Notes on the formation of grammatical categories. Summary of a lesson on the formation of lexical and grammatical categories in the preparatory group for children with disabilities

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Position: speech therapist teacher

Notes on the formation of lexical and grammatical categories:
"Nature is our wealth"
(children of senior preschool age)


— Enrich children’s ideas about the diversity of nature in the Siberian region, about the forest as a community of plants, animals and birds;

— Enrich and systematize children’s ideas about animals, birds and trees (features of appearance, structure, species characteristics);

— Stimulate children’s cognitive interest in the natural world, the ability to make independent conclusions and generalizations;

— Establish connections between natural objects and the conditions of their habitat;

— Continue to cultivate the desire to preserve and protect the natural world;

— Contribute to the improvement of coherent and dialogic speech;

— Develop memory, voluntary attention, speed of reaction, logical thinking, coherent speech;

— Promote team spirit and respect for playing partners;

— Develop the ability to negotiate with each other and help others.

Activating the dictionary:

- names: elk, elk, wolf, fox, lynx, wood grouse, starling, duck, swallow, cedar, birch, aspen, apple tree, names of body parts of animals and birds, structure of cedar;

— characteristics: predatory, herbivorous, migratory, wintering, coniferous, deciduous, Siberian.

Preliminary work:

- observing changes in nature in autumn, reading stories and poems about forest inhabitants, talking about animals, birds and trees of their native land, looking at reproductions of paintings, illustrations on the topic;

— didactic games: “The fourth odd one”, “Logical chain”, “Whose tail?”, “Name me”, “Find the owner” (traces).

Methods and techniques:

— pedagogical situation “letter from Lesovichka”;

— socio-game method;

— ICT: video “Fire in the forest”; multimedia games “The fourth odd one”, “Pick up the pieces”;

— relay game “Rescuers”;

— dynamic exercise “Walk through the autumn forest” using antonyms;

— simulation game “How to behave in nature”;

— game situation “Ecological poster”.

Modeling of subject-spatial environment: multimedia installation, presentations “Autumn Sketches”, “Animals and Plants of the Baikal Region”, video “Fire in the Forest”, an envelope with a letter from Lesovich, medals for dividing into companies (color) according to the number of children, cut and whole pictures (elk, capercaillie , cedar), diagrams for the game “Pick up the parts”, simple pencils according to the number of children, subject pictures (animals, birds, insects, plants, mushrooms, dishes, toys), a hoop, 3 landmarks, plot pictures “How to behave in nature” , 3 sheets of A 4 format, cards with environmental symbols, glue, napkins, 3 children's tables, chairs according to the number of children, musical accompaniment.

Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a circle.

Presenter: Hello, guys, I’m very glad to see you all. Tell me, what time of year is it now? (Autumn)

V.: Let's listen to poems about autumn that were written by fraternal poets. Slide presentation “Autumn Sketches”.

The presenter reads the letter.

“Guys, I need to remind people how to behave in nature. Help me please make posters. You’ll find out who you’ll be making posters about by looking at the pictures. Wish you luck!"

V.: Shall we help the Siberian? (children's answers). The Siberian sent more medals that will help us complete this task. Each of you take one medal and wear it. Let's sit down in the autumn meadow and look at the screen, where we will learn about who and what we will make posters about.

Presentation “Animals and plants of the Baikal region”

Game using ICT: “The Fourth Wheel”

Q: Let’s list which ones? (Apple tree, aspen, cedar, birch)

Q: Which tree do you think is the odd one out? (Cedar) Why is cedar superfluous? Answer options for several children (Because all trees are deciduous, and cedar is a conifer).

Q: Let's look at the next slide. Who is this? (slide 4)

(Birds). Name the birds depicted? (Caercaillie, starling, duck, swallow).

Why is the capercaillie superfluous? (Because all are migratory, and the capercaillie spends the winter here and does not fly to warmer climes).

Why is the elk extra? (Because it is a herbivore, and the rest are carnivorous).

V.: Look at your medals and find your place at the table by the color of the circle on your medals. We have three teams, now we need to choose a captain for each team.

Game "Cut pictures"

V.: Captains, come to me and take the envelopes. The envelopes contain a cut-out picture. Your task is to find out who you will make the poster about.

