When do athletes retire? Master of Sports benefits when applying for a pension Sports pension

With your own hands

​​​Anyone can become a master of sports if they wish, but for this they need to devote themselves to a certain discipline. As a rule, those who have been involved in a particular sport since early childhood become masters. To obtain the title, you must fulfill standards or win competitions.

Title of Master of Sports

One of the basic goals of professional athletes is to achieve the title of master of sports. Along with victories in major competitions, it gives not only a reason for pride, but also a list of preferences. If a citizen is recognized as worthy of the title “Honored Master of Sports of Russia,” he is solemnly presented with a certificate and a badge.

Badge "Honored Master of Sports of Russia"

Since 2007, this sign has looked like a silver octagon. On the right side there is a waving Russian flag, and on the left there is a silver laurel branch. In the center there is a circle in which you can see a silver image of the finishing athletes.

History of the title

The concept of “master of sports” was first used in 1935. From that moment on, people who reached special heights in sports were not only awarded with medals and cups, but also given titles.

Becoming a master of sports is not the easiest task; it is achievable only if you participate in competitions. Requirements are also set for the competitions themselves. For example, assignment of status is permissible only after winning a competition that was evaluated by three judges of the All-Russian or international level.

The path to becoming a master of sports

Most sports disciplines involve a step-by-step system for achieving rank. After the first victories, a person, as a rule, at a young age, receives the third category. Gradually he reaches the first adult. After this, there is a chance to get into the CCM category. In practice, many people end their careers at this stage. Those who are especially persistent and continue to move become masters.

Healthy! There are cases in history when especially talented athletes jumped over the steps and became masters ahead of schedule. This is achievable either through a team sport or by breaking world records in a particular discipline.

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Primary requirements

As noted above, to become a master of sports, you need to achieve special results. Achievements that will be counted include:

  1. Winning a prize in official competitions, accompanied by the fulfillment of standards;
  2. Obtaining a cycle of victories over an opponent who has status within six months. The method is typical for combat sports;
  3. Achieving the standard level required for the title. An example is weightlifting.

Based on this information, we can conclude that conferring the title of master of sports is permissible either when participating in competitions or when winning them.

Features of obtaining the title

To a person who is far from sports and the system of awarding titles, it may seem that the path to a master is moderately simple. In fact, it is worth considering a list of nuances:

  • for categories and titles, not only achievements are important, but also the age of the athlete;
  • not all competitions, even high-level ones, award titles, since the composition of the judges plays a role;
  • master of sports of Russia - a title that is awarded only to citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • In addition to receiving the status, its confirmation is required.
All of these aspects must be taken into account by both the athlete and his coach. Due to bureaucratic hassles, many prefer to remain with the rank of CCM.

Why become a master of sports

Achieving a master of sports is hard, long and consistent work, which is accompanied by injuries, defeats and other difficulties. An outsider does not always understand the desire of athletes to obtain this status.

Of course, everyone who achieved the title had their own reasons and grounds. But in addition to internal or external satisfaction, every master of sports can receive the following privileges:

  1. Satisfaction and high self-esteem. Masters of sports are truly the best of the best in their field;
  2. Doing what you love is accompanied by income. High-level athletes are extremely wealthy people. After finishing their career, they can become good coaches or commentators;
  3. Masters are provided with certain benefits, some of which are available not only during the period of status confirmation, but also for the rest of their lives.

One type of preference is the provision of medical services free of charge. This is critically important for people who realize themselves in sports, since with the return youth injuries received during training and competitions will appear.

Healthy! Masters of sports belong to the category of citizens who have the right to priority enrollment in a university, subject to passing the entrance exam. It is beneficial for educational institutions to have professional athletes among their ranks.

What can a master of sports count on in modern Russia?

Comparing the information, we can conclude that during the Soviet Union there were more privileges for masters of sports. Today the list of preferences is limited, but it exists.

Firstly, regional authorities provide all MS with housing if they are recognized as in need of improvement. Secondly, there are monthly payments that continue after retirement.

It is important to know! Now in Russia there is a promotion of sports and a healthy lifestyle. Many masters are attracted to work with young people. This is another professional application for MS.

