A stroller is more comfortable than a sling. Sling or stroller

When choosing a dowry for our first child, we think about what is needed and what is not. Some parents and friends with children say that they can’t do without a stroller, and that slings are a strange piece of cloth. Someone, on the contrary, plans to wear it in a sling from the first days, but is not going to buy a stroller.

For the birth of my eldest daughter, I bought a small stack of slings - several scarves and 2 ring slings (SSK). I was going to use them, but my husband, who also wanted to help me, was only willing to carry them in a backpack, which was not suitable for a newborn. In addition, grandmothers on both sides almost sang in chorus how wonderful it would be to walk with a stroller... May daughter, hot days are ahead. And for my husband, grandmothers and the heat, we bought a stroller - a stroller with a backrest that folds out to almost 180 degrees.

The daughter was tame - she agreed to a stroller, but only a moving one, put it in the shade and sit next to a book - not for us. Therefore, on weekdays, when I was the only one walking with the child, I often walked in a sling.

But on weekends, when going for a long walk with my husband, we took both the stroller and the sling. At first, I fed and rocked my daughter at SSK, then carefully transferred her to the stroller and covered her with a sling. We walked in this mode until the fall. Sometimes the SSC was changed to a May-sling, which was more convenient for me to put the baby in the stroller than from a scarf. Then I wore mostly sixes, in a cross over the pocket with the tails brought forward.

But in winter it was almost impossible to combine it - I carried it in a sling under a jacket, and you can’t put an undressed baby in a stroller. Still, if we went somewhere with a stroller, I took a backpack for safety (in terms of age and skills, my daughter had already grown up to it). It was much more convenient than carrying a screaming baby in a slippery snowsuit in your arms. In this case, the main thing is that the winter overalls are not too thick (not sheepskin) and have long enough legs. In cold weather, an additional sheepskin envelope will come in handy in the stroller: the overalls can be demi-season, and when you need to transfer to a sling, the baby’s back can be insulated with a sling cover.

In the spring, we began to use the stroller more often again - my daughter was interested in crawling, walking by the hand, and just walking around and couldn’t sit in the sling. In addition, it was already quite difficult for me to carry a one-year-old child for a long time. But she had to take the sling with her - to feed her, to rock her when she was tired, or in case she just got tired of being in the stroller.

Then it turned out that it was convenient to take with you not only the SSK or May-sling, but also a short scarf for wrapping the “kangaroo”.

In addition, we bought a lightweight cane and took it on trips. But all the same, when boarding a minibus, you need to fold the stroller, and you can’t always carry an unfolded stroller with a child into the train without help. Therefore, put your daughter in a sling or an ergo-backpack, a folded stroller in your hand - and any transport is not a hindrance to you.

Another common situation is that you need to lower a child and a stroller from the fifth floor without an elevator - when the baby is in a sling, walking the stroller down the steps may not be so careful. Even going to the store with a stroller becomes easier: if the child wants to go with his mother in a sling, bags of groceries can be loaded into the stroller.

The hot summer of 2010 has arrived. Increasingly, slings taken in parallel with the stroller were not useful - in the heat, my daughter felt more comfortable in a light, ventilated cane. And by the fall (at one year and 3 months), the initially very tame girl finally moved into a stroller.

Now we used slings mainly when the mother needed it - to go to the clinic under a jacket, to go somewhere where it was inconvenient with a stroller, or at home when the baby grew another tooth.

Getting used to the stroller was gentle and painless - I didn’t expect hysterics, I was always ready to pick her up and wrap her around. In addition, it turned out that in the “10 steps by yourself, tired, rest for 5 minutes and walk 10 steps again” mode, it is easier to move with a stroller than to rewind the sling every time.

The stroller also came in handy when I was hospitalized when my daughter was one and a half years old. She was already eating regular food, but she was used to going to bed breastfeeding. So during the day we rocked him in the stroller outside - it’s difficult to wrap him in a sling over clothes in winter if you’re not used to it. But at night, my husband lulled his daughter to sleep at home in a backpack.

The question about the sling and stroller arose again with the birth of my youngest daughter.

Our children are 5.5 years apart, the eldest goes to kindergarten. The youngest turned out to be very calm - whether you want a stroller or a sling, she’s happy with everything! Now I’m looking at what I plan to do.

Take the eldest to the garden in the morning, walk to the clinic, and other “business matters”, but without heavy loads - this is with a sling. It’s also convenient to walk with the sling and the older one on a scooter - if anything happens, I have my hands free to grab the scooter.