Checking the task. Who will your team prepare a poster about?

V.: Our posters will be about cedar, wood grouse and elk. Where can we meet and see them all? (In the forest).

V.: I suggest you go to the autumn forest. To do this, let's stand in a circle. And so that we don’t get bored along the way, we’ll play game "Far and Close"

I invite everyone to go for a walk in the autumn forest

Guys, we can't find a more interesting adventure.

Stand next to each other, hold hands tightly.

I see a cedar far away. And you?

And we see it close.

A capercaillie sits high up. And you?

And we see low.

I see a big moose, and you?

And we see a small elk calf.

I see the cedar trunk is thin, and you?

And we see a thick cedar trunk.

I think it’s warm for elk in the forest, what about you?

And we think that the elk are cold in the forest.

I hear the capercaillie chattering quietly, and you?

And we hear the capercaillie vocalizing loudly.

V.: Let's sit down at the tables and look at the next task.

Q: Captains will receive a task on a piece of paper. Your task is to look carefully at the picture and use a simple pencil to circle only what matches your character.

V.: The cedar team performs a task about the cedar, the wood grouse team does the wood grouse, and the moose team does the moose.

Slide 10 Slide 11


Relay game "Rescuers"

V.: Oh, guys, what trouble happened in the forest? (Fire)

We need to save all living beings. Shall we save? Teams line up behind their captains. At the other end of the hall there is a hoop in which there are pictures. You will have to run to the hoop and take the picture that needs to be saved. While the music is playing, you need to save the inhabitants of the forest.

V.: Let's check who you saved, who was saved by the wood grouse team, who by the cedar team, who by the elk. You must answer like this, in a complete sentence: I saved.....

V.: Guys, we saved the forest inhabitants from the fire.

Simulation game “How to behave in nature”

V.: Sit on the mat in teams, forming three circles. What causes a fire in the forest? What other human actions can threaten nature? I suggest we play and tell each other riddles. But the riddles are not simple, we will show you real pictures. To do this, we will complete the following task, team captains go out and take the envelope. The envelope contains a story picture from the series “How to behave in nature”; each team quietly discusses who will show what. When everyone is ready, one team comes out and shows their plot, the rest guess.

The presenter summarizes.

V.: I think you will now take care of nature.

Game situation “Ecological poster”

V.: Guys, it’s time for us to start making the posters that Lesovichok asked for. Sit down at the tables. You have leaves and signs. Your task is to select only those signs that depict symbols that pose a threat to your hero and stick them on your piece of paper. You who threaten the trees, you the birds, you the animals. The signs need to be crossed out that this cannot be done.

Speech by captains to protect posters.

V.: Oh, what great fellows you are! I will send your posters by mail to Lesovich. I think that Lesovichok will be very grateful to you for your help. I also hope that you yourself will follow the rules of conduct in the forest and not break them.


  1. Childhood: Program for the development and education of children in kindergarten/V. I. Loginova, T. I. Babaeva, N. A. Notkina and others. St. Petersburg: Childhood - Press, 2010.
  2. Skorolupova O. A. Classes with children of senior preschool age on the topics: “Domestic animals and “Wild animals of central Russia.” – M.: “Publishing house Scriptorium 2003”, 2005.
  3. Bukatov V. M. Shishel-myshel, took it and left. A teacher’s handbook on social gaming technologies in senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten with methodological explanations... - St. Petersburg: Educational Projects, 2008. - 144 p.
  4. Gorbunova V. A., Misharina L. A. Indicative regional program of knowledge about plants. – Irkutsk, 2002.

Internet resources

Nomination: summary of a speech therapy lesson on the formation of coherent speech for children 5-7 years old

Position: speech therapist teacher
Place of work: MBDOU "DSKV No. 37"
Location: Irkutsk region, Bratsk city

Anzhelika Agapova
Synopsis of a frontal speech therapy lesson on the formation of lexical and grammatical categories for children with ODD

Summary of a frontal speech therapy lesson on the formation of lexical and grammatical categories for children with special needs in the correctional group for mental retardation

Subject: “Visiting grandma in the village”.

