Competitions for Customs Day. Scenario of a festive evening for Customs Day (October 25)


Festive evening for Customs Day.

Characters: Guy, customs officer; Mytchik, customs officer; A man with a beard, a traveler; A man stuck to a convoy; Team members – 3 people; LEADING

Russian folk music sounds. Several people in shirts, zipuns, and bast shoes appear on the stage.

A man with a beard (looks around). Here she is, mytnitsa. Hey, is anyone alive? (Addresses those accompanying.) It looks like a dirty hut...

A guy comes in wearing an untucked shirt.

A man with a beard. Call Mytchik! We have no time!

Mytchik appears, a man in a caftan.

Mytchik (sternly). Where, Orthodox Christians, did God bring you from?
A man with a beard. We are from Vologda...
Boy. Who are you called? Where are you going?
A man with a beard. Kuzma Rustle is now the name of the character. I am sending my carts to Byzantium. Three - with soft junk - fox, beaver, and one loaded with honey. And these three are with me.
Mytchik (points to the fifth). Who is this?
A man with a beard. And this one came close to us.
Man (makes excuses). Now there are a lot of villains roaming the roads, and it’s safer this way...
Mytchik. Who himself?
Man. Yes, I’m from Tver, I’m called Malom, and I’m wandering there.
Mytchik (to Kuzma). Are there four carts? Pay two money from the cart and one money from each cart from your companions. And you (addressing the man) will be punished.
A man with a beard. And we have a certificate. (Holds it out.)
Mytchik (dissatisfied). Who wrote it? (Without unfolding, he hands it to the guy.)
A man with a beard. Our prince, Vasily light Dmitrievich...
Guy (reading). “And where will the Dvinians go to trade, otherwise they do not need tamga, nor washing, nor bones, nor living room, nor appearance, nor any other duties in my entire fatherland in the great reign.”
Mytchik. Okay, drive on... But look, Kuzma, don’t go on the wrong side on the way back, otherwise no amount of reading and writing will save you from the commandment...

They go in different directions, music sounds, and the Presenters appear on stage.

Presenter 1. This is how it all began several centuries ago.
Presenter 2. Such unfamiliar words: myto, bridging, bones - more and more others are being heard: customs duties, declarations, regimes...
Presenter 1. But by pronouncing these terms, we are only demonstrating our erudition. And today in the hall are gathered those who deal with their contents every day.
Presenter 2. After all, in our hall there are specialists who met to celebrate their professional holiday together - Customs Day!

Presenter 1. The attitude towards people in the green customs uniform is ambiguous: they are respected and hated, feared and fawned over. There is even a joke: why do customs officers love each other so much? Because no one loves them anymore.
Presenter 2. But those who choose the customs service understand perfectly well where they are going. Wearing a customs officer's uniform is not only honorable, but also very difficult, despite the fact that the customs department is a federal government agency that represents and protects the interests of the state.
Presenter 1. And it all started small. 10 years ago, in December, a customs post with a staff of 5 units was established in the city. The post carried out cargo inspection and customs clearance separately for the following luggage of citizens traveling for permanent residence abroad, and was located in one office. A year later, the customs post was transformed into a customs office and its staffing level was established at 24 units.
Presenter 2. Meet those who stood at the origins of customs! (Names last names, first names, patronymics.)

Customs workers who have worked since the first day of its foundation rise to the stage to applause; they are presented with flowers, letters of gratitude, and gifts.

Presenter 1. Currently, the customs office employs highly professional specialists who are capable of successfully solving assigned tasks. Among our employees, 85% of specialists have higher education, 19 people study in absentia at universities, and five receive a second higher education.
Presenter 2. The average age of employees is 35 years, so we can talk about a youth team.
Presenter 1. And this year, certified specialists who studied in the specialty “customs business” came to work at customs. We invite young professionals to the stage.

Music sounds, young customs officers rise to the stage. They are presented with flowers, parting words are spoken by those who stood at the origins of customs. Everyone descends into the hall to applause.

Presenter 2. Our customs today is 20 departments, 1 division, 1 detachment, 3 separate customs posts, an extensive network of customs clearance points; This is a zone of responsibility of 400 kilometers of the customs border.
Presenter 1. The main value of customs is its team, which consists of highly professional, competent customs specialists combined with young, promising ones. For you...

