When do they usually decorate the Christmas tree at home? Why do they decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year?

Other reasons

It is immediately worth noting that each family decides for itself when to decorate the Christmas tree. If you want to do this at the beginning of December, then you can safely begin the process. But is it necessary to create a New Year’s mood in advance, because it can quickly become habitual and, as a result, by December 31st there will be no trace left of the festive magic.

How to make a decision when putting up a Christmas tree

We suggest starting to think about this issue around December 20th. The fact is that December 21st marks the winter solstice. This means that it is from this, the longest night of the year, that the day begins to gradually (even if for a couple of seconds) increase. December 21, according to astrologers, greatly influences a person’s life. On this day you can get a strong energy charge. So, if you have been unbearable for a long time, then you can put up a Christmas tree on this day.

Further days gradually approach Catholic and Protestant Christmas, which is celebrated from December 24 to 25. If you couldn’t put up a Christmas tree on the day of the winter solstice, you can do it on the 24th in the evening. Especially if you are Catholic or Protestant and celebrate Christmas in December. It is believed that decorating the Christmas tree is one of the customs of this period. If your Christmas is only in January, this is not a reason not to consider these dates as possible when to decorate the Christmas tree in 2015.

From December 25th, every day is a good day and suitable for putting up a Christmas tree. After all, the New Year holiday is getting closer. Here, choose a date that is more convenient for you, so that you have time to buy a winter beauty and properly, with the whole family, start decorating it. If you have enough patience, then it is best, of course, to decorate the Christmas tree right on December 31st. Best time is just before midnight. In general, there are precise and strict rules for when to decorate the Christmas tree at home, you can choose the date that is most convenient for you. But you shouldn’t put up a winter beauty before December 21, especially a live Christmas tree. Because she may simply not last in her beautiful natural form until New Year's Eve.

Interesting! In most cities in our country, Christmas trees begin to be sold just on the eve of December 25 - Catholic Christmas. So, if you want to put up a live Christmas tree earlier, then you are unlikely to succeed.

Where is the best place to put a Christmas tree in an apartment?

A decorated Christmas tree is not only a symbol of the winter holidays. It carries a certain energy that will affect your home. Therefore, it is not so important when to decorate the New Year tree than where to put it. The southern room is the best place for a winter beauty. The main element of this center is fire, to which the Christmas tree in its radiance and lights fully corresponds. If you strengthen the southern zone of your home with the help of a Christmas tree, you can attract the glory and life-giving power of fire into life. When deciding to place the tree in the south, do not hang a lot of tinsel and decorations on it.

The southwestern sector is also suitable for planting a Christmas tree because the fiery energy is still strong here. Toys should be chosen in red and yellow colors; large silver balls and a lot of garlands can be used for decoration, which, if possible, should not be turned off.

West and northwest, in principle, are suitable for a Christmas tree, but not very desirable. A conflict of elements may arise. The Christmas tree, as we have determined, is the element of fire. But in the west or northwest, metal rules. But, if you decorate the Christmas tree with silver and golden balls, you can activate the energy of the metal and attract success and happiness into your home. For the northwestern center, choose bells and toys in the form of angels to decorate the tree.

The northeast sector requires the same decorations as the tree that stands on the southwest side. Therefore, be sure to place several paired figures under the tree or hang on it - this will help with your studies. To make life more interesting and sparkle with bright new colors in 2015, you can decorate the Christmas tree with a string of pearls.

For the eastern side, you need to choose pointed toys, and place the very top at the very top. Decorating the Christmas tree in this area of ​​the apartment will strengthen your marital status. Try to disguise the Christmas tree needles as much as possible with rain and bright garlands.

It doesn’t matter when to decorate the Christmas tree according to Feng Shui, it is important how to do it correctly depending on the area where the New Year’s beauty will stand. In any area of ​​the apartment, you can hang decorations made on the Christmas tree. These are oven-dried slices of citrus fruits, apples, nuts and candies. You can also make garlands from popcorn or other interesting decorations, for the creation of which you will only need simple household items.

Now you can decide for yourself what date you need to decorate the New Year tree. Remember that a decorated Christmas tree is a feeling of celebration and magic in every moment. You can choose classic or innovative options. But, if you put up the Christmas tree too early, then the corresponding mood may already pass before the holiday season begins.

Another New Year is approaching, and only a few hours separate us from this bright holiday. It's time to prepare a gala dinner and decorate your home! But why do they decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year, what is this tradition connected with?

