Class hour on the theme "Valentine's Day". Class hour “History of the holiday “Valentine’s Day” Class hour on Happy Valentine’s Day

For men

Subject: Once again about love

Tasks: provide an opportunity for boys and girls to express their attitude towards the feeling of love; introduce the nature of relationships between loving people; develop respect for the feelings of other people; provide practical advice on the topic; focus on integrity of relationships; develop discussion and creativity skills.

Preparatory work: selection of literature on the topic; development of classroom teaching; work with a psychologist; inviting a studio actor, coordinating the moments of his participation; creative tasks for students; preparation of film fragments; equipping with technical means; handouts for trainings.

Participants, class teacher; students; psychologist; drama studio actor.

Progress of the event

Leaders, laws and idols change,

The borders of formidable kingdoms are swept away by the horror of the crowds,

And only one Love from the creation of the world

Stands unshakably and rises like a pillar.

V. Stepantsov

(Class hour begins with watching excerpts from films (declarations of love by heroes).)

Classroom teacher. In the ancient Indian treatise “Peach Branches” the following words are said about love: “Man’s desires have three sources. The attractions of souls give rise to friendship. The attractions of the mind give rise to respect. The body's drives give rise to desires. The union of three attractions gives rise to love.” How do psychologists interpret this very special feeling?

Psychologist. Love is a feeling that expresses an emotional and value-based attitude towards a particular object (in this case, a person). When love is selfless, a person is capable of selfless acts for the sake of the object of his love. Such love elevates the individual. The feeling of love can vary in strength, stability, and duration. As a relationship between people, this feeling is based on the discovery of the maximum value of a particular person. Such a discovery can occur both “at first sight” and through long-term study of the object of one’s feelings (“crystallization”). The feeling of love, the opportunity to love and be loved, affects people’s well-being and usually contributes to the development of their intellect. A high feeling of mutual love between a woman and a man is a condition and prerequisite for a strong marriage and harmony in family relationships. Although Islam allows a man to have several wives, monogamy is much more suitable for emotional and sexual satisfaction. She requires proof from both spouses that they are capable of love. True love is creativity and friendship, kindness, respect and loyalty. The feeling of love, which has a deeply intimate nature, depending on the individual psychological characteristics of the individual, is accompanied by situationally arising and changeable emotions of tenderness and admiration, jealousy and melancholy, despondency. An elevated or, conversely, depressed mood appears. Sometimes this feeling is accompanied by emotions of jubilation or grief. Often love is expressed in the desire to be represented with maximum completeness by one’s personally significant feelings in the life activity of another object so as to awaken in him the need for a reciprocal feeling. And this feeling should be just as intense and lasting.

Classroom teacher. Love is so multifaceted that it is very difficult to give it an exact definition. But there is a particle of truth in each of them:

Love is a perfect confession. (Ancient Greek philosopher Plato)

Love is “a strong... affection, ranging from inclination to passion; strong desire, desire; selection and preference of someone or something by will, by will (not by reason), sometimes completely unaccountably and recklessly.” (V.I. Dal is the author of an explanatory dictionary of the Russian language)

Love is the perception of the secret of a loved one... Love is a feeling of kinship with a loved one. The lover and the beloved are always related to each other, they always breathe the same air, and this air is their common homeland. The feeling of homeland and kinship has nothing to do with the rational accumulation of knowledge. But love for one’s family is also not blindness. (A.F. Losev - Russian philosopher)

Guys, how would you define this feeling?


- This is a feeling of kinship and community of relationships, a special closeness that arises between people. Mutual inclinations, interests, views on life determine this feeling.

— Love is the most beautiful harmony in nature, a unique spiritual-physical coincidence of two personalities.

- “It all starts with love...” Even the Renaissance began not with great travels and painting, but with great love. 20-year-old Dante saw the girl Beatrice, whom he later loved all his life. He had the good fortune to experience the full power of such a feeling as love. He wrote in The Divine Comedy that this feeling “moves the sun and the luminaries.”

Classroom teacher. Yes, guys, many masterpieces of world literature are devoted to the theme of love, its strength and tenderness. Our guest, a member of the theater studio at the Palace of Culture, reads the 115th sonnet of W. Shakespeare translated by S. Marshak.

Oh, how I once lied when I said:

"My love couldn't be stronger."

I didn’t know, full of flames of grief,

That I know how to love even more tenderly.

Foreseeing a million coincidences,

Invading every moment

Breaking the immutable law,

Hesitating and vows and aspirations.

Not believing the changeable fate,

But only an hour that has not yet lived,

I said: "My love for you

So great that it cannot be greater!”

Love is a child. I was wrong in front of her

Calling the child an adult woman.

Classroom teacher. We have already said that love is multifaceted. Modern qualification divides different aspects of this feeling into six styles or six colors of love.


1. Passionate infatuation that strives for complete physical possession is eros.

2. Ludus is more of a love-game. Feelings are usually not deep, and the possibility of betrayal is also allowed.

4. Pragma is subject to conscious control. Such love implies prudence and calculation.

5. Mania is an obsession with love, where there is uncertainty and dependence on the object of one’s feelings.

6. Agape - self-giving love, selfless, passionate and reliable.

Student. Tell me, please, which feeling is more typical for teenagers and young men?

Psychologist. More like “manic”. This feeling is sometimes pronounced in women. Although more often they are characterized by “pragmatic” and “storgetic” traits. If we talk about men, then in their experiences there are more “erotic”, and most often “human” components. That is, they relatively easily admit the possibility of betrayal.

Classroom teacher. How do we determine the choice of our “object of love”, what are the criteria for evaluating it? What rules us more in resolving this issue: mind or feelings? Is our choice always justified and how?


— Often we just create the ideal image. And then we compare our chosen ones with him.

— And in this ideal image, beauty definitely occupies one of the first places. I believe that young people often place excessive demands on girls. They want their chosen one to be beautiful. But if everyone chooses only beauties, then imagine what will come of it. And what will happen to the other so-called charming simpletons? Isn’t it worth thinking about the fact that loyalty and tenderness, hard work and devotion are more important for people, for their future lives; Is it possible that it is on this basis that a stronger and more permanent feeling than the “erotic” or “human” can develop? Don't be blind in recognizing the real vital qualities of your future chosen ones.

— There are people who are called “romantics of love.” They idealize their chosen one. In response to the previous speech, I would like to note that women are more prone to such idealization. So, maybe you are chasing a romantic hero in a “love blindness” and cannot see a good and reliable guy next to you?

Classroom teacher. I agree with you. Love sometimes dulls the mind. But it also happens that she, with a special vision of the soul and heart, helps to see the deeply hidden wonderful qualities of a loved one. The truth of this important and beautiful feeling is also that sometimes, having already chosen the object of our love, we begin to search, find and recognize our ideal. In this case, everything happens according to the proverb: “The beauty that the heart loves.” Do you know similar proverbs and sayings?


- Everyone has their own sweetheart.

“Where the heart lies, there the eye runs.”

- Where there is advice, there is light.

- Love and love - so it will be a friend.

- The sweetest thing is who loves whom.

“It’s not the sweetness that is good, but the goodness that comes to your heart.”

