational activities

Subject: "New Year's Story"


form ideas about the holidayNew Year,



to form children’s ideas about the celebration of the New Year in our country and other countries, about the symbols, traditions and customs of the holiday;

continue to teach how to solve riddles;


learn to give complete and detailed answers;

develop interest in the New Year holiday;

develop children's play activities.

Materials and equipment:

pictures depicting Christmas tree decorations and items not related to them (for the game“Let’s decorate the Christmas tree for the holiday”), photographs of children at a holiday with their families, photographs depicting the capitals of different countries(England, Germany, France, Japan, Russia).

GCD move

1. Organizational moment.

Educator : Guys, guess my riddle, and when you guess it, you and I will go on an interesting journey.

What kind of holiday is it outside?

Coming in December?

At this time, everyone is suddenly happy,

Kids are waiting for gifts

For a few minutes

Family gathering:

Mothers, grandmothers, relatives.

And holding glasses in my hands,

Counting the strokes of the clock,

Everyone is screaming with joy

They joke, jump, play pranks.

Away from nightmares and bad weather,

Only happiness is expected this night,

This is a holiday without hassle,

This is a holiday -….

( New Year)

Educator : That's right guys, this isNew Year. And whatis New Year?

Educator : New Year is a holiday. It's hard to find a person who wouldn't loveNew Year. Since the early childhoodNewThe year is the most beloved, homely and warm holiday for each of us. Are you all waiting for him? Why are you waiting for this holiday?

Children's answers.

Educator : Now let's listen to the song"He's coming to usNew Year» . (music and lyrics by E. I. Morozova)

Listening to an audio recording

2. Conversation about the advent of the New Year.

Educator : What do you guys think, where did this holiday come to us from?

Children's answers.

Educator : Tradition to celebrateNewyear January 1st appeared in Russia only three hundred years ago. Peter I issued a decree stating thatNewThe year should be celebrated on January 1st.

By order of the Tsar, Muscovites for the first time decorated their houses withNew Year with pine branches, juniper and spruce.

Originally onNewthroughout the year, trees were decorated with candies, cookies, fruits, nuts and even vegetables.

But Father Frost and Snow Maiden did not exist at that time. There was Frost -old man with white beard, who commanded the winter cold. It was this character that became the basis for the birth of the fairy tale about New Year's Santa Claus, who brings gifts.

The traditional Santa Claus costume also did not appear immediately. At first he was depicted wearing a cloak. Santa Claus skillfully cleaned chimneys through which he threw gifts to children. The Snow Maiden also appeared a little later. We first learned about her from a fairy tale"Snow Maiden", but there she was simply sculpted from snow. Everyone remembers the moment in the fairy tale when she jumps over the fire and melts. Everyone loved the character so much that gradually the Snow Maiden became an invariable symbol of New Year's celebrations.

This is how he appearedNew Year, which we are accustomed to meeting since childhood.

Educator : Now guys, let's relax and play a little.

3. Physical education minute « New Year »

Everyone hasNew Year,

And with usNew Year. (They take a step with a stomp and simultaneously clap their hands, turning to the right and to the left.)

Near the Christmas tree there is a green round dance, round dance.

Santa Claus came to us. (They make slight tilts of their heads in different directions, as if telling each other this news.)

He has toys and firecrackers,

And he brought us candy!(They spin around in place, raising their arms and rotating their hands.)

He is kind to us

He is cheerful with us, -(They take a stomping step and clap at the same time)

Near the green Christmas tree

He himself went to dance with us.(We walk in place)

4. Conversation about how to celebrateNewyear in different countries.

Educator : Guys, what do you think, is it everywhere?NewIs the year celebrated the same way?

Children's answers.

Educator : Let's go on a journey with you and find out how they celebrateNewyear in other countries.

The teacher shows a photograph depicting the capital of England - London.

Educator : This is London - the capital of England.

Here onNewEvery year, the English Santa Claus comes to children, he travels on a sleigh pulled by six reindeer.

Children hang a stocking on the edge of their bed, into which a gift should fall through the chimney.

The teacher shows an image of Berlin, the capital of Germany.

Educator : And these guys are Berlin - the capital of Germany.