Benefits for international masters of sports

Masters of sports of international class receive a full list of standard benefits and payments as MS. Additional privileges include:

The title is awarded by the Physical Culture Committee. A certificate and license plate are issued.

Attention! Upon receiving the title of MSMK, you can become a coach without having a diploma of obtaining the relevant specialty from a university, and also take part in competitions as a judge.

Financial privileges for masters of sports

The path to a master of sports, as a rule, takes a serious period of time, which falls on childhood and adolescence. Since the person worked actively during this period, the state subsequently supports him.

Financial support comes from three sources:

  • regional executive authorities;
  • Olympic Committee;
  • sports tips.

As for the forms of state support, it is expressed primarily in monthly benefits. If a person enters a university after achieving MS, then he is awarded an increased scholarship.

Healthy! The greatest financial support is provided to Olympic champions and record holders with over twenty years of experience in competitions.

Additional payments provided for masters of sports

Benefits are provided exclusively at the regional level and are prescribed both in the legislative framework of the subjects (orders, acts of the regional level) and in the charters of sports organizations.

For example, in the city of St. Petersburg, monthly subsidies for honored masters of sports amount to 10,749 rubles. But in addition to cash subsidies, ZMS have the right to:

  • preferential receipt of living space;
  • benefits for pension benefits.

This requires a classification document with a record of the body/organization from which this particular athlete received the rank or certificates. Additional payment depending on the document presented:

  • the third qualification level obliges the state to add 15% of the salary;
  • second - 30%;
  • the first - half;
  • supreme - 70%.

Now the legislation instructs authorities at the regional level to decide on their own issues regarding benefits and cash payments. There is also a letter from the Ministry of Sports, which recommends a salary increase of 50-100%. Since there is no specificity on these issues, all requests are considered personally.

How to apply for financial support

In order to receive monthly financial support from the state, a master of sports must complete a standard cycle of actions typical for processing all types of preferences:

  1. Collect a package of documents; their list depends on the athlete’s status, his achievements and life situation. For example, the list of a master of sports who needs housing will differ from the list of papers provided to those who want to receive payment for victory at the Olympic Games;
  2. Visit the regional office of the Ministry of Culture and Sports and fill out an application, attaching a package of materials;
  3. Wait for a decision from authorized specialists.

If the answer is positive, the applicant will begin receiving payments on a monthly basis. If the authority refuses, an official refusal will be issued containing an explanation of the reason.

Grounds for disagreement in receiving security:

  1. The applicant did not submit all the basic documents;
  2. The information contained in the application or materials is unreliable or does not correspond to the truth.

Appeal procedure

If the applicant is not satisfied with the decision or actions of the authorized government body, then he has the right to complain both about the structure itself and about its employees.

The applicant can also complain in the following situations:

  • failure to comply with the date on which the applicant's request was registered;
  • failure to comply with the date on which state support was provided;
  • documents were requested that were not established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • refusal to accept papers provided for by regulations;
  • request from the applicant for government services a fee not provided for by the laws of Russia.

When filing claims by a representative of the applicant, an act is important that will confirm the rights to act instead of the applicant.

The complaint statement must contain:

  • name of the circulation authority (in full), full name of the official;
  • Full name of the applicant, indication of place of residence, telephone number or other method of feedback;
  • decisions against which the complaint is being made;
  • reason for disagreement.

Having examined the claim, the Council either satisfies it or rejects it. Next, the applicant is obliged to notify the Council in writing of knowledge of the results. The letter must bear his signature.

Federal legislation does not establish any benefits for such a category as Honored Master of Sports. Benefits in the form of bonuses will be provided in accordance with regional legislation if a person works in the field of physical education.

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He told me about his pension - 320 rubles. However, the relevant ministries say that the athlete’s pension is higher, plus he receives a monthly stipend entitled to retired champions. the site found out what pensions other Olympic champions receive and how they are calculated.