Walking to a distant store with a convenient ramp, taking a longer walk by the river, picking up the eldest from the garden and going rollerblading around the school is much more convenient with a stroller. Especially with rollers - my daughter can’t put them on by herself yet, I need to help lace them, and with a strapped baby it’s inconvenient.

Walks with relatives are also often organized in a stroller.

This year, on vacation while traveling around Russia, we also combined a stroller and a sling.At the airport, my daughter was wearing a fast sling and I was wearing a stroller (with a scooter attached)checked in as luggage, it still needs to be x-rayed at the entrance to the airport.

During walks around the city, my daughter was often in a stroller, because... Mostly we walked with my husband and any obstacle in the form of stairs was easily overcome. I changed it into a scarf or fast food in museums (the stroller remains in the wardrobe), if I needed refreshment, I missed me, etc.

After putting your fallen asleep child in the stroller, you can calmly have lunch in a cafe (winding up the “kangaroo” in this regard is more convenient than a backpack, where you still need to unfasten the fastex behind your back).

So, even though everything didn’t go as originally planned - the grandmothers decided to go for a walk with the stroller only when my eldest daughter was one year old - I’m glad that I didn’t give up on buying the stroller. The opportunity to choose which is easier this time - with a sling or a stroller - turned out to be very valuable!

What is healthier for a child and more convenient for parents – a stroller or a sling? Is it possible to get by with just a sling without buying a stroller? At what age can a baby sling be used, and will it harm the child’s posture? These and other questions concern parents who are still on the verge of making a choice. Let's try to understand this issue in more detail.

A stroller is a traditional children's transport, and there is no need to explain what it is. Until recently, a sling was little known; it is a strip of fabric, a fabric seat that is attached to the chest or back of the parent. Sling has undeniable benefits for mom. After all, she does not have to carry the child in her arms, her hands are free, and the load is distributed evenly on her back. The sling came to us from the countries of the East, because since ancient times there has been a tradition of tying the baby to the mother’s body in a special scarf.

Advantages of the stroller

The stroller has its pros and cons. The convenience of a stroller depends on its modification, dimensions, and quality, but even the lightest stroller takes up a lot of space in transport. In addition, if you bring a stroller, a baby, and also a bag with things onto the bus at the same time, then the mother has a very heavy load. Strollers for newborns for children, these are bassinets, they are very convenient for a leisurely walk in the park, but they become inconvenient when such a stroller needs to be lifted to a floor without an elevator, stored in an apartment or transported by transport. Not every stroller can fit into an elevator, drive onto a ramp, easily drive up the steps of an entrance and “step over” curbs. The stroller gets stuck in the sand or snow and becomes clumsy.

It is difficult for a mother with a stroller to go into a store and look at the goods, and some markets have even banned women with strollers from entering. When returning from a walk, you need to wash the stroller, especially if it was raining outside. But at the same time, a large stroller is very convenient in winter, because it creates a special warm atmosphere inside for the baby, the stroller is not blown out, and the child can be protected from the wind and rain with a hood at any time. For quiet, calm walks in the park, a stroller is also best - it’s good to slowly roll it in front of you. By the way, many parents manage to play sports while pushing a stroller. If a mother goes to the market, she can place the purchased vegetables and fruits in the stroller basket.

Advantages of a sling

The sling is very convenient because it does not take up much space either in the room or in your hands. In winter, it is not very convenient to put a sling on top of a jacket or coat, and if it rains, you need to put an additional cape on the sling. Wearing a sling under a coat is also not an option; the baby may feel very cramped under mother’s clothes, and it doesn’t look very aesthetically pleasing. In winter, carrying a baby in a sling is unsafe - the mother may slip and fall on the baby. A baby in a sling may be cold in winter, and it is impossible to put him in a very warm overall. It’s inconvenient with a sling when the mother is carrying both the child and shopping bags, and also opens the door. It is not interesting for a big baby to sit in a sling; he will strive to break free.

When walking, it is more convenient to put your baby in a stroller than to constantly unfasten and fasten the sling. But very useful at home when mother needs to do some housework and the baby cannot be left in the room. Close contact with the mother in a sling is useful for the baby, because after nine months he is already accustomed to hearing her heartbeat and feeling the warmth of her body. If a mother urgently needs to go to the clinic for bread, then, of course, a sling will be useful for her - the stroller will be too clumsy. The sling provides the baby with a good view; if he is secured with his face away from his mother, he will be happy to look at everything around him.