Program content:

Correctional educational:

Clarify and expand vocabulary on the topic "Vegetables";

Teach the formation of relative adjectives;

Continue teaching the formation of nouns with diminutives - endearing suffixes;

Strengthen the skill of forming nouns in the plural

Corrective and developmental goals:

Develop articulatory, fine and gross motor skills, communication skills, and mental processes.

Correctional and educational goals:

Cultivate friendly relationships and a desire to help elders.

Methods: verbal, visual, practical.

Equipment: path, granny toy, house, trees, whatman paper with a picture of a vegetable garden, bench, mirrors, pictures of vegetables, d/i "One is many", “What juice, salad”.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment. Greetings

I see a wide circle

These are all my friends.

We'll go right now

And then let's go left.

Let's gather in the center of the circle,

And we will all return to our place.

Let's smile, wink,

And let's go visit grandma.

Speech therapist: Guys, I invite you to go visit your grandmother. We will go straight along the path to the village.

We will sit on a bench and listen to our grandmother's fairy tale.

1. Articulation gymnastics.

Speech therapist: Once upon a time there lived grandfather and grandmother. Their grandchildren came to visit them, they are fat (we puff out our cheeks, With them the thin ones are just skin and bones (suck in our cheeks).

Grandparents smiled at everyone (lips in a wide smile, upper and lower teeth visible,

Grandmother baked pancakes for her grandchildren (tongue spread out on lower lip)

We chew the pancake, wrap it up and bite it (we chew the spread out tongue, then bite it, wrapping it behind the lower teeth,

Pancake with delicious raspberry jam (we lick the upper lip with a wide tongue from front to back).

We will put the cups so that the tea can be poured (we bend the wide tongue upward into a cup,

We drank tea - no one was offended ( "cup" moves back and forth).

Breakfast was delicious - we'll lick our lips (the tip of the tongue licks the lips in a circle).

Grandfather made a swing for his grandchildren (a wide tongue is placed alternately behind the upper and lower teeth,

We all managed to swing on them.

Grandfather deftly gallops on a horse (we click our tongue,

Here the horse slows down in small steps (slow clicking with tension on the hyoid ligament,

3. Development of mental processes (thinking, memory)

Speech therapist: Our grandmother is harvesting in the garden. Which one will you find out by guessing? puzzles:

I am long and green, I am tasty when salted,

Delicious and raw. Who am I? (Cucumber)

Makes everyone around you cry

Although he is not a fighter, eh. (Onion)

Small and bitter, Luke's brother. (Garlic)

Round side, yellow side,

A bun is sitting in a garden bed.

Rooted firmly into the ground.

What is this? (Turnip)

The bush grew green and thick in the garden bed.

Dig a little: under a bush. (potato)

Beautiful maiden

Sitting in prison

And the braid is on the street. (Carrot)

How I put on a hundred shirts,

It crunched on my teeth. (Cabbage)

4. Development of fine motor skills finger play "Cabbage"

We chop and chop cabbage (cut with palms)

We are three, three, cabbage (fists rub each other)

We salt the cabbage, salt it (salt with a pinch)

We mash the cabbage, we mash it (we clench and unclench our fingers)

Put it in a jar and try it.

Speech therapist: Guys, what kind of harvest did grandma harvest?

Children: Vegetable harvest.

Speech therapist: Grandmother takes care of the garden and calls her fruits affectionately. Let's help her name the vegetables affectionately.

5. Game "Call me kindly" (with a ball).Formation of nouns with diminutive – endearing suffixes.

Speech therapist: - I will throw you a ball and name a vegetable, you you will call this vegetable affectionately and throw the ball back to me.

Tomato - tomato; carrots

Cucumber - cucumber; pumpkin - pumpkin;

Onion - onion; beets - beets;

Garlic – garlic; cabbage – cabbage;

Peas - peas; potato - potato.

Well done, take your seats. Let's continue playing.

6. Game "One is many" Formation of plural nouns. numbers

Speech therapist: Guys, I have one vegetable, but there are many in the garden.

I have one tomato, and in the garden... a tomato

I have one cucumber, but there are many...cucumbers in the garden

I have one carrot, but there are many...carrots in the garden

I have one zucchini, but there are many...zucchini in the garden

I have only cabbage, but there are a lot of cabbages in the garden

Speech therapist: Well done guys, now it’s time to help grandma harvest vegetables

7. Speech with movement "Harvest".

Let's go to the garden and collect the harvest. Marching.