A concert number is being performed.

Presenter 2. The majority of the population associates a customs officer with a checkpoint at the border.
Presenter 1. But our customs service is not an outpost with a tower, but (reads) a multifunctional, technically equipped, staffed with highly qualified personnel, which is quite capable of regulating foreign economic activity and protecting the economic security of Russia.
Presenter 2. Today it is impossible to imagine our life without customs.
Presenter 1. And we invite to the stage the Major General of the Customs Service, the Head of Customs (last name, first name, patronymic).

Words of congratulations sound.

Presenter 2. And now - the most solemn moment of our holiday.

Fanfare sounds. The head of customs awards the employees with the badge “Excellence in the Customs Service of the Russian Federation”, flowers and gifts are presented.

Presenter 1. For those whose contribution to the protection of Russia’s economic interests today has received a worthy assessment, and for all of you, this song sounds.

A concert number is being performed.

Presenter 2. Today the helpline operates at every customs office, and ours is no exception.
Presenter 1. However, due to the technical lack of equipment in the hall, we have a “mailbox” of trust, into which you can leave notes with information about the facts...
Presenter 2. ...decent behavior of your colleagues and words of congratulations to them.
Presenter 1. ...information about the proposed movement...
Presenter 2. ...during and after the holiday of your fellow employees, gifts and greeting cards.
Presenter 1. And we will definitely read all the information you convey, congratulate everyone and even ask the artists to join in your kind words.
Presenter 2. Although, you know, the customs service is not sung by either poets or musicians.
Presenter 1. Those who are connected with customs in life write more about this.
Presenter 2. The customs post does not divide the country
And it does not break the threads of common roads.
The one who loves and appreciates the Motherland,
I couldn’t help but work at customs.
We protect the interests of the country,
We control the flow of cargo,
We process the goods without delays,
To be delivered urgently and on time.
Presenter 1. What else is known about these people, except that now there are about 500 of them and that they are mostly young people?
Presenter 2. It is known that the concept of “labor dynasty” also relates to the customs service.
Presenter 1. And we invite labor dynasties to the stage...

Names names. Those who come up on stage are presented with flowers and gifts.

Presenter 2. As a rule, in such cases they always ask: what is your total work experience?
Presenter 1. And the numbers sound: 40, 50, 60... But our service is young, and therefore we will provide the opportunity to name these numbers to those sitting in the hall.

Those sitting in the hall offer their options, and those who answer correctly receive prizes.

Presenter 2 (addresses those present on stage). They say that customs officers love to tell each other jokes about their difficult work. What do you discuss at the family table? Can you tell us an interesting story related to your work?

After the answers from the representatives of the labor dynasties, the presenters invite them to take their places in the hall and announce the next concert number.

Presenter 1. In customs, the economic block, the customs clearance and customs control block, and the law enforcement block are absolutely equivalent - they all work in close connection: without this, customs will not fulfill its tasks. And what kind of people head our departments!

The presenters name the heads of departments who celebrated personal anniversaries or milestones this year. They are presented with flowers in the hall. A song is performed by the customs amateur performance group.

Presenter 2. In the customs statistics department we were told in confidence that the only coolest customs officers in our country are tax officers - the only ones who bring more money to the state treasury than the State Customs Committee.
Presenter 1. But not a single tax service has four-legged animals in its ranks.

The song “Stop, whoever is coming!” sounds, and dog handlers with their pets appear on the stage.

Presenter 2. The concept of “smuggling” has changed a lot in recent years. Previously, we knew that valuables, antiques, and currency were smuggled. What are they transporting today? What are the dogs trained for?

After a conversation with the dog handlers, the presenters suggest conducting an experiment and finding “contraband” in the hall. Dogs guided by dog ​​handlers “find” several boxes of cakes.