A sling and a stroller cannot completely replace each other; these things complement each other well in a parent's arsenal. If you have a stroller, it would be a good idea to purchase a sling for situations when you need to quickly go somewhere with your child. For long, quiet walks, a stroller is best suited, especially since sometimes, probably, a grandmother can take a walk with the baby, for whom the sling will literally be too much for her.

Echo "zz";?>


Anna Litvina-Semenova:

Who doesn’t remember the famous scene with the stroller from the film “Battleship Potemkin”? The stroller breaks away and goes down the steps of the stairs. A crying child, a mother’s face twisted in horror... One can endlessly argue about the meaning of this episode from an art history and cultural point of view, but this moment is also an indicator of the attitude towards a baby stroller at the time when this film was filmed.

In the twenties of the twentieth century it was a recent invention, almost an innovation. It was used only by privileged strata of society, following fashion and not constrained by funds. The fashion for the stroller came from England, where it was invented in the middle of the 19th century especially for Queen Victoria, who wanted to personally walk with her children in the royal park. In addition, the stroller made it possible to reduce contact with nannies and wet nurses, which was especially important at the turn of the century, when a pathological fear of germs, discovered shortly before, flourished in England and other European countries.

Initially, the stroller was a kind of royal prank, but sensitive courtiers, who always kept their nose to the wind, quickly became imbued with the new fashion, and strollers began to appear on the streets of London. Women wanted to be “no worse than the queen.” This is how the stroller came into our lives.

We all know about the benefits of a stroller. This benefit is very clearly formulated in the film “17 Moments of Spring,” where a nanny from an orphanage offers a soldier father a stroller “so as not to hold the child in his arms.” This means that the benefit of a stroller lies precisely in the fact that it allows you NOT to carry a child.

But is it suitable for a human baby? Let's look at humans as a biological species and try to determine the bioprogram that is inherent in each of us by nature.

Man as an animal has developed and evolved over millions of years. Nature developed, selected and consolidated those qualities and abilities that allowed man to survive in rather harsh living conditions. When our ancestors were furry and walked on all fours, the task of not getting lost lay with the child. He clung with his small hands to his mother's fur on her chest or back and made his first journeys through forests, savannas, rivers and fields. We paid a fairly high price for the right to walk on two legs. In particular, due to the decreased size of the pelvis, human babies began to be born on average 3 months earlier than those of our non-erectal ancestors. In relation to them, our children are premature. The baby does not know how to hold his head up and clings rather chaotically, although he has retained this “monkey” reflex.

But the man not only stood on two legs, but also lost most of his fur, and the child had something to hold on to. Thus, the human baby became the most helpless and defenseless of all the young mammals. He cannot crawl or walk well, he is not able to digest anything other than milk, he is not protected from the cold by fur and armor from predators, but he has a mother! It was on her that nature entrusted the responsibility of caring for the cub, providing her with the strongest maternal instinct, much stronger than that of other animals. Now it is her task - not to lose. Carry through storms and sunshine, rain and blizzards, carry until he himself can make it this way.

This is why many mothers find it difficult and anxious when even a very close person takes their baby in their arms. But the child is equipped with an “additional control system.” When he stops catching the smell of the mother, feeling the warmth of her body, breathing, hearing her heartbeat, the baby begins to cry. After all, crying is the only way of communication available to a child. This is a kind of SOS signal. The child does not manipulate his parents, he simply gives a signal about where he is, and also that he is in a hypothetically dangerous situation - he is lost, and that means he can be eaten by a predator. This is not a joke, but a reality in which man was formed as a biological species.

At this moment of greatest danger, the child experiences enormous stress. His adrenal glands produce special hormones - catecholamines, the most famous of which is adrenaline, as well as cortisone and cortisol - hormones of depression, humility and feelings of hopelessness. High levels of these hormones inhibit the normal functioning of ALL systems of the human body. Affected: immune, endocrine and nervous systems. The brain suffers. Frequently recurring stressful situations inhibit a person's development and depress his mental abilities.

“What does this have to do with the stroller?” - you ask. The thing is that by putting a child in a stroller, we ourselves create a stressful situation for him. There are often cases when a mother (father, grandmother, grandfather, nanny) who is not in a hurry stands at the entrance and shakes a stroller with a sobbing child in it, with a baby calling for help.

Which is more convenient?