We'll drag carrots "Drag".

And we'll dig up some potatoes. "Dig".

We'll cut a head of cabbage, "Cutting off".

Round, juicy,

Very tasty. Show the circle with your hands 3 times.

Let's pick a little sorrel "Tearing".

And let's go back along the path. Marching.

Well done, and grandma prepared juice, salad and vegetable soup.

8. Game “What juice, salad”. Formation of relative adjectives.

Speech therapist: – Now I will name the vegetable. And you will answer, what kind of juice, soup, salad can be prepared from it.

Carrot juice - carrot Pea soup - pea

Cabbage juice - cabbage Potato soup - potato

Beetroot juice

Cucumber salad - cucumber

Guys, grandma has prepared coloring pages for you with pictures of vegetables.

Speech therapist: It's time to go back to kindergarten. We will go along the path to the kindergarten.

Speech therapist: Did you guys like our trip?

Children: Yes, it was interesting

Speech therapist: Who were we visiting?

Children: Visiting my grandmother, in the village.

Speech therapist: What vegetables grew in your grandmother’s garden?

Children: Cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, onions, turnips.

Speech therapist: How to call it in one word, what is all this?

Children: Vegetables

Speech therapist: You did a great job, you helped your grandmother harvest vegetables.

Publications on the topic:

Recommendations for parents on the formation of lexical and grammatical categories and the development of coherent speech in students Topic “Dishes” Task 1. Parents are recommended to: review the dishes with their child - kitchen, tea, dining room; secure with.

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Image library:

Synopsis of a frontal speech therapy lesson on the formation of lexical and grammatical categories in children of the older group with general underdevelopment of level 3.

Nesterenko Irina Anatolevna, teacher - speech therapist of KGOKU "Kamchatka boarding school for students with disabilities"

Target: formation of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech based on the lexical topic “Furniture”.



Update and activate the subject dictionary on the topic “Furniture”;

To consolidate knowledge about objects related to furniture (names, individual parts) and the generalizing word “furniture” itself;

Improve the grammatical structure of speech: consolidate prepositional - case constructions; fix the endings of singular and plural genitive nouns; form nouns with diminutive suffixes; form adjectives from nouns; agree numerals with nouns.

Corrective and developmental:

Develop fine motor skills;

Develop phonemic awareness;

Develop visual and auditory perception, attention, thinking, memory;

Develop coherent speech.


Develop the ability to listen to your own speech and the speech of others;

Cultivate interest in classes and a positive emotional response to classes.

Vocabulary material:

active: - subject - furniture, table, chair, sofa, armchair, wardrobe, bed, legs, back, seat, lid, doors, handles, armrests;

-signs - furniture, desk, dining, kitchen, wardrobe, book, wall, wooden, glass;

-verbal - sit, lie down, sleep;

passive: wardrobe

Preliminary work:

Excursion to a furniture store.

Equipment: subject pictures for performing self-massage of the face; object pictures depicting furniture, doll furniture; toy - sun; typesetting cloth; lotto; ball; room layout.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment. Self-massage of the face.

Speech therapist: “The sun came to visit us and wants to play with you.” On a typesetting canvas, the speech therapist displays pictures of the sun with different movements, accompanied by text, the children perform certain movements in accordance with it.

“- The sun woke up, touched my forehead, stroked and stroked my rays. - The sun woke up, touched my cheeks, stroked and stroked my rays.

The sun woke up, touched my chin, stroked and stroked my chin.

The sun woke up, touched his nose, stroked and stroked his rays.”

Speech therapist: “Sunny liked the way you played with him. It smiles. And you will smile at each other."

2. Main part.

A) Game "Fourth wheel".

The speech therapist invites the children to carefully examine the cards that are in front of each child, name the extra object and explain why it is extra.

The cards show:

Apple, pear, banana, table. Dog, cat, horse, chair.

Dress, skirt, trousers, sofa. Cabbage, carrots, onions, chair.

Cow, pig, horse, bed.

The speech therapist asks you to remember and name the items that turned out to be superfluous.

Speech therapist: “How can you call all these objects in one word? (Furniture) Today we will talk about furniture."

b) Game “Magic Bag”.