…Imagine that you are in Bethlehem, about 2,000 years ago. The darkness of the night is dispelled by the light of a bright star that suddenly lights up in the sky. Wonderful, angelic voices are heard above the earth. In the distance, three majestic wise men appeared, hurrying to bring their gifts to a certain Baby...

Even the trees will bow to him

Why do they decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year? This question is often asked not only by children, but also by adults. Not everyone knows that the tradition of decorating this tree is closely connected with the birth of Jesus Christ.

The Christmas tree is the main attribute of the New Year holiday

According to one ancient legend, not only people and animals nearby, but even trees and other plants hastened to greet the Savior who was born. They all wanted to bring their fruits, flowers and the finest aromas as gifts to the Baby. Spruce arrived from the cold north, but she modestly remained aside, not wanting to enter the cave.

Everyone present was perplexed why El did not want to get closer to the newborn Jesus. Elka replied that she had nothing that could be given to the baby as a gift, and that she was afraid of scaring him or injuring him with a sharp needle. Then each of the plants handed over to Spruce some of its fruits, bright flowers and nuts. Seeing the kind, elegant Spruce, the baby smiled. At that very moment, the Star of Bethlehem shone even brighter over the top of the tree.

There is another version of this tale. According to it, the arrogant Palm and Olive did not let the Christmas tree pass to the Baby, laughing at its unsightly appearance, sticky resin and sharp needles. Modest Yel did not object; she was saddened, but remained at the entrance to the cave. Then the angels took pity on the Christmas tree and decorated its branches with heavenly stars. In such an outfit the tree was not ashamed to appear to the Savior!

Belief in forest spirits

Our ancestors deified nature; they endowed plants with intelligence and supernatural power. It was believed that the spirits of the forest were capable of destroying a person they did not like. And, on the contrary, they rewarded some people with treasures for certain merits.

In order to appease the forest spirits, it was necessary to decorate the spruce tree, which has been a symbol of life since ancient times, and decorated it with all kinds of fruits and treats.

New Year tree in Russia

The custom of installing a decorated Christmas tree in the house comes from southern Germany. In Russia, the very first Christmas tree was decorated and installed for the New Year by order of Peter I (this happened on January 1, 1700). The Tsar ordered to “light fires, launch rockets and decorate the capital with coniferous branches - spruce, pine and juniper.”

The Bolsheviks, who came to power after the 1917 revolution, considered the New Year a “relic of the bourgeois past” and even tried to ban the holiday. However, the people loved the celebration very much, so in 1935 the holiday was returned. It is believed that the rehabilitation of the holiday and its attributes (Christmas tree) began with a small note in the newspaper Pravda, published on December 28, 1935.

And it's also a talisman!

It is believed that on New Year's Day, your deepest dreams and desires come true. However, New Year's Eve is not only favorable for people.

After midnight, evil spirits appear on earth to make fun of people and inflict all sorts of minor mischief on them. Evil spirits can ruin the housewife's cooking or steal something not particularly valuable, but useful.

In order to ward off such unwanted “guests” from your home, it was necessary to decorate your home with bright shiny objects that could... Glitter, tinsel and, of course, a decorated Christmas tree were supposed to keep evil spirits at a respectful distance from the house.

Tired of winter and blizzard wind outside? In this case, we recommend that you read the article ""! It will help you remember that winter cold does not last forever, and sooner or later it will definitely be replaced by a spring drop.

Few people can imagine a New Year's holiday without a tree, but the tradition of decorating it appeared relatively recently. Not everyone knows how this custom came to us, and when exactly it is necessary to put up a New Year tree.

Origins and features of the holiday

New Year's Eve and the Christmastide period are the darkest and mystical times. According to the beliefs of the ancient peoples who inhabited Europe, it is at the end of the year that nature dies in order to be reborn again, and the old calendar is replaced by the counting of new days. It was believed that evergreens had a special vitality during this period. To receive a piece of it, all family members touched the Christmas tree brought into the house, and it was customary to touch pets with its branches.

The very first information about New Year's holidays dates back to the 16th century. It was then that guild organizations and guilds from the Alemannic region of Alsace began to organize Christmas celebrations for their children. Then a small fluffy Christmas tree or pine tree was hung from the ceiling and its branches were decorated with sweets and toys. At the end of the holiday, children were allowed to shake gifts from the branches.

By the middle of the 17th century, the beautiful tradition of decorating a Christmas tree on the eve was fully formed, and New Year's trees, standing on the floor and decorated with all kinds of toys, appeared in all wealthy houses in Germany and Austria. They put up a Christmas tree 1-2 days before Christmas to please the children and bring the atmosphere of a cheerful holiday into the house.