The photo is for illustrative purposes only. Photo: Reuters

“I worked all my life - I can’t imagine how to live in retirement”

The first Belarusian Olympic champion Sergei Makarenko(won at the 60 Olympics in Rome together with Leonid Geishtor) turned 80 in September. Despite his age, Sergei Lavrentievich works at the Minsk representative office of the NOC, but his contract ends in a few weeks:

In 1960, at the Olympic Games in Rome, Sergei Makarenko, together with Leonid Geishtor, won gold at a distance of 1000 meters in kayaking and canoeing. Photo: Dmitry Brushko, TUT.BY

With retirement, according to the athlete, it will become more difficult financially. As Sergei Lavrentievich says, his salary at NOC today is 750 rubles. The athlete’s pension, as he himself says, is 380 rubles. Plus he receives a scholarship from the Ministry of Sports, which amounts to “ about the same».

“Taking into account the salary, it was decent, but I don’t know yet how to live only on a pension.” Let's see what happens.

After the Olympics, Sergei Makarenko built a house near Minsk, not far from Drozdy, so the big expense line for the athlete is “utilities.” He says that he accumulates a month “ significant amount" You also have to spend a lot on medications:

— I live with my wife, her pension is 250 rubles. So we spend almost her entire pension on medicines: we try to buy foreign ones, not domestic ones. I also spend a lot on medicine, but I am a disabled person of the second group - I have a discount on Belarusian medications.

Now, after paying for the fat, purchasing medicines, food and other necessary things, as Sergei Lavrentievich says, “ there's still some money left" If you live on a pension and a stipend, this balance will no longer exist.

— By Western standards, our retired athletes live modestly. Modest, even when compared with Russia or Ukraine. It's a shame that we don't see a corresponding return for great merit. I would like to live according to my deserts.

“I still don’t eat more than one loaf of bread a day.”

Vladimir Parfenovich(58 years old) - three-time champion in kayaking and canoeing at the 1980 Olympics in Moscow. In recent years, he coached the national teams of Russia and Poland, and after returning home he went to work at the Olympic reserve children's and youth school in Mosty.

At the 1980 Olympics in Moscow, Vladimir Parfenovich won three gold medals at once. None of the kayakers in the world have repeated this record. Photo: Olga Shukaylo, TUT.BY

According to Parfenovich, he “ tired of the city bustle” and decided not to look for work in Minsk, although he had such an opportunity. In addition, living in the capital is expensive and inefficient. The salary of a famous trainer in Mosty is 300 rubles, with bonuses - 350-400.

Vladimir Parfenovich’s pension, according to the athlete, is 264 rubles.

“Many Belarusians today earn the same amount. And nothing - they survive. And I don’t want to be poor, I still managed to collect a penny in my life. But I still don’t eat more than one loaf of bread a day,” the Olympic champion said in an interview with Narodnaya Volya.

Champion in saber fencing at the Moscow Olympics Nikolay Alekhin(62 years old) said that his pension is 290 rubles. Plus additional payments from the Ministry of Sports.

— My friends-athletes from neighboring countries are surprised at this position of the Soviet champions in our country. They say: “Is this possible?” It turns out that it is possible.

Handball player, champion of the 88 Olympics in Seoul, and now head coach of SKA Alexander Karshakevich has not yet reached the official retirement age - he is 58 years old. However, now he is receiving a pension for long service, since he played the required 5 years in the national team and “accumulated” his seniority. Its size in his case is 250 rubles.

Alexander Karshakevich won silver at the 1980 Olympics in Moscow and gold at the 1988 Games in Seoul. Photo: Olga Shukaylo, TUT.BY

“Upon reaching retirement age, I will apply for a scholarship provided by Presidential Decree 555,” says the Olympic champion.

Olympic champion in foil fencing (Seoul, 1988) Alexander Romankov began receiving a pension upon reaching the generally established retirement age. The athlete did not name the specific amount of his pension, but said that “ it's pretty much the same for everyone».

How are athletes' pensions calculated?

As the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection explains, issues of pension provision for athletes, including outstanding ones, are regulated by the Law “On Pension Security”. The size of the labor pension for athletes, like for any Belarusian, depends on the individual earnings ratio and length of service.

According to the law, athletes have the right to a labor pension for long service with a reduction in the generally established retirement age by 5 years:

  • men - with at least 25 years of work experience, of which at least 15 years of professional sports activity;
  • women - with at least 20 years of work experience, of which at least 10 years of professional sports activity.