Presenter 1. And these sweet prizes, which were discovered with the help of your service, will go to the one who demonstrates knowledge of the history of customs. So, quiz!
1. What were the names of the positions in the customs staff in the Middle Ages? (Customs clerk, who weighed goods and collected duties; customs clerk, who conducted office work; customs head, who headed the customs.)
2. It has long been customary to take an oath at customs. What? (In loyalty and integrity.)
3. Later, the position of a laresh (stall) officer appeared in the customs office. What was this person doing? (He was in charge of the stall with the collected money.)
4. What punishment for smuggling existed in Russia? (For importing tobacco, they were beaten and shamed; for importing alcoholic beverages, they were whipped.)
5. In Moscow, customs affairs were handled by the Big Customs, the Ambassadorial New Customs and another organization, the name of which was suggested in the historical action that opened our holiday? (Mytnaya izba.)
6. How many customs duties existed in Russia in the 18th century? (17.)
Presenter 2. Today I would like to remember those who work at customs posts - they have the most difficult service. And they carry it around the clock, without knowing any weekends or holidays.
Presenter 1. And today it is impossible not to name the best of them. (Names are heard, flowers and gifts are presented in the hall.) And even if the words: “Our service is both dangerous and difficult” were not written about customs, but they describe your activities as accurately as possible.
Presenter 2. For you, customs warriors, he sings...

A concert number is performed, after which the Presenters read out the notes placed in the trust “mailbox” and announce 1-2 more concert numbers.

Presenter 1. What will customs be like tomorrow?
Presenter 2. Let me answer. If you look into the distant future, and this is exactly what I happened to read a science fiction novel about tomorrow, then customs officers will not collect duties, but will select crews for space flights. By the way, I also wrote out the quote: “The fact is that the work of a customs officer is a science, and the work of a transport worker is an art. In a hundred years, perhaps it will become a science. Wonderful. But today a person who has learned the secrets of this art is still rarer than a person who has studied the rules of science.”
Presenter 1. For your work at the intersection of science and art, for honest, dedicated work, perseverance in solving assigned tasks, for optimism, we express our gratitude to you on behalf of the entire Russian people.
Presenter 2. And we join in the numerous congratulations received by customs workers, we wish you further success in such difficult but necessary work.

Representatives of this profession have a unique opportunity to celebrate the holiday not once a year, but 2 times.

The fact is that the national holiday takes place on October 25, and the International holiday is celebrated on January 26.

Your loved one is a customs officer, and you want to know how to celebrate a professional holiday and what is the best gift to give?

A customs officer is a serious profession, give your loved one warmth and love so that he remembers this day with joy.

Customs gives the go-ahead

The concept of “customs” is understood as a government body that determines the necessary regulations and standards regarding any items transported abroad and imported into the country.

Customs officers monitor their implementation, document items (things, goods, transport, etc.), and collect customs payments provided for by law.

The word “customs” itself has Turkic roots. "Tamga" means brand, with the help of which Asian nomads designated products and things that were part of their property.

In Rus', during the period of the foundation of the Golden Horde, tamga was the name given to tribute, which was levied on trade items.

In the 19th century, the activities of smugglers were carried out “openly”. Moreover, on some borders there were companies that insured smugglers' goods, which was very inexpensive.

History of customs

There is a historical fact about how the resourcefulness of smugglers amazed Tsar Nicholas I.

He personally inspected the cargo transported across the border, where valuable goods were hidden under trestles in springs and in small bags where lard was stored to lubricate the wheels.

After this, the king demanded strengthening of measures to prevent the transportation of smuggled goods and was aware of the events taking place on the border.

In 1865, the Department of Customs Duties began its work, which became the central body that managed the activities of customs.

Since there is also a maritime border zone, a few years later, sea cruising was established in the Baltic sea. It included a customs flotilla.

In 1921, work on identifying smuggling was continued by a new government - the Central Commission, led by the Revolutionary Military Council.

In 1924, the Soviet government approved the Charter, where the requirements of the customs system were thoroughly formulated.

On this day, according to the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars, customs began to belong not to the tsar, but to the new government. The date, established in Soviet times, continues to be celebrated by customs veterans.

In Russia, Customs Officer's Day, which is celebrated annually on October 25, appeared after the collapse of the USSR.

The date was chosen to correspond to a 17th century event. On the same day in 1653, the Unified Charter began to function, according to which it was prescribed to pay customs duties.

How to celebrate

Customs Officer's Day is celebrated by representatives of this profession, as well as their family and friends. The joyful event is shared with loved ones in the family circle, with work colleagues, with friends.

Banquets, concerts, and festive events are held for customs officers and people involved in this profession. Congratulations are prepared for them, poems are composed in their honor.

The holiday also reminds us of pressing issues. Problems related to customs activities dedicated to the holiday are being actively solved.