Father Frost named Vainakhtsman lives here. German Santa Claus likes to appear on a donkey. When he arrives, he holds gifts in one hand and rods in the other. Those who behaved well receive a gift, but those who behaved badly during the year and played a lot of pranks will not receive a gift. Children in Germany, before going to bed, place plates for gifts on tables and windowsills. And they put hay in their own shoes so that Vainakhtsman’s donkey can eat before the long journey.

The teacher shows a photograph depicting Paris, the capital of France.

Educator : And this is Paris - the capital of France.

The French Father Frost's name is Père Noel. Like all Klaus, he began to climb pipes and place gifts on his toes with his own hands. He divides gifts for children into twoparts : he leaves some gifts on New Year’s Eve, and puts more valuable ones in prepared shoes(children hang them in the house in the evening)At Christmas.

The teacher shows a photo of Tokyo, the capital of Japan.

Educator : And this, guys. Tokyo is the capital of Japan.

Japanese Santa Claus's name is Segatsu - san - MisterNew Year.

Girls' favorite New Year's entertainment is playing shuttlecock, and boys fly a kite. Japanese children meetNew Year in new clothes. Adults also prefer to wear something new, as it is believed to bring health and good luck in the new year. On New Year's Eve, children put under their pillow a picture depicting 7 fairy-tale wizards - patrons of happiness.

The teacher shows a photograph depicting Moscow, the capital of Russia.

Educator : You and I have returned home. This is Moscow - the capital of our country Russia.

In RussiaNewThe year always means a decorated Christmas tree, a festive dinner, the chiming clock, the Snow Maiden and, of course, Father Frost, who puts gifts for children under the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve.

What gifts to give to children onnewSanta Claus learns from the letters he receives from children just before the holiday.

Educator : Coming soonNew Year in our country. How do you guys usually celebrate?New Year?

Children talk about how they celebrate the holiday at home.

5. Conversation with children about the New Year tree.

Educator : Guys, who already has a decorated Christmas tree at home?

children's answers.

Educator : Tell me, how can I decorate the Christmas tree? What toys and decorations?

children's answers.

6. Game“Let’s decorate the Christmas tree for the holiday”.

Educator : Tell me, guys, who helps decorate the Christmas tree at home?

Children's answers.

Educator : Well done. Then you and I will now play a game“Let’s decorate the Christmas tree for the holiday”. Children are divided into two teams. In front of them are pictures depicting Christmas tree decorations and objects not related to them (balls, stars, icicles, a fox, a bunny, a stool, a nail, skates, Santa Claus, a Snow Maiden, candy, a hammer, a plate, trousers.)

The children begin decorating the Christmas trees. The winner is the team that not only quickly decorates the Christmas tree, but also correctly. The children sum up the results of the game themselves.

7. Guessing riddles.

Educator : Well done guys, you all did a good job. Now let's see if you are also good at solving riddles? For every correct answer you receive a snowflake.

The teacher asks riddles:

She comes all dressed in white,

She covers it with snow

All the trees and houses

It's called...(winter)

On the trees, on the paths,

on children's boots.

It lies on everyone in winter

Well of course it is...(snow).

All carved, lace -

light fluff

They flew to us from the sky


His children made him out of snow

A nose was made from a carrot

They even gave him a scarf

So that you don’t freeze in severe frost

Who does every child know?

In the yard behind the window stands

Boys' friend and girls' friend

Good plump friend...(snowman)

Name it guys

A month in this riddle:

His days are the shortest of all days,

Of all nights longer than night.

To the fields and meadows

It snowed until spring.

Only our month will pass,

We are meetingNew Year(month of December)

All dressed up in toys

All covered in garlands and firecrackers

Not prickly at all

Well of course it is...(Christmas tree)

We are not afraid to freeze

We dance and sing

We laugh and have fun

And we are waiting for gifts

And around the decorated Christmas tree

We dance in a circle

We are not afraid to freeze

We are meeting …( New Year)

Santa Claus is hurrying to the Christmas tree,

Pulls the sled behind him.

And the bag is heavy on them,

And in the bag they are...(present)

With a bag of gifts, with a beard,

Cheerful look and red nose.

He comes to us in winter

Good grandfather...(Freezing)

One two Three! - The command sounds, -

Come on, Christmas tree, burn!

Lights the lanterns

New Year's...(garland)

Everything you want is on the tree:

There are countless toys there.