Speech therapist: “Our sunshine brought a “Magic” bag containing doll furniture. Each of you must, without looking into it, by touch, find and get that piece of furniture that was superfluous on his card.”

Speech therapist: “Lena, name your subject.” (This is a chair). What does a chair have? (A chair has: a back, a seat, legs.) What is a chair for? (A chair is needed to sit).

(The rest of the children should answer in the same complete sentences when talking about their subject).

c) Lotto game “What is made of what?”

Children are given lotto cards with pictures of pieces of furniture. The speech therapist names the object and the material from which it is made. For example: “Glass table.” Children look for the image on the cards. The one who has this item on the card must name the combination of adjective and noun, i.e. answer the question “Which one?” Children's answers: “Glass table, wooden cabinet, leather sofa, iron chair, etc.”

d) Dynamic pause.“Call me kindly” (with a ball).

I have a closet, what about you? (Cabinet.) I have a chair, what about you? (High chair.)

I have a sofa, what about you? (Sofa.) I have a chair, what about you? (Armchair.)

I have a table, what about you? (Table.), etc.

d) Game “What types of tables and cabinets are there?”

Speech therapist: “What is the name of the table at which they write, which one? (Writing.) What is the name of the table where people dine? (Dining.) What is the name of the table on which magazines and newspapers lie? (Magazine.) What is the name of the table on which food is prepared? (Kitchen.) What is the name of the closet in which clothes are stored? (Closet.) What is the name of the cabinet in which books are stored? (Book.) What is the name of the cabinet that hangs on the wall? (Hinged.)

f) Game “Two and Five”.

Speech therapist: “Sunny wants to play with you some more.” Hands out cards to children with pictures of two and five pieces of furniture: two chairs, five chairs; two sofas, five sofas (tables, beds, armchairs). Then he names the object. Children find its image on the card, determine the number of objects, and name the combination of a numeral and a noun.

g) Game “Let’s arrange the furniture beautifully in our room.”

The speech therapist places a picture depicting a room on a typesetting canvas. Asks questions about the location of various pieces of furniture in it and asks children to use the words in their answers: right, left, front, behind, between. Children then arrange the toy furniture on the model in the same way as in the image. At the same time, they comment on their actions: “I’ll put a chair to the left of the table,” etc.

3. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist: “What did we talk about today? What new did you learn? What did you like most? Say goodbye to the sun, it will definitely come visit us again.”

Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the formation of lexical and grammatical aspects of speech in the preparatory group for children with speech disorders
Topic: "Pets"

speech therapist MBDOU No. 148 Bakhtina E.G. G. Ulyanovsk


Strengthen children's ideas about pets;

Give children an idea of ​​where pets live, what benefits they bring to humans, what they eat, who makes what sounds and how to care for them.

Correctional and developmental:

Develop word formation skills;

Correct and develop children’s coherent speech;

Replenish children's active and passive vocabulary.


Develop a love for pets and a desire to care for them.


Pets (pictures, dummies, cut-out pictures)

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

2. Updating and testing children’s knowledge on the topic “Pets”.

Guests came to us, guess who they are?

1. Moo-moo-moo!

Milk to whom (cow)

2. Soft paws,

There are scratches on the paws. (cat)

3. You stroke and caress,

Tease and bite. (dog)

4. Who has a tail and mane (horse)

5. It gives us milk, although it is not a cow,

She is fidgety and fidgety...

What do we call it? (goat)

6. Thick, clumsy,

Loves dirt and loves puddles,

Loves to sleep and loves to grunt,

Squish with Piglet in the mud?

7. The animal lives with people.

He is cut twice a year.

Gives us wool so that we can dress,

Wearing woolen clothes kept us warm.

She grazes in a flock in a meadow.

What is that animal's name?


(The answers are put on a magnetic board)

3. Studying new material.

a) Work on speech material.

Q: -Can you guess who our guest is?

Q: How can they be called in one word?

Children: Pets.