“You can’t lure him with your heart, you can’t attract him by your ears.”

- Beauty is not famous, but who likes who?

Classroom teacher. They often talk about love at first sight. Do you think there is such love?


- I'm sure there is. We know many examples both from literature and from life. My parents are also an example of this.

“I think in order to love a person, you need to get to know him well.” Most often, a feeling of sympathy arises first. And this is more infatuation than love.

Classroom teacher. You are right that love and infatuation are completely different feelings. A person in love admires the object of his feelings, he tries by any means to embellish himself, to present himself in the best possible way. He simply revels in his feeling, plays, as they say, “his own game,” without seriously thinking about the common future. He is fascinated by the process of falling in love. He cannot be tolerant and understanding about some shortcomings of the “object” of his, as it seems to him, love. But this is just love.

Psychologist. Psychologists say that there are many traps of falling in love:

- This is an imitation of the heroes of books and paintings. But it is impossible to be an eternal actor in matters of love. One day the masks are dropped, the “mutual acting” ends, and disappointment takes its place. And then the conversation goes something like this:

That's it, the masks are off, well, accept my confession:

The feelings went away, disappointment came.

Will you forgive me?

I'm sorry, there is no return to the past.

Will you forgive me?

We're both to blame.

Sometimes, thanks to common interests, people enjoy spending time together. But this is too little for true love. In addition, people may have different interests, which do not prevent them from sincerely loving each other.

We had a good and interesting time together...

Should we build this feeling only on this?


Some boys and girls try to attract attention to themselves, to make another person fall in love with them because of wounded pride: everyone likes me, but he doesn’t? Well, we'll see. And there are also stupid bets: you’ll see, she will be mine.

He didn’t look at me - he hurt his pride.

But when I achieve success, I’ll quit right away.

All for the sake of laughter.

People who have complexes and lack self-confidence are susceptible to feelings of falling in love more often than others. As soon as someone pays attention to them, it already seems to them that this is love.

No one needs me, only him.

He looked at me as if he wanted to say “I love you.”

Not everyone knows how to behave easily and simply with representatives of the opposite sex. And suddenly a person appears, in a relationship with whom the feeling of awkwardness disappears. And it already seems that this is love.

Finally I met him and noticed the guy.

It’s easy to be friends with him, joke with him, and talk frankly.

He laughs, doesn't grumble. Why is the heart silent?

For some people, the feeling of pity develops into a feeling of love. They are captivated by the constancy and devotion of another person. But if such people cannot part, then both become unhappy. Because one does not love, and the other is not loved.

Unloved, unloved...

How many years are wasted, passing by.

You suffer, I suffer

Why, I don’t know myself.

Maybe pity, maybe children?

Who will answer this for me?

There are many examples in life when someone “falls in love” with you because of benefits. But most often this ends in mutual reproaches and breakup. Although there is still the possibility of falling in love to turn into love. Love is a mystery and a miracle. And it's hard to say how all this happens.

Student. Or maybe there is no love at all, but there is only instinct, the desire for pleasure and fulfilling the purpose of man on Earth - procreation? Scientists have proven that love is just a chemical reaction. They even came up with a formula.

Guest(studio actor). I don’t think that chemists, much less others, think about the chemical composition of the formula of love when they look at their lovers. They think in other categories and, in particular, in beautiful poetry.

There is no such thing as unhappy love.

It may be bitter, difficult.

Unresponsive and reckless.

Can be deadly

But love is never unhappy.

Even if she kills.

Anyone who doesn't understand this

And happy love is not worth it.

B. Zakhoder

Student. I agree with you. A person who experiences or has experienced this feeling, sometimes against his will, wants to speak in poetry. There is no time for a chemical reaction here. And this is what happens (reads his poetry):

I’m not the first to write about love.

So magical, wonderful, kind,

Love is beautiful and big.

What lifts you to skyscrapers.

I'm not the first to cry for her,

About the one who, having betrayed, crushed.

(Where does a fragile creature have such strength?)

I would like to escape from the pain of shackles

To freedom as soon as possible...

How. This world is empty and gloomy.

I don't like my circle of friends.

But I will find strength and live,

Instilling in myself and everyone:

“That’s why she’s my first love,

So that the second one becomes real.”

Students (with the guest’s consent) ask him questions:

Do you remember your first love?

Do you give flowers to the woman you love? Which?

Have you played love on stage? (The guest may read a short excerpt from his role's monologue.)

Is it difficult to play love on stage?

What is more difficult: love on stage or in life?

What do you think is included in the concept of “love”?

Classroom teacher. Guys, what words can you express this feeling?

Students are tasked with choosing words from a list to complete the phrase “Love is...”

List of words: responsibility, pleasure, jealousy, devotion, care, ownership, honesty, pain, obsession, trust, cruelty, intimacy, communication, dependence, compromises, vulnerability, openness, renunciation of one’s interests, respect, self-affirmation, friendship, fear , manipulation, quarrels, etc.

(The psychologist processes the answers and comments.)

Student. I know that some people, especially those who have experienced bitter moments of separation from a loved one, are simply afraid of falling in love again, because their love may be unrequited.

Classroom teacher. Guys, there is no need to be afraid of this feeling, because it is better for a person to know the experiences of love and all its beauty, and perhaps all the torment of this feeling, than to have an empty soul and heart. Love inspires and elevates. Life is perceived brighter and sharper. People are capable of doing great things for the sake of their loved ones. Love gives creative power. A great feeling of love, sometimes even unrequited, or the inability to be close to a loved one (I. Turgenev, A. Pushkin, F. Petrarch), gave the world literary masterpieces.

Student. But you cannot but agree that love also has destructive power (gives examples).

Classroom teacher. Unfortunately, this also happens. Yes, many people lose love and their loved ones because of jealousy and the habit of insisting on their own at all costs. Lies and infidelity, a heightened sense of ownership, lead to the fact that a loved one loses his usual circle of friends, which he so needs in life. A feeling of irritation develops in the relationship and, ultimately, the former lovers are said to run away in different directions.

There are people who are simply captivated by love. For a long time they do not perceive any arguments of reason. But, once he has regained his sight, a person begins to understand that it was not love, but rather some kind of obsession that blinded and conquered him.

Sonnet 147

Love is a disease. My soul is sick

A languid, unquenchable thirst.

She demands the same poison,

Who poisoned her once.

My mind-doctor treated my love.

She rejected herbs and roots,

And the poor doctor was exhausted

And he left us, losing patience.

From now on, my illness is incurable.

The soul finds no peace in anything.

Abandoned by my mind

And feelings and words wander at will.

And for a long time to me, deprived of my mind,

Hell seemed like heaven, and darkness seemed like light!

W. Shakespeare

Student. So what is love? Maybe this is really some kind of obsession, hypnosis?