Candy, rain and firecrackers,

Garlands, stars and top.

Among the glittering tinsel

Round sparkles...(balls).

With frost, blizzard and snow

The magical winter will come.

And all the rivers and lakes

Will cover slippery thick...(ice)

We fly across the ice like the wind.

There are sparkles of joy in the eyes.

We put on our boots, walkers,

They're called …(skates)

Rolling down a snowy hill

Vadik and Oksanka.

Like the wind they rush

Their new ones...(sled).

We put shoes on their feet

We are quickly moving down the mountain

Why don't I hear the answer?

Well of course it is...(skis)

Clinging to the cornice

Droplets are thrown down

Not a toy, not a whistle,

And transparent...(icicle)

8. Summary.

Educator : What great guys you are, and you are also very good at solving riddles.

Educator : Guys, what interesting things did you learn today? What did you like most?

children's answers.

Educator : Our journey has come to an end. Happy upcoming year everyoneNew Year!

In the afternoon, invite children to watch the presentation “The Story of the New Year.”

The history of the holiday dates back to ancient times. Thus, in Ancient Rome, the start of field work served as a signal for the start of the new year.

The holiday was not always celebrated on January 1st. At various times, Christians around the world celebrated New Year on December 25, March 1, March 25, September 1, and September 23. But in 46 BC, during the reign of Julius Caesar, it was decided to celebrate the holiday on January 1. On this day, local residents made sacrifices to the god Janus and began to conduct important business.

In Kievan Rus, for a long time, the New Year was celebrated in March or on Easter Day, and in 1492, Prince John III decided to celebrate the beginning of the year on September 1. It was on this day that it was customary to pay all kinds of tribute and duties, and every person could come to the Kremlin to, regardless of their social status, seek the truth from the prince.

The last time the New Year was celebrated in the territory of former Rus' was in September 1698. In 1700, Peter I ordered to celebrate the beginning of the year on January 1, in accordance with European traditions. It is this date that has been entrenched in the cultures of Russia and Kazakhstan for the fourth century.

Images and traditions of the New Year

The most important and magical symbol of the New Year (along with the Christmas tree, of course) is Santa Claus. Children and adults are eagerly awaiting it, making cherished wishes and expecting special gifts under the Christmas tree.

In the modern imagination, Santa Claus is a kind fairy-tale character, a bearded grandfather who gives gifts to children. By the way, not in all countries this miracle grandfather is called Santa Claus. See for yourself:

  • in the Netherlands he is called Sinte Klaas;
  • in England and the USA - Santa Claus;
  • in Romania - Mosh Jarile;
  • in Spain - Papa Noel;
  • in Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine and a number of other countries - this is Santa Claus.

According to the most popular version, the prototype for Santa Claus was Treskun, aka Student. In folklore, it was the owner of snowy fields and forests, who was also the spirit of cold. It is interesting that he did not give gifts: on the contrary, it was people who gave him all kinds of offerings.

In Kazakhstan, Father Frost is known as Ayaz-Ata, and his granddaughter is called Akshakar. Since there was no tradition of celebrating the New Year on the night of January 1 in Kazakhstan, Ayaz-Ata is an adaptation of the Soviet Father Frost, although some suggest that his prototype is the legendary Turkic poet and thinker Korkyt-Ata. Ayat-Ata’s outfit is almost the same as that of Father Frost, but his appearance is Kazakh. In recent years, the residence of Ayaz-Ata has been among the top 3 most visited residences of Father Frosts in the CIS.

You may have a logical question: where did the tradition of giving gifts to mark the beginning of the new year come from? It's simple. Residents of German and Dutch settlements were the first to start this custom. The idea of ​​giving gifts was based on the desire to do something nice for each other. Different peoples had different traditional gifts:

  • Celtic-Teutonic Druids gave each other holy mistletoe at the beginning of the year;
  • the ancient Egyptians presented each other with vases of gifts as a sign of the opening of a “good year”;
  • the ancient Persians preferred to give eggs to loved ones as a symbol of procreation;
  • the Romans exchanged products from the garden or branches of their favorite tree;
  • In the 13th century, the English royal retinue gave away their belongings on the occasion of the New Year holidays.