Q: Pets live next to humans and bring great benefits. The cow gives us milk, kefir, butter, sour cream, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk. The goat gives us milk and wool. The sheep gives us wool from which we spin threads. Threads are used to knit socks, mittens, sweaters and make woolen fabrics. Horses help people transport goods. The dog guards the house, the cat catches mice. A person feeds and cares for animals, builds a home for them.

b) Game “Who lives where? »

On a magnetic board there are images of the houses of various animals, pictures with images of animals. We select a house for each animal. Children take turns going to the board, selecting a house for the animal, placing it in front of the animal and saying:

The cow lives in a barn.

The dog lives in a booth.

The cat lives in the house.

Sheep and goats live in a barn.

The horse lives in a stable.


“Clock-clack-clack! "-the horse is galloping,

“Clock-clack-clack” - beats with a hoof.

“Clock-clack-clack” - he drags the cart,

We are being transported on a cart. Children gallop like horses in place.

They stop and hit the floor with their toes.

They jump in place again.

They squat down and stand up.

4. Consolidation of the studied material

a) Tell us what benefits pets bring.

Q: The dog guards the house.

D: - The cat catches ... (mice)

D: -The goat gives... (milk and wool)

D: -A sheep gives….(wool and meat)

D: -The horse helps to transport….(loads)

D: - The cow gives…. (milk)

D: - The pig gives... (meat)

B: - The cow moos - “moo-oo”

D: Pig... (grunts - “oink-oink”)

D: -Dog... (barks - “woof-woof”)

D: -Cat (meows - “meow-meow”)

D: -Goat... (meh-meh-meh)

D: - Sheep... (bleats - “ba-e-e”)

D: -Horse... (laughs - "yoke-go-go")

c) Game “Who eats what”

Q:-Carnivorous pets eat meat, fish, bones, sour cream, milk, porridge, etc. Cats and dogs are classified as carnivorous animals.

D: The dog eats... (porridge, meat, bones)

D: - The cat eats... (fish, milk, meat, mice, sour cream)

Q: - Herbivores eat grass and hay.

D: The cow eats... (grass, hay)

D: -The horse eats….(grass and hay)

D: - The goat loves ... (cabbage, grass)

D: - The sheep loves ... (grass, hay)

d) Development of fine motor skills (work in the notebook on page 5)

Q: -What do you see in the picture?

D: -Milk, a saucer and a bone.

Q: - Which pet do you think this treat is prepared for?

D: -Milk is for a cat, and a bone is for a dog.

Q: Trace around a bone, a box of milk and a saucer with a simple pencil, and then color the mug and circles on the box the way you want,

Physical exercise "Cat"

That's what a cat is like, (they walk at a cat's pace)

Round face, (stroking face)

And on each paw (represent claws)

Claws scratch.

All his toys - (jumping in place)

Cube and reel.

A cat is like a ball (jumping in place)

Jumps around the apartment. (O. Vysotskaya)

e) Development of coherent oral speech skills.

The teacher reads the story “Animal Dispute.”

Questions to the text:

Who started arguing?

What were the pets arguing about?

What did the horse say?

What did the cow say?

What did the dog say?

What did the sheep say?

What did the man say? Children's answers are supported by reading the corresponding phrase.

f) Psycho-speech gymnastics “Hide the syllables in your hands”

Children clap out the syllabic structures of words: ko-ro-va, horse-horse, ko-za, so-ba-ka, cat-ka, sheep-tsa, etc.

g) Compiling pets from cut-out pictures.

Collect a pet, name it, make suggestions according to the plan.

What body parts does it have?

Domestic or wild animal?

What is the name of his house?

What does it eat?

What benefits does it bring?

5. Summing up.

What topic did you study in class?

Why were they called "pets"?

What pets do you know?

What benefits do they bring to humans?

Summary of a subgroup lesson on the formation of lexical and grammatical categories on the topic: “Relative adjectives.”

Novokuznetsk 2015

Summary of a subgroup lesson on the formation of lexical and grammatical categories for children with speech impairment.

Topic: “Relative adjectives”

(Senior group.)



Correctional and educational:

    teach children to name the signs of the seasons;

    learn to form relative adjectives and select nouns for them.

Correctional and developmental:

    develop in children the ability to notice inaccuracies in a spring picture and highlight them;

    develop thinking and coherent speech;

    consolidate the skill of using prepositions in speechwithout;

    to train children in the formation of plural nouns in the nominative and genitive cases.

Correctional and educational:

-to cultivate in children an interest in the changes that occur in nature and the surrounding reality in the spring.