Many will object to me by saying that the baby immediately falls asleep as soon as he is put in the stroller and taken outside. Unfortunately, behind this external well-being there can also be a serious danger hidden. Especially when it comes to a newborn. More recently, maternity hospitals gave a recommendation not to put the baby in a stroller at least in the first month of life. The fact is that when a baby is born, he finds himself in completely new conditions. New volume, temperature, pressure, humidity. New sounds, smells, tactile sensations. In addition, now the child sees, or rather, he has something to look at. Adaptation to new living conditions is a long and difficult process.

And if our children are born indoors and not outdoors, then first they have to adapt to life in the room. In traditional societies that have preserved their culture, the adaptation period is very clearly defined: from 1 month to 42 days. Finding himself in street conditions, the child again has to rebuild the work of many internal organs. The brain receives a very strong load and simply switches off from participating in what is happening. The child falls into a deep, but by no means healthy sleep.

So, a stroller CAN harm the child’s psyche and mental activity, and also become one of the reasons for the destruction of the bond between mother and baby.

Now let's look at the structure of the stroller. The main thing in a stroller is not the flat bottom or the width of the wheels, but the springs, which allow you to pass Russian roads without compromising your health. However, the majority of strollers used in our country do not have this important addition. A modern newborn, as a rule, is placed in a stroller immediately after being discharged from the hospital. Thus, the child’s neck, as well as the bones of the skull, are subject to constant mechanical injury. This can lead to traumatic brain injury and brain damage.

A child lying in a stroller is at a respectful distance from his mother, and it is difficult for her to keep track of changes in his temperature. She will not feel the baby getting hypothermic or overheated. And this can lead to frequent colds and poor health.

The next important point is the possibility of the stroller breaking or falling at the most inopportune time. However, this refers rather to force majeure circumstances, and we will not consider them; however, such a possibility must be taken into account and anticipated.

The stroller does not allow the child’s muscular system to develop harmoniously. Here is the conclusion of the Russian chiropractor P. Tramenkovsky: “The most interesting thing is that every baby from one to two years of age that I looked at (This refers to children who were carried in a sling. - Approx. L-S.), the back muscles were developed significantly better than its wheelchair peers. That is, the load on the growing bones was less because the muscles compensated for it. In addition, children have a remarkably developed vestibular apparatus, because when positioned “on the hip,” the older child also makes an effort to maintain balance.”

The raincoat so beloved by many mothers, which is often put on strollers “just in case,” not only blocks the child’s view, but also interferes with the access of oxygen, and this, in turn, harms the functioning of the respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems.

A grown-up child, forced to sit in a stroller, does not receive enough impressions or receives too many of them. He sits, fastened with a seat belt, often he doesn’t even see his mother, and when he shows dissatisfaction, they try to distract him with toys. While the development of his brain and mental activity requires, on the one hand, contemplation and active study of the world around him, and on the other, physical and psychological support from his mother. It is the joint study of life that is a real natural method of early development, so popular today.

An active baby may even turn the stroller over due to the desire to achieve a goal, which is also a traumatic situation.

The stroller is located at or slightly above the level of exhaust gases, which harms the development and functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

The weight of a stroller is very rarely less than 10 kg. Let's add to this the constantly growing weight of the child and the absolute unsuitability of Russian homes for using a stroller and we will see that this invention can be dangerous not only for the baby, but also for the young mother, who is often contraindicated to lift more weight than the weight of the newborn.

And finally, the most alarming moment is the greatly matured contingent of children who are carried in strollers. It is already quite common to see a 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-year-old child riding in a stroller, from which he, as a rule, has already outgrown. This causes enormous damage to the musculoskeletal and neuromuscular systems. Parents of such children think that the baby is not yet able to go the whole way on his own or that he will do it too slowly. One cannot help but want to draw an analogy with wheelchairs, which are unthinkable for a healthy person to use for a more comfortable and less labor-intensive process of movement.

It is quite simple to protect your baby from situations that are truly dangerous to his health and psyche. It is enough to take him in your arms, maybe use special devices for carrying a child. However, manufacturers of strollers, as well as any other children's products, cleverly play on maternal instincts and fears. Strollers are decorated with appliqués, bows, and have a custom design. They are equipped with bags, pockets for bottles, boxes for pacifiers, baskets, raincoats, mosquito nets and plastic windows through which the mother can look at her baby.

Yes, modern strollers are trying to make them as comfortable as possible, coming up with additional safety systems, using soft, non-toxic, breathable and waterproof materials, comfortable cozy mattresses, lace, canopies, toys, etc. But it’s worth thinking about the fact that this is a very pathetic attempt to artificially recreate the most necessary, useful and safe position for a child - being in the mother’s arms. It’s not for nothing that strollers appeared only in the 19th century, despite the fact that technical advances made it possible to create them much earlier, it’s just that the stroller was and still remains a dangerous thing for the life and health of a child.