Classroom teacher. This feeling is an eternal mystery. And, as Carmen sang, “she is stronger than all laws.” It’s not for nothing that great minds, never fully understanding this feeling, said:

What does a hermit and a sage know about love? In the depths of our hearts there is confusion and darkness. (Hafiz)

Love! It's all a secret! How it comes, how it develops, how it disappears. (I. Turgenev)

This feeling is so thousand-faceted that no one has ever been able to capture it in the network of logical concepts. (Yu. Rurikov)

In general, attempts to clarify anything about love, as a rule, do not give any results, and if they manage to achieve more than their aspirations, then this complicates and confuses the situation even more... Love is a paradox that has baffled minds even cleaner, than you and I have. (P. Vaclavik)

We must stop before this mystery. It's for two. (O. Boguslavskaya)

Classroom teacher. I agree with all the statements. I just want to add that, in addition to the fact that love is a mystery, it is also our reward, spiritual wealth and happiness. And happiness must be preserved. What can't you do in love?


I would like to say that, first of all, we must protect and spare both our own and other people’s feelings.

- If you don't love someone,

Don't laugh if someone loves you.

Where is the guarantee that you will not experience

Something similar in the next day and hour?

“I know that some people who have been rejected or who have fallen out of love spread terrible gossip about those people whom they recently idolized. Stupid. You won’t get your loved one back in this way, and you will only force others to talk about themselves even more, and besides, it’s not always flattering.

- Someone else's love? No, don't be jealous

Don't strive for someone else's love.

Great pain and all the resentment,

I'm afraid it will give you back your life threefold.

Some people, especially men, often boast about winning hearts. I think that this does not decorate anyone, and does not honor men.

- Don't lie in love. Did you break up?

So don't blame the other.

Tell everything honestly, wish

So that he loves again.

Students. If a person does not lie, strives to explain everything honestly and part on good terms, but instead of respect for honesty and understanding, he is faced with rudeness and violence?

Psychologist. It is possible that you overlooked the person in a person at the very beginning of your relationship. Be careful (although they say that love’s eyes are blind), try to analyze the behavior of your chosen one. Don't wishful thinking. This is especially important if you decide to link your destiny with this person. There are many signs of violence in young people's relationships. Most likely, they will appear in the future, and even with much greater force.

If you are dating a young man and:

You are constantly being monitored;

- you are not allowed to meet with friends;

- your relationship is accompanied by constant attacks of rage and jealousy of your friend;

- in relation to you, the feeling of ownership, master is clearly manifested;

- your opinion is ignored;

- he has a weapon and threatens you;

- he easily loses control of himself, is pugnacious and cruel;

— imposes sexual relations, repeating the phrase: “That means you don’t love me”;

- manipulates you, accuses you, provokes you;

- uses drugs, alcohol, propositions you;

- believes that a passive role is more suitable for you in a relationship;

- you were warned about this person by your family, friends, acquaintances, then in this case you need to talk not about love, but about the danger that awaits you!

Classroom teacher. And yet, guys, everyone hopes that he will meet great and beautiful love in life. And I wish this for you from the bottom of my heart. Only relationships with a loved one also have their own rules. What are these rules?


- You must act towards your loved one the way you would like him to act towards you.

- Love a person for his own sake and as himself.

- Strive to see first of all the good in your loved one, and this is in everyone.

- Don’t listen to slander, don’t let them interfere in your relationship, try to figure everything out yourself (yourself).

- Be attentive and tolerant.

- Remember that you need to learn to listen to the one you love. And, perhaps, many problems will go away on their own.

- Don’t cry about unfulfilled love-dream. Do something interesting and useful. The time will come and love will find you.

The guys draw conclusions:

— Love is a great beautiful feeling.

- Loving is not easy.

— Love should bring joy, goodness and happiness.

“Where proof of love is required, there is no trust.” Where there is no trust, there is no love.

At the end of the class hour, you can sing a beautiful (taking into account the opinion of the children) song about love. Or the guys (by prior agreement with the drama studio actor) sing together the class teacher’s favorite song.

Natalya Klimenko
Class hour “The history of the holiday “Valentine’s Day”

Progress of the lesson.


: Guys, it’s now the last month of winter. What's its name?

Children's answers: February.


: That's right February. Let's remember what holidays we celebrate in February?


: Yes, well done, they remembered the holidays, and which one will we be celebrating soon? (Children's answers) Well done on Valentine's Day. How is it celebrated, and what is customary to do on this day?

Children's answers: draw hearts, write valentines.

I turn on the presentation, there is 1 slide on the multimedia board.


: Guys, who knows where this holiday came to us from, and who is Saint Valentine?

Children's answers:

2 slide.

Teacher: Guys, look, we have guests. An old man came to us who knows everything about this holiday.


Hello guys, I heard that you are going to celebrate Valentine's Day. Do you know the history of this holiday?

Children's answers:

3 slide.

Elder: Then listen. There are many legends telling about the origin of this holiday. Many centuries ago…

4 slide.

Elder: A long time ago, Emperor Claudius II lived and ruled in the Roman Empire. He was a great and cruel ruler. His army experienced an acute shortage of soldiers for military campaigns, and Claudius II came up with a way to make his army powerful and invincible. He forbade soldiers to marry and start families, because he thought that a married legionnaire thought much less about the glory of the empire than about how to feed his family.

5 slide.

And the service lasted 25 years.

6 slide.

But this did not stop the soldiers from falling in love less, and many had beloved girls with whom they wanted to marry.

Slide 7

At that time, Saint Valentine, an ordinary field doctor and priest, lived in the city of Ternia, secretly blessed loving hearts and married lovers. He was not afraid of the imperial wrath. And he not only got married, but helped them give gifts and write love letters.

8 slide.

When the emperor found out about this, he decided to execute him. While waiting for the verdict, the clergyman fell in love with the young daughter of his warden, Julia. The girl was blind, but Valentin’s prayers and his tender love worked a miracle - the girl began to see. When the last day remained before the execution, Valentin wrote his last letter to his beloved, in which he decided to tell about his feelings. At the end of the letter he signed “Your Valentine.” He was executed on February 14.

Slide 9

Later, the Christian martyr Valentine became a saint, and the Catholic Church declared February 14 a holiday, St. Valentine's Day. Since then, this day has been celebrated as Valentine's Day.

10 slide.

This is the history of this holiday.


Did you like the old man's story? What do you remember most?

Children's answers:

11 slide.

Teacher: Currently, Valentine's Day is the most romantic holiday that is celebrated all over the world and eagerly awaited.


What do you think is the symbol of this holiday? And what is it customary to give each other?

Children's answers:

13,14 slides.


That's right, hearts, balloons and cards - valentines. Guys, what are valentines?

Children's answers:

Slide 15


Valentine cards are small heart-shaped cards on which you can write a declaration of love. Very often such a postcard is anonymous, without a return address. What adds to the mystery is that valentines can be signed by lovers, for example, with their left hand. On this day, many people decide to confess their love to each other, and many even decide to get married.

16 slide.


And many more write poetry.

Love is not everything: not bread and not water,

Not a roof in the rain, not naked clothes,

Not a raft floating to the drowning when

Strength and hope have already dried up.

Love does not replace air,

When there is not enough breath in the lungs.

Doesn't heal bone, doesn't cleanse blood,

But sometimes they die without love...


Guys, what did we learn today? What did you like most? What do you think we will do in our next technology lesson? Correctly, we will cut out hearts, write valentines and decorate our office.

Class hour on the topic: "Valentine's Day"


    To introduce students to the traditions of different countries during the Valentine's Day holiday.

    Develop students' creative abilities.