It is known that the event that is prepared in advance succeeds. A fun scenario, where those present can take part in competitions, perform a song, dance, will give the event the necessary structure and fill it with fun.

Prepare script for Customs Day. Create the appropriate atmosphere for the celebration. A mop painted with red and white paints is suitable as a barrier.

Place a chair in front of him with a sign: “Everyone must show documents!” Place a colleague in a customs uniform on a stool nearby. Arm him with a seal and let him “really check passports.”

Prepare documents for each of the invitees, but the guest will not get away with just having them. You will need to sing something, dance, read a poem, or at least say a few words, congratulating your colleagues on the holiday.

Then come up with fun competitions, skits, and practical jokes. Select the material so that it corresponds to the “customs theme”, for example, “search with passion”.

Reward the most active participants by coming up with appropriate nicknames for them, for example: “Hawkeye”, “X-ray Eye”, etc.

Read Marshak’s poem “The Lady Checked in Luggage.” Give out characters by writing them on pieces of paper: a suitcase... a painting... and a little dog.

Give each team 1 copy of the roles.

You read the text, and the participants depict actions without words. The winner is the team that “played” its role most spectacularly.

When is it celebrated?

Customs Officer's Day is celebrated not once, but twice a year: October 25 and January 26. On October 25, Russian Customs Day is celebrated, and the second date refers to International Customs Day.

In 1953, the World Customs Organization was founded. It included 17 European countries. And in 1983, the very day the organization was founded, January 26, was declared the International Customs Day.

Customs officers have a unique opportunity to celebrate the event twice: once they are congratulated as part of the Russian holiday, and the next time they join their colleagues in Western countries when they celebrate International Customs Day.

Customs Officer's Day continues to be celebrated in the CIS countries. In Belarus, the holiday falls annually on September 20, and Ukraine celebrates it on June 25.

What gift to choose

Presents made of glass, which contain attributes of the customs service or symbols of the state, for example, the Flag or Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation, are suitable.

A person in the service of the fatherland will be glad to receive such a gift. A geographical map of Russia will be an interesting gift.

The vast territory of the country is a wonderful way to decorate a room at home or an empty wall at work.

Amuse a person who has such a serious job - order a caricature on the customs form based on a photo. The gift will be appreciated only if the person likes to laugh and joke.

As a gift that will make you smile, a simple wooden cube will do to help you make decisions. On its edges write phrases - “detain”, “give the go-ahead”, “release”, etc.

Bottom line

Customs officers work at the border, protecting state interests, both financial and economic.

The tasks of the customs service include: facilitating the conditions of foreign trade, as well as suppressing criminal activity at the moment of crossing the border.

Customs officers prevent the entry into our country of goods that cause harm, and also prevent the export of that category of items that are the property of the country.

And we are grateful to the customs officers - the people who do not allow the property of the people to be stolen. May their holiday be merry and joyful.

Congratulations on Customs Day
(in Russia it is celebrated on October 25, in the world - on January 26)


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Friend, today is Customs Day!
And may it not be a red day on the calendar,
But in a series of difficult everyday life
We were not waiting for this holiday in vain.
I wish it to be served in joy,
They strived upward in rank, salary
So that there is time to rest,
There was comfort, love and harmony in the house.

Customs clearance, tariff quotas,
Import and smuggled goods –
Your daily work
And for others - simple words.
Your knowledge is valuable, and your experience is
At the border of order there is a guarantor.
On the day of customs for your work
Everyone wants to say “thank you” to you.

Happy Customs Day
Management, hard worker!
Your work is important, but disturbing.
We wish you all the best!

Russian customs
Strict and reliable!
And the smuggler will not pass -
After all, everyone here is an expert!
Happy Customs Day!
We wish you to always be in service!

Customs is not a simple matter,
You need to be able to find a balance.
Check cargo without downtime,
But examine them carefully.
Don't miss the smuggler
But be nice to people
That they just crossed the border
They carried their luggage honestly.
Do not cause damage to the treasury,
Be able to collect all the duties,
But we can do without extortion,
Resist the temptation.
We wish you endurance, patience,
Good luck to you in your difficult work.
Well, in the mood today
Celebrate the holiday - Customs Day!

The responsible thing is the border.
Customs officials can't sleep at night.
Vigilance, above all.
You can't miss anything.
We wish you a tandem with good luck,
Successfully solve all problems
Perseverance in difficult work.
Honor and glory to you, customs!