Of course, there are situations in which a stroller is vital and an indispensable assistant. For example, if a woman, due to physical characteristics or health problems, cannot bear a child. (Although in this case it is better to have a live assistant. – Ed.) Or, when the child falls asleep IN his mother’s arms, he can be put in a stroller and continue on his way “light.” However, in any case, you should take the use of this thing more seriously and choose the safest option for the child, taking into account the dangers described above.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that a child does not need a stroller; parents may or may not need it. Therefore, you should not include it in the list of necessary dowry for a newborn.

It’s hard to imagine a baby’s dowry without such traditional items as a crib and stroller. However, once in one popular Internet community they were discussing which of the purchased items they could do without. Surprisingly, among other things, the usual children's transport was repeatedly mentioned.

In fact, the commentators were not mocking at all. And they were not all beggars or supporters of raising children without the benefits of civilization. The point is different. Firstly, it’s scary to put a tiny baby somewhere far away from you for a long time. Secondly, he himself may be terribly dissatisfied with this course of things, wanting to be in his mother’s arms most of the time. In short, sometimes you have to look for an alternative to a bassinet, and this alternative can be a sling.

It’s difficult to deny the convenience and importance of a stroller, so let’s compare the advantages of this traditional device and a sling.


“The stroller has many advantages, I would say, continuous advantages! But the disadvantages are associated with the unorganized courtyards, entrances, and public places...”
Mom Lyubov, expecting her second baby


This device has the unique ability to accommodate a child in a snowsuit and heavy winter boots, a blanket, an ice cube, a package of spatulas and molds, food for the family bought at a nearby store, a handbag and much more. There is no need to carry all this on yourself; accordingly, the mother, weakened by a difficult life, simply pushes the ergonomically shaped handle, the wheels with special winter tires spin... Everyone is happy.


Our newly minted grandparents did not know an alternative to a stroller. They will be truly pleased to choose a modern, beautiful unit for their adored grandson. Even if the parents themselves don’t really like the stroller, it will be possible to place it with the grandmother so that she can proudly walk with the child whenever she wants.

Transformer constructor

Those who have passed the difficult test of choosing a stroller are well familiar with the words “transformer”, “3 in 1”, “chassis”, “cradle”, “strolling block”... Depending on the required function and the age of the child, a cradle or car seat can be placed on the chassis or the notorious "walking block". In a car, it’s a fairy tale: a child is fastened to a car seat, immersed in the interior of the car, then taken out together with the car seat and placed on the stroller chassis. Minimum seat belts, minimum awakened babies.

Don't sweat. For hot summers there is no alternative to a lightweight stroller. The head is sweating, the sun is shining, from which it is best to put a small umbrella, the hood of the stroller protects from sudden gusts of wind. In case of rain there is a transparent plastic case, just don’t forget to take it with you...

Rock it. It is usually possible to put a baby to sleep in a stroller quite quickly, and it can be a method of rocking a baby while walking. Or even at home. This way, mom can get some free time while dad, grandma, or walk with the sleeping person.

Sleeping on the balcony

Not everyone has a balcony, but if one does, and the child agrees to sleep there, then you have the opportunity not to walk for kilometers in the park, but to go about your business while the child sniffles on the balcony.

Olga, mother and ex-owner of an online store for children's goods:

The decision to purchase a stroller was made long before the birth of the child. We bought it because this item is traditionally included in the set. I didn’t know about slings at that time, so I didn’t consider buying them.

The first stroller is 2 in 1, a chassis on which you can alternately install a cradle and a walking block. The cradle was used for up to 7 months, then a “walk” was installed, which turned out to be uncomfortable - there was not enough space in the chair. It was decided to purchase a new stroller, it is still used at home (it is very convenient to rock a child).

I didn’t buy a transformer, since these strollers are usually bulky and uncomfortable. In addition, often due to the design features, the “bottom” of the stroller has a noticeable joint, which requires the purchase of a mattress. We did not purchase a stroller with a group “0+” car seat, since it was needed later in life. I immediately purchased a full-fledged car seat for a child who is already sitting confidently.

The advantage of a stroller is that it is a convenient transport for a child, which makes life easier for adults accompanying the child on the street. The stroller is easy to carry and can be equipped with a shopping basket, sun canopy, and rain cover. We can say that a stroller is a universal assistant outside the home.