Some categories of athletes, including medalists and winners of the Olympic Games, are entitled to an early retirement pension for long service if they have been on the staff of national teams and (or) national teams of Belarus in sports for at least 5 years and have no work experience less than 25 years for men and 20 years for women.

To assign these pensions, in addition to reaching a certain retirement age, having professional experience and general work experience, there must also be work experience with the payment of mandatory insurance contributions to the Social Security Fund. This year, it must be at least 16 years old for both men and women.

Outstanding athletes are given a pension for special merits. According to the Regulations on pensions for special merits, it can be received, in particular, by winners and prize-winners of the Olympic, Paralympic, Deaflympic Games, world and European champions. This pension consists of an assigned labor pension and an increase, the amount of which ranges from 100 to 250% of the minimum age pension, which today is 49.39 rubles. Thus, the maximum increase that such a pensioner can receive for special merits is 123.48 rubles per month.

A pension for special merits is established only after reaching the generally established retirement age.

In addition, the Ministry of Sports and Tourism pays retired Olympic champions a monthly stipend in the amount of “300% of the highest average per capita subsistence budget budget approved by the government for the last two quarters, including the quarter of its payment.”

The players' union of the Continental Hockey League (KHL) together with the National Non-State Pension Fund have developed a new pension scheme, “Sports-Professional”. Now, after finishing their sports career, but before reaching retirement age, hockey players will not be left without money.

The hockey union continues to resolve social issues for athletes. A few months ago, the chairman of the trade union, Andrei Kovalenko, spoke about the desire to change the existing pension scheme for professional athletes.

“In Russia, a man does not have the right to receive a pension until he is 60 years old. We want to lower the retirement age for professional hockey players. There are exceptions: military personnel, police officers, even ballerinas. A professional athlete can play for a maximum of 15-20 years. Hockey is one of the most traumatic sports, and a person simply needs this pension,” Kovalenko said then.

NNPF National non-state pension fund. Created in April 1997.

At the second extraordinary congress of the KHL players’ union, delegates were invited to familiarize themselves with several options for pension provision for hockey players. The players of the Riga club Dynamo, for example, immediately held a meeting at which they approved the program presented by the National Non-State Pension Fund (NNPF).

Next, the Federal Service for Financial Markets registered a new pension scheme, “Sports-Professional”. The same National Non-State Pension Fund - one of the largest intersectoral non-state pension funds - got down to business. Its founders are Tatneft, Zenit Bank, Nizhnekamskneftekhim and Tatenergo.

Retired after 15 seasons in the KHL

The leading lawyer of the hockey union, Natalya Gergel, explained to the site how the new pension scheme will work. “The assignment of a non-state pension occurs when the pension grounds are reached. In our case it is 40-45 years. The state pension is paid only from the age of 60. The validity period of a non-state pension will be from 5 to 20 years. Only a legal entity can be a contributor to this pension scheme: a public organization - a professional union that unites professional athletes in a sport,” Gergel said.

This pension scheme is not just for hockey players. It was created for trade unions, whose members are athletes and people working in the field of physical culture and sports.

“To obtain the right to receive a non-state pension under this pension scheme, the player must have at least 20 years of sports experience in the Russian Federation for the athlete. And for a high-class athlete, he must have at least 15 years of sports experience in Russia,” said Gergel.

The lawyer gave an example for comparison of what pension provision looks like in the National Hockey League (NHL). “There is a collective agreement between the National Hockey League Players Association (NHLPA) and the NHL, which provides for the pension provision of NHL club players. It is made at the expense of two funds, the financial content of which comes from the joint activities of the NHL and the NHLPA. At the same time, a quarter of the funds are raised by the Players Association and three quarters by NHL clubs,” said Gergel.

Pension provision is an issue of greater concern to athletes, whose salaries are not comparable to the earnings of hockey players. But in any case, the KHL hockey players’ union has taken another step towards a modern, civilized system of work between the state and athletes.



named after O.E. Kutafina (MSAL)

Maria Igorevna AKATNOVA,

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Labor Law and Social Security Law at the University named after O.E. Kutafina (MSAL)


The article analyzes the current state of pension provision for athletes and coaches in the Russian Federation. Arguments are given about the unjustified exclusion of coaches of children's sports schools from the number of persons entitled to early retirement benefits. It is proposed to introduce early pension provision for professional athletes, subject to the payment by the employer of additional insurance contributions, taking into account a special assessment of working conditions. Key words: social security law; pension provision; pension provision for athletes and coaches; early old age pensions; additional pension insurance; professional insurance.