    Foster a culture of relationships between boys and girls.

Preliminary work:

Assignments for groups of students:

1. Find information about how “Valentine’s Day” is celebrated in different countries.

2. Design a class on the theme of the holiday.

To all students:

1. Prepare “Valentines” with wishes.

The progress of the holiday

Organizational moment.

Main part.

IN 1

I loved you: love is still, perhaps,

It has not completely faded away in my soul.

But don't let it bother you anymore

I don't want to make you sad in any way.

AT 2

Everyone knows these lines about love. Yes, love is one of the most sublime, noble and beautiful human feelings. It is unique and eternal, like life. True love is always selfless and selfless. “To love,” wrote L.N. Tolstoy, “means to live the life of the one you love.”

IN 1

We generally believe that only adults have the right to fall in love. And you can giggle and tease the child: “Tili-tili-dough, bride and groom!” But this is stupid and ugly, because love can overtake a person even in kindergarten.

AT 2

Every year on February 14th we celebrate Valentine's Day. This holiday dates back to the 15th century. It is also called “Valentine's Day”.

A student in your class will introduce us to the history of the creation of this holiday.

This holiday does not have a deep religious basis. It is associated with a touching and sad story of two lovers

In the 3rd century. AD, the Roman Emperor Claudius II issued a decree prohibiting people from getting married. He believed that marriage kept men at home and their destiny was to be good soldiers and fight bravely for Rome. The young Christian priest Valentin did not heed the decree and secretly married the young lovers. Having discovered these “anti-state” marriages, the emperor ordered the offender to be imprisoned and then executed

In prison, Valentin, deprived of holy books, diversified his forced leisure time by writing notes to the jailer’s daughter. Apparently, the notes were good, and so was the daughter. The young people fell in love with each other. Before his execution, on February 14, 270, he sent the girl a farewell note with the short phrase “from Valentine,” which later came to mean eternal affection and fidelity. And the date of the death of the priest, who betrothed the lovers, despite severe obstacles, and did not see his own happiness, remained forever in the memory of people. His ashes were buried in the Church of St. Praxidis in Rome, its gates began to be called “Valentine’s Gate.”

Six centuries have already passed, but the holiday lives on and, I think, will live forever, as long as people live, love lives!

IN 1

This day has become one of the most beloved holidays abroad and in our country.

AT 2

How is Valentine's Day celebrated in different countries?

Let's listen to our speakers.

Groups perform with messages.

In France Valentine's Day has long been highly revered. The traditional gift on this day is jewelry. The peculiarity is that this holiday is not only for two loving people, but also for everyone they love: grandparents, friends, acquaintances.

By the way, it is the French who claim the right to be the first to “introduce” the now so popular “Valentines”.

In Italy , in which matters of love have always been treated with respect, this day received the unspoken name “sweet”, because Italians consider it their duty to give their other half sweets.

Germany does not really fit into the general celebration, because the Germans consider Valentine the patron saint of the mentally ill, not lovers. The tradition of this day was to decorate psychiatric hospitals with scarlet ribbons and hold special services in chapels.

In Denmark people send each other dried white flowers and “valentines” without a signature.

In England children go from house to house and sing songs:

Good morning, Valentin!

Congratulations to you - one,

Two - congratulate me,

Give me a Valentine card.

As rewards, children are treated to goodies and given small money.

In Wales they carved wooden “love spoons” and gave them to their loved ones. The spoons were decorated with hearts, keys and keyholes, which meant “you found the way to my heart.”

Americans Traditionally, heart-shaped sweets are given as gifts. Another traditional gift is red roses. According to statistics, on February 14, about 20 thousand roses are bought per minute on the American continent.

In Japan , perhaps the most original celebration of Valentine's Day. The highlight of the holiday is an event called “The Loudest Love Confession.” A special platform is built where everyone who wants to tell the world about their feelings climbs up and takes turns shouting out confessions. The loudest one or the loudest one is awarded a prize. Another distinctive feature is that on February 14, gifts are given mainly to men. All girls should give chocolates to boys they know. This happens not only among young people, but also among older age groups. These chocolates are cheap and are called “girichoko”. Men do not remain in debt and also give chocolates to their chosen ones, not only on February 14, but also a month later, on March 14. Moreover, white chocolate, because March 14 is called “White Day”.

ConcerningRussia , then we draw a little from all these customs! Everything ingenious is simple!

Bottom line.

IN 1

Many thanks to all the speakers for the interesting information!

Now let's draw “Valentines” and give them to each other.

Participants: 8th grade students, class teacher.


1) promote the development of humane relations between boys and girls;

2) contribute to the development of moral qualities in students;

3) encourage students to improve themselves.

Preparatory work

I. A cool “archival agency” selects information material about Valentine’s Day, the significance of February 14 in history and the lives of individual historical figures.

II. Students prepare “Valentine” messages for each other and bring their photographs.

III. A creative group of students selects literary material about love.

IV. The press group interviews school teachers about the story of their first love and makes an audio recording of it.

V. Game technicians think through competition tasks.

VI. The class teacher and members of the business council select material for the musical arrangement and prepare memorable souvenirs for competition participants.

Design, equipment and inventory:

a) the topic of the class hour is written on the chalkboard and posters are placed with the image of a girl and a boy, a “Valentine” with congratulations;

b) on the classroom door there are hearts made of colored paper, on the tables there are pens;

c) tape recorder and audio recordings;

d) a small “screen”.

Class progress

I. Class teacher

- Shall we talk?

- About various things and other things.

- About what is good.

- And not very good.

- You know something.

- I know something.

- Shall we talk?

- Let's talk. Would it be interesting?

Today our class meeting will take the form of a free conversation. In my opinion, you have already agreed to this, and the reason... is not difficult to guess... since tomorrow is February 14th.

What did our cool “archival agency” find out about this day? Why is this day significant in the history of mankind, in the history of our class, in the life of an individual?

II. Student messages.


— On this day S.S. was born. Geichenko, researcher of creativity A.S. Pushkin.

- On this day, the troops of Prince Vitovt of Lithuania unexpectedly invaded the Pskov lands.

— On this day in 1709, provinces were established in Russia.

— In 1855 V.M. was born. Garshin. Russian writer.

— In 1944, the Kuzbass Rifle Division began liberating the Pskov land from the Nazis.

- And in the folk calendar this is the day of Tryphon. On Tryphon, girls pray for suitors, since February is the month of weddings.

III. Classroom teacher. But the main event of this day is the most mysterious, the most beautiful - this is the holiday of lovers or Valentine's Day, which has been celebrated in our country not so long ago. Therefore, I propose that we take the words of the poet as the topic of our conversation: “Love is the heart of everything.”

IV. Leading(against the background of music)

Inspired by a high feeling,

Once upon a time

Someone came up with Valentine's Day,

Without knowing then,

That this day will become your favorite.

The desired holiday of the year,

What's Happy Valentine's Day

They will call him with respect.

Smiles and flowers everywhere

Confessions of love again and again...

So let a miracle happen for everyone -

Let only love rule the world!

V. Pavlenkovich

What do you think Valentine, and especially the saint, has to do with it?

V. Two students tell the story of the origin of the holiday.

Pupil. The origin story of the holiday is lost somewhere in the mists of time, but is now associated with a romantic legend.