Methods and techniques: riddle, visual methods (illustrations), verbal methods (conversation, story, questions), game exercises.

Equipment: subject pictures depicting thawed patches, puddles, streams, flowering trees, thunderstorms, melting icicles (drops), bright sun, cockchafers; plot paintings on the theme “Spring” and “What did the artist mix up?”

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

The sun is shining brighter. A warm wind is blowing.

Birds have arrived from the south.

Drops are dripping loudly.

Winter is over.

She came to us again...(Spring.)

M. Kartushina

The speech therapist shows the children the plot picture “Spring”. There are some inaccuracies in the picture (in addition to spring signs, signs of other seasons are drawn). The game “What did the artist mix up?” is played. After this, the children sit down in their places.

2. Announcement of the topic.

Speech therapist: Guys! Finally, the long-awaited spring has come to us. Today we will celebrate her birth. How is spring different from other seasons? Listen carefully.

3. Introductory conversation.


In spring, the sun appears more often and is warmer. Under the rays of the sun, thawed patches appear in the snow. The sky in spring is blue, high, and clear. The clouds in the sky are light, fluffy, feathery - like feathers.

Trees wake up in spring. Buds and leaves appear on them. The buds are green, sticky, odorous. The ground thaws in the spring. It is loose, warm, soft. The grass in spring is young, light green, silky. Birds arrive in spring. They chirp, chirp, build nests, and look for food.

Animals wake up in spring. They jump, run, look for food. Some animals change the old one

a new winter coat. The nightingale whistles and clicks in the bushes. Frogs croak in the puddles, cockchafers buzz between the branches, butterflies flutter from flower to flower, and the cuckoo crows. People put on spring clothes. Everyone is happy about spring.

4. Development of lexical and grammatical categories.

Speech therapist: You listened carefully to my story, and now try to say what spring cannot exist without. To do this, use the pictures that are in front of you.

Children: Spring cannot exist without bright sunshine.

Spring cannot exist without puddles.

Spring cannot exist without streams.

Spring cannot exist without a thunderstorm.

Spring cannot exist without chafers.

Spring cannot exist without thawed patches.

Spring cannot exist without a drop.

Spring cannot exist without snowdrops. Etc.

Game "Form a new word." Selection of nouns for adjectives and their gender agreement.

Spring(what could be spring?) - spring rain, spring sun, spring rainbow. March(what could be March?) - March day, March thaw, March holiday, March puddles. April - April flowers, April sun.

May - May holidays, May bug, May thunderstorm, May sun.

Rain - rainy day, rainy sky,beforerainy weather. ;

Thunderstorm - stormy sky, thundercloud.

Sun - sun rays, sunbeam | sunny sky, sunny meadow.

Physical education lesson “Colors of Spring” . Performing movements according to the text of the poem.

Again there is no rest for the streams - Day and night they gurgle in the bushes.

They run in circles after each other.

The golden sun is walking

In pure, pure skies.

They walk calmly one after another.

Sheds rays on the forest and meadow

They squat and stand up.

And all the flowers around.

B. Asanalis

"Flower" above your head.

Speech therapist: A Now let's see what happens a lot in the spring.(Based on pictures.)

Game "One - Many". Agreement between numerals and nouns. One what?(Puddle.) If there are several, how will we talk about them?(Puddles.) And a lot of things?(Luzh.) Stream - streams - streams. Tree - trees - trees. Cloud - cloud - cloud. Thawed patches - thawed patches - thawed patches. Icicle - icicles - icicles. Lawn - lawns - lawns. Kidney - kidneys - kidneys. Thunderstorm - thunderstorms - thunderstorms. Etc.

Speech therapist: This morning a message from spring came to our kindergarten. But the message is encryptedANDyou and I need to decipher it.

Game "Make a story." Word agreement

among themselves, making proposals.

It's warming, the sun is brighter.

Outside the window, the snow is melting.

The sun, the icicles, are melting.

Dripping, window, ringing, behind.

On the trees, buds appear.

Children, together with a speech therapist, combine sentences into a story and several children retell it.

5. Summary of the lesson. Speech therapist: Whose birthday are we celebrating today? What happens only in spring? Why do you think people are so happy about spring?