M. I. AKATNOVA, Ph. D. (Law),

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Labor Law and Social Security Law of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)


The current pension system of athletes and coaches in Russia is analyzed in the article; given the arguments about the unreasonableness exception of coaches of children"s sports schools from among persons who are entitled to early retirement benefits; proposed introduction of early retirement for professional athletes, subject to payment by the employer additional insurance contributions considered special assessment of working conditions Keywords: social security law; pension benefits for athletes and coaches; additional pension insurance.

The Russian state pension system currently does not establish any specifics in the pension provision of coaches and professional athletes. Coaches of children's sports schools have lost the right to early retirement since 2002, and athletes in our country have never had such a right and have not acquired it as a result of several pension reforms. At the same time, professional athletes acquired the status of an employee and subject of labor relations with the introduction in 2008 of Chapter 54.1 “Features of regulation of the labor of athletes and coaches”1 into the Labor Code of the Russian Federation1.

© M. I. Akatnova, 2015 1 SZ RF. 2002. No. 1 (part I). Art. 3.

named after O.E. Kutvfina (MSAL)

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of November 20, 1990 No. 340-1 “On State Pensions in the Russian Federation”2, persons who carried out teaching activities in schools and other institutions for children were established a long-service pension if they had at least 25 years of service. Such positions included the position of coach-teacher in children's and youth sports schools (of all names)3. Thus, coaches were equated to employees carrying out teaching activities in institutions for children.

With the entry into force of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”4, which replaced long-service pensions for certain categories of workers, including teachers, with early old-age pensions, and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 29 .2002 No. 781 “On the lists of jobs, professions, positions, specialties and institutions, taking into account which an old-age labor pension is assigned early in accordance with Article 27 of the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”, and on the approval of the Rules for calculating periods of work, giving the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension in accordance with Article 27 of the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”5, coaches of children's sports schools lost the right to early assignment of a pension.

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 781, work in the positions of trainer-teacher, senior trainer-teacher, trainer-teacher in adaptive physical culture, etc. in institutions of additional education for children (out-of-school institutions), such as: children's and youth sports schools of all types, specialized children's and youth sports schools of the Olympic reserve, children's and youth sports adaptive schools of all types, for periods starting from January 1, 2001 is counted length of service if the following conditions are present simultaneously:

As of January 1, 2001, the person has worked in positions in the institutions specified in the list for at least 16 years 8 months;

The person has evidence of work (regardless of its duration) in the period from November 1, 1999 to December 31, 2000 in these positions in the specified institutions.

At the same time, persons working as heads of physical education in a comprehensive school retained the right to early retirement. The student population (children under 18 years of age) and working hours for teachers of secondary schools and teachers (coaches) of additional education are the same6. Responsibility for the sports results of children studying in specialized sports schools is much higher for coaches.

Gazette of the SND of the RSFSR and the Supreme Council of the RSFSR 1990. No. 27. Art. 351 (repealed).

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 22, 1999 No. 1067 “On approval of the List of positions in which work is counted as length of service, giving the right to a pension for length of service in connection with teaching activities in schools and other institutions for children, and the Rules for calculating the length of service for assigning a pension for length of service in connection with teaching activities in schools and other institutions for children" (lost force) // SZ RF. 1999. No. 40. Art. 4857.

NW RF. 2001. No. 52 (part 1). Art. 4920. In accordance with Federal Law No. 400-FZ dated December 28, 2013, this document does not apply from January 1, 2015, with the exception of the rules governing the calculation of the amount of labor pensions and subject to application in order to determine the amount of insurance pensions to the extent that does not contradict the specified Federal law ^

NW RF. 2002. No. 44. Art. 4393. t

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 27, 2006 No. 69 “On the peculiarities of the regime of working time and rest time for teaching and other employees of educational institutions” // Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive authorities. 2006. No. 32. NAUK1


named after O.E. Kutafina (MSAL)