Student. A certain Bishop Valentin was unjustly convicted and imprisoned. According to the court's verdict, he was to be executed on February 14.

Pupil. But the prison warden’s daughter, an exceptionally kind and gentle creature, who, unfortunately, was blind, fell in love with him.

Student. This love performed a miracle - the girl received her sight. Valentine was later canonized as a saint.

VI. Classroom teacher. Or maybe everything was wrong, but today it doesn’t matter. It is important that all lovers received their holiday and a reason for recognition and gifts.

Leading. Let's take a look at our cool mail. How many “Valentines” are there!

The host distributes “Valentines” to the recipients.

Classroom teacher. I also congratulate everyone on this holiday. Love, make each other and your loved ones happy.

VII. Leading.“All ages are submissive to love” - these words are known to everyone. "What is love? Do you believe in love at first sight? Do you remember your first love? — we turned to our teachers with these questions, and this is what they answered.

A tape recording is played with teachers' stories about love.

VIII. Classroom teacher. As you can see, the feeling of first love is often born at school. You are unforgettable, first love, pure, beautiful and boundless, like a clear morning sky, and modest, like a field daisy! You are unforgettable among the bad weather of life and on its bright days. There is nothing to remember for those who did not know this clear sky, this modest daisy in their youth.

The love story of Romeo and Juliet amazes with the depth of feelings, the first love of Turgenev’s girl excites, and the love story of Orpheus and Eurydice does not leave indifferent.

IX. One of the students tells the love story of Orpheus and Eurydice.


The young man Orpheus loved young Eurydice very much. This love had no equal. One day, while walking through a meadow, Eurydice accidentally stepped on a snake. The girl fell, her face turned pale. Orpheus came running to her cry. He looked at his bride and struck the strings of the harp, but Eurydice did not open her eyes. Orpheus mourned Eurydice for a long time. Then he decided to go down to the kingdom of the dead to the god Hades and ask him to return Eurydice. God Hades let Eurydice go with him, but with one condition - not to look back at her. And so they walked for a long time, they had come a long way, but Orpheus was afraid for Eurydice and thought: was she left in the kingdom of the dead? I looked around, but didn’t see anything, I only felt a slight whiff. The god Hades took her back, and Orpheus himself was to blame.

X. Class teacher. Yes, love forces a person to take the most selfless and sometimes reckless actions, and requires great patience. What do you think about love yourself?

To the sound of music, students write their thoughts about love on “hearts” and then, if desired, voice them.

XI. Classroom teacher. Yes, you are real experts in love. Of course, you also know proverbs about it.

The class teacher invites the eighth graders to continue the proverbs.

Although love is torment, but... (without it there is boredom).

Blood is not water, but... (the heart is not stone).

You can’t throw it out of your heart, but... (you can’t put it into your heart).

Old love is not... (forgotten).

It’s sickening for the one who loves someone, and it’s sicker for the one who... (doesn’t love anyone).

Love is not a fire, but if it catches fire, it won’t... (put it out).

You see less often - more... (love).

One heart suffers, and the other does not... (know).

XII. The presenter conducts the following competitions with classmates divided into pairs (boy and girl).

1. “Assemble a heart” - participants assemble a heart from different parts.

2. “Formula of love” - couples decide on the following formula on the chalkboard:

3. “Compliment” - representatives of the couple compliment each other.

4. “Love Note” - Each couple writes an original love note.

All competition participants receive memorable souvenirs.

XIII. Classroom teacher. On Valentine's Day, it is customary to say only the kindest words. Say a few kind words to the person you see behind the screen, make a verbal portrait of him.

Students, if desired, describe a photograph of a classmate hidden behind an improvised screen, and the class tries to guess who they are talking about.

XIV. Leading(against the background of music)

Love is not everything: it is not bread and water.

Not a roof in the rain, not naked clothes,

Not a trunk floating to the drowning when

Strength and hope have already dried up.

Love does not replace air,

When there is not enough breath in the lungs.

Doesn't heal bone, doesn't cleanse blood,

But sometimes they die without love...

XV. Classroom teacher. Love is the heart of everything. Let's share a piece of our heart with each other (those sitting next to each other join hands) and end our meeting with the song “This is Love” from the repertoire of the Lyapis Trubetskoy group.

Students perform a song with a guitar.


Anikina V. Russian folklore. M., 1985.

Kun N.A. Legends and myths of Ancient Greece. Alma-Ata, 1985.

Lokalova M. S. Holiday as a gift. Yaroslavl, 2002.

Class hour for 1st grade

"Talking Briefcase"

The teacher is involved in educating the child both during the lesson and after it. Possible conversations, holidays, and class hours help solve various problems.

Target. Teach children order, neatness, and careful handling of textbooks and other things.

Equipment. Poster “When we play, we check what we can do and what we know”; exhibition of the best books, notebooks, albums with drawings, crossword puzzle.

Preparatory work. During the week before the class hour, the teacher, together with student assistants, conducts a raid “How are you, textbook?”; the condition of notebooks, pens, pencils, etc. is checked; A competition is announced for the best notebook. The task is given: find and read stories, poems and proverbs about books and school things.


I. Organizational moment

II. Preparing the topic of the lesson

Teacher. Guys, let's play! What word is hidden in the crossword cells?

Children. "Book".

U. What did you learn about books while preparing for our lesson?

The guys share their finds: they tell proverbs and riddles, poems.

D. A book is your best friend.

  • - The primer is a stepping stone to wisdom.
  • - Bread nourishes warmth, and a book nourishes the mind.
  • - A mind without a book is like a bird without wings.
  • - The spoken word was, but no, but the written word lives forever.
  • - They write not with a pen, but with their mind.
  • - The mouse said to the mouse:

"How much I love books!

I can't read them

But I can eat them." (S. Marshak)

The little people stood in a row -

They tell us everything. (Letters)

I leave a thin trail

But he can live for many years. (Pencil)

Not a bush, but with leaves,

Not a person, but talking. (Book).

  • - The earth is white, and the birds on it are black. (Paper and letters)
  • - I always lay in my backpack,

I somehow lost the letter...

If you wash your hands with soap,

Then they washed me away with water. (Pencil case - foam)

U. A lot of interesting things have been said about the book, but did you know that...

  • - the largest book in the world is located in America, its height is 3 meters and thickness is 1 meter. Is there a special electrical device turning the pages of this book?
  • - the smallest Russian book is a collection of fables by I.A. Krylova. It was printed in St. Petersburg in 1855.
  • - Is the book several times smaller than a matchbox?

Of course, you will learn a lot more, but for this you need to be friends with the book. True... this has happened.

Children show the skit "Two Books".

One day two books met,

We talked among ourselves.

New book. Well, how are you doing?

Old book.

Oh, honey, I'm embarrassed in front of the class,

My owner tore out the cover with meat!

What a cover...

I tore off the sheets!

From them he made ships, rafts

And pigeons... (crying).

I'm afraid my leaves will go to snakes,

Then I’ll fly into the clouds!

Are your sides intact?

New book.

I don't know your torment,

I don't remember such a day

So that without washing your hands clean,

And look at my leaves,

You won't see the dots on them!

