When is Air Force Day? Air Force Day


Air Force Day celebrated in Russia on August 12 in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 549 of May 31, 2006 “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.”

This holiday has received the status of a memorable day and is intended to help increase the prestige of military service and the revival and development of domestic military traditions. It was established in recognition of the merits of military specialists in solving problems to ensure the defense and security of the state.

On August 12, 1912, an order was issued to the Russian Military Department, according to which the Staff of the aeronautical unit of the Main Directorate of the General Staff was put into operation. To commemorate this event, August 12 is considered to be the beginning of the creation of Russian military aviation, and the date itself was the basis for the establishment of a professional holiday for air fleet pilots and aviation infrastructure workers - Russian Air Force Day (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 949 of August 29, 1997 “On the establishment of Military Aviation Day -air force").

At the dawn of the history of the Air Force, the main function of aviation was reconnaissance. After the appearance of the famous “Ilya Muromets” by I.I. Sikorsky began to develop long-range aviation. The USSR Air Force had no equal in the number of combat aircraft, because the “air shield” was supposed to reliably cover the “tank sword” and the “large fleet” of the Land of the Soviets.

Over the course of its history, Soviet aviation has gone from plywood piston aircraft of wartime to fourth-generation supersonic aircraft, and fought in the skies of Korea, Vietnam, Europe, Egypt and Afghanistan. Today, the Russian Air Force, which is the most important component of the Russian Armed Forces, carries out many defense, strategic and reconnaissance missions, the importance of which in the defense capability and security of the country cannot be overestimated.

Air Force aviation includes long-range, front-line, military transport and army aviation, which, in turn, includes bomber, attack, fighter, reconnaissance, transport and special aviation.

It is interesting that festive events dedicated to this Day are held on Russian Air Fleet Day, celebrated on the third Sunday in August.

Every year in Russia Air Force Day is celebrated on August 12. This date is also relevant when asking what date this professional holiday will be in 2017. On this holiday, congratulations are received by representatives of military aviation, anti-aircraft missile forces, as well as radio engineering troops, air and missile defense troops, and do not forget about the space forces.

It should be noted that representatives of the aerospace defense together with the Air Force will celebrate Air Force Day in 2017 as their professional holiday only for the second year in a row. Because the unification took place only in 2015 and the united troops began to be called the Aerospace Forces. So, for two years in a row this holiday has been correctly called Aerospace Forces Day, although, of course, the twelfth day of August is popularly known as Air Force Day.

This holiday, August 12, has its roots back in 1912. It was then that Decree No. 397 was issued by the Russian Military Department on the subject of putting into operation the Staff of the aeronautical unit of the Main Directorate of the General Staff. It was then that the official countdown of military aviation in our country began. So, on August 12, 2017, we must remember to congratulate everyone who is or has been connected with the Air Force in one way or another.

Important! August 12 is not always a day off and here it should be recalled that holiday events, as a rule, are postponed to the third Sunday of the last summer month. This year it falls on August 20, when the Russian Air Fleet Day will be celebrated.

Imperial Air Force

Modern historians agree that during its existence from 1910 to 1917, the Imperial Air Force was one of the best in the world. The first aerodynamic institute was opened in 1904 near Moscow, and under the leadership of Zhukovsky they began to train professional pilots there.

In all spheres of life in Russia, the October Revolution of 1918 made its own strong and very noticeable adjustments even to modern citizens of the country. It was in this year that the Soviet Air Force was founded, the first serious test for which was the Spanish Civil War of 1936-1939, then the Soviet-Finnish War of 1939 brought huge losses to this branch of the military.

Then, of course, the Great Patriotic War happened. In June 1941, at the very beginning of the war, the Air Force suffered huge losses, destroying and capturing about two thousand aircraft by the enemy, while the Nazis at that time lost only about three dozen of their fighters. After the end of the war, the USSR government began to think about how to improve the Air Force, carried out a serious and deep modernization, and new units of equipment began to be introduced, which numbered in the tens of thousands. By the early 1990s, the country's air force had at its disposal one of the most powerful air bases in the world.