Appeals to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation from citizens who saw an infringement of their rights in such innovations did not lead to a positive decision, despite the fact that the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation recognized the connection of the right to assign a pension before reaching the generally established retirement age for certain categories of citizens engaged in certain professional activities with work, the performance of which is associated with the adverse effects of various types of factors, increased psychophysiological stress, due to the specifics and nature of the work. This also takes into account differences in the nature of the work and functional responsibilities of employees7. We believe that these features are typical for coaches of children's sports schools, as well as for teachers of general education institutions. Further, the Court indicated that the definition of categories of citizens whose activities are associated with the risk of loss of professional ability before reaching the general retirement age due to prolonged exposure to various types of unfavorable factors on the human body, due to the specifics of their professional activities, as well as due to the special significance and value such activities for the state and society are referred by law to the competence of the Government of the Russian Federation8. Consequently, if the Government of the Russian Federation believes that the work of children's trainers does not have the specifics of pedagogical work and value for the state and society, then they are legally deprived of the right to early retirement.

The latest reform of pension legislation did not bring any positive changes. Federal Law dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions”9, which entered into force on January 1, 2014,9 and adopted for the purpose of implementing Art. 30 and 31 of this Law, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 16, 2014 No. 665 “On the lists of works, industries, professions, positions, specialties and institutions (organizations), taking into account which an old-age insurance pension is assigned early, and the rules for calculating periods of work (activity) , giving the right to early pension provision"10, confirmed the provisions previously established by the Federal Law "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation" and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 781, which infringed on the right of coaches of children's sports schools, in comparison with teachers of secondary schools, to early pension provision .

The situation in the field of pension provision for athletes is even more ambiguous. It is obvious that professional sports activity in most sports is characterized by heavy loads and is short-term. It is impossible to engage in rhythmic or artistic gymnastics, alpine skiing, synchronized swimming and many other sports at a high professional level before reaching the generally established retirement age.

The lack of preferential pension provision for athletes in Soviet times (despite the presence of the athletes themselves and their outstanding results) was explained simply: professional sports did not exist. All athletes were de jure amateurs, registered in sports clubs subordinate to various departments and organizations, and earned pensions on the basis provided for employees of these departments and organizations. Consequently, no features of the pension

Decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated April 6, 2006 No. GKPI06-282 // Bulletin of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. 2007. No. 8.

Decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated August 4, 2008 No. GKPI08-1468 // The text was not officially published.

NW RF. 2013. No. 52 (part I). Art. 6965. NW RF. 2014. No. 30 (part II). Art. 4306.

named after O.E. Kutvfina (MSAL)

provision related to professional activities could not exist. As O. A. Shevchenko notes, professional sports is a fairly young phenomenon even on a global scale, and in Russia we can only talk about its legal consolidation since the adoption of the Federal Law of December 4, 2007 No. E29-FZ “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation.” Federation”11, but this Law does not define the term “professional athlete”, distinguishing the categories “athlete” and “high-class athlete”, not allowing a person to be unambiguously classified as those for whom sport is work, and those for whom sport she is not12.

Expanding the list of categories of workers entitled to early pension provision in the context of a difficult economic situation and constant indications of the insufficient funds of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation seemed unrealistic. The relevant departments drew attention to the fact that at first Art. 27 of the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”, and subsequently Art. 30 of the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions” does not establish the right to early assignment of a labor/old-age insurance pension before reaching the general retirement age, but only reserves such a right for certain categories of citizens who had it before the pension reform of 2002, including persons entitled to a long service pension. Since athletes did not have such a right before, the adoption of these laws did not secure this right.

Meanwhile, the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions”, in addition to the general conditions for the emergence of the right to an old-age insurance pension (age, length of service, the presence of an established value of the individual pension coefficient), one of the conditions for the emergence of the right to an early old-age pension establishes the obligation for the employer to accrue and pay additional insurance contributions at the appropriate tariffs13, which are applied if the class of working conditions in the workplace corresponded to the harmful or dangerous class of working conditions established based on the results of a special assessment of working conditions. It is assumed that early old-age insurance pensions will be paid from these additional insurance contributions. The working conditions of most categories of athletes can be classified as harmful and/or dangerous, providing for “professional” pension insurance, and with this condition, include them in the list of workers entitled to early pensions. Differentiation by retirement age and duration of special insurance experience can be carried out similarly to persons who carried out creative activities on stage in theaters or theatrical and entertainment organizations (clause 21, part 1, article 30 of the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions” and the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated August 28, 1991 No. 447 “On approval of the list of professions and positions of workers in theaters and other theatrical and entertainment enterprises and groups, whose creative work gives the right to a pension for long service”14).