It’s funny, but with the strengthening of Christianity, they wanted to completely eradicate the tradition of exchanging gifts, considering it old, pagan. But the will of the people in this case turned out to be much stronger, because ordinary people continued to secretly give each other gifts. For this reason, the church decided to change the interpretation of this tradition: now the gifts were considered Christmas and were associated with gifts to the newborn Jesus.

In other world religions, over time, they also adapted this good tradition to official norms.

Nowadays, the approach of January 1 on the calendar is a reason to forget about work, education, difficulties, affairs, at least for a while, and plunge headlong into the holiday bustle. The approach of this holiday is a good reason to leave everything bad in the past, forgive grievances and start living anew, with great faith in goodness and happiness.

And most importantly, on this day there is always a reason to give your loved ones warmth and joy, believe in miracles and make cherished wishes during the chiming clock that must come true.

There are hundreds of traditions and dozens of ways to celebrate the New Year. But no matter how many customs there are, they are united by the desire to give each other joy, kindness and do something that symbolizes the beginning of good and bright things. The fun and desire to leave everything bad in the past year is also the same for all cultures and traditions.

New Year in different countries: celebration traditions

Each nation has its own ideas on how to express in action the desire to start over, forgetting about the bad moments of the outgoing year. Here is a list of the most popular traditions in different countries of the world:

  • in Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine, it is customary to celebrate the New Year with a generously laid table, in beautiful clothes and surrounded by loved ones (after all, how you celebrate this holiday is how you will spend it);
  • in the USA, the holiday is celebrated with fireworks, champagne, the sound of sirens, parades and festivals, and the obligatory attributes are an old man, symbolizing the outgoing year, and a baby, symbolizing the coming year;
  • In Italy, on the occasion of the New Year, it is customary to throw old unnecessary things out of windows and put gifts in children’s stockings;
  • residents of Germany celebrate this event at a festive table, with gingerbread cookies, fish dishes, fun and Santa Claus, who appears on a donkey;
  • in Great Britain, this holiday is considered less significant than Christmas, so it is celebrated without gifts, but with New Year's delicacies (the exception is Scotland, where New Year is given special significance);
  • South Africa is considered one of the best countries to celebrate the New Year, because here the holiday is celebrated especially magnificently - with music, fireworks, songs, a luxurious table and colorful processions;
  • in search of a romantic start to the new year, you can go to Venice - here the moment of the change from December 31 to January 1 is celebrated with a kiss, and this action is often of a mass nature, when crowded flash mobs are held in the main squares;
  • residents of Chile are accustomed to an unusual mystical tradition of celebrating the beginning of the year in a cemetery, at the graves of deceased relatives;
  • in Romania they are sure that on New Year’s Eve animals begin to speak human language, therefore in the country it is customary to communicate with our little brothers on New Year’s holidays, going to the barns and pens at midnight;
  • residents of Norway celebrate the holiday more than modestly, with a family dinner and often without gifts, paying more attention to the celebration of Christmas;
  • in Switzerland, on the occasion of a special date, they exchange homemade cookies, organize processions of New Year's Claus, with a family dinner and good stories told near the fireplace;
  • In Australia in January there is real summer heat, and the New Year holidays are celebrated very noisily and cheerfully, very often in clubs, pubs and restaurants.

New Year: hundreds of traditions and one wish

As December 31st approaches on the calendar, you can come up with your own ideas on how to celebrate the holiday this year. Weather, scope, ideas and customs are always optional - just buy a ticket to a specific country or create a holiday according to your own rules at home.

Each type of celebration has its own charm and beauty because every culture is unique. Some people like quiet family feasts, while others prefer lush feasts. Some people like to celebrate the New Year with their closest loved ones, while others prefer to be in a restaurant on New Year's Eve surrounded by a huge number of people. Some people dream of celebrating the holiday with snow and a decorated Christmas tree, while others want to spend New Year's Eve in exotic countries with hot weather.

It's always important to respect other people's traditions and preferences, and learning about the customs of other countries is a great way to broaden your horizons. Besides (who knows?), perhaps you will like the traditions of some people so much that you decide to celebrate New Year's Eve in another country.

Just don’t forget to wish your loved ones health and happiness, make your most cherished wishes and create magic with your own hands and thoughts. In this case, the new year will definitely be kind, emotional, happy and full of new hopes.