Division of the Air Force after the collapse of the USSR

When the USSR collapsed, it was necessary to decide how to divide the huge base between 14 new independent republics. As a result, 40% of the aircraft and 65% of the pilots went to Russia. Since that moment, the Russian Federation has been the only country in the post-Soviet space that has long-range strategic aviation.

Russian Air Force Day 2017 is celebrated on August 12, you need to congratulate representatives of all branches of the military that were mentioned in this material. The Russian Federation today has a strong Air Force and, if necessary, can seriously repel any invader. Not only the equipment is distinguished by its professionalism, but also the Russian pilots, who still undergo serious training and are among the most professionally trained in the world.

Let's consider Air Force Day in 2018, what date it is celebrated. This year the date falls on August 12, as, indeed, in all other years. Unlike other professional days, this holiday has its own constant date, which was established a long time ago and has been observed since then.

As for the modern date for celebrating this event, it was set for August 12 only in 2006 by a corresponding decree of the President of Russia. But this day in the history of domestic aviation has a long history and it began back in 1912. It was then that the first decree was signed, which spoke of the creation of the air fleet of the Russian Empire. It existed for only five years, but even during this period it was able to show results and achieve important successes. Prepare in honor of the holiday.

History of Soviet and Russian aviation

Air Force Day in 2018, what date and where will it be held? Each city will have its own places, but most often mass events are held in parks and on the main squares of cities and towns. In 1914, the Imperial fleet fleet consisted of 263 aircraft, which was more than in any other country in the world. By 1917, the moment of the October Revolution and the complete change of power, the fleet already had seven hundred aircraft.

Of course, the new Bolshevik government understood how important the development of aviation was for the country. Therefore, a complete change in the leadership and course of the country’s development did not stop the construction of new aircraft factories already in the Soviet Union. In particular, by the beginning of World War II, the USSR produced five dozen aircraft per day. Moreover, after the start of the war, aircraft production was doubled, and already in the fall of 1941, one hundred new aircraft rolled off the assembly line every day.

The Great Patriotic War ended, but the country's air force continued to develop. Its power was constantly growing, but the Air Force Day holiday itself was celebrated by military pilots only in their own circles; this event did not yet exist at the national level. However, soon the holiday will receive its well-deserved and official development.

Interesting! Air Force Day in 2018, which date is celebrated only by military pilots in Chelyabinsk and other cities, the holiday falls on August 12. However, there is a holiday on the third Sunday of August, this is the 16th of the current year, when they celebrate the day of the Russian Civil Air Fleet.

It turns out that it is military pilots in Russia who are congratulated on their professional day on August 12, but civilian pilots and everyone who works in civil aviation would be correctly congratulated on August 16 this year or on the third Sunday of August in any other year.

More from aviation history

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the first foreign aircraft appeared in Russia. At first, the craftsmen were engaged in the maintenance and repair of foreign aircraft, and already in 1909, such a repair plant near St. Petersburg was re-equipped and began to produce domestic aircraft. The first airplane was assembled in Russia in 1910. If the holiday is outdoors, here are the options.

Interestingly, the area of ​​this first plant was only 4000 square meters, and a steam engine with a capacity of only 60 horsepower provided the plant with energy. The best engineers were engaged in the development of aircraft assembly in our country, and foreign specialists were invited.

In any case, inviting a French engineer to build an aircraft in Russia was half as expensive as buying a ready-made machine in Europe. At the same time, experts recognized that Russian aircraft were of high quality and in many respects superior to their Western counterparts in terms of accuracy of execution.

At the time of sale, the first Russian aircraft had never flown, but by that time its cost was high, it received a silver medal from the country's Ministry of War. This happened at the third automobile exhibition in the spring of 1910, the event took place in the capital of the Russian Empire.

Russian aircraft manufacturers had privileged conditions and this activated the desire to work efficiently and successfully. Soon, one aircraft was being produced every two weeks, although the plant's initial production capacity was only one aircraft per month.