I’m silent about the blots -

It’s indecent to even talk about them...

But I teach him too

Not just any way, but “excellent”.

Old book.

Well, mine barely runs in threes

And I even got a D that week...

There is no riddle in the fable:

They'll tell you straight

And books and notebooks,

What kind of student are you?

U. What do you like to do with books?

The teacher opens a note on the board.

On the desk:

Build towers from books, cut noodles out of them, build houses for dolls, make airplanes out of pages, look at pictures, read at night, read for appetite, read instead of ice cream, just read, read for lunch, cut out various useful pictures from them, draw , what you’re reading, putting grandma’s glasses on your nose, hammering nails.

The guys carefully read to themselves and choose what they need. The teacher underlines the phrases that the children have chosen and then reads them out loud in chorus. The teacher holds two briefcases and asks.

U. Guys, do you think the briefcase can talk?

D. Of course not, he has no tongue!

  • - But I don’t agree, I think it can.
  • - But two books just told us about themselves.

U. Okay, let's check it now.

The teacher opens one briefcase and takes out the contents: torn books, dirty notebooks, crumpled sheets, broken pencils, crumbs...

And now - what can you say about the owner? What is he like?

D. I think he's a slob.

And I agree that he is sloppy and doesn’t take care of his things.

U. So what conclusion can we draw?

D. The owner of this briefcase is probably a poor student, disorganized, sloppy, and does not know how to take care of books and notebooks.

Then the teacher takes the second briefcase. Everything in it is in order: books and notebooks are clean and neat.

U. What can you say about the owner of this portfolio?

D. This student is exemplary.

I also think that he is neat, neat, diligent, loves order and follows it.

U. Guys, do we have such students in our class?

Teacher's assistants report the results of the inspection. The winning students are awarded medals for caring for their belongings and for carefully keeping notebooks.

Look how many award winners we have. Which one of you will share his experience and how he does it?

Children take turns telling the class how they take care of their belongings.

D. Previously, my mother helped me, but now I take care of my things myself, I have a shelf for books. I always try to clean so that there is order.

  • - In order not to wrinkle the leaves in the books, I use bookmarks.
  • - I believe that first you need to take care of yourself, wash your hands, and not get your things dirty.

W. Of course, you are right. Now let's play and see how you can assemble your briefcase.

Children are divided into two teams, each of them has to collect a school bag. Each student has the right to put one thing. There are two briefcases near the board, and school supplies and toys are on the chairs.

The accuracy and correctness of the choice of items is checked, and the winners are awarded.

Well done, guys, everyone tried to assemble the briefcase as carefully and accurately as possible, and most importantly, correctly and carefully selected the necessary items.

Our class hour has come to an end. The conclusion of everything said today will help us make a proposal that needs to be made.

On the desk:

Children make up a sentence and read in chorus.

D. Be thrifty and careful!

U. In your youth, study diligently, quickly,

Learning is the support of your old age.

The gray-haired ignoramus is a dying tree.

Strive for science, believing in the light of science.

We will end our conversation with this poem by Berit Gurzhuev.

Class hour on the topic

"Valentine's Day"

  • · give information about the history of this holiday;
  • · arouse interest in “eternal” problems: love, happiness, mutual understanding;
  • · encourage students to think about future family life;
  • · evoke a special, lyrical mood of the soul, which will allow the children to think about love.

Class plan:

  • 1. “It all starts with love...”. R. Rozhdestvensky.
  • 2. The history of the creation of the holiday.
  • 3. What is love (Parable). V.A. Sukhomlinsky.
  • 4. “As long as I’m alive, I’ll be with you.”
  • 5. The history of the appearance of “Valentines”.
  • 6. Casanova Giacomo.
  • 7. What do the first letters of our names mean?
  • 8. Test “Are you prone to loneliness?”
  • 9. “Three declarations of love.” L. Tatyanicheva.
  • 10. Competitions. Tea party. Dancing

Class notes:

The office is decorated with balloons. There are heart-shaped posters on the board. Music is playing. E. Doga. Waltz. The class hour begins with the poem by R. Rozhdestvensky “Everything begins with love...”.

"At first


And I declare again:

It all starts with love!..

It all starts with love:

And insight

and work,

flower eyes,

child's eyes --

everything starts with love.

It all starts with love!

I know that for sure.

even hatred -

and eternal sister of love.

It all starts with love:

Dream and fear

Wine and gunpowder


and feat -

It all starts with love.

Spring whispers to you:


And you will sway from the whisper,

And you'll straighten up

And you will begin...

It all starts with love!

Today, February 14th, is the heartiest day of the calendar - the holiday of all lovers, Valentine's Day.

A student in your class will introduce us to the history of the creation of this holiday.

This holiday does not have a deep religious basis. It is associated with a touching and sad story of two lovers

In the 3rd century. AD, the Roman Emperor Claudius II issued a decree prohibiting people from getting married. He believed that marriage kept men at home and their destiny was to be good soldiers and fight bravely for Rome. The young Christian priest Valentin did not heed the decree and secretly married the young lovers. Having discovered these “anti-state” marriages, the emperor ordered the offender to be imprisoned and then executed

In prison, Valentin, deprived of holy books, diversified his forced leisure time by writing notes to the jailer’s daughter. Apparently, the notes were good, and so was the daughter. The young people fell in love with each other. Before his execution, on February 14, 270, he sent the girl a farewell note with the short phrase “from Valentine,” which later came to mean eternal affection and fidelity. And the date of the death of the priest, who betrothed the lovers, despite severe obstacles, and did not see his own happiness, remained forever in the memory of people. His ashes were buried in the Church of St. Praxidis in Rome, its gates began to be called “Valentine’s Gate.”

Six centuries have already passed, but the holiday lives on and, I think, will live forever, as long as people live, love lives! What is love. Your friend will tell us Sukhomlinsky’s parable.


What is love(parable).

I was about fifteen years old when, on a quiet early autumn evening, sitting with her under a spreading apple tree and looking at the flying cranes, I asked:

Grandma, what is love?

She knew how to explain the most difficult things with a fairy tale. Her black eyes became thoughtful and anxious. She looked at me with some kind of hidden surprise.

  • - What is love? When God created the world, he taught all living beings to continue their race - to give birth to others like themselves. God settled a man and a woman in a field, taught them to build a hut, gave the man a shovel, and the woman a handful of grain.
  • “Live, continue your family line,” said God, “and I’ll go about the housework.” I'll come back in a year and see how you're doing here...

God comes to people a year later with the Archangel Gabriel. Comes early, before sunrise. He sees a man and a woman sitting near a hut, in front of them there is bread ripening in the field, under the hut there is a cradle, and in the cradle a child is sleeping. And the man and woman look first at the pink sky, then into each other’s eyes. The moment their eyes met, God saw in them some unknown power, a beauty incomprehensible to him. This beauty was more beautiful than the sky and the sun, the earth and the stars - more beautiful than everything that God blinded and made, more beautiful than God himself. This beauty surprised God so much that his divine soul trembled with fear and envy: how is it that I created the earth’s firmament, molded a man out of clay and breathed life into him, but I could not, you see, create this beauty; where did she come from and what is she - this beauty?