In the 1840s, the custom of placing a festively decorated tree appeared in Russia. At first it was not particularly successful, but over time, New Year trees appeared at Christmas fairs, in the houses of the nobility, and in rural clubs.

When to decorate the Christmas tree

Today, many people begin preparing for the Christmas and New Year holidays in early December. Gifts are bought a month in advance, New Year's events are planned with colleagues, and the menu for the festive feast is thought out. To create a great mood in advance, some people decorate the New Year tree already in early December.

Most of our fellow citizens try to time the appearance of the fluffy beauty in the house by the end of December, so on the 24th-25th there is a New Year tree in almost every home. Some people believe that the best time to decorate a Christmas tree is on New Year's Eve. Then she is placed and dressed up on December 31, immediately before sitting down at the festive table.

When exactly to decorate your home with a Christmas tree, everyone decides for themselves. The main thing is that she brings with her a good mood and confidence that the new year will be more successful and richer than the outgoing one. By the way, don’t forget to remove the tree after the holidays are over. This can be done either after Christmas on January 8-9, or after celebrating the New Year according to the old style - January 14-15.

Everyone has long known that 2016 will pass under the sign of the Fire Monkey. However, until February 8, 2016, the date of the new year according to the lunar calendar, the Goat will continue to remain on its throne, and it is impossible to forget about it on New Year’s Eve. So, when preparing for the New Year 2016, astrologers advise taking into account the tastes and characters of both signs of the eastern calendar - the Wood Goat and the Fire Monkey, then the coming year will definitely be successful, even though it will be a leap year.


In order for the New Year holidays to be fun and joyful, it is important to prepare for their celebration not only thoroughly, but also on time. The pre-holiday bustle should not take away all your energy, which means that preparations for New Year's Eve should begin at least 10 days in advance.


The first thing astrologers and psychics advise you to do on the eve of the New Year is to cleanse your home of the negativity that has accumulated in it. Minor quarrels, grievances, disputes - all this creates an unfavorable atmosphere in our homes, which periodically needs to be cleaned. And on New Year’s Eve, especially since 2016 is a leap year, it is strictly necessary to do this.

The most favorable days for energy cleansing of housing are December 8, 9, 18, 21 and 24, 2015. Select one of these periods and proceed with the appropriate procedures. First of all, you should carry out a general cleaning - everything in the house should shine and sparkle. After your home is sparkling clean, start checking out the old, unnecessary and broken things that you have certainly accumulated over the past year. Did your favorite cup get chipped? In the trash! Got a hole in your dress or skirt? Same way! Don’t keep things in your house that you won’t use—you can’t expect anything but negativity from them.


How many days before the New Year is it best to put up and decorate a Christmas tree? This question worries everyone on the eve of the holiday. In 2015, the ideal day for this is December 27th.

Many people put up a Christmas tree in their apartment where there is free space. However, the ancient eastern teaching of Feng Shui advises placing a New Year's tree in the southern or eastern sector of the house. If you are thinking about what kind of Christmas tree to put up - artificial or live, then it would be better to choose a factory-made tree. In this way, you will not only preserve a piece of nature, but also protect your family from the negative energy that a cut down tree carries.

When planning to decorate the 2016 New Year tree, it is especially important to choose the right toys and decorations that the Fire Monkey would like and would not offend the Wood Goat. It would be most favorable to decorate the Christmas tree with symbols of health, well-being, prosperity: fruits, nuts, candies and other sweets. In order for the Goat to bring you good luck at the beginning of 2016, hang at least one wooden toy on the Christmas tree. And to receive the favor of the Fire Monkey, do not forget about jewelry made of gold foil.


Everyone knows that a wish is usually made a few minutes before the chimes strike. But you can express your wishes to higher powers earlier. The best day to make a cherished wish in 2015 will be December 25 - Catholic Christmas Day. In the evening of this day, you need to write down your wishes on a piece of paper, roll it into a tube, tie it with a bright ribbon and hide it in a secret place so that the New Year's energy will help make your dreams come true. After the Christmas tree is decorated, hang the scroll with a wish as a Christmas tree decoration.