The experience of the Republic of Belarus can be cited as an example of such an approach to pension provision for athletes. Until 2009, in accordance with Art. 49.2 of the Law

11 SZ RF. 2007. No. 50. Art. 6242.°

12 More details: Shevchenko O. A. Peculiarities of labor regulation in the field of professional ^ sports / International Association of Sports Law (1Ав1_), Commission on Sports Law of the Russian Lawyers Association. M., 2013. pp. 23-27.

13 Federal Law of July 24, 2009 No. 212-FZ “On insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.” Art. 58.3 // NW RF. 2009. No. 30. Art. 3738. O


named after O.E. Kutafina (MSAL)

of the Republic of Belarus dated April 17, 1992 No. 1596-X11 “On pension provision”15 professional athletes were subject to pension provision for long service. From January 1, 2009, pension provision for professional athletes has undergone significant changes in connection with the introduction of professional pension insurance.

Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated October 09, 2008 No. 1490 “On some issues of professional pension insurance”16 established a list of sports (55 types) for the purposes of professional pension insurance of certain categories of athletes involved in professional sports, and a list of sports achievements that give athletes from number of members of national teams of the Republic of Belarus in sports the right to a professional pension before reaching the generally established retirement age by 5-10 years

All professional athletes are divided into two categories: athletes who are members of national teams of the Republic of Belarus, and other athletes.

1) inclusion in the national team of the Republic of Belarus in a sport;

2) conclusion of an employment contract;

3) achieving one of the sports results established by Resolution No. 1490 (for example, 1-6th places at the Olympic Games, 1-3rd places at the World Championships, 1st place at the World Championships/Cup in non-Olympic sports, etc.); d.);

4) the insured person has at least 5 years of professional experience, at least 25 years of work experience for men and 20 years for women;

5) reaching early retirement age - 50 years for men and 45 years for women;

6) payment by the employer after January 1, 2009 of additional insurance contributions in the amount of 4.8% of the athlete’s income.

1) conclusion of an employment contract;

2) direct involvement in professional sports activities;

3) the insured person has professional experience of at least 15 years for men and 10 years for women, as well as work experience of at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women;

4) reaching early retirement age - 55 years for men and 50 years for women;

5) payment by the employer after January 1, 2009 of additional insurance contributions for personal pension insurance.

In addition to professional pension provision, athletes and coaches who have special services to the Republic of Belarus are entitled to the appropriate type of pension in accordance with Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated March 30, 1993 No. 185 “On approval of the Regulations on pensions for special services to the Republic of Belarus”17. For example, these pensions are established for outstanding athletes - winners and medalists of the Olympic Games, world and European champions.

15 Gazette of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Belarus. 1992. No. 17. Art. 275.

16 National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus. 10/20/2008. No. 249. 5/28508.

17 National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus. 09/19/2001. No. 5/8199.

named after O.E. Kutvfina (MSAL)

It should be noted that a similar type of material support for citizens with special merits exists in the Russian Federation. It is not a pension, but an additional monthly financial support established in addition to pensions, and is provided to a narrower circle of people. Federal Law No. 21-FZ dated 04.03.2002 “On additional monthly material support for citizens of the Russian Federation for outstanding achievements and special services to the Russian Federation”18 provides for the payment of additional monthly material support from the federal budget to the champions of the Olympic, Paralympic and Deaflympic Games. The amount of additional material support is 250% of the size of the social pension on the day the additional material support is established (as of January 1, 2015, it is 4,323.74 rubles). Payment of additional financial support is made simultaneously with the payment of the corresponding pension, but is not made during the period of paid work. Additional monthly financial support is also provided to citizens who have certain titles and state awards. Thus, the head coach of the Russian synchronized swimming team in 2014 was awarded the title of Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation, which also entitles him to additional monthly financial support, as well as the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, I, II, III and IV degrees, which Athletes and coaches have been repeatedly awarded after successful performance at the Olympic Games.