  • “This is love,” said Archangel Gabriel.
  • - What is this - love? - God asked. The Archangel shrugged.

God approached the man, touched his shoulder with his old hand and began to ask. “Teach me to love. Human". The man did not even notice the touch of God's hand. It seemed to him that a fly had landed on his shoulder. He looked into the eyes of a woman - his wife, the mother of his child.

God was a weak, but angry and vengeful old man. He became angry, angry and shouted:

Yeah, that means you don't want to teach me how to love. Human? You will remember me! From now on, grow old. Let every year of your life take away your youth and strength, drop by drop. Become a wreck. Let your brain dry out and your mind become intoxicated! Let your heart become empty! And I will come in fifty years and see what remains in your eyes, Man.

God came with the Archangel Gabriel after fifty years. He looks, instead of a hut there is a little white hut, a garden has grown in a vacant lot, wheat is heading in the field, sons are plowing the field, daughters are pulling flax, and grandchildren are playing in the meadow. Grandfather and grandmother are sitting by the hut, looking first at the morning dawn, then into each other’s eyes. And God saw in the eyes of the man and woman a beauty even more powerful, eternal and irresistible. God saw not only Love, but also Fidelity. God is angry, he screams, his hands are shaking, foam is flying from his mouth, his eyes are rolling out of his head:

Old age is not enough for you. Human? So die, die in torment and sadness over life and your love, go to the ground, turn into dust and decay. And I will come and see what your Love will turn into.

God came with the Archangel Gabriel three years later. He sees: a man is sitting over a small grave, his eyes are sad, but in them - even more powerful, more incomprehensible and more terrible for God, human beauty, God saw not only Love, not only Loyalty, but also the Memory of the Heart. God’s hands trembled from fear and powerlessness, he approached the man, fell to his knees and prayed:

  • - Give me. Man, this Beauty! Ask whatever you want for her, but just give her to me, give me this Beauty!
  • “I can’t,” answered the Man. She, this Beauty; comes at a very high price. Its price is death, and you, they say, are immortal.
  • - I will give you immortality, I will give you youth, but just give me Love.
  • - No no need. Neither eternal youth nor immortality can compare with Love,” answered the Man.

God stood up, held his beard in his hand, walked away from the old man sitting by the grave, turned his face to the wheat field and the pink lightning and saw: a young man and woman were standing near the golden ears of wheat and looking first at the pink sky, then into each other’s eyes. God grabbed his head with his hands and left the Earth for heaven. Since then, Man has become a god on Earth.

That's what Love is. She is greater than God. This is eternal beauty and human immortality. We turn into a handful of dust, but Love remains forever.

On Valentine's Day, it was customary to send "Valentines" to your loved ones and friends - letters with declarations of love and friendship.

As long as I'm alive, I'll be with you -

Soul and blood are inseparable -

As long as I'm alive, I'll be with you.

Love and death are always together.

You will carry it with you everywhere

Don't forget me, darling!

You will carry it with you everywhere.

Native land, sweet home.

But if I have nothing to hide with

From incurable pity,

But if I have nothing to hide with

From the cold and darkness?

After parting there will be a meeting.

Don't forget me, darling.

After parting there will be a meeting,

Let's both come back - you and me.


But if I disappear into obscurity -

The short light of a daylight beam, -

But if I disappear into obscurity

Beyond the star belt, into the Milky Way.

I will pray for you.

So as not to forget the earthly path,

I will pray for you,

May you return unharmed.

Don't part with your loved ones.

Don't part with your loved ones.

And every time say goodbye forever!

When you leave for a moment.

The girls will talk about “Valentines” and give “Valentines” to everyone. They prepared them themselves.

The first "Valentines" appeared in the 18th century and were at first homemade. The sender decorated the cards at his own discretion. The lover had to work hard - an hour or two - before a decent "Valentine" came out of his hands. In addition, custom dictated that it was necessary to compose a poem appropriate to the moment, and one could joke, for example: “Here is the key to my heart. Use it before I change the lock.” The main condition of “Valentines” is anonymity, that is, the sender of the “Valentines” did not sign, and the recipient himself had to guess the author of the message.

It is believed that the very first “Valentine” was made in 1415 by the Duke of Orleans. Imprisoned in the Tower of London, he wrote a love letter in verse to his wife, who was in France at that moment.

The famous tennis player Andre Agassi dedicated one of the rooms in his house to “hearts”, which were presented to him by fans on the occasion of Valentine’s Day. The meticulous owner numbered them all and arranged them on the shelves according to height. According to people initiated, in the absence of the owner, the room is locked with a key that he does not trust to anyone. Even his beloved wife Brooke Shields.

On Valentine's Day, the name Casanova also comes to mind. Who was Casanova really? Your classmate will tell us.

Casanova Giacomo (1725-1798) - “citizen of the world”, as he called himself. An encyclopedic educated person, poet, prose writer, playwright, translator, philologist-researcher, mathematician, physicist, chemist, historian, lawyer, diplomat, financier, musician. Plus a gambler and a secret agent of the Inquisition, a Rosicrucian and an alchemist. Finally, a great lover and connoisseur of women.

As a sixteen-year-old boy, he takes tonsure, so that after a short time he can change his cassock to a uniform. Then again the seminary, from where he is expelled for his nightly pranks. Accused of theft, sorcery and blasphemy, he goes to prison. Flees from Venice to France, where he becomes a Freemason and writes plays. Either he wastes money, or he sits penniless in his pocket. He predicts the future, sells the Prince of Courland a recipe for making gold, and helps the Duchess of Chartres get rid of acne with the help of magic. He fights numerous duels, spends the night in numerous beds. Romance, damn it.

In his old age, his star set. Past victories, horns set by the mighty of this world, loud duels - everything is completely forgotten. He is offended by the housekeeper and maids. The great adventurer becomes absent-minded and ridiculous. His touchiness and suspicion are the consequences of syphilis in the tertiary stage.

But nothing. He knows how to rehabilitate himself before Casanova’s descendants; he writes “The Story of My Life,” a memoir full of brilliant expositions and, at times, absolute lies. And his name becomes a household name. What does good self-promotion mean?

Casanova has become a household name. Let's hear what the first letters of our names mean. Names can tell a knowledgeable person much more than meets the eye. In our class, who's name begins with the letter A? We listened carefully.

A You are very sociable and love fun company. You have a huge number of friends who dote on you. And all because among your friends you are known as an honest and open person who can be trusted. However, in love you are not at all frivolous; moreover, by nature you are a sacrificer and are ready to endure any torment for the sake of your loved one. You will fight for him to the last drop of blood, because you are a one-woman woman and when you meet your one and only, you know that he is forever.

IN“Abundance is your life style: Abundance in everything: friends, lovers, pleasures. You are not used to limiting yourself in anything; moderation is not on the list of your virtues. When love knocks on your door, and this happens very often, you are completely at its disposal and always open to new follies. You are unusually sensual and attractive to the opposite sex, so you almost always hit without a miss.

G You are the recognized queen of the ball, and the speed with which the pages change around you is not inferior to the speed of light. Everyone admires your elegance and grace. You are quite despotic and like it when everything is under control. Even in love you don’t allow yourself to lose your head, but that’s only for now. You yourself have no idea what passions are seething in you, you just haven’t yet met someone for whom it would be worth losing your head.