The disadvantages relate to specific models, so the issue of choosing children's transport must be considered carefully, paying attention to such points as handling, weight, chassis width (this parameter is important if the house has an elevator and ramps), internal dimensions of the cradle and walking block. It is also important to choose a stroller that will be equipped with additional devices that will make life easier. Such little things include bottle holders, well-thought-out mechanisms for fixing and removing the bumper, etc.

With an older child, you can easily do without a stroller. With a baby who walks unsteadily and gets tired quickly - definitely not. Definitely - for me, of course. I like to make my life comfortable.


“I feel him, he feels me. I walk with the baby and smell the top of his head. It’s just an indescribable pleasure!”
"Slingomam" Ekaterina

But you can do without a stroller. This is already a plus: if in a tiny one-room apartment there is no space for a unit with four wheels, you can get by with a strip of fabric that can be compactly stored in a chest of drawers.

Lightweight and compact

Not a single cane stroller can compare in size and weight to a sling: a short woven scarf or sling backpack can easily fit into a handbag. When planning a plane trip with a baby, I instantly decide in favor of a sling scarf: I have both hands free, I can do without additional luggage space, and I don’t need to carry a 10-kilogram miracle to the plane in my arms. In public transport, a sling will always give a head start to a stroller.

On the stairs

Stairs are a nightmare for any mother with a stroller. Even if the descent and ascent are equipped with a ramp, its width often differs from the width of the wheels of this particular stroller. With a sling, the stairs remain completely unnoticed.

Alternative to "handles"

It happens that the baby categorically does not want to get out of his arms. And he’s right - it’s warm and cozy there. In a sling, the weight of your favorite kilograms is felt much less due to the correct distribution of weight and the position of the child close to the mother.

Closeness to the body

When a baby is born, the transition from mom's warm tummy to cold air and hard surfaces is too abrupt. It can be smoothed out - the fabric tightly clasping the baby’s back creates the illusion of being in the womb, and body warmth and heartbeat complement this illusion. Simply put, we can assume that the child will “eat up” with “hands” and then get off them and go explore the world. And will have fewer neuroses in the future.

Feeding on the go

A baby who wakes up during a walk demands the breast - there is no need to run home. In a sling, you can feed your baby without the elements of striptease, just by slightly lowering the wrapped baby. From the outside, no one would suspect a mother and baby of such an intimate act. And the child himself doesn’t even have time to cry - the chest is very close.

Free hands

At one time, I was ready to pay much more for freed hands than the average sling costs. The child can be tied not only in front, but also in the back - then ironing clothes or preparing dinner will turn into a pleasure.

The publication

A trip to a folklore or sports festival with the whole family ceases to be fantastic. Like a walk in the forest to pick mushrooms, a trip to a museum... Even a business meeting.


If you get yourself a sling, be prepared to become the object of everyone's attention. Parading along the boulevard in a multi-colored scarf, you may encounter offers of financial assistance, advice from orthopedists, pediatricians, neurologists and other specialists, reproachful sighs of grandmothers, admiring glances of envious babies who were not carried in a sling... If attention is a joy for you, then great, if no - you need to stock up on equanimity and learn a few biting jokes in response.

Slingomam Olga:

I learned about slings a few years ago, when there was no plans to have a baby, but my school friend gave birth. After reading on the Internet, I decided to give her a sling with rings, which we successfully bought for $15.

My friend didn’t like it at all, but after the birth of our baby she offered it back in case it suited me. Tried it, didn't work. But there was an interest in sports - are they all really uncomfortable? Why then are they praised so much?

The first "pancakes" were "lumpy". And finally, our patience ran out - when the child was three months old, we bought an ergonomic backpack with an insert for. This is where we became friends right away. It turns out that you don’t need to walk around with a heavy one. You can take your baby and calmly go for a run to the park, to work, do household chores, and even... go on a visit.

And now I couldn’t resist and bought a woven scarf! And I think that this sling is far from our last.

Slingomam Irina:

I see how my child looks at the world, looks at me. How surprised he is, he feels something, puts it in his mouth, mutters. I don't miss a second of his life. I know how to entertain him or calm him down - I watch him. We just walk around in a sling every day - both around the house and outside. It’s a whole cosmos to feel how tired he is, sighing lightly and falling asleep. If he lived in a stroller and a crib, there would not be the harmony that exists between us.

And I really like that we. Once, we went somewhere for the whole day.

Sling or stroller? You decide.