How to dress and make up to please the Fire Monkey - the mistress of the coming year? December 29, 30 and 31 are the most favorable days for choosing a New Year's outfit and holiday hairstyle. Do not forget that the dress and accessories should combine elements that are equally pleasing to both the Goat and the Monkey. Moreover, it is worth repeatedly rejoicing that in our country there is a custom of saying goodbye to the old year - this is a wonderful chance to say thank you to its patron! It is clear that by this moment you will already be dressed for the coming year - but let your outfit contain a detail that will appeal to the Goat - the symbol of the outgoing 2015. So! There shouldn't be anything black in your outfit. The Monkey does not like this color at all, and the Goat does not approve of it either. But both cosmic patronesses appreciate bright, rich colors and, very importantly, natural ones. That is, nothing harsh or artificial.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Goat's favorite colors are yellow and green. But the Monkey prefers white - with all shades from milky to cream. And the Fire Monkey, which will rule in 2016, also looks positively at red. Therefore, you need to choose your outfit in such a way that the basic colors are “monkey” - white, red or pink, and the removable part worn for the Goat is yellow, green or blue.

And what kind of decoration should you choose for your elegant holiday outfit? Astrologers advise using jewelry made of gold, bronze, copper without precious stones and semi-precious stones for the New Year. The symbolism of New Year's jewelry should be in a plant style - berries, buds, leaves and flowers. It will be extremely beneficial to use decorations made of fresh flowers in your image.


The playful and restless character of the Fire Monkey should be reflected in the festive table setting and in the interior of the apartment. Bright, eye-catching decorative elements are the main condition for winning the favor of the symbol of the new 2016. If you have a plain white tablecloth, refresh it with napkins in red and orange shades. Walls and furniture can be decorated with golden rain. Feng Shui experts recommend decorating windows and doors with snowflakes made of colored paper. It is also good to diversify the interior with figurines and wall calendars with images of monkeys.

Bright salads and fruits must dominate the holiday table. It is recommended to use meat dishes to a minimum this time. But the Fire Monkey will appreciate the variety of fruits and vegetables. And don’t even think about going to bed immediately after the chimes! The monkey is a noisy, playful and cheerful animal, so you need to greet it accordingly. The bigger the campaign, the more fun there is this New Year's Eve, the more successful the coming year will be for you.

The main symbol of the New Year is a beautiful fluffy Christmas tree. Signs and beliefs collected over many years will help you bring happiness, love and wealth into your life with the help of a New Year's tree.

Spruce has been creating an unforgettable holiday atmosphere on New Year's Eve for many years. Finding gifts under a decorated Christmas tree is mysterious and pleasant. The advice of the famous astrologer and master in the feng shui tradition Vasilisa Volodina will help you understand what gifts to choose for the 2017 Rooster.

Signs about the New Year tree

Spruce is considered a powerful amulet against evil people. When decorating a Christmas tree, you can mentally ask it to show you your secret enemies. It is believed that a person who wishes you harm will certainly break one of the toys when he comes to visit you.

The star on the top of the tree should be put on first, and removed last. This is due to the fact that it is the star decoration that illuminates the path to good luck and happiness into your home.

The last Christmas tree ball removed should be hung above the front door. It will become your protection from evil forces until the next New Year.

Each Christmas tree toy has its own meaning. According to custom, the Christmas tree is dominated by the shape of toys, symbolizing what the owners of the house lack most: balls represent protection and wealth, icicles - health, and twisted spirals - success in work.

The Christmas tree is also decorated with sweets, gingerbread and nuts, which also symbolizes family wealth.

You should throw away the Christmas tree no earlier than the Old New Year, otherwise you can throw away your happiness. This sign does not apply to artificial Christmas trees: on the contrary, the annual joint decoration of a fluffy beauty gradually strengthens its energy and makes the spruce a powerful family amulet.

Breaking a toy means saving yourself from trouble. It is believed that an accidentally broken toy “took upon itself” the major trouble that awaited this person.

The housewife's outfit should match the color of most toys. Color carries strong energy. Both the housewife's dress and the beautiful Christmas tree attract attention. If the color of the festive outfit and most of the Christmas tree decorations match, then the energy of the house and the energy of the person will unite, and good luck and unexpected joy will await the hostess.

Advice from astrologer Natalya Pravdina on what to wear to 2017 will help you choose a festive outfit.

The more gifts there are under the tree, the richer the next year will be. Beautifully wrap gifts for your family and close friends, provide them with notes with names and holiday wishes and place them under the New Year tree: the energy of joy emanating from gifts will attract material well-being into your home.

Financial success, wealth and prosperity can be attracted into your life with the help of the Christmas Tree meditation. We wish you a happy New Year and fulfillment of all your wishes. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

29.11.2016 01:30

To decorate your home and Christmas tree, you don’t have to go shopping in search of toys. Bright and...

At the turn of the old and new years, miracles constantly happen, and this is where the wonderful...