D It’s as if two different people live inside you, and no one, including yourself, knows what you might do next. People around you are attracted to you like a magnet. Perhaps you have been seriously injured in the past and are afraid of repeating it. Forget about it, look at life with open eyes, otherwise you will never meet the real one.

E The ease with which you meet people is amazing. What you've never had problems with is your friends. You are quite self-confident and go through life with your head held high - you are not familiar with the feeling of loneliness. Without being the most ideal, you do not demand the same from your partner, you are quite tolerant, and if you fall head over heels, you are ready to forgive him everything, including betrayal

AND Mars plays a huge role in your life. It is from him that you have such truly inhuman endurance and fighting character. You always achieve victory in everything and do not disdain any means. You strive to win and are not used to losing. Being a skilled tactician, you know very well what methods should be used to get the one you care about

K You are a very strong person from birth. Even if it doesn’t show up outwardly and it’s hard for you to make friends because you’re too shy, those who recognize you will stay with you for the rest of their lives, because there is no person more generous and devoted than you.

N You are a terrible dreamer and sometimes you come up with something like this! You give people your attention too quickly. You believe that dishonesty is as alien to them as it is to you, and more than once you have had to pay for it. You immediately recognize your chosen one and grab him with both hands so as not to let him go.

WITH Although you don't think about it. But your life is like a ladder - there is always one more step up. You always strive for perfection in everything, you never stop there and are rarely satisfied with yourself. You are unusually amorous, but you tend to quickly become disappointed in your chosen one. It seems to you that he does not “live up” to the image you came up with.

ABOUT. Your planet is the Sun. You are loyal, honest and full of energy. You do not shy away from injustice and fight to the end. Your desire to be special and different from others is commendable, but sometimes this leads to the fact that you cannot choose between what your mind dictates and what your heart says. You are a godsend for your friends. In love, you do not forget about your own dignity and do not forgive betrayal.

I. By nature, you are a very calm and homely person. Human communication is very important to you. Among your friends, you are a leader. You like to manage people, but you are fair and practically don’t get carried away. You respect people's individuality, intelligence and emotional sensitivity. You seek the same in your loved one.

P. You are a born diplomat and, thanks to your quick and flexible mind, you are able to convince anyone. You have a rather philosophical attitude towards betrayal and do not pay much attention to it.

We learned a little about our names, but would you like to know if you are prone to loneliness? Let's answer the test questions.

Test “Are you prone to loneliness?” There is a category of people who are not bored with themselves. They are able to walk alone, get carried away with some craft or any other activity to the point of oblivion. Do you need company in order not to feel unhappy and abandoned by everyone? Answer the questions with one word “Yes” or “No”.

  • 1) Can you go wandering around the city alone after work?
  • 2) Do you consider it a disaster if you have no one to go on vacation with?
  • 3) You are meeting a friend in two hours. Can you keep yourself busy during this time?
  • 4) Do you like to look at the flames of a fire?
  • 5) You are busy with something very important. At such moments, do phone calls annoy you?
  • 6) Do you like to walk?
  • 7) Can you celebrate the New Year alone and still be in a good mood?
  • 8) Do you usually invite many guests to your birthday?
  • 9) Do you feel completely free when you are in the company of four strangers?
  • 10) You find yourself in a foreign city and cannot find the street you need, what do you do?:

a -- go to the city information kiosk;

b - try to find it yourself.

  • 11) Do you like to give gifts?
  • 12) Did you dream of becoming an actor?

So, let's count the points. You can count one point for answering “yes” to each of the questions: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10a and 12; for answering “no” to questions: 2, 8, 9, 11 and two points for answering “yes” to question 106.

More than 8 points. Of course, you are prone to loneliness. You like to think, analyze different situations, just dream or contemplate. But it seems to us that you have chosen a rather dangerous path. After all, this is how you can become unsociable.

From 4 to 8 points. You are moderately sociable, but from time to time you need to be alone to put your thoughts in order. But it is enough for you to spend at least a few hours alone - and you are able to communicate with people with pleasure. This is wonderful!

Less than 4 points. You are a very sociable person; you hate loneliness. It seems like you don't always like to think about your actions. Keep in mind that a couple of hours spent alone with yourself often saves you from many mistakes.

It turns out we are all different. But we all need a family, so that love reigns in it.

Three declarations of love L. Tatyanicheva

In festive splendor

Spring day

A friend told me:

Beautiful lover

Loves Yaril like a god! -

In the shadow of young branches,

We met her again:

Good father

My children have:

He will give his soul

For anyone. --

The blizzard covered the fields with snow,

My friend and I again

We met.

  • - A faithful friend
  • - Fate gave it to me.
  • - We grow old together
  • - Not old age.

It’s simply hard to imagine how many lovers have remained in history for centuries! Let's try to name as many universal lovers as possible. Literature from all over the world and from all times will help us with this. (Orpheus and Eurydice; Othello and Desdemona; Romeo and Juliet; Tatiana and Eugene; Captain Gray and Assol, etc.)

We remembered the great lovers, and now it would be nice to look at them. I invite students who are ready to act out scenes from distant times here.

It’s simply impossible to imagine how many songs there are about love! I propose a music competition. Try to sing at least a few lines from songs that talk about love.

How, in the old days, they knew how to beautifully declare their love! Remember:

I loved you, love still perhaps

My soul has not completely faded away...

But don't let it bother you anymore -

I don't want to make you sad in any way.

Tell me, whose poems are these? Of course this is the divine Pushkin. Now you won't hear that. But we can also declare our love. True, today it will only be a game. Volunteers, I offer you a competition for the most original declaration of love - to the school board, to this chair, to a glass of tea, to a guitar (whatever your imagination tells you).

I wish all lovers to cherish this fragile miracle - love.

Don't part with your loved ones...

With all your blood, grow into them!

And every time say goodbye forever,

When you leave for a moment.

Used Books

  • 1. Rozhdestvensky R.N. To friends. Poetry. - M.: Soviet writer, 1986.
  • 2. Sukhomlinsky V.A. “Not only with the mind, but also with the heart...” A collection of articles and fragments from works. - M.: Young Guard, 1986.
  • 3. A wonderful moment. Love lyrics of Russian poets. Book 2 / Compiled by L. Ozerova. - M.: Fiction, 1988.

Kochetkov A.S. Ballad of a Smoky Car (While Alive...).

  • 4. Casanova J. About himself: (From “Memoirs”) / Trans. with it. Schnitzler A. - Krasnoyarsk: Book Publishing House, 1991.
  • 5. Tatyanicheva L.K. It's time for honey collection. Poetry. M.: “Sovremennik”, 1974.

additional literature

  • 1. Manenkova E. Love with “notice.” //Marusya. - 2006. No. 2.
  • 2. Osinov O. Cupid’s arrows on Valentine’s Day. // Echo of the planet. - 2003. No. 7.
  • 3. 16 facts about Valentine's Day. //Peer. - 2003. - No. 2.
  • 4. Medvedenko A. Valentine's Day is rush hour for detectives. // Echo of the planet. - 2002. No. 7.