Interesting! By the beginning of the First World War, several aircraft factories were already operating in Russia. In the short years of its existence, the air fleet of the Russian Empire managed to receive the title of the best in the world.

About naval aviation

When we talk about Russian aviation, we definitely need to talk about a special date - this is Naval Aviation Day. If Aviation Day, when military pilots are congratulated in our country, is celebrated on August 12, then Naval Aviation Day is celebrated every year on July 17. The date was also not chosen by chance; it was on this date in 1916 that Russian military pilots were first stationed at the base of the Baltic Fleet, giving battle to German aviators and completely defeating them.

Air Force Day (Air Force Day) of Russia is one of the most beloved holidays in our country. It was established in recognition of the merits of military specialists in solving problems to ensure the defense and security of the state.

When is Air Force Day celebrated in 2019?

Air Force Day is celebrated on August 12. Festive events traditionally take place on the third Sunday of this month. In 2019, this date falls on August 18.

History of the holiday Air Force Day

We will tell you about the history and traditions of this holiday. The beginning of the creation of military aviation in Russia is considered to be August 12.

In 1912, on this day in our country, by order of the Military Department, an aeronautical unit was formed, the main task of which was military intelligence. The decree on the creation of the first aviation unit in Russia was signed by Emperor Nicholas II.

In 1918, the workers' and peasants' air fleet was created. During the Civil War, up to 350 Soviet aircraft operated on the fronts. In 1924, the Workers' and Peasants' Red Air Fleet was renamed the Red Army Air Force.

During the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet Air Force showed high combat qualities in the battles of Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk, in the Berlin operation and other battles.

In the post-war period, jet aircraft appeared, and nuclear weapons entered service with the Air Force.

The USSR Air Force, which had no equal in the number of combat aircraft, wrote many glorious pages in the history of the country's armed forces. By 1990, the USSR Air Force had over 6 thousand aircraft of various types.

Today, the Russian Air Force carries out many important defense, strategic and reconnaissance missions.

These troops include long-range, front-line, military transport and army aviation. These are bombers, attack aircraft, fighters, as well as reconnaissance, transport and special aircraft.

Russian Air Force Day has long traditions. In 1933, by the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, All-Union Aviation Day was established, which was celebrated on August 18.

Almost half a century later, in 1980, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR “On Holidays and Memorial Days” was issued, which ordered the celebration of USSR Air Fleet Day on the third Sunday in August. A similar Resolution was issued by the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation in 1992.

The date August 12, 1912 served as the basis for the establishment of Russian Air Force Day in accordance with Decree No. 949 of the President of the Russian Federation dated August 29, 1997. The holiday promotes the preservation and development of military traditions and increases the prestige of military service.

How is the Russian Air Force Day celebrated?

Festive events are organized on the third Sunday in August. The program of events on Russian Air Force Day includes military parades and military sports competitions, amateur art concerts, exhibitions and fairs of handicrafts and folk festivals.

The air force of any country performs a very serious job. This is reliable protection of the state in the air. In Russia, these forces are given a serious role, so they could not help but get their own holiday. Every year Air Force Day is celebrated on August 12th. This is a Russian holiday, because neighboring countries have this celebration scheduled for other days. On this day, the focus is not only on pilots, but also on all people related to military aviation and ensuring its operation.

history of the holiday

The twelfth of August is a date that was not chosen in vain. It is of serious importance for Russian aviation. But there is some debate here. Thus, some sources indicate that on August 12, 1912, Nicholas II signed a decree, thanks to which the history of the air fleet in our country began. But no exact confirmation of this point was found.

There is another historical document - Minister of War Sukhomlinov is related to its creation. We are talking about an order with similar content, but in this case a specific unit (aeronautical) was created under the command of M.I. Shishkevich. It was signed on August 12, according to the new style, which is why this date was chosen for the celebration.

An interesting fact is that the first air units were not combat units, they were mainly used for reconnaissance and had a limited number of capabilities. But over time, this area has grown significantly, which is why many more people began to work in it. They all celebrate their holiday on August 12th.