However, these additional payments will not replace full-fledged professional pension provision either for athletes who, despite decades of training and achieving high sports results, failed to become champions of the Olympic Games, or for coaches of children's sports schools who, unfortunately, do not receive high state awards.

18 SZ RF. 2002. No. 10. Art. 964.

The article was updated on March 27, 2019.

The country's sporting pride also has an age and, accordingly, an age pension. In addition, the state, assessing the merits of its heroes - Olympic champions, provides them with additional material support (ADS), enshrined in federal law.

The law regulates a special procedure for the appointment and payment of DMO:

  1. Appointed no earlier than the time of appointment of an old-age pension.
  2. For citizens mentioned in the law and receiving a pension, DMO is assigned from the moment the law comes into force, if the application occurred no later than 3 months from that time.
  3. The payment occurs simultaneously with the pension.
  4. The payment stops if the citizen is employed.
  5. The payment stops if the citizen is deprived of titles and awards, and resumes again with the restoration of rights and titles.

The amount of DME is determined as a percentage of the size of the social pension. , which is periodically carried out in relation to pension payments, is also relevant to DMO. DMO is prescribed for life.

When do Olympians retire?

In Soviet times, Olympic winners were entitled to early retirement. This rule also applied to their coaches.

After the collapse of the USSR, the law ceased to apply, and honored athletes were equal to ordinary citizens retiring upon reaching the age of 60/55 (men/women).

There are proposals to make changes to the pension provision of Olympic champions and make it early, giving them the right to a labor pension with 25 years of experience.

Given the successful performance of the Russian national team at the Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014, these innovations would be appropriate encouragement for high-class athletes who spent a lot of effort and health to achieve their goal.

In 2020, the possibility of early retirement of Olympic winners was considered due to the significant physical and mental stress of achieving victories, but so far the general rules still apply and the privileges of Olympians are not applied.

At the moment, all athletes, regardless of their achievements, are subject to the standard retirement age (taking into account the pension reform) - 63/57.

In some post-Soviet countries, Olympic champions still have the right to early retirement.

The title of Olympic champion cannot be former; it is given for life. This title cannot be transferred; DMO is carried out for it on the basis of Russian legislation.

About the formation of the winners' pension

Athletes who have earned a high title in their time sooner or later leave big sport and continue their work in their acquired profession or acquire a new one.

Thus, while working, they form their pension savings in order to receive a pension on a general basis when they reach age.

Her appointment is made by the Pension Fund on the basis of the athlete’s personal application and a package of documents that the employee provides along with the application.

This is where a citizen who has a victory at the Olympic Games must provide documents confirming this fact.

To assign a pension and calculate its amount, a standard package of documents is required in originals and copies:

  1. Passport.
  2. Employment history.
  3. SNILS.
  4. Certificate of average salary for 5 years.
  5. All documents confirming the facts of a sports career: certificates of titles, awards, titles.

Its size is influenced by the employer’s contributions to the Pension Fund, accumulated earnings and length of service. The entire pensioner until 2002, the average salary over the years of work, and other indicators form its total size.

Usually the title of Olympic champion is supported by awards in their country; champions are awarded not only cash prizes, but also state orders and medals.

The State Sports Committee must document the fact that this citizen received the title of Olympic champion.

Federal-level awards will be a good help in obtaining benefits and social benefits.

All documents relating to the fact of championship must be submitted to the Pension Fund in the original version, regardless of the year in which the title was received. Based on these confirmations, the athlete will be assigned a significant pension supplement.

The rules for calculating allowances are that they are made after the increase occurs. DME can also be indexed; it is added to the pension as a separate part. It is not limited in size and is constantly changing upward.

Even in conditions of the economic crisis, indexation applies to both pension benefits and all additional payments to the winners of the Olympic Games for a high title. Understanding the special merits of athletes in maintaining the authority, political and sports image of the country, questions about the abolition or reduction of the size of the DME are not raised.

The additional allowance (ASI) for champions of the Olympic and Paralympic Games is two and a half percent of the social pension.