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October 25 - Customs Day of the Russian Federation

The Decree of the President of the country "On the establishment of Customs Day of the Russian Federation" was published in the media on October 25, 1995. Since then we have been celebrating this wonderful holiday.

And the customs detachment of the Fatherland is quite large in number. No less than sixty thousand people work in this responsible area - more than sixty thousand people (not counting the security and personnel servicing the buildings), ranging from warrant officer to colonel general. The table of ranks also has its own class ranks - actual state advisers of the first, second and third classes, including in the subjects of the Federation, as well as assistants, secretaries, and so on and so on in order. This category of civil servants exceeds eighteen thousand people. There are about two thousand responsible employees in the central office. For all of them, a professional holiday means not only awards, gifts, flowers, warm words of congratulations, but also open days, press and scientific-practical conferences on customs issues, seminars, symposiums, and exchange of experience with foreign colleagues.

Until October 25, 1991, we had the State Customs Committee of Russia. Later it was transformed into the Federal Customs Service, which it remains to this day. And she has, oh, so much to do! By the way, according to statistics, it includes seven regional customs departments, 127 customs offices and 709 customs posts. Regarding matters. The foreign trade annual turnover of the Russian Federation, according to the same statistics, exceeds eight hundred billion dollars. At the same time, exports approached 500 billion, and imports - over 308 billion - in dollar terms, of course.
We export oil, gas, ferrous metal, diesel fuel, fuel oil, machinery, equipment, rolled products, mineral fertilizers, timber - you can’t list it all. At the same time, we import cars, medicines, clothing, furniture, meat, citrus fruits, coffee, cocoa, tea - the list goes on. And how many private parcels from all over the world pass through customs! Or vice versa from Russians to their foreign friends, organizations, companies, etc. Lots of things to do. First of all, so as not to miss out on economic benefits from exports and imports and to make a profit. And at the same time, it is important to stop the import and export of smuggled goods, including weapons, ammunition and the like. And how much trouble is caused to customs officers by various types of debtors - malicious defaulters of alimony who have not paid taxes or, say, fines on personal vehicles to the treasury on time. It also happens that a unfortunate entrepreneur or official stole millions and even billions of sums from the state, transferred them abroad, sensed danger, and bought a ticket to London or Paris - he will not be able to fly away or leave: special services together with customs officers will stop them , and the investigation will bring it to justice.
The effectiveness of various government services can best be judged by numbers. So, in 2014 alone, Russian customs officers contributed 809 billion rubles of income to the state treasury, or each customs officer - 56.5 million. How many drugs were intercepted?! Fake and expensive medicines?! Now customs officers are actively fighting against food products that have fallen under the so-called sanctions - we are talking about the initiative of the Minister of Agriculture Alexander Tkachev, approved by the country's leadership.
And at the end. The roots of customs services go back to ancient times - specifically in the year 1653. It was then that the “Unified Customs Code” appeared in Rus'. And Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (the Quietest) - the second sovereign from the Romanov dynasty - approved it by his Highest Decree. Peter 1, Catherine the Great and other royals who succeeded them made a significant contribution to the development of customs affairs. The customs service worked effectively during the Soviet era. And today it does not lose the very positive positions it has gained.

November 1952 marked the adoption of the convention, thanks to which a unified Customs Cooperation Council was organized. And already on January 26 of the following year, the first session of the Council was convened in Brussels. Since 1994, the Council received a new name and today it is known to us as the “World Customs Organization”. Half a century ago it included only 17 European countries, but today this number has increased to 162 states and this figure is constantly and steadily growing.

The date of celebration, January 26, was chosen in 1983. The ideas that guided the founders of the organization received a great response among representatives of many countries. Reliability and security provided by customs services have become fundamental factors in the organization. We can safely say that customs officers guard the gates of their states and maximum efforts are required from them in order to stop any offenses and dangers. Therefore, the work of customs officers is associated with many risks and difficulties. Thanks to them, people from different countries can feel protected.

This day is celebrated by more than 800 thousand people from all over the world, including 68 thousand Russians. The Russian customs service is one of the largest in the world. Our holiday agency offers for your holiday. A corporate event with the Rafinad holiday agency is always interesting